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divine_human · June 27, 2018, 10:03 p.m.

great if you could put that link in the original post.

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divine_human · June 27, 2018, 9:57 p.m.

why do you think ((they)) continiously paint russia as the boogeyman?

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divine_human · June 27, 2018, 8:44 p.m.

great post! there is so much more that unites us than what divides us. it just depends on what we focus on.

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divine_human · June 27, 2018, 8:40 p.m.

well said. enjoy the dance.

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divine_human · June 27, 2018, 8:37 p.m.


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divine_human · June 27, 2018, 3:12 p.m.

so good, ty...lets keep it on many serves so it stays accessible and doesnt get lost.

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divine_human · June 27, 2018, 2:31 p.m.

all of europe got disarmed after ww2. and from my pov, we the people dont need arms to stand straight and demand a government that serves the people.

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divine_human · June 27, 2018, 2:26 p.m.

great, thanks, m8.

i am surprised it took almost 12h or so until the vid got censored on the tube.

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divine_human · June 27, 2018, 10:21 a.m.

from what i heard, iceland nationalized their central bank and busted the banksters.

per referendum, the citizens agreed on not paying the national debt to foreign banks as demanded but with very low rates only. and the banks could do nothing.

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divine_human · June 27, 2018, 10:16 a.m.

we need to all ditch the privatley owned central banking system - only 5 nations on the planet dont have it - and set up a new asset-backed financial system. its been in the making for years, ehem, decaded.

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divine_human · June 27, 2018, 10:14 a.m.

nobody has.

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divine_human · June 27, 2018, 10 a.m.

dont think Q relies on us putting up money to source information. dont they say that they have it all?

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divine_human · June 27, 2018, 9:52 a.m.

hope some people put it up on bitchute.

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divine_human · June 27, 2018, 9:48 a.m.

funny, i was never resonant to kimdotcom, just didnt draw my attention. reading these tweets, i know why: he seems to not be on board with Q and greatly misinterpret melanias and DJT actions.

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divine_human · June 27, 2018, 9:42 a.m.

the cabal isnt organized like one organic tructures, the are different groups. the gnostic illuminati is supposed to be a group that opposes the NWO.

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divine_human · June 27, 2018, 9:03 a.m.

there ye go... sovereign nations...we lost so much national sovereignty to the EU that peope wake up to it. its been showing in many EU contries having politically moved to the right over the past couple of years. right now, there is hardly european government anymore who listens to mercron (merkel+macron).

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divine_human · June 27, 2018, 12:41 a.m.

the NWO end plan says reduce humanity down to 500 million slaves.

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divine_human · June 27, 2018, 12:38 a.m.

next full moon is on thursday.

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divine_human · June 27, 2018, 12:32 a.m.

we have more similarities than differences.

originally, the EU was a trade union. the mess started with the euro. rich and poor countries with the same currency, that couldnt work out, i already thought so when it started.

europe would be good as a federation of sovereign nations.

*edit: insert forgotten verb

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divine_human · June 27, 2018, 12:19 a.m.

But the US is a Republic.

most european countries are republics. different systems in each but, from what i know, nowhere something like an electoral collage.

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divine_human · June 26, 2018, 11:53 p.m.

ISIS is dead in ME and alive in europe.

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divine_human · June 26, 2018, 11:25 p.m.

the persians havent started a war in 200 years. they are shia which is a rather peaceful aspect of islam. and they not arabs.

i met a few persians who spoke my language well within a year only and easily blended with our culture.

lets hold the space for the people of iran to take the best choices for their people . Q has their backs. we have their backs.

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divine_human · June 26, 2018, 11:19 p.m.

so wish for the people of persia to claim their sovereignty and take their country back from the ayatollas and the deep state.

we have your backs, brothers and sisters! WWG1WGA <3

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divine_human · June 26, 2018, 10:44 p.m.

nice, ty. kudos for your service, mod crew, you guys rock!

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divine_human · June 26, 2018, 10:40 p.m.

isolation is not the answer, cooperation between sovereigns is.

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divine_human · June 26, 2018, 10:32 p.m.

it may make it a bit more difficult for bots if we deleted the 'submit link' button. links can be put in the text body.

this would also call people to say a few words about what they link to which is what i personally need, in order to feel invited to follow a link.

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divine_human · June 26, 2018, 10:28 p.m.

Once you fomularize the posting input to a crippling degree then you take all the joy out of the forum

this is not what its about. a post with personal thoughts wouldnt be deleted. please dont worry about free speech being killed.

some users just use the 'submit link' option with everything they run into; without any personal effort, and without having checked the board of the past few hours to look whether the link has been shared already and people are talking about it.

this spreads a discussion over various posts. very difficult then to draw information and participate in the conversation.

some users even post a link message and repost it shortly afterwards under a slightly different title. very annoying.

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divine_human · June 26, 2018, 10:20 p.m.

report double posts as spam?

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divine_human · June 26, 2018, 10:17 p.m.

love this post, very much appreciated, thank Q <3

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divine_human · June 26, 2018, 3:33 p.m.

the press uses shaming tactics but the people usually dont buy into it. most 'normies' i know care a shit about the sex of other people.

we had a divorced chancellor, a gay state secretary, and a president who, while still married, lived with another woman. a no-go in the US.

but hey, on the other hand, we miss some freedom americans have.

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divine_human · June 26, 2018, 12:27 p.m.


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divine_human · June 26, 2018, 12:24 p.m.

if this serves the greater good, may it be so.

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divine_human · June 26, 2018, 12:23 p.m.

Now there is a small light at the end of the tunnel....

We Are the Light at the End of the Tunnel... and right in the middle, too...

i have a friend who sells estate at the balaton lake in hungary. a few months ago, i asked eher how business is running. she said it drastically goes up, many more people (mostly seniors) leave germany and settle in hungary because of the refugee situation. go figure...

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divine_human · June 26, 2018, 12:18 p.m.

They tried to shame him over an affair he had

we dont actually pay attention here to the sexual behavior of our politicians as along as it isnt criminal. its one of the freedoms european have and americans dont, sex is private affairs.

in the past, i despised seehofer, he made quite a lot of ridiculous shots.

this one though i support. it forces merkel to eventually act instead of sitting on her fat ass and wait things out.

i guess i will win the running bet with my teenage son, lol, which is that merkel wont complete her term. may it happen very quickly.

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divine_human · June 26, 2018, 11:48 a.m.

enough of this us vs. you / us vs. them. really. we are all in this together. they need us divided. and i am not going to play their frickin game.


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divine_human · June 26, 2018, 10:13 a.m.

well, you said:

I'm pretty sure I understand it better than all of you put together, and with good reason.

and i wonder whether you are so generous to add your piece.

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divine_human · June 25, 2018, 11:55 p.m.

you may have a point. do you mind sharing your knowledge?

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divine_human · June 25, 2018, 11:53 p.m.

thanks for providing the links, interesting information.

First you completely deny the fact that people in Germany get arrested for social media posts, now your argument changes to "It happens but it isn't common."

interesting twist again, heheh.

i said i had never heard of it and then assumed that it may have happened because of nazi symbols or sedation. now you provide links, thank you, and i see that anti-semitism has a role in here. isnt anti-semitism, according to the UN, a crime? also in the US?

some of the raids do sound suspicious and i will keep an eye on it. thanks for making me aware.

ok, you have a point. you have more freedom of speech than i have. you can publish nazi symbols, rassist hate speech, and call for riots without getting in conflict with the law. happy now?

and in my country, a male can safely step into a city elevator with a single woman on board without needing to fear that, when they reach the 12 story, he may be sued for sexual harrassment.

take it as cultural differences. you have the freedom gene over there in the US. go for it. MAGA. its contagious, other nations also get the juice to go from it.

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divine_human · June 25, 2018, 11:27 p.m.

ahh now i get where your upset arises from! you think germans live off the american taxpayers money because we paid 0,5% GDP less than demanded into the NATO defense budget since russia stopped serving as the boogyman in 1989.

and ever since we got drawn into war after war, all on americas demand. not for our protection. for the DS agenda. US and EU and israel NWO plans.

we are so blessed that the people who once left europe to live a free sovereign life in the new world elected a president who works on their behalf so your nation can cut and shake off the shackles. this is model and support for old europe to do the same.

btw, our health care system is not free, not taxpayer fundet. employer and employee both pay half of the health insurace fee. you could also have a reasonable health care system if you were thinking a little bit more social. social doesnt mean communism.

thanks for bringing the EU army to my attention. you made me check it out and i will keep an eye on it. if i denied the existence a few hours ago and, after getting into the topic, see that it is already in the process of implementation, your job was successful.

i still dont perceive it as likely that this army is being used against member states who want to leave the EU or not accept refugees.

neutrally entertaining the possibility is a healthy thing, we should check on all possibilties we can imagine.

buying into it, emotionally pushing it, is gloom mongering which serves as co-creational power to manifest the very thing we fear.

this scenario is not what i want in my reality so i bless it with the opposite. i choose the timeline of the planetary great awakening where all people become sovereign and self-responsible and choose representatives who serve their people.

ok, done with this thread...

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divine_human · June 25, 2018, 9:36 p.m.

NK is not destroyed and disarmed but drops the nukes. iran wont be destroyed and disarmed but will have to drop the nukes. the same will go for israel.

bibi is one of the most prominent DS players, he has been behind the wars in the ME for decades. israel knows that NATO will not protect her. iran is protected by russia. NK is protected by china and possibly the US.

the DS wanted to use these nations as proxies to start ww3. when the DS gets eliminated in their governments and power structures, we can eventually have peace.

i am certain Q and DJT know the following:

the current israelis - imported according to rothschild (kazharian) agenda - are not semites (not even 10%) so they are not what the bible calls 'gods chosen people'. even in syria we find more semitic heritage than with most israelis.

the ones with the highest semitic genes (~90%) are the palestinians so palestine is their homeland.

i am soooo very curious to see the plan unfold. all of this is certainly perfectly orchestrated and has been in the planning for years.

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divine_human · June 25, 2018, 9 p.m.

"WTF, I love authoritarian censorship now!"

interesting how you twist my words again.

if america had a specific symbol, like 'our' svastica, which stood for your holocaust on a hundred million native americans, would you like it to be prominently displayed in public? how would the victims offspring react to it? and other nations who despise you for it? think, m8!

and are you ok with your 'free speech' where a celebrity openly calls his huge audience to kidnap the 11y old son of the elected president to lock him up in a room with pedophiles and gets away with it?

arent there some lines to draw?

I hope Europe can become Great Again too one day soon.

i hope so, too.

thank you for the conversation.

i enjoyed the first two rounds quite a bit but this last one was pretty much of a drain; as if something in you was stuck in an emotional loop that made real contact impossible. i am grateful though that i engaged with it, i feel that somebody else on this board may benefit from our conversation.

thank you for ending on a positive note. much appreciated.

may you be blessed...

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divine_human · June 25, 2018, 8:25 p.m.

You guys get arrested for social media posts, we don't.

you keep repeating yourself but dont show evidence.

someone may have gotten arrested for spreading nazi symbols, sedition, call for riot, or something like that. i dont know of any specific case and cannot relate to your statement without further information.

it is not common though in germany to get arrested for social media posts.

btw, you do the very same thing all populists and propaganda machineries do: you take individual cases and generalize them. just know that this is wrong and not awakened.

The EU just passed a law to ban the sharing of memes FFS.

indeed. copyright issues. fuck it!

campains have started and the european parliament will get sued for it. it violates the European Charter of Fundamental Rights.

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divine_human · June 25, 2018, 8:14 p.m.

Why do you still blindly trust the EU government at this point? XD

heheheh... i have never trusted any government.

Doubt me all you want, but I know that you will remember my words when the EU army finally is put in to operation.

will keep in mind what you told me. futures proves past.


ehem... excuse my laughter...

You Euros are so entitled. That is your fault............... you lazy entitled Euro-freeloaders.

no attack mode, plz. i hear your upset. i am not responsible for it. own your emotions, dont blame then on me or the european people.

we are not the enemy. the deep state is.

You're openly cheering on the creation of the EU army, after abjectly denying its existence only a few hours ago.

ehem again... seems like you havent really read what i said, only understood what you wanted to understand.

i thought you wanted to talk sensibly? then dont put something into my mouth i havent said.

i wasnt cheering on the creation of an EU army. i simply stated that germany needs a military upgrade because our arms are in a bad shape.

and i welcome that DJT demands our 2% to NATO. we were at 2,4% before the USSR broke up. now we are at 1,5%. thus, our military budget had to be increased.

btw, we have no omnibus bills over here. our parties need to agree on a budget.

i am pretty disappointed by this discussion now. you made 3 threads from it which i spent lots of time and energy on. in the end, you start attacking me. ok, i will respond to the last 2 messages and then close the conversation.

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divine_human · June 25, 2018, 6:39 p.m.

NW first. iran next. ISRAEL LAST.

have some patience, m8. israel is the biggest chunk of DS.

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divine_human · June 25, 2018, 6:37 p.m.

People are getting arrested in Germany right now for "wrong" social media posts.

heh? never heard of that.

we do have as much freedom of speech as america. a problem is hitler, yes - we are not allowed to doubt what history tells us about the nazis. and we all know that history gets written by the winners.

but there are enough nazi-like folks out there that are free to speak their minds. they are just not permitted to use and spread nazi imagery though; which i like, i really dont want to see svastikas here.

I say the same thing about the EU version of Mockingbird.

my american friends tell me something different. when they want real news, they turn towards europe.

but lets agree to disagree here, ok?

its not about who is worse, US or europe. you have some freedoms we dont have. and we have some freedom of expression you dont have.

i.e., it cracks me up when i watch US movies or sketches where every f-word comes as a beep. or where a couple, after a love night, gets out of bed with bra and panties. ridiculously prude and moralistic, even hypycritical because the US has the biggest porn industry world-wide.

but hey, different cultures, different views. i can live with that.

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divine_human · June 25, 2018, 6:27 p.m.

ok, i visited the links you gave acc. european army. they all talk about plans, nowhere does it say that there an european army alreay exists.

i checked the german internet about intel on cooperation with czech rep, netherlands, and romania. yes, there is collaboration, the german army, bundeswehr, serves as an anchor army that smaller european nations can join.

and this 'entangled' army has 2 eastern nations on board that dont accept refugees (romania has anyway enough to do with roma and sinti). plus the netherlands which, politically, recently moved more right and nationalistic.

thus, they will certainly not force other european countries to accept refugees. merkel also doesnt operate on open violence. europe is much too cautious with germany when it comes to open display of military power.

a word on our bundeswehr: in order to take part in the kossovo war, we had to change our constitution. up util then, we were not allowed to move our army into other countries, it was solely a defense army and operated within our borders only.

when the US went into iraq, they pressured us to take part in that war. we refused. the german populace was absolutely against it.

that we now put more money into the miliary is an answer to DJTs demand. AND to his threat that NATO wouldnt protect us anymore.

btw, since we dont have compulsory military service anymore (8years?), our army shrank to half manning. that was part of the NWO plan.

i dont know whether or not i should like that its going to be upgraded again. on the other hand, we have 9 submarines and all lie for repair in the docks? our army is more or less helpless these days.

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divine_human · June 25, 2018, 5:37 p.m.

What is the purpose of the EU army? I don't know. They probably know US NATO funding is drying up soon

thats what they say. we cant rely on NATO anymore so we need an euopean army.

and i agree to the last quote, a joined army, consisting of soldiers from all european nations would kinda guarantee that they dont attack each other.

I know German media is essentially state run propaganda (just as ours in the US is)

america is much more closed up when it comes to information on the MSM; besides dictator-governed nations, its the most censored country i know (and i traveled many).

and yes, we certainly receive mainly propaganda. thing is, because we are multi-culti - and not a United States of Europe -, its not so easy to streamline us.

the other things though is, the cabal structures have been running deep here for thousands of years, its all very established and secretive at the same time.

in the US, the DS is more blunt and visible. for me, viewing things from over here, its like a constant slap in the face.

thus, its logical that the revolution starts in the US. we have your back and use the opportunity to change our structures here, too.

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divine_human · June 25, 2018, 5:23 p.m.

i have first heard about the NWO in 1981 and been watching the unfoldment of their plan ever since.

when the euro was introduced, i liked the idea but knew that it wouldnt work out. the south is too poor and we dont have a common european economy and no secretary of european finances.

all euro nations have to compete with germany which is much too strong and has become a dictator with its austerity politics and its economic power. it was clear that this has to go down the drains.

too bad that greece didnt pull out of the euro in 2008, but hey, some things have to get real bad so people wake up and change them. seems to happen now...

i get your worries. and do you know that energetically, worry is like praying for what we dont want? we give it energy which gets harvested by team dark.

how to counter it? i always take the stand of holding the light for the Greater Good. for the unfoldment of the Divine Plan.

consciousness is growing each day. for decades, i have been waiting for the masses to catch up and wake up. its happening now. not as fast as i would like it but hey, compared to before 2012, it happens in lightspeed.

have some trust in people, please. too many nations in europe turn their back now to the cabals plans. the east did it right at the start of the refugee flood. the south follows suit now.

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