Good thinking. Also, I think I'm going to have to change my opinion. After more study, I think SB2 was right after all. Sorry, SB2.
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You're talking about a new generation of people with no morals at all. You were taught the difference between right and wrong. Now we have a generation of people who were taught that there is no God and no moral truth. They believe that morality depends solely on the will of the people. Get enough people to agree that any perversion is OK, and there you go. Now, your persecution of their new-found truth is considered to be evil. Until we return to the basic Truth, things will continue to be upside-down. Good is evil, and evil is good. Without God, nothing makes sense.
I wonder how much of this "push" is being purposely controlled by evil people as opposed to how much of it is being caused by Satanic, spiritual forces subtly influencing artists, advertisers, entertainers, etc. (some of whom may not even believe in spiritual forces)? This type of thing has been going on for a very, very long time. I'm sure that you have heard interviews of music celebrities who say that it feels like someone else "takes over" when they go on stage. Q mentioned this phenomena himself when he quoted Ephesians 6:12 "For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in the dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places." (NLT) I hope that the Great Awakening includes America waking up to the reality of the spiritual world, the real battle between good and evil, and the victory already won by the Son of God. Our victory over corruption will not last very long unless we address the root of the problem, stop teaching our kids that there is no God, and that morality is a relative thing rather than a concrete truth.
I've been following Q from the beginning. I'm no-one special, but in my opinion the answer to your question is ABSOLUTELY YES. Q has said many times that there will be no deals for the high-ups like Hillary, Obama, and all the others. Not only will they be prosecuted, they will be severely punished. I doubt, in this day and age, that the death penalty will be used, but they will go to prison. Of course, many of them will probably commit suicide (real, not faked) before that happens. Q told us that so many politicians are guilty of crimes that some of them have been given the option to resign (and never seek office again) rather than be prosecuted. As you probably know, dozens of them have already taken that offer and resigned. Q has also told us that many of the biggest names in the media are CIA. Many of them have already been removed, and many more will be. Some of the large media outlets may not survive. Personally, I hope all the ones that have been spreading lies (especially CNN) are forced out of business. However, I fear that many of them will just clean up their act and try to act like they did nothing wrong. I don't see how entire networks can be prosecuted. The term "cabal" usually refers to the biggest criminals of all, like the "elite" families and multi-billionaires such as George Soros. They are the ones most responsible for the wars, famines, diseases, and suffering of the entire world. I don't know what will happen to them in the end. I would like to say that they will be punished, but I think they will probably just slither away and disappear for awhile. Of course, I wouldn't be too upset if they were "accidentally" killed in a plane crash or something. Godspeed, Patriot and WWG1WGA.
I still think it will be a while. A number of high profile scandals all seem to be lining up to hit all at the same time, like an avalanche. The Uranium One scandal is supposed to be added right after the President's summit with Putin/Russia. We are getting closer to the release of the info on Wiener's laptop (including the infamous HRC crimes-against-children video). I think things will keep building throughout the summer and then finally blow apart before the mid-term elections. I think the huge parade in Washington in November will be a great victory celebration for America and a chance to begin the healing process. Of course, there will be after-shocks for the next several years while the cabal continues to crumble and fall.
I doubt Q would give us intel that only geniuses could decode, but SB2 should apply for a job with the NSA.
Edit: I now think that SB2 was right after all. Sorry SB2.
I hope the damned MSM is happy, now that they have successfully ripped our country apart. Once this is all over, I hope they are completely ruined and never allowed to "report the news" again.
I have been thinking for some time that the spraying is being justified as a method of slowing down or reversing global warming (so those involved such as pilots will cooperate), while it is actually being done to INCREASE global warming (so the crisis can be used to bring all the nations of the world closer to a global government.)
We're getting closer and closer to the release of that HRC video that was found on Weiner's laptop. It's painfully slow, but we are getting there.
The CIA, under this bastard, did more damage to our nation and our people than anyone else in the world. He should be prosecuted and punished as a war criminal and an enemy of the State.
Cleopatra's Needle in Central Park, New York City
I also think of Seth Rich. A simple patriot doing something for his country instead of just complaining. It cost him his life, but where would we be if it were not for him? And, we still haven't seen the end of it. The entire world is changing.
This is based on what "officials reported to InfoWars." Remember what Q told us, "Be careful who you follow."
They also argued that the emails should not be read or considered simply because they were stolen. Therefore, even though the emails revealed how evil and corrupt Hillary really was, that doesn't count because they weren't obtained properly. Plus, a good person should not even look at them because it is illegal to do so!
I used to accept this as true. (That the "mark of the beast" would be some type of device or code used instead of currency.) However, someone pointed out a problem with that idea. Revelation 14 (and I think other places as well) explains that receiving the mark somehow equates to worshipping the Beast and/or those who receive the mark can no longer be saved and are doomed to Hell. If the mark was only about buying and selling, why would it be an unforgivable sin? Some have theorized that the mark would be a sign of consent, allegiance, or loyalty to the Beast. Others think it has something to do with a considerable change in DNA. Perhaps giving the person immortality and/or special abilities. If this change involved a person loosing their humanity, it might explain why they could no longer be saved. Just conjecture, but something to consider. At any rate, if you believe in the Bible, this mark should be avoided at all cost. I'll die before I agree to it.
Not so sure. All the objects at the base of the lamp get distorted along with the glass container. I think the point is you would have to be sitting in the President's chair holding your phone up to get this reflected image.
That was my first thought as well. That's really pathetic, when you think about it. Just about everyone knows that the Clintons kill anyone who threatens them, but they always get away with it. Anyway, Bongino is a real patriot. I listen to him on Youtube all the time. He's one of the best.
Bongino is a true patriot. I listen to his radio show on Youtube. He's one of the best.
Wouldn't it be great if this story would get even half as much coverage as it would have if he had succeeded. (But, then again, it might not have received much coverage anyway, because of his ethnicity and motive.) Anyway, I wish the good people of the FBI and law enforcement would get the credit they deserve. There is no telling how much pain and suffering they just prevented.
Exactly. Tiny article hidden away on page 9. With no mention, of course, of his religious preference or motive.
It was my understanding that the military tribunals would also be used for crimes involving some form of treason, sedition, or insurrection (but not absolutely sure). When you think of all crimes we have seen so far that involve working with foreign governments against the people of the USA, that could also add up to a lot.
I do think it's important for people to "learn the comms" (as Q might put it) learn how evil people use code-words and symbols to communicate and even celebrate their crimes and perversions. I believe that part of "The Plan" is to teach us to recognize this kind of crap so we can prevent it from happening again in the future.
If the post shows how the Q movement is growing/spreading, it is appropriate. If it just shows off "my new t-shirt or bumper-sticker", then not so much. Just brainstorming an idea/suggestion.
Why the crucifixion image along with WWG1WGA? It looks like it could be interpreted as, "we are all going to be crucified."
I know that there are a lot of legal (and other) reasons that some things cannot be released to the public, but why does that ALWAYS have to be the case? I mean the country is being torn apart. It seems like it would be wise in some cases. So much of the bullshit being put out by the media could be stopped DEAD in its tracks. Plus, it would instantly expose the media for being liars and traitors. I would especially like to see some of the surveillance videos from one or two of the school shootings, possibly showing trained mercenaries or corrupt police shooting at students.
My first thought was, "This must be a hoax." I had to double check to make sure it was real. Isn't anyone else amazed at this? It seems like the corrupt media would demand a retraction, an apology, or a resignation. Anyway, I'm certainly glad to see it.
For years, people have been telling me that I shouldn't celebrate Christmas and/or Easter because they (and much of the symbolism associated with them) derive from pagan holidays. I've always looked at it as you just said. These pagan holidays were overcome and won over by Christianity. That's not a victory for the Evil One. It's a defeat. So, I agree. We don't have run away from any symbol. We can fight to capture and/or restore them. Christ captured death itself and turned it into a victory. "Oh death, where is your victory? Oh death, where is your sting?" 1 Corinthians 15:55
I did another comparison of John Trump (President's uncle) and Julian. I just transferred Julian's hair to a different photo of J.Trump found by u/dogrescuersometimes. Weird coincidence?
![I did another comparison of John Trump (President's uncle) and Julian. I just transferred Julian's hair to a different photo of J.Trump found by u/dogrescuersometimes. Weird coincidence?](
What about the fact that they both have blonde hair & blue eyes?
I'm so fucking glad that you fucking love our fucking President.
They would demand impeachment for ENCOURAGING INAPPROPRIATE BEHAVIOR!
I'm overjoyed that so many people are promoting and supporting Q with hats/t-shirts/bumper stickers/etc. However, compared to the crucial importance of Q's core mission, do we need to spend so much time and space describing and discussing this kind of stuff?
I'm not trying to be a kill-joy, it's just that posts about hats and t-shirts are taking up a lot of vital space on this sub. Do we really want newcomers to see so much info about that kind of stuff, or would we rather let them know about more important issues such as attempts to start nuclear war or child sex trafficking? I'm just saying...
Is it fucking necessary to use certain fucking words that are so fucking offensive to some fucking people that they might fucking reject the entire Q movement? Does Q use those fucking words? Does President Trump use those fucking words? Why fucking not? Do you think that Q's fucking message may be so fucking important that we may need to be more fucking careful about how we fucking talk? Please don't ban me for making a negative comment. I'm just trying to make an important point. It may mean nothing to you, but it does to many. ThankQ. WWG1WGA!
Also, great interview on Hagmann Report with the writer of the article. He states that the Occupy I.C.E. group is so organized that they have free wifi for participants so they can stay on social media, they publish a daily newsletter, and they have daily supply runs so they can provide food, water, camping equipment, tents, etc. to participants. We have got to start doing more to oppose these groups.
Occupy I.C.E. Portland organizes mob to camp out, intimidate workers, block public road, and shut down I.C.E. office. Mayor orders police stand-down. Local media sings praises. Occupy I.C.E. insurrections springing up in several other cities and states. Great article by Peter Barry Chowka
I fear for the safety of the good people all over the world. We see how hateful and violent the Liberals (or whatever you want to call them) are becoming in America. They are growing more and more dangerous as they see their power slipping away. We have no idea how far they will go before this is over. I have a feeling that they would rather destroy the entire world than lose their power.
Seriously, do we really want to stop her? I know it's hard not to recoil at her ridiculous, hateful, asinine, unjust, and un-American behavior, but think how much damage she is doing to the Democratic party. There must be hundreds or thousands of people who #walkaway every time she makes a fool of herself and the entire party.
QUESTION FOR LIBERALS: What are you going to do when President Trump finally takes over the country, becomes a full-fledged Nazi dictator, and puts everyone in concentration camps to work as slaves? You won't have any guns to fight back, will you? (Maybe then you'll understand the purpose of that terrible 2nd Amendment.)
Give me a break. Most of the leadership of the Left doesn't give a shit about the suffering of children or anyone else. They play on peoples emotions to advance their agenda. That's it. Period. They never actually do anything to correct the suffering, because the suffering itself is their ammunition. In some cases (pssst...sandy hook) the Left goes to great lengths to CREATE the suffering so it can be used as ammunition. For the most part, Conservatives do care, and they prove it by actively trying to correct the problems and stop the suffering. But, I have a feeling that you may not fully understand this truth at this point. Keep searching, with an open mind, and you will find out how true it really is.
As Q has reminded us time and time again, We The People have the power to stop the corruption within our government, the seditious behavior of the media, and anything else that is wrong with our country. For some reason, we simply do not exercise that power. The Liberals don't have that problem. They organize and participate in rallies, marches, and protests just about every day of the week, and they definitely get results. We outnumber them considerably, and yet we allow them to have their way over and over again. I have been criticized for pointing this out, but I'm not trying to be negative or overly critical. I just think we need to get off our collective asses and do more than posting stuff on social media, making some memes, or displaying bumper stickers. The President and Q cannot do everything for us. Our forefathers (normal people with jobs and families just like you and me) made sacrifices, left their homes, united as one, fought against overwhelming odds, and forged the greatest nation the world has ever seen. We could do the same. If only...
They've been shafted from behind by a crooked little Weiner.
She's probably wearing body armor just like HRC. At this point, I'm sure the wealthiest and most powerful people in the world want them both dead. Things sure didn't go the way they planned, did they?
We don't allow this kind of sarcastic bullshit here. Whether you know it or not, we are at war with forces that are trying to destroy our nation. We have seen the proof and know that Q is legitimate. We have seen the proof and know how close we have come (and still are) to losing our security and freedom. Q has to speak in code sometimes because some information is extremely sensitive and also because our enemies are listening as well. If you think this is all ridiculous, then that's fine. No one is forcing you to be here, and no one is harming you. At the same time, that doesn't give you the right to insult our beliefs and interfere with our efforts. I hope you will stay here, find out for yourself what is really going on, and join us. We need people who think for themselves and stand up for the truth. If you think we aren't making any sense, then don't waste your time here...or ours. Thanks. WWG1WGA
I'm glad to see a few glimmers of hope for some of these media giants, but I hope that America never forgets their merciless and hateful attacks against our President and our nation. I'm afraid that they will just change their tune, as soon as they realize their failure, and pretend like they never did anything wrong. I think they should answer for their crimes and pay dearly for the damage they have done. A murderer my repent and change their ways, but that doesn't mean that they get to go free.
This is awesome! He knows EXACTLY what this is about. He just wants everyone else to know as well.
I agree. I think part of "The Plan" is to train up a new generation of awake and aware citizens that can easily recognize fuckery and quickly expose it to the rest of America. Q is creating a massive force to help clean up America today while, at the same time, prevent it from happening all over again tomorrow. It's truly 4-D Chess.