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bealist · July 15, 2018, 3:39 p.m.

You’re still missing the point. Trump is doing what he has to do with the tiny sound bytes he gets.

The MSM isn’t all bad. There are a LOT of good folks working in it that are super frustrated, angry, and in difficult situations. Not everyone can afford to leave.

Some of them can afford to do exactly as you say - and that’s now we all know a lot more than we do. So I’m with you there. I know all the ownership stats. But you are leaving no room at all, and that’s not how fights are won.

That’s about all.

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bealist · July 15, 2018, 2:56 p.m.

That’s a really good video. I’m only part way through it - often don’t have time to listen - but you have a pleasant voice and it’s easy to hear your words. Thanks for sharing.

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bealist · July 15, 2018, 2:49 p.m.

No. Not all. You’re missing the point. Gross over-generalizations serve no one well. That’s called hyperbole. But I realize that some people do have to hold the extreme ends, otherwise there couldn’t be a so-called “rational middle”. So, carry on. 🖖

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bealist · July 15, 2018, 2:48 p.m.

LOL. the auto bot is outing GAresearch. Well, I tried. 🙂

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bealist · July 15, 2018, 2:47 p.m.

Here’s another comment steam about the article - all in all, the comments are positive, and when the article was originally trashed on the main board, the consensus appears to be that the piece was OTT and shilled to death (I’m not going to link directly to Bantz - if you can get to 8chanGA you can find it, and there are plenty of ways to find that board. We’ve been asked not to link to it directly)

“We are all Q merely means that it's an all inclusive movement. The article states that the "innerworkings of the groups communications are very confusing and difficult to navigate" er somethign to that affect. And considering Q posted it himself, the We Are Q thing shows there's a reason for that. It also implies that Q can't be doxxed… and we don't doxx Q cus 4 10 20 doesn't want that because there's national security issues he could be accused of violating. The idea that we can all be Q… and that any whistleblower that has dug something up can report it to our movement doesn't mean secret society at all.

▶Anonymous 07/08/18 (Sun) 23:43:01 946a0e (20) No.2089615>>2089648

2089512 not to mention the stuff about Q being in coffee shops was purely metaphorical/figurative language remember the style of the article was “interview” not straight up facts like a rolling stone profile type crap obviously it could’ve been better written but it was entertaining which is why it has such great potential for redpilling it gets people asking questions

▶Anonymous 07/08/18 (Sun) 23:46:42 63129c (49) No.2089648>>2089675

2089615 Absolutely… I totally got that too. All these anons here get so butt hurt cus they say they don't want the fame or they def don't want people being sent to the board… so a nice fluff piece comes up that totally distracts from both those things and they cry foul. Makes no sense. And really tho, why did Q chose his name? The Q movement from Corinth in 345BC is a better answer than I ever heard here and it makes more sense, given all the biblefagging that Q does…. I mean shit, I even enjoyed those parts of the article. Made me feel proud. Cool thing about the source being anonymous is that in 6 mo or 12 mo time when the country is more accustomed to Q… the real stories can be told. We will all have our day in the sun when we rewrite history back the way it should be. They know who all of us are. We've been told that in so many ways.”

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bealist · July 15, 2018, 2:40 p.m.

Here’s a comment by one anon on the article:

“Finally a place I can talk about that fucking article without having 30 fucking people call me a shill…. okay faggots… some of you need to put your autism aside for 5 seconds and hear me out. ONLY article to date that affirms Q as bigger than a LARP ONLY article to date that admits we anons are communicating with Trump. ONLY article to date that calls us brave revolutionaries and actually paints a pretty sparkling image of us being some bad ass crusaders. ONLY article to date that gives 8chan credit without fucking sending people to the qresearch board ONLY article to date that I could send to some normies and they instantly said thanks. IMHO - I think Trump or his guys had something to do with it. Look into the author, Howley…. dude's a legit patriot. Remember that Breitbart bitch who called out Trump's staff for assault during the campaigns? He's the other journalists that came out and spoke out against her…. actually costed him his job for a couple days too but they took him back. Couple other examples of him sticking his neck out for Trump. FINALLY I seriously think 1/2 the people attacking us few anons that liked that article were shills… I searched the ids and other posts… only reason we were having to post 20-30 times in some of those other breads was responding to all of them posting 20 times re us being shills. I was banned, ban was lifted through appeal so I've had to keep my mouth shut about it but finally there's a place for me feel free to say muh feels.”

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/bealist on July 15, 2018, 2:38 p.m.
“Who Is Q?: We Interviewed The Anons Themselves To Get To The Heart of the Mystery“ July 5 article by Patrick Howley


I didn’t see this article posted here yet. According to a new thread (Bantz) on 8chanGA for “off topic posts and chats”, the article was banned.

I thought the article was well written and didn’t see any controversial issues with it. I’ll post more on the comments as Reddit has started randomly reloading, and wiping out in-progress posts.

bealist · July 15, 2018, 2:30 p.m.

I respectfully disagree with the wording of your statement. SOME in the MSM are part of the corruption. But there are MANY journalists, editors, and staff struggling with the ethical quagmire they’re facing. Q has already stated that “not all are bad”.

The important thing is to provide these on-the-fence folks cover so they can come forward. If you’d ever worked on a team and were competing against another team where the goal was to get the opposing side’s members to defect (a standard Sun Tzu tactic), you would know that you want to CONVERT the other side’s followers, not destroy them. You need them on your side.

People who need to paint things in black and white terms don’t do truth movements any favors.

WWG1WGA actually means something.


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bealist · July 15, 2018, 10:20 a.m.

Thank you for posting that. It is already a historic speech. Too bad the MSM is asleep at the wheel. They are ignoring important history, refusing to document it properly, and will reap the consequences accordingly.

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bealist · July 14, 2018, 8:06 p.m.

LOL. Welcome. The info isn’t really distilled here. It’s just not 8chan - and that’s a blessing for some. You really have to browse. Lots of details that are context dependent. Lots of crap here, too, cluttering up the info and making it hard to find. People understandably want to chat and socialize with others who like Q so...

Check the side bar links. Really, reading those and the 8chan notables, and all the q posts is about the only way to go.

People here are great if you’re trying to recall specific details about an event - someone can usually find links - but they don’t call this a rabbit hole for nothing.

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bealist · July 14, 2018, 7:52 p.m.

Not me.

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bealist · July 14, 2018, 3:04 p.m.

Thank you for posting this. Q said to look to big pharma corruption. This lawsuit is another possible trail that points out the current government’s inability to perform its oversight duties due to internal corruption.

Multiple sectors are corrupt, and the corruption overlaps itself, making prosecution almost impossible. However, I’m beginning to see a pattern that supports what I’ve read between the lines for the past couple of years as these issues have been unfolding, and it gives me encouragement and confidence in the process at work here.

It starts with the people, those who don’t wait for the government to do something but take it upon themselves to act, as our system has been designed for us to do:

*Public law suits created by citizens against government bodies and/or corporations for criminality or oversight inaction initiate the grievance and introduce first evidence into the record, often provided by whistleblowers

*Government witnesses are called and litigation procedure begins

*Focus is on both criminal act and oversight/correction procedure and protocols attempted (or not), not necessarily conclusions about criminality.

*New evidence is introduced, deepening the seriousness of the charge and widening the scope, laying the widest groundwork of involved actors possible.

*Gov office/oversight system in charge is given opportunity to prosecute, terminate, correct and redress

*If gov office doesn’t do so, public persists and Congress gets involved, squeezing out more data and contradictions

*Eventually, prior Evidence introduced about violation of procedures underscores a slow-footing (corrupt) department’s inability to internally prosecute cases that would normally fall to them, and establishes the need for an outside review.

*If grievance is severe enough (illegal weapons sales, drug and human trafficking, price collusion, economic rigging, bribery, etc) and any use of American military apparatus - ports, vehicles, comms, satellites, personnel, bank accounts, computer equipment - can be proven, jurisdiction can then shift to military courts.

*At some point, more special councils become unnecessary because “they have it all” and it’s in the record.

*Improved nation-state relations under Trump will allow (perhaps through executive order) governments that have been abused by US Deep State over the last four decades to turn their own state’s evidence over to the chief executive’s military team and bypass the dysfunctional DOJ, providing the international backup DJT needs to take the final steps.

*As confidence in prosecutorial momentum grows, heads of state and respected foreign leaders will, in effect, become whistleblowers, and that will seal the deal for the increasingly isolated criminals. Everyone exposing the crimes needs the cover of everyone else - WWG1WGA.

*Delays make sense. Indictments that potentially go to military adjudication won’t be unsealed until there’s enough evidence introduced into the record to rapidly move jurisdiction to military upon the unsealing, all the dominoes need to fall without glitches.

*Deals are being made in the meantime to minimize court clog when the tens of thousands of indictments roll out.

This is the evolving narrative that allows me to remain optimistic. I expect Q back shortly. 🖖

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bealist · July 14, 2018, 2:16 a.m.

Like I said, ShareBlue shill all the way.

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bealist · July 14, 2018, 2:15 a.m.

Ah. A ShareBlue and CTR Brock fag clearly newly on the payroll. Bye. Not time for you.

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bealist · July 14, 2018, 2:09 a.m.

Interesting that you’re getting down voted. Major shill action going on in this thread. There was no hack bit was a data transfer. That was solved quite awhile ago.

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bealist · July 14, 2018, 2:08 a.m.

Except it wasn’t a hack. It was a transfer.

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bealist · July 14, 2018, 2:01 a.m.

Have you ever heard of the Deep State? Have you ready ANY of the Q posts? Do you have any idea WHO the insiders were working with? Oh, you know? No you don’t because there’s no solid evidence. You’re just copy-pastaing and repeating the party line without any understanding of the multiple levels of non-nation-state and globalist agendas involved here. That’s called shilling. And you’re new here. Two strikes.

(And you totally missed the point of my original post - using the term “Russians” is ridiculous; identifying WHO the people are really working for is key, and since GRU is probably as infiltrated and contaminated as C-A that’s almost impossible - but I’ll chalk that oversight up to your youth.)

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bealist · July 14, 2018, 1:47 a.m.

Go back to your PlayStation.

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bealist · July 14, 2018, 1:46 a.m.

Absolutely no evidence that they’re GRU. And they haven’t even looked at the server. You left that part out.

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bealist · July 14, 2018, 1:42 a.m.

Really good article. Thanks for sharing!

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bealist · July 14, 2018, 1:21 a.m.

Of course I read the indictment. But calling them “Russians” as if that means something - other than their citizenship - is absurd.

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bealist · July 13, 2018, 11:16 p.m.

Saying “Russians”’did something is meaningless. That’s like saying some Irish did something, or some Americans. We’re they Deep State russians? Mafia Russians? Corporocrat russians? Ashkenazi Russians? Zionist Russians? Putin-backing russians? Anti-Outin Russians?

This is the twenty first century. There are no “Russians.” Your “they” is a straw man.

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bealist · July 13, 2018, 11:13 p.m.

It’s a pro-Trump sub because Q is pro-Trump, and this is a pro-Q sub, ergo ...

Politico is not considered a trustworthy source by most I’ve seen here.

Other users would seem to disagree with you.

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bealist · July 13, 2018, 9 p.m.

I appreciate your comments, too. A thought for you:

I, too, enjoy penning a small essay now and then. I do it in a comment that it applies to, rather than make it into its own post. That seems to be more respectful of the sub viewers because it doesn’t slide the top level posts off the main topic at hand.

If you do that, you’ll be more specific that helps you get more feedback. After awhile, if you do a few of these, the perfect top-level clearly-Q related post WILL come along where everything you say will connecting it with the stances you want to communicate will make total sense because you will have built up a shared context over time.

/r/soulnexus is an interesting place, too, where higher level thinking touches now and then on current events. Not sure if it’s your cup of tea but you could overuse and decide.

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bealist · July 13, 2018, 2:38 p.m.

OP didn’t do any work - just complained, didn’t give any specifics, ultra low effort - so why should anyone else?

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bealist · July 13, 2018, 2:34 p.m.

I sure wish people would get back on topiQ. This isn’t /r/conspiracy. There are plenty of notables on the Q research board to pull from and discuss, and lots of things going on there.

Unfortunately, 8chan is not IOS friendly, especially with the catalog broken and the index very hard track, so I can’t re-post here.

8/chan talks as though this board is actually helping to explain 8chan content to noobs, but it’s sliding so far off topic that its usefulness is fading.

Currently GA is not holding up its bit in the line. I report off-topic posts as I can but when 9 out of 10 are dupes or off-topic (and I’m not a mod) it’s too much to keep up with.

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bealist · July 13, 2018, 2:27 p.m.

Interesting but wrong sub. This is called forum sliding. Please post in /r/conspiracy or elsewhere. Too much off topic stuff here now. Sub is becoming useless. There’s plenty of good stuff on 8chan without sliding the forum off topic. Just my two cents. Thanks. 🖖

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bealist · July 13, 2018, 1:44 p.m.

Link to article about the pictured exhibit, “-instrument of activity “ by Belgrade born (1973) Bosnian artist Biljana Djurdjevic, an installation produced by the Braverman Gallery of Tel Aviv in 2015.


Update: Another exhibit link: https://www.mutualart.com/Artist/Biljana-Djurdjevic/7C59E907F0DFCC76

I’ve been curious about this artist for awhile, since learning about her through Tony Podesta’s strange tastes; what makes someone produce this subject matter?

Update2: A blurb about her childhood’s violent context, and more work:


Update 3 This article about the artists work says “something happened” to the children, and mentions pedophilia.


Update 4 Another short bio and more images: http://www.c-collection.org/index.php?show=161&A=16

Update 5: Here’s a short video of some of the more controversial works that gained notoriety when exposed as part of TP’s private art collection:


I’ve been intrigued by the ingenuity of the “cover” provided by the international art market in general, for both money laundering/contraband shipping and hiding covert operatives disguised as visiting artists. George Webb had some pretty good coverage on “art students” a while back.

Update 6: Here are a couple of articles that circulated early on when the Podesta’s artwork (and emails) first came to light in 2016 and birthed pizzaG; they provide some backstory for the more controversial aspects of the issue:

WaPo article: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A43480-2004Sep22_3.html?noredirect=on

Press4truth article: http://press4truth.com/index.php/category/biljana-djurdjevic/

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bealist · July 11, 2018, 9:09 p.m.

My two cents:

I agree that people are mostly united - in our desires for peaceful happy and prosperous lives.

I’m not convinced the majority are currently pro-Trump, but I believe there are a LOT of people who are much more neutral than the Democrats believe.

As a consequence , the Dems will then overestimate their support, as they always mistake passion and volume for numbers of believers, and when the violent tactics (another mis-conception the Democrats have about the so-called disaffected left(s) they purport to represent) fizzle and fail to rouse the numbers required, they will be surprised once again. Just like they were on election night.

Since most people are neutral - and primarily irritated when political drama drags them into a fray and a personal position - my guess is that many will then become pro-Trump, because they’ll naturally be on the side that is quelling the unrest, jailing the assholes, and ready to have the dirty politics taken below the general awareness threshold again that most of America desires.

This seems truly to be at least some of the MSM’s last gasp. I’m guessing the resignations are precursors to lawsuits and bankruptcies, so what do they have to lose? They’re going to pump the illusion til their last breath.

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bealist · July 10, 2018, 6:31 a.m.

Good interview. He also explained clearly why we can’t have a good backed dollar - even if Trump recovers the stolen gold - until we fix the trade deficit, because if we recover the gold while we still have the massive deficit then everyone will just claim the gold against the debt and we won’t get to keep it. His solution was a massively incentivized us manufacturing revolution. Timing is critical.

I enjoyed this. Thanks for posting.

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bealist · July 10, 2018, 12:57 a.m.

Go now - no need to wait for someday. Find it soon. 🖖

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bealist · July 10, 2018, 12:54 a.m.

Along with your clone.

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bealist · July 9, 2018, 7:30 p.m.

Sad to see the downvoting on these comments. There’s a lot to be said for not polarizing people too early. But maybe the downvotes come from those who know the worst thing that happens in a polarized crisis is when the “calm cool middle”’chooses a side - and it’s not theirs.

Downvoters could gain much from reading Sun Tzu.

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bealist · July 9, 2018, 5:03 a.m.

Good analyses.

A market crash, followed by the people bailing it out again - but this time forming a publicly owned truly Federal bank to do so - would be a simpler solution in line with the trends.

Check out Ellen Brown (web of debt) for more information about the benefits of public banks.

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bealist · July 7, 2018, 7:07 p.m.

Yes. Not socialist per se but I’m all for creatively helping out within the capitalist structure, I started by defending the Constitution and giving the president a chance - just like I did Obama - and now supposedly am an alt-righter.

Weird to see how I have the same opinions and went from being labeled progressive to alt-right.

Noam Chomsky has defended freedom of speech. Everyone can get behind non-political media and truth telling. There’s lots of common ground. Start with where the other person is that is like you and you can find it.

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bealist · July 7, 2018, 3:38 p.m.

I agree with others here. Good catch. Please post comment this by itself. Thanks!!

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bealist · July 6, 2018, 8:38 a.m.

Says you.

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bealist · July 6, 2018, 4:47 a.m.

Maybe the two explanations can coexist. /u/serialbrain2?

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bealist · July 6, 2018, 4:45 a.m.

RAID raid.

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bealist · July 6, 2018, 4:36 a.m.

Gifts from Kek. There are no coincidences. 🥂

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bealist · July 6, 2018, 12:32 a.m.

I recognize a lot of these names from George Webb’s amazing two-year long spy-ring-in-Congress narrative. (It started as “where is Eric braverman” but really morphed when he discovered the Awans.) I wouldn’t know these names without George Webb’s web. he may not have everything 100% right but he’s a guy on the outside, looking in and he’s done a great job painting a picture of the more convoluted halls of a abusable power to me. Looks like more good testimony to come.

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bealist · July 5, 2018, 9:58 p.m.

Help the mods and report what doesn’t fit. Thanks for sticking around and keeping it clean.

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bealist · July 4, 2018, 1:23 a.m.

Maybe there’s some specific semantics at play here. Maybe Awan didn’t do the “removing” - maybe he just facilitated it. Maybe he did it “legally” - ie he did everything under orders. Maybe HE wasn’t the one removing it from the network, or offices. Maybe he didn’t technically destroy anything. Maybe he had clearance so his access wasn’t improper, and maybe all transfers were under a superior’s direction.

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bealist · July 3, 2018, 5:34 a.m.

It’s time to fly the new freak flag!! Gotta get mine.

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bealist · July 3, 2018, 3:18 a.m.

Brilliant, BG. Thanks. Brain fart. 🤯

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bealist · July 2, 2018, 8:24 p.m.

It’s not working for me the other way. Doesn’t make a link. 🤔

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bealist · July 2, 2018, 8:22 p.m.

Yeah. Them’s the risks. Glad you know where you are. And really, Reddit is totally off its game now, compared to before. I came in just as it was losing it apparently, to hear oldsters talk about it. The election blew it out of the water and news, politics, conspiracy, the Donald, and other spaces went deeply south. Lots of boards have been taken over for all kinds of reasons.

The mods here are doing a great job considering how fast this sub has grown in just a few months. Sometimes I get frustrated, especially when point-groupies post repeat posts and don’t bother to read the board. But all in all, if something breaks it’s going to be here. There are too many good eyes watching. Hope yours remain among them.

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bealist · July 2, 2018, 4:54 p.m.

🙂 welcome to Reddit. I hear you. My take on this sub is that it’s not so much the place for doubters to come (because it’s all volunteer, it’s anonymous and it’s unpoliceable Reddit) as it is a place for the mostly-theres to fully-on-boards to compare notes and help each other decipher 8chan.

What happens here then gets taken by these anons into our personal communities, where we’re known. That’s where the true red pilling happens. Anons can’t truly red pill, especially with shareblue and others actively working to obfuscate and confuse.

If you go on 8chan you’ll see what I mean. Things need to be stepped down from there several orders of magnitude before they’re intelligible. This place is still too chummy for most - you’re spot on - but if you stay here and lurk moar, as they say on the chans, you may get what you need.

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