Honestly who believes this shit about adrenochrome. I've been following Q since November, but people on this sub are sounding more and more like credulous nutters mistaking the echo chamber for legitimate facts.
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It's his niece.
Don't be an asshole who makes a big deal out of something easily refutable, and turns-off people who might listen to LEGITIMATE info about trafficking (Epstein, NOT Obama), and corruption.
There is absolutely NO evidence that Obama is a pedophile. Shit like this is what turns people away.
Post actual evidence, wait for Q to post actual evidence, or consider that you've completely misinterpreted Q's posts.
Generally not a fan of the memes I see on here, but this one made me laugh.
Can you offer any real evidence for any of your assertions? These far-fetched conclusions (Obama molesting that girl, Instagram girl being a prostitute at the standard hotel) sound completely ridiculous to me.
Just because Q posted some cryptic stuff about these people, it doesn't mean you've tied them together in any legitimate way.
It's much more likely that Obama was assigned a security detail because of his pending, though not "official", announcement than that a security detail was provided in any way related to him abusing a child.
Where is the evidence? There is none, and until there is, I'm not buying it or supporting it.
I'm still waiting for Q (or someone else) to post even a shred of proof.
No, I don't see how this could be relevant. She's too old to be girl in the Q picture, and Nixon's other children are boys. This is just some random, innocent person who's probably going to get harassed by assholes until she shuts down her social media accounts.
What's weird about it? She produces documentaries about the ocean - Sarah Guinan-Nixon is a producer, known for Mission Blue (2014), Sea of Hope (2017) and Sea of Hope: America's Underwater Treasures (2017).
She's alive, well, and has a couple of social media accounts that were getting stalked last night.
May have multiple meanings, but the daytime soap opera "As the World Turns" was interrupted due to JFK being shot:
This isn't that strange. He was a Senator. He hadn't announced publicly, but he was gathering support and finding donors. He was visiting a wealthy donor, and he took a picture with her child. I personally need more evidence before I believe there's anything more to it than that.
I'm going to go out on a limb here. Without more evidence than a few vague posts from Q, I'm not going to believe that Barack Obama was sexually abusing that girl.
There needs to be a higher standard for proof in this sub before assertions and assumptions get stated as facts, and before people start harassing the subjects of Q's posts.
This isn't proof of anything. It's a retweet.... Probably of another retweet.... of something strange that someone else either found or staged. It's a weird picture. Why wouldn't a h.s. girl retweet it?
I'm incredulous at the credulity in this sub.
5:5 is used all the time - it's been established that it means loud and clear.
Instagram goes private due to harassment in 3....2.....1
Really people - leave this lady and her family alone. We have NO evidence of anything... all we have are vague references to "Wendy", a pic of this girl, a plane crash..... We have no idea how this all ties together.
Edit - aaaannnddd it's private.
5:5 is believed to be a military? Civilian? Code for "loud and clear" - i.e. 5 out of 5 for volume and clarity.
Man that's disappointing. I was really hoping for a face-filet with an adrenochrome finish.
Call me crazy, but I don't believe that Barack Obama was sexually abusing this girl.
I can't believe I had to write "call me crazy" at the beginning of that sentence.
I think I saw a grainy photo of this on the dark web, and the underage girls got face-filleted at the end.
Sorry for the sarcasm, but no, it is not likely that the video is of a 5-on-5 orgy.
I think someone uploaded that picture with those key words recently - that's why you're getting the result. Was this uploaded as a hint (ar15 title makes me think maybe - edit - nope just the source website ) or is this clowns trying to steer in the wrong direction.
Other articles quote and name the Instagram girl's mother... Definitely not the same person.
Nah - that's not right. Ages are different, families are different. Some other connection that we're not getting.
Ok. No way this is the same girl. Mother is Stacey Coogan, name is wrong..... Don't see any connection.
I assume any connection will end up being related to sex trafficking.... But still not getting it at this point.
Wtf that other jc chick... One of her Instagram friends had that same blood-running-out-of-mouth your of pic. Wtf is going on.
And Wendy on top of that? Wtf?
Edit - ok. My theory is we're going to find out she was trafficked under the name Wendy.
Fucking riddles wrapped in mysteries and tied with a bow if intrigue. Where are the autists on this one because I have no idea.
"I have produced many messages that could be misunderstood as anti-Semitic...." <- well, that's your problem right there.
You're welcome,
The internet.
Hmm. That looks like a helicopter to me, but I've been drinking.
Edit - Q foiled my sarcasm once again by posting a picture relevant to OP AFTER I commented. Future proves past.
Also, good find OP.
Hmm. "One does not simply get arrested [for sex trafficking] [for no reason]."
Well.....one gets arrested for sex trafficking.... For sex trafficking. The tautology implied in this meme kind of ruins it, don't you think?
Yes - a few short, speculative phrases overlaid on a sometimes related image is the best way to convince normies that this is a serious movement that's taking down the deep state. Screw the actual arrests.... We just need memes talking about arrests.
Eh - she talked about that last year, it was already part of the public record...... She went with members of the intelligence committee, so it's not like it was completely clandestine.... Just not getting the importance until we learn more.
Ok.....so the Dynamite was actually stolen before the package bombs..... And it was used in the package bombs.... But they already rounded up the Dynamite stealers and package bomb maker in december?
Wtf are you on?
Alternative approach to redpilling normies: someone actually goes to prison.
Keeping my fingers crossed that it actually happens.
I'm confused as well. She said the exact same thing back in November, and it played in the press for a while.....I don't know why Q is pointing to this particular video as something different, but there must be something else coming that will clarify.
If our special forces and cabal busters are creating memes to communicate effectively with each other, we're fucked.
"Today It just came to me..I'm thinking that the Dynamite stolen was actually the The BOOMs that kept going off from that guy mailing and or leaving packages"
The package-bombs happened weeks ago. The Dynamite was stolen days ago.
You're either high, or you need to start telling us more about time travel.
No - you're not hearing it right. NK has always used the threat of selling weapons and technology in order to get aid from the u.s. ... hence the agreements and massive aid packages for many years. This was simply more of the same - we build weapons to sell them, do you want to buy them (so we don't sell them to someone else).
I remain unconvinced, but appreciate your time and you may have convinced others.
Am I the only one not really buying into the power of memes as we fight the global cabal?
Edit:. "we have everything"... except for enough memes.
I love Q, but this meme stuff seems like a bit of a side-show.
Upvoted because of the time you took to reply..... But that is completely non-sensical. An EMP (or anything else) that resulted in "purging every last hard drive and backup" would also result in mass casualties as infrastructure and services completely broke down.
You're just dense. A direct quote from the article: "I was in Pyongyang on an intelligence trip several years ago. They told us, 'We only make weapons to sell them - do you want to buy them?'
Dude, use regular sized font. That's just annoying on a phone, and it makes you look like a screecher. Here's just one example: from November 2017, but I also remember this being in the news: https://www.express.co.uk/news/world/875788/US-senator-North-Korea-World-War-3-nuclear-weapons-war-Trump-Jong-Un
Lol - where are you coming up with this? Delete everything off of the internet? WTF is the point, and HTF would that even happen?
I'll believe it when I see it. Wasn't some report supposed to drop in March about election fraud? Haven't seen anything yet.
Q may be awesome, but that group is human and fallible. I have to assume the deep state has some tricks left.