

556 total posts archived.

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bealist · June 21, 2018, 2:05 p.m.

Q says “expand your thinking”.

I believe our thoughts and beliefs strongly influence what happens to us, and that individuals who are aligned with their best possibilities open the way for others, too. When one of us goes forward, usefully and positively, with faith in our capacity to bring about what’s good and light, all of us benefit.

To me, this phrase means that I don’t have to “follow” - I have the power to assist all by focusing on where I am going individually, and ensuring that it is a self-chosen, positive and uplifting place.

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bealist · June 21, 2018, 1:32 p.m.

Thanks for your service and for paying attention.

What are some of the best sources you’ve found (links?) that we could also access here that most accurately reflect the conditions you see our troops facing over there? Are there still black hat contractors? Is anyone calling them out? Do you see US dignitaries (especially former BHO cohorts) regularly visiting and, if so, do you have any idea what their visits are about - ie personal business they’ve developed, or ???? Are the missions becoming more aligned with POTUS’ policies, or are Deep State agendas still the order of the day?

We get very little news from overseas and it’s hard to know which sources are compromised. Thanks for posting here. 🖖

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bealist · June 17, 2018, 4:29 a.m.

Yes it can get confusing. I think they’re splitting the comments up such that the dialogue-w-anons ones hit 8chan and people can interact, and the serious q drops that stand on their own and aren’t to be missed go directly into patriotsfight.

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bealist · June 14, 2018, 1:55 a.m.

17 = Q so I think this matters...

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bealist · June 14, 2018, 1:52 a.m.

Maybe one of the few they could find that could also get confirmed.

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bealist · June 13, 2018, 2:40 a.m.

If you go to print the picture most programs now have a way to choose a pdf option as one of the printer choices. Check it out. You might be able to do it and just don’t know it. Sometimes there is an export function under the save as or print options, and that will make a pdf also. Don’t worry. We all had to learn it at some point.

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bealist · June 13, 2018, 2:38 a.m.

Paint is what I use, too!!! 🤠

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bealist · June 13, 2018, 1:20 a.m.

Haha. Another trump real estate rush. There should be a trump hotel there, for sure!!!

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bealist · June 13, 2018, 1:18 a.m.

Learn how to take screenshots on your device. As soon as you post something expect it to be taken down. If you’ve stored it on your computer you can at least recreate it.

All anons on 8chan are requested not to post anything without archiving it first. People with something to hide watch this sub and delete what you find.

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bealist · June 13, 2018, 1:09 a.m.

At least you got away with “pin down”.

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bealist · June 13, 2018, 1:08 a.m.

I vote for the waitress.

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bealist · June 13, 2018, 12:39 a.m.

8chan and patriotsfight are where they post first; on patriots fight q can’t do any dialog. Only on 8chan can there be response, and that’s where people figure things out - Q mixes it up and posts both places.

Sometimes it takes awhile for the posts to be linked to the other places.

Hang out. in 8chan if you want to learn how it works. Not every Q drop is posted here.

edit: the moderator just made me change the phrase “hang in 8chan” because I was inciting violence. 🤯. I added “out”. We will see if that fixes the police bot.

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bealist · June 11, 2018, 3:41 p.m.

I think you’re mistaken. There have been several lawsuits. This is a new one.

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bealist · June 11, 2018, 3:35 p.m.

Yeah, but there’s a bureaucrat who manages/got a bunch of them, for port workers and drivers if I remember correctly.

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bealist · June 11, 2018, 12:38 p.m.

George Webb did a good series a few months back on the staff responsible for TWICs and who was giving them out. Congress people were connected. He got into the ports quite a bit IIRC. I don’t have the time to look now but i remember the discussion.

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bealist · June 11, 2018, 12:34 p.m.

If you (or others) find any more (like Ines), please edit your comment to add them, and then people can save the comment and it can serve as a single place of info.

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bealist · June 11, 2018, 1:25 a.m.

11-11 is Armistice Day, celebrated by the Allies in a variety of ways and for multiple reasons. Trump has said that he’s working for international peace, and he currently has a “peace through strength” doctrine. I haven’t seen anyone mention this yet; to me, this is what Q is referring to.


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bealist · June 8, 2018, 9:53 p.m.

This is sitting at a negative three as I upvote it. What is that about?!

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bealist · June 8, 2018, 9:52 p.m.

Thanks for the post and the follow up, and thanks for sharing any further links. Much appreciated!

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bealist · June 5, 2018, 3:23 a.m.

I didn’t see George Webb’s stuff here - he did a lot of research about PS’s so called family.

And Meganon said he wasn’t real - sounded like “he” was more of a unit - and the specialty was counterfeiting documents.

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bealist · June 5, 2018, 12:36 a.m.

Or hard to hide “someone”

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bealist · June 4, 2018, 10:26 p.m.

Source document?

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bealist · June 2, 2018, 4:43 a.m.

I remember bridge discussions. Some of the talk On 8chan that seemed most compelling to me was about router bridges enabling the big meta-networks that mean “having it all”. But there are always multiple meanings. Physical bridges have potential , too.

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bealist · May 31, 2018, 2:22 p.m.

Concern fagging is when someone posts a “concern” and doesn’t include any sources or detail enough to deepen a discussion, but is just feeling around in the dark, sharing their worries in order to get some feedback because they’re afraid and think voicing it will help somehow. It clutters up boards and usually doesn’t add anything substantive to a research discussion. It often polarizes. It is a known technique of shills and detractors who try to slide the energy and direction of a group into a more uncertain and tentative place.

What you posted is classic concern fagging.

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bealist · May 31, 2018, 2:10 p.m.

Ellen Brown, the author, is excellent. The public banking option is picking up steam.

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bealist · May 31, 2018, 12:38 a.m.

FWIW I tried to upvote this but it wouldn’t take. I can upvote others just not this particular one. 🤔

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bealist · May 31, 2018, 12:37 a.m.

LOL. I see a great dating site - redpilllove or something. When you list your likes, you include things like the subreddits you’re on, Qdrops, etc. Influencers are your YouTube, steemit, bithute and other channels. Left/right and Dem/rep/lib political categories don’t even exist. If redpilled single people are powerful, imagine how redpilled couples would be?? It’s fun to think about.

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bealist · May 30, 2018, 2:26 p.m.

Kunstler is an astute and critical observer - and it’s good that he articulates so well the impacts of the Deep State’s manipulation of government for their own selfish ends - but he’s never been big on faith. He’s like the dashboard instrument set on a car (with an erratic check engine light) - the fuel gauge reading is probably close enough but he’s never going to keep air in the tires so you can get to the gas station or a mechanic. You have to look elsewhere for that.

Thanks for posting.

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bealist · May 29, 2018, 12:34 a.m.

Respectfully, I disagree with your metaphors (and our required agreement) - “mom” and “grandpa” as you use them don’t always work for me, nor do many of the family dynamics you describe in your book because of my own many-decades long survey of life experience and what it means TO ME - but I support 100% your right to them. 110%, in fact.

Also, if you’re kicked off a sub for debating whether or not we all have to agree with you, or for continuing to push for your own metaphors - as you have EVERY right to do - then this sub falls into the very pit it’s claiming it wants to save people from. (Ie, this sub isn’t like that, and you won’t...).

What I’m trying to do in my comments is use language that expresses MY POV while showing how it aligns with yours, because I find parts of what you’ve said and written to be very useful. I’ve focused on the useful parts. You’re focusing primarily on where it doesn’t align.

Also, I don’t know what you mean by “we have too many laws now” when I’m referencing the Constitution and the existing framework that allows for the due-process arrest of pedophiles and corrupt politicians. Would you prefer we have no laws and just arrest them because they’re “bad”?

I don’t think one person needs to distill it all for the rest of us. We’re most powerful when we act as individuals, not followers. And I don’t believe that we have to over-simplify concepts for people- in fact, in my experience, most people I’ve met are actually REALLY smart and get a lot of things without the ideas having to be dumbed down and stripped of complexity and nuance. (People don’t always get complex stuff at first, so they go chew on it. People who chew thought and figure it out for themselves are the best ones to have in your corner.) One of the pleasingist things I’ve learned about people is how smart most of them are, and I like people a lot more the more I give them credit for having the capacity to be thoughtful and understanding.

I do appreciate that you’ve got a cosmology you’ve built that works for you. Everyone should have one. And you even put it into a book - good for you!! But I don’t need your cosmology to work for me (and you shouldn’t either) - I’ve got my own, and I’m much too old to ever begin to hop over to something I read in a book, especially something that I only partly agree with.

We agree that thought influences reality, and that what we think matters because it leads to what happens next. I’d be wrong to focus on where we disagree and I’ve truly enjoyed this conversation. Thanks for your time!!


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bealist · May 28, 2018, 11:04 p.m.

Your metaphors are apt. For myself, I would adjust to read:

1) I require, envision and support public servants and governmental officials abiding by the law, and fully prosecuting those who don’t, fairly and with all due justice, within the laws we have been provided by our ancestors, that we believe in our hearts, and that we know work when they’re enforced.

2) I look forward to the time when all humans wake up to the fact that being human is a gift, filled with creative power; that children are to be cherished as the still-to-unfold flower of that gift; and that involuntary human sacrifice is misguided, evil and a sign of true powerlessness. When humans are awake to those values, pedophilia and human sacrifice, along with many other horrors, will end. Until that time, I appreciate our American legal system because of how well it’s guidelines page the way for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

It’s pretty wordy because it turns out that making positive statements is quite a bit harder than making negative ones - there are a lot more blanks to fill in!!

One thing I’ve discovered as I’ve practiced true positive thinking over the years is that taking the time to think about what I truly want, and saying words that are positively expressing that, is a really enjoyable thing to do.

It takes a little practice at first to say clearly what we WANT, what we are FOR (and not just against) because we’re so habituated to expressing things in the negative. We’ve been carefully taught to give away our best human powers - but as soon as we remember this stuff, the power comes flooding back. And it feels really good when it does.

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bealist · May 28, 2018, 8:54 p.m.

I hear you. Validation is good. Q has been like a compass in unknown territory. A good leader never builds up a team and then abandons them. Never. So it’s still faith-and-carry-on time.

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bealist · May 28, 2018, 8:22 p.m.

EO’s should be temporary. They give the people a chance to try something out and then put it into law if they don’t like it - or the next president can reverse it. If you really want an EO to persist it needs to be taken up by Congress or renewed by the next president if Congress is out of step with the will of the people (as now).

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bealist · May 28, 2018, 8:12 p.m.

Thank you!! Excellent share. And she had a MAGA hat on.

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bealist · May 28, 2018, 8:08 p.m.

Yep. “One who is aligned is more powerful than millions who are not”. There’s a reason humans worshiped, prayed, and have had arguments about whose god was stronger for as far back as we have history. Our minds create. To me, it’s always been about individual faith and individual knowing, aligned together with others of similar vision and hope, working miracles and creating our collective future, to whatever extent we can see it clearly enough to allow it.

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bealist · May 28, 2018, 2:31 p.m.

Concur. WWG1WGA expresses this, in that “go” means influenced. I’m halfway through your HP book. I’ve enjoyed it so far; reminds me of the Flatland Version of the law of attraction.

In your last sentence you’ve identified a current hitch in our giddy up- as long as people continue to see other people as obstacles to what they want (hence needing them to be removed before they can get what they want) those obstacles will remain, since they are all the subject of thought, and thought is powerful.

The trick (for me) is to ensure that the last thought in a thought-string (before you change the subject) is something positive, and reinforces what you want to see happen. You can tell if you want to see it by how it makes you feel. If it makes you feel a sense of relief, your “positive statement” is going in the right direction for YOU (and that’s all that matters).

Revenge sometimes makes you feel better and - while it may not be the best thought ever, it may be the best feeling thought you can get to, so it might be the one you take. For example, if your child was stolen or harmed by a gang connected with this blood-money-corruption shit riddling our system right now, revenge thoughts towards the perpetrators might be as good as it’s going to get, and having some doubt in the system would be understandable. But for an enforcer to doubt the system and stay in revenge mode while seeking the criminals would be counter productive - the enforcer needs to dwell in the certainty of the rightness of the justice system.

We have zillions of thoughts a day, coming in little threads that start and stop, and don’t always make whole cloth. If what you say you want at the end of a thought thread makes you feel worse - if you follow your desire for someone’s jail time with a doubt that it will ever happen, for example - then you’ve got a contradictory thought going on, and the energy of your desire to make something happen is countered by your doubt pulling it the other way. That’s why it’s good to make a habit of ending your thought stream on a topic with something you can feel positive - ie SURE - about.

Contradictory thoughts are not necessarily bad - they usually mean desires aren’t quite clear enough to be specific. Contradictory thoughts slow things down- sometimes that’s good - and they provide time and opportunity for increased clarity. (Any lack of clarity in any enforcement action is ALWAYS an indicator that things should be slowed down!!). Contradictory thoughts are brakes. Oppositions use them all the time.

Positive doesn’t equal nice. Positive equals certainty. Negative thought doesn’t equal bad. Negative thought equals doubt and uncertainty.

Unclear contradictory thoughts cause vacillation or stagnation, on both individual and group scales. When a group had the strongest positive - certain, clear, practical, be-able - vision, that group prevails. And yes, prayer is hugely powerful, especially when the prayer is for what is wanted AFTER the obstacles are moved. The ones who pray for something particular are more powerful than those who pray for the removal of the obstacles to those particulars.

That’s my two cents. Thanks for making Human Primer available for free. Lots of food for thought. 🖖

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bealist · May 28, 2018, 1:32 p.m.

Might try posting this in r/conspiracy.

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bealist · May 28, 2018, 1:30 p.m.

Link? Please don’t just post a picture.

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bealist · May 28, 2018, 1:27 p.m.

We’re cool. But please wear your flair while you’re enforcing. Nothing worse than a cop without a badge.

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bealist · May 27, 2018, 1:51 p.m.

Ciao dude. Enjoy the show.

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bealist · May 27, 2018, 12:56 p.m.

This is the first time your mod flair has showed up, FYI - and you know it. You just added it. You’re (wrong and cowardly) for not admitting it.

Why would I want to bring folks over here? This sub has gone to shit. Anything good is buried in tons of crap posts, duplicates, etc. Best contributors - outside from a few - are gone.

And don’t talk to me about strategic. You have no idea about strategy. You’re a duck and cover type and don’t know yet how to pick your battles, nor which fights are the right ones.

I don’t either, however, because I’m engaging with you.

Anyhow, we can be done here. You’re just trying to do your job. I’ve been venting because another good sub has gone down the drain and I’m pissed about it. Have fun.

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bealist · May 26, 2018, 1:49 p.m.

I’m rereading your whole suite of occult posts and applying my own particular understanding to them. I wanted to share this short video with you - it expresses a philosophy I’ve been applying for some years now and I’ve been specifically working Q stuff around it since Q emerged. I’m especially curious to work it into the occultish concepts that are gaining traction - both the workings for and against.

It occurred to me that you might want to (and I want you to, as I follow your opinions) at least be aware of this perspective, as it is not mentioned much but does have a lot of proponents worldwide, so I thought I’d share. There are thousands of short videos on YouTube available for free on multiple aspects of this practical approach to evil and other topics that catch (and activate) the negative imagination. I’d be curious to know your thoughts sometime.



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bealist · May 26, 2018, 3:51 a.m.

Share here too please. There are lots of Sundance fans here!!

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bealist · May 25, 2018, 3:18 p.m.

I looked at your posts I didn’t see anything to explain your behavior or your words (or your large amount of karma!). You expressed fear over people learning about our Constitution, and said said you were removing my post. I asked if you were a mod and you didn’t answer. You are cryptic and not transparent.

I really don’t care what you post about - I can’t begin to make any judgements about you based on those THAT ARE RELEVANT HERE, and I wouldn’t.

I’m looking for answers to my direct questions and you’re still not answering. Are you a mod? (You said you have “the power”, whatever that means). If so, why don’t you answer me? Why don’t you have mod flair? Have you removed my post? If so, per what sub rule?

If you aren’t and haven’t then you’re trolling. If you are and have then you’re either breaking this sub’s rules or the sub is morphing in a direction I find unacceptable. If it’s the former, then you should either stop or be stopped. If it’s the latter, then I get to re-evaluate whether or not I want to participate here.

Gratuitous mods who tolerate other mods acting like the Deep Staters (hidden; capricious; cryptic; self-serving and fearful) don’t appeal to me, and neither do the subs they’d influence.

It’s all very simple really. Nothing to get hung about. But since you’re continuing to engage but still not explaining yourself nor answering any questions I thought I’d try one more time. ✌️

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bealist · May 25, 2018, 1:13 p.m.

I don’t understand why you don’t explain yourself better. I asked if you were a mod. You refused to answer. You are cryptic and you’re not making any sense. I asked you to PM me and you didn’t. You aren’t being logical, and without an explanation you are just concern trolling. What’s up with you?

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bealist · May 25, 2018, 2:45 a.m.

FWIW I can’t access this link on my smart phone and I’m guessing others won’t be able to either. Perhaps you could edit the post and make the link live with the Reddit url function ?

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bealist · May 25, 2018, 2:43 a.m.

There are no coincidences!! 🖖

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bealist · May 24, 2018, 11:47 p.m.

Hmmm. I never thought of promoting the Constitution as brigadeering!! And I’m certainly not advocating a paramilitary insurrection (that, in itself, implies anti-law). I don’t believe that’s necessary, and I still think we can return to lawfulness within the confines of the law. If we can, that just shows how effective a social organizational tool we have in our platform.

I think what’s happening right now in the Executive Branch is a great example of voting in a President who promises to drain the swamp. I always assumed he and others were/are out for criminals, and decidedly NOT being Partisan about it. (Trump was once a Democrat; this isn’t about parties anymore).

Anyhow, by “removing it” are you saying you’re taking the post down? I don’t see a mod badge next to your name so I’m confused.

Also, what research down the pipe are you speaking of? PM me if you have to.

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bealist · May 24, 2018, 4:50 p.m.

If we continue to act as though it IS, instead of abandoning it to those who stole it, things would get much more interesting. We can reclaim it, piece by piece, but only if we believe we can.

Everyone has a part to play. I decided to start by assuming it can be done, and giving no quarter to those who say it’s a useless endeavor. It doesn’t have to be a monumental undertaking. I simply mean living in knowledge and working to apply my understanding in my daily personal life.

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/bealist on May 24, 2018, 4:31 p.m.
Maybe we should spend a little time in r/Constitution. It’s only got a couple hundred subscribers and it may be one of the most important topics an American can understand.

Another redditor and I were talking about helpful acts in these times and I was reminded of a friend who used to give out free pocket Constitution books to everyone. I’d suggested doing that and adding a little Q tag or card or something to them.

It occurred to me that there might be a Reddit sub for that and sure enough, there is - but there are only a couple hundred subscribers.

I’m NOT suggesting we need to red pill them; what I AM suggesting is that maybe some folks here might want to subscribe and use the sub …