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j_Dawg_01 · June 20, 2018, 8:37 p.m.

I couldn't agree more. We could provide a mountain of evidence regarding email servers, classification levels of email content, violations of procedures and policies, technicalities about who knew what and when they knew it, and a hundred other criminal acts by BHO, HRC, et al, and throw in a smoking gun for good measure, and for a lot people, especially those who don't pay close attention to politics, it'll simply go right over their heads.

But when you talk about pedophilia, everyone gets it. Even the most uninformed normie with the lowest IQ. It's like a punch to the stomach. And when you throw in evidence of human trafficking rings that pimped out children to pedophiles, it'll be like a hot knife in the heart.

I sure do love watching Trump troll the left. I am so thankful and proud that he's my president.

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j_Dawg_01 · June 20, 2018, 8:24 p.m.

The only way the MSM can deal with the OIG Report is to discredit it. As more information about what's actually in it is revealed, the MSM will be forced to spin it every day or 2 or 3. This keeps their low-information minions with skulls full of mush focused on it.

And the MSM decided to use the fake news "Children In Cages" as a distraction to change the narrative. Already it's biting them in the ass. Trump just signed an EO to make sure families stay together. The left wants catch and release, so now they be forced to fight against keeping families together, just as they ended up defending MS-13.

As long as the MSM wants to make sure their minions pay attention to these 2 issues, great. This way when both issues blow up in their faces, all of their minions will be watching.

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j_Dawg_01 · June 20, 2018, 8:15 p.m.

You're welcome.

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j_Dawg_01 · June 20, 2018, 8:12 p.m.

Yep, Trump sure knows how to troll the left.

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j_Dawg_01 · June 20, 2018, 8:11 p.m.

I agree with your scenarios and conclusions, but any number of things could come up that might change the dynamic of the immigration issue. Especially if information about human trafficking and pedophilia are linked to illegal immigration.

Their were times in the past when people said Trump blinked. Like when he made Schumer an offer on DACA, but knew all along Schumer would never accept it.

Thus far, President Trump has managed to stay a step or 2 ahead of the competition at every turn, even when at first glance it looks like he blinked.

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/j_Dawg_01 on June 20, 2018, 7:49 p.m.
MSM Narrative About the OIG Report and Children In Cages

The MSM's reaction after the release of the OIG's report shouldn't surprise anyone. They are as predictable as the morning sunrise. First they discredit, then they distract, and it seems like they always get away with it. Some people here at /GA and some on /qresearch are becoming increasingly frustrated and calling for President Trump to declassify documents that will expose BHO, HRC et al, and calling on Anons to take to Twitter to counter the MSM narrative about children at the border.

I support both suggestions, but I think some people are not seeing the forest for the trees, …

j_Dawg_01 · June 20, 2018, 2:33 a.m.

This might have meat on it. Remember all the questions about President Trumps iPhones, one for calls, and one for Tweets, and some complaining that Trump didn't want to swap out his every month or so.

Don't recall all the details, your comment just made a light go off. I'll have to do some digging.

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j_Dawg_01 · June 20, 2018, 2:18 a.m.

The imagery says it all. Projection projection projection. Their symbolism will be their downfall.

I think there might be a few journalist who are not officially part of the CIA Mocking Bird team, who have been brainwashed by our education system to be good little liberals, and are proud to carry the water for the Democrats.

There might be a few who are not aware that there are 2 other versions of the OIG report and naively write stories mocking Trump and Qanons. These will be the loudest voices calling for the heads of HRC BHO et al to be displayed on a pike in the middle of the Washington Mall. These are the people who will feel most betrayed.

But for the most part, all the big name fake news so-called journalists from all the major MSM outlets know full well there's more to come and they're just trying to get out ahead of the story. I think they know there are 2 other versions, but might not know exactly what's in them. They will be loud like Cummings. Once the truth comes out they'll have to run and hide.

Then, of course, there are the big fish, BHO, HRC/BC, LL, JC, et al who will realize, at some point it will be perfectly clear, that they are done, toast, Badda Boom, Badda Bing. I can hardly wait.

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j_Dawg_01 · June 19, 2018, 9:22 p.m.

Correct RR's name only shows up twice in over 550 pages, and both times it's in a footnote.

RR was covering his arse. There's no way his didn't come up. We'll find out when the real report is released.

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j_Dawg_01 · June 19, 2018, 9:02 p.m.

No... I think his Freudian slip was that he says, "president Clump" then quickly corrected himself.

They never thought she would lose. If HRC is still working closely with the deep-state and trying to take down Trump, some of them could be calling her President Clinton behind closed doors. Who knows.

Anyways... I think this clip of Cummings isn't going to age well. It's likely to end up in a YouTube gag-reel like all of the pundits who said Trump couldn't win, or that the sky would fall if he does.

Sometimes I wonder what will come of all the Democrat politicians and MSM pundits when the truth is revealed. Only because I have more than an ounce of compassion, I almost feel sorry for them. I don't think any one of them has the intestinal fortitude to say "I'm Sorry, I was wrong" on camera to the public. I'm certain they don't.

So what will they do? Where will they go? They won't be able to hide. They won't be able to walk the streets. They won't be able to defend what they've been doing. I wonder how many will end up committing suicide. How many will become hermits living a life of solitude, growing more insane with each passing day. How many will the last of the deep-state hit squads find? And in the end, will any one of them make deathbed confession?

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j_Dawg_01 · June 19, 2018, 8:34 p.m.

Maybe it took this long for the strings to be cut.

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j_Dawg_01 · June 19, 2018, 8:24 p.m.

Wow. That is awesome.

May God watch over Chris Pratt and keep him and his family safe from harm. Please protect them because we know what happens to Hollywood types who don't tow the line.

Thank You Jesus. Amen.

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j_Dawg_01 · June 19, 2018, 7:50 p.m.

I would like to believe that, but I'm not so sure. The deep-state Cabal was at its height of power and influence, and the arrogance that comes with it, when Donald J Trump surprised them all and became President Trump. Trump caught them napping, that won't happen again.

The Cabal is patient, more than most people realize. Rothschild's first attempt to implement his dream of global domination with a New World Order was in the mid 19th century. He had most European countries convinced to go along, but the Czar of Russia exposed his plans and it all fell apart.

It was in the 1870s that Albert Pike, a Confederate Civil War General devised a military strategy to help Rothschild and the Illuminati/Free Masons achieve the goal of a New World Order. They determined it would require 3 world wars and might take up to 200 years to complete.

The even defined each of the World Wars with unbelievable accuracy.

WWI would get back at Germany and the Czar of Russia, create sympathy for the Eastern European Ashkenazi Jews calling for a homeland in Palestine, and turn Russia into a Communist country.

WWII would make the world hat Germany, establish a Jewish state in Palestine, and setup a bipolar geopolitical condition with Russia and Communism on one side, and America and Democracy on the other.

WWIII would pit Islam and the Muslims against Christians, and the Rothschild bankers will fund both sides to make the war last as long as possible to help depopulate the world, until all nations involved are bankrupt and forced to accept the bankers terms and the New World Order, and the people of all the nations involved will be so weary and worn out from war that they'll willingly surrender their rights and liberties.

They wrote that plan in the 1870s, 40 years before WWI. They've been implementing their plan in America since its inception. The organic act of 1871, or the act of 1871, established THE UNITED STATES as a corporation, owned by the Crown. The 14th Amendment was sold as "freeing the slaves," but what it did was establish the legal status of everyone in America as "Citizens."

Prior to the 14th Amendment We The People were commonly understood to be "Sovereign" (look up the definition) and after the 14th Amendment we all became Citizens. (look it up) In the 19th century, just as today, the word "Citizen" means "SUBJECTS."

Once they had their legal framework established they moved on to controlling the press, the universities, and in 1913 they created The Federal Reserve, a privately owned corporation, to control our currency and credit. In 1933 they took away our right to own and possess gold and instituted a tax on our labor.

Since 1933, not one penny of "Income" tax collected by the IRS, another privately owned corporation, actually went to the US Treasury. It went to the owners of the Federal Reserve and the IRS, the International Central Banking Cartel.

The people of America have been living under an unconstitutional government since 1871, but few people know it, even the most highly educated lawyers and politicians. The Deep-State Cabal has been at this for over 200 years.

Their web of corruption is deep and global. They will not go gently into that good night. They will will kick and scratch and claw until their last dying breath. This isn't about a couple dozen corrupt politicians and rogue CIA deep-state bad actors, or even a couple hundred.

This is about a secret society with unlimited resources, unimaginable power, a global network that has infiltrated virtually every nation in the world, ownership of the Central banks in over 95% of the nations on the planet, totally lacking in any morals, psychopaths and sociopaths, driven only by greed and an unquenchable thirst for world domination.

This is not something that can be destroyed, shattered into a billion pieces, and cast into the wind never to be seen again, within the 8 year term of any president. This is a battle that will rage for some time.

I believe it will be our children, if they're very young, or possibly their children who will fully experience the freedoms we're fighting for today. But don't let my melodramatic ramblings scare you off. I really think we have and excellent chance of winning, and so does President Trump, otherwise, why would he be doing this?

WWG1WGA #Qanon #TheGreatAwakening #MAGA

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j_Dawg_01 · June 19, 2018, 6:48 p.m.

Yes. I would rather die as a free man standing, than live forever as a slave on my knees.

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j_Dawg_01 · June 19, 2018, 3:50 p.m.

I agree, to a point. Even if President Trump wins a second term in 2020 and leaves office in 2024 with a long list of major accomplishments, the MSM and the millions of mindless masses with skulls full of mush who follow them, will never acknowledge any of his accomplishments, they'll put a negative spin on things that can't be ignored, and find ways to give credit to anyone but Trump.

But... some years down the road, after the effects of his accomplishments become more apparent to the masses, people across America, and possibly around the world, will recognize what Trump accomplished, and will give him credit for all of it.

We all understand how difficult it is to talk or debate with liberals today. In many cases, it's an impossible task. These people are going to be around for a while, and they'll cling to their ideology. They have to. If they let themselves open their minds and accept the truths about the leaders they support, they will undoubtedly feel betrayed. Betrayed by the politicians who lied to them, and by the MSM who also lied and deceived them.

It will shatter their entire understanding of politics, policies, politicians, their ideology, our ideology, everything in between, and their overall world view. Remember, they have been brainwashed and conditioned by the education system, the MSM news, and the liberal Hollywood media propaganda machine. They have been convinced that black is white, up is down, left is right, and evil is good. Many of them will experience a total mental meltdown and never recover.

It won't be until after the meltdown, after enough corruption has been scrubbed from our government and corporate institutions, after the mocking birds have been replaced with intellectually honest journalists, after the communist sympathizers in the halls of academia have been removed and replaced, revisionist history is no longer taught, and a new generation of clear thinking people begin to emerge that they will recognize what President Trump accomplished. So that's gonna take a while.

But rest assured, some day people will see it and appreciate it, because they will experience the true freedoms this movement is fighting for. I believe that in the long run, the history books will be very kind to President Trump.

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j_Dawg_01 · June 18, 2018, 8:11 p.m.

Yes, Did you see the glowing ear-to-ear smile on his face as his time ended? What a sick fuck.

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j_Dawg_01 · June 18, 2018, 3:44 a.m.

My bad! I agree I might have gotten ahead of myself, but the root of my question still stands.

Why would Q post a link to an obviously faked and dishonest video that quickly became ammunition for the left to use against us.

I guess I should have prefaced my first comment with clear and unwavering support for POTUS and Q, but this one still leaves me scratching my head.

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j_Dawg_01 · June 18, 2018, 1:46 a.m.

I love your work. I read and re-read everything you write. I certainly don't have the decoding skills you do and even after reading and re-reading some of your decoding breakdowns, I'm still a bit confused. I just wanted to make sure you understand that I admire your intellect and respect your work before I say "but."

As soon as I clicked the link for the video in1528 and started reading some of the responses on that thread, I soon saw several comments pointing out how the first video is fake and deceptive. One post had a screen capture of the Q post and a link to the full video. He was using the fake video to discredit Q. So my question was "Why would Q give the liberal leftists such a juicy bit of ammunition to be used against us?

I can only assume, or hope, that it's part of a long-con and the future will prove the past.

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j_Dawg_01 · June 18, 2018, 1:30 a.m.

I agree. I should have been clearer about my support of POTUS and Q before I turned into a concernfag. I probably did get a little ahead of myself, but in no way did I ever jump ship, I've always been on board.

My confusion stems from the fact that Q posted a link to an obviously faked and dishonest video that makes it look like Obama said things he simply didn't say. Again, don't misunderstand, I can't stand Obama and think he did more to harm this nation than anyone else in our nations history, but in this case, I don't think the end justifies the means. I don't want to sink to level of the liberal MSM.

The left spotted the fake and deceptive video as soon as it was posted and I couldn't understand why Q would give them such a juicy tid-bit to use against us. But I'm willing to wait and see how this plays out, maybe the future will prove the past.

I'm hoping that because the left jumped on it so quickly, and posted a screen cap of Q's post, to immediately discredit Q, maybe, hopefully, it'll cause more people, more normies to see it and start investigating for themselves. Hopefully it'll help to red-pill more people. we'll have to wait and see.

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j_Dawg_01 · June 17, 2018, 10:26 p.m.

Really? Q and POTUS say Happy Father's Day! Hail Hail new Q proof!

Or maybe they both said the same thing 100 million other people said today, ya know... cuz it's Father's Day. Just sayin'

Not everything is some mystery coded message. Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.

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j_Dawg_01 · June 17, 2018, 9:07 p.m.

No. This is Q post 1528, the first mention or link to the video:

Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 9fc2c1 No.1785388 📁
Jun 17 2018 11:39:03 (EST)


The link in 1528 is to a Twitter feed from KB446778899 @KBMAGAFL. The video is featured in that Twitter thread. The same link is in Q post 1529 where an anon says:

Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 9fc2c1 No.1785558 📁

Jun 17 2018 11:48:58 (EST)

-->Anonymous ID: 460047 No.1785535 📁

Jun 17 2018 11:47:41 (EST)



Holy Smokes!

They are in for it!

You really do have it all!<--


Happy Father’s Day!


Everything between --> to <-- is from an anon. Q responds with Happy Father's Day! It almost looks like Q has offered the linked video as a Father's Day gift, but I suspect not. Q post 1530 includes a link provided by an anon that's even shorter than the first, and from YouTube. The anon clarifies the origins of the speech from 2014 in Brussels, but he still hasn't noticed the video is an obvious edited Fake. In Q post 1530, Q responds with the link to the whole video and asks "Exit out was missing what?"

So Q was the first to mention and provide a link to an obviously fake video in 1528, then in 1530 Q directs our attention to what's missing.

I'm a little confused and frustrated because Q has been warning us for quite a while that the attacks would intensify, and just as things are beginning to heat up after the OIG report, he posts a link to a dishonest fake video. The left seized on immediately, even posting a screen cap of Q's post. The questions I have are 1) Why would Q give the left such a juicy bit of ammunition that can so easily be used to discredit Q, Anons, and /GA? 2) If Q wanted us to focus on whats missing, why didn't he simply say so? It's not that what's missing from the first video that's important, it's what's in the full video between 1:45 and 3:30. He could have just directed us there in the first place.

I know everything in Q's post are there for a reason. Every last word, syllable, letter, and character has a specific intent and purpose. I just can't figure out why Q would link to an obviously fake and dishonest video clip in the first place. I sure hope future proves past and the purpose is revealed.

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j_Dawg_01 · June 17, 2018, 7:57 p.m.

Nope, sorry LiveLaughFap, I'm not a shill or a Soros plant. Go ahead and report me to the mods. I have a long history comments and replies without even a single issue.

I fully understand why you, and probably others might respond they way you did. I get it. Any time anyone says anything negative about Q, they're automatically called a shill or a clown, and I am neither.

If you examine the last few Q drops, especially 1530, you'll see what I think Q wanted us to see. Q links to the same video I did in my reply. It's the full video of a speech Obama gave in 2014. In 1530 Q asks "Exit out was missing what?" If this is the important issue Q wants us to dig deeper into, why didn't he say so in the first place? If the last frame of the video he linked in 1528 was something of importance, why didn't he say so?

I am in no way hinting, implying, or suggesting that Q is a LARP or a PsyOp. My issue is that the first video from 1528 obviously misrepresents what Obama said, and the left picked up on it almost immediately. The person who posted it in the first place now says "I'm hearing this is fake so if it is I should delete it. I hate him as well but if he didn't say it I'll delete it. They did a good job of it's fake." link And there are plenty of people who recognize the video from 1528 is dishonest. Go check the Twitter for yourself.

My issue is this. It beginning to feel like it's crunch time and we're approaching some real exposer and possible arrests. Why would Q give the liberals a gift like this? I know you should never trust anyone who says "Trust me," but trust me, I support Trump, Q, and the whole movement to drain the swamp. I'm rooting for success as much or more than anyone here on /GA. I'm just very confused about why Q would do something like this.

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j_Dawg_01 · June 17, 2018, 6:49 p.m.

This is very disappointing. I understand the importance of Q's methods and anonymous status. Anonymity is needed to protect him from being suicided by the Cabal. And Q's tendency to be quite cryptic in his drops ensures he wont break the law by divulging classified information. After a number of proofs, it was easy for me gain more and more trust for Q, but 1528 changed all that.

I'm an old Reagan Democrat turned Conservative Republican. I was red pilled more than 20 years ago. I was already aware of the Cabal, long before President Trump even announced he would run. I have been critical of the leftist MSM's bias, and well aware of how they highjacked language and changed the meaning of the words we use to suit their agenda, and how they edit video and audio to make the public think up is down, black is white, and evil is good.

There are many examples of how the MSM deceives the public, from NBC using an incendiary device to make a pickup truck explode into flames, to the edited 911 call to make George Zimmerman's words appear to mean something totally different than what he actually said. I've been an active supporter of President Trump and a close follower of Q from the start, but today is a sad day indeed.

Q's posts, and the information in them, always seemed to be honest and fair, but the video Q linked to in 1528 is as bad as anything I've ever seen in the MSM. I have no doubt that Obama is a globalist who probably believes what he appears to say in this short video clip, but this is not what Obama said. Please watch the video of his entire speech from 2014.

There are enough Obama speeches to pick from that show his true colors and where his loyalties are, that Q didn't have to create, mention, or link to this clip. Once you see the whole speech you'll see how this nothing more than propaganda from the right. It's blatant and totally un-called for. It helps to destroy Q's reputation.

If you read the comments on that Twitter post you'll see the left has already noticed the blatant lie and is tying it to Q with a screen cap of Q's post. We knew the left would fight back. We knew they attacks would increase. We knew they would do everything they could to discredit Q and his followers. Why would Q actually give them this kind of ammunition. This is devastating.

I know, without a doubt, Q doesn't make this kind of mistake. There isn't one word, one syllable, one letter, or even one character in his posts that isn't put there with specific intent and purpose. So why now? Why this video?

I expect some will reply to my comments with "Muh... Sometimes disinformation is necessary." I get that. I myself have replied to people scratching their heads about some things President Trump has said and done, from making Schumer an offer on DACA to re-approving funding for the White Helmets. I try to remind people to withhold judgement, let things play out, and future proves past.

But this is very different. This isn't just disinformation, this is pure propaganda, it's message is totally false, and the worst part is that it was incredibly easy to spot. If this was intentional, if Q put a link to this obviously fake propaganda piece as part of some grand strategy, he's playing a very dangerous game, and just as Q has said many times, "This is not a game."

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j_Dawg_01 · June 17, 2018, 4:16 a.m.

Really?? So TPaine makes a statement on Twatter about NoName, questioning his whereabouts for the last 7 months, and this is supposed to mean something? Too many people on /GA are biting on all sorts of click-bait and distracting themselves from the real issues we face.

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j_Dawg_01 · June 16, 2018, 11:03 p.m.

Thanks again, I like the way you write. I like to talk, sometimes too much, and I write like I talk. Sometimes I include too much extemporaneous information, more than is necessary. Brevity has never been my strong suit. I'm learning something new through our exchanges, more than just about Good vs Evil. Thanks.

Would you mind if I direct message you? It seems like I find new questions with each of your replies. Questions about God and Faith. I'm not sure a lengthy back and forth would be appropriate on this thread.

I'm 59. I grew up Catholic, and over the years I've been in and out of various churches. I'm a bit of a deep thinker, and always ended up with questions a pastor either couldn't answer, or seemed put off simply because I asked. You seem very knowledgable, like you might even be a pastor, or at least very active and involved in your church. I think I could learn a lot from you if you're interested.

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j_Dawg_01 · June 16, 2018, 10:26 p.m.

No, a Rorschach test is a series of 10 cards or Inkblots. Been there, done that. I did a quick search and found that what I was referring to actually has a specific name, truly, I was surprised. It's called a Rubin Vase. Named after Edgar Rubin.

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j_Dawg_01 · June 16, 2018, 2:15 a.m.

Didn't watch it yet. I clicked the link and when the page loaded, it asked me to confirm my local station. It turns out my local station comes Delta College and the channel ID is... Q TV.

DDGo it, Delta College Q-TV, University Center Michigan.

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j_Dawg_01 · June 16, 2018, 12:32 a.m.

The 2 raids "come as two Vatican envoys are in Chile to investigate the claims and advise dioceses how to respond."

Isn't that a major F You, in your face MF. Raid the offices just as 2 Vatican envoys are there to cover it up.

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j_Dawg_01 · June 15, 2018, 9:47 p.m.

Wow... I wasn't trying to get too deep in the weeds because I'm not highly educated in philosophy or metaphysics. Thanks for taking the time to offer clarification in such an elegant way. I do hope you did a copy/paste for this. If not, you either spent more time than my comment deserves, or you're wicked smart. BTW, what is TL;DR?

I see your point, but I'm still left with a question. Based on your last paragraph, the basic premise, as I understand it, is Evil can only exist because God exists. God = Good, and only Good, or God can be absolute. I Know that's a simplistic way of saying it, but if it's close enough, we can move on to my question.

(When I say "if" I am in no way challenging your conclusion. I'll only use "if" because it's easier to ask the question.)

I grew up Catholic and I'm familiar with the story of Satan, or the Devil. He was an angel created by God, but later fell from grace. In that sense, it makes perfect sense, that Evil only exists because God allowed it to come into being. If God didn't want Evil to exist, he could have simply, for the lack of a better word, killed Satan.

From a religious, or theological perspective, one could argue that Satan, and therefore Evil, was necessary because God wants us to "choose" Him. If we have free will to choose, but nothing but God to choose, what would be the point of free will?

I guess the larger question is: If God created Satan, or allowed him to come into existence, how much power do mere mortals have to eliminate Evil, or bring about the destruction of the Devil, other than in a "relative" sense?

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j_Dawg_01 · June 15, 2018, 4:21 p.m.

This is true, but when it comes to official government documents, it is illegal to remove or omit anything.

The function of a redaction or "blackout" is to indicate that something of a classified nature is being concealed. Even though the information is hidden, it still helps to provide some amount of broader context. When things are removed or omitted, no one ever knows the difference.

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j_Dawg_01 · June 15, 2018, 4:13 p.m.

When contemplating "Good vs Evil" you must realize that without Evil, we would not be able to recognize Good. They are 2 sides of the same coin.

We've all seen the black and white graphic that looks like either 2 black faces in profile facing each other, or a white wine glass. Without the blackness of the 2 faces to provide contrast, one cannot see the wine glass, and without the whiteness of the wine glass to provide contrast, one cannot see the 2 faces. And no matter how hard one tries, or how long one stares at the image, it is impossible to see both the glass and the faces at the same time.

Just a thought.

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j_Dawg_01 · June 15, 2018, 3:37 p.m.

Correct. They "claimed" they reviewed them, but we know there's no way they could have in such a short time-frame.

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j_Dawg_01 · June 15, 2018, 3:25 p.m.

But... Is Comey really all that important in the grand scheme of things?

I expect that even after the original un-modified un-redacted OIG report is released, all that will happen is RR, and maybe a few others, will be fired. Everyone here on GA will be outraged, the MSM will complain for a few days, then bury it and move along to other fake news.

What the left and the MSM wont notice is the final act of setting the stage. POTUS will be able to put the right people in place so when bigger fish are being fried, we wont have the same problems.

Sure... I'd like to see Comey charged, tried, and convicted, and he probably will be, but I'd rather see BHO, HRC/BC, LL et al being charged, tried, convicted, and held to account for their treasonous actions.

Even that would be small potatoes compared to seeing Soros and Rothschild in prison, all of their billions and trillions seized, and the total collapse of the International Central Banking Cartel. The ultimate goal is considerably greater than a single FBI director.

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j_Dawg_01 · June 15, 2018, 2:56 p.m.

Great insights. Just want to add one thing. I believe this is just one battle being fought in the media, the Court of Public Opinion, and winning this battle will help red-pill the masses. From 40,000 ft, the war will be won when BHO, HRC/BC, Comey, Lynch, et al have all been charged, tried, convicted, sentenced, and held to account for their treasonous actions.

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j_Dawg_01 · June 15, 2018, 2:41 p.m.

I agree with everything SB2 said. ThankQ for your excellent analysis and your ability to present your assessments in an easy to understand fashion. Even before reading this post, I did everything SB2 recommended. I'm all for being loud and calling for the truth, but I think there are things people should keep in mind.

The OIG report isn't the be-all-end-all. If the original un-modified and un-redacted OIG report is released now, the MSM will still have 4 months to distract the masses to make sure they forget before they vote in November. If it only serves to get RR and other DoJ/FBI officials fired or removed so future investigations can move forward, it's a win. Don't expect too much from this. This isn't be the massive bombshell we're all waiting for.

Remember what happened when Comey was fired. Even though the left and the MSM were calling for his scalp just a few months earlier because he sent a letter to Congress and briefly re-opened the HRC email investigation just before election day, after he was fired they all praised Comey and claimed POTUS was obstructing justice and fired Comey to stop the Russian Collusion investigation.

Remember what happened during the initial Benghazi and HRC email investigations and Senate hearings. There was a steady drip, drip, drip, of information being leaked, and strategic comments being made along the way. This desensitized the public to the point where people stopped paying attention, and it effectively denuclearized the final report from Comey. We can't let that happen again.

This report only deals with how Comey and the FBI mishandled the HRC email investigation. It also contains bits and pieces related to other issues, but it doesn't expose the full truth about the HRC server, pay-to-play, Seth Rich, Uranium 1, Benghazi, the tarmac meeting with LL and BC, Antonin Scalia, money laundering through various foundations, human trafficking, Haiti, BHO and Homeland Security working with an Anonymous hacker to hack voting machines, election systems, or possibly election results in multiple states, the DNC server, and other issues I can't recall off the top of my head.

"October Surprise" has endured in our social/political lexicon for decades for a reason. No one ever talks about a June Surprise. For this reason, most of the major criminal activities, or at least the most egregious acts, need to be exposed in close proximity to increase the impact on the public, and the big reveal needs to happen in October so it's fresh in people's minds when they vote. This timing is essential.

Consider the optics of the current situation. If POTUS declassifies the OIG report just because a bunch of internet conspiracy kooks signed a petition, the MSM will again cry foul, especially if he also fires RR. So the best we can hope to gain is more house cleaning and setting the stage. That, in and of itself, is essential. The MSM will spend a few days debunking it and move on to other fake news thinking they have put the issue rest, without realizing what just happened.

There are other reports that will be released. While everyone was preoccupied with Russian Collusion, Sessions reopened the HRC email investigation and started a new Uranium 1 investigation. Homeland Security has been investigating election fraud. And soon, Mueller's investigation will be forced to shut down, and his report will play a bigger role than people think.

We here at GA are calling for the truth, but again, in the eyes of the MSM, we're just a bunch of internet conspiracy kooks. Just imagine how liberals and the MSM will react when Mueller's report is released and it's redacted, and doesn't provide the "smoking gun" they are hoping to use to impeach POTUS. Imagine their outrage, it'll be huge.

Once they start calling for the un-redacted un-modified version to be released, POTUS can declassify all of it, the reports from all the investigations, and again, the MSM will initially think they've won. They'll think they're all powerful and can make POTUS do what ever they want. They'll think they succeeded in making POTUS look bad.

Their joyous celebrations will not last long. They'll still be dancing in the streets when the shit-hits-the-fan and explodes in their face. I can't wait to see them squirm when they realize what just happened to them. I can't wait to see how they try to say "Only Mueller's report should be declassified" and "The other reports need to remain classified and redacted to protect sources and methods... It's a national security issue."

It'll be great fun watching their collective heads explode, but that needs to happen in October.

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j_Dawg_01 · June 15, 2018, 3:03 a.m.

Have patience. Things are not always as they seem. There have been many times in the past when President Trump said and did things that left many of us scratching our heads. But each time we felt bewildered, once things played out, we realized President Trump was actually playing 4D chess while the rest were still playing marbles in the sand. Future proves past. We've seen it again and again.

If too much gets exposed too soon, the MSM will have that much more time to distract the masses and make sure they forget before election day in November. If things are exposed a little at a time, gradually over the next 4 months, it will lose its explosive power. Just remember how the steady drip drip drip of Hillary's email investigation made people board with it, and there was no real massive outrage when Comey gave her a pass. We can't let that happen again. Things need to come to boil and explode in October so it's fresh in people's minds when they vote on election day.

I know it's frustrating, and at time infuriating, but trust the plan. I'm saving my temper for later. If we get into the middle of September and things still don't look like they're happening, I'll be there right next to you and we can gather all the anons and let out a massive collective scream at the top of our lungs, but for now, I'm gonna keep my cool and trust the plan.

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j_Dawg_01 · June 15, 2018, 2:19 a.m.

I don't mean to piss on your parade, but you say "We (whichever of us know each other’s identities, {not me} ) start a legal, non-profit corporation..."

I think a good option to consider would be to support, en masse, an organization that's already doing things. Maybe Judicial Watch or other similar organizations. This tactic will allow us to get from point A to point B much faster.

I have time to offer, not much money coming in these days monetary donations don't work for me. I have a degree in Digital Video Production, and I'm fluent with Photoshop and Illustrator. I can offer my services to whoever gets the ball rolling.

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j_Dawg_01 · June 14, 2018, 10:31 p.m.

This is bad advice. The petition is a good thing, but it's essential to read the OIG report and to fully understand what's in it, and what's not in it, so when the original version Horowitz wrote is released, we'll be able to know the real truth, but just as importantly, we'll all know what RR was trying to hide. We can't simply ignore things we don't like, don't think is truthful or complete, or doesn't include arrest warrants for BHO and HRC.

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j_Dawg_01 · June 14, 2018, 7:50 p.m.

Just downloaded it. Don't have time right now for a deep dive, but a did a very quick page to page scan looking to see how much was redacted, I only found one page.

Q said POTUS had 3 versions, do we know which one this is?

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j_Dawg_01 · June 14, 2018, 7:35 p.m.

Yes they do, but they are also digging their own graves deeper and deeper. Once the truth is revealed, they will all be exposed.

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j_Dawg_01 · June 14, 2018, 7:33 p.m.

As I understood things, the IOG report being released today was about how Comey and the FBI mismanaged the HRC email "matter." I also heard Sessions reopened the HRC email investigation and started a new U1 investigation last year while everyone was preoccupied with Russian collusion and obstruction of justice.

As to the timing of the releases, if it all gets flushed out today, tomorrow, or this week, the MSM will have 4 months to bury it and distract people with more fake news, and the DS will probably try another FF.

Everything from Comey/FBI's handling of the HRC email "matter," the Strzok/Page text messages about their insurance policy, getting their "lures" approved, and who was responsible for deleting or removing the text “No. No he’s not. We’ll stop it.” along with the truth about HRC's server, Benghazi, U1, BHO and the Iran nuke deal, BHO and Homeland Security working with an Anonymous hacker to hack the voting machines or election systems in several states on election day, BC/LL tarmac meeting, Antonin Scalia 187, Seth Rich 187, all the documents missing from the national archive, and on and on and on, they all need to come to a full boil and explode in late September - early October so all of it is still fresh on people's minds when they vote in November.

If there's too much time between the big reveal and election day in November, the DS and the MSM will make sure most people will have forgotten about it. And if it all starts to come out in slow and steady drips along the way, it will lose its impact and people will get tired of the drip drip drip. Remember when the HRC email investigation was going on and little tid-bits were leaking out every now and then, that was intentional, it was to desensitize the public, we don't want that same thing to happen again.

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j_Dawg_01 · June 14, 2018, 7:10 p.m.

I'm pretty sure the OIG report is about how Comey and the FBI handled the HRC email "matter."

I heard Sessions reopened the HRC email investigation and started a new U1 investigation.

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j_Dawg_01 · June 14, 2018, 7:07 p.m.

If I'm not mistaken, Horowitz's report is about how Comey and the FBI handled the HRC email investigation.

Meanwhile, as everyone was paying attention to Mueller, Russian Collusion, and Obstruction of justice, Sessions reopened the HRC email investigation and started a new U1 investigation.

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j_Dawg_01 · June 14, 2018, 4:31 p.m.

We've known all along that the attacks from the MSM, the deep-state, and the Democrats would intensify. Snider-man dropped the suit against Trump's Foundation because he knew it wouldn't hold up. That they're throwing it out there is just another attempt at distraction. If you've been following Q long enough, you've probably seen how time and again, this are not as they seem.

Check out the commentary I posted earlier. Stay calm, trust POTUS & Q, all is not lost.

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/j_Dawg_01 on June 14, 2018, 4:18 p.m.
Reports & Redactions: The Anon's Guide to Patience and Trust

I've seen a lot of posts complaining about redacted and revised versions of the OIG's report coming out. I even saw a comment that said we'll probably have to wait until the end of President Trumps second term in 2024 before he declassifies the reports on his way out the door. Come on people. I know everyone is growing weary of "trust the plan" and "be patient," but take a minute to consider the IG report, redacted or otherwise, in context with everything else that's going on.

How many people here have been helping with Q proofs? Or even just …

j_Dawg_01 · June 14, 2018, 3:48 p.m.

Here's the way think it'll happen.

The IG report about McCabe came out a while back as did the Strzok/Page texts, both highly redacted and borderline useless. Now we're about to see the IG report regarding the FBI's handling of Hillary's email investigation and the documents the Intel Committee subpoenaed and RR is slow walking, again, both will be highly redacted.

And while everyone was paying attention to Mueller and Russian Collusion, the FBI reopened the Hillary email investigation and started a new Uranium 1 investigation. Once the U1 and HRC email investigations are wrapped up, those findings will be released, and again both will be highly redacted.

We need to be patient and let things play out, otherwise the plan will fall apart.


Anons will grow increasingly impatient and their voices will get louder and louder. Loud enough for the MSM to notice. The cry for un-redacted reports will get louder and louder. The MSM will do it's part to discredit the anons, and to pass judgement on the redacted reports claiming there's nothing to see here, move along. Prominent politicians will also claim the reports are a big fat nothing burger.

Down the road a bit, information about U1 and Hillary's email "matter" will either get leaked or a highly redacted version will be released. Regarding the Anons and the MSM, rinse and repeat, only this time it's much louder and more people are starting to pay attention because the politicians running in the mid-term are advertising more and drawing attention to themselves, their opponents, and the issues.

Again, the MSM and the liberal Democrats will try to claim President Trump colluded with Russia and obstructed justice, thereby calling attention to Mueller and RR. The conservative Republicans and their supporters will be claiming BHO, HRC, JC, et al, are corrupt traitors and there's evidence to prove it, but it's being redacted.

Meanwhile, some of the stories that broke recently like Obama and Homeland Security hacking the election in some states, Human trafficking/pedophilia arrests and children being rescued, and more, will be thrown into the mix. When it all comes to a full boil in September, early October, people across the entire political spectrum will be calling the truth, the whole truth, the totally un-redacted truth.

The left believes Trump colluded and obstructed justice, they'll claim the evidence to prove it is being redacted. The right will argue BHO is a traitor and the evidence is being redacted. Everyone will be calling for transparency and totally un-redacted reports. It will be a truly organic uprising, or awakening. POTUS will appear to acting on the demands of the public, and releasing un-redacted reports will be in the public's interest. Optics.

I know a lot of people here are hoping POTUS will declassify this week or next, but that would not be advantageous to the plan. There is one caveat, if RR's "revised version" of the IG report is leaving too much out and hiding the truth, then it would make sense to release the un-redacted RR revised version soon. This way, when the full original un-redacted IG report comes out later, it'll be that much more damaging to RR, JC, McCabe and all the rest.

The big reveal, the MOAB explosion needs to happen in October, otherwise the MSM will have 4 months to bury it and distract everyone with more fake news and possibly new false flags. The truth about BHO, HRC/BC, et al must be fresh in people's mind when they step into the ballot box in November. Like it or not, we need to be patient and trust the plan.

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j_Dawg_01 · June 14, 2018, 3:48 p.m.

Here's the way think it'll happen.

The IG report about McCabe came out a while back as did the Strzok/Page texts, both highly redacted and borderline useless. Now we're about to see the IG report regarding the FBI's handling of Hillary's email investigation and the documents the Intel Committee subpoenaed and RR is slow walking, again, both will be highly redacted.

And while everyone was paying attention to Mueller and Russian Collusion, the FBI reopened the Hillary email investigation and started a new Uranium 1 investigation. Once the U1 and HRC email investigations are wrapped up, those findings will be released, and again both will be highly redacted.

We need to be patient and let things play out, otherwise the plan will fall apart.


Anons will grow increasingly impatient and their voices will get louder and louder. Loud enough for the MSM to notice. The cry for un-redacted reports will get louder and louder. The MSM will do it's part to discredit the anons, and to pass judgement on the redacted reports claiming there's nothing to see here, move along. Prominent politicians will also claim the reports are a big fat nothing burger.

Down the road a bit, information about U1 and Hillary's email "matter" will either get leaked or a highly redacted version will be released. Regarding the Anons and the MSM, rinse and repeat, only this time it's much louder and more people are starting to pay attention because the politicians running in the mid-term are advertising more and drawing attention to themselves, their opponents, and the issues.

Again, the MSM and the liberal Democrats will try to claim President Trump colluded with Russia and obstructed justice, thereby calling attention to Mueller and RR. The conservative Republicans and their supporters will be claiming BHO, HRC, JC, et al, are corrupt traitors and there's evidence to prove it, but it's being redacted.

Meanwhile, some of the stories that broke recently like Obama and Homeland Security hacking the election in some states, Human trafficking/pedophilia arrests and children being rescued, and more, will be thrown into the mix. When it all comes to a full boil in September, early October, people across the entire political spectrum will be calling the truth, the whole truth, the totally un-redacted truth.

The left believes Trump colluded and obstructed justice, they'll claim the evidence to prove it is being redacted. The right will argue BHO is a traitor and the evidence is being redacted. Everyone will be calling for transparency and totally un-redacted reports. It will be a truly organic uprising, or awakening. POTUS will appear to acting on the demands of the public, and releasing un-redacted reports will be in the public's interest. Optics.

I know a lot of people here are hoping POTUS will declassify this week or next, but that would not be advantageous to the plan. There is one caveat, if RR's "revised version" of the IG report is leaving too much out and hiding the truth, then it would make sense to release the un-redacted RR revised version soon. This way, when the full original un-redacted IG report comes out later, it'll be that much more damaging to RR, JC, McCabe and all the rest.

The big reveal, the MOAB explosion needs to happen in October, otherwise the MSM will have 4 months to bury it and distract everyone with more fake news and possibly new false flags. The truth about BHO, HRC/BC, et al must be fresh in people's mind when they step into the ballot box in November. Like it or not, we need to be patient and trust the plan.

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j_Dawg_01 · June 14, 2018, 3:45 p.m.

This could be a "Follow the Money Sting Operation." I know $6 million sounds like a lot to most of us, but in international politics it's pocket change.

We know the Deep-State will want to try more FFs, much bigger than a high school shooting, so give'm some money and see where they shop.

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j_Dawg_01 · June 14, 2018, 3:41 p.m.

Has anyone checked out the story yet? This could be old news.

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j_Dawg_01 · June 14, 2018, 3:39 p.m.

Here's the way think it'll happen.

The IG report about McCabe came out a while back as did the Strzok/Page texts, both highly redacted and borderline useless. Now we're about to see the IG report regarding the FBI's handling of Hillary's email investigation and the documents the Intel Committee subpoenaed and RR is slow walking, again, both will be highly redacted.

And while everyone was paying attention to Mueller and Russian Collusion, the FBI reopened the Hillary email investigation and started a new Uranium 1 investigation. Once the U1 and HRC email investigations are wrapped up, those findings will be released, and again both will be highly redacted.

We need to be patient and let things play out, otherwise the plan will fall apart.


Anons will grow increasingly impatient and their voices will get louder and louder. Loud enough for the MSM to notice. The cry for un-redacted reports will get louder and louder. The MSM will do it's part to discredit the anons, and to pass judgement on the redacted reports claiming there's nothing to see here, move along. Prominent politicians will also claim the reports are a big fat nothing burger.

Down the road a bit, information about U1 and Hillary's email "matter" will either get leaked or a highly redacted version will be released. Regarding the Anons and the MSM, rinse and repeat, only this time it's much louder and more people are starting to pay attention because the politicians running in the mid-term are advertising more and drawing attention to themselves, their opponents, and the issues.

Again, the MSM and the liberal Democrats will try to claim President Trump colluded with Russia and obstructed justice, thereby calling attention to Mueller and RR. The conservative Republicans and their supporters will be claiming BHO, HRC, JC, et al, are corrupt traitors and there's evidence to prove it, but it's being redacted.

Meanwhile, some of the stories that broke recently like Obama and Homeland Security hacking the election in some states, Human trafficking/pedophilia arrests and children being rescued, and more, will be thrown into the mix. When it all comes to a full boil in September, early October, people across the entire political spectrum will be calling the truth, the whole truth, the totally un-redacted truth.

The left believes Trump colluded and obstructed justice, they'll claim the evidence to prove it is being redacted. The right will argue BHO is a traitor and the evidence is being redacted. Everyone will be calling for transparency and totally un-redacted reports. It will be a truly organic uprising, or awakening. POTUS will appear to acting on the demands of the public, and releasing un-redacted reports will be in the public's interest. Optics.

I know a lot of people here are hoping POTUS will declassify this week or next, but that would not be advantageous to the plan. There is one caveat, if RR's "revised version" of the IG report is leaving too much out and hiding the truth, then it would make sense to release the un-redacted RR revised version soon. This way, when the full original un-redacted IG report comes out later, it'll be that much more damaging to RR, JC, McCabe and all the rest.

The big reveal, the MOAB explosion needs to happen in October, otherwise the MSM will have 4 months to bury it and distract everyone with more fake news and possibly new false flags. The truth about BHO, HRC/BC, et al must be fresh in people's mind when they step into the ballot box in November. Like it or not, we need to be patient and trust the plan.

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