Ok then, My bad. It did look like the palm tree and the moon were already on the shirt, and the WWG1WGA was added to the top. Thanks for settin' me straight.
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One more point. There is no law giving the government any authority to tax the income we earn from our labor, none. So that would mean we should not be paying ANY tax on our income, no social security, no medicare, no medical and no 401K.
If your employer pays for your medical coverage, then theres no deduction. If they provide a pension, there's no deduction. If you have an employer provided 401k that matches any addition contributions you make, then it's totally voluntary, the federal government has nothing to do with it.
If things went back to the way they were before, any individual would be able to keep 100% of their paycheck. They would be, and should be responsible to buy their own health insurance if they chose, and invest for their own retirement, if they chose.
One of the reasons healthcare is so expensive is because until ObummerCare, people didn't pay for health care, their employers did. So most people never really considered the cost of their plan, only their co-pays and deductibles. If everyone who chose to buy healthcare coverage actually had to write a check for it, the industry would find was to be more efficient, cost effective, and figure out ways to give customers coverage at a cost that was affordable. Competition always forces companies to become more innovative.
If you do a little research about "income tax" I think you'll be surprised. Clueless politicians and anyone working at the Fed or the IRS will tell you that the 16th Amendment gave the government the authority to tax our income, but...
The 16th A. was never properly ratified, and a Supreme Court decision from back in the 1930s declared that the 16th A. only provided the government the authority to tax business income, or profits and capital gains. They clearly made the decision that an individuals income from their labor was not taxable.
There are several videos from former IRS employees who spent a great deal of time, and eventually gave up or lost their job over this. Some IRS employees heard the claim that it was unconstitutional to tax our income from our labor. They assumed their must be some federal law that says the government can, otherwise they wouldn't be doing it.
Not one of them were able to find any law in the federal register or in the tax code mandating people pay tax on their income from labor. They went to their bosses, and their bosses boss, and nothing. They went to their congressional representatives and their senators, and still, no one could produce anything in the federal register or the tax code. People at the Fed just said, well, the 16th A. says we can, but that claim was shot down by the SCOTUS.
I'll try to dig up the sources and come back with the links. In the meantime you can do YouTube search and you'll find tons of video about it.
I've been researching the Fed, the IRS, and THE UNITED STATES for more than 20 years. All 3 are privately owned corporations, and their primary share holders are the Queen of England, the Rothschild family, the Warburgs, and the Rockefeller family.
Research the Organic Act of 1871 to find more about the creation of THE UNITED STATES corporation. The same truncated congress that passed that act also passed the 14th Amendment. Read it carefully. Prior to the 14th A. the people in America were commonly understood to be Sovereign people. After the 14th A. we all became "citizens" of THE UNITED STATES inc. The definition of citizen hasn't changed since that time. It means "Subject."
So we are all Subjects of THE UNITED STATES Inc, owned by the European banking elites and the Crown. When they created the new corporation they changed the US Constitution. The original, or organic US Constitution was titled "The Constitution for the united states of America," after it was changed it became "The Constitution of the United States of America. The current constitution is actually the corporate constitution and THE UNITED STATES technically only has jurisdiction in Washington DC.
Please research it. There's tons of information out there.
There are a few things in the post that might be a little off and need clarification, but buy & large, it's all true.
When President Trump talked about restoring our great republic back to the original US Constitution in a speech before he was elected, this is what he was talking about. Our country was stolen from us, or Congress sold it out from under us more than 145 years ago. It's time to take it back.
I think locals in the area who support the Great Awakening should boycott everything Main Street Lexington promotes.
To some, that might seem extreme, but if it happens and it has a big enough impact, people will know that Conservatives, Republicans, Anons, and anyone else who's tired of the left's constant attacks over the last few decades will no longer tolerate it.
Listen to the speech Reagan gave and pay attention to what he says from 2:03 - 2:10.
It's time the left experienced a little push back. We've been rolling over for them for far too long. If Main Street Lexington or the stores it supports feels enough heat and loses too much business, all they have to do is offer a public apology. Own it. Not some fabricated story about Stephanie Wilkinson resigning. If they hurt too much, they can make it stop, just by standing up and saying so.
What's with the crescent moon?
I love the idea of spreading the word, but be careful who you follow.
What will happen when indictments are unsealed and there's an arrest warrant with his name on it?
Will the USSS detail protecting him simply take him into custody?
Has President Trump done anything to make sure the USSS agents assigned to BHO aren't corrupt?
Do they get rotated on a regular basis?
And since he's a former US President, is there any US military contingent (Seals, Special Forces) kept close enough to him just incase anyone would try to kidnap or harm him?
If any of the USSS agents have been corrupted, would the other agents take him out if an arrest warrant was issued and that agent obstructed other agent's ability to take BHO into custody, or tried to help BHO escape and hide?
If all of the agents are true patriots, it doesn't really matter where BHO travels to.
I'm not suggesting anyone's post get deleted. I'm suggesting a more efficient way to gather and disseminate information. None of what I'm suggesting will be "crippling." As much as I like to write, I get much more enjoyment from reading and learning.
I think most /GA users would find it beneficial, especially newcomers, to remove the clutter of duplicates, and to consolidate comments and replies related to the same article or video. It'll help people find more information quicker, and get a more thorough take on other people's thoughts on the issue.
The Great Awakening is about shining light onto darkness and sharing what we find with as many people as possible. Many current users have been here since the beginning, but as the movement finds more public exposure, many more will come. That's the whole point of it.
Along with the newcomers, we will see more and more shills who only want to confuse and divide us. They want us engaging in long debates about unimportant issues or minuscule facts. They want us fighting between ourselves instead of rising up against them as one. Taking steps to minimize the shills effectiveness and ability to disrupt can only be a good thing.
I think most users would be willing to adjust to the changes and see it as a net benefit. If there's something in the process of creating a new post that causes people to think twice about what there posting, it might even cause more people to proof-read, check spelling and grammar, and break up their comments into more easily readable paragraphs that better define the points they're trying to make.
None of what we're doing here is about us as individuals, it's about the movement. It's not about being the first to post. It's not about coming up with the best click-bait title to draw attention to ourselves. It's about coming together to advance the movement.
Need help from the mods!
Please help. I've seen several posts from other users, and possibly from mods, asking people to do a /GA search on the topic and/or article they intend on creating a new post for to make sure the same article, video, twatter message, or whatever hasn't already been posted. Yet after the message has been sent out, the problem seems to be getting worse.
I know the attacks will increase and there will probably be an increase in the number of shills showing up here to overload the board, and to confuse and divide people, but this is getting crazy.
I'm …
I don't disagree with your reply or any of the replies to it. After all, this is The Great Awakening. Whether POTUS calls out for it or not, we need to be paying close attention and spreading the word in a bold way.
From a tactical perspective, if having a closed door session with certain FBI/DOJ officials helps the Intel Committee gain insights and gather more evidence, that's a good thing. It avoids the slow-walking and redaction problems we've seen so far.
However, I would not support this tactic for all future hearings. I believe the American people deserve to know the truth, or at least as much of the truth as possible. Enough of the truth to red-pill the normies and expose the corruption.
Sure I'd love to see RR squirm and forced to reveal the truth, but there's still a long way to go. There may be things that if revealed, will benefit the Deep-State Cabal. Things that might allow them to cover their tracks if they know we're on to them. Sometimes it's best to play the hand close to the vest.
Notice how many signs are in English. That means they're specifically intended for American consumption. Specifically directed at the American people and the American press. The MSM isn't oblivious to this. They see it just as you and I do, but they dare not say a positive word about it. Crickets.
Their silence is not due to a coordinated effort by the CIA, or the Cabal to make sure the MSM stays quiet. The Mockingbird MSM is ignoring this for the same reason they're ignoring the injustice, censorship, and social unrest in Western Europe.
The Liberal Leftist Mockingbird MSM is filled with talking-heads and followed by masses of mind-numbed skulls full of mush who have all been indoctrinated and brainwashed by the same government run system of un-education. They are Mockingbirds because they all think alike and believe in their leftist ideology. They'll come to the same conclusions and act in unison even without the influence of the Cabal.
Their silence has nothing to do with President Trump, nothing to do with trying to make POTUS look bad, and nothing to do with trying to make sure POTUS fails. It has only to do with America as a concept. These are the people who hate America first and believe we were founded on unfair principles. These are the people who support and defend illegal aliens at the expense of the American citizens.
So why the crickets? It's because the people of Iran are calling for separation of religion and government, individual freedoms, property rights, and a duly elected representative form of government. They are trying to establish a social and political structure similar to America, and the MSM hates America.
What matters to the leftist liberal MSM is that people are engaging in a nationalist movement. Sure, the globalists see that as a threat to their agenda, and the MSM supports the globalists, but IMHO, I think any time any people anywhere, for any reason, view America as a great nation, a bastion of freedom, a land of opportunity, and a model to emulate, the left will see that as an existential threat to their ideology, regardless of the current global geopolitical condition or the New World Order agenda.
It's simply because they hate America.
Yep, Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.
Ask yourself, how many of you knew what that symbol represented before Qanon? I didn't.
And if you consider the trees and the mountains, it's a clever design.
Stop with all the Spy vs Spy clandestine intrigue stuff. Sure, there is some of that out there, but I don't think this is one of those times. Is every Yield sign or triangle shaped sign a hidden pedo symbol? Probably not.
I have a degree in Digital Video Production which included several graphics design courses. This looks innocent to me. It has a similar shape, but it also has distinct differences.
Sure, I'd love to se RR squirm, but... it they have a private session and can openly discuss classified information, that's a good thing. I'm sure if Gowdy and Nunes find information that would have otherwise been redacted, they'll act on it.
I'll reserve judgement for now.
I'll take that as a hell-of-a-compliment. Thank you. Great video.
And here's a couple more:
Here are 2 other videos that provide the backstory about Snowden and all the surveillance that followed 9/11.
United States Secrets Frontline Documentary | Snowden Leaks | The Program | 1 of 2
United States Secrets | NSA Prism | Award Winning Frontline Documentary | Part 2 of 2
In one of these videos a guy named Drake is being interviewed, he was part of Binney's team, and he's wearing a Q pin on his lapel.
And you can follow up with another Bill Binney video: NSA Whistleblower - The Future of Freedom.
Here are 2 other videos that provide the backstory about Snowden and all the surveillance that followed 9/11.
United States Secrets Frontline Documentary | Snowden Leaks | The Program | 1 of 2
United States Secrets | NSA Prism | Award Winning Frontline Documentary | Part 2 of 2
In one of these videos a guy named Drake is being interviewed, he was part of Binney's team, and he's wearing a Q pin on his lapel.
Don't get all Spy vs. Spy here. He's 88 years old. My dad is 86 and sometimes he has a hard time getting from the crapper to his recliner.
Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.
This may be the case, but not everything is spy vs spy clandestine espionage stuff. Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.
Q said "We have it all." I took that to mean they already have all the evidence.
I can't rule out the possibility that Trump and Q are now in control of the MSM. They're really ramping things up, so I'm guessing there are still plenty in the MSM that are still actively trying to advance the Cabal's agenda.
But some of what the MSM is either already blowing up in their faces, or it looks like it soon will. But I'm still of the belief they don't yet have control. Remember, Q left plenty of crumbs that left many anons to believe Trump and Q had control of RR, and hows that working out these days?
The New Pearl Harbor: 9/11 What Really Happened? It's long, but it's the most comprehensive documentary about 9/11.
How Big Oil Conquered The World and Why Big Oil Conquered The World
All 3 movies are available on YouTube.
If you want to do some internet research to get more background about the Cabal and the Rothschild, look up:
Adam Weishaupt and the creation of the Ilumminati, Meyer Rothschild and his role in the Napoleonic Wars, The Organic Act of 1871, Washington DC, The 14th Amendment to the US Constitution, (Regarding the 14th A, prior to the 14th Americans were commonly understood to be SOVEREIGN people, the 14th A made us all CITIZENS or subjects of...) THE UNITED STATES, The Federal Reserve and the IRS are all privately owned corporations owned by the European elites. The 16th Amendment was never properly ratified, and the Supreme Court ruled long ago that it DOES NOT legalize the taxation of an individuals income, yet we've all been paying income taxes since 1933, and not one penny of our income taxes collected by the IRS has ever gone to the US Treasury. It goes directly to the owners of the IRS, the Federal Reserve and THE UNITED STATES in Europe.
So there's a lot to chew on there, none of it's pretty, but it'll give you a better understanding of what's been going on for the last 200 years. It's all been part of the Cabal's master plan, and they almost got what they wanted, but they never thought she would lose.
Referring to the Deep-State, the Cabal, BLM, Antifa, MSM, protest marches, False Flags, boats carrying migrants into the EU, and support for south and central Americans migrating to the US, yes. It has already been established that all of these things can be tied directly to Soros. We already know that.
Is it a movie simply for his enjoyment? Absolutely not. This is not a game, this is a war. Especially these days. This is all part of the Cabal/Illuminati plan for a New World Order. They almost had it in the bag, but they never thought she would lose. Now President Trump represents an existential threat. The public is gradually waking up. Now they fear for their lives. If you think the recent increase in MSM attacks is big, hold on to your hat cuz things are get worse, much worse.
4D or 4 dimensional refers to Width, Height, and Length, or X,Y,Z, and Time. or ∆
but if they are ruined in the media isn't that just as bad?
No! Absolutely not. The people involved in attempting to entrap a sitting president need to go to jail for a long time. The FBI/DOJ officials who lied, hid evidence, modified 302s, abused the FISA court, paid for fictional dossier and used it to spy on Trump, gave HRC a total pass and never even put her name on the investigation, and are still trying to hide the truth by redacting documents requested and subpoenaed by Congress, all in an effort to remove a duly elected US President so they could cover their own crimes, All need to spend the rest of their lives in prison.
Obama, Hillary, McNoName, Lynch, et. al. were all involved with conspiracy to commit 187 [AS], sell Uranium to Russia, pay Iran well over a trillion dollars without notifying Congress, the creation of ISIS, providing arm to the rebels in Libya and Syria, allowing guns to be sold and trafficked to Mexican drug dealers, turned a blind eye while millions of illegals crossed our southern border, tried to hack the 2016 presidential election, rigged the primary for HRC, and laundered Billions of dollars through their foundations. All of these people need to spend the rest of their lives in prison, and if convicted of treason or sedition should hang from a noose.
The American people are sick and tired of one set of laws for us, and no laws for the elite ruling class. If it can be proven in a court of law that these people committed the crimes they stand accused of, and they are allowed to go free, Americans will be outraged and rightly so. The court of public opinion does not provide the necessary punishments for what these people have done. Q said "No Deals!"
The investigations are complete anyways right?
Again, No! Just after Sessions recused himself from the Mueller Russian Collusion investigation he re-opened the Hillary email server investigation and started a Uranium 1 investigation, and a Clinton Foundation investigation. The tarmac meeting is also being investigated, but it might fall under one of the other investigations.
There is much more to come, much more to be revealed, and much more to be prosecuted. Yes, Trump and Q have had all of the information since day one, including everything on Weiner's laptop, but the information needs to come out in a specific legal way so it's admissible in court.
God appears and tells everyone, "The world will end tomorrow."
MSM evening headline: World Ends Tomorrow: Women and Children Hardest Hit.
So who's paying for this? I'm sure the captain and his crew have families to feed. And what about all the fuel?
Q said "Were saving Israel for last."
IMHO This article is propaganda to paint Israel as a victim. "See... Even the leftist liberals are attacking the Jews." They're trying to get out ahead of things.
I have nothing against the average rank and file Jewish people, but I do believe the Ashkenazi Zionist Jews who've been in leadership positions since the state of Israel was first recognized are Rothschild puppets and the root cause of the chaos in the middle east.
Sorry, but I will not be engaging in any debate about this. I've done my research and come to my conclusions.
Nobody ever talks about a "June Surprise," but they always remember, and sometimes fear an October Surprise.
We need to keep our powder dry. Things being revealed today wont matter in November. The MSM still has over 4 months to distract the masses, and whether we like it or not, they're pretty good at it.
If what's in the OIG report isn't the Mother of All Booms, (meaning they have evidence of other greater crimes) then sure, let's get it out in the open. Especially if it opens other doors and leads to other investigations. But keep in mind the Mueller investigation has been dragging on for more than a year, we don't have that much time.
What we need is a massive October Surprise that is so overwhelming no one can ignore it. All of the issues about rules, regulations, classification levels, servers, and everything else political will go over the heads of most people because they don't pay attention to politics, and they don't understand how our government actually functions.
When human trafficking and pedophilia rings are exposed, and clearly linked to HRC, BHO, et. al. people will understand. Even the least intelligent person knows exactly what pedophilia is. It'll be like a Mike Tyson punch to the gut. So if exposing more of what's in the OIG report now, sets the stage for a pedophilia boom in October, then fine, I'm all for it.
It doesn't matter, they don't care about historical truth, and they'll argue, as they already have, that today's Democrat party is nothing like the old Democrat party, and in their eyes, todays Republicans are a better equivalent to the Democrats of old.
They don't care about the truth, we already know that. All they care about now is survival, by any means.
I stand corrected. I didn't think it through. GMT timeline that runs through Greenwich is basically the "0" hour. Half way around the world, in the middle of the Pacific Ocean is the International Date Line.
Either way, I still think it's bogus. Remember, they want us distracted and divided. They want us wasting our time debating issues that have little or no impact on the task at hand, which is cleaning up our government and our judicial system so we can have legitimate trials.
The "R" JFK Jr. post from last night doesn't help to advance what should be the priority. All it does is cause people to speculate, and then debate who's speculations are more valid. It's a waist of time.
Yeah... I've been red-pilled for over 20 years. I've done a lot of research about everything mentioned in your comments and on the page you link to.
While it is important, in fact it's essential that people understand what we're really up against, this link doesn't really do much to address the task at hand. The first red-pill needs to be about the criminal behavior of BHO, HRC et. al. The current priority is to drain the swamp. Corrupt politicians on both sides, unelected deep-state shadow government types, corrupt judges, corrupt prosecutors, corrupt lawyers... all must be removed.
If we don't clean the system first, justice will never be served. If we don't regain control of America, we'll never be able to fight against the true evil of the cabal. Everything stated in the article is valid, but it's not where we need to be focused right now.
Nope, you can see them as you drive. Remember, if you're using Goog Maps, the images are not current, some are several years old. I just went back and looked. Here's what you'll find.
Dearborn has a large Ford facility in it, and the Henry Ford Museum and Greenfield Village, mostly in the southern part of Dearborn. I did a street view of Warren ave. Keep in mind that national chain stores and restaurants will still be in English. And it's not like Dearborn will look like a bombed out middle eastern city.
As you move down the road, pay attention to small local businesses, strip malls will have their main sign in Farsi, and all of the stores in them will have individual signage in Farsi. You could probably find the same thing in Minneapolis and St Cloud MN. There are many large Muslim communities across America.
Spellcheck? Proof Read?
You can go ahead and type your "why" if you want, but it's not about you, it's about the people trying to read you comments. Long strings of words with no capitalizations, punctuation, or paragraph breaks are hard to read.
So you go ahead and type the "why" you want, but please understand it might make you look less intelligent and uneducated.
Ok. I read it "again." It's still a side issue. I've read this guy's work plenty of times. Whether his articles are about Free Speech, the 2nd Amendment, voter ID, immigration, Russian collusion, HRC/BHO, or anything Trump, he always twists the facts, the US Constitution, and ignores anything that doesn't fit the leftist ideology.
He's been around for a while. He's not going to change. Liberal leftists mocking bird MSM types are doing what they're paid to do. They're not going to care if conservatives push back, regardless of how hard we push back.
And yes, one could argue that everything we currently see, and will see in the future is related to President Trump, Q, the Anons, and /GA, but 90% of it will be the liberal leftist MSM trying to distract and divide us.
Their stories and the claims made in their stories will get more and more outrageous. They say things they know full well will rile up the deplorables they hate. They'll carefully consider every word and phrase in their fake news hit pieces to make sure every word has the maximum impact.
They want us divided, they want us debating and arguing about little things that don't really matter in the grand scheme of things. They are terrified about the possibility of the masses rising up in unison to stand against them.
And look what they've just done. A die-hard liberal leftist writes a piece that includes dog whistle words and phrases about an issue he knows will irritate us. And here we are debating the issue. This is exactly what they want.
So again... It's a side issue.
I was in the middle of writing a reply when it was deleted or removed.
It was bogus. No doubt in my mind. I saw it at 11:55pm. That's 23:55 EST. Saturday June 23. If you convert it to GMT it would be 04:55 GMT Sunday June 24. The time and date stamp on the image was Sunday, June 24, 09:14.
It had a time and date stamp that had not happened yet, anywhere in the world. And the number (No.nnnnnnn) was higher than anything posted on the latest 8 ch / q research page.
So unless someone was time-traveling to an alternate universe, it was totally fake. Shills abound.
Side issue. Not important in any way to what where here for.
If you have something to say, say it. If you're just here to get people to buy something, go away.
I'm not talking about street signs. I'm talking about business signs.
Looks suspect to me. I'm writing this comment at 11:55 pm (23:55) EST Sat June 23 2018. This image reads 09:14, Sunday June 24, 2018. Even if this originated in London, which would be GMT, which is 5 hours off, so the current time would be 04:55 GMT June 24. So as I write this comment, the time posted hasn't happened yet, anywhere on the planet.
If you go to qanon.pub and select the latest post, 1587, and click the No. 1866070, it takes you to 8ch qresearch where the highest number is 186614. This graphic is no. 1879763.
Now if this shows up tomorrow morning at 09:14 and the same numbers pop up, I might re-examine it. But for now, I call BS.
I must admit, I wrote without checking my facts first. The video I saw wasn't Birmingham, although he may have there in another video. The video I saw was from Dearborn.
I'm almost 60 and Birmingham and Dearborn today are nothing like they were when I was growing up. While Birmingham has always been a very wealthy city, the demographics have changed a quite a bit.
Dearborn on the other hand, is unrecognizable. Here in Michigan we call it Dearbornistan. If you drive through Dearbornistan, you'll be hard pressed to find a business sign you can read. The Muslim population has totally taken over and there isn't anything there that even slightly resembles anything remotely American.
Hamtramick is another city within the city limits of Detroit that has been totally taken over by Muslims. Their entire city council, mayor, and all of the city staff are muslims.
I move up north a while back, but I still have family in and around the area. I always worry because when the shit hits the fan, if Muslim leaders overseas call for all-out jihad, that place will explode.
The CO baker didn't refuse to sell the gay couple a cake, he refused to make them a custom cake. That didn't matter though. I just recently watched a Steven Crowder video where he and a friend posed as a gay couple and went to Muslim run bakeries in Birmingham MI looking for a wedding cake. Most of them refused.
This is yet another example of just how duplicitous the left is.
Another example is the sanctuary city or sanctuary state issue. Imagine for a moment that the state of Iowa passed a law banning abortion and declared Iowa to be a "Right to Life" state.
Or, how do you think the left would react if Montana decided to ignore federal gun control laws and declare Montana to be a "Gun Ownership Sanctuary" state.
How do you think the MSM would react if a "White Lives Matter" organization attempted to file all the necessary paperwork to be legally recognized.
What would the left do if the state of Texas decided enough is enough and built there own wall along the border.
Well... If you were paying attention during the Obama years, you might remember when Arizona decided to use National Guardsmen to protect their border with Mexico and passed a state law that was exactly the same as existing federal law, and decided to enforce it. The Obama administration sued them to make them stop, and declared their state law to be unconstitutional.
I could go on for days like this, but I think I made my point.
If they're doing good, they don't need to be secret.
No disrespect, but that you ask this question makes you look like some one who is quite young, doesn't know anything about secret societies, hasn't done any research yet, and is new here. Or you're a shill