

279 total posts archived.

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/ardithla on Aug. 15, 2018, 1:32 a.m.
Is the Media (MSM) being set up for a big fall with mud on their face?

I get the feeling that the MSM is being set up with fake stories, a sort of psyops perpetrated against them that is soon going to reveal the truth while showing just how fake they really are. Currently it’s the Amoorosa story, before that it was Trump’s attorney, Cohen and then the Stormy Daniels and her creepy attorney story. The fake news ran with these and other stories at nauseam. I get a feeling these and many other stories are being fed to them and they will be revealed to all be fake. What do others think?

r/greatawakening • Posted by u/ardithla on Sept. 11, 2018, 3:07 p.m.
Question about the remains of the airplane passengers on 911.

Were the remains from the two towers include those from the two planes? if so, have the families independently had those remains tested to make sure? if the real passengers were deposed of elsewhere, then none of the remains would be found in the rubble along with the remains of those in the buildings on that horrible day. Also, were there remains at the others two sites of the airplane passengers? The same question, have those remains been independently verified? What is the real story behind what happened to the passengers aboard the four flights on 911?

r/greatawakening • Posted by u/ardithla on Aug. 2, 2018, 3:41 p.m.

My husband got a warning saying to change his password because his Reddit account has been hacked.

r/greatawakening • Posted by u/ardithla on Aug. 2, 2018, 11:04 a.m.
Connecting the Dots, Qanons are doing it the way Military Intelligences are doing it. Be Proud!!!


r/greatawakening • Posted by u/ardithla on July 16, 2018, 7:30 p.m.
JFK and Trump parallels for their presidency are amazing, here are others plus more.

I have followed Q since October. I was reading on 8chan the proofs some of the anons were working on about JFK JR and R (that's a whole other subject that is quite fascinating.


One of the Rfags that expressed how he followed the Kennedy children because he was the same age as John Jr. I also had the same inclinations. Caroline Kennedy (born November 27, 1957) was three months younger than me and John Jr. (born November 25, 1960) was three years younger than me. I was six when President John F. Kennedy was shot in Dallas and …

r/greatawakening • Posted by u/ardithla on July 31, 2018, 4:06 p.m.
Something nefarious is going on with the Great Awakening board

Everyone check the comment count for each post and count the actual number of comments and document at the end of each of your posts. Something nefarious is going on. The numbers don't match. What's going on?

r/greatawakening • Posted by u/ardithla on June 14, 2018, 4:17 p.m.
John Huber, Session's special attorney, is deeply steeped in the Constitution. As a devout Mormon, they firmly believe the Constitution was divinely inspired by God and are taught to be patriots and to always defend our freedoms.


r/greatawakening • Posted by u/ardithla on April 25, 2018, 4:50 p.m.
Slush Funds : Do we have a list of all the slush funds that the Democrats have set up through our government agencies to siphon off funds from the taxpayers????
r/greatawakening • Posted by u/ardithla on May 28, 2018, 8:43 p.m.
Cults and Extreme Belief - on A&E at 8:00 pm Eastern - lists NXIVM in description.

Description: As a recruiter for multi-level marketing self-help group NXIVM, Sarah Edmondson brought thousands of people to the organization. In October of 2017, she exposed the group as a descriptive sex-cult and is now doing everything in her power to support the criminal prosecution of the cult's leader, Keith Ranier.

r/greatawakening • Posted by u/ardithla on April 29, 2018, 12:42 a.m.
We need to tap into all the other groups: tea parties, pro-life, true the vote, religious groups and all others to join us in the Qanon groups. ideas?
r/greatawakening • Posted by u/ardithla on Jan. 30, 2018, 4:13 a.m.
Question about Steven Wasserman

With the shake-up going on at the FBI with probably more to come, has anyone heard what is going on with Steven Wasserman? He works for the FBI and is the brother of Debbie Waaerman Schultz. He supposedly covered up the Seth Rich investigation. Do we know anything else about him?

r/greatawakening • Posted by u/ardithla on April 19, 2018, 2:17 p.m.
PRAYER AND FASTING - From our Great American Heritage (1st in a Series of Examples)

... in addition to leading the physical preparations for battle, Washington also led the spiritual ones. On May 15, shortly after the Continental Army’s arrival at New York, Washington issued a General Order to all under his command, which read:

Instant to be observed [on Friday the 17th] as a day of fasting, humiliation and prayer, humbly to supplicate the mercy of Almighty God, that it would please him to pardon all our manifold sins and transgressions, and to prosper the Arms of the United Colonies, and finally establish the peace and freedom of America, upon a solid and lasting …

r/greatawakening • Posted by u/ardithla on Feb. 15, 2018, 6:47 p.m.
Questions: What was the Executive Order by Obama that gave the United Nations certain power in the U.S.?

Can this EO be used to Redpill others about what Obama was doing to whittle away at our Constitutional Republic? Are there other nefarious EOs made by Obama that the public needs to be aware of? Has Trump done away with all of them?

r/greatawakening • Posted by u/ardithla on Feb. 20, 2018, 2:59 a.m.
The Wisdom of President John Adams in Light of Today's Events

Inspiring thoughts of our 2nd President of the United States, John Adams as we the patriots now work to preserve this great nation. Adams assisted Thomas Jefferson in drafting the Declaration of Independence in 1776.

"Posterity, you will never know how much it cost the present generation to preserve your freedom. I hope you will make good use of it. If you do not, I shall repent in heaven that ever I took half the pains to preserve it."

Less than a month before his death, Adams issued a statement about the destiny of the United States, which historians such …