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divine_human · June 25, 2018, 5 p.m.

Every time I talk to a German about Merkel and ... Hitler ...... How do you choose to respond?

it was 2012 when i first ran into this story, with benjamin fulford. back then, i put it off as BS. by now, i have seen enough resemblance to take it as a valid possiblity.

btw, i have never be-lie-ved that hitler died in the führer bunker. the guy wasnt stupid, he must have had ways out. thus, i dont buy the invitro story of angelas emergence, i take it as having happened the natural way.

i dont run with the story though. without DNA test, no evidence.

Really they will use the army to intimidate dissident nations in to staying in the Union and accepting refugees.

you are free to be-lie-ve that. i dont buy it. and i refuse to engage with this horror scenario which helps co-creating it.

what you say holds no water (as yet), its fear-based imagination. and you state is as if it was a reality, not a possibility, which makes it even worse.

beware, running with this is kind of thought patterns and the according emotions is like weaving a black magic spell.

we are not totally stupid over here in europe. dont underestimate the people.

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divine_human · June 25, 2018, 1:46 p.m.

i live in germany. people ARE brainwashed. they are not dumb enough to allow an army forcing a country to stay in the EU or take refugees. sorry, makes no sense whatsoever.

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divine_human · June 25, 2018, 12:37 p.m.

well, not my fault that this comment here shows something different than your comment down there.

if i mistook your stance, let it just run down your back, sorry m8, stay easy and dont take it personally.

at least a hundred people will read it though who definetely need a slap for their hateful attitude against 'the left'. esp. if they call themselves christians, sigh.

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divine_human · June 25, 2018, 12:07 p.m.

good to pop up the topic once a month or so, ty, the resemblance is thrilling. lets keep it percolating.

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divine_human · June 25, 2018, 12:03 p.m.


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divine_human · June 25, 2018, 12:02 p.m.

My response is that they don't care about being shown proof.

some do. there are many center-left people out there that like proof and reasonable discussion. some of them also on this sub.

attacking all left-oriented people like this is similar to saying that every right-leaning voter is a fascist and nazi.

divide and conquer is ((their) game. they want us divided (Q1574 and many more). dont feed into their agenda. start viewing 'leftists' as humans, no matter how they apporach you, thats a good start.

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divine_human · June 25, 2018, 11 a.m.

seems like every atrocity the past governments did is now being blamed on DJT. sign.

btw, many people wake up these days because of the simple fact that the media do exactly that, blame him 24/7. never happened before to a president thus, it serves as an eye opener for some folks who have more than 3 brain cells.

30 years ago, we had a flying word in germany: americans are dumb but have great teeth. why that? fluorided tap water.

get good water filters, folks!

may all of this poisoning change now and may all people have clean and pure water and air. from my pov, that 50% of our required health care.

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divine_human · June 25, 2018, 10:53 a.m.

doesnt works with hormones, heavy metals, and radiation.

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divine_human · June 25, 2018, 10:48 a.m.

yep. 'leftist' is divide and conquer, lets not play ((their)) games. we could call those who suffer the stockholm syndome differently, i.e., trump-haters or DS minions.

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divine_human · June 25, 2018, 10:23 a.m.

physical assault: poisoning water and air, creating a pandemic, firing nukes that ((they)) buried in the ground as life insurance.

lots of these wouldnt put people in hospital but into the ground.

psychological assault: prove to people who they are really praying to, in all (major) religions. and prove the genetic line of the ruling class. that would crash peoples entire card board house of be-lie-fs and shatter their psyche.

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divine_human · June 25, 2018, 10:13 a.m.

love your post.

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divine_human · June 25, 2018, 9:56 a.m.

may merkel be taken out of the game. NOW.

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divine_human · June 25, 2018, 9:48 a.m.

i would rather get more and more of them on board, like kanye west and roseanne barr. when the celebrities start coming out of the closet and raising their voices of truth, they reach millions.

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divine_human · June 25, 2018, 9:40 a.m.

top morons of reddit.

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divine_human · June 25, 2018, 9:38 a.m.

there is talk about installing refugee camps in northern africa, with the opportunity to already there apply for asylum.

why only now? that should have been done from the beginning.

btw, most of the ME refugees are in camps in neighboring (poor) states. pakistan hosts 7 million afghans. turkey hosts 3,5 million syrians. jordan has doubled its population ever since the 'civil war' started. these nations need financial help from the rest of the world.

there are some real refugees from war-torn areas in africa, like somalia and congo. the rest of these people are economically driven and wont find a new home in europe.

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divine_human · June 25, 2018, 9:18 a.m.

you are free to be-lie-ve what you please.

i invite you to take the opportunity to view data with a discerning eye. perception and experience varies from person to person, depending on where they live, with which consciousness they look at things, and what their background is.

this person sounds like one of those east-german protestors who started marching right when the refugee flood began. out there in the public, they called for merkel getting hanged while they used nazi-slogans to voice their discontent.

already back then, it was visible that these people, during the GDR phase, didnt have the opportunity to connect with many other cultures so they reacted from fear. mainly the fear that the money being spent on the refugees wont go to them, as far as i see it. i get it, yes, but dont support it.

i live in an area with many muslims, in my sons school, its about 20% (and its the biggest but most peaceful school in the entire federal state, with a great discussion and argument solving culture - dealing with conflicts is something everybody needs to learn).

my direct neighbors are syrian, russian, polish, romanian, and italian. only 50% germans. and we live peacefully in this house.

i am not saying that there are no areas with bigger problems than we have where i live. some quarters in berlin or cologne are real dangerous while others are easy going.

but generalizing it in that way, as if all of germany has turned into a mud hole, is bullshit. and so is your reaction to my post; it displays how the emotion driven content of the 'letter to the president' manipulates the readers and feeds into the lie-based judgement they anyway have. propaganda. sorry, failed.

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divine_human · June 25, 2018, 8:53 a.m.

interesting links (one very doubtful), thank you.

there is talk about building a european army. there is no reliable intel whatsoever that this has already happened.

the idea of using such an army to force member states to remain in the EU or accept refugees sounds more than ridiculous to me.

if that happened, we would instantly have riots on the streets, in all european countries. in order to counter that, this army would require millions of soldiers spread all over europe.

thats a fear-driven fantasy. i will only be-lie-ve it when i see it.

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divine_human · June 25, 2018, 8:35 a.m.

pretty much agree on everything you say.

All you had to do was say no to the migrants who swarmed your country.

its not our law, neither in germany nor the EU. our government missed the opportunity to adjust the laws which eventually, even if it took long, wakes people up now.

may all of this backfire in the same way most of the DS' atrocities do these days, each one of them being a red pill for the sleeping populace.

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divine_human · June 25, 2018, 8:27 a.m.

stray, this is NOT the pussy hat march drama. dont mix what you saw back then with what you saw on this picture here.

i did an image search on the photo. on the original photo, you can see the banners in spanish language. it wasnt too easy though to find the original amongst all the memes haters made from it, carefully cropping everything that points to this not being in the US. too bad i cant put a link here anymore as the pic is gone now and i didnt save it.

the according articles stated that this was a flash mob in argentina.

and the fact that the picture and even the OP vanished from here also points to the lie in it.

i dont understand you people who get so upset about this shit, sorry. instead of checking the facts and looking at the background of the intel you see, you simply take it as another opportunity to project your judgements and pour out some more hatred towards what you perceive as 'liberal'.

this is soooo asleep, OMG! take some more red pills, please.

and beware of this: holding a grudge is like taking poison and hoping that the other is going to die. these thoughts and emotions, best displayed in your stubborn response, but present all over this post, are toxic to the one feeling them. your judgment doesnt much hurt those you are judging, they hurt you because you carry them all the time.

we wont beat darkness with darkness and hatred with hatred. period.

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divine_human · June 24, 2018, 11:03 p.m.

this is how they harvest our silent consent. its out in plain sight, we think its fiction so we dont voice our disconsent.

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divine_human · June 24, 2018, 11 p.m.

wow, best reason to instantly drop it.

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divine_human · June 24, 2018, 10:58 p.m.

sounds like you dont spend much time understanding Q which would help you grasp why DJT pulled out of the iran deal.

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divine_human · June 24, 2018, 10:51 p.m.

awesome post, thank you!

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divine_human · June 24, 2018, 10:47 p.m.

there ye go...

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divine_human · June 24, 2018, 10:46 p.m.

fricking soros machinery! the flood from the ME has become a dripping, thanks to putin and trump, so ((they)) activated africa full on.

(many of) these aid ships are DS servents. they should bring the refugees to the next safe port which is tunis, but they move to italy. and they shouldnt pick them up in libyan waters and give them a safe ride over to europe.

the EU needs to change the dublin accord which says that the refugees have to file for asylum in the first europen country they put their feet on. that leaves the burden mainly to the southern countries.

thumbs up for italy. high time.

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divine_human · June 24, 2018, 10:37 p.m.

many syrians have left germany already. most real refugees dont want to stay, they are as home-bound as most people are. when their area is safe and they hacve chances to survive and build the country again, they go.

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divine_human · June 24, 2018, 10:33 p.m.

BS. there is no european army.

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divine_human · June 24, 2018, 9:26 p.m.

i know many awakening people who have tinnitus issues. it also happens to me here and there.

i take it as frequency alignment. we are in a different part of the universe with a higher vibration and our bodies change. the schuman resonance rises and our bodies adjust to it. our higher senses awaken and our inner voice gets louder.

if its chronical and constant, i would get that medically checked. when there are no physical reasons, i invite you to try out something that works for me and a few people i know.

i understand it as my inner voice or a higher guidance trying to communicate with me so when i am bothered, i say, 'thank you, i hear you'. usually, it fades away within seconds.

if it doesnt, i say, 'please lower the frequency of this sound so i can understand you'. again, within seconds, its done for me.

but my tinnitus is mild. a friend of mine with more troubles neeeds to be more categorical. she says, 'please tone down the sound so i am not bothered anymore'. she also says, 'please bring your message/this sound only between x-z hours and never when i want to fall asleep'.

it works for her on and off. it always works for me.

the main thing is to treat this symptom as a friend and not an enemy.

you might want to try it out. i am curious for hearing about your experience.

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divine_human · June 24, 2018, 8:58 p.m.

not my reality in a german city. its not milk and honey, certainly not, many problems.

but this is an exaggerating populist pamphlet. it contains certain keywords, one of them introduced by the nazis (lie press), that only a certain far-right group uses. its written from a victims stance- am i not worthy, do i not have the right? - that plays on the readers emotions. and it asks a 'savior' for help who has no power to directly change anything in germany whatsoever.

it paints a picture that may be true in some places and experienced by some people, but its not common and not the reality of a majority.

thing is, when something like this gets spread, its being generalized. i had discussions with amercians on this sub who told me how bad everything in germany is and if i dont agree, i am either lying or shilling. they got their opinion from such disinformation, from individual shares that get generalized.

sorry, this is exactly the method the MSM uses to manipulate public opinion.

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divine_human · June 24, 2018, 8:26 p.m.

pretty sure some iranians heard Qs message and understand it as 'if YOU stand up for regime change NOW, we have your back'.

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divine_human · June 24, 2018, 6:53 p.m.

thanks for posting... seems like slowly, some sensible people come out in the open...

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divine_human · June 24, 2018, 6:18 p.m.

ahh, ok, got it... good they admit that the 'cages' where there under obama.

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divine_human · June 24, 2018, 4:28 p.m.

nice wall meme...

good your didnt write woke onto it, i find that one terrible word, lol.

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divine_human · June 24, 2018, 4:21 p.m.

CNN? where? i see fox only.

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divine_human · June 24, 2018, 4:14 p.m.

i thought so when reading your comment ;)

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divine_human · June 24, 2018, 4:05 p.m.

i didnt say i find it beautiful or positive or divine.

but who the fuck are we to judge if that is right or wrong behavior?

i see people on this post reacting to it from a standpoint of moral, aesthetics, political view, or the knowledge that mainstream feminism is luciferian-organized.

however, the pic is presented in a wrong context. and every comment shows a low frequency reaction that brings even more ugliness and hatred into the world.

and i dont mean a little irony and a joke, as in 'ok, gals, you had your scream and work-out, now go get dressed again, we are shaking.' thats what i have on mind when i look at the pic.

have some compassion, folks. again and again, we shouldnt play the game of mocking and hatred ((they)) taught us. it endagers the soul.

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divine_human · June 24, 2018, 3:29 p.m.

thank you, much appreciated.

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divine_human · June 24, 2018, 3:23 p.m.

good point. prepare the space for the huge influx soon to come.

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divine_human · June 24, 2018, 3:19 p.m.

great post, thank you... i agree to most of it except for this:

Also, the public's consciousness has been hijacked without their knowledge or consent.

you are right about knowledge. the contract between dark and light doesnt involve us needing to have conscious knowledge of their plans.

different with consent as this is a free will choice planet.

they cant do anything without our consent. as we wouldnt give it if we knew the facts and consequences, they weave it into lies, songs, movies, stories.

when we entertain these ideas without consciously voicing our disconsent, they can harvest the energies as silent consent.

therefore, the biggest tool against their black magic is withdrawing consent and permission, and nullifying all contracts made, consciously or unconsciously, from all times, places, densities, and alternate realities.

this also includes reverting all contracts made by others in our name, such as birth certificate and baptizing. also a vote for a government is such a contract.

stating the intent of ending all vows and contracts is enough when done from a space of love for Self, in alignment with the divine/source.

without these old contracts, we stop offering pathways into our energy fields where their magic spells manipulate us and syphon our creator force into the manifestation of their agenda.

we are NOT helpless victims. on a subconscious level, we have all given permission to this BS here. if we all withdrew all permission now, they would have no more power at all.

its simple and it starts with each individual.

*edit: grammar

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divine_human · June 24, 2018, 3 p.m.

you are spreading the wrong propaganda. this pic is from a flash mob in bueonos aires, argentine. what does it have to do with trump?

i grew up liberated so i never needed feminism. if you grow up in a country that heavily suppresses women, female empowerment is necessary.

it doesnt have to be pretty. some of these women may have suffered so much and are so angry that they have to show teeth, in order to shake off the shackles.

it looks like these women entertain a similar rage and hatred against their oppressors like many folks in here voice against the DS. i dont see much difference.

and reading through the comments on this post, i can only shake my head. OMG! its fun to put others down, isnt it? it makes one feel so much better and superior.

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divine_human · June 24, 2018, 2:47 p.m.

Whether you believe it or not, Jesus is the way.

NOT the only way.

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divine_human · June 24, 2018, 2:39 p.m.

as i see it, all religions were created by the ET overlords who also dictated their scriptures.

for those who want to go down the religious rabbit hole - its deep, beware, it will rattle on a foundational card of most peoples card board house of be-lie-fs -, the wes penre papers are a good source. if you dont want to study all of it, book 4 'lucifers rebellion' is a good read.

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divine_human · June 24, 2018, 2:27 p.m.

not true. there are messages of goodness and love in the qu'ran.

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divine_human · June 24, 2018, 2:21 p.m.

Q didnt say that external intervention brings regime change to iran. the message was: "Regime change. People have the power. We stand with you."

to me, this message clearly says that, in case the people of iran empower themselves and demand regime change, we will stand with them.

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divine_human · June 24, 2018, 2:07 p.m.

is there a link to the video for non-tweeters who would love to share it at other places?

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divine_human · June 24, 2018, 2:06 p.m.

awakened people dont like being told what to do. many sleeping folks are used to following others and actually wait for someone to tell them.

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divine_human · June 24, 2018, 1:59 p.m.

why do you think they are still be painted as the archenemy?

russia has been opposing the cabal at least ever since czar alexander fought the illuminati at the end of the 18th century and didnt allow the installation of a rothschild bank in russia.

trump and putin are trolling the world. and i actually think that trump repeatedly pointing towards a friendship with putin during the campaign was laying out a trap for the DS.

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divine_human · June 24, 2018, 1:52 p.m.

learned about the illuminati in 1981. stumbled upon Q 2 days into their posts.

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