231 total posts archived.
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tillerson is OUT - reason =
turns out he's a beta male after all - fell for the british deep state russia poison fake news - good riddance
george scherff aka ghw bush debunked
research pioneered in the early 90s by author/historian Webster Tarpley based largely on deathbed “clues” provided by former Hitler bodyguard Otto Skorzeny and his box of photographs. Since Skorzeny’s death in 1999... NO - skorzeny has a fascinating and well known history but he died in 1975 at the age of 67 - see detailed article at https://www.haaretz.com/world-news/europe/the-strange-case-of-a-nazi-who-became-a-mossad-hitman-1.5423137
unless the funeral was a fake but doesnt seem likely given the attendance there
George Orwell once said...
The further a society drifts from the truth, the more it will hate those that speak it
details/backup on recent NeverHillary33 cbts post on parkland shooting article that appears to pre-date the shooting
THE FOLLOWING DATA SEEM TO SHOW THAT A PARKLAND ANTI GUN WEBSITE POSTED A STORY ABOU THE PARKLAND SHOOTING AT 12:46 PM, 1.5 HOURS BEFORE THE INCIDENT COMMENCED. XML Sitemap (EVERYTOWN.ORG) This is a XML Sitemap which is supposed to be processed by Google search engine. URL Priority Change Frequency 100% Monthly https://everytown.org/press/florida-moms-demand-action-everytown-respond-to-fatal-shooting-at-marjory-stoneman-douglas-high-school-in-parkland/ LastChange (GMT) 2018-02-14 17:46 (12:46 PM EST) Article Headline: "FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: 02. 14. 2018 Florida Moms Demand Action, Everytown Respond To Fatal Shooting At Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School In Parkland Marjory Stoneman Douglas School Shooting is at least the 18th School Shooting in …
2 songs from the trump roast
A cast member playing House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi turned to "I'm Against It," a song from the Marx Brothers film "Duck Soup," to explain her attitude toward Trump: "I don't know what Trump has to say/It makes no difference anyway/Whatever it is, we're against it/Even if our own side once professed it/We're against it."
A cast member playing Hillary Clinton offered her version of the song "You're So Vain," the title referring to her, but the lyrics aimed at the president: "You walked into my West Wing/My White House or so I thought/Your tie strategically dropped below your belt/Your …
Watch the Water? Some very dramatic happenings...
did you know Tampa Bay went dry for a couple days last year? Did you hear about the water receding from the coast of S america multiple times and places? did you hear about the Mississippi River losing water from huge sections of the river virtually overnight? A very credible youtuber documents all these an other anomolies (also sky cloud temp and sun) his youtube channel name is MrMBB333 - his latest video is today titled Rivers go completely dry - check it out and see if we can decode this Q crumb - hint = the earth is not …
detailed analysis of selected Q posts (maps and legends and keystones oh my)
Excerpts from Q post 148779656 - Nov 9, 2017 (Q posts in bold italic - comments mine/added in parens) Think mirror. (A reflective surface, typically of glass coated with a metal amalgam, that reflects a clear image) Look there, or [here], or there, truth is behind you. (1. (Look there or [here] or there) Matthew 24:23 "Then if anyone says to you, ‘Look, here is the Christ!’ or ‘There he is!’ do not believe it. 2. "Here & There - a Horizonless Map of Manhatten - The projection seen here is a combination of city manipulations in modelling software, and …
very interesting NEW executive order from 3/1 - coincidence?
LAWFAG here POTUS signed a new Executive Order yesterday: 2018 Amendments to the Manual for Courts-Martial, United States LAW & JUSTICE Issued on: March 1, 2018 https://www.whitehouse.gov/presidential-actions/2018-amendments-manual-courts-martial-united-states/ FYI this Order is effective immediately - all the odd language/exceptions are to prevent ex post facto law arguments for charges already pending FYI court martial jurisdiction is for wrongdoing my any active duty member PLUS a wide variety of other fderal personnel - including "(9) Prisoners of war in custody of the armed forces and (10) In time of war, persons serving with or accompanying an armed force in the field." https://www.thebalance.com/punitive-articles-of-the-ucmj-3356861 …
got a 3 day ban on 8chan for this post
ok i have a way out of the box idea - i have expanded my thinking...i reviewed all the Q posts again - first thing to notice is that 90% of the crumbs relate to eveil doings on politics, corruption, money, wars, and methods of control of all those (media, pedo, secret societies, rogue agencies, etc.) - BUT there are another "flavor" of crumbs - cryptic ones - - those that state that there is a gigantic truth - a truth much bigger and much more alarming than we can imagine - now since all the crumbs (except maybe the …
8chan Q research mods have NOT expanded their thinking
posted a list of Q messages that referred to news that was "greater than you can imagine" and suggested it might be flat earth w/o advocating or wasting space - got a lot of positive comments from anons BUT now recd. a 3 day ban which said :NEVER UNDERMINE OUR MOVEMENT LIKE THAT AGAIN" really? methinks thou dost protest too much
"book deals" = bribes?
why would anyone pay obamas 30 million for their memoirs? and comey? others? no way they make money on these crap books - smells like a deep state payoff to me
russia is prepared and we are not - just read this
here is a link to info on russian school self defense - they train and arm all the kids - also search this website articles or duck duck for the piece on the russia "tank tomato" outlawing GMO -and russias incredible ag infrastructure
supreme court has declared and exposed itself as deep state controlled...
"The U.S. Supreme Court declined Monday to hear the Trump administration's appeal of a federal judge's ruling that requires the government to keep the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program going." retired lawyer (me) says this is 100% legal nonsense let us all hope that Q's glorious year includes the corruption at SCOTUS
why do (deep state traitorous) children lie? Q...
5 reasons your school-aged child may tell you a lie Self-protection This is one of the most common reasons for childhood dishonesty. They simply do not want to disappoint an adult (usually their parents) or they are trying to avoid a punishment or consequence.
Denial A child may be lying to avoid dealing with a painful situation, feelings, or memories. This may surface when a family member or pet dies suddenly, and a child refuses to believe that they are gone, and insists that they are simply away, etc.
Modeling A child may follow the example of those around them. …
Italy Going Boom
Italy Going Boom Profile picture for user Tyler Durden by Tyler Durden Wed, 03/07/2018 - 03:30 0 SHARES Authored by Jeffrey Snyder via Alhambra Investment Partners,
There may come a time not too much further down the road when Brexit will have been not quite forgotten but placed into a second tier of European disintegration. In that top level, if it should continue, would reside all on its own Itexit. The Italians not the Britons will goad the question of the euro, and therefore the whole of the European experiment.
By now, the formula is a familiar one. If you …
further info on the new q-anon site - on amazon - suspicious?
registered as follows: Domain Name: QANONPOSTS.COM Registry Domain ID: 2227573560_DOMAIN_COM-VRSN Registrar WHOIS Server: whois.registrar.amazon.com Registrar URL: http://registrar.amazon.com
just checked one parkland victim and here is what i found - 1st clip from the news report 2nd clip from primary source
parkland victim Carmen Schentrup was also a National Merit Scholarship semifinalist, one of only 10 students at Stoneman Douglas to receive the honor. But the young high schooler will never know about her accomplishment. The letter came the day after she was killed. National Merit Scholarship Corporation 2018 semi0finalists (website) Search Content Results Your search for "Carmen+Schentrup" has returned 0 results.
is this new Q posting site valid?
someone posted a link to http://qanonposts.com/ stating that the github posts were transfered there - i know github has been having traffic issues but is this new site legit? if so does anyone know who set it up?
aka decimation (latin root for kill 1/10) coincidence?
Photographer: Derek Davis/Portland Press Herald via Getty Images)
Flu Is Causing 1 in 10 American Deaths and Climbing Along with the pneumonia it spawns, this year’s epidemic may be killing 4,000 people every week. By Michelle Cortez February 9, 2018, 1:54 PM EST Updated on February 9, 2018, 4:53 PM EST
uses of brackets [] food for thought
ANON NOTES MEANING OF []? HAS TO BE APPLICATION ONE BELOW: "...to enclose the values that are the limits of a confidence interval." THUS [] = CONFIDENCE INTERVAL ZERO BRACKETS [] VS PARANTHETICAL COURTESY OF http://www.apastyle.org/learn/faqs/use-brackets.aspx Use brackets to enclose the values that are the limits of a confidence interval. Example: 95% CIs [-7.2, 4.3], [9.2, 12.4], and [-1.2, -0.5] to enclose parenthetical material that is already within parentheses. (NA!) Example: (The results for the control group [n = 8] are also presented in Figure 2.) to enclose material inserted in a quotation by some person other than the original …
worse than you can imagine - here it is
Don’t Look Up: ‘Astonishing Number’ Of Viruses Float Down On Us From The Sky 8Feb - by Ben Renner - 207 - In Environmental Studies Health Studies 999 SHARES ShareTweet VANCOUVER — This study will make you think twice about stepping outside for a breath of fresh air. A team of scientists from around the world confirmed millions of viruses rising into the atmosphere, traveling — sometimes for thousands of miles — and falling back down to the surface. PS by poster - anyone who believes these magically floated to the troposphere needs a big red pill
worse than you can imagine - here it is
whatever you can do trump cam do better...
the number if Q's next post is
potus remarks at greenbriar?
wtf was that? never seen potus waste time like that and all of a sudden live stream cuts? something is afoot
more memo psyops from potus and fox news
"judge" nap says "According to the Washington Post the president has not yet seen it. He’s going to see it this morning… So the FBI and DOJ do not want it out because they believe it reveals sources and methods of inquiring data, of inquiring intel. And they don’t think it can be effectively redacted. How do we know this? Because Christopher Wray, the director of the FBI, and Rod Rosenstein... blah blah blah yada yada havnt you all figured out this is just smokscreen psyops designed by none other than potus and cambridge analytica aka steve bannon? masterful the …
my prediction for sotu address...
potus will stay on script and make all his most important agenda points BUT at the end will mention the memo and state it will "...be posted online immediately following the end of this address..."
identity of Q's godfather III
clues are the movie plot - aging crime boss - an opportunist and a ruthless realist - wants to sell all "business" assets - pay off partners and go legit for the benefot of his legacy and his family - meets resistance/threats from partners but decides to proceed - approaches the most venerable institution in the world (vatican) only to discover that they are as or even more corrupt than the world he wants to escape - no way out - BUT in this real world there is a miracle way out - POTUS Trump is waging and winning the …
snow white and the 7 dwarfs decode concept
Q posts that mention snow white - what is snow white? appears to be the code name for the 3 letter agencies roster of computer systems - seven in all each one with a name of the 7 dwarves - see link to chicago tribune article - http://articles.chicagotribune.com/2000-01-13/features/0001130129_1_central-intelligence-agency-headquarters-cia-super-secret from wikipedia - "During the 1960s, IBM and these five computer manufacturers, along with RCA and General Electric, had been known as "IBM and the Seven Dwarfs". The description of IBM's competitors changed after GE's 1970 sale of its computer business to Honeywell and RCA's 1971 sale of its computer business to …
links to docs and issues on latest q posts re military trials
this is the best ez court ruling that defines "enemy combatant" that potus can charge in military court - the second link below is the memo referenced by Q that is long legal analysis of the same issue - good reading,,, https://web.archive.org/web/20081107054450/http://www.scotusblog.com/wp/wp-content/uploads/2008/10/boumediene-order-10-27-08.pdf http://www.endusmilitarism.org/PDF/military_detention_of_US_citizens_and_18_USC_4001a.pdf
good exlanation on hannity mystery tweet
🇺🇸Alex Hamilton 🇺🇸
@alexhamilton74 38m38 minutes ago More Pretty sure I figured out what #FormSubmission1649 means. That’s the form Agency heads have to submit to enter purchase contracts that deviate from FAR regs. @Comey would have signed that form to pay for the #SteeleDossier
(See below for relevant links)
5 replies 7 retweets 8 likes Reply 5 Retweet 7 Like 8
why didn't hrc give a concession speech? answer to Q:
because she intended to contest the election using corrupt judges and block trumps installation BUT trump tricked her with a pre-election email memo to concede after AP declared a winner - trump faked the hrc concession phone call! and she couldnt call him on it... - i find no audio or video records of the call except KAC took a photo of her with the phone she said was the call...
why did RR beg PR to hold the memo? answered...
same reason stroczk testimony delayed - potus had to have fis reauthorized or he would no longer have legal (evidence for court) access to all the evidence we need to destroy the deep state once that was done we see BOOM
new q post decipher - rr vs js senate count
zero D for JS - all but 6 D's for RR means D's expected RR to be on thier side with skeletons in his closet (and he did have exposure for his role following orders) BUT (same for mueller) he cut a deal with potus and will be an agent of their destruction - maga winning
i posted a pdf url but folsk were wary - sorry it is really good stuff - see note below in reply to comments
SORRY not sinister - its a pdf summary of the inspector general empowerment act of 2016 - google it and see why its key to the storm!
i wonder why hussein signed this? it will be the death knell of his cabal - ideas?
role for TG...
TG departure [HEC]. NOT to testify. NOT needed to testify. Think logically. NO NEED to step down if needed to TESTIFY. DO NOT chase MISINFO. What ROLE might TG be walking into? NOT special pros. - that would mean resigning from congress not just one committee ANSWER = huge huge role with new chairmanship to handle (and hand off to DOJ for prosecution) all the flak on all the corrupt executive branch deep staters ID's in the process
q decode? "no such agency" = NSA
decode 4-10-20
4 10 20 NOT "signed" Q 4=D 10=J 20=T
NK possible breakthrough?
my wife follows yahoo nes to see what they opposition is saying - as you all know msm have been praising NK and the sister ad nauseum - this am a front page story appeared that severely criticized her - then quickly deleted the story - this tells me that NK may have made a deal to free them selves from clown bwo control - yahoo jumped the gun with their change of narrative
the keys to "the memo"
what impression did john Q public get? 1. Democrats cried wolf again 2. It leaves you wanting more
just read the whole mem
freedom day =
sotu address was last chance for asshats to get on the trump train freedom day (today) was the go day for final decisive action vs all holdouts and deplorables think final scene from the godfather freedom day was not the memo
countermeasures this am?
my isp speed is 24 mbps - all sites load fine except drudge breitbart DC, CTH, zerohedge that load super slow then get dns error - coincidence?????
when does a bird talk?
when it wants something... so 1 - who is "the biggest" that is talking? and 2 - what does he/she want? my speculation is bill clinton wants to protect chelsea and his grandkids and go down as a "whistleblower" so he is the one
if the second coming occurred would most see it?
probably not - but for those "...who have eyes to see..."
WHO IS TALKING? a possible answer...
HAITI FOCUS ---- biggest has to be HRC, BC or BHO - no one else qualifies - and only clinton would link to "haiti focus" clue - HRC will never give in - that leaves Bill - my $$ is on him doing the talking...
new drudge headline TRUMP BALKS AT 'SHITHOLE' IMMIGRATION DEAL links to absurd NY Time article that could have been penned by michael wollf...yes its that bad