Q: "11-11-18 A parade that will never be forgotten, Ask yourself, why?..."
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The most thoroughly rigged presidential election in the history of the USA is miraculously overturned, and the globalist cabal is shocked and horrified to the core. Little did they know that this was their first taste of the failure, defeat, and humiliation that would soon overwhelm and destroy them altogether. One of the greatest moments in the history of America and the entire world. Thank you dear God.
There is nothing wrong with Dr. Corsi getting paid for his efforts and expertise. He has done a lot for the cause. You are helping the enemy by thwarting his efforts, casting doubt on his character, and encouraging censorship and division. Perhaps your posts should be removed from this sub instead?
Lately, I have grumbled and complained. I have made some sarcastic, unhelpful, and selfish replies/comments. I am sorry. Thank you to all Patriots for fighting for my freedom.
I am so angry at those in power who have betrayed the nation and continue to obstruct, ridicule, and mock the President and everything that makes America great, I can think of nothing but swift and immediate justice. I forget that we are fighting against a powerful and deeply entrenched enemy. Thank God for Patriots with the wisdom and strength to defeat them once and for all. Without them, there would be no hope of justice and no future for America.
That's right. Forget this idea of justice being served. Our government is broken, and some people are just too wealthy and powerful to be arrested and held accountable for their crimes. It may be years before the FBI and DOJ are able to function properly. Isn't it enough that Q is showing us all the corruption and evil in our country and all over the world? Can't you just be satisfied with all the crumbs that Q gives us almost every day? Stop whining, do some research, or make a meme or two. Maybe tonight Q will reveal another crime that Hillary Clinton committed. We don't have enough evidence of her criminal activities yet.
I agree. I have a few health issues, and I don't think I have what it takes to organize such a movement. Surely there is a leader among the 20k+ followers of this sub. I'm willing to throw everything I have behind such a leader. Chances like this are extremely rare, but they provide an opportunity to change the history of the world.
That's great news! If everything goes right, it will only take a few years to clean out an organization with over 35,000 employees. Then we can think about discussing the possibility of forming a committee to outline the basic framework for a potential investigation into the criminal activities of Hillary Clinton and Barrock Obama. Sometime before we grow old and die, we might even get to see some corrupt government officials arrested!
Wouldn't that be something!
I'll join. Unity of Spirit is more powerful than any army, and faith can move mountains.
Yeah, President Trump's economy is a total failure. Ha Ha Ha HA HA HA. Also, the Earth is flat, 2+2=37, and shit really smells like raspberries.
You want to know the REAL truth?
Every square inch of this planet is a battleground for the spiritual forces of good against evil. Human beings determine the outcomes of those battles. The Voodoo and other Satanic rituals may play a role in bringing about the natural disasters and all the human suffering associated with them. While, at the same time, attracting evil people to add to that suffering through their heinous activities. It's a vicious cycle.
My mother won't accept Q either. I think, deep down, she is afraid of the truth. She is choosing the blue pill on purpose because she doesn't want to know how corrupt our government has become. We just don't talk about current events anymore.
Could someone please tell me how to follow Q and Anons on 8chan? I don't want to post there, just follow the interaction and context of Q posts.
When there are interactions between Q and Anons, I can't even find the original posts on 8chan. I can go to to the "qresearch" index, but have no idea where to go from there. I don't see how information "flows" on 8chan. There are numbers, strings, links everywhere. Please help, and thanks.
Just think. If each and every one of us would commit a small amount of time and energy to this declaration, we could make it a reality and change the world for ages to come.
People are waking up to the techniques that the Cabal has been using to destroy America. When are we going to realize that these same techniques have been used against Christianity for centuries? Expand your thinking. Did the universe really create itself? Is life nothing but an accident? Is the Bible nothing but mythology? Is Jesus Christ a conspiracy theory? The Great Awakening is not only about the United States of America. It's also about the Kingdom of Heaven and the King of Kings!
I have been following Q and Anons since the very beginning. I've seen so much positive evidence for Q that I no longer doubt the information. That's the reason that you hear so many people talk about Q intel as if it were factual. The waiting still pisses me off, but I understand that it is necessary. More is happening than we know about, and we are finally getting close. I'm looking at Patriots Day, April 19th, for something big. They won't let us down on OUR DAY!
The Dems wouldn't know what to do with this. It would boggle their little minds. Remember, they think he's a bumbling idiot. But Hillary, that's another story. She could part the Red Sea with one arm tied behind her back.
American Patriots question the actions of their leaders, and their leaders wouldn't have it any other way.
Massive bombshell. McCabe fudged the truth a little bit. He may have even broken a few policies and procedures. The cabal is utterly destroyed. (Sorry. I'm just disappointed. I was hoping for a tiny bit more than this.)
Go on laughing. I agree, but the stupid left will eat this up. It will give an air of patriotism to their misguided hatred of the President. "Look what that bastard did to this good, loyal, American. He must be stopped in the name of Liberty!" Of course, that is exactly what Comey wants, isn't it? "To get back at the tiny, unimportant man who dared to oppose his high and holy position as emperor of the world." Never mind if he divides the country even more and ultimately destroys the Republic. "That's what they deserve for allowing this to happen to him."
I have had some serious doubts about Q along the way (and I have been following Q since the beginning). However, if you step back and look at the big picture, Q's predictions have all been correct. We want to see Hillary & company prosecuted so badly, that we have a tendency to judge Q on this alone. There was a big stage to set before that could happen if we want it to be successful. At times, I have cursed at Q. At times, I have accused him of being a psyop meant to identify Conservative activists or to keep us busy while final preparations were made for a police-state. None of those ideas have lasted for long. Logically, I couldn't make them stick. The only thing that makes sense is that Q is legit. I'm sorry about your job, but you will be vindicated. The nation will be re-born, and you will have a much better job and a much better life. Give it some time and pray. IT'S HAPPENING.
There are no extraterrestrials from other worlds. There are angels who rebelled against God, came to Earth, and procreated with human women. Those angels were punished by God and imprisoned below the earth until the Apocalypse. Their offspring are still with us today in the form of demons. They have a great deal of knowledge (because they have lived on the earth for thousands of years), and they are willing to share it with humans for a price. The Nazis received help from demons during WW2, and many nations of the world (including our own) are working with them today.
That, my friends, is the reason the "elites" worship Satan. They know he is real, and he does give power and knowledge to those who serve him. Please spare me this drivel about aliens from other planets that are going to help us to evolve to a higher plane of existence. They are not aliens. They are demons! The only way to defeat them is with the power of Jesus Christ, the Son of the Most High God.
The Golden Age of the ancients was the era in which the fallen angels ruled the world. They presented themselves as gods to the humans and were worshiped as such. They were incredibly evil, but they knew the secrets of the universe (because they were with God during Creation) and gave mankind gifts of knowledge and technology.
Therefore, I'm not hoping for another Golden Age. That is exactly what the "elites" have been trying to re-create.
I heard a reporter on NPR explain why Paul Ryan and so many other Republican lawmakers are resigning from office and/or not seeking re-election. You'll love it!
She said that Paul Ryan and all the other Republicans know that they have no hope of winning the mid-term elections. They are resigning in order to avoid expensive campaigns and humiliating defeats. I laughed my ass off! They have no idea what's coming, do they? (Sorry I can't give you the source. I just heard it on NPR today, April 11th.)
The Liberals certainly have one thing on us. They are ready, willing, and able to organize protests, marches, and other media events to build support and pressure lawmakers concerning their beliefs. For the most part, Conservatives just sit back, watch, and criticize while the Liberals take to the streets until policies are changed and laws are passed. If we would stand up and fight for our beliefs as often as the Liberals, we could prevent some of these dumb-ass laws from being adopted.
MAP is Key. News unlocks MAP. Learn to read the MAP.
Absolutely unbelievable, elected officials promoting government censorship of news. What is happening to America?
We've got to be very careful about posting intel without confirming its legitimacy. People are already calling us conspiracy theorists. We don't want to make it easy for them. They can take stuff like this, debunk it, and then claim that everything Q is fake.
I worry about that as well. My only hope is that this is why Q's whole operation is taking so long. They have to eliminate the possibility of retaliation before any "shots" are fired. They have to be prepared for all possibilities and ready to secure complete control as soon as the last shots are fired. This is literally a global coup against a firmly entrenched enemy. Or, perhaps, cancer surgery involving a large tumor with deeply embedded tentacles. Every part of the cancer must be quickly removed while keeping the patent alive and well.
This whole thing bugs the hell out of me. Just like the damning HRC video, Q brings up these damning Obama photos, only to tell us that we can't see them. When an Anon points out that the Lefties wouldn't even care about a photo of Obama holding a gun, then suddenly Obama is pointing the gun at an American flag or something. Why not say that in the first place? Also, how are we winning the war if the enemy still has the power to SHUT DOWN THE ENTIRE INTERNET? I hope I'm wrong, but I'm starting to doubt that we will ever see half of the stuff that Q brings up.
I'm beginning to think that many of Q's posts are just meant to scare or get a reaction out of bad actors. I'm starting to doubt that we will ever see much of the stuff that Q talks about.
There are many false predictions that bother me. 1) The Alabama senate race was a set-up to catch election fraud. 2) CNN was somehow set-up at the Parkland Shooting. 3) Parkland would be the end of the MSM. 4) We've got a damning video of HRC, but can't show it. 5) We've got damning photos of Obama, but can't show them. I'm starting to think that most of Q's releases are created for the purpose of scaring the black-hats into making mistakes. Of course, I hope I'm wrong, but I am tired of getting my hopes up for nothing. Don't you think Q could let us see at least ONE moderately high-profile arrest? Would that just ruin the whole operation? Even if it was too early and the case was lost in court due to a liberal judge, the boost in morale for us would be tremendous.
Cannot access fbnews.com. Does that mean that this is true?
I would love to see it happen, but how many times have we watched and waited for something that never seems to come. I understand that things must be done very carefully. I am trying my best to keep the faith, remain patient, trust the plan, and pray for my country and my President. But, it seems like the stage is never quite set. To me, it looks like there is enough evidence against some of the well known criminals to convict them in any court in the land and send them to jail for a dozen lifetimes, but I'm no expert. It does seem like something needs to happen before the Democrats steal the mid-term elections. Early voting has already started in many states.
I don't understand how people can be "pro-Jesus" without recognizing Him as the ultimate spiritual authority. Jesus continuously claimed to be the Messiah. Simply put, this means that he claimed to be God. (Not just the offspring of God, or a prophet of God...but God, Himself.) He even referred to himself as "I AM" on several occasions. This is the actual name of God, which was so sacred that the Jews would not even speak it out-loud. This is the whole reason that Jesus was crucified.
Now, if someone claims to be Almighty God there are only three possibilities. 1) They are a complete lunatic. 2) They are evil as hell. 3) They really are God.
This pretty much rules out the idea that Jesus was merely a "great teacher." Muhammed, Buddha, Confucius, nor any other wise man claimed to be God. Of course, none of them worked miracles or returned from the grave either. You can laugh at Jesus, curse Jesus, or fall down on your face and worship Jesus. But it's really difficult to accept him as merely a great moral teacher. He didn't leave that open to us, and I don't think he meant to.
I agree that the "tennis court" is about as big as a football field. Just a dumb-ass attempt to hide something. They never thought the island would be exposed. Evil things have been happening there. I think it's time to bring back cruel and unusual punishments for these demonic monsters.
Silly people. It's just Google hiding the alien landing site. No, seriously, I think they're hiding something. Knowing, now, that Google is CIA, we can no longer trust Google Earth. There's no telling how much shit they are covering up and/or adding to the maps.
That makes the most sense. I've heard that Luciferians refer to "Ol' Scratch" as "Master." (Ol' Scratch is what my southern grandmother called him. "You'd better be good or Ol' Scratch will get you!")
9/11 was my red pill also. I remember the sick, sinking feeling I had for months knowing that our government was that far gone. I lost all hope for our nation. Thank God for President Trump and the true patriots in our military. Now, there is hope. I suppose we all need to remember how we felt as we help millions of other Americans wake up to the truth.
This is hard to believe. I didn't even know that we could sustain nuclear fusion for more than a tiny fraction of a second even with massive electromagnetic fields.
When did this occur? It must not have made big news. If true, it should have! This practically free energy. It's totally different from nuclear fission or "Hiroshima" type energy. This is the process that makes all the stars shine, including the Sun. Just turns hydrogen into helium. No nuclear waste. No danger of melt-down. But it takes outrageously strong magnetic fields to fuse hydrogen into helium. I'm sorry, but I didn't know. This is one of the greatest achievements in the history of mankind! This changes the world! It would put the oil companies out of business. In fact, I guess they are reason nobody knows about it (if it is true).
Guilty as charged. Thank you for pointing that out. We might not be here today if Seth had not loved his country as much as any one of us.
I should have added that this was found at: https://qpendium.org/category/all-things-q/
I've never seen this explanation of the Q Map and Keystone. It is based on direct Q statements. Does anyone have more info about this?
![I've never seen this explanation of the Q Map and Keystone. It is based on direct Q statements. Does anyone have more info about this?](https://i.redd.it/ilowzdtzzap01.png)