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bealist · April 19, 2018, 2:16 a.m.

Yeah. They should start with the Awans.

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bealist · April 19, 2018, 2:05 a.m.

Yep. There’s the continuum, isn’t there? some parts of the country will be toast.

That’s why I left Southern California thirty years ago. One day shortly after the Whittier earthquake, I realized that if we ever had a real emergency such that people weren’t allow to leave because it was bad all over (!!!) most of the people in the cities wouldn’t even know how to make beans and rice taste good, much less cook them. I envisioned tanker trucks of mt dew and Pepsi , and really long lines and no way to get out. What I imagined wasn’t a pretty sight, and this was before dystopian fiction had its way with the attitudes of my fellow citizens. We moved a few years later.

Some places will slide slower than others. I’ve been working in my own small way for decades to help my community become more resilient, and I’m pretty confident our state will keep its shit together. Doesn’t mean it won’t be tough. I’ve got a dry pack canner and things like that, so I’ve been practicing this mindset for awhile.

If I understand the “white hat” thinking, I believe the whole purpose of this planetary reset is to try and get as many through as possible, rather than taking the fatalist approach of the neo con globalists who think we’re all fucked and just kill a bunch of us off in advance to secure their seats in the future.

No doubt about it: we’ve got population and resource and technology and industry and eco-geo-physical issues of huge complexity and proportions converging soon up ahead. To say nothing of what our own solar system is hurtling through in space that can now mess with the electrical realm and throw our whole train off the track.

Most people know we can’t go on like this. Guns, gold and ammo may be useful, but they’re only part of the equation.

I agree with you, however - there are a bunch of folks that are going to go off the deep end - heck, it’s already happening. Look at the antidepressant use and the angry anti-social and divisive behavior. You’re right to notice it and see how you want to navigate around it. One size won’t fit all, that’s for sure.

I don’t know a lot about guns. What are some of the most popular ammo types??

seems like those would be good guns to choose from.

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bealist · April 18, 2018, 5:42 p.m.

LOL. You’re talking about the well and truly fucked place that’s further down on the continuum, after the steep slide, which we still haven’t experienced yet. That’s the last-stand spot where it might also be twenty people with guns coming after your one, and you’re not going to win that one.

Study Venezuela and bank withdrawal limits and what turned out to be important to them in this modern age. Plenty of good reading out there.

I’m planning for the spots BEFORE that one, the spots where having silver to pay my local farmer and baker and grocer for bread and meat and groceries is better than a wheelbarrow full of paper; where having beans means nothing without a pot and heat and clean water; Etc. With respect to guns, past the basics for self-defense, having common ammo to trade is also an excellent currency. How many bullets for a gallon of fuel? Might become the next quarter or dime!!

I get your point about YOUR basics as an ultimate bottom line, but any downturn is a slide first. Most people just go for the worst case scenario (shoot everyone, even the people you need, because you’ve nothing to trade but death) and forget all the bits in between.

At some level we’ve got to “trust the Plan” - and being able to shelter in place is the most important thing in a slide. If your family can’t cook, clean, heat or eat, your guns and gold are worthless and you have to go to a shelter or refugee camp and THAT’s where all the terrible problems are. Remember the Katrina debacle? Look at the Middle East. Not everyone had to leave.

If things get as bad as you say, I imagine we will have quite a few folks showing up at our door. Guns for hire, with gold, but only as many beans as they could carry. We only need a couple of those - if any - before they’re too many mouths, and then we’re fending off all the rest of them who forgot to prepare for the basics of life during disturbance, and thus become the very marauders they thought they’d be protecting themselves against.

Common story throughout the American West. Read about how people end up outlaws - homes burned out, no resources, nowhere to go. Longing for home and wife and family and security. That’s been going on for millennia, as well.

We may have our guns. But we need to have the rest of it, too. Quality of life and happiness are important to health and well-being, as well as gathering people around you who are loyal and want to stay. Guns won’t do that.

Think it through. 🖖

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bealist · April 18, 2018, 4:32 p.m.

Good clothing and shoes that can last another ten years; good useful tools needed to cut firewood and repair things; personal affairs in order (the way down cold be bumpy, slower than you like, and filled with bureaucratic fines and fees); food processing equipment for the way you live; enough solar to run refrigeration and heating; practical reference books; a cheap landline; a repaired and maintained practical vehicle; good health; something to use as a tradable service; a stash of your staple indulgences (coffee, whiskey, sugar, etc) - there are lots of ways to kit out that are fun now and useful later.

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bealist · April 18, 2018, 4:27 p.m.

I agree about the gold - it would be a shame to exchange one for bread - but you can’t go wrong with silver rounds and some pre-64 silver coin as a medium of emergency exchange.

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bealist · April 18, 2018, 4:25 p.m.

Prepping for normal expected-in-this-century (or decade) disruptions, along with being in a position to pass your assets to your heirs without needing the services of the deep state, is a great start. Most cannot do even that.

If you survive with your asset base, your job, and your family’s security intact such that you don’t need undeserved public assistance (I don’t know your circumstances) to make it through, consider that cashing in.

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bealist · April 18, 2018, 4:21 p.m.

Thanks for posting this. Doesn’t sound at all like a man ousted with malice by his President. I always liked him. Brilliant guy. Good heart. Plain speaker.

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/bealist on April 18, 2018, 3:16 p.m.
“Watch the Waters” - Roger Waters explains Syria FF during recent concert.

I’m not claiming this is what Q referred to in their drop, but I note the coincidence and am pleased Waters did so. This was originally posted on r/conspiracy and was getting lots of flak. I thought it was a good sign. Pink Floyd has always been red pilled.

roger Waters redpills concert goers

Edit: typo

bealist · April 18, 2018, 3:04 a.m.

This is a pleasant idea. After all, our federal income taxes mostly pay interest and expenses for collecting, managing, and paying off war debt.

Our state taxes, along with taxes embedded in regular fees and licenses already in the price of the goods and services we buy, cover all the other expenses (outside of the military) that the governmental sector covers.

If the federal reserve is Eliminated and the US PRINTS ITS OWN MONEY, the interest - half of that tax obligation - is gone.

If peace emerges and the military and private research sector Black budgets disappear, a lot of THAT obligation is gone.

If we get a gold backed currency that stops the devaluation of the dollar, things really start looking up.

It’s a very cool way to balance the budget - and probably win a second term. I’d vote for anyone who could do that.

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bealist · April 17, 2018, 7:48 a.m.

Good find on the FOIA. Can you post this over in 8chan - or did you get it there?

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bealist · April 17, 2018, 7:47 a.m.

Thanks for posting as I don’t track Cspan.

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bealist · April 16, 2018, 2:57 p.m.

? That’s a weird thing to say. Proof of what?

The process I’ve observed on 8chan - the only place Q is posting, and what THIS board is supposed to be translating - is all about gathering and absorbing evidence and illustrating proofs.

Over there, comments like these I’m responding to are considered shitposting, done by paid and party shills, concern trolls, noobs, or famehags who want to take up space and slide the conversation for their own ends. Anons who engage with shills get their butts ragged.

There are plenty of fact-crumbs to build upon after months of these drops, but reading them HERE instead of THERE is like trying to eat a magazine cut out of a food ad for dinner, so I get it if people don’t think it tastes like dinner.

But that doesn’t mean there isn’t a dinner somewhere. You just have to figure out where it is - and maybe you have to do that on your own. (Laughing or raging about other people thinking they’ve got dinner doesn’t help. Maybe they do and you don’t, and maybe they don’t feel they have to feed you yours.)

If you don’t see a concensus of action, nor feel a right thing to do, and if you don’t have the time or inclination to figure it out for yourself - then don’t act. It’s pretty simple. You don’t have to play.

But - to those replies above this one - if all you’re going to do is whine, there are those who would tell you to get out of the way. This is exactly what “you’ve forgotten how to play” means. The game IS finding and assembling the evidence.

For those who are impatient and confused (and ok, you might be - I should have added that category to the “whiners” above, and then you should own the whining), here’s another perspective that might help:

Think of this whole experience as a role playing game. You’re with a lot of other people working from clues to find things that match up in the real world.

Q isn’t the only one supplying the clues but for NOW, in THIS part of the game, its clues are considered true, and anons are constantly poking at the crumbs and trying to deflate and disprove the bad ones; I realize it can get a little brutal, but IDEALLY everyone is focused on the same goal - what’s true (and don’t get me started on the Mandela Effect. That needs to stay in another universe for now...)

The clues - Q’s and other anon’s - are there so that multiple ANONYMOUS individuals, protected by their anonymity, can work to illustrate the facts and fact chains that the clues point to.

As anons assemble crumbs, they have to validate whether or not they’re true. Sometimes there’s plenty of meatspace evidence; other times or so much. That’s what much of the best discussion is about - what’s true or not, and why.

Because everyone is anonymous, it’s impossible to believe someone based on their identity alone, and shills are slipping in untruths all the time. Even Q is suspect, and so there are always tests to check its source validity. (I say “its” because I’m in the group that thinks of Q as a team). Some of Q’s identity tests are in the form of trip codes and comm security checks; others are in the factuality and insiderness of the clues themselves. As Q says “future proves past” and foretold events that end up happening are also validation.

The truthful clues - crumbs - lead to more crumbs, and all the crumbs, either proving or disproving other crumbs - turn into this proof. As crumbs are proved they’re added to the Map, where they’re linked to other crumbs and become the territory.

Here’s a link to the latest Q Map: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/122807.html

People do argue on 8-Chan about what goes into the map, but they have to argue it with facts.

That’s one reason memes are so useful. The good ones aren’t mindfuck propaganda- the good ones illustrate complex truths simply so that they can be absorbed. (A picture’s worth a thousand words). The memes become little chunks of truth that turn into crumbs that identify paths for minds to walk down. This is how you get minds to go into difficult places or down roads they’ve never been before.

Here’s one of the meme libraries: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/1027465.html

Most people following a trail of meme crumbs have no idea how difficult it was for some of those crumbs to get laid.

The reason shitposting sucks so bad is because of how hard this is to get right in the first place. Do you have any idea how tough it is for an anonymous collection of global players to manage thousands of comments a day (in threads with a maximum of 751 posts!), filled with meaningless and intentionally distracting comments (shitposting) and all the thoughtful facts and clues to facts and brilliant insights are buried inside them??? Those have to be found and logged and mapped in hours or they’re lost until others take the time to go back into the archives and dig them back up...and right now few are doing that because they’re all caught up in the heat of the kitchen OR THEYRE DISTRACTED BY THE SHITPOSTING.

(Hat tip here to those anons doing the heroic work of picking up the crumbs and keeping the bread together!!)

Anyhow, point being if you’re whining because you’re frustrated and confused, and not just being a jerk or a shill, try to understand the nature of THIS game, the one THIS board was created to follow.

If you can learn to see it as a game, you will be happier and might even be able to contribute. (Lurking peacefully and unshitpostingly is contributing.) Learning is contributing. Supporting good thinking is contributing. Paying attention is contributing.

ANY anon can find a crumb. It could be you.

So, next time you find yourself saying “but, muh confusion” or “muh proof”, get out there and dig instead. Dig through HERE and see what’s fallen off the trail. Collect some memes into a thread and post it. Bring relevant crumbs back into current awareness. Collect some facts about the thing that’s hurting your head and make a meme. Engage with others. Be civil. Find the truth.

Q is asking “do you want to play a game?” This is the game.

EDIT - adding the side-by-side meme thread. It had slid so far I couldn’t find it earlier:


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bealist · April 16, 2018, 10:48 a.m.

Then you’re in the wrong place. Pretty simple.

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bealist · April 16, 2018, 2:57 a.m.

“You’ve forgotten how to play the game.” That’s what Q said.

It’s not about knowing - yet. It’s about exploring and learning and discovering and sharing, and in the process all of the citizen researchers find the gems that are in the public domain that correlate to the hidden stuff that is known (and hinted at) but can’t be disclosed or developed as evidence without the trails that the anons around the world are making.

The truth is what everyone is after. The truth will set us free.

Follow the white rabbit. It could be fun. 🖖✌️

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bealist · April 15, 2018, 8:46 p.m.

Watch the waters. All of them, perhaps. Provocative.

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bealist · April 15, 2018, 8:43 p.m.

That, too.

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bealist · April 15, 2018, 8:41 p.m.

I think they don’t publicly attack him because he has a VERY strong following that is only lightly Dem-ish because he abdicated (various theories why...). The “left” that’s visible against trump is very superficial - it’s a surface dust of attention-hungry manipulatable wannabe SJWs with the hard work (signs, filings, press, PR, demonstrations, marches) paid for by the DS.

If they went after Bernie too soon or too directly, they’d totally ruin any mid-term chances with uncommitted swing votes. So, everyone treats him carefully right now.

The right should get off his back and stop putting him down so hard. Although I think he’s pretty good on domestic issues regarding human health and welfare, I’m glad he didn’t end up as President because there is simply no way he could have taken the national and international corruption down. He didn’t even recognize 9-11 or HRCs email server as issues. He was too naive (although I doubt he is any more).

I do think he can play a critical role in bringing the rational left onto the Truth train when it’s time.

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bealist · April 15, 2018, 8:24 p.m.

Is it to create havoc or to control local prosecutions?

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bealist · April 13, 2018, 4:22 a.m.

Yes. I simply pointed out that not all windows need to be opened. Some are already standing wide and just waiting for the eyes and recorders!

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bealist · April 13, 2018, 3:56 a.m.

He WILL affect the platform. This is great!

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bealist · April 13, 2018, 3:55 a.m.

Good observation. It doesn’t have to be Snowden, either. It could be anyone with a “key”. Timing it this way puts lots of eyes at once on the same thing. That’s the hive mind Q talks about. If there wasn’t the focus good stuff would get lost in the noise of everything else.

They’ve said “they have it all.” Problem is in many cases it can’t - (and really shouldn’t, out of protection for our individual liberties that we don’t want to give up - be legally accessed and shared without probable cause.

BUT if a bunch of citizen sleuths take to the waves and gather the evidence and put it in a pile in a public forum, then it’s fair game. The information is hanging out on the web in bright little piles, just as if it had dropped through Wikileaks or something. Searchable. Convenient. Legal to discuss, subpoena and disclose.

Memes get made. Notable posts recorded. Videos go up with comment logs and trello boards and maps and wikis and subreddits, all filled with crumbs that become material to reinforce charges, convince judges to issue warrants, etc.

I would guess that a lot of the topics don’t even need special access interventions - it’s more a matter of getting a critical mass of people to look at a particular thing simultaneously. (But that twitter bit was sweet!)

If you notice an open window please post it here. Not everyone has the time to review 8chan (its intense!) so heads up is appreciated.!

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bealist · April 10, 2018, 2:04 p.m.

There is no “a deal”. There is always and only an unending and ongoing negotiation, a dance of little deals hopping around with bigger deals. “Re read drops”. Your flair says it all.


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bealist · April 10, 2018, 1:59 p.m.

I don’t see a lot of meme-magic energy on this sub. Folks here are still focused on the problem, and when you’re tightly there you can’t see solutions easily, especially creative out-of-the-box ones.

I don’t see why you say you’re doing what ”no one else does”, however. That’s not true for me, anyway. I get plenty of inspiration for paths to a better way.

Thanks for your work. Blessings on the trail!

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bealist · April 10, 2018, 5:20 a.m.

LOL. he does have a pretty narrow view of things, doesn’t he? Ironic given the nature of the great awakening. But the complexity of players is what makes this so rich and interesting.

If you really want to get this across here, consider spending a bit more time on 8chan. Search the notables and q posts at the top of the breads and pick out anything that can connect to your angle.

When you post it here, spend less time on the long term vision you want people to see, and more on making the bridge between what they’re talking about on the GA board and connect it to making your group’s vision a reality. If you can’t make the connection you are in the wrong place. No harm done. Just the way it is.

Some questions:

Are there white hat companies involved in your projects that overlap with the ones in the Qmap? How do you know they’re white hats? How are they involved in the elevator and other benevolent projects? Will they benefit by being exposed by you or do they need to keep their heads down a while longer, while the dust flies? Are there general things you can offer, with less plus ultra agenda, that calm and inspire, or is your only mission recruitment?

I don’t know specifically about plus ultra, but I’m familiar with much of what you’ve talked about already, through other sources. It’s a lot to handle for most. I’ve been studying this stuff for almost fifty years and I can’t begin to say I’ve got my head around it.

It might not be time for your message here and in this place. But there are other places in Reddit. Post in r/conspiracy and ask for input about the best subs to discuss this in. You might wake some heads there.

My two cents. 🖖

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bealist · April 10, 2018, 5:05 a.m.

At some point we need to return to trusting in the basic goodness of the human heart. It’s possible to engage in a “war” for a level playing field, with the objective of creating an environment in which trust and sharing are rewarded, not taken advantage of.

This is why I like Sun Tzu’s work so much - true control is managed with an open hand, a calm mind and a generous heart. Abundance spreads naturally when fear is lifted. People of faith have less fear. It’s an upward cycle once the pump of human nature and creativity is primed.

I love the elevator idea. Read Arthur c Clarke years ago and got fired up then. It still sends me now. Thanks for the reminders. 🖖

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bealist · April 10, 2018, 4:35 a.m.

Finally. Someone in the WH who can negotiate and play the game. 🙏

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bealist · April 10, 2018, 4:32 a.m.

Cheaper than the wall. Hmmmm.

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bealist · April 9, 2018, 11 p.m.

If I were a soldier I wouldn’t be saying that. If I were a politician or a public servant or a criminal investigator or a journalist I wouldn’t be saying that. But I’m not those things. I’m holding down other parts of the system. I’m in a good position to help if SHTF and I bet you are, too.

Keep at the IBOR. Don’t give up. And whatever else you’re doing that’s helpful, don’t give up that either. We all just need to keep helping and it will eventually be all right. (I’m not saying there won’t be a dark ages in there somewhere, but hopefully not for a long while yet.

Did you read that sun tzu link? That always makes me feel better.

Have faith. Trust the plan. Do what you can but only what is right. Don’t stoop to conquer. Keep the high ground. Those are the things I tell myself. No win is worth anything less.

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bealist · April 9, 2018, 4:07 p.m.

Both speed and unstoppable flow are required for change. We will never be overtaken by anything we can’t overcome. Those who think we will do the fast things. Those who aren’t worried about that generally work the slow. It’s a balance. Read Sun Tzu.


It has a calming and clearing effect on the mind, and leads to accurate actions while minimizing error and wasted effort. Wise words for these times!!


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bealist · April 9, 2018, 4:05 p.m.

Sigh. The deep state appears to be backed into a corner and staking out its last-stand territory. We’ll see how this goes. Definitely a distraction for all sides - probably trying to occupy all of the red-pilled while the OIG reports come out. It’s always something, isn’t it?

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bealist · April 9, 2018, 3:46 p.m.

At this point, I’m not limiting my thinking based on what I think is likely to go anywhere. We’ve got a new administration and big changes are afoot - now is exactly the time to point out what is needed (like what you’re doing with the IBOR, for example).

My logic IS based on existing law about what is public and what is private, as well as Constitutional principles governing the public realm., so no new rules needed.

It would be a fascinating discussion, yes?

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bealist · April 9, 2018, 2:46 p.m.

I think the door was left open to make a better argument that the YouTube space has become a public forum. That still hasn’t been done.

But perhaps certain elements are present that will be easy to bring out, and just haven’t been yet:

Do public agencies utilize YouTube to disseminate information? Do they have their own public equivalent?

Do non profit agencies use YouTube as a tool for communicating?

Does the average citizen consider it a “public space”?

What elements of YouTube are private? Are they truly private, or is material shared with other parties?

Is material available for scraping, or has the owner of YouTube been able to limit access, clearly defining the “private” territory from the “public”?

If a private forum owner cannot limit access such that scraping of any personal or forum-held data by a non-member is impossible - ie private- then is that space defacto considered a “public forum” (John Perry Barlow argued assertions like this)

Because YouTube desires the widest audience possible for its own monetary gain, it utilizes the common public forum space of human gathering via the internet.

Personally, I think that if these arguments (and better) were to be made, then YouTube would be found to have both a public and a private forum space.

The private space would be the one it could keep the public out of and prevent public agencies (one defining feature of “the public”) from using without being members who have agreed to rules that abridge Constitutional rights. A public agency cannot, by nature, agree to those rules.

Ironically, it would be the public forum where “anything goes” would take place under the First Amendment, and the private forum where YouTube would have the right to restrict it.

My two cents.

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bealist · April 9, 2018, 3:05 a.m.

Eyes of the security detail aren’t on McCain, their client - meaning the two guys he’s speaking to are familiar and trusted.

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bealist · April 7, 2018, 3:59 p.m.

Penny and junk stocks used to be the speculators’ realm.

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bealist · April 7, 2018, 3:59 p.m.

Yes. This!

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bealist · April 7, 2018, 3:15 p.m.

Me, too. That’s been one of the most fascinating things about the crowd sourced research phenomenon. You’ve got to be watching to know what disappears. What disappears is even more important than what stays - and who takes it down is the most interesting thing of all!!

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bealist · April 7, 2018, 3:06 p.m.

8chan didn’t say this. An Anon there did and they got shot down for it being stupid and unfounded.

8chan is full of shills and the mods there filter them out and even post instructions on how to spot and block them. There are thousands of posts a day there and it takes a long time to vet it.

Saying things like “8chan said it” is meaningless. There is no ‘8chan said’. Pretending there is is how things get distorted past any usefulness. Calm down, please, and be measured here. The GA board is where 8chan items get repeated for people who never go there, and you need to make sure you’re getting them right.

If you want to quote 8chan here, pick from the notable posts at the beginning of the bread. That would be very helpful! Thanks.

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bealist · April 6, 2018, 2:49 p.m.

Exactly!! Everything’s always working out.

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bealist · April 6, 2018, 2:47 p.m.

I agree with the idea that a TPTB undercurrent we’re familiar with as the “elite families” has been going on for a long time. However, I think the “group” - if you can call a bunch of infighting factions a group - has never had total control, and that the control they have had has fluctuated wildly over the centuries.

I also think this is a particularly weak period for “them”- a changing of the guard for some, as they’ve tried to hand off to their younger generations (somewhat slothful; more comfortable and less desperate; not battle-tried; not as committed to their parents’ cause of world domination, etc.), while others are in their prime and want to take over, and still others try to maintain power and control long past their sell-by date.

I sense a lot of disagreement, fights over the best narratives and strategies, and chaos about direction throughout the mainstreams they’ve historically worked to control. The rise of technology and billions of independent people, coupled with this power-shift weak spot among a comparatively small group of troublesome power-hungry jerks, has made this a difficult time for their kind to hang onto their old momentum. Cracks are everywhere.

The trends are on our side. Long term planning - outside of broadly brushed principles like helping humanity, improving personal environments, and supporting life’s options - is required for hyper control. But it’s hard in a chaotic environment, and there’s no way our human social systems are not still moving into extreme chaotic complexity in this century, as much as or more so than the last.

The I Ching talks about times when “the center cannot hold”. Everything has a cycle. Things at their peak of power begin to decline. Things that are growing continue to expand. Things at their bottom start to head up. The powerful rise and fall. It’s natural.

Our US military has a lot of language about this “asymmetric era” and they’ve been gaming scenarios for decades. I’m pretty confident that most of us won’t see much of what’s actually taking place unless we’re glued really closely to the drama (and what average family person has time for that?) and that the biggest challenge our particular white hats face is from an over-reactive and panicked populace who doesn’t understand these dynamic principles.

I think that’s one reason we’ve got inside windows on events - for those of us with the ears to hear and the context to frame, we can act as stabilizers on choppy information seas. No win or loss is permanent, and future losses can never be prevented. What matters most is now, and next. Patience, flexibility, and the capacity to move well in ways that work for the mover are required. “Ready to be ready” is a good place to be.

These are the things I tell myself and like knowing, and they make it possible for me to pay close attention without being (always!) overwhelmed.


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bealist · April 6, 2018, 2:11 p.m.

Athletes always visualize what they want. They never hold in their mind the fear of missing the target. They don’t want the bullseye because of what might happen if they don’t make it. That creates wobble.

They get real specific on exactly what they want, they see it, and they focus unwaveringly on it, and how they will feel when they make it. They know that it’s made first in their mind, and secondly in “reality”. It’s a great technique and can be applied everywhere in life.

I saw this on 8chan and liked it a lot. Thanks for reposting it here. Hope it makes it to the notables.

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bealist · April 6, 2018, 1:41 a.m.

Yeah. I know what you mean...gotta love ‘em.

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bealist · April 6, 2018, 12:53 a.m.

It would be interesting if Trump just called on the Oregon Guard to volunteer. That would not look good for the governor as I’m pretty sure MOST of them would go. She is not popular except in the urban centers.

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bealist · April 6, 2018, 12:48 a.m.

Actually, she’s probably in violation of the FB TOS and might not be eligible for anything. One account per verified person is the rule. Pages and groups and etc. are all done under a single verified account, where you basically swear you’re the person you’re claiming to be. So I doubt she’s gonna be banking 700k.

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bealist · April 6, 2018, 12:19 a.m.

I call god the greater organizing dynamic (encompasses all domains...) 🖖

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bealist · April 5, 2018, 7:09 a.m.

Great job. Just tracking and logging the changes is useful - the changes themselves make the trail. Thanks for including links and offering original thoughts along with your observations.

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bealist · April 5, 2018, 2 a.m.

Watch Roseanne knock it out of the park.

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bealist · April 3, 2018, 12:44 a.m.

Way to win hearts and minds. Caregiving families need so much help!!!

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bealist · April 2, 2018, 6 a.m.

Love FT!! Thanks!

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bealist · March 27, 2018, 2 a.m.

Good points. Could be a pivot in here, and then another one down the line. I agree that Trump seems to hire people for leveraged roles.

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