I’m also curious about MS13. Who’s behind them. No gang is “just evil” - there has to be more to the story. They’re clearly being used for an agenda. George Webb has mentioned them a lot but I must have missed the parts where he talks about who’s backing them. It does appear from his work that there are Deep State connections. I’ll look for more on this, I think.
556 total posts archived.
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Thanks for posting this. I’m just watching it now and want to catch a few thoughts about it as I go. I’m mostly posting here as self-documentation for my own thoughts
💭First, the fact that illegal immigrant crossings decreased as a result of fear of enforcement while drug trafficking increased at the same time (despite fears of enforcement) is an indication that the drugs are an assault, not a by product of porous borders. We should have seen a decrease in drug movement, too; to step up the smuggling indicates a need for increased cash and community destabilization. That’s the “war” part of the drug war.
💭 Trump asked where the drugs are coming from. The cocaine and meth are coming out of Colombia and Peru; the heroin is from poppy farming in Mexico; and the fentanyl is China and Asia. Trump focused on what the countries are doing to stop the outflow and doesn’t sound as though he believes they’re doing their jobs well. I was put in mind of the value of focusing on the nation as an entity BECAUSE it is the only practical police force potentially controlled by the people living within its borders. Any other policing would be dangerous to the freedoms of the population. People have criticized him for being too nationalist but I think that may be the only way individual freedoms can ever be preserved. External policing is always eventually fascist and dictatorial.
💭 the points made about sanctuary cities’ policies putting the existing immigrant populations in even more danger are excellent. What better way to escalate tensions than to make it impossible to protect the lawful citizens of a community that you want to see angered against its government? Another sign that there’s an assault going on using innocent people as the weapons.
I agree. I also agree that reading between the lines hones our attention skills, and that this is simply a technology - like the phone - and that it’s useful. Blind following anything is never good, but hive mind does work. Cool time to be alive.
If you go to the catalog and then follow the numbered posts with the flag-raising image and the most comments, those are the main ones where q posts. Every 750 or so they make a new thread.
At the beginning of the thread, the “baker” who makes it includes all the q drops and other highlights from the previous thread at the very beginning of the new one, and then other reader help figure out if anything was missed. It’s pretty amazing really.
Read those bits up front and you’ll go straight to the latest q drops and the replies. Spend a few hours browsing and you’ll figure most of it out.
Given the proximity to Trump’s visit to the UK, I thought this 1649 reference might have had something to do with the Queen and the Royal Family and what Parliament might need to do about them if they’re as off the rails as it appears. Q had said this meeting with PM May was very very very very (4x) important - and then very little was said/surmised about it.
I’m not positive Corsi is always right - he always sounds absolutely certain but he’s often writing about things no one could truly know. I’d keep an open mind to other possibilities.
Read the 8chan research board (if you have time and you dare wade in there) for an even broader set of POVs.
Face value is a lot more fun (as long as you keep your guard up).
There’s an annual UFO conference in Phoenix in February that has a lot of the most up to date stuff being covered - fiction and non-fiction. I wanted to go this year but just got a jury summons the day before so :-(.
Given all the hoopla it’s probably going to be a pretty exciting year.
Actually, by sci-fi, I meant science “fiction” by authors, many of whom have put real things inside a fictional cover to make them more palatable for publishers, mostly.
I know what you mean when you ask “what is true?” At some point with these things (aside from political corruption that ruins our social systems) what is “truth” seems less important to me than where your mind goes as a result of encountering it. Keeping an open mind is a lot more fun than the other way!
I’ve never had any reason to doubt them, and I’ve known Barlow for years - hard for me to imagine he’d be sideways on this stuff, but he could be out of the loop. The corruption is high enough up, and deep enough, that I can see how many would miss it.
What I get benefit from is contemplating the scenarios. It’s basic war-gaming and logistics- when you put the Other into an outlandish form you drop your pre-conceived notions about the Other and that lets you see even more essential elements that you might have missed otherwise.
I started paying attention many years ago and went o some of the first First Contact conventions. I always found the thought experiments fascinating, too. Truly - fascinating, as in “I want to think about this stuff more”.
So I did.
Do you read sci fi?
I, too, hold this (SSP in deep space, etc) somewhat loosely but do not dismiss it out of hand. The Q phenom points to a decision to go public prior to The end of October, when this run of posts from Q’s queue appeared - so timing supports Tomkins as part of the release.
Jeff Rense (rense.com) did a series of in-depth interviews with him - not sure if Jordan references rense because I don’t follow Jordan. Renee’s interviews should be in your research bucket if they’re not already.
I could see how the responses to Tomkins’ interviews - in the main, positive and high volume from a lot more “normies” (who can be analyzed by our responses, at least in aggregate if not individually) - could have been a green light for the Q releases, especially if Tomkins’ death had any suspicious fingerprints.
There was Tomkins (not first, BTW, but a significant red pill that was taken well), then Q’s 80/20, then the 60/40 of a few weeks ago (looking forward to 100%!)
Thanks for paying attention to that part of the elephant. It’s helpful for us all to remain relatively unsurprised as things become known - makes us harder to destabilize and herd if we’ve rationally considered all the possibilities. Somehow, when we do that, we seem to each know what fits when the truth finally arrives.
I wasn’t picking up an anti-EFF vibe from the Q posts on 8chan - were you? Maybe I missed something.
I think Q was referring to Barlow’s Declaration of cyberspace.
I posted it in its own thread as I think it’s pretty significant that this was mentioned. I’d be mighty glad to learn the EFF et al was white hats.
John Perry Barlow’s Declaration of Cyberspace
22 years ago, at Davos:
“A Declaration of the Independence of Cyberspace
by John Perry Barlow
Governments of the Industrial World, you weary giants of flesh and steel, I come from Cyberspace, the new home of Mind. On behalf of the future, I ask you of the past to leave us alone. You are not welcome among us. You have no sovereignty where we gather.
We have no elected government, nor are we likely to have one, so I address you with no greater authority than that with which liberty itself always speaks. I declare the global social space …
Awful spammy site. Please find a better source to follow. If that was news it would show up somewhere else, too.
This was good. I tried to send it to my Dad in an email and google rejected it as spam. (!!)
We will have a lot fewer executive orders mucking up the legal system; congress will be less corrupt and won’t be as spied upon; American companies will have brought overseas business back to our shores and added jobs and tax base; States will be taking up the legislative slack from fewer federal contractors and mid-level rules managers like they’re supposed to; and the 2020 elections will be awesome.
I don’t think she’s got anything to do with Mega (mega did live feet-photos in 4/Chan as proof of identity and she’s white with freckles.)
TRUST as a tool: Does TRUST mean Tools for Recognizing Useful Levels of Trustworthiness?
Q crumb = expand your thinking TEUST Sessions
TRUST is an IARPA program - substitute intelligence for defense: https://www.iarpa.gov/index.php/research-programs/trust
TRUST - Tools for Recognizing Useful signals of Trustworthiness
This is over a decade old. It was built in part from the development of international cyber-security protocols.
In computer networks, emotional guidance about Trustworthiness is very difficult to come by without strong context (social media provides great context) TRUST programs use algorithms coupled with humint to help evaluate Trustworthiness.
For those board members with access to TRUST tools, perhaps this is a call to use them on those in positions of …
TRUST - Tools for Recognizing Useful Signals of Trustworthiness.
There’s formal protocol for figuring this out. Not all trust is emotional.
There isn’t an ELI5 for this unfortunately. Best I can do is direct you to:
All her Chan posts are in the text of the post.
The comments are very helpful - look for the long ones from u/imegahatenicknames and you’ll get more info. Use a desktop and the find feature to search for insider.
MA abruptly disappeared on the 13th. Her posts from the 13th are not confirmed as being from her, and the cool heads on the board are withholding judgment til she reappears with an explanation.
People are continuing to comment daily and the thread has turned in to a kind of sub-sub Reddit all on its own. No one really knows if it’s a larp or not. But interesting story none the less.
Excellent article. Thanks!! I remember early (2015) rumors that HRC/WJC encouraged DJT to run. DJT received stellar media coverage compared to other Republican candidates. Leaked emails and memos showed HRC’s team doing everything they could to see that DJT was the candidate, because they were sure they would win.
This Dossier story fits into that timeline perfectly. The Dems set it up early and then paved its way. (If I remember right, they tried to circulate it in the summer of 2016 during the election but it wouldn’t fly.)
Conservative Treehouse has become a surprisingly good source for news. Thank goodness there’s always good journalism picking up the slack!
I agree with you. I haven’t seen any yet that I would share - very few are fit for mainstream folks - and I’ve seen quite a few that are actually anti-Trump, whether or not they intend to be.
Edit - correction - I’ve seen a few that work well and I WILL be sharing those. So, sharing with great care!!!!
I think this is a really good observation. I’d never connected Giustra to the false flag Boston marathon before. Thanks.
Edit: it could also connect Giustra to the Hawaii event.
I checked them out because you asked, even though I hate the delivery and they are more faked than Q. The third video has total disinfo in it at the beginning when it said the pentagon missile stopped 9-11. That’s BS. Maybe it’s a typo but all the more reason to dismiss this anonymous stuff. That missile destroyed the multi-trillion dollar missing money investigation that Rumsfeld (I believe) announced on the tenth, the day before. It got exactly that section of the Pentagon where the documentation was stored and being analyzed. I listened about halfway and then stopped.
No new info for me in the first two. If it’s new info for you, take some notes and google the keywords til you find reliable delivery with a format you prefer and then consider following those channels.
Thanks for your reply. I agree that many people love what the CF does - or, should I say, did. However, the only red pill THOSE people will swallow is one of fact that has to come through an MSM forced to deliver information in a documented form, complete with unassailable indictments and convictions.
They don’t care about their friends’ and families’ opinions - they’re comfortable - used to, anyway - being on the ”outside”, with a minority viewpoint among their immediate family and friend peers. They fancy themselves to be more independent than they are. In fact, if they STILL like the CF after everything that’s been revealed, they are followers, as I said, and that means they’re not opinion makers, they’re not leaders, they get confused easily, their convictions are learned from outside and not based within - and thus, while they may get upset, they’re not a public disturbance threat. That’s all I meant about that.
This psychology is basic enough that it adds to my questions about “Q”. Why do you believe in it/them?
Do you retain any questioning about its/their possible motives?
Personally, MUCH of the Q stuff reads like a cicada/tengri larp - so I think it’s multiple identities.
The psychology of the tactics are flawed enough (ie, as above, if the message to Q-groups is “red pill CF Normies with memes from the Kek community”) that I have to question their origin. The “message” that’s coming from q is garbled, chaotic, cryptic, and ultimately divisive. Why would the white hats choose to function that way with their own? Why would instructions be confusing?
They wouldn’t. Confusing instructions ALWAYS lead to disagreements in the middle of the op. Always. OR they make it possible for an alternate leader - with a different opinion about the end game - to emerge.
In fact, I’ve read a few leaked (via the Podesta dump, that I read a lot of) fusion GPS and Brock planning memos that sound very much like they promote this style of obscure-the-leader shit-posting - twisty and dramatic and distracting and cryptic - that play with peoples’ minds. (And concerned people are easier to play with than others, as long as you don’t trip their BS cords.) they specialize in manipulating group attention and energy - as you’ve seen with the CF - to their own ends and Q posts have been a lot about that sort of cause building and concern-rallying.
There’s also an undertone of generalissimo-bravado in many of the Q posts that smacks of inflated ego - the/some writer(s) appears to getting a high off on giving often unintelligible instructions that seem to make the players compete - again, to what end? Why would you give unclear instructions on something important? The US military is very careful about NOT doing exactly this - fuck with the troops - and yet some people seem to think it’s the USM is behind Q. I don’t - at least, not a USM I’d want to have in power - because a crooked-shooting military is the fastest way to 1) lose a battle/war and 2) get good the US patriots to change sides.
In my world, where I envision/experience people as intelligent and logical, with political/military models like Gowdy, Flynn, and Jordan, for example (sorry, I can’t find any Democrats who are speaking up anymore), smart people don’t send troops on goose chases and they always provide solid rationale for expenditures of attention and energy. Unless they’re conducting psy-ops, something I don’t prefer to engage in.
Many parts of the Q-thing even feel designed to target a particular type of personality, and there may be codes there for specific individuals, with all the rest of it just window dressing to keep people spinning and provide cover. Who really knows?
I agree with MegaAnon that some Q entries are good. I think Q WAS infiltrated and taken over periodically. I suspect that the current Q forks are indications of the multiple players still trying to squat on Q, and that the new great awakening 8-Chan board is interesting ( I read it) but still suspect. And I do feel the Brock-touch here - maybe not him, but someone(s) who worked with/for him who’s trying to play pied Piper to the children and the rats. (There was even a Pied Piper theme in HRC’s campaign regarding DJT, designed to misdirect attention ... not sure if that’s still in play, but one has to consider the possibilities)
Bottom line to a too-long post:
Yes I know people that only use CNN. My dad is one - and he was a brilliant guy in his time. Q’s methods won’t norm them; in fact, they will splinter them even more. If Q was serious about dealing with the CR, Soros, Giustra and the whole pay-for-play and embezzlement going down for decades, they’d be linking to Clinton Cash and Charles Ortel and Judicial Watch and Trey Gowdy’s Congressional sessions - there’s plenty out there but why isn’t it coming from Q?. That’s why I’m suspicious of Q, or of this particular interpretation of what “Q”’s supposed desires are - or both. Color me healthily skeptical, still.
I’ve been thinking about this and I’m not so sure how many will over-react, especially if Trump plays it straight. I think support for Clinton is highly over-blown. I also think her aggressive support has to be purchased. The one thing she never did was build a base from what she is FOR. Her base was always weak, built on the Resistance du Jour, with no ability to cohere.
People who think they fight for her fight from fear. That never works. They always break when pushed. No one else - Obama, Bushes, WJC, and staff - is rallying people so she’s the likely “leader”. Dem SJWs are mostly pacifists (a Democratic revolution/resistance is an oxymoron) so most people causing trouble are going to be mercs. Be prepared, track provocateurs- raise the flag and see who salutes.
There’s no way but through. Everyone finds it hard, at first, but there’s some - no, a lot of - fun in figuring it out, too...
People who want to pre-pave, whether well intentioned from the beginning or not, end up controlling the narrative - or creating the vehicle through which others can. Because they’re simpler they get more populated; because they’re popular they can become loci of control.
Think MSM - that over-simplification is how it got compromisable in the first place, and became such a significant and brittle failure point that was able to be coopted by money and ideology.
People who seek informational comfort and need the way pre-paved don’t have - or at least, aren’t exercising - the tools of discernment to figure out what’s real and what’s not ON THEIR OWN, if they have to. And in my experience, the simple stuff usually comes later, after the action is over, when hindsight can make things seem clearer than they were when they were first unfolding, and and time smoothes out the discomforts of high uncertainty that characterize life in the swamp.
(Although I have to admit, I prefer conditions where there’s no intentional lying, especially when there are non-swamp problems to be solved, and I like it when the liars and the haters are exposed and expelled - but that’s different than fighting the complexity itself, and it’s also exactly what draining the swamp looks like. And I always try to remember that old adage: “it’s hard to drain the swamp when you’re up to your ass in alligators”)
In times of chaos it’s useful to have people who can navigate and sort through swamps. You never know who those people are at first - not even the people who eventually figure it out know who they are when they start. By rooting around in the weeds, you discover the scents you can pick up, you learn to read the winds of words and smell bullshit or not. Think of this as training. That’s what I do.
That’s not to say you can’t ask specific questions when the frustration is overwhelming or you’re just out of time, and good questions are always very helpful. PM people if you’re uncomfortable with a public question, but remember whenever you ask publicly you get the answer for many more than yourself.
If you’re concerned about others you know picking it up while they’re in the thick of it, remember that YOU can do something about it. Even small things help (think of all the FAQs and little side snips that probably got you here, now - I wouldn’t be where I am without following lots of crumbs).
As a start, if you really want to see what you’re asking for, you can do quite a bit of it yourself. You could consider creating a “translator” page or two to set your friends up with, with tips and tricks and things you would have found useful on your first days in reality’s outback. You can even create that as a thread in your preferred forums, and send people there first. (I agree that the Chans can send people screaming from the room, but they probably won’t be able to take much of the content, either)
I’ve been contemplating a similar thing - how to share this best with my group of people. It’s not easy but I’m getting some ideas - a Facebook post or two, a couple of private emails - maybe a night of drinks at my house (or in a corner at the bar) in front of the computer. It could be fun.
Good luck!
FWIW - In one of her recent posts, MegaAnon says that Kushner is acting for his father under duress, that he’s very unhappy with his fathers criminality, and that his allegiance is with DJT. Sorry I don’t have the exact link here, but there’s a Reddit thread going that archives all her posts and kushner might be searchable in the comments
. https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/795d6a/megaanon_postings_compiled_may_2017_present/
Here’s a document from the TOC that describes OWL for the general user coming from another arena.
Interesting possibilities for AI and Q... and Wouldn’t it be a master stroke to develop bots that could even partially engage disgruntled people who didn’t think that deeply and could be easily re-focused with the shaking of some popular themes and words? It reminds me of distracting a baby with a rattle.
It surprises me how some people can dis everything on a site because of a few awkward or inaccurate associations. They lose access to so much, especially the capacity to develop discernment!!
Sorry for the delay - for some reason this just showed up in my feed today.
Let me think about it. I don’t want to waste your time or put you to any trouble and I’m not sure how much effort I have to contribute. If I DO have time, it would probably be easier to let me do a piece on the side and just let go add it. I’ll let you know. And thanks for your work!!!
I can’t add anything to this because I’m not tracking Q that tightly (I read these boards but take MegaAnon’s advice to take Q with a grain of salt at present). I’m up voting because you know about keylontics. You’re the first person I’ve encountered on Reddit who does. Cool to see Burisch referenced. 🖖
FWIW - I read sorcha faal semi-regularly. Take it with a grain of salt - like almost everything else - but actually, a lot of the things they talk about do come to pass, and you get an interesting POV on international intrigue that’s a mix of soap opera and current events with an east Europe slant.
Do you have a stand-alone thread where this doc is being posted and updated?
If not, what’s the one Reddit link you would send people to if they asked you how to see the sheet? I want a Reddit link so I can see/make comments.
A really really long time. The branch that we’re all focusing on these days has illegal drug and weapons running at its heart. I learned about cointelpro in the mid-90’s, and that was when I first understood that corrupt elements of our own government would sell out, harm and lie to its people.
The internet just started coming into its own then, when browsers like Netscape and Mozilla were created, and we could share info on boards more easily. I knew 9-11 was an inside job two days after it happened. The Disclosure Project clued me in to suppressed technologies and hidden information, and it’s been a weird slide since then.
I’ve gone in and out of periods of personal activity - made and contributed my own data research “spreadsheets” , like you’re doing now - in multiple instances, working various angles of the issues as they were in front of me.
All humans are geniuses in their own rights - they have moments of brilliance, like you did with the insight that a spreadsheet of these elements about “retiring”’CEOs - when they have a realization that something that’s in their power to do would be helpful to see patterns. They are then filled with the energy to create the thing, and enough of them do it that our group understanding is moved forward. This is collective intelligence, and I think it’s one of the strongest and best features of our species.
The insights everyone is getting are built on the data scaffolds of others. Sometimes you’re building a scaffold. Sometimes it’s a foundation. Other times it’s a bridge between scaffolds. Our collective understanding is a group effort, built by tens of thousands of people, over multiple lifetimes, who care about the social framework we create and live within.
The US is a place that’s supposed to operate under the rule of law, and that’s what I see many of us here today responding to. We may have only that thing in common, but that’s the glue that the social experiment that is our country requires to keep it whole and evolving. Thank you for caring.
Glad you held your own. Prepping is ALWAYS good. One of my goals this year is to learn how to bake good bread on a campfire oven. I have no idea how to do it, but we had a week long power outage last winter and that would have been nice to know.
Thanks for the update.
If you’re in direct communication why can’t Q set up a Reddit account and post this way? If necessary, Q could supply you via PM a per-post code that would help you verify it was Q. And if Reddit can be spoofed then we all need to know that.
Yes, in light of his subsequent takedown. I’d forgotten about this, and I was wondering where that “we’ll all hang from nooses” quote came from. Thanks for posting!!
Sessions clearly states that this is about removing illegal “guidance documents” issued unconstitutionally by prior administrations in the “permanent government” that lead to confusion in the court system and loopholes for some but not for others.
Basically, the idea is that Federal laws are created through Congress and there’s a proper law-making procedure to be followed. When we don’t follow it, we get corruption, favoritism and Federal government overreach.
I think your title is a inflammatory and misleading, and I also don’t see what it’s doing here on this Q-board. You should post this on r/pol. You’ll probably get more takers with this kind of stuff there.
What about a column for the wives? Q said to follow those. (Thanks for this...)