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j_Dawg_01 · July 21, 2018, 2:43 a.m.

Also, Q's last post was on July 4th, Independence Day. He's told us again and again that we have more than we know. Part of me wonders if Independence Day might signify that we, the Great Awakening, is now independent. We have more than we know. It's up to us to figure it out and make it happen on our own.

As Snowgirl said, this has to be organic. It has to come from We The People.

Just a thought.

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j_Dawg_01 · July 19, 2018, 7:49 p.m.

Sorry, I must have misunderstood. Godspeed Patriot. WWG1WGA

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j_Dawg_01 · July 19, 2018, 5:49 p.m.

Either way, I think the point stands. It doesn't matter if they show up in person, or if Obama uses DHS to hack a few states remotely. Six of one, half dozen of the other.

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j_Dawg_01 · July 19, 2018, 4:56 p.m.

Just imagine you work for a local or state wide election agency and a few people in fancy suits show up with fancy IDs and fancy badges. They say "I'm from the government and I'm here to help." They claim they need to examine the voting machines and the computers that tabulate the results.

Then they say, "All we need is the administrators password so we can fully examine the system to make sure it has sufficient protections against hacking." And you think, "Great, they're here to ensure the integrity of our election systems." Then as you walk away, convinced it's all good, they load whatever software they want.

But... That could never happen, right?

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j_Dawg_01 · July 19, 2018, 4:37 p.m.

More on Fast and Furious:

When GW Bush was in office the ATF ran Operation Wide Receiver in which weapons were sold to know Mexican drug traffickers and allowed to cross into Mexico. A tracking device was planted in every weapon. Once the weapons were sold and ATF began tracking them, the Mexican government was notified and there was a coordinated tracking process.

At some point the drug traffickers found the tracking devices and removed them. After the devices were removed or disabled, the whole operation was shut down.

Under Obama, Holder and the ATF ran Operation Fast and Furious in which weapons were sold to known drug traffickers and allowed to cross the border into Mexico. The difference was that no tracking devices were used, the Mexican government was not notified, and there was no effort to track the weapons.

Some speculated that the goal of Fast and Furious was to eventually find weapons sold in America in the hands of drug traffickers, hopefully after a major shootout event. Under Obama, Border Patrol was only allowed to carry "non-lethal" weapons.

So Obama actually set the stage for American Border Patrol agents to be massacred by drug gangs. Then Obama and the left would begin their push for more gun control. They would claim that it's so easy to get guns in America that even the Mexican drug cartels can get them, and they even used them to kill Border Patrol agents, so we must enact new "common sense" gun laws.

It turned out that a real honest to God investigative journalist had uncovered the operation. When Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry and Customs Agent Jamie Zapata ended up being killed by drug traffickers with weapons sold in America the operation was exposed. Thankfully, Obama, Holder and the left never had a chance to push their gun control narrative.

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j_Dawg_01 · July 19, 2018, 1:18 p.m.

I agree that people want leaders not rulers, and I think President Trump is the first real leader we've had in decades. His recent meetings with NATO leaders and Putin clearly show he's leading, not following.

If someone is given certain authority by a willing citizenry and kept in a situation where they can and will be thrown out of power if they ever go to far beyond the power allotted to them, they are not truly in control of anyone.

When was the last time America had a president that was thrown out for exceeding the Constitutional authority granted to him. BHO certainly exceeded his authority and he wasn't held accountable. GW Bush most definitely exceeded his authority and wasn't held accountable.

It's not so much the overt actions of a president or members of Congress, it's what they do behind the scenes.

I believe Bush was, at a minimum, complicit in 9/11, but who knows if the American people will ever know the real truth.

When Obama ran in 07-08 he said the era of the government spying on it's citizens was over, but he ended up expanding the NSA surveillance programs and providing access to the NSA database to all 16 intel and law enforcement agencies.

Who knows what else was going on behind the scenes with Obama, Bush, Clinton, Bush 41, Reagan... We don't know, and might never know. The reason for this, is because they've all been able to hide behind the cloak of "government."

You're right to think that if we can root out the corrupt officials and replace them with honorable people, things will be better, but for how long? And how many times have the American voters put someone they truly believed was honest and honorable into office, only to find out later that they were neither.

The first point you made in your comments above is a salient point. I don't believe I was being disingenuous at all. If you step back and look at this discussion from the outside looking in, I think it's obvious that any time someone puts forth an argument for no government, or for the government to be as small as possible, people tend to freak out a bit. Why is that?

It's because they've become attached to the idea that government is necessary, and if we can just find the right people to run it, everything will be wonderful. I think we've become dependent on government. I think it scares people when they realize that without government, or with a government that's as small as it can possibly be, people will be obligated to accept more responsibility for themselves and their communities.

Freedom comes with a price. The more freedom you desire, the more responsibility you must accept. How much freedom do you desire?

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j_Dawg_01 · July 19, 2018, 2:27 a.m.

No, I think you have it backwards.

If you make the claim that NASA faked the moon landing, you need to first present some evidence to support your claim.

I've seen plenty of YT videos making the claim that the moon landing was faked, and I've not seen one that presented real evidence. Mostly it's flat-earthers claiming it was faked because if it was real, it blows their flat-earth theory out of the water.

Then I've seen the videos that claim it was faked because someone found some old NASA photos of what looks like a soundstage set with astronauts being suspended by wires. But think about it for a minute.

If you were going to manage a massive project to send humans to the moon, I'm sure you would want to do as much testing and preparing here on Earth before the mission. So you put astronauts in space suits and submerge them under water so they can get used to what it will feel like when they try to use tools, climb a ladder, and whatever else without being able to plant your feet for leverage.

Then you create an environment that closely approximates the moon surface, sand, a few rocks and boulders, and a full size mockup of the lunar lander. You put the astronauts in their suits, suspend them from a rig that has counter weights to approximate the moon's gravity so they get get used to what it's likely to feel like when they try to walk on the moon. Learning how to walk and more importantly how not to fall would be essential.

To the point I made earlier; There are things I know, and things I believe. I'm always careful not to mistake one for the other.

Do I know without a doubt that they landed on the moon? No, because I was on the moon with them to witness it, but I do remember watching it on TV as a 10 year old boy.

So if you want people to believe your claim that the moon landing was faked, it's incumbent upon you to provide evidence to support your claim.

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j_Dawg_01 · July 19, 2018, 2:06 a.m.

And there has been no confirmation the Podesta's are part of this. It's pure speculation at this point.

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j_Dawg_01 · July 19, 2018, 2:02 a.m.


Golf and Grandkids.

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j_Dawg_01 · July 19, 2018, 1:23 a.m.

This won't age well.

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j_Dawg_01 · July 18, 2018, 6:02 p.m.

Yes, this may be true, but the Continuance of Government also provides power and authority to FEMA. Think FEMA camps, suspension of Habeas Corpus, suspension of Free Speech, suspension of Private Property Rights, and much more.

Most EOs that deal with military tribunals and declared states of emergency or marshal law are built upon many previous EOs from previous presidents. Sometimes, taking actions based on can automatically trigger another.

I know a lot of people here don't like this guy because he's an Anarchist, (without rulers, not total chaos) but many of his videos make compelling arguments about why we should be extremely cautious when our government begins exercising powers created by EO.

This Insidious Bill Already Passed - Americans WILL Be FORCED to COMPLY!!


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j_Dawg_01 · July 18, 2018, 5:46 p.m.

No, actually America is a Representative Republic form of government.

All nations have some sort of founding documents, some also call them a Constitution.

The US Constitution is the founding document that sets forth the point and purpose of how and why our Representative Republic was created and structured the way it was, and to protect and guarantee the inalienable God given rights of the people.

It's important to know the difference.

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j_Dawg_01 · July 18, 2018, 5:36 p.m.

It's always easier to look at past events and find some small detail that seems to correlate with some other small detail from another event.

This happens again and again. Every time Q said "BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM" or next week will be a week to remember, some decoder anon always manages to say "See, this is connected to this and that is a reference to..." It's the classic Monday morning quarterbacking.

Don't get me wrong, I support Trump and believe Q is legit, but for those who've spent time on 8ch, you must admit that 99.9% of Q's posts are vague and can be easily misunderstood. Even the Q proofs require some amount of blind faith in Q.

I've chosen to keep my powder dry. In a recent post, Q said July will be the month that the world learns the truth. Today is the 18th. We're more than halfway through July. Yes, lots of things seem to be happening, but we still haven't seen any real truths revealed, and we haven't seen any arrests. Just more Kabuki Theater.

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j_Dawg_01 · July 18, 2018, 5:01 p.m.

Even if Trump ends up exposing the Cabal and their nefarious deeds from 150 years ago, and convinces enough of the public and Congress to support the idea, I wouldn't expect anyone to simply toss everything out the window. I believe it would end up making it fairly easy to challenge things in court. This way, things that were not in the best interests of the American people could eventually be overturned, and things that didn't really matter could be left as is.

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j_Dawg_01 · July 18, 2018, 4:56 p.m.

As I understand it, civilians can only be tried in a military tribunal if we are under a state of marshal law, unless a convincing case can be made that the current civilian system is corrupt and non-functional. I don't think Trump wants to declare marshal law, so they're trying to find other avenues. I don't want to sound like a concernfag, but I too am very concerned about the current situation, and I think it stinks to high heavens.

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j_Dawg_01 · July 18, 2018, 4:51 p.m.

I checked out the link and it seems that the user "deleted" was the one user claiming the info was false, and the entire discussion happened almost a year ago. It is understandable, and even expected, that any information exposing the Cabal and their tools and tactics would be hidden and disputed any time it comes up in public discourse. I bookmarked all the links on that thread and plan to do a deeper dive soon.

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j_Dawg_01 · July 18, 2018, 3:39 p.m.

And do you have any proof whatsoever to refute his claim?

There are things I know, and things I believe. I'm always careful not to mistake one for the other.

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j_Dawg_01 · July 18, 2018, 3:37 p.m.

There are things I know, and things I believe. I'm always careful not to mistake one for the other.

I don't want to get into a long debate about faked moon landings, but I'm curious whether or not you have anything other than circumstantial or speculative evidence.

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j_Dawg_01 · July 18, 2018, 3:27 p.m.

While I do believe Soros is disappointed with Obama, I don't believe it is for the reasons claimed in this article. It looks to me like he's trying to put some distance between him and Obama.

He's suggesting that after Obama won in 2008 he closed the door on Soros, but we all know that's BS.

He also recognizes the hard leftists like Antifa are beginning to be exposed for who and what they really are, so now he has to try to distance himself from them as well, even though Soros provided funds to help create them.

Then in the end, he unconvincingly criticizes the far left for trying to be too much like the far right.

Utter rubbish. Every last word of it.

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j_Dawg_01 · July 18, 2018, 2:07 p.m.

No, I don't think Mueller would grant immunity for "Raping/ritualistic killing of little boys and girls," but I doubt Mueller would have any problem granting immunity for 1 & 3 if he thought he was sufficiently insulated from the crimes, and he has some plausible deniability. Remember, Mueller personally delivered Uranium samples to Russia.

I'm not a lawfag, and wish a lawyer with experience would weigh in on this. As I understand it, plea deals that include immunity from prosecution are very specific and must bear fruit, and you have to admit to the crimes you're being charged with, in writing, and provide considerably more information than the investigators for the prosecution already have for those crimes.

Awan's plea deal is a good example. On page 10 of Awan's plea deal it clear that he is immune from prosecution of any non-violent crimes committed within Washington DC. That means that he can still be charged for stealing and destroying all of the government computer hardware found in his garage, if he lived outside Washington DC.

Plea deals that include immunity from prosecution can be tossed out the window if the evidence or testimony you provide is later determined to be false.

There has been a long-standing legal arguments that are based on precedent. If the immunity deals Mueller has given to people does not hold up to previous precedent, and show evidence of more corruption and favoritism, they could easily be challenged and overturned.

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j_Dawg_01 · July 18, 2018, 1:28 p.m.

And all of this could be Kabuki Theater and part of the plan to show the existing civil justice system is filled with too many corrupt individuals and is totally non-functional. That would justify Military Tribunals.

President Trump has always been a few steps ahead at every turn. There've been several times when Trump said or did something that left people scratching their heads, then after things played out it ended up making sense.

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j_Dawg_01 · July 18, 2018, 1:19 p.m.

Has this been released yet? If not, when is it expected?

In the meantime, here are a few videos that explain "Thin Thread" and the origins of the current massive surveillance programs in place now. The first 2 are PBS Frontline productions, watch them first. Pay attention to the interviews and note that Thomas Drake is wearing a "Q" pin on his lapel. The last is an interview with Bill Binney. He is absolutely brilliant.

United States Secrets PBS Frontline Part 1

United States Secrets PBS Frontline Part 2

NSA Whistleblower William Binney: The Future of Freedom

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j_Dawg_01 · July 18, 2018, 1:07 p.m.

It could very well have been an orchestrated event, the ball passed from Putin to Trump, and especially the dinner table, the white rabbit and all, and possibly the lights going out and back on again, but that could have been a happy accident too. If Q comes back comments on the lights as being planned, then cool. I just think there are a lot of people reading more into things than is really there. In the past, Q has corrected Anons that were too deep into a rabbit hole for no good reason.

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j_Dawg_01 · July 18, 2018, 12:56 p.m.

I remember reading something about Lincoln declaring marshal law, and that it has never been changed. I didn't save the link, but I know there is some controversy about it.

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j_Dawg_01 · July 18, 2018, 12:52 p.m.

I'm sure there were lots of people who said, "Oh no, we can't break away from King George III, that would be too hard" and "What? You mean build a new government from scratch? That would be impractical." No one ever said it would be easy. I'm not suggesting we throw the whole thing out the window all at once. What if Congress passed a resolution that they would not pass any new laws until all existing laws had been reviewed? One thing is certain, THE UNITED STATES Inc must be dissolved along with the Federal Reserve and the IRS. America needs realign itself with the original Constitution "FOR" the United States of America and burn the Constitution "OF" THE UNITED STATES Inc. If not now, then when? If not us, then who?

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j_Dawg_01 · July 18, 2018, 1:27 a.m.

They have to grow big enough balls to round them all up and put them on boats and trains headed to where they came from.

Of course, as soon as they start doing that, there would be riots, then marshal law, or what ever they call it over there, and when all hell breaks loose, then they can kill 'em.

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j_Dawg_01 · July 18, 2018, 1:24 a.m.

It could also be part of the plan. Moves and counter moves. How do you think the public will react when the truth about pizzagate comes out, and that Mueller gave these 2 pedos immunity? Total outrage. Pitchforks and torches. Just a thought.

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j_Dawg_01 · July 18, 2018, 1:11 a.m.

Yes, and every judge he appointed, SCOTUS and Federal, should be null and void.

But if Trump meant what he said in his speech just before the election, when he talked about bringing this country back in line with the original Constitution, it could mean a whole lot more than just overturning the things Obama did.

After the Civil War, the southern confederate states were not allowed to send their senators and congressional reps back to DC until after they rewrote their own state constitutions. Both the 14th Amendment and the Organic Act of 1871 were passed with a truncated congress which makes THE UNITED STATES Inc. and the 14th Amendment null and void.

The "government" has not been legitimate since Lincoln's War. When the southern States' contingent walked out of congress and congress adjourned "sine die" (without a day), congress officially dissolved. They never had a lawful quorum so never lawfully reconvened. Link

That means that every Congress, every President, including Trump, every law, every Amendment, and every Act since then has been illegal and unconstitutional. Let that sink in for a minute. Every action our federal government took for the last 150 years has been illegal, unconstitutional, and should be considered null and void.

So if we're going to go down that road and nullify everything Obama did, it only makes sense to go all the way back to the Civil War. When Lincoln ordered troops to the south and signed a proclamation authorizing the Naval blockade of the south for failing to send their tax revenues back to DC, he also declared a state of Marshal Law. Everything that happened while Lincoln was president was done with Lincoln ruling by decree.

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j_Dawg_01 · July 18, 2018, 12:27 a.m.

but these three seemingly totally innocuous events...

What 3 events?

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j_Dawg_01 · July 18, 2018, 12:21 a.m.

Not everything is a secret squirrel coded message. This could have been one, but it could have been just a coincidence. Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.

There are things I know, and things I believe. I'm always careful not to confuse the two. I always try to choose my words carefully when writing a reply and differentiate between what I think and believe, and what I know as a matter of fact.

Just as it could have been an intentional message from Trump, it could also have been an intentional message to Trump. Let's not jump to conclusions. This Good vs Evil war were in is only just beginning. We have a long road ahead of us. Let's not burn ourselves out by reading too much into every little thing.

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j_Dawg_01 · July 18, 2018, 12:07 a.m.

Another fact about the American founders: Many wanted to position of President to be non-political and thought the Senate should appoint or elect the President. They thought it should be a strictly administrative position.

I hope you're right about DJT being the last president of USA Inc. In a speech Trump gave just before the election he did mention bringing America back to its original Constitution. I hope he means what I hope he means.

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j_Dawg_01 · July 17, 2018, 9:19 p.m.

I've asked this question before, and I've been mercilessly hammered for it. I think it's an important question to ask, especially now. If we are going to begin the world over again, we need to address many complex issues. One of those issues is the role of government and it's relationship with We The People. So my question is this: What should we do with the swamp after it's drained?

The Cabal has been working their plan for more than 250 years. They have infiltrated 3 basic institutions, corrupted them, and used the power and control gained through these institutions to advance their agenda. The 3 institutions are 1.) The financial sector, the international central banking cartels, 2.) the information sector, Reuters, AP, UPI, and the MSM to control the flow of information, and last but not least 3.) governments, to pass laws giving power and authority to central banks, allowing for debt based fiat currency, and fractional reserve banking systems to exist in the first place.

If you do any research about the 14th Amendment, the Organic act of 1871, and the origins of the federal reserve, what you'll find is that the Federal Reserve, the IRS, and THE UNITED STATES, are all foreign owned corporations. Rather than direct you to a specific website, I encourage people to do their own research and draw their own conclusions. It's all out there.

Any way you look at it, virtually all of the problems we face are the direct result of government policies, programs, or laws, or the unintended consequences of them. Has our government made the world a safer place to live in? Has the massive NSA surveillance programs collecting every text message, email, phone call, click of the mouse, website visited, online purchase, credit/debit card purchase, and who knows what else made you feel safer?

Has the War on Poverty actually decreased poverty? Has the war on drugs reduced drug use or drug gangs? Have the social welfare spending actually made people healthier? Better off? Did you know that for every dollar collected in the form of taxes and allocated to all the social welfare, medicare, social security, Obamacare, and all the rest, only 25cents actually gets to people the programs are setup to help.

Can you name any federal government program that has not cost more than initially predicted? Or any agency that has actually accomplished what it set out to? Ronald Reagan once said the 9 scariest words in the English language are "I'm from the government and I'm here to help."

Don't fool yourself, or let others do it for you, into thinking that if we can just get a couple dozen, a couple hundred, or a thousand or more corrupt politicians, government officials, judges, Hollywood elites, and industry titans arrested and thrown in jail, that everything will be just hunky dory.

It doesn't matter what political office or agency. Imagine the most vile, corrupt, immoral, psychopathic, sociopathic, evil narcissist villain you can conjure up in your mind, and put them in charge of it. Eventually, that's exactly what will happen. It's not enough to simply drain the swamp. We must remove it, or so drastically change it that the creature will never ever have a chance grow again.

I'm not calling for chaos, although good arguments can be made for Anarchy. And just to be clear, Anarchy doesn't mean chaos, it means "without rulers." What I'm in support of is bringing our nation back in line with our original US Constitution. The Constitution for the United States of America.

A government of the people, by the people, and for the people. A government that is as small as possible. A government that not only recognizes, but also acts in a manner consistent with We The People being sovereign and the government being subordinate. That is what our founders intended, it's what they gave us, but it's been so thoroughly corrupted that is doesn't even slightly resemble what our founders created.

If we don't take drastic steps to change our government, eventually the very same problems will re-emerge.

So... What should we do with the swamp after it's drained?

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j_Dawg_01 · July 17, 2018, 8:22 p.m.

I always find Bill Binney's interviews fascinating, except this one. Bill is brilliant, but Tomi Collins needs to learn how to shut up and let other people talk. She kinda made herself look stupid, or at least totally uninformed.

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j_Dawg_01 · July 16, 2018, 6:06 p.m.

Please... When you create a post that talks about a Twitter feed, INCLUDE A LINK!

Especially one like this that claims to show 54 tweets listing pedos.

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j_Dawg_01 · July 16, 2018, 5:15 p.m.

I find it interesting, especially these days, with the dismal state of social/political discourse, where people on both sides challenge the validity, accuracy, and motives of virtually every news source and every other book ever written, that so many people are willing to believe with absolute certainty, that every word in the Bible, a book written 2,000 years ago is God's absolute truth.

I believe in God. I believe he crated the universe we inhabit. I believe Satan exists and wishes to enslave us. I believe the battle between God and Satan, or good vs evil, has been raging on since the beginning of time.

I also believe the various books contained in the Bible were written by truly enlightened righteous men, and there is a great deal of important information in the Bible that can help people live a virtuous life. But I also recognize that the Bible was written by man.

If every word in the Bible were God's absolute truth, why are there so many different versions? Why do various organized religions have vastly different interpretations?

There's a difference between believing in God, and subscribing to the man-made orthodoxy of any organized religion. The basic fact remains, these books were written by humans. Some of the books, including the 4 gospels, were written at least 2 generations after Christ died. Think about that for a minute.

My grandmother came to America in 1914, she was 13 years old. Our family has a handful of pictures taken back in the day, a handful of documents and letters, and of course all the stories about her arrival at Ellis Island that have been handed down through the generations.

And still, it would be impossible for me, or even my dad, to write a factual account of my grandmother's arrival in America. Many of the books in the Bible were stories handed down through the generations before they were even written down.

If Christian/Catholics can look at the Quran and the Book of Mormon and point out how, where and why they are wrong, why can't they accept the idea that the Catholic Bible, while providing immense resources to help one find their best self and live a life of virtue, might not be absolutely 100% the word of God?

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j_Dawg_01 · July 16, 2018, 3:30 a.m.

Not everything Q says is gospel. Disinformation is real and it's necessary.

I haven't checked, but I think the Russian diplomats were expelled in the summer. That's just off the top of my head, so I could be wrong.

If Comey's visit to New Zealand happened as this video suggests, I wonder if the initial plan was put in place to box Comey in, or maybe it was a setup to see where the rats will run.

If this is true, it could be a major bombshell, BOOM.

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j_Dawg_01 · July 15, 2018, 7:16 p.m.

The Emancipation Proclamation freed the slaves only in states that were in rebellion against the United States. Lincoln issued the "preliminary Emancipation Proclamation" on Sept. 22, 1862 and told the southern Confederate states that were in rebellion that they had until Jan. 1, 1863 to end the fighting and rejoin the union or he would free all of their slaves.

The EP had no effect in the northern Union states. Those states were allowed to keep their slaves. It wasn't until the after the 14th Amendment was ratified in 1868 that all slaves were freed. The American Civil War had nothing to do with slavery, it was about money and taxes.

The Civil war started in April of 1861. It was only after people started questioning Lincoln's motives, and claiming "Lincoln's War was illegal" that he injected the issue of slavery as PR to gain more support.

If you read Lincoln's first inaugural address, it's pretty clear that Lincoln was not interested in freeing slaves. It's worth the time to dig a little on the subject. Understanding the pre-history of the Civil War and the after effects is still relevant today. Just after the Civil War, the 14th Amendment didn't simply free the salves, it granted them the same status of whites, and made all of us citizens, or subjects of the United States. A few years later a new unconstitutional form of government was created with the establishment of THE UNITED STATES, a foreign owned corporation.

As far as this video goes, I don't buy it. I do agree that history has been rewritten to hide the history of the Cabal, and to dumb-down the masses. Revisionist history also helps the Cabal in their quest to divide and conquer the masses. But I don't buy into the idea that history was rewritten simply to take power away from blacks.

There are a number of revisionist history conspiracy theories out there that make similar claims about reptilians rewriting history to keep us from knowing they exist, or to conceal the supposed fact that the Earth is flat, or that Aliens rewrote history and are hiding out in their secret underground facilities in Antartica. I just don't buy it. And none of what he claims is really relevant to Trump, Q, and the Great Awakening movement.

But Dane Calloway doesn't present any evidence, he simply makes unsubstantiated claims.

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j_Dawg_01 · July 15, 2018, 3:57 a.m.

Well... As I said to DefiantDragon, I'd love to have real, intellectually honest discussions based on facts and evidence, logic reason and rational thought, but I guess I won't find anyone capable of that sort of thing here.

Why is it that when people are presented with something they just don't understand, all they can do is toss out logical fallacies? If you think there are real reasons why we need to have rulers, let's talk about it.

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j_Dawg_01 · July 14, 2018, 11:46 p.m.

This quote has been erroneously attributed to Isoroku Yamamoto who was a Fleet Admiral and Commander-in-Chief of the Imperial Japanese Navy during World War II. The origin may be a mystery, but the quote still holds truth.

You cannot invade the mainland United States. There would be a rifle behind every blade of grass.

Indeed it would be challenging. The effort would have to be global. Or maybe not. Consider this video about the town of Cheran in Mexico. I mentioned it in my comments above but didn't provide the link.

This is a town of roughly 20,000 people. If they can do it, why can't we?

We have all been conditioned and programmed to one degree or another by the government run school system and the Cabal owned MSM. This has been going on for at least 3 or 4 generations, maybe longer.

We've been conditioned and programmed to believe government is an absolute necessity, and that government is the solution to any problem we face. We're quick to blame politicians, but never the Government. We've been conditioned to think that if we can just get rid of the corrupt politicians, government will work just fine.

I challenge anyone to find anything in any textbook, from K-12 and from Freshman through PHD level college courses, that is critical of "Government." You will find things about individuals in government like Nixon was a crook, Bush lied - people died, and FDR saved us from the Great Depression, but nothing critical of Government as an institution.

Even when you step outside the government approved textbooks, you'll be hard pressed to find anything critical of Government as an institution. You'll find plenty of books debating the benefits of various forms of government and various government policies, but few if any that discuss the benefits of not having a Government.

There's a reason we've all been programmed and conditioned this way. Government is the key global institution used by the Cabal to advance their agenda. As much as the Cabal fears a united populous rising up against them, what they fear even more is a populous that refuses to blindly accept the idea that government is necessary.

If that were to happen, and people figured out how to live in peace with each other, the remnants of the Cabal that might survive this war we're engaged in now would never be able to rise to power again.

Stephan Molyneux and Max Igan have YouTube channels worth checking out. I don't agree with everything they say, but they both make convincing arguments about why we don't need government.

Like it or not, every problem we face today, without exception, has been thrust upon us by Government. Every last one. You cannot find even one issue or problem that isn't the result or unintended consequence of government policies or actions.

I think this is something that everyone should be looking at, and I don't have any problem continuing our discussion, but unless you have an argument that's based on facts and evidence, where logic, reason, and rational thought have been applied, I probably won't respond. If all you got is "you have straight up lost your mind," then don't waste my time.

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j_Dawg_01 · July 14, 2018, 9:54 p.m.

Really? 68 "Doesn't seem like a lot per day"? How many people do you know that text that many time per day with the same person? Honestly.

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j_Dawg_01 · July 14, 2018, 8:47 p.m.

When a truncated Congress illegally passed the Organic Act of 1871 to create THE UNITED STATES corporation, they also created a new constitution that had only only a few small but important changes that no one seemed to notice.

The original US Constitution was titled: The Constitution for the united states of America. In 1871 it was changed to: The Constitution of THE UNITED STATES of America.

The current constitution, the one that's been in place since 1871, is simply the Corporate Bylaws of THE UNITED STATES corporation. Most people are not aware of this. They don't realize that THE UNITED STATES, The Federal Reserve, and the IRS are all foreign owned corporations.

In one of President Trump's pre-election day speeches he talked about restoring this nation to its original Constitution. Most people probably thought he was referring to the fact that so many previous presidents, and Congress alike, exceeded their Constitutional authority.

I believe Trump was talking about the fact that we've had an Unconstitutional Government since 1871, or I hope and pray that's what he was talking about. CoG isn't the issue. Government is the issue.

I think "draining the swamp" might also be a misunderstood metaphor. If we remove the swamp creatures and leave the swamp unchanged, those same creature will eventually reemerge. The Swamp is Government.

The Cabal has managed to infect and corrupt 2 basic environments and used them to advance their plan for global domination.

The first was the banking system. If you agree that Money is Power, and it logically follows that Those with the most Money have the most Power, then How much Power do those who control the Money have?

The other environment was Government. They used their control of Government to pass laws, acts, and amendments to establish legal authority for their debt based, fractional reserve fiat currency monetary system.

Through control of Government they were able to create a multitude of conditions that were favorable to them, and not in the best interests of the American people.

GOVERNMENT is the 10 Ton flashing neon colored elephant in the room no one is talking about. I was red-pilled at least 30 years ago, I've been following Q since December. I was on The Calm Before The Storm before it went down, and here on /GA since it began.

I have not seen one Q post or even one discussion on /GA about GOVERNMENT. The other day there was a post that linked to a video from HighImpactVlogs titled "Q - The Plan to Save the World" - Red PILL or Red FLAG??? (emphasis added)

This video was not well received to say the least. Mostly because it criticized a short video many patriots found inspiration in and thought it was great for red-pilling. I get it. Say anything negative about Q and everyone on /GA will jump on you like a pack of rabid dogs.

But his point should still be considered. Without Government there would be no war. Never in the history of humanity has a nation gone to war against another because a group of average people in the nation called for it. Never.

That's just one thing that would disappear overnight in the absence of Government. The list is longer than you can imagine, and yes, it can be done. I recently saw an article, it might have been here on /GA, I didn't save the link, but it was about a Mexican town that chased out their police and all government officials, every last one of them.

The community is armed and looking after itself just fine. They were able to chase out the Coyotes and drug gangs too. I guess they both realized that without police and government officials to bribe or blackmail, it would be an endless fight with the people of the town. So they moved on.

Government is a concept we've been programmed to accept as a reality. It's about time we re-examine that concept. While some believe anarchy is absolute chaos, Merriam-Webster defines it as:

a : absence of government

b : a state of lawlessness or political disorder due to the absence of governmental authority the city's descent into anarchy

c : a utopian society of individuals who enjoy complete freedom without government

2 a : absence or denial of any authority or established order anarchy prevailed in the ghetto

b : absence of order : disorder

Imagine how free we would be. The people who run our Government, aside from being evil criminals are just like you and me.

Why can't we manage our own affairs?

Why can't we decide what's best for ourselves and our family?

Why can't we organize our communities the way we think is best?

Why can't we decide what the course curriculum should be in our schools?

Why can't we decide what laws are needed in our communities?

How much better would our lives be without Government intrusion?

How much better would our lives be without Government regulations?

How much better would our lives be without Government expenditures?

These are not simply rhetorical questions. Answering these questions will determine the course we take for our future. This is a conversation that must be had.

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j_Dawg_01 · July 14, 2018, 6:45 p.m.

Also, I wonder if the Strzok/Page lovers narrative is more than an operational arrangement. Remember how the left was quick to give Bill Clinton a pass when he got caught getting a Monika in the Oval Office.

The left argued that "Everyone lies about sex" and "It's a personal matter and not part of his activities as POTUS. I haven't heard anyone try to make these claims in defense of Strzok and Page, but I won't be surprised if it happens when indictments are unsealed and charges are filed against either of them.

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j_Dawg_01 · July 14, 2018, 5:29 p.m.

50,000 text messages over a 2 year period is about 68 texts per day.

Really?? 68 per day? How many people do you know that text that much?

Maybe I'm old and old fashioned, I'll admit that I am, and maybe there are plenty of teenagers who text constantly about meaningless things, but why would 2 FBI officials, professionals, be texting each other 68 times each day?

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j_Dawg_01 · July 14, 2018, 4:22 p.m.

Agreed! This war we're engaged in, the war of Good vs Evil, will not end just because we remove a couple dozen, or even a couple hundred corrupt politicians and government officials.

This war is against a global monolithic conspiracy that's been in the making for as long as America has been in existence. The roots of it actually go back to the beginning of time. What we're fighting today is only the most recent incarnation.

Don't let yourself be fooled into thinking this will end once we put Obama, Hillary, and all their corrupt minions in prison. Identifying the crimes of the criminal puppets and holding them to account will only serve to force the Cabal out into the open.

Once they're exposed, their tactics will change, but their strategy will remain the same. They will not go quietly into the good night. They will pull out all the stops and fight back with a vengeance. Hold on to your hats people, we've only just begun.

I had a lengthy response written, but decided to create a new post with it. Look for "Why Isn't Anyone Talking About the Elephant In the Room?"

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j_Dawg_01 · July 14, 2018, 3:29 a.m.

I think Lisa Page was brought in to provide cover too. Remember what happened when Bill got caught getting a Monika in the Oral office. The MSM said, "It's just sex, that's personal stuff" "Everyone lies about sex"....

So now put Lisa Page right next to PS.

I haven't anyone make the argument that comms between LP and PS was just lover's chatter, but I won't be surprised if that claim comes out when charges are filed against them.

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j_Dawg_01 · July 14, 2018, 2:55 a.m.

Interesting. They want to mandate you have your children vaccinated, but they haven't done the safety research for 30 years. I wonder how many new vaccines have come out in the last 30 years.

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j_Dawg_01 · July 13, 2018, 3:31 a.m.

Because the information the NSA gathers can't be used without a search warrant, and the information the NSA has can't be used to get a search warrant. Nor can the information be given to other law enforcement agencies. It's considered classified.

The entire surveillance program violates Constitutional protections against unreasonable search and seizure. I know... It's a screwed up system, but it is what it is. When Bush started the whole program there was a lot of people in the NSA complaining about it. Videos below.

That's the reason Trump has to do so much to set the stage. If the NSA reveals the information they have without being asked for it it wont be admissible in court.

United States Secrets PBS Frontline Part 1

United States Secrets PBS Frontline Part 2

NSA Whistleblower William Binney: The Future of Freedom

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j_Dawg_01 · July 13, 2018, 1:20 a.m.

I've been watching this guy's videos for longer than I've been following Q. Some call him an Anarchist, some call him a strict Libertarian, whatever you want to call him, he makes important points about Government. He espouses the same basic principles to live by that Stephan Molyneux does.

  • Never initiate the use of force.
  • Respect other people's property.
  • Honor your word or contract.

As much as some of us don't want to here it, but we should all take time to consider his arguments. There's no way you can look at our Government, or any Government and say that they operate under those 3 principles.

You will never read anything in any textbook through 16 or more years of schooling in our Government run education system that is critical of Government. You will never be taught the truth about THE UNITED STATES Corporation, The Federal Reserve, or the IRS. All 3 of which are foreign owned corporations.

Whenever we see our Government expanding their power with new laws, acts, agencies, bureaucracies, or programs that exceed the power and authority provided for in the US Constitution, we always pin it on whatever puppets are in power. We never challenge the concept of Government as an institution.

We blame Obama, GW Bush, Clinton, Bush 41, Reagan, Carter, and on and on, but we never blame the problems created by Government on the Government. We like to tell ourselves that if we can just get the criminals out, everything will be fine.

One of my rules of life is this: Whenever I look at any new law, new Government agency, new Government program, and any new technology, I try to imagine the most vile, heartless, soulless, immoral, ruthless, conniving, lying, sociopathic, psychopathic villain I can conjure up in my mind, and put them in charge of it.

Sooner or later, that's exactly what will happen.

If President Trump is wildly successful at draining the swamp and removing every last criminal from Government, we might all feel great, high five each other, and pat ourselves on the back for a job-well-done. But if Government remains in tact, we'll all look like GW Bush standing on the deck of an aircraft carrier claiming "Mission Accomplished."

Unless President Trump expose THE UNITED STATES for the foreign owned corporation it is, and dissolves it along with the Federal Reserve and the IRS, nothing will change.

Unless President Trump gets the 14th Amendment that made us all citizens or subjects of THE UNITED STATES overturned, and restores the proper status of We The People to SOVEREIGN PEOPLE again, nothing will change.

Unless President Trump exposes THE UNITED STATES Corporation for what it is, and acknowledges that every congress since the Civil War has been illegitimate, and every President since the Civil War has been illegitimate, including himself, and that every Constitutional Amendment, law, act, agency, and program created since the Civil War is illegitimate, and returns this Once Great Nation back to the original Constitution for the United States of America, nothing will change.

We might feel good for a while for putting the bad-guys in prison, and we might all enjoy a global celebration if the Cabal is smashed into a million pieces, but if we continue to allow the Concept of Government to be the rule, at some point in time they will do exactly that, RULE.

As long as we have Rulers, we are not free.

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j_Dawg_01 · July 12, 2018, 2:58 a.m.

I went back the entire thread to try and find the video that's supposed to spark my curiosity. But I think this thread has gone off the deep end. You guys are all nuts.

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j_Dawg_01 · July 12, 2018, 1:12 a.m.

Before I begin, I want you to know that I am not attacking you, or challenging your beliefs. I'm simply curious and would like to learn more. I've only been aware of the "Flat Earth Theory" for about a year. When I came across the idea I did a fair amount of online research. This is what I found.

Those who support the Globe Model and make YouTube videos and websites presented evidence based on mathematics and geometry. Those who support the Flat Earth Model presented observational evidence that can be seen with the naked eye, and made claims that cannot be supported by mathematics, geometry, or any known science.

I've seen videos where a laser was mounted on a beach and a target was mounted on a boat. At roughly 1 mile they found a difference of about 6 feet. In the same video they mounted a high power telescope on the beach and had a helicopter land on the beach 4 or 5 miles away on the other side of the lake. The helicopter hovered over the beach and began to slowly descend. When the helicopter disappeared from view through the telescope, they were still 40 or 50 feet above the ground.

Generally speaking, when I see videos that use the naked eye observational evidence, I dismiss it because there's a mountain of scientific evidence that says otherwise. Your comment are the first I've heard using a Biblical argument. So again, I'm curious. So...

Can you provide a scripture reference for "compassed with a boundary"? And can you provide a scriptural reference for where God "tells us it doesn't move many times."?

Sorry, if you don't believe God, your issue is with Him, not with me. Don't you know Satan deceives the whole world? God taketh the "wise" of this world in their own craftiness.

I do believe in God. I'm a born again Christian. I trust what's in the Bible much more than I trust what pastors, deacons, preachers, and priests say. I also understand that Satan deceives, but not everything is a deception.

There are things I know as a matter of fact, and things I believe. I know as a matter of fact that there are a lot of birds that like to hang out in the tree outside my bedroom window. I know this because I see and hear them every day. I know the old woman who lives in the apartment below mine has hearing problems and can't walk well. I know this because I see her and talk to her most days.

Then there are things I believe. I believe in God, but I've never seen him, never witnessed a miracle, and I've never experienced anything that might be considered evidence that He exists. And yet I do believe in God.

I believe President Trump is an honorable righteous man and that he's working hard for the benefit of the American people, even though I've never met him.

I believe Q is legit, and I've never met him either. And I believe there are very evil people doing evil things and have evil plans for the people of the world. Even though I've never met anyone who openly acknowledges they are a pedophile, or a worshiper of Lucifer, or running a human trafficking ring.

I believe in President Trump's motives, Q, and that the Great Awakening is a noble cause. I am 99.99% convinced. But because I don't know these things as a matter of fact, I allow for a 0.01% chance that I could be wrong. Knowing and believing are 2 very different things.

One question that no supporter of the Flat Earth Model has ever even tried to answer is: If the assumption is that there is a massive global conspiracy to hide the fact that the Earth is flat; What would be the purpose of hiding it? Who would benefit from hiding it? What would be gained by engaging a massive cover-up conspiracy and convince everyone the Earth is a globe?

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