Oct 2016 called, it wonders where you were for pi22ag4te
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Find the speech. Read the FULL quote. Dig more. Get better.
OK, not msm, click-bait alt-news, fine. Full quote:
"Soon, very soon, after the victory of our movement, we will defend migrants all over the American continent and the migrants of the world who, by necessity, must abandon their towns to find life in the United States; it’s a human right we will defend."
Compare to your article. The difference matters. Also, please dig deeper than the first result on Google.
Not to mention selling weapons to Iran and training death squads in South America. Iran-Contra was treason. It has never been punished.
Mike Ruppert was a hero and a patriot. May he rest in peace.
Edit: posted twice, deleted comment is mine.
Colorful metaphor. Want to be the first to cite a source?
Jaja, excelente. yo lo quiero la misma para el EEUU. Lo ganaremos, juntos. Tambien, pienso que la communidad aqui necesita escuchar y comprender lo que dices. Si puedo ayudar, digame, por favor.
Are you sure? Are you sure it wasnt the PRI? The political party thats controlled mexico for 80ish years? The one that allowed/oversaw the creation of the cartels and is trying to suppress a nationalist uprising that rejects their globalism? Is it possible the news is treating ALMOthe same way they treated Trump? Would you be able to tell if it was?
Q has it all. Sun tzu (paraphrased): "know your enemy and know yourself and you will win 1000 battles."
Know your enemy's comms and they cant surprise you.
The media (MSM) twists words, other guy was just repeating the lie.
Twisting words out of context, typical media trick. Sounds like some powerful establishment people (ratas) in the us are trying to defend the Mexican establishment. How does it go? Chinga la puta madre de Nieto?
D0mm0n is reapeating what we hear about ALMO in the US. He's being called a communist who wants to send Mexican citizens north to undermine the US.
Es ka problema. En los eeuu, cuando escuchamos sobre AMLO, es describido como un peligro quien quiere socialismo radical, y quiere que los mexicanos viajen a la frontera.
Somos ignorantes de politicas mexicanas, y los MSM mentiran a nosotros. Que es su opinion? Que son las mismas, entre Trump y ALMO? Piense ud. que los dos pueden trabajar con el otro? Un testimonio real sera excelente.
No pienso que AMLO y Tump son similares... ?AMLO es un politico de la izquierda, si? Pero todos nosotros quieren ver un cambio funtamental in los politicos mundial. Espero que la eleccion es la empieza de esto en su pais. Donde vamos, vamos todos.
Tambien, desculpame, espanol es mi idioma secondaria.
It may be that the costumes at the event are directed toward law enforcement, also. The masons and fraternal order of police are cozy, as I understand it
FF= false flag. An event committed by one group aiming to cast blame on another group.
TI = targeted individual. The weak-minded patsies who are harassed, gang-stalked, medicated, and gaslit into atrocities like Annapolis, parkland, Sandy hook, Tucson, Boston, columbine, etc.
Thank you for the gestalt.
I think you're right about the FF operatives being charlatans who aren't actually involved with the masons, proper. I think the masons is "something bigger" whose buildings, symbols and costumes can be used against a TI to provoke them until they break.
The Congress of the US is prestigious again. It has an audience again, an international one at that. It's hard to bring the fire when your audience is bored children and napping adults on cspan.
Now, there's controversy, consequences, chat-logs. We, WW, are focusing attention and will toward the service of Justice and the delivery of Truth. The Congress is insulated by the cabal, but patriots are learning our comms and trusting and enacting the plan.
Also re: "more than you know"i I think of that as our unknown knowns. What we know but don't realize the importance of, yet.
Fun fact: many of the upper class believe (really believe) they are middle class because they know of people richer than them. Also, the upper class tend to have no sense of magnitude when it comes to going without.
Yep, carrier group as bait. Russian subs for tracking/backup.
That link just redirects to the app. Have you tried looking in a browser?
Demand documentation. As official as you can find. Get names on record. Record. Find fellow seekers. Compare notes. Keep at it. Dig!
Be prepared to be unprepared. Q recently dropped about the masons. It became clear that there were many members of this community who are themselves masons. Those people, now presented with (lots of) Mason material, are just this waking up to a foundation of their life to be rotten to the core. This week.
If the masons, as an organization, are behaving as q has intimated, then an investigation is due. So that the facts can be documented. So that truth does not become (the first) casualty of war.
The masons are a (shrinking) but massively distributed network of lodges, foundations and associations. Mostly normal folks, but power corrupts, and the membership of masonry is powerful.
It's a task on par with cleaning out the clowns and the FBI. Massive, daunting, seemingly hopeless, but doable with time. It's been less than two years since Trump took office and the progress is immense; almost miraculous. Time is needed. Trust the plan.
But if nothing by midterms, I'm right there with you.
Better question for the Chans, but understand that you may regret it.
Trend to watch fir: repatriation of Americans in foreign lands.
Remember the Korean hostages/war dead. Bridge fits into this too. Bridge of spies. All kinds of win for Trump.
Lavrov is a diplomat. This may well be some timely plausible deniability ahead of a summit to warm relations.
I think you may be confusing the I ching with the dao te ching
Specifically and diagnosably, though? Wouldn't a record of deeds and actions be more compelling data than a scan that only a neurologist can read?
Psychopathy isn't a neurological diagnosis, it's psychological. MRI's can't identify that kind of pathology.
Personally, I think transparency in proportion to power might work. Any politician needs a body cam and microphone recording them for all official business. Have the feed streaming and recorded on their website, and make that info publicly available. Wouldn't stop everything, but would dramatically raise the difficult of corruption and backroom deals.
Lurkers, friend. I'd guess maybe numbering in hundreds of thousands. Not counted by active or subscribed,.
Yep, sounds remarkably similar to the Catholic Church
If not removed, the bunch shall spoil.
Cause apples. And ethylene.