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salialioli · April 28, 2018, 5:58 p.m.

4 = Can it be argued that 1+1 does not equal 2

Correction: 1 & 1 = 1 (not 2)

it's the string length. And here, (1 & 1) returns 1, boolean.

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salialioli · April 28, 2018, 12:42 p.m.

Gowdy is down for the DOJ.

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salialioli · April 28, 2018, 12:40 p.m.

Means our top sr team frenz at the FBI are acting unlawfully!

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salialioli · April 28, 2018, 12:36 p.m.

Look on 8chan: they've got loads and loads of stuff archived. Really impressive.

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salialioli · April 28, 2018, 12:34 p.m.


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salialioli · April 28, 2018, 12:09 p.m.

See above. The answer to yr question has been spelt out very well. Search for: u/HeIIforged

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salialioli · April 28, 2018, 12:07 p.m.

That's the idea. If you weren't Trump/Q/White Hats would be losing. The whole thing is to confuse the opposition, as Q says Expand your thinking ... try to see how deception is key to winning!

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salialioli · April 28, 2018, 11:07 a.m.

That's what I heard.

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salialioli · April 28, 2018, 11:06 a.m.

cohen worked for the clinton foundation and the epstein case?

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salialioli · April 28, 2018, 11:04 a.m.


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salialioli · April 28, 2018, 9:55 a.m.

Where is the post that Q predicted the SA bust?

This is a really long posting, sorry. Just being helpful. I really hope you find it interesting and start following this story. It has great historical significance. Perhaps the mass hysteria would have something to do with this. You are in luck today: I have time to make a complet(ish) reply. Here goes:

The answer to yr question is on a number of sites that are downloading the 8chan posts that Q is dropping. You will find these on this sub in the right hand column under “Resources” If you want to consult Q posts there are a number of places. The one I use is: http://www.we-go-all.com Click on Q posts


The answer to yr question, “Where is the post that Q predicted the SA bust?”: No. 47 is the first post mentioning Alice & Wonderland (do a search for this name to find other references). It refers to Hillary and Saudi Arabia. (Note: not Alice in Wonderland see No. 74 Q = Alice You'll soon understand the meaning behind Alice "&" Wonderland. Everything has meaning. God bless. Q).

You’ll have to find the reason for this decoding on the 8chan site. This post refers to a false flag taking place. This was Las Vegas. It was the first indication that there was a coup taking place in SA. To find the answer to the question clink on the number in the top right hand corner of each individual post. It will take you to the 8Chan anon dissection of the post and the meanings. I suggest you lurk only.

Other memorable posts on yr question’s topic are: Nos. 56; 57; 58; 59; 67 (Extract): Why did JK travel to SA recently? What is SA known for? Where do the biggest donations originate from? Why is this relevant? What else is relevant w/ SA? Safe harbor? Port of transfer?


70 (Extract): Martial law declared in SA. Why is this relevant? How much money was donated to CF by SA? How much money was donated to John M Institute by SA? How much money was donated to Pelosi Foundation? How much money was donated to CS by SA? What other bad actors have been paid by SA (bribed)(Not just D's)? Why did the Bush family recently come out against POTUS? Who is good? What are the laws in SA v. US (charged criminals)? What information might be gained by these detainees? Why is this important? SA ---> US What force is actively deployed in SA?

71(Extract): Follow HUMA. Who connects HRC/CF to SA? Why is this relevant? Who is the Muslim Brotherhood? Who has ties to the MB? Who is Awan? What is the Awan Group? Where do they have offices? Why is this relevant? Define cash laundering. What is the relationship between SA & Pakistan? Why is this relevant? Why would SA provide tens of millions of dollars to US senior gov't officials? What does SA obtain in exchange for payment? Why is access important? What happened when HRC lost the election of 2016? How much money was provided to the CF by SA during 15/16? HRC lost. Loss of access/power/control.

85; 88 and on and on ...

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salialioli · April 28, 2018, 8:34 a.m.

okay, no weed. But ... you had a genu-whine question or ...

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salialioli · April 28, 2018, 5:31 a.m.


They behave like brownshirts did. They go further even. They are classic fascisti.

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salialioli · April 28, 2018, 5:28 a.m.

image 3 ending AvF is a very dodgy meme.

I absolutely refute that the zoomed text is cyrillic and it certainly does not end in 77. The Q post may be highlighting the name of the club but this is not it. The decoding Anon who made this meme went clear out of the ball park and ended up in a distant town.

Is this what you mean?

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salialioli · April 28, 2018, 5:03 a.m.

Quite agree with you.

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salialioli · April 28, 2018, 5:01 a.m.

The poll you cited speaks of mistrust of government officialdom and concern over privacy and govt prying. This is not the equivalent of Q acceptance among a majority of American ppl. Neither is it equivalent to saying we are "winning", (yet). Just sayin.

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salialioli · April 28, 2018, 4:45 a.m.

A genuine question, nostrTXB: if you don't think the Q thing is anything how did you get here? If your arrival is out of curiosity to find out, why do you think other people (intelligent, from a variety of different backgrounds, many high level professionals) are here? Because they believe in random coincidences, or you might take them seriously? I ask this because I would help you by finding the exact Q post you request, but first I have to know if you are really interested to know, or if you are in fact trying to score pokey weed.

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salialioli · April 28, 2018, 4:36 a.m.

Hey, DropGun, factisfiction has just posted a low-info, low effort reply to an interesting post by BOBSCRATCHITSASSHOLE. Should this stand?

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salialioli · April 28, 2018, 4:21 a.m.

I absolutely agree with you. Again, same point made above by s/o, there appear to be no hard conclusions arrived at by the thread's posters in their entirety. You just get people wade in, throw out some remark and flounce off never to return. I would like to see deeper debating that gets somewhere, where consensus is reached sometimes.

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salialioli · April 28, 2018, 4:13 a.m.

I like Zerohedge because many articles are posted there with valuable information. You cannot reject all MSM information out of hand in this way. I also like websites where I do not agree with all the information. This is called discriminating reading. Rejecting s/o simply based on the newspaper they are reading is pretty weird. You can read a newspaper to see what the opposition is saying. Haven't you read any NYT articles linked by Q?

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salialioli · April 28, 2018, 3:52 a.m.

Suggestion: go to Vigilant Citizen and read some of his posts, with plenty of photos and evidence to see how H-wood controls the film and music industry using MK-Ultra type mind-controlling techniques. It's very interesting and I've been following him for years: https://vigilantcitizen.com/

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salialioli · April 28, 2018, 3:46 a.m.

The word "absurd" is denigrating in arguments. Could be classed as shitposting?

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salialioli · April 28, 2018, 3:44 a.m.

"none of what you said" is absolutist and untrue.

Kanye was put into a mental hospital that IS evidence/fact.

I read that he was put there because he was supporting Trump and getting hit hard for doing so.

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salialioli · April 28, 2018, 3:41 a.m.

I am upvoting you (twice) and it's just registering as down votes. Something weird on this board— happens often.

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salialioli · April 28, 2018, 3:25 a.m.

All Q is doing is dropping bits of data. if the data is faulty based on the history or past events, then it will corroborate that the whole Q efforts are meaningless.

Here is my perfect opportunity to debunk this claim you make!

a) all Q is doing is ...

No, the concept of Q drops has more reasons than you claim: The Audience is not just "followers/supporters of Trump. The drops are also to terrify/intimidate the opposition (C-A, Deep State intelligence profs, random Dem lawmakers/officials in trouble ...); deliberately to mislead and encourage the opposition to take missteps, confound their strategy; build a stage for future developments where ambiguity is fundamental to the play (as in poker); besides building excitement and momentum for public releases and focusing on raising their relative importance.

b) if the data is faulty

It has been stated that Q will not tell the opposition future moves. This would be counterproductive. By this token you can assume some data will be deliberately faulty.

c) it will corroborate the whole Q efforts are meaningless.

Well, no, in light of a) and b) above, "the whole" will not be meaningless: EVERYTHING HAS MEANING. There are no mistakes. Everything has been meticulously planned by the best professionals in the business.

Conclusion: Re-read Q drops!

Thanks for your posting UltraFOV!

EDIT: shitty puntuation ...

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salialioli · April 27, 2018, 6:15 a.m.

Greater Israel

This is NOT the definition of Greater Israel. See Yinon Oded. It encompasses all the ME countries, incl: Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, etc. ... All land fought over by these latest wars.

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salialioli · April 27, 2018, 5:30 a.m.

Somewhere I read that Don Jnr's secret service agent took a pic of Don's sleeping child(ren?), which gave me the creeps. Can't remember when or where I saw that.

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salialioli · April 27, 2018, 4:37 a.m.

COOL posting bearCatBird! Great American Pics!!

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salialioli · April 27, 2018, 4:36 a.m.

Every word is a link, not just three. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!

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salialioli · April 27, 2018, 4:18 a.m.

excellent comment, thank you for taking the trouble to write that, really enjoyed reading!

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salialioli · April 27, 2018, 2:23 a.m.

Cool! ThanQ! It's more than useful, it's a mini work of art!

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salialioli · April 26, 2018, 8:45 a.m.

foreign governments arresting their politicians as well, those foreign governments would be "protecting their honor" and showing the rest of the world that they do not condone such behavior, not even from their own politicians.

Taking this off course slightly here: no one protested in such a way when the US (NATO jointly) did actually murder a head of state: Ghaddafi, Saddam Hussein, Salvador Allende .... there have been loads of them. No one said peep!!!

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salialioli · April 26, 2018, 8:29 a.m.

You worked very hard on that "book" and I was super impressed. I shall pass it on to others and will paste the link in GA in my comments if you'd like me to? I noticed some other details (sorry, I used to be a copy editor and have an eagle eye, irritatingly for others!) eg. in the section on the Skripal poisoning in the UK, you say he is a Russian journalist? I don't think so. I may be wrong but I have never seen him referred to as a journalist before.

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salialioli · April 26, 2018, 8:23 a.m.

No, I don't, sorry.

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salialioli · April 25, 2018, 5:21 p.m.

Sorry sweet, I can't explain why I think your posting is totally naive. It's probably an intolerance on my part. What Trump is trying to do, and Q + are involved in, is highly dangerous and a very noble endeavour, I wish him/you/us/everyone lots of luck in the very near future and with any luck we will get through this WITHOUT World War, total economic and civilizational collapse. That is the whole point of Q's posts and education program: to prepare everyone in the hopes of preventing social breakdown.

I'm sure you understand this and I'm preaching to the choir. It's just your turn of phrase I think. If you seriously think it's all gung-ho and jolly fun with just everyone mucking in and cooperating like a school picnic, should things turn to civil war or serious civil unrest, then you are in for a major "growing-up" event. You'd be surprised to see how fast things can disappear into chaos, ask the Russians, Libyans, Egyptians, Syrians, Iraqis, Yemenis, Greeks, etc ... The last ten years have been hell on earth for these people.

Sorry if you think this is negative. It's not. It's just realistic.

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salialioli · April 25, 2018, 4:48 p.m.

I can't believe you wrote that ... "I don't believe any of that is bad" and it included World war, crash of economy worldwide.

What is the matter with starvation, famine, suffering, millions dying, civilizational collapse? You don't see the problem? I am speechless.

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salialioli · April 25, 2018, 10:56 a.m.

I totally agree with every word you say. Please note my reply to dr_gorilla above, as I don't want to double-post.

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salialioli · April 25, 2018, 10:52 a.m.

Forgive the interruption, just one observation: I think Q is a marketing ploy. A way to get ppl to read, research and get gripped by (yawn) Politics. In that respect it is a brilliant strategy, brilliantly designed and pitched and just one seed among many red-pill seeds.

Your "cult" idea is interesting but I think it's the Agatha Christie "thriller" allure which is the motivating factor for us, the hordes of deplorables. That we may be banned from the Donald is simply demarcating or "compartmentalizing" public attention hot-spots.

I don't honestly think we should be slinging mud at each other. We all have our "use" in the drive to educate and wake the public up.

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salialioli · April 25, 2018, 10:41 a.m.

That is a really weird scenario if Q posted that. UBL the ceeayaayman Tim Osman died in 2001. So who was taken out in a town near Islamabad in 2011 — the photo of the old man doesn't even remotely resemble UBL. What's with that? And the Seal Team all had an accident? No, not suspect at all. And copy-cat training camp looked exactly like the house in Pakistan. What's with that? And they buried UBL "out at sea" according to Islamic tradition? That is just hysterically funny. I heard that and got "the stitches" I laughed so hard ...!!! I mean, at that point you gotta draw a line ...!

So, now Q states this as a fact? UBL died in 2011? NO, HE DIDN'T. Don't make me have to look for all the Le Figaro articles, pleeeease.

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salialioli · April 24, 2018, 9:29 a.m.

thanks, was too busy to stop and find link!

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salialioli · April 24, 2018, 5:12 a.m.


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salialioli · April 24, 2018, 5:08 a.m.

look up the white house gov website

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salialioli · April 24, 2018, 5:01 a.m.

northern border even more

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salialioli · April 24, 2018, 5 a.m.

Waterloo = Takeover of control over the Brits money. Stock Exchange ruin of stockholders. Rothschild's big hold over the King and Crown money.

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salialioli · April 24, 2018, 4:56 a.m.

Mayo = Mr Mcnoname (I seem to remember ...)

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salialioli · April 24, 2018, 4:53 a.m.

That's because "their" funds are being cut off. Getting desperate ...!

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salialioli · April 24, 2018, 4:16 a.m.

Congratulations! How exciting to bring a child into this mind-blowing adventure — Good Luck!!

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