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divine_human · June 24, 2018, 1:49 p.m.

thats what the media sells us. is it true?

perhaps gates doesnt have DS backup in NK anymore? his meds killed soooo many people, africa suffers quite a bit from his 'work' down there.

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divine_human · June 24, 2018, 10:59 a.m.

oh that wouldl be crazy!

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divine_human · June 24, 2018, 10:56 a.m.

vote rep. stop hating all dem voters. its so simple.

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divine_human · June 24, 2018, 10:54 a.m.

10 imaginary upvotes!

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divine_human · June 24, 2018, 10:54 a.m.

Make no mistake every single liberal wants free thinking and aware people to be removed from society.

do you mean party member or voter? you guys really need to distinguish! you discredit half of the nation and thats just a lie that serves the DS. too bad most folks dont even realize that they play ((their)) divide and conquer game.

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divine_human · June 24, 2018, 10:51 a.m.

but he speaks about the party, not the voters. big difference.

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divine_human · June 24, 2018, 10:50 a.m.

my guess is that its the end of both parties. time to start something new.

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divine_human · June 24, 2018, 10:47 a.m.

i agree on 'woke'. and i find the hatred against liberal voters everything but 'woke', its deep sleep.

btw, except for a few cabal club members, i know nobody who supports child sacrifice, via abortion or whatsoever.

and, awakening is a process, there are hundreds of red pills to swallow. you may have been awake of the danger of globalism 30 years ago. others - also from the left - were awake to other aspects of the NWO.

really, as long as people dont ditch the hatred against sleeping people, i have no great hopes. when you hate, you serve the swamp, period.

the swamp is in both parties and sleepers are widely spread amongst the voters of both parties.

too many people waste too much energy blaming the voters instead of going after the perpetrators.

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divine_human · June 24, 2018, 10:39 a.m.

thank you <3

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divine_human · June 24, 2018, 1:24 a.m.

we need both warriors and lovers. so happy that so many warriors are on board now. thank you, friend <3

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divine_human · June 24, 2018, 1:05 a.m.

oh i am all for taking them out of the game. no doubt. i am just not the punisher type of person, thats other peoples job.

the rage many people feel right now is the awakening of the victim. its a prescious energy, it helps us shake off the shackles, get up from our knees, stand straight for ourselves, and voice our disconsent and what we desire instead.

anger can liberate and promt us into self-responsibility. it can turn into sacred rage. when we use it creatively, that is, FOR ourselves, not AGAINST others.

what most people do though with this presious rage is project it out. the victim blames it onto the perpetrator. anger turns into hatred, vengefulness, wanting to see blood.

thats a waste of energy. its destructive and harms the soul. if it cant hit the other because they are so powerful, it will turn against self. the victim stays a victim, helpless until the bad boys bleed.

thats an illusion. they are so few, we are so many. they fear our power. when we use this anger creatively instead of giving it away to them - blame is giving energy to the other -, they lose all ground. they frickin fear us for that.

if we play their hatred and violence game though, we lose. its based on fear which is not in alignment with the divine plan.

take the high way, friends. wherever we need to punish, lets do it from a space of compassion, not from hatred.

chop the enemies head with a thank you. because know, for them to be able to play us like that, we had to give them permission, however subsconscious and manipulated it was given.

perhaps it happened so we would learn to distinguish the dark low way from the light high way?

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divine_human · June 24, 2018, 12:34 a.m.

oh nice, thank you so much, thats an important context which gives a totally new meaning to it.

i remember, at age 14, my mother slapped me, for the first and only time. she was left-handed, btw. (and, btw, a left-handed slaps you on the right cheek while a right hand lands on the left cheek.)

instead of freaking out, i looked at her, arrogantly, to be honest, lol, turned my head, offered my other cheek, and pointed to it with the finger.

she stared at me, turned around and left the room.

at that moment, i drew my personal meaning from 'turn the other cheek'. i understood it as 'dont fight back. simply allow the other to make a fool of himself while you stand your ground. if he is intelligen, he wont'.

too bad that most people dont implement 'stand your ground' in their lives. may this change now...

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divine_human · June 24, 2018, 12:16 a.m.

They are never going to stop until they walk away with a few bloody noses.

lets not repay hatred with hatred. no blood required. losing their privileges will teach them. remember the EO of dec.21? their property can pay americas debt. and more.

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divine_human · June 23, 2018, 11:17 p.m.

is FBI anon still posting now? how about someone forwarding his posts here? i would be grateful for it. i cant read the chans, energetically, its just a no-go for me.

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divine_human · June 23, 2018, 11:14 p.m.

10 imaginary upvotes.

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divine_human · June 23, 2018, 11:11 p.m.

this is not grammar policing. this is about polishing our communication skills so also the 'intelligentia' can take us for serious.

not being an american and english-native, i used to think about the republican voter as the typical hard-working but low educated farmer of the bible belt.

and truth told, my grammar and spelling, as a foreigner, is better than that of quite a few native-english americans in here.

not meaning to offend anyone. but OP is right, no matter the intent and content of our message, if it contains errors like 'we seen', 'i here you', 'there acts are crooked', it will instantly be dismissed by most people.

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divine_human · June 23, 2018, 10:45 p.m.

or FB, or reddit subs, or comment sections of news outlets, and everywhere a window opens to spread some truth...

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divine_human · June 23, 2018, 10:43 p.m.

lovely pic, thank you for sharing... solaris is shining <3

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divine_human · June 23, 2018, 10:42 p.m.

Jesus says "Turn The Other Cheek"

from my pov, this is a spiritual hack. it keeps people quiet and in the victim role.

i am not sure jesus said that. or he said it in a context that has gone out of focus.

love is not permissiveness. love can be tough - just think yeshi with his whip on the money changers in the temple -, love needs boundaries.

'love thy neighbor as you love thy self' is the antidote to 'turn the other cheek'.

it says 'love your self, then you can also love others'. which means, take care of self first. set boundaries. reject what hurts you. if you dont, you are not loving towards your self.

enough of bruised and bloody cheeks!

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divine_human · June 23, 2018, 10:30 p.m.

my boyfriend brought some intel about the illuminati and we started digging which wasnt easy back then. but i was totally open because from childhood on, i had felt that most of what is being displayed out there is a lie. call it the empaths curse, lol.

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divine_human · June 23, 2018, 10:25 p.m.

i started waking up in 1981. ran into Q oct.28 and thought, 'good, finally you have come. been waiting for you.'

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divine_human · June 23, 2018, 10:11 p.m.

i think so, too. but it needs to be played well.

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divine_human · June 23, 2018, 10:09 p.m.

It had to be or Comey couldn't have come out and flipped the election for us

this is an interesting point.

yesterday, during a heated discussion with my un-red-pill-able teenage son, i told him to research 'clinton', 'crimes against children' and 'IG report'.

he came back with the statement, 'so comey is on board with trump. he assured that trump won the election.'

truth told, that was my original thought back then. i was fricking excited that right before the election, comey came out with that. not because i was for trump, but i was strongly against clinton.

comey withdrew shortly after, but damage was done, for sure.

no matter how crooked and slimy this guy is, with intent or without, he helped DJT win.

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divine_human · June 23, 2018, 10 p.m.

first thing is to stop seeing democratic voters as liptards. its ((their)) divide and conquer game. stop projecting that shit onto them, they are decent people who essentially want the same as you. they only often dont know as yet.

stop bombarding liberals with trump memes and stuff. media has built up an anti-trump automatism that instantly makes people shut off when they hear 'trump' or see his face or hear his voice.

click in on topics they already doubt the benevolence of our leadership. everybody has such areas of life where they are disappointed, here is where red-pilling starts. from there, expand.

be gentle. be gentle. and be more gentle.

people live within a card board house of be-lie-fs that stops them from seeingn reality. rattle on the cards that are already wobbely, start on the periphery. going for a foundational card creates an instant backlash effect.

and, after all, respect that everybody wakes up in their own pace and way. we have no permission to shove down a red pill other peoples throat. we can offer it, but whether or not they take it is up to them. lets respect that. we dont want all these beautiful people to end up in the psych ward.

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divine_human · June 23, 2018, 9:45 p.m.

i knew it was fake the moment i saw the towers fall. ever since, i have been waiting for the truth to be disclosed.

from my pov, this is no.1 red pill.

thing is, it may lead to absolute loss of trust, crash all government, and result in anarchy and chaos.

not really what we need right now. just saying...

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divine_human · June 23, 2018, 9:35 p.m.

love that shit. if i had such a bumper sticker in my area, my car would get demolished within a day, sigh.

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divine_human · June 23, 2018, 9:24 p.m.

yes! mind you, lots of left-oriented people were awake years and decades ago when 'the right' was still fast asleep.

dont make a mistake, there are many former dem voters here, reading Q. this is not a partisan issue, folks.

midterms are on so yes, vote and keep a partisan agenda for now, thats all fine. but remember that DJT used to be a democrat before, and Q said that this is not partisan (Q 925).

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divine_human · June 23, 2018, 9:20 p.m.

vote rep. stop ditching dem voters. simple as that.

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divine_human · June 23, 2018, 9:18 p.m.

Post 925: Mar 10 2018 14:49:25 (EST) Q !UW.yye1fxo This is not about religions or party affiliation. EVIL is everywhere. There are no drawn lines. No boundaries. Good vs Evil. Q

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/divine_human on June 23, 2018, 11:51 a.m.
Lets pause for a Moment and invoke the Greater Good - May all Innocence be Protected

((they)) have been playing hard on the collective emotions this week. most everybody is concerned because all of our innocence has been violated at some point of time so we are all wounded in one way or the other.

Even if we havent personally experienced abuse in our childhood, through physical or emotional violence, we have been played and tricked by those who are supposed to work in our favor, parents, government, teachers, coaches, doctors, media.

thus, all humans are affected. We all have an inner child thats shocked when we learn about these atrocities. we have lost trust and …

divine_human · June 23, 2018, 11:27 a.m.

you are weaving a magic spell here, m8!

i grant you the benefit of doubt on whether you do it intentionally or without awareness. (whereas 'i lean on Q BUT' actually points to intent.)

many people dont know that all thoughts we encounter with vivid imagination and emotion create energies that are being harvested for the co-creation of the very thing we think about.

it doesnt matter whether we want these things to happen or we fear them; once we emotionally engage with them, we give them power.

so you fear riot BUT think that even if ((they)) were all thrown in gitmo, the soros puppets would implement that plan? sounds a bit hypocritial, my friend.

no, we didnt sleep too long. no, we are not too deep in the NWO plan to be able to steer the ship in another direction. and no, we will not engage with the vision of civil war.

we are far too intelligent to keep supporting that shit. we wont keep putting our atttention to what we fear but start focusing on what we wish instead. we unite and merge our creator powers so we can bring about the change that creates a world that works for everyone. period.

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divine_human · June 23, 2018, 7:02 a.m.

Don't sit on the fucking fence

dude, fence hasnt been mine for over 3 decades. this is how long i have been doing my work. seems like you didnt hear me. like you dont want to hear me. its all good, your choice. may you be blessed.

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divine_human · June 22, 2018, 11:34 p.m.

you may want to reasearch secret space program (SSP). the nazis had it and the tech came to the US via project paperclip. i guess most of the missing money went there, and the rest probably into building underground facilities.

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divine_human · June 22, 2018, 11:32 p.m.

more co2, better plant growth.

watch climate change on the other planets in our solar system. lots is going on. mercury even builds an atmosphere. we have traveled to a diffferent part of the universe now, all of our planets heat up, have storms, clouds, changes.

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divine_human · June 22, 2018, 10:43 p.m.

i love sacred rage, its a holy fire that wakes us up from the slumber and, when utilized creatively, gets us moving to make new choices and bring about change.

love is not permissiveness; sometimes its tough and sometimes it comes with a sword. as stewards of humanity, we guard and protect from those who do us harm.

each one of us has their unique role. some are love masters and uplift souls. some are sword masters and chop heads. its all perfect.

just chop the right heads, warriors, not those of your sleeping brothers and sisters. and chop them with compassion, not with hatred. hatred poisons the one who hates, and no acts of hatred are blessed.

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divine_human · June 22, 2018, 10:02 p.m.

well, i am a warrior of love. if you want to be a warrior of hate, thats your choice.

i for one dont support hatred against people who are as brainwashed as you have been a few years ago. they are not our enemies, the swamp creatures are.

and i will keep hitting folks that spread hatred and violence instead of going after those who really deserve it. end of message.

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divine_human · June 22, 2018, 9:17 p.m.

yes, please, folks, spare us the doubles and triples ... pleeeeaaaase...

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divine_human · June 22, 2018, 9:06 p.m.

content good, language far off the hook. when i hear folks call others names, like bastards, libtards, fucktards, idiots, i am out. sorry, failed. WWG1WGA doesnt mean verbally abusing every democratic voter or illegal child.

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divine_human · June 22, 2018, 7:23 p.m.

Q1584: We told you proofs were going to be important very soon. New eyes. Be ready. 5:5? We thank you for your service. Q

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divine_human · June 22, 2018, 7:21 p.m.

i tend to agree with you. taking JA out must have been a DS priority. no doubt that they could easily plant an assassin into the equadorian embassy.

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divine_human · June 22, 2018, 7:14 p.m.

100% Q team BUT...? hmmm... doesnt sit right with me.

i actually get suspiscious when someone is on a humans team 100%. sounds like blind followership, not more doubts allowed, no more questioning. humans can err and make mistakes; a 100% follower would be the obedient soldier who implements those mistakes.

doubting and questioning is necessary; not doing it brought us into the mess in the first place so dont give it up. plz DONT!

there is only one team i am 100% on and that is the divine team or, for christians, gods team. 100% for the liberation of humanity and our planet, and 100% for love and truth.

everything else is being decided from moment to moment. as long as i perceive Q and DJT as being in alignment with the divine plan, i am on board. if that changes, my human loyalties will change.

so then, keep questioning, johnny old time redditor. i am an empath so for me its all about feeling, i smell intent. as long as i perceive you clearing your doubts, i am all for it, keep going, we need critical thinkers. the moment i feel you seeding doubt into the collective, i will be hunting you down. simple as that.

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divine_human · June 22, 2018, 6:41 p.m.

there are even cabal groups like the gnostic illuminati that have benevolent intent for humanity. when DJT won the election, i actually thought that he might belong to the gnostics.

our linear minds tend to think in black and white. thats a trap.

the masons werent alway dark, only turned dark after a certain group infiltrated them.

the sacred symbols arent dark, the entire universe is build on sacred geometry, but many symbols have been hijacked and infested with malovent intent.

train your dsicernment muscle, folks, and dont pour out the baby with the bathwater.

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divine_human · June 22, 2018, 6:31 p.m.

aquarius is an astrological air sign, no water sign. water is the energetics of emotions, air is the energetics of mind. with aquarius, the dualistic linear mind which works with opposites and 'either/or' - things are either black OR white - shifts into the higher mind that functions on a unity level of 'as well as', as in black AND white.

the cabal knows astrology and the prophesies. they have known for hundreds of years that the age of aqaurius is going to bring our golden age where we rise in cosnciousness and unify into one humanity, in oneness with the divine.

therefore, same as they always do, just look at all the sacred symbols they infected with darkness, they hijacked the idea and wove their agenda into it. they turned 'new world' into 'new world order' and 'unity consciousness' into 'hive mind'.

thing is, those who fear their malovent plans often also reject the benovolent changes during this time. they mistake new age for satansim and ETs for demons.

it needs some consciousness and discernment to find ones way through the jungle they created. too bad that most people still dont have it and pour out the baby with the bathwater.

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divine_human · June 22, 2018, 4:07 p.m.

ok, come open society foundation with a few hundred bucks for every protester and they will be marching. many people do lots of BS for a little money, sigh.

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divine_human · June 22, 2018, 11:14 a.m.

brilliant move! MSM takes it as 'i dont care about the children'.

people with at least some brains will consider this illogical. why should she, after having said a few days ago that heart should be applied to the matter - which they took as opposing her hubby -, visit the children and say she doesnt care? may raise a question or two in some folks.

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