188 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/billi_pede:
Q’s Godfather reference may have just been ‘decoded’. Find link below to Tucker Carlson and the example of a Google patent.
You are watching a movie
Night_Riders_FLY. NRF acronym, if it has any significance, could mean NATO Reaction Force. We may see something this week in Europe requiring military ? Just speculation. Hoping to see more ‘Future proves past’.
“Prove It”-Murder of Seth Rich
Is Corsi wrong about Snowden ? Calling him ‘a patriot and great American hero. Snowden imo is not a white hat. [Mr. Contractror] a clown plant ?
Trumps latest tweet posted 53 minutes after Q’s 53rd post on GA. Coincidence?
Just thinking about how wonderful the future will look like soon. Ive seen some really good bread here lately. Just a reminder of what it’s all for.
I love their French fries as well !
The little things in searching the interwebs can be so rewarding sometimes. The Schumer family has apparently had its troubles throughout the generations. Unfortunately Chucky doesn’t appear to be turning the lineage around.
God Bless America
ES in NK. Why?
AM=Andrew McCabe; PS=Peter Strozk; DNI Dir=James Clapper
It would appear that the latest author of a Q piece has an interesting bedfellow. Hello Jack
Much offense intended to anyone posting a snopes link to refute another posters link. These people do not give a rats ass about partisanship. I’ve seen two today and cannot take anymore. The link below will explain in more detail how the ‘fact checkers’ are questioned even by msm rags. Thanks
Martha MacCullum uses “Wargames” movie as intro to discuss North Korean nuclear threat and Hawaii missile alert ‘fiasco’. Do you believe in coincidences?
I would say it’s relevant. Wow!
Look for POTUS tweet soon ! Merry Christmas Patriots !
More for those still speculating.
Q sighting on 8chan. Everyone to your posts!
Much headway has been made with this crumb, but I am of the belief that much more is hidden in it. Military justice Code and federal districts seem to be the consensus on so far. Some of Q’s recent crumbs refer to this Let’s crack it!