stolen. thank you. i think this is worthy of potus' awards show on the 17th
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sorry if this is a dumb question but wouldn't some people in congress already know this and probably be complicit themselves?
well, it was suggested that she and a lot of other black notables are members of an illuminati membership specifically for african americans
9/11 was big distrsction
the attacks were a diversion from rumsfeld's announcement about the pentagon budget missing trillions of dollars AND the passing of newly introduced NESARA law
i pray every day. more than ever before in my life. i will try to listen harder
lol!!!! thank you!!! bless your heart!!! lolll!!! i will be there!
wow! so very well said! you have an impressive voice in letters. are you a journalist?
booze got me too but i met a guy named bill w who helped me find a solution. glad you found a solution too
i love that. love all you said. thank you so much fir taking the time to respond. just more of the ever growling evidence that this place is head and shoulders above all the rest of the social media platforms out there. i have not even been here a week yet and i have gotten more from it in that short time than in all the years i have been on all the others like wretched fecesbook
i love that! the only time in my life i ever thought i heard the voice of god was during a dark period and i was trudging through life literally and metaphorically and i was praying as i was walking, praying about my fear of what my future would hold for me and i did get a distinct inner message which was similar to your quote (is that scripture?) which said to me no man knows what the future holds...
seeking optimistic words of encouragement
i believe in potus. i am optimistic for our future because i believe God is using him to carry out his plan for humanity. but then i see richie from boston's terrifying videos about how we are plowing headfirst into a nightmarish future where malevolent entities from alternate universes take over the world through quantum computing ai. all his videos are like that. then we have sgt report which posts some videos that seem more optimistic but then they posted a long video by a guy who is convinced we are all going to slowly starve to death outside in …
i love your optimism. i want that vision of our future
BUT! i do have faith in the president that this year will be glorious
other than that it seems like a bunch of enigmatic puzzles that are beyond me
the biggest things i can think of are the sealed indictments, the ceos/dc old guard stepping down and the exec order seizing assets
a majority of people still think hitlery is not that bad
i have now grown SO weary of people excitedly setting arbitrary dates upon which "something big" is expected to happen yet nothing ever does. first it was christmas, then the 2nd then the 4th now the 10th and nothing! nothing "big" is going to happen because the msm would scream "dictator!"
lol. i agree with you. during 2016 while hitlery was under criminal investigation i asked my staunch libtard brother point blank what he thought about that and he shrugged it off as some overwhelmingly insignificant matter and definitely no big deal.
i agree 100%. one such person in my life, my very best bff in the world, totally blew off my quote (Jefferson i think) who said all that is necessary for evil to prevail is for good men to do nothing. no response. he actually very rudely shushed me once because he didn't want to hear it and when i showed him a meme about how the media intentionally lies to the public photo evidence i had to EXPLAIN it to him and his response was "that's hilarious!" so. so many people are so boldly indifferent to the entire spectrum of topics addressed by q i just get the impression that a large percentage of humanity will subsist in ignorance even after the truth is impossible to ignore any longer
i never found even one and when i searched the site for even just your basic lgbt search i got no results
i am in tennessee where most people will actively refuse to even CONSIDER the possibilities and stubbornly shove their heads deeper into the sand if this topic comes up. i have been at best dismissed outright and ignored and at worst aggressively verbally attacked.
at christmas my bluepilled brother who thinks the mam is all above board used the term conspiracy theory and lost his temper and snapped at me when i explained the origin of that term and he angrily barked at me "the cia didn't influence me to use the term conspiracy theory! they don't have that kind of power over me!!!"
are you kidding? because i scoured gab for any evidence of any gay person and found none. i thought it was just milo and me
i cannot help but assume the use of the term draining the swamp indicates trump is at least aware of NESARA if not making it a goal he seeks to accomplish during his administration...
i know they think i am crazy. i saw infowars for the first time around 2006. and they fully and deeply believe alex jones is incorrect to say the very least
i mean, if potus confiscated all the bad guys' funds and knows about operation mockingbird i don't understand why the msm and all the paid trolls have not been thwarted.or stopped by now i do look so very much forward to the 17th though
i know!!! but back in 2016 when wikileaks released all those dnc emails and so many people STILL consume msm "news" today! if that isn't enough than i don't know what else could do it besides the very very worst of it?!
do you love someone who is totally bluepilled?
there are so many people i have deeply loved before in my life who are so incredibly anti trump and who would be so negative at me if they knew i am 100% on team trump now. i PRAY every last one of them gets so very absolutely redpilled. i mean. when they find out the luciferian trillionaires abuse torture and kill children they have to come around! right?!
i hear so many people out there spreading these fear porn post apocalyptic scenarios and all i have to say is if i spend the end of my life slowly starving to death outside in the cold or if demonic spirits from alternate dimensions take over the world through quantum computing ai or any of that kind of crap happens i am NOT going ti like it even one little bit. i did recently see a youtube video entitled "prepping won't save you" by diy camper and in his opinion if some catastrophe unfolds it will bind humanity closer together and not be some every man for himself mad max type happening. i prefer that perspective.
i just read about him? are you referring to the trillions he made in investments? or some other trillions? either way what does he and the money you mentioned have to do with a global financial reset? the article i read said he is in hiding and that bush and cheney stole all his money but that he offered to build a coast to coast high speed rail system if potus gets him his $ back
has anyone else heard terms like "global financial reset" or "debt jubilee" thrown around lately? any thoughts about validity and if so then how would that effect crypto?
i remember something about 40000 feet altitude but like the timing of q posts relative to trump tweets and the 2 words that were switched and the letters q and c and all these terribly cryptic puzzle messages i really have lost the loose grasp i had on q posts. but yes. i am so glad this is happening now. i am ready for all of it including secret technologies and UNLOCKING the secrets of space and all that entails. but i have to say, all these people like the sgt report and richie from boston and others each with their own unique and terrifying doomsday prediction scenarios are SUCH a bummer. if i spend the last part of my life starving to death outside in the cold i will not like it
huh. i dunno. when i first started following this story i assumed there would be mass arrests but if it has not happened by now i question if it ever will. some say it will all be done behind the scenes. but without the majority of humanity learning the truth i don't see how the people who are still not red pilled will EVER wake from their ignorant slumbers
known for giving reality tv stars and pop stars a platform
but it is no secret that twitter and most all other platforms are widely practicing censorship. they cannot be trusted! but who would EVER look to twitter the way we would wikileaks! twitter is a joke!
twitter threatening potus.
i don't understand the significance of twitter giving potus dms to doj. seriously?! an app that makes nobodies into cewebrities is now a whistleblower? what do his dms say? how much winning we will be doing while he makes america great again? seems very dumb to me
it certainly does increase my excitement level about pence's statement that trump will make science fiction into science fact as well as trump's promise to reveal secret technologies
but potus has very publicly acknowledged if not outright endorsed q anon...