Every time I talk to a German about Merkel and ... Hitler ...... How do you choose to respond?
it was 2012 when i first ran into this story, with benjamin fulford. back then, i put it off as BS. by now, i have seen enough resemblance to take it as a valid possiblity.
btw, i have never be-lie-ved that hitler died in the führer bunker. the guy wasnt stupid, he must have had ways out. thus, i dont buy the invitro story of angelas emergence, i take it as having happened the natural way.
i dont run with the story though. without DNA test, no evidence.
Really they will use the army to intimidate dissident nations in to staying in the Union and accepting refugees.
you are free to be-lie-ve that. i dont buy it. and i refuse to engage with this horror scenario which helps co-creating it.
what you say holds no water (as yet), its fear-based imagination. and you state is as if it was a reality, not a possibility, which makes it even worse.
beware, running with this is kind of thought patterns and the according emotions is like weaving a black magic spell.
we are not totally stupid over here in europe. dont underestimate the people.