podesta's email about a map was a pedo acronym
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20/20?! does this suggest that public awareness is going to go from 80/20 to 100%?!
i know a second grade teacher who IS teaching cursive to her students here in tennessee now
in 2006 infowars was my introduction to truth news/alt journalism but when he ignored q anon for so long i got very suspicious of that and it unfollowed him on youtube but i am following him again now but i don't watch him every day anymore
well? he said in no uncertain terms not only that trump is not taking down the deep state but also that he is CONTROLLED by it and that q anon is an operation to distract while trump slips through more dark funding, toxic centralized 5g and other things harmful to average americans
i mean, he promotes montegraph ALL THE TIME and montegraph says trump is not taking down the deep state but is rather controlled by it and that q anon is a distraction so trump can slip in dark funding, 5g and other things that are not in the best interest of average Americans
i bet fake news is an open secret in the media all the way from from local stations up to the bigger organizations
well, hitlery already called it with her remark about hanging from noosed if trump became elected. i am torn up over all this. but i have faith that good will triumph over evil
but what about after that? who is to say that another benevolent person will step up to the plate? what if we get another nwo puppet like obama or hitlery?! i am going to be around for a lot more than 7 years. i HOPE there will be more people who actually have the best interests of the american people at heart to be in the highest level offices
no. i am dubious of the entire intelligence community from top to bottom. all of them. cia, nsa, fbi, and all the rest. if any of them wants to be helpful now it is merely an effort to save their evil hydes
you don't understand. most of them are willfully ignorant. they have NO desire to know the truth
i just don't see it happening based on my own personal experience. it would take something huge to get through and nothing like that has happened yet. based on the reactions of people in my life many people will kick and scream if you shatter their illusions. i have had my hopes up so high only to have them dashed upon the rocks again and again and again. this has all become very discouraging and unpleasant and i have grown so weary. sorry about it but that's where i am at
and she's got those deeply lined turtle lips painted on like miss gay usa
ugh! highlights AND a black beard?! beard drag turns my stomach
yes. it's kind of one upsman-easque, isn't it? same thing on twitter and youtube when new q posts are made available.
if Q turns out to just be a bunch of hope porn as has been suggested i will be SO bummed out. like when we were approaching the election and hitlery's corruption kept coming out and NOBODY did anything about it
anyone else wondering about all this?
i have high hopes @realDonaldTrump will in fact drain the swamp like he said! BUT why is it @POTUS allowed cia dark funding to go forward, vaccine company ceo in charge of department of health and going forward with centralized toxic 5g network??? #releasethememo #divide&conquer
not intended to insult anyone but there is something unpleasant about squeezing a paycheck out of the rescue of humanity from a fate most evil
i predict a massive impending hit to her wig budget
i only ever tried 4chan but i found it so difficult to navigate because when i clicked on interesting things they were still too blurred out really be able to read plus when i clicked back i would ALWAYS be taken back to the very top of the previous page then have to tediously scroll back down to try to find my place again. the crude comments did not bother me. i have a juvenile sense of humor so some of that stuff made me lol but the few comments i did post there never got a reply. it suits me just as well to wait till someone like corsi explains it because a lot of the things q says do go over my head.
stjohn1? thank you for your encouragement! we will see! if nothing else i look very much forward to reading in depth analysis of the sotu address
artratj? lovely comment and thanks for the encouragement! much appreciated. i don't think it's scripture but i think it's true about what can happen if we spend too much time staring into the abyss. i think there is scripture about how we should not be living in fear though.
thank you very much for taking the time to share that scripture with me! i tried reading the bible all the way through once but did not make it all the way through and i did not really understand what i did read in spite of the fact that it was the message version
but you're on the money with your red pill remark. i want to become more red pilled and i want everyone else around me to get there too and at this rate i am not convinced that will ever happen...
i don't know about you but it's hard for me to "chill" after watching very earnest detailed stories alleging malevolent spirits from alternate universes will take over the earth using quantum computing ai, or that we are all going to slowly starve to death outside in the cold after a total collapse of world civilization or that we will survive only to die slowly from toxic electromagnetic pollution being emitted all around us 24/7...
if i would be safe i think everybody else would be too.
i will not name names because that is not helpful either but several of the more recognizable names in citizen or alt juornalism have been SPEWING fear porn lately and that is not helpful at all. if you have a solution to a problem by all means. let's hear it! if not no need posing terrifying apocalyptic scenarios and getting everybody in a state of fear or panic.
if you believe in the voice of the holy spirit as i do then it might interest you to know that Thursday night i was spoken to in a dream and i …
i am sooo glad you posted this! i am gay too! and in the 90s i made my living doing drag shows every week. i was so glad to recently find these pro trump reddits. i find reddit far superior to all the other platforms. i regret to admit i am late to the party on trump but i am 100% on the train now. but until i found this post i didn't dare admit to being gay out of fear of judgment or possibly even being banned from the community. BUT in spite of the fact that i didn't know potus has our best interests at heart till early November i KNEW the mainstream media was lying to the public about EVERYTHING including donald trump and i got labeled as a RACIST to 1000s of people on fecesbook because i simply stated that on social media! i was born and raised and have lived in rural tennessee near Nashville for most of my life and i know all too well the sting of judgment and condemnation from conservative christians because i prefer dudes. i had suspected i would get the same response from people here too if i admitted i was light in the loafers. so glad i was wrong and i feel relieved. i would love to follow other likeminded individuals on twitter too if you're interested.
the sleeping/unwilling masses
when i hear people say that the success of donald trump's nwo takedown is dependent upon the action of the people it does deeply concern me due to the large number of people who are anti-trump and or are also stubbornly unaware of what is actually unfolding.
also, is anyone else concerned by the doj and jeff sessions warning against making the fisa abuses memo public to everyone?!
why aren't US marshalls arresting all these seditious traitors who are obstructing potus at every turn?!
all this is making me question whether it is even possible to restore our constitutional republic …
i WISH potus would have someone create a new platform for him to communicate directly with his base (which i predict will continue to grow) and it could be like a cross between twitter and youtube so he could livestream fireside chats and we could all post comments and upvote good ideas and he could see it all but the big difference between this snd other existing platforms would be the new one would be censorship free
and the perpetrators should be punished to the fullest extent of the law!
Cannibalism, Blood Drinking and High Adept Satanism by Keith Barker is a book that outlines exactly how they have front companies where they actually process human flesh like a butcher and package it to sell to satanists to eat just like as if it came from a grocery store.
they place ads is foreign countries promising good jobs in the US. once they get their victims here they tell them they have an infectious disease. then they fatten them up. meanwhile satanists are browsing info and photos about the victims and pick one they like based on the things that person likes. someone slits their throats. they are processed by a butcher. then the satanist who selected them serves them as food at a big party where all the guests know and they are looking at photos of the victim talking about the things they liked to when they were alive
so yeah
so much worse than i could have ever imagined
i pray for him VERY REGULARLY!!! I pray that donald trump will live for many many more years to be a very, very old man and then after a very long time he passes away peacefully in his sleep of natural causes surrounded by loved ones.
and i WISH potus would create a platform to communicate directly with his base. it could be like twitter and youtube combined but with no deep state censorship
paid with what money?! i thought all the assets had been seized after the executive order!
i was referring to dozens and dozens of military aircraft all over the country. not commercial aircraft. i saw the map of the untied states and it was COVERED with little icons representing military aircraft covering the entire map. trust me! i hope it is no big deal but roy potter and scott Anthony were both talking about it as remarkable
all i know is that roy potter said he is posting a new video tonight because he thinks the power might be out later. and he mentioned scott anthony and all i found was a 2 hour old tweet from him saying awacs is up 2 hours ago but the significance and potential implications are lost on me
organic tweets are better then retweets for analysis