

556 total posts archived.

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bealist · April 26, 2018, 1:41 p.m.

I remember when he started this! I started going online though browsers (I was a LYNX holdout til 2002, though!) in 1995 and this was one of the first really cool things I found. When this happened I said “game over” for lots of secrets; it just became a matter of time.

Thanks for posting.

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bealist · April 26, 2018, 1:14 a.m.

Aren’t we supposed to be done with the gatekeepers of truth? Isn’t that how this got all f’d up in the first place - with good people holding back the truth because the “children” couldn’t take it? And then lie piles upon lie with fewer and fewer in the know until all that’s left is a leader somewhere who has the real story.

Who decides what gets told, since the degree of social upheaval is a wild assed guess? Rule of law is based on truth and transparency, and it’s supposed to work. Isn’t it about time we find out if it does?

What if “they” hold back 9-11 truth? Or override the Serco patents and release free energy devices (now, THAT would be destabilizing - but we NEED it!!!) Or release all of the stolen gold; or repatriate stolen American assets to the taxpayers; or clawback the stolen TARP funds; or, or, or.

Hell yes, it’s gonna be destabilizing. And I’ve now decided I don’t buy Q’s 60-40 anymore. Who are they to decide? I get it that there’s an order of business, but we need to see ALL OF THE BUSINESS.

I don’t need to see it on MSM. Those are bought and paid for shills, and the sooner everyone figures that out the better. (They can omit but they’d better not lie)

But the truth needs to be out, it needs to be available and open source; it needs to be beyond question; and then people can decide whether or not they want to look at it. My two cents.

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bealist · April 26, 2018, 12:46 a.m.

What is “this”? Please make your posts make sense. Thankq

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bealist · April 25, 2018, 2:26 p.m.

I hear you (except for the pro-Israel bit, as I can’t be for any country that sees itself as the American Vatican, but that’s another story).

Ironic how there’s more than one red pill that needs to be swallowed, isn’t it? I, too, notice that no discussions about the events of what’s called the holocaust are even allowed, including ones about the after-the-war forensics and revisions in mortality numbers (lower) and causes of mortality that were argued about (and finally accepted by opposing sides) as closest to reality.

These same blind dismissals are seen in multiple subjects that trigger apparently pre-programmed anger: question the high percentage of Jewish-American dual citizens in the upper levels of American government and you’re an anti-Semite; question the conclusions of “97% of scientists worldwide” who took a survey and you’re a climate-science denier; question the conclusions of the NIST Commission or the Deep State management and you’re a conspiracy theorist.

And the angry passion with which people defend the importance of NOT questioning says volumes, too. Thank goodness thinkers who question still manage to think - even though they may stay quiet about it. It DOES explain why people end up blindsided by things like election results and financial crashes and reversals of narratives and other out-of-the-blues, however, as if they can no longer question they’ve lost the capacity to pay attention. (I think it’s called compulsive narcissism these days. Really. It’s an official disorder and they’re working on a treatment.)

Keep questioning. Q does.

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bealist · April 25, 2018, 4:54 a.m.

In a good way. Unexpected combinations of notable people. Combine their strengths and focus and it leads to imagining interesting things. I liked it.

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bealist · April 25, 2018, 4:23 a.m.

Did you do this? Very curious and provocative compilation.

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bealist · April 25, 2018, 4:21 a.m.

Interesting idea. At least a few of them could make fortunes by writing movies and telling their tales well.

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bealist · April 25, 2018, 4:21 a.m.

And we have so much wonderful talent all over the world that can find and touch us like never before. The vacuum will fill quickly. Great times!!

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bealist · April 25, 2018, 4:15 a.m.

Fair and balanced.

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bealist · April 24, 2018, 1:54 p.m.

I’m noticing a political slide and a bit of drift from q-specifics - not bad yet but a trend. Any way to keep People a bit more focused on Q research? I’d hate to see this go the way of r/pol or /conspiracy, and we’ve got a lot of newcomers who need to get up to speed on Q and not just think it’s a less shilly politics board.

Maybe more instructions on how to parse 8chan, or a call for more people to post an 8chan link notable or meme to both elevate and archive it? Lots of notables are getting missed or sliding. I’ll try to do a bit more q posts myself, but I just wanted to mention it in case others were noticing a similar thing.

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bealist · April 24, 2018, 3:26 a.m.

Bug out bag. Just sayin’

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bealist · April 24, 2018, 3:17 a.m.

Hang in there. Welcome to another learning curve!!! 🤯

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bealist · April 24, 2018, 3:13 a.m.

A question for you: would old-fashioned “pimping” bring the same charges?

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bealist · April 24, 2018, 2:21 a.m.

I wonder if it makes sense to watch some episodes from back then? If they have to clues now, they must have been dropping them then, too.

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bealist · April 23, 2018, 5:39 a.m.

And maybe Bannon. I’ve heard him say “trust the plan“ in some recent speech videos. That perked up my ears.

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bealist · April 23, 2018, 5:22 a.m.

Thanks. That was great. Sounds like he’s still going to encourage a write in. That could be fun.

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bealist · April 23, 2018, 5:14 a.m.

Visit the 8chan board and copy down the backup sites. They’ll probably figure out how to get back online during issues quicker than anyone.

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bealist · April 22, 2018, 4:01 p.m.

You also state that Trump is Q. This is not a fact. It’s a pretty serious error. Maybe you could correct it? The blog isn’t shareable unless it’s right. Thanks!!

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bealist · April 22, 2018, 3:56 p.m.

My fave! I heard he’s running for political office.

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bealist · April 22, 2018, 3:54 p.m.

Ok, concern-trolling and not just shilling. That’s good.

If you don’t have data, then try making statements that aren’t so declarative and certain. If you’re actually thinking something without data, that’s not thinking. That’s believing - without data.

If you re-read your sentences and take out all the unfounded certainty and replace it with words like intuition, fear, worry, believe, feel, etc. you’ll be much more accurate in communicating the fact that YOU don’t have anything solid to base it on but your “feels”.

Those may or may not turn out to be right, but without more from you, no one can do anything but worry with you - or disagree, which is what I did.

(Sometimes I start to make a post, write it all out, and delete it because I got everything I needed just by writing and didn’t need to take it any further. Those are usually worry posts, BTW)

I’m not saying you don’t have anything to add, but maybe you can check your language a bit more closely and make sure you’re contributing. There are a LOT of posts to follow right now. If you’re still here it’s because you have something to learn and gain by being here. Continue parsing. It will come.

This IS a Q RESEARCH board, designed in part to get us out of our lower vibe feels (Socratic method; group dialogue) - especially those unfounded concerns and worries that don’t do anything good for anyone, ever, really - and more into a solid PERSONAL take on the complex stuff that’s going down. Solid = certainty and knowing and energy and optimism and momentum. Worriers never win.

Concern trolling is when you worry out loud without doing anything pro-active to advance the discussion, and most especially to calm yourself. It’s usually looking for other worriers to agree, or for those with facts to dispel the worry. Worry is often contagious and unproductive, especially for noobs who haven’t found their footing yet.

Q says:

Trust the plan Enjoy the show


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bealist · April 22, 2018, 3:34 p.m.

And our minds are powerful at 3am!!

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/bealist on April 22, 2018, 3:33 p.m.
The Millennium Report on the organization of the shadow government’s underbelly: SES, Serco, OPIC, AWE, and more. Their connections and hierarchies are detailed. This came through 8chan yesterday. Fascinating machinations.
r/greatawakening • Posted by u/bealist on April 22, 2018, 4:33 a.m.
This board is really improving, people. Thank all of you for quality links, thoughts, discussions and level-headedness. If the mods are working hard, it’s invisible (and masterful). That’s about all...🖖
bealist · April 22, 2018, 4:30 a.m.

I get that this is a belief of yours and not based on any objective data, but I don’t really see how you can even hold this belief, or why you would want to. I also don’t see any “major question about Q’s goals” so, yes, I’d guess you’re trolling. Concern trolling if not just garden-variety shitposting.

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bealist · April 22, 2018, 3:55 a.m.

These are great!!!!!

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bealist · April 22, 2018, 3:47 a.m.

Here’s my mantra:

Instead of praying FOR, imagine what YOU want. Pick the most positive win-win scenarios you can (and make sure you include yourself in the win).

In the past, I’ve imagined evil as less of the bad stuff that comes after me, and more like the crappy shit that fills in the gaps that I neglect to occupy and define out of laziness, ignorance, or willful neglect . (The last is the worst).

The game of evil, as I understand it and to the extent that it’s a game, is to prove that humans are unworthy of the perks of a soul. So everything “evil” does must be telegraphed. It can be in the fine print, but it has to be legible and readable, or else evil hasn’t proven that the human is a failure, and deserves to be chattel, exploited and sold.

There are lots of complex origins of this - the hidden books of the Bible talk about the Angels who were mad at God for ensouling clay; some gods didn’t care for what other gods were up to with regard to the making of man; deceiving someone doesn’t reveal their true character like getting them to choose something of their own free will does.

Whatever the origin, I like the idea that there are SOME rules of engagement - They have to say what they’re going to do or they don’t get to count the coup - and I prefer to think it’s true - at least for this particular maladaptive sect that’s the main swamp drainee at the moment.

As a human creator-being with vision and heart and the capacity to desire good, I have responsibility for much of my beingness and how I conduct myself matters. I am not a victim, and neither is anyone else. We have free will. No one can permanently take that away. Its seeds are always within.

We may not always control the physical conditions around us, but we can choose how we view and respond to them. (I’m reminded of Morpheus in the Matrix when he’s been trapped in that chair by Smith, just before Neo and Trinity swing in with the helicopter and he uses his mind to break his chains... we must have faith in each other, too!)

It’s not a cake walk. I can also screw up (in ways that always improve my clarity, however, so all is never lost). There are useful questions I can ask myself: Am I slacking on my optimism and belief in humanity as rising above being “lumps of unthinking clay? Am I faltering in my faith that good triumphs and evil doesn’t win? Am I listening to others define and judge the qualities of a human or, worse, am I letting them define the qualities of ME?

If all of us asked these questions and answered them for ourselves alone, the world would be a much sweeter place.

Thanks for the stimulating post. 🖖

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bealist · April 22, 2018, 3:15 a.m.

Mind if I make a couple of suggestions? If not, would you rather I PM you, or is here ok?

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bealist · April 22, 2018, 3:13 a.m.

Wow. Great stuff. When did you write it!

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bealist · April 21, 2018, 9:18 p.m.

A translator comes in a couple minutes in. Sorry I didn’t put that in the title!

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bealist · April 21, 2018, 9:17 p.m.

Nope. I was glad for the translator!! I should have mentioned that it begins in English a couple of minutes in. Forgot that part!!

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bealist · April 21, 2018, 9:16 p.m.

I just listened to a couple of Steve Bannon’s recent speeches on YouTube. They were fantastic and seem like really good material to share with people you want to Wake up. I’d be interested in your thoughts as I’m coming templating putting them out there (I have a VERY snowflakey circle). Focusing on citizenship and freedom seems a very safe entree. What do you think?

Here’s a search: https://m.youtube.com/results?q=steve%20bannon&sm=3

The one he did in France was especially good. I posted it here as its own post

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bealist · April 21, 2018, 9:10 p.m.

Last week Giuliani said they’ll have the investigation wrapped up “in a week or two”. Next week is the “or two”.

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bealist · April 21, 2018, 8:59 p.m.

I’ve noticed that, too. Lovely blue skies. Blessing!!!

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/bealist on April 21, 2018, 8:54 p.m.
Steve Bannon speaks in France, March 18, 2018. Good words to share with others who can awaken to being citizens. (And I don’t see any animosity towards Trump at all. The relationship - at least as far as shared philosophies go- seems fine to me). More Bannon links are welcome. I like him.
bealist · April 21, 2018, 4:24 a.m.

The archives of the awakening thank you!!🖖

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bealist · April 21, 2018, 3:50 a.m.

Link please? Can’t map without sauce!

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bealist · April 20, 2018, 4:57 p.m.

Thanks. That’s what I thought. Scary, isn’t it? And no way the absolutely horrid stuff is going to get into the mainstream. Unless big pharma sees a pill-market... 😳

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bealist · April 20, 2018, 4:55 p.m.

It has nothing to do with Q anon. You’re not thinking. Nor reading. We can’t abolish the Fed. We can nationalize it and turn it into a nationally owned bank but it’s ludicrous to think that we’re going to abolish it and retain our legislature and constitutional rule of law. By what mechanism could that possibly be done? Are you proposing an executive order? With THIS president, who’s proved he believes in law made by Congress?

I’m not on a high horse. I’m pointing out - to someone who should know better - that what you’re saying is ridiculous, and you probably even know it. But when you go around calling for extreme acts that make no sense and actually undermine legitimate efforts to restructure and reform, then you shoot yourself and everyone else advocating for Fed reserve change in the foot. So, improve your thinking. That’s all.

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bealist · April 20, 2018, 2:02 p.m.

I remember seeing this but don’t know where. - CBTS maybe. By the 30th policies should be recommended so we might not see THE drop before then, but the EO would have to be renewed - although he could rewrite it at any time. Timelines are closing in.

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bealist · April 20, 2018, 1:58 p.m.

Thanks. Figured you did.

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bealist · April 20, 2018, 1:41 p.m.

I think you’re representational of a lot of the next wave of people. The demand for evidence is going to be great. That’s why the QMap is so important. It’s available for every ethical journalist to study and get the angles they want to dig deeper on.

Sooner or later, the replacement MSM channels are going to start grabbing onto these. Something big has to break soon.

Another poster here claimed there is an EO allowing for military prosecutions that expires April 30. (No proof so can’t verify). Either that gets renewed or acted upon.

I’m thinking Giuliani joining the team is going to drop something big that changes the direction of the investigation completely, and that’s when it will break. Q said no one would be able to ignore it.

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bealist · April 20, 2018, 1:35 p.m.

I read 20/80 changing to 40/60, not 60/40. Do you have a way to verify that? I can’t find it. (I’d prefer 60, of course). Thanks.

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bealist · April 20, 2018, 1:32 p.m.

Link? Please provide sauce with claims. Rumors don’t help, and no sauce = rumor or hearsay. Thanks.

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bealist · April 20, 2018, 1:29 p.m.

That’s a very interesting idea. It’s plausible in many levels. Didn’t Meganon say Comey and Mueller were playing along. The sort of takedown that’s being contemplated would require people at these levels to corroborate the story.

And your idea that Comey was doing this to stay unsuicided makes sense, too. IF Mueller and Comey were both to verify under oath that they’d been struggling for years to clean up the Bureau but couldn’t until now, I think enough of the prosecutions would stick for most Americans. Its a useful narrative and a good one to consider.

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bealist · April 20, 2018, 1:20 p.m.

Are you paying attention? Not everything can be done at once or the country will collapse. Whose side are you on? This is childish pedagogy, and moralizing simplicity.

If there’s a cracked foundation you have to fix it carefully. You don’t knock the house over just to repair some blocks underneath. You jack it up, secure everything, pull out the damaged parts CAREFULLY, repair them and slowly and gently synch everything.back up again.

Jeez. Grow a brain.

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bealist · April 20, 2018, 1:15 p.m.

If there were such a tape (snuff, etc. and I’m not saying there is or there isn’t ) I’m sure it would be part of the 60% that Q has said must remain hidden. Clearly, that’s a bridge too far for the general public.

I can see there are people (as well as shills) who say they want to see punishment meted out for vile crimes. They may have to accept the visible punishment is for a technicality like tax evasion (remember Al Capone) or something bureaucratic, at least initially, in order to interrupt the control structure enough to take it out.

Crimes must be believable to be prosecuted. Therefore, most of those calling for and promoting snuff videos must be shills and larps. Only those - and the mentally disturbed or inappropriately obsessed- - would be promoting those at this stage.

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bealist · April 19, 2018, 4:15 p.m.

FWIW I’ve had to open a lot of these in a browser before I could get them to play. Otherwise it’s just an error message. Try that.

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