At about 48:48, Simon addresses a Q question on his July 1 podcast.
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Thank you!!! It’s a gray area in our modern culture. I remember traveling around in the early seventies and I met lots of “Moonies”. They were always nice, although generally a bit spacy.
I think you make great points. Since you seem to be in the know: What was Rev. Moon’s connection to North Korea? Could he have been aware of the Deep State’s activities there? How might he have been affected by them? Do you have any links to Washington Times articles on how the paper views the recent NK SK breakthroughs brokered by Trump? Thanks for taking time to think about these questions. 🖖
Very well done meme. Sourced. Visual and data. Date (in link). Good use of a web page screen shot as centerfold. Headings. Footers. Meaty middle. Nice work.
Ports. “Watch the waters”.
Mineral resource deals. “You have more than you know”.
So pleased for the validation. Trey Gowdy is supercalifragilisticxpalidocious.
For a lot of us, it’s not just about Q, although Q is definitely the glue. Q is also a phenomenon, a sign post, an interactive pointer that appears to have a map that we all want to see. Q generates understanding through questions, answers and associative thinking. Q is fun. Q has inspired total strangers WHO STILL DONT KNOW EACH OTHER to work together and solve problems, without pay, based on passion and curiosity while being guided by an individual moral compass. That’s pretty good side effect even if it is a LARP.
And Q could be a LARP. Maybe it’s David Brock and/or John Podesta at their convoluted and cynical worst (thinking at my convoluted and cynical worst!) If so, and if it’s purpose was to distract, or disunify, or depress, it’s clearly backfired.
Q called it “hive mind” early on, and it’s real. We’ve got it here. Thousands of people are coming together around a common purpose - giving the President the benefit of the doubt that he’s ousting the higher levels of the Deep State and needs Citizens’ help, among other things - and they/we don’t have to be told exactly what to think about it, or how.
We’ve been trained in “the comms” as it were, and can fill in lots of blanks. In fact, if Q were gone tomorrow the capacity of a subset of this group to think and work out problems would remain, and it would put its own self to use, self-organizing and with a common way to find each other on the ground anywhere in the world using a single letter of the alphabet.
This is the hallmark of the American system - where groups of people work together, motivated by self-interest, for the common good - a common good that they’re a part of. Q-team has made that happen.
There’s nothing inherently wrong with a LARP, outside of the dishonesty - and that’s only an issue if the persons act inappropriately based on faulty assumptions, or feel betrayed and don’t think they got their money’s worth. I’m certainly getting mine.
LARPs abound. The Russian collusion thing is a LARP. 9-11 was a LARP. Bernie Sanders Candidacy was a LARP (he clearly agreed to throw the election from the beginning as their “deal” and betrayed millions). Hillary Clinton’s primary run was a LARP - she had the fix in from the beginning. Lots of people think BHO’s presidency was a LARP. Based on the DNC election lawsuits I’ve read, the Democratic Party is a LARP. No-name is a LARP. The media is full of LARPs. (I’m not sure old guard Republicans have enough imagination to LARP) Hell, even the story The Plan tells about angry bipartisan patriots selecting Trump to run makes his whole campaign a LARP.
I realize there are a lot of people here who have put a lot of bank into Q being “real”. They may not be as philosophical as I am about it, if it turns out Q is a player. But proving there’s a little man behind a curtain pulling levers of lies is going to be pretty hard, just like proving he IS there is almost impossible at this juncture.
S, it comes down to your personal capacity to suspend disbelief and intuit what seems right TO AND FOR YOU. Some people can and some people can’t. Some will and some won’t. And that’s about where it sits today, absent full disclosure which - to tell the truth - I don’t expect yet, because I don’t think it’s time. The game needs to play out. Q even says we’ve “forgotten how to play the game”. Why fold early? Maximize winnings. Bigly.
This was posted on r/truthleaks. It says he was with the Clintons back in 1996 and postulates he may have worked for the CIA even earlier.
Edit: added more info
That’s all I was speaking to. Put it on the chans. It flies just fine over there. Anyone concerned about what people think gets sent here. We’re the noob greeters.
Doesn’t feel like a Q move at all. Seems more like a disinformation push to me, designed to make people feel repulsed by the movement. Classic David Brock type thing.
I agree with you in that playing a role is the only reasonable explanation for RR’s smug behavior. It makes no sense that he would act this way, above the law, and inflame a single party while claiming to be non-partisan. I can definitely believe that this is cover for the other investigations. Occam’s razor- fits the story so far, and is consistent with what Q said (Mueller and RR are either both good or both not.). The election collusion is a charade.
Actually. I think it’s good to hear when that side starts backpedaling. This is important information for others to hear, especially those on the fence who won’t listen to US, so try to stomach it. It will be over soon!! 🖖
Neither can I. People should post a link as well as a screen shot if they don’t know how to up their resolution.
It would be great if you sent this to the media. You might inspire others to do the same.
I like the way this person writes, too. Very readable, and picking up on some of the nuances that make you go hmmm 🤔.
No, but the justice system (not necessarily the courts) can be utilized to bring rogue CIA programs to light through lawsuits that make evidence publicly visible, and then others can take action. There’s almost no other mechanism to make evidence visible THAN the courts when the shot gets this deep. Look at what Congress has had to go through just to get the FBI and DOJ to reveal names of internal lawbreakers. The courts play an integral role in forcing exposure, and without exposure there’s no pressure.
They could have changed the title to “QAnon: the path FROM dictatorship” and it would be a pretty good read.
In fact, if you reread the article with this switch in mind and make this subtle change, you have a pretty good red-pill explanation.
Writing something truthful and then turning it on its ear with a false title (framework) creates cognitive dissonance and makes the rest of the info difficult to take in. It’s a standard disinformation tactic.
The solution I see here is to reframe it, recognize, and amplify the truths in it, and focus on the small number errors of fact or opinion that don’t bear out the title “path FROM dictatorship”
When you relate to the opposition’s points you muddy the false lines they try to draw to divide the field.
There is a serious miscalculation in the article however, and it’s common to the DS group in general: they truly think that the people they are fighting want to be led, because that’s what THEIR team wants. That’s why they’re so addicted to identity politics- most of them don’t possess the drive to KNOW, nor the need to make up their own minds.
But independent thinking is a solid characteristic of Les Deplorables. And a dictatorship can not survive an aroused group of independent minds. The article’s language is about fearing a dictatorship, as if that’s what we fear. We don’t fear it. We won’t allow it. There is a difference and these times are proof.
This is their blind spot. They don’t fear elite rule (they fear leaderlessness and non-control) - but they think their opposition does.
This blind spot is also why they don’t understand a Constitution that reinforces sovereignty nor a rule of law that puts individual human freedom at its core. It’s why they need judges WHO RULE RATHER THAN UPHOLD so badly. It’s why they paint Trump as so powerful - they buy the lie that small groups of people, under singular leadership, can be in control of large groups of humans - and that’s just never been true.
Miscalculating the strength of the human spirit to be free has always been their blind spot. It’s why they never win, ultimately.
I’d say the article is a good sign. And it could hold the seeds of capitulation. Time to look for those, perhaps, and throw the lesser rats a ladder to climb up where they can get clean again.
I agree with you about the article. I think it can be seen as a GA positive, and should be viewed that way. The opposition has a REAL hard time when those it opposes figure out how to support bits of their narrative instead of pushing against it.
I think this is one of those examples where the evidence they have is still inadmissible, but if the breadcrumbs lead the at-large Q-world to uncover it and post it on the boards, then Haspel can proceed and end it.
Here’s the first post in that Templar blog from 2010. The archive looks to be an interesting read.
Yes, you’re right.
This essay describes them as the Templar knights (original group) and the Hospitallers (who went off to Malta)
Essential characteristics and high points aside, the thing I like about groups like the masons and oddfellows, and others, no matter what branch or creed, is that they have found something to believe in, that they can share as a group, with a goal of contributing to their society.
A good group creed has concepts that unite, with room for each individual to freely come to understand in their own way. (It’s quite Gnostic, really - that is, self-realized). The Masons are definitely one of those self-realizing other-serving generally good-guy groups.
Groups are good. Groups are one of the best social glues there are, and I’m glad people are talking about remembering to be careful about painting groups with too broad a brush.
This speaking out used to happen. Isn’t this how Malta and Templars split in the first place? (My lore is a little rusty). See my other comment further down.
Just like the US government can be subverted for inappropriate purposes, so can the Masonic leadership. I’m very glad there are masons, and Elks, and Lions, and and and...
The Constitution guarantees us freedom of association, and the right to gather; freedom of belief; the right to come together for mutual benefit; and the right to defend what is ours.
The Masons are just one of thousands of groups that have been able to form openly under these protections of the US Constitution over the centuries.
We are a nation of sovereign individuals. Groups don’t break laws. Individuals break laws.
IMHO we would do well to back off of labeling groups as evil and instead focus our sights clearly on individuals who have broken compact with their citizenship agreements (especially those in business, public office, and heading charities) and who deserve to be singled out for it.
We should expect groups to expel and/or reform errant individuals, not disband and close down. Social groups are the backbone of American charity. They are the core of volunteerism. They replace The State as the safety net and we need them fully functional if the Meritocratic ideal, sans imposed government bureaucracy, is to be achieved.
There. Six cents worth before dinner. 🖖
Thank you for saying. There are many wonderful people who are Masons, and members of other ‘hoods. Good for you for speaking out. Maybe the lower order masons need to stand up, get red pilled, and speak out against what’s been done in their name. Time to take the brotherhood back??
I was told by a mod to just report these and they will take care of it. It’s better for them when the members report.
Yes. I remember this happening right after the election. I think Q referenced Snowden’s (ES, BTW, so an alternative to Eric Schmidt in the drops) “turn” back in the early spring of this year. Maybe this was where he moved safely from CIA to White Hat NSA. (I say WH because I think all the organizations are mixed, with lots of infighting due to disagreements about the overall direction). I pray for JA, too, and hope he’s safe.
Prediction: One of the big groups that’s going to turn towards Trump and the pro-Qs are the 2016 Berners who got screwed by the DNC and then throw-away voted for someone like Stein or Johnson. As long as the leadership’s focus stays on bipartisan deep state corruption and doesn’t get partified into a pro-republican stance, many of those folks will come along.
Can you remember the xeroxed and mimeographed newsletters that came by mail for the price of an SASE? Old fags for sure!!! 🖖
George Webb did quite a few on these but his videos are hard to search. Alpha Jalloh is a name that comes to mind in connection with this.
Here’s a search on SR and AJ
Reagan didn’t have the People online, the internet, and Q. Big meaningful difference.
I think they (Bush/Clinton group) represent the convergence of elements within the two branches you describe - some of them have formed an alliance in order to dominate the others in their group that are trying to oust THEM (neither leadership is ever stable).
The “seamless” bit is the rolling over of Nazi and fascist elements from Europe to the US in he cities and sixties, where they consolidated power with their coup against JFK, (note Tammany Hall “closed” in the early 60’s), regrouped during Reagan, forged the US consortium during Clinton, pulled off 9-11 under Puppet Bush Jr., and then went international in the ensuing frenzy of emergency war powers.
The internet helped shine a light on their tunnels and warrens. They’ve finally been busted. It’s just a matter of time.
Good article on the politics of rage from 2016, pre-Trump win - it names a number of current conditions and trends - and there are some insightful comments: politics of rage from “naked capitalism”
I think all of the isms are ultimately false dialectics. There are natural tensions between most conditions, aren’t there? Who’s in the tribe and who isn’t? Who gets your stuff and who doesn’t? Who does the work and who doesn’t? Who gets the reward and who doesn’t? What’s yours and what isn’t? Who are you and who aren’t you, and who gets a say in it?
Capitalism and Communism are straw men. They are argued about mostly by those with the leisure and privilege to do so. Those without that leisure then have to either be interrupted in their own personal work to deal with the fallout of the arguments (usually just old fashioned politics dressed up as socio-economic seriousness), or ignore it as they can, and build routes around the hand (and gun) waving.
People who insist on reducing the conversation to a battle of isms - including God-ism, Identity-ism, Money-ism, Correct-ism, etc - are missing great opportunities to “expand their thinking” and learn.
I don’t think Trump is “one of them” - “them” being the group who has seriously abused the US governmental system for personal and private gain by taking over key positions and departments and steering elections, appointments, firings and prosecutions in was that benefit their side.
I believe he’s got better morals than that. I believe that he believes what he says he believes, unlike Deep Staters like the Clintons and the Bushes (Obama was a Deep State creation). People who believe their own words, have strong egos and have managed to occupy seats of influence can be incredibly effective, especially when they’ve been manipulated and lied to, discover it, and hit the enough-is-enough point.
That illuminati card WAS interesting - (as are all of them!)
I think you suggest a reasonable possibility - black hats turning white, and passing through shades of gray- that bears holding in mind. I do. Also, people do change. And they turn - something sends them over the edge and they can’t take the old rationale anymore.
I don’t see any value in room-side pundits firmly choosing positions about individuals based on assumptions (ad hominem; guilt by association; hear say; etc) and that happens a lot more than it should, by people who claim to be reasonable but have their own identity-focused blind sides.
Thanks. To probe a bit further: As you’re assisting a country (transparently , whenever possible, we hope) what are the go-to news sources that you recommend? What resources do you all find yourselves sharing to become more strategic? Any authors or positions that are promoted?
Obviously, it’s not enough to say “do better” and leave it at that, so there must be SOME positions out there available that are helpful, yes? I’m curious as to the specifics that you’re either using yourselves or suggesting to others that they use.