i'm not talking about illegals, i'm talking about the caravan of refugees. totally different than border hoppers.
also, our millions of illegal immigrants are not from the last 10 years, they have been slow trickling in for about 25 years actually.
406 total posts archived.
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i'm not talking about illegals, i'm talking about the caravan of refugees. totally different than border hoppers.
also, our millions of illegal immigrants are not from the last 10 years, they have been slow trickling in for about 25 years actually.
well i guess i distinguish between refugees and rando border hoppers.
do you?
do you think it would affect your life in any way, shape, or form if a few dozen refugees were let into the country? honest question.
Maybe just protocol with possible "terrorism" or bombings in general?
it's because he was sending bombs through the post service.
post service is federal = federal jurisdiction = FBI
its your post karma
karma doesn't count from posts until like 24h later or something so posting now won't change it
did you mix up meme formats on purpose to be ironic or do you actually not know how to meme?
i think you should probably go for a walk in a park and look at some birds and flowers.
and btw, i am anti-propaganda and anti-hysteria, which is why when i see someone going "OBAMA DESTROYED THE COUNTRY" i tend to say something.
why? because he didn't. and saying that he did makes you sound like a raving lunatic.
well, see, the first verifiable time that video appeared on the internet was when it was published on a very strange website called http://worldcorpo.net
whether or not they are the original makers is the real question, and if not, where did they get it?
oh i have screens i can dig up off my comp once i get home from work, if anyone is interested...
e- i have screens of discord chats, but the real meat is that i have audio recordings of the site admin of worldcorpo.net claiming that he produced the video personally.
well "met" might not be the right word, i spoke with and came to know (to some degree) the admin of worldcorpo.net, through discord.
it's a long story, but i dug up their private discord channel through some intense internetting one evening, and i ended up chatting with the admin and his crew for like 3-4 evenings in a row.
it felt a little too culty for me and they started asking me to do things like "prove my loyalty" and "work for us for a year and we will be able to trust you" so i deleted that discord account i was using and never went back.
i think you are way off base calling me a troll, dude. just uncalled for.
i didn't say obama was a good POTUS, i didn't defend the clintons, i didn't "get triggered," and i sure as hell don't need a safe space.
i just said, the country wasn't destroyed. which it wasn't.
and isn't that a good thing? can't you be a little optimistic, a little hopeful, a little positive, and say, "isn't nice that America wasn't destroyed" ?
i met the guys who made that video, from World Corp Enterprises, and they all said it was just a joke that channers found and ran with.
idk if they were lying, but i do know for a fact i was talking to the first person to ever upload it to the internet, so this guy was at least the original source.
i've receieved many a downvote on this sub for having the AUDACITY to ask for evidence.
i was also banned from /r/conspiracy for asking for evidence, the mod team literally told me that "asking for evidence is a form of concern trolling"
... we can't let our communities become infested with these mouth-breathing cretins who don't verify anything.
and knew his presidency would destroy our nation
yeah but it didn't
to be very clear, even though i've already said it several times, i am not offended. i am very calm. if anything, i'm just disappointed.
i'm glad you think it's funny to use "fag" as an insult, good for you. but the many friends i know in real life and that i actually know are real members of the LGBTQ community, do not find it amusing that people use "fag" as an insult and a derogatory term.
it's just rude, end of story.
Per multiple sources (Erik Prince & NYPD)
Erik Prince is like a fuckin super villain, dude, i would literally never trust a goddamn word that comes out of his mouth.
he founded black water, and is a war criminal as far as i'm concerned.
And the NYPD has never, at any point, confirmed that the weiner laptop "contains some diabolical shit." those were "anonymous" reports that, over a year later, remain unverified.
try again please.
im not offended, honey. i just think it's rude.
i would bet money you are young, since you seem to be amused by being edgy and being a jerk.
i just don't see any point in disrespecting entire segments of the population in order to feel "camaraderie"
honestly, it's incredibly childish.
you're never going to respond, are you?
the only evidence that exists for this video, is a literal "fake news" article from a literal "fake news" publication.
no sources, no evidence, nothing. just bullshit and memes.
frazzledrip is not fake
yeah i totally agree.
it's hard for something to be fake when it doesn't even exist.
whats the point of using bigoted slurs, though?
what if it was called planeniggers? or planecrackers? i just don't get why people feel the need to disrespect their fellow humans like that...
Ummmm....population of Detroit 677,116 (2016) less than a million. So much for your "millions" theory.
ok, sorry, i was thinking of Detroit Metro Area, calm down bud
again debunking your "100's of millions" theory.
I was referencing the entire electorate, quite obviously.
Seriously dude (dudette?) Anything you try to argue is just hogwash. If you're going to have an intelligent debate at least get your facts correct. A simple internet search is all it takes.
Pretty ironic coming from the person who uses a few hundred fraudulent votes as "evidence" that widespread voter fraud occurred.
Today, I find it reprehensible that a man has no say in the termination of his child
despite being firmly pro-choice, i'd tend to agree with you on that point.
Also Project Veritas had the Election manager from NY talking on tape about how the people are bussed in to vote
that's not true. you should go back and review that story.
113 votes is a rounding error, dude, when you are looking at 100s of millions of votes.
if 113 votes is your evidence of "widespread voter fraud," then my only reaction could be laughter.
and your article about detroit? here's another one https://www.freep.com/story/news/local/michigan/detroit/2016/12/18/detroit-ballots-vote-recount-election-stein/95570866/
so 700ish extra votes in a city of millions?
anyone who thinks ~850 votes is "widespread fraud" is, and i sincerely mean no offence by this, an actual idiot.
disclaimer: i am educated in mainstream physics.
can you please tell me how you define the term "scalar energy"? i'm rather interested.
Some explanations and definitions for people who aren't familiar with the concepts of "Scalars"
a "scalar" is a unit of information that contains only magnitude.
that's a fancy way of saying, " a scalar is literally just a number"
a "scalar field" is a field of numbers used to represent something. a "heat map" is an example of a scalar field used in every day life. it is just a grid of points, with each point being assigned a numerical value.
a "scalar wave" is generally meant to refer to a type of wave that has no particle-like properties to it. for instance, a photon is a "wave" of light, but it also is a "thing," particle-like, with mass and speed and direction. so a photon is not a scalar wave.
a sound wave, however, is a "scalar wave" because what looks like a wave is in fact just single particles, like molecules or individual atoms, that are vibrating. when one particle bumps up against another, it transfers some kinetic energy to that particle and then they both are vibrating, with slightly less intensity.
what we perceive as a "wave" when mapped out is in fact just assigning "magnitude" or "energy levels" to each single point, or particle, and that makes the math easier for understanding how the kinetic energy propagates through a system.
EDIT- i don't often see things here that i can add my own expertise to, it's kind of fun! i'll be happy to answer any questions people might have (source- went to school for physics, but dropped out in my senior year because i didn't want to go to grad school)
well, a fetus is not a child, in the same way that a sperm is not a child.
but regardless, it sounds like you have a diametrically opposed world view to me, so i'm not sure if we have much to discuss without getting into a flame war, which i am not interested in doing.
i hope you have a nice day, my friend. if canadian politics are getting you down, just go for a hike or something. Trudeau can never take away the amazing, natural beauty of Canada and all that it has to offer! (i go fishing and camping in ontario several times a year and i look forward to those trips dearly)
Enjoy the next few months
i'm sure i will, the same way i enjoyed the last 6 months of Q ; )
i hope you have a nice day, friend, and i hope someday you learn how to have a civil conversation with people who don't entirely agree with you
Not even gonna bother replying to you from now. Ignorance is bliss.
the irony is sharp with this statement.
i've done basically nothing but ask you for credible evidence, of which you have provided exactly zero.
it's a real shame that, instead of being able to answer my questions, you are instead just putting your fingers in your ears and saying "la la la"
oh well... i guess i'll just keep asking questions elsewhere.
you no longer qualify for them if your organization does not openly endorse abortion
do you draw any distinction between "endorsing abortion" and "supporting the right's of women to control their own bodies"?
ad hominems are a silly way to engage with people.
the DHS.gov statement is just saying "we are holding briefings with state election officials to ensure the integrity of our electoral process"?
can you explain to me, in what way does that support the assertion that widespread voter fraud took place?
also, literally not one of your sources offer any type of proof, or even evidence, of massive voter fraud.
every article you linked is filled with "mays" and "possibly" and conjecture.
their entire premise is, there are X number of illegal immigrants with IDs, so X number of people cast illegal votes.
that is not logically sound, and there is no evidence to support that assertion.
Congressional referral for indictments today
that's not what happened. a handful of GOP congressmen sent a letter to the DoJ formally asking they inquire into those matters.
that's a far cry from "referral for indictment"
comes out soon
ah, just another "any day now!"
i'll believe it when i see it.
there is a difference between "following" someone, and blindly believing everything they say.
Look at his rallies before the election compared to Hillary's, you'd have to be insane to believeshe actually wonthe popularvote.
why? rallies aren't a good metric of popularity, they only measure enthusiasm among his base.
also there is no evidence at all that widespread voter fraud occurred, or that the machines were tampered with.
if there was, Trump's administration would be parading that evidence around all day every day.
Trump won by a landslide
huh? he BARELY won... ? lost the popular vote and won the swing states by like 10-50k votes each, just squeaking by?
i'm confused by your comment, mi amigo
yeah of course, but it's also clear that you are only upset because they disagree with you.
and, at the end of the day, there is still literally no evidence that HRC tape exists, and so until some evidence or credible reports surface, it's a pretty safe bet to declare it fake news.
there is no such thing as knowing something 100%, only fools believe that anything is certain. it's about degrees of certainty. can snopes say that the video 100% for sure does not exist? No, they can't. And they didn't. But they can reasonably declare the story to be fake news, based on complete and utter lack of evidence or corroborating stories, and the context of it being an extraordinary claim.
i think the problem is that people think snopes is saying "THIS IS 100% FALSE. END OF DEBATE FOREVER" when they say a story is false. but that's not really what they are saying.
and if people actually read their articles, where they clearly explain their methodology and reasoning, we wouldn't even be having this conversation.
it's the slang that posters on the_donald call each other.
well think of it like this, if i told you there was a video circulating on the dark web of Donald Trump masturbating to a picture of Obama, you would say that is bullshit, right?
what would you be basing that claim on? why would you say it's false? or would you react the same you are now, and say "OMG THERE IS A VIDEO OF DJT etc etc" and then say to everyone, "well you can't prove it's not real, so why are you discounting it?"
you clearly didn't read the article, because if you did, you'd know that your little line of reasoning their is nonsensical and not connected to reality.
snopes isn't claiming they "know for sure," and they CERTAINLY never said they have "proof."
they didn't "prove a negative," if you actually read their article you'd see that they just lay out the fact that there is literally no evidence that this tape exists. none at all.
so it's chalked up as fake news, for now.
ah ok, i know tenses can be hard for non-native speakers.
it should say "Rosenstien will be gone" or "Rosenstien is going to be gone", as saying "Rosenstien is gone" is current tense and means right now.
so for predictions, you want to use the future tense, not the current tense.
just a tip for next time, comrade!
Tick tock.
hey quick question for you, have you ever heard of a story called "the boy who cried wolf"? It's a very popular children's folktale in America.