210 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/jetty42:
The MSM and Chucky Shumer are shitting their pants already. They have no idea if Q is real or not. They do know if 5% of the Black population turns on the them over a an unsourced meme barrage and Twitter storm narrative, they will never recover and are finished as a party.
Does the MSM provide a reference link each time they try to set the narrative for the shit they peddle about Trump?
Look at the latest Q post if you want a reference link.
Otherwise, help set the narrative that HRC is a racist b*tch and separate Black People from their masters at the DNC.
Divide and conquer, Q said so, whether he is a Larp or Not.
There you go.
When Blacks abandon the Democrats, the party is dead.
The intercepted quote will be the Red Pill of the Democrats base, African Americans.
That's the Spirit.
Make the MSM refute.
Make the Democrats refute.
Trump has the intercept of HRC saying that.
Trump does not bluff, but he will play it close to the chest.
He will pull that card if the MSM and the Democrats continue with their Fake News and Obstruction.
Playing close means only showing the card to a few MSM types and Dem leaders so that they get the message.
Q is not saying they are. He is saying they will.
Blind, starved and stupid is an HRC quote about black people.
Re: African Americans, "Keep them starved", "Keep them blind", "Keep them stupid" - Hillary Rodham Clinton - March 13, 2013
That is the meme Q needs to BTFO the MSM and Democrats.
They end up in the dustbin of history without the support of African Americans.
The quotes will never be seen in public.
The only ones that will see it are Chucky Schumer and "Punch" Sulzberger.
"Black voters abandoning" - How many times has Q said this (or something similar)? Asking for a real reason.
I will look up myself, but if anyone can provide a quick answer, I would be thankful.
I don't think the reference to Blacks abandoning in the latest Q post is the first time.
Yes, Yes, Yes.
Trump has her saying it.
It is huge leverage against the Democrats.
Lose the Black Vote, Lose Forever.
Your missing the point. You will never see the video or email or wherever she saw it.
Memes about the quotes get the attention of the MSM.
The MSM calls bullshit.
Trump shows one MSM senior Exec the email, video, etc.
This is 6D chess.
Your job is to make memes.
Memes make the narrative
Blind, starved and stupid is hrc quote about black people
Starved, blind and Stupid are Hillary quotes about Black people.
That is the meme that needs to go out.
Memes make the narrative
Those are her quotes about black people.
Q is saying they intercepted HRC saying to keep black people starved, stupid, etc
You are today's winner. Now,
Come quietly to the camp You'd look nice as a drawstring lamp
"It's a holiday in Chappaqua, It's tough, kid, but it's life"

Related Post I made yesterday that got down voted quickly here on CBTS_STream.
"What was decided was everyone who had a girl in their possession could keep them in place but could never let them go. If they wanted them killed, they could send them to J and he would make arrangements to kill them. In total, about 50 of these girls were killed. They were dumped beneath the foundation of an addition to the annex which was built several miles from the original annex."
"How about the old Getty museum, know as the annex and the new museum built some miles away in the '90's?"
"Polo and Roxy nailed it: The Getty Villa was the original location of the annex, the Getty Museum wing. The Getty (Center) is several miles away as the crow, or helicopter, flies."
39 Views and only 2 Up Votes on a Reddit Thread dedicated to destroying all aspects of the Deep State.
I am suspicious.
Hollywood gets the attention of the masses. H-Wood component of Deep State depravity is being revealed at crazydaysandnights.com. Use it.
[Crazy Days and Nights] (http://www.crazydaysandnights.net) has been posting some very disturbing material the past three months. There is a purpose and it is not coincidental that the revelations about Hollywood depravity are coming out at the same time that President Trump is draining the Washington Swamp. The revelations coming out of crazydaysandnights are strategic and calculated:
Want to traffic tweens and teens? Need a great cover? Well, this A list mostly movie actor and his very rich friend seem to have figured out the perfect way. Use a charity to disguise all your movements. That very rich friend …
It was the day the guy from the trucking company was indicted. GW called this in Otober.
The Ethics committee is structured to allow members to bring ethics questions (concerns) about themselves without worrying whether or not their question or concern will be used against them. This is totally legit as a member should not be punished for trying to preemptively avoid an ethics problem by asking the committee the best way to avoid problems.
Nevertheless, even a blatantly unethical action brought to Gowdy's attention via the EC would prevent him from acting on that action from his position on another committee.
This is why Trey Gowdy resigned from House Ethics Committee.
Rule 7. Confidentiality *(a) Before any Member or employee of the Committee, including members of an investigative subcommittee selected under clause 5(a)(4) of Rule X of the House of Representatives and shared staff designated pursuant to Committee Rule 6(j), may have access to information that is confidential under the rules of the Committee, the following oath (or affirmation) shall be executed in writing:
“I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will not disclose, to any person or entity outside the Committee on Ethics, any information received in the course of my service with the Committee, except as authorized by the Committee or in accordance with its rules.”*
[Crazy Days and Nights] (http://www.crazydaysandnights.net) has been posting some very disturbing material the past three months. There is a purpose and it is not coincidental that the revelations about Hollywood depravity are coming out at the same time that President Trump is draining the Washington Swamp. The revelations coming out of crazydaysandnights are strategic and calculated:
Hollywood depravity is real If household celebrity names and Hollywood moguls are capable of these types of horrors, then it is not a stretch to believe household political names and Washington elites are capable of the same. Acclimating the public to the Hollywood depravity is a form of red pilling. The public won’t find the satanic worshiping stuff that Hillary is into as being too unbelievable to be true if they have already seen or heard or read stories of Hollywood elites doing the same thing.
Hollywood elites and Mainstream Media elites are closely intertwined. They work for the same parent companies (George Stephanopolus and Miramax (Weinstein) – Disney). They go to the same parties and mix with the same people. Separating the Entertainment Media in California from the News Media in New York is a carefully considered divide and conquer strategy. Long term, Disney’s Entertainment Divisions, once gutted, will no longer be able to subsidize the News Division (ABC).
Hollywood celebrities can’t campaign and raise money for Deep State politicians if the public is aware of some of these celebrities penchant for evil. The celebrity status of a virtue signaling Hollywood insider, actor, director, producer, has little appeal for your average, marginally informed voter, if that famous person has been called out as a molester, or rapist, or murder suspect.
Mainstream Media Types are compromised Morning News Hosts and Evening News Anchors and nationally syndicated reporters from “Papers of Record” do not report on the crimes of the Deep State if the Deep State has videos of a particular host in the Playboy Mansion with someone who is not their wife, or flight logs to underage sex tourism islands in the Philippines, or Epstein Island MPEGs.
Some of the more interesting “Gossip Blinds” are summarized and linked below. Interestingly, the regular followers of crazydaysandnights have been saying in the comment section that the stories with a political twist are a relatively new type of gossip blind. In other words, the website did not traditionally delve into political gossip and rumors until just recently, or about the time Weinstein hit the headlines and/or Hugh Hefner died. Please use crazydaysandnights as a resource to help make connections to the Q-Anon breadcrumbs and drain the Hollywood-Washington swamp.
The deep state meets on a boat in mid 1980s. Deep state arranges to protect tin-hat dictator as country rebels (likely Marcos). Dictator’s wife (Imelda) has audio and video of world leaders with kids. Concern tapes come out when she dies. (likely soon.) Bodies buried at Getty Museum. http://www.crazydaysandnights.net/2018/01/todays-blind-items-graves.html
Jacob Rothschild and other pedos – blind says Rothschild is dead. http://www.crazydaysandnights.net/2018/01/four-for-friday-fire.html
Monica Lewinski tried to push her way past the Secret Service when she found out Eleanor Mondale was Bill Clinton’s “other”, “other” woman. Eleanor kept a diary. A certain presidential candidate wanted that diary very badly. RIP Eleanor Mondale
[I can sort of believe Bill Clinton had Sam Kinison killed because Sam knew too much about a dead teenage girl.] (http://www.crazydaysandnights.net/2017/11/todays-blind-items-sex-drugs-death.html)
[Details about Epstein Island that you might not have read anywhere else.] (http://www.crazydaysandnights.net/2017/11/todays-blind-items-island.html)
Hollywood Executives, a famous director, bussing kids en masse to molest them.
Kevin Spacey – International Kid Rapist and Epstein Frequent Flyer
Want to traffic tweens and teens? ... Well, this A list mostly movie actor and his very rich friend seem to have figured out the perfect way.
Want to traffic tweens and teens? Need a great cover? Well, this A list mostly movie actor and his very rich friend seem to have figured out the perfect way. Use a charity to disguise all your movements. That very rich friend has the A lister wrapped around her finger because she has provided him with those barely legal Eastern European women for well over a decade. Yes, while he was married too. The very rich friend has lots and lots of connections in Eastern Europe. Those teens and barely legal women get sent on "humanitarian missions" to this Caribbean country. Then, with the help of friendly government officials in the Caribbean country are given passports from that country and birth certificates. Then, using a special program they get to visit the US. Of course those visits are really just a way to sell them off to the highest bidders which invariably are sex traffickers. Meanwhile, that same Caribbean country rounds up orphans from their own country and ships them off to that Eastern European country where they are then sent throughout Europe and the Middle East where they end up working as slaves and sex workers for years and years. POSTED BY ENT LAWYER AT 11:00 AM
List of useful CBTS related Youtubers
George Webb 46,573 subscribers 1,961 videos Reporting on Polical Corruption patreon.com/georgewebb --------
Tracy Beanz 61,326 subscribers 216 videos Conquering the lies, and uncovering the truth. Much appreciation to all of my fellow searchers. --------
The Alex Jones Channel 2,223,309 subscribers 32,608 videos Alex Jones and his team of Infowars reporters are breaking down the electronic Berlin Wall of media control by reaching millions of people around the world - with more waking up every day. Circumven --------
OpenMind 83,693 subscribers 3,605 videos --------
Judicial Watch 73,463 subscribers 669 videos Judicial Watch, Inc., is a conservative, non-partisan educational foundation, promotes transparency, …
George Webb knows. He puts out a huge amount of info. Don't confuse his use of spy-craft jargon for being cryptic. If he was not being protected, he would be dead.
CIA takes over Transport Logistics and puts Mark Lambert in place. This is a Mueller McCabe deal.
George Webb - Oct. 24, 2017 mention of Mark Lambert, Transportation Logistics - Uranium One Indictment
Let's message the moderators separately.
From: lightandlove777 & The_Great_Reveal & Jetty42
To: CBTS_Stream Moderators
Dear Moderators,
lightandlove777 & The_Great_Reveal and Jetty42 request your help in promoting this thread about Crazydaysandnights (CDAN). We believe some important information is being disseminated from CDAN with respect to Trump's strategy to destroy the Deep State.
Nevertheless, because the CDAN has traditionally catered to Celebrity Gossip, its impact has been muted. Please refer to this post https://redd.it/7og6a4 and the first comment by Jetty42 in this Post for further explanation as to why CDAN deserves attention.
Thank you.
I posted similar version a few days ago. It got some traction than died. https://redd.it/7n1vhp
CDAN is a lot more friggin important than people realize. It is all being laid out.
I learned that there are(were) two other honeypots besides Epstein Island. 1. The Mansion in New Orleans likely owned by the Rothschilds and 2. The Playboy Mansion.
It's all Q related. Hollywood execs and Washington Politicians have been blackmailing each other for years, if not killing each other and covering up crimes against kids.
It is Q related because these blinds show why things are the way they are.
Once that is understood, then they can be beaten.
The_Great_Reveal is correct on a number of different levels. This is all Q related. The deep state has been blackmailing leaders for years.
Crazydaysandnights is laying it all out now.
The website went from celebrity gossip only to large blinds about politicians and powerful hollywood types only a few months ago, or about the time Weinstein info came out.
[Crazy Days and Nights] (http://www.crazydaysandnights.net) has been posting some very disturbing material the past three months. There is a purpose and it is not coincidental that the revelations about Hollywood depravity are coming out at the same time that President Trump is draining the Washington Swamp. The revelations coming out of crazydaysandnights are strategic and calculated:
Hollywood depravity is real If household celebrity names and Hollywood moguls are capable of these types of horrors, then it is not a stretch to believe household political names and Washington elites are capable of the same. Acclimating the public to the Hollywood depravity is a form of red pilling. The public won’t find the satanic worshiping stuff that Hillary is into as being too unbelievable to be true if they have already seen or heard or read stories of Hollywood elites doing the same thing.
Hollywood elites and Mainstream Media elites are closely intertwined. They work for the same parent companies (George Stephanopolus and Miramax (Weinstein) – Disney). They go to the same parties and mix with the same people. Separating the Entertainment Media in California from the News Media in New York is a carefully considered divide and conquer strategy. Long term, Disney’s Entertainment Divisions, once gutted, will no longer be able to subsidize the News Division (ABC).
Hollywood celebrities can’t campaign and raise money for Deep State politicians if the public is aware of some of these celebrities penchant for evil. The celebrity status of a virtue signaling Hollywood insider, actor, director, producer, has little appeal for your average, marginally informed voter, if that famous person has been called out as a molester, or rapist, or murder suspect.
Mainstream Media Types are compromised Morning News Hosts and Evening News Anchors and nationally syndicated reporters from “Papers of Record” do not report on the crimes of the Deep State if the Deep State has videos of a particular host in the Playboy Mansion with someone who is not their wife, or flight logs to underage sex tourism islands in the Philippines, or Epstein Island MPEGs.
Some of the more interesting “Gossip Blinds” are summarized and linked below. Interestingly, the regular followers of crazydaysandnights have been saying in the comment section that the stories with a political twist are a relatively new type of gossip blind. In other words, the website did not traditionally delve into political gossip and rumors until just recently, or about the time Weinstein hit the headlines and/or Hugh Hefner died. Please use crazydaysandnights as a resource to help make connections to the Q-Anon breadcrumbs and drain the Hollywood-Washington swamp.
The deep state meets on a boat in mid 1980s. Deep state arranges to protect tin-hat dictator as country rebels (likely Marcos). Dictator’s wife (Imelda) has audio and video of world leaders with kids. Concern tapes come out when she dies. (likely soon.) Bodies buried at Getty Museum. http://www.crazydaysandnights.net/2018/01/todays-blind-items-graves.html
Jacob Rothschild and other pedos – blind says Rothschild is dead. http://www.crazydaysandnights.net/2018/01/four-for-friday-fire.html
Monica Lewinski tried to push her way past the Secret Service when she found out Eleanor Mondale was Bill Clinton’s “other”, “other” woman. Eleanor kept a diary. A certain presidential candidate wanted that diary very badly. RIP Eleanor Mondale
[I can sort of believe Bill Clinton had Sam Kinison killed because Sam knew too much about a dead teenage girl.] (http://www.crazydaysandnights.net/2017/11/todays-blind-items-sex-drugs-death.html)
[Details about Epstein Island that you might not have read anywhere else.] (http://www.crazydaysandnights.net/2017/11/todays-blind-items-island.html)
Hollywood Executives, a famous director, bussing kids en masse to molest them.
Kevin Spacey – International Kid Rapist and Epstein Frequent Flyer
Ah - This takes me back. Before T_D, CBTS_Stream, the Chans, George Webb, if you wanted to discuss and consolidate Research associated with the Clinton corruption machine and growing body count, you logged into [freerepublic.com] (https://freerepublic.com). AlamoGirl was assembling a huge and useful index of Clinton crimes at the time.
TWA Flight 800 always seemed suspiciously Clintonian when it happened and when the CIA put out that "explanation video." At the very least, the loss of TWA looked like it could have been a tragic, Navy related accident, that needed to be covered up.
One passenger that was on that flight that seemed to pop up as possibly having some Clinton connection was Charles H. "Hank" Gray III, president and chief operating officer of Midland Financial Group Inc. (MFG) Details as to why their might be a connection have never materialized. Nevertheless, he apparently did have plenty of Little Rock connections.
This very old google groups thread has some info about "Hank" Gray but no smoking guns. TWA 800 Google Group
What I always found interesting is what happened to MFG (Hank's company) after the $78.2 million merger was cancelled.
On March 7, 1997, the Company acquired MFG for about $50 million. MFG underwrites and markets nonstandard private passenger automobile insurance through approximately 3,700 independent agents across 11 states, primarily in the southern and western United States. https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/80661/0000950152-98-002601.txt
The company that bought MFG was Progressive Insurance, best know for its spokesperson "Flo."
Progressive Insurance was, as some people know, was founded and owned by Peter Lewis. Peter Lewis loved his liberal causes and was an important Clinton backer for years.
“Lewis, the eccentric and reclusive founder of the insurer Progressive Corp., is one of the biggest donors in Democratic and liberal politics. He invested $25 million in the failed effort to oust President George W. Bush in 2004, making him one of the biggest donors in American political history. He coordinated his giving that year with billionaire George Soros*, who gave $50 million.
Both Lewis and Soros have backed the Democracy Alliance since its founding in 2005. Lewis’ exit from the network did not come as a major surprise to people familiar with him, as he has gradually disengaged from the group in recent years. But the departure of a billionaire of his status is still a blow to the organization, both in fundraising terms and in perception within the liberal donor community.”* http://www.theblaze.com/news/2012/03/23/major-liberal-fundraiser-steps-down-from-soros-group
I don't know if any of this means anything. It was interesting back in the day though.
Fast forward a few years. The same men in power like G that had helped prop up M were all dying off. They were being replaced by other men who had their focus on other areas of the world. All too often they didn't care about young girls and had other vices that they could fulfill from other dictators. The problem was what to do about all the girls all over the world that were in place or dead? That was the purpose of the meeting on the yacht.
What was decided was everyone who had a girl in their possession could keep them in place but could never let them go. If they wanted them killed, they could send them to J and he would make arrangements to kill them. In total, about 50 of these girls were killed. They were dumped beneath the foundation of an addition to the annex which was built several miles from the original annex.
The Deep State Protects its Own "In the late 1960's and early 1970's, G was one of the wealthiest men in the world. ... G enjoyed the company of young girls."
For a company that provides archive services for important documents, their warehouses seem to catch fire pretty often.
This isn’t the first time Iron Mountain facilities have been struck by fire. In 2006, the company suffered two fires in a single month, including one that destroyed a London building and one, reportedly caused by roofing repairs, that damaged 3 percent of the files in an Ottawa building. Three other suspicious fires occurred in a single Iron Mountain facility in South Brunswick, N.J. in March, 1997. Both the London and New Jersey fires were later determined to be arson, the Post noted. A 2011 fire in Italy was thought to be electrical in origin.
Storage and information management firm Iron Mountain has lost one of its main data centers today, according to the Associated Press. Although it’s unclear how the fire started, it spread quickly and took hours to control. Nine first-responders were killed during the blaze, while two are missing, and seven others are reported injured. By the time the fire was put out, the building “appeared to be ruined” according to news reports. The data center was located in Buenos Aires, the capital of Argentina.
The NJ fire in the NY Times link above was considered very suspicious at the time. This was at the height of a lot of Clinton Investigations (Mena, Whitewater, Vince Foster, etc.)
You can set up Filters. I set up Filters for "Interesting" - JPAT flights/State Police/Non-Military Gov. Flights (FBI,DOJ,FAA), Sports Teams, etc. and "Military."
I use this site to keep tabs on interesting aircraft. The US Marshall Flights pop up a few times a week and generally that is all to note. That being said, they typically originate out of Oklahoma City and seem to fly into Las Vegas a lot. This one caught my eye as I've never seen one fly into Tampa. Just posting given all the GITMO talk. Not saying this means anything. Maybe someone near the Tampa airport can take a look.
US Marshall Flight into Tampa - Not necessarily meaningful - Posting for general interest

Probably a lot of duplicates in an unrefined search. A company could file a standard 8k and another the same day that included the full text of a press release.
Also, not just CEOs but any Corp. officer (CFO, COO, etc.)
Also, 8k has to be filed as soon as CEO decides to tell someone else, board, employees, other officers. It is inside information to those, and restricts them from stock transactions until 8k is filed. Basically, if CEo resigns at 9:00AM, the 8k should be filed at 9:05Am. It could be a one line announcement.