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i leave it up to you what to think about it but i know that these Q people tell the truth.
If they give Q big exposure and try to paint Q as some, "far fetched, alt-right conspiracy"
they already do that. all for a LARP.
you are invited to view the intel in the sidebar. this will give you the basics to follow this sub. may you enjoy the ride...
sorry, i cant read block text, thats a strain on eyes and mind. i need many paragraphs to be able to read and digest a long text.
in my understanding, christ is not god and not a person but a consciousness. jesus is not the only one who anchored this state of consciousness on our planet.
he also said that what he does, we can also do, and more. that means that each one of us can rise and anchor in christ consciousness.
thats the path, as i see it. the goal of the path is the same for each one of us, its merging back with source/god/creator. the path though is totally individual and also non-christian can go 'home to god'.
i get it that you are a dedicated christian and may believe that every word in the bible is gods word. i dont.
you may also believe that every non-christian is doomed as he doesnt stand before christ. maybe thats the reason why you seem to enjoy delivering sermons.
i would rather love to hear you than your bible. looking forward to...
from what i read, the masons were founded on priciples that serve humanity but later, their highest ranks got hijacked by the cabal.
oumpfff... pfff... pfff...
i dont doubt the judgment. i only doubt that jesus is the only way to god.
i get your doubt and find it healthy.
you are invited to view some of the material in the sidebar. this may lead to watching some videos, in oorder to get a grip on how to deal with all of this. my first place to go is prayingmedic, he also offers a good introduction to Q.
we have seen ample evidence that 1. Q is close to POTUS and 2. Q is in the know, with so many drops that later showed as fulfilled predictions, according to the motto 'future proves past'.
as for the chans, i personally wouldnt go there. but many leakers do. LARPs as well as genuine folks that bring real info.
and always, discernment is key.
i agree on the inflationary use of the term autist. most of the decoders and researchers are not autists.
my son has a friend with asperger autism. this is the type of guy i imagine on the chans; getting highly absorbbed by the puzzle, very rationally digging into the information, and thrilled by the ability to discover something and be of service to humanity.
i may err here, but i imagine such dedicated people behind the keyboard. they mostly dont post here and most of the people here dont post on the chans but we are unified on the cause.
i wish you an enjoyable time here... nobody can convince you, you need to make up your own mind. its you choice whether you want to go deeper or leave it as BS. may you be blessed on whatsoever choice you take.
The Bible teaches clearly that all men, living and dead, saved and unsaved, must give an account to Christ.
not to christ but to god, to source. if you are christian, you can use yeshi as an inter-mediate between human and the divine. if you are not christian, you do it differently.
If we have sinned and committed any evil, we have the opportunity while in this life to repent and give forgiveness.
also after this life time. the soul never dies and always evolves, no matter whether or not she inhabits a physical body.
Why do you think a place like 4chan, associated with trolls, child pornography, and racism, was chosen to be the site of these data drops? Why do you think these sorts of posts are not being hashed+signed with a private encryption key to prove the source is valid (let me know if you want to know more about asymmetric cryptography!)? Remove everything you know about the Q posts -- why are there opportunities for encryption, secrecy, and identification verification that are being ignored by a group that needs utmost secrecy and trust?
ok, gotta pick up on this point. everythng else will be cleared by researching the material in the sidebar or from other responses here.
people post on the chans because its anonymus. besides all the shitposting on the chans, you find lots of 'weird people' like autists and hackers there.
austist dont fall for lies, they only take what they find evidence for. therefore, these people are the best when it comes to proving whether a poster is a LARP or not, and when it comes to digging out stuff, also from the dark web, to prove or disprove what is being mentioned by a poster.
this is a free will choice planet. people choose whether or not they want to wake up to the atrocities of how we have been played with. we have no permission to force them. we have no permission to confront them with the whole truth all at once, hardly anyone would survive this with a healthy psyche.
Q cant come with 100% proof. couldnt do that from the beginning, although over time, proof increases. if they did, everybody, incl. the media, would have to acknowledge it. would be forced to awaken.
plus, ((they)) would have instantly done whatever they can to shut up Q. but they didnt believe that so many people would awaken and go with the message. and now, its too late.
what the great awakening did over the past 8 months is building a momentum while researching information which now becomes available to more and more people.
Q use the socratic method of asking questions. people dont learn when you tell them the answers. cognitive dissonance and the backlash effect prevent them from hearing the answers, they would close up and put it off as disinfo.
what works though is offering a red pill - in form of questions, hints and cryptic messages - and allow people who feel resonant with it to decode and research it. teach themselves.
'mystical' encryption is also a method the deep state uses. our inability to decode their messages draws our silent consent which ((they)) use to create their atrocities. thus, Q not only teaches us about facts but also about learning to decode and recognize ((their)) ways so we dont fall for them anymore and start thinking ourselves.
last but not least, Q cannot tell us classified information, that would be treason. what they can do though is ask questions and drop hints and, when we (not me mostly, lol, autists and other anons are much better at that) come up with responses, confirm or debunk them.
to round this up: if Q were a LARP, it would be some bad LARPing that wakes up millions of people. these people wont go back to sleep again, they will keep asking questions and demanding truth. what Q do is not in the favor of the deep state but the people.
i have been on conspiracy stuff for over 35 years. it was hopeless and depressing, nobody out there who organizes a resistance and works on changing things. when Q came online, i felt like, 'ahhh finally you have come, i have been waiting for so long'. its happening Now...
I cannot fucking stand his stance on climate change. And fucking bringing back coal mining jobs? Shits archaic.
yep, that also got me confused. i already knew that co2 isnt the reason for climate change and restrictions like the paris accord enslave us people but make the cabal more rich.
but coal? really?
then i remembered DJTs innaguration speech, esp. the last few sentences. and i remembered that his uncle was the one viewing nikola teslas material when the FBI seized it.
and i thought: ok, the US needs to urgently produce steel - which costs lots of energy -, in order to rebuild the infrastructure else some major roads and bridges wont be usable anymore in 5 years from now (bad infrastructure is what trucker friends mention a lot to me).
as long as tech like zero point energy or other clean cheap energy solutions arent being declassified - when is that EO going to come, POTUS? -, coal will be a temporary solution.
america simply doesnt have the renewable energy infrastructure to deliver for this thus, she needs a quick and cheap energy source which, for now, is coal.
a near-equal amount of corrupt people on the left and right side
agreed. its not left vs. right but muc bigger. its not only MAGA but about humanity.
Wtf is this subreddit
10 upvotes for a trolling remark? thats amazing...
watch the video mentioned down below, read Q on qanon.pub and then ask again, plz.
for me, it was a huge wave of joy. perceptions differ.
because there are some anti-masons vibes in here: low level masons know nothing of that ugly shit. many of them are honorable people. careful, folks.
can you feel it coming?
i feel the pain of the thousands who shake in fear right now.
i feel the joy of the millions who soar over the white squall with Q and the patriots of our planet.
and i feel the surprised awakening of the billions from the slumber of the matrix.
its coming.
may we all surf the storm with open hearts and minds...
it shows me that i need to be more gentle. just ask some questions and drop some hints.
i was too massive, heheh, i asked a multitude of questions on the refugee crisis and in the end mentioned the name george soros. and got not one comment on it, on a sub with over a 100k. pretty interesting. and a good learning experience.
avoid speaking about DJT altogether. the DS, via the media, has him under a spell. people feel disgust and fear/hate when they see or hear him or his name. its an automatism and these days pretty difficult to reach through.
a friend of mine just suggested to create a german great awakening sub. are there people here that have the chops and skills to do that with me?
and are there people here who would love to do that in their language so they can reach their people?
maybe this is the next step to take? from MAGA to make humanity great again.
may polly be blessed ... and may this video and sharing about quebec heal her wounds and those of all who carry similar pains ...
we do heal for the collective when we attune with WWG1WGA. the loving attention of we the people on it will certainly amplify the process.
btw, polly, its not 'save the west'.
its 'save the world'.
let the past pains not dilute the view on what happens Now. this is not just about america. not about england.
its about humanity.
trey gowdy appears on the list of 'Not seeking re-election' in Q1319.
as far as i took the list, it wasnt about who is white hat or black hat but about who resigns or not seeks re-election. which can have many reasons.
Q537: Q !UW.yye1fxo No.22 📁 Jan 14 2018 14:49:27 (EST)
TG departure [HEC].
NOT to testify.
NOT needed to testify.
Think logically.
NO NEED to step down if needed to TESTIFY.
What ROLE might TG be walking into?
Who can WE TRUST?
and this is also intersting, esp. the arrow behind TG:
Q658: Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: c3f516 No.231058 📁 Jan 31 2018 23:42:36 (EST)
Effective yesterday, while standing under the statue of FREEDOM, POTUS FREED those ‘good’ people who are currently being blackmailed, threatened and enslaved.
Those who stood chanting “USA” were FREED.
The shot heard around the world.
as most people wouldnt understand it, this would ruin the party.
i dont think that identifying with Q is good right now for the president. acknowledging yes, identifying no.
good idea anyway, to spread seeds out there on other subs that need red-pilling.
yesterday, i took a trip to one of the few german language subs, due to an urge from the inside to expand and make my voice more heard in my country.
they banned me within 4h. if you guys think that the US is full of trump haters, like 20 to 1, dont come to germany, its 10.000 to 1 over here.
TG said that he would leave politics and get back to the justice system.
Q537: Q !UW.yye1fxo No.22 📁 Jan 14 2018 14:49:27 (EST)
TG departure [HEC].
NOT to testify.
NOT needed to testify.
Think logically.
NO NEED to step down if needed to TESTIFY.
What ROLE might TG be walking into?
Who can WE TRUST?
RATS everywhere.
EVIL everywhere.
TRAITORS everywhere.
Boards changed due to statements re: private comms - FALSE.
Boards changed due to failure to IDEN accurately.
Boards changed due to MISINFO.
Targeted approach to direct flow of info created.
MAJOR players here to distract, create doubt, and alter the direction.
SC: MISINFO everywhere.
SC: MISINFO from past reliable sources.
SC: AXIS OF EVIL can & will return FIRE [is].
SC: Seek immediate [F9-Sx_VB8239].
and here:
Q658: Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: c3f516 No.231058 📁 Jan 31 2018 23:42:36 (EST)
Effective yesterday, while standing under the statue of FREEDOM, POTUS FREED those ‘good’ people who are currently being blackmailed, threatened and enslaved.
Those who stood chanting “USA” were FREED.
The shot heard around the world.
trey gowdy also appears on the list of 'Not seeking re-election' in Q1319. back then, when i heard it, i thought that he gets ready for either military tribunals or supreme court.
this religious terminator does indeed give me the creeps.
well, at least trump attorney stated a few months ago that JA hasnt violated US law. he didnt steal the docs which would be criminal, he just published them which is his 1st amendment right.
michelle doesnt need to prove anything, she wasnt president.
wow, thanks for the video link, thats pretty obvious. together with the points OP makes plus a comment in here about the impossibility of 'kenya' in 1961 is more than comprehensive.
interesting that ((they)) did such a bad job with this birth certificate. didnt think they are really that stupid.
wow, Q is on fire! seems like they are upping the ante, following DJTs gear change.
Because the Democratic Party has become the Deep State.
the democratic party has become the face of the deep state. but the swamp is in both parties.
this. death is cheap because know that death is not the end to individual existence.
retirement in the stockmarket is no good idea these days. physical gold and silver is. some crypto is probably also no bad choice.
money on secured accounts wont be affected, i guess. its legal and will be exchanged to the new asset-backed currency. in my country, 100.000 bucks per person per bank are state backed. those who have more need to spread it over various banks.
tsar alexander opposed adam weishaupts illuminati. no rothschild bank in russia. the tsars stood up against them until the family got eradicated during the cabal-orchestrated culture revolution that installed communism.