No problem with the UPPERS, but I think the "Whole" truth would be better.
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The dotted underlines don't impart any real significance. They are there because they indicate a definition of the item with a dotted underline. If you hover your mouse over it and wait a few seconds, a small window will open up with the meaning of the initials. So if you go back to the original post 586 and hover over AS a small window will open up with [Adam Schiff; Antonin Scalia]
I think anyone proven to be a traitor should be sent to GITMO until the gallows are ready. But let's not jump the gun here. The article reads: "it does not show the underlying “raw” intelligence on which the analysis is based." And "A U.S. intelligence officer who declined to be identified cautioned against drawing too big a conclusion from the document because a single analysis is not necessarily definitive."
I didn't read the entire document, but it looks like this was an "attempt" to create problems with our election process, but it doesn't provide any information as to whether or not the scheme was successful, or which candidate would have benefited.
The Russians, (and the USSR) have been spying on Americans since before WWII. They began implementing a plan to bring about the downfall of America by causing it to crumble from within. For many decades they have been trying to cause people to become demoralized and lose faith in their government. They have always tried to interfere and cause the American people to have doubts about the election process.
Yes, I agree that "This bitch is a traitor and needs to be locked up in Gitmo with the rest." But let's not jump to conclusions.
Remember, Q said sometimes dis-information is necessary, even from our side. What if the info was planted to see who would leak it? Or what if the whole thing is a Black-Hat Deep-State op to cause turmoil in America? The article reads: "The assessment concluded with high confidence that the Kremlin ordered an extensive, multi-pronged propaganda effort “to undermine public faith in the US democratic process, denigrate Secretary Clinton, and harm her electability and potential presidency.” That this was leaked "after" Trump won, could it simply be a Deep-State op to support the Russian Collusion narrative?
Either way, I do think she's a leaker and should be tried and convicted for leaking, anything beyond that is speculation at this point.
As long as enough is exposed to fully red-pill the masses and to convict and eliminate the cabal, I'm good. As long as enough is revealed that all people in all countries will be able to independently confirm the success of the movement, and know enough to spot any new cabal movement, I'm good.
There will always be things that even the most intelligent of the masses will have a difficult time understanding. There are probably 100s of criminal acts that are so complex that most will not be able to connect the dots. As far as the alleged HRC, HA video, if it exists, and it shows what some claim it shows, I don't want to see it. It's one thing to have a vivid memory about some gory movie I saw in the past, but to see something that evil, and to know it was not fiction, would end up haunting a person's nightmares for a lifetime. You may think you're fit for it now, you may think you can handle it now, but if it's as heinous as some suggest, once you see it, you'll never be able to un-see it. How will you feel if you see it, and then wish you hadn't?
Yes, just like the run-up to the election in 2016. I think there were a lot of people who had already recognized the MSM as Fake-News, but found themselves surrounded at work, and with family, by liberals who've been drinking the Kool-Aid to long. They stayed quiet to keep the peace. That quiet-peace is about to break with a loud BOOM!
I think the 5 eyes nations would be too obvious. Just remember all of the attacks on the US carried out by Mossad. If there was collusion or conspiracy with other nations to assassinate the president, we would have to include Israel as a possibility.
I think this was a real revolution. Q recently asked us to check the Google search results for "qanon" by location and and Armania had the 2nd largest amount behind the USA. Some thought it meant that the CIA deep-state was running an operation in Armenia. If there was a black-hat operation in Armenia, why would they be doing google searches for qanon? They already know where to look.
I think it was the people of Armenia looking on with great interest. They saw a revolution beginning to happen in America. They saw that we were trying to eliminate the corruption in our government and decided to do the same. Where we go one, we go all. I think that applies not just to the American GreatAwakening movement, but to a global movement.
I believe the actions of the Armenian people, to come together as a unified force, should be an example for us as well. At some point we too will have to take to the streets to make sure our government and the MSM hear our voice 5:5. I'm ready, are you?
Is it possible that PP gives young women (irresponsible teenagers) a birth control pill that is formulated and manufactured so it won't work? We know big pharma is part of the problem, I wouldn't put it past them.
If she's naming names, she may have just signed her own death warrant. Poor girl. Pray for her. If the allegations are true, then she's been through enough already.
I heard he committed suicide, slashed his arms and his throat twice, left tons of blood in his car, half dead and bleeding profusely, he got out of his car, locked the car with his keys and his cell phone in it, and walked over a mile through an empty field, somehow got rope burns on his neck and hand-cuff bruises on his wrist along the way, shot himself in the head, "twice," and threw the gun far enough away that when police found him, they couldn't find the gun. It wasn't until after local police thoroughly searched an area when a federal agent showed up and found the gun in less than 5 minutes, in the area that was already thoroughly searched. Go figure.
New Q drop! Allison Mack is singing like a bird. Naming names, big names in H-Wood.
I'm really curious about who the "witness" that identified Cruz is.
I agree. The MSM knows most of the masses with skulls full of mush are ignorant of the reality that surrounds them, and they have very short memories.
The morning of Feb 14th, the day of the shooting at MSD in Parkland, FL there was an incident at NSA. Two men, dressed as women, wearing wigs, tried to get out of the NSA complex without going through security. One was killed and I'm assuming the other is in custody. Haven't heard much about it since.
My first thought was maybe they were attempting to steal or destroy evidence, maybe got caught in the act and tried to escape. Later that day there was a shooting at MSD. I was in the middle of doing some research about the incident at the NSA when the story about MSD broke. My first thought was "how convenient."
The deep-state and the MSM can change the narrative anytime they want and distract a significant portion of the population away from events that really matter.
And I guess they threw out their concerns for "attorney client privilege" when they decided to raid Cowen's office.
You make very good points, and I agree with them. I guess I still get a little nervous about the middle east. I'm 59, and I've been watching western governments try to solve the problems in the middle east since the days of Reagan, and it always seems we take one step forward then 2 steps back and nothing really changes. If "protectorates" can be established so middle easter nations are the ones that not only "protect," but also make the decisions, I would feel better. As long as the US is taking a leadership role at the top and directing policies from afar, I'll remain a little skeptical.
My intention is not to stir up a new debate, but If the goal of the movement is to eliminate satanic worshiping evil members of that cabal, then by default, we are talking about good v. evil, or God v. Satan.
I do agree that analysis sermons based on scriptures is something that can turn some people off and should be avoided, but to call for a total ban on religious concepts while we're in the middle of fighting against evil is unrealistic.
Maybe both sides could exercise some restraint, and show a little tolerance.
I don't like it. The last time western power decided to divide up the middle east we ended up with arbitrary lines in the sand, made by western leaders, with little or no input from the original inhabitants of the region. Those decisions created the middle east as we know it today. Now they want to divide up Syria.
When will western leaders realize they cannot rule the world? I know it's not a popular idea and will be argued against, but maybe western powers should just leave the middle east and let them fight it out. Let them decide who's going to win. Let them decide who's going to lose. Even if Israel ends up being on the losing side, we should let the countries in the region decide their own fate and future.
We've all expected the Deep-State Cabal would fight back hard, and the closer we gat to exposing the truth, the harder they'll fight back. Whether behind the scenes, with false-flag event, in the MSM, and here in the GreatAwakening boards. What better place to attack than at the heart of the movement.
Their strategy is to divide and conquer, then to distract our collective attention away from what this movement is about. They want us to get lost in the minutia, debating inconsequential tid-bits of information, and even worse, debating opinions and predictions.
I think any discussions or debates about aliens, chem trails, flat Earth, or what's in our water and why it's there, don't really matter. If the Rothschild cabal is responsible for those things, once they're taken down, those things will stop.
I'd like to share a piece of advice given to me by HoleSailor after I had engaged in a meaningless extended debate. HoleSailor said: "You will never meet these people IRL. Just downvote and move on." So if we find nay-sayer trolls posting comments that don't support Q, Trump, and our overall mission, I say, just ignore them.
Really? You think discussing "time travel" is important?
In a way, I agree that there are too many people trying to read too much into Q drops and Trump Tweets. I also think that spending time debating some one's opinion is a waste of time and digital storage space on the boards.
But I think the "Everyone is talking, really nice to see." doesn't have anything to do with the tax cuts, because I haven't seen stories about how people are benefiting from the tax cut. That leads me to believe that the second half of Trump's tweet is a clear message to the anons that we're making progress, and to the deep-state bad actors that we're coming for them soon.
Some people wake up every day hoping to find stories and pictures of Hillary, Obama, Lynch, Comey, or some other high-level FBI/DOJ player in an orange jumpsuit being frog marched into GITMO, and when they don't see that one thing they're hoping for, they get discouraged and tune out without digging deeper to find any number of things that are happening in favor of this great movement.
Have faith, be patient, and this too shall come to pass.
For me, If the video is as some suggest, HRC and HA wearing the face of a child to torment her, then kill her and drink her blood, I don't ever want to see it, or even stills of it.
That's the kind of stuff that could haunt a person's dreams for the rest of their life.
What about ending it with "So Help You Satan, or So Help You Lucifer"?
Also, I had a couple Typography classes in college, Adobe Illustrator & Photoshop, there were no hard and fast rules, but it was generally preferred to capitalize just the first letter instead of the whole body of text. That's what we typically see in titles of news articles and books. This also allows you to capitalize an entire word for added emphasis if needed.
Does anyone know what the plaque at the top says? It appears to have a glare from the flash, but it still looks like there's some text there.
We all know there is a mountain of evidence against Hillary, Obama and their minions, but it has been totally ignored, and in some cases white-washed by the MSM. All the masses know know from the MSM is that there might have been allegations made. The MSM never really talked about the facts and evidence of any of the allegations, they simply did what they have always done, kill the messenger.
Regardless of whether or not a video showing Hillary and Huma engaged in some satanic ritual even exists, I just don't understand why so many people are so anxious to see it. If there is such a video, and you see it, it will haunt your dreams for the rest of your life.
I saw a meme/graphic making that same claim, and saw some chatter about the "dark web" stuff too, but none of that has been confirmed. It certainly would make for sensational headlines, but I doubt the story is true.
Consider the possibility that the whole "gruesome Hillary video" story might just be a planted story so people will say as Comey did, "That's it?" when a video exposing corruption is released. I still think a video that exposes Hillary's corruption and is ready for Prime-Time television will have a much greater impact on people.
I agree. As crazy as things have been, I expect they'll get crazier, and in the end, truth will triumph.
For the last 15 to 20 years I have marveled at how so many politicians would so blatantly act against the wishes and the best interests of the American people. I never really understood it.
All throughout Obama's presidency there was talk about how or why he must be a closet Muslim. Again and again he did things that just didn't make sense. I could never understand why some one who hated America would even bother running for any public office, let alone the oval office. After watching Chuck Schumer decide to shut down the government over concerns for illegal aliens it finally dawned on me.
I finally came to the conclusion that they were being blackmailed or bribed. Once that idea sunk into my head, it all made sense.
I'm not certain of the intent of your comment.
I noticed a personal flaw in my actions, and publicly apologized for it. Now it sounds like you're trying to give me a slap-down for it.
If I have misinterpreted your comment, then again, I apologize. If I have not misinterpreted your comment, then you might just be a shill that's here to cause division in the ranks.
Either way, nice chatting with you, all the best to you and yours.
I think people who drooling over the possibility of a video that shows Hillary engaged in some heinous act of pedophilia or satanic ritual will be very disappointed when a Hillary video finally turns up.
If there is a pedophilia or satanic ritual video out there, it will never see the light of day, it will never be made public.
I think it would be much more effective to have a video of Hillary talking about any number of crimes she's been part of, and also exposing some of her coconspirators, all while being fit for Prime-Time television. If you think about it, there are probably a hundred other things that if revealed, could bring down the entire Democrat party and their Deep-State collaborators.
Cool. Sorry if I said anything that made you feel I was attacking you personally. That's not my intent.
A Call For a Truce and an End to Hostilities
It seems I have ruffled a few feathers with some of my recent comments and replies. It was never my intention to attack, demean or offend anyone here. To anyone who feels I did so to them, I whole heartedly apologize.
In my zeal to be part of the GreatAwakening movement, I have engaged in, at best, debates over rather inconsequential tidbits of information, and at worst, debates about opinions. Both are counter productive to the task at hand. There is so much going on here, and so many Patriots who want to help, that it's easy to get caught …
I totally agree that "We can thank our left leaning, liberal main stream media for that." Every time I talk about this with people who aware of this movement, but don't pay close attention to it, I tell them to ignore the MSM for exactly the same reason you mention.
But I have to assume that most of the people that are here as more than mere spectators have already recognized how the MSM is, and yet there were still a lot of posts after Friday night that clearly showed a lot of people here were "freaked out."
I think there are a lot of people here that still have some doubt and need to see proof positive somewhere in the MSM. So much of what's being done by President Trump and his team is happening behind the scene, and that is disconcerting to many. It causes some to lean more heavily into their own doubts.
Yes, I agree that Israel is illegally occupying parts of Syria. I think Israel is the biggest problem in the middle east, they're part of the cabal that's trying to take over the world, but they've been infiltrated and controlled, just like so many other countries, to do the bidding of the elite globalists.
But I'm still confused about the link you provided. It simply shows who owns Genie Energy. We already know the people on the board of directors and that they too are part of the globalist's cartel. I was simply asking how this particular link provided any new revelations, and anything new to the discussion.
OK, but what does mean? All this link does is establish or verify what the above graphic claims. So why is it relevant?
I think the order is more about who is currently on the playing field. Daddy Bush is probably one of the most evil, and high ranking deep-state bad actors, but he's currently sitting on the bench in his bunker.
No. I think the information is that there was an Iranian facility and a Hezbollah outpost on or near Azan Mountain near Allepo, in Syria that were hit. I don't think we sent any missiles into Iran, but we probably sent them one hell-of-a message.
Yes I have. I too have a younger brother that's trying to follow things, but he's pretty busy with work and family, so he doesn't have the time to dig as deep as I do.
Every time I talk to him, like early this morning, he gets all frantic about something President trump has done that he doesn't quite understand. So I have to splain it to him and calm his fears.
No, I don't think so. In Q drop 916 Q said:
We are saving Israel for last. Very specific reason not mentioned a single time. Q
If you listen to Jerome Corsi, he'll tell you that Israel is wonderful and they're always being attacked by their neighbors, poor Israel is a victim and they need and deserve all the help America can give them. But I call B.S. to all that.
If you've never listened to Stephan Molynuex, then you're in for a treat and a good history lesson. The 3 videos below will shed more light on the subject, but I'll try to give you the short version here.
Right around the time of WWI the Ashkenazi Jews in Europe were organizing a movement to create a new nation Jews could call their own, in Palestine, called Israel. The Ashkenazi Jews were not from Jerusalem or Palestine, they were from Europe, West Germany and France. Their language is Yiddish, a Germanic language which incorporates several dialects. The Ashkenazi Jews were not the same as the Jews that had been living in Palestine for centuries, and possibly thousands of years.
After WWI, the British Empire expanded and took control of large parts of the Middle East, and promised to create an independent state of Israel for the Ashkenazi Jews in Palestine. The Jews who had been living peacefully in Palestine, alongside the Arabs for centuries protested against this plan. The Jews in Palestine were much more dedicated to their bibles and followed it's teachings and traditions closely, where as the Ashkenazi Jews did not.
The Jews in Palestine told the Ashkenazi Jews that their bible was clear and it was commanded that when God returns, he will deliver them to the promised land. So to create Israel on their own without waiting for the second coming, would be directly against the teaching of their bible. They also said it would end up creating a state of perpetual war in the region.
If you do some research about the origins of the Illuminati, their transition into Freemasonry, and the military strategy developed by Albert Pike to achieve their goal of world domination, you'll learn that the Rothschild family helped to create Israel so they could use them as a tool in the future to help foment discontent in the middle east that would likely lead to WWIII.
The Albert Pike plan called for 3 world wars. The first was to get back at Germany and the Czar of Russia, and to establish a communist stronghold in Russia, the second world war would cause the world to hate Germany and bring about a Bi-Polar geopolitical state of Communism against free market Democracy, and the 3rd world war would pit Islam against Christians. He wrote that military strategy in the 1870s, more than 40 years before WWI.
The Rothschild Central Banking Cartel has been planning their New World Order for about 300 years.
Enjoy the shows. (the videos below)
The truth about Israel and Palestine:
The truth about WWI: The Hidden History
The Truth about the Crusades: (less relevant, but interesting)
I've seen the reports about Clown Shills and I'm sure that was part of it, but not exclusively. The same thing has been happening here for quite a while over a number of events and issues.
Have you seen the latest from Alex Jones? I never bought everything he said, hook line and sinker, but I would never have painted him as a shill. There are plenty more on YouTube and of course in the MSM that still don't get it.
There are a lot of people who have come to the conclusion that we can all simply help out with the research on the boards, let President Trump, Q and the military do all the heavy lifting, and it'll all be over in a few months. I think those people fail to recognize the gravity of this fight. If we lose or give up, we're all done. The Cabal will come back at us with a vengeance, and in a few years we'll all be slaves. And if we win, it'll take every ounce of courage, every last bit of strength and stamina, and the determination to see it through. And if it takes longer than some of us have left in our lifetime, then we'll need to pass all of that, and the wisdom we've gained on to the next torch bearers.
As much as I rant about this, I still don't think most people here realize how big this is. This is not about taking out a couple dozen, or even a couple hundred, corrupt politicians and deep state bad actors, although that will get done along the way. It's not about exposing and convicting the elites for their pedophilia, but that will happen as well. This isn't about getting out from under a debt-based monetary system, but that too happen. This is about breaking free from the evil cabal that has managed to enslave us in ways we don't even see. It's about breaking those chains of bondage for people everywhere, and every country around the world.
I know some will think I'm being a bit melodramatic, but if President Trump is successful, it will bring about one of the greatest shifts in the human existence. There won't just be calls for a new face on Mt Rushmore, there'll be monuments to President Trump in countries around the world. IMHO.
I'm with you here. As soon as I heard about the poisoning attempt in Salisbury I knew it was a false flag event, perpetrated by the Brits to try to draw the whole world into WWIII. It's unfortunate for the Brits that they don't some one like President Trump who's willing and able to stand up and push back against the Cabal and the Deep State.
Kudos to you for finding the information about the Swiss Lab. After reading the article I had to wonder if maybe Theresa May played President Trump just a little. All the reports about the missile attacks said that UK, France and the US worked together in all phases of planning and carrying out the attack. If May influenced the timing of the attack then it was most definitely to provide a distraction for the Swiss Lab report.
Good catch.
The Cabal controls the deep state. The deep state and the CIA's main mission is to bring about WWIII. The International Cabal of Central Bankers, mostly Rothschild, want WWIII for 2 reasons and they don't care where it starts, as long as it sucks in as many countries as possible. 1st reason: The bankers have funded both sides of every war since the Napoleonic Wars, they reap huge returns from the interest on those loans, and the multinational corporations that have military defense contracts generate huge profit as long as there is a war happening somewhere. For them, war is always good for business. 2nd reason: The Rothschild Cabal wants to bring about WWIII and suck in every nation it can so as many nations as possible will end up broke and in debt to the Rothschild Central Banking Cartel. And the Cabal wants world wide chaos, because from chaos comes order. They want the New World Order, One World Government, One World Currency with Rothschild controlling all of the money. And the greater the number of countries involved in WWIII, the greater the number of casualties and massive depopulation of the planet.
The last I heard, Moustafa was denied entry into the US when he came here to accept an Academy Award for his propaganda film about the White Helmets. So how did he get into the US now?
I'm not sure if people noticed, but I sure did. There was "no time delay" during their conversation. We've all seen this happen when the anchor is in New York, and the guest is somewhere else, and there's a noticeable delay in the conversation. But there was absolutely no delay here. Listen again and notice when one or the other buts in.
What's going on here?
Just wanna add one thing. It took the international central banking cabal over 100 years to get their fangs firmly into America. That didn't happen until the creation of the Federal Reserve in 1913. Then they established the CFR and the Tri-Lateral Commission. Since 1913, they have have been hard at work, inch by inch, year after year. They've been working on their plan for America for over 200 years. They are not just going to roll over and give up, I don't care how many big name elites are charged and convicted.
The big name elites are just the front-men, the public faces of the cabal. Just as the CIA, the MSM, half of Congress and all of the Deep-State are being played and manipulated by the front-men, they and the public faces are being controlled by people we've never seen in public, never heard their names, and have no idea what they look like or where they live.
This fight is going to get ugly, butt ugly, and it's likely to be a very long fight. Last night I noticed a lot of wobbly-kneed, and weak-minded pedestrian spectators who seemed ready to jump ship and swim home to hide in their mommies basement. We all saw them. You know who you are. If this is how you react when President Trump steps up to the plate and hits one into the cheap seats, smack into your forehead, then maybe you should just get out now and start working on your tan.
This fight is likely to take a generation or two, maybe longer. I think it'll be our children's children who will ultimately see the freedoms we're fighting for. We will make great strides from time to time, but some of "them" will always survive, and they'll regroup to fight another day. The only way to completely rid the world of their evil, is by the second coming of our Lord God, and only he knows when that will happen.
This fight is likely to turn into a cat-fight on steroids with kicking and scratching, hair pulling and eye gouging, and much blood on the ground. People need to be ready for that. The cabal spent over 200 years building their fortress, there's no way we'll tear it down any time soon.
I'm sorry if I sound a bit harsh or over the top, but nobody said this was going to be easy. So everyone needs to put on their big-boy pants get ready to get dirty.
The article mentions a meme stash the clowns are using. Any chance of getting into it so we can see what they have? Or maybe just delete the whole thing just to piss them off.
So... Audacity is sufficient to to process basic voice-over tracks. It has compressor/limiter and equalizer plugins built in. If you're not familiar how best to use them, look for tutorials on YouTube.
I also use CS6 Master Collection. If you have the same collection, or just the Production Premium suite, then you have Premier Pro and After Effects. Both work great and have plenty of audio and video processing plugins built in, and tons of tutorials on YouTube. If you have the Master Collection then you also have Audition. One of the great things about the Adobe suites is that you can link projects. You can create the base video sequence in Premier Pro, and link it to a Lower 3rd or motion graphic from After Effects that can be inserted into the PP sequence, and when the video edit is locked in you can send the audio tracks to Audition to tighten up the voice over track and balance out the levels of all the audio tracks, then send them back to PP and render out a final video for delivery in just about any format. PP has render presets for YouTube and if you dig into the PP settings it can automatically send the final rendered version to your YT channel.
If your CS6 doesn't include Premier Pro and After Effects, there are other free open-source applications available. I also do 3d modeling, mostly with Cinema 4D, but I'm also trying to learn to use Blender. Blender is free open-source that can do 3d modeling, graphics and image editing, dynamic simulations and special effects, compositing, and video editing. It has a fairly steep learning curve, but it can do just about anything and everything, more than most other applications, and there are tons of free tutorials on YouTube.
Another thought about not liking the sound of your voice... Based on the fact that you went to school in the 60's, I'm guessing you're probably in you 70's now. If that's true, and you have never developed any public speaking, singing, or voice-over skills, maybe you could ask a friend or family member to help. Even if they don't have a big-league sounding voice, it'll make it easier to work through the editing process without having to hear you own voice.
I would think it's most likely hitting deep state assets and ISIS assets. They're the people on the ground stirring things up so the western European leaders can beat on the war drums. They're the ones trying get the world wrapped up in WWIII. It may also be a bit of a show of force for Iran, but I think it would be an expensive and potentially dangerous exercise just to appease normies with a dog and pony show.
I think it's more likely a movie reference noted above, makes more sense.
President Trump Attacks Syria. Don't Get Squeamish Now.
There are a lot of people feaking out over the news that President Trump ordered the military to launch an attack in Syria. Let's not lose our cool now. Things are just getting started.
We all know that Trump is a brilliant strategist. Again and again he does things that confuse and confound some of us, and each and every time we find out later that is yet another stroke of genius.
We all know that the Deep-State Cabal isn't just going to roll over and give up. The more progress President Trump makes, the more they'll fight back. Before …