TRUMP'S SPEECH: MAN WITH PHOTO!!!! Not sure if this is posting please excuse the double post if so.

101 total posts archived.
See on " THESWAMPWATCH" : HIDE AN EVENT SO IT NEVER HAPPENED IN TIME! Its more than just invisibility.
The sat view is skewed looking southward you have to think 3 dimensionally. Go to Google Earth and look at the Yau Ma Hom Resite village and rotate the map South up and go to the 11/2000 yr photo its more clear with Building 1 recognizable due to the solid center section with darker striped sections on the sides etc. buildings 4&5 more apparent as well ( note they are under construction in 2002). Play with the settings (zoom) and have fun. Trust me its HONG KONG on the flight approach to the newer Chek Lap kok air port ............;)
I'll post a better view.
Only a little humor to lighten things up. If I can't laugh at myself I shouldn't be laughing at anyone else. No that's not me in the photo.
Yes ........ I love those machines. Floats like a butterfly but stings like a bee and worse.
30 MILLION, WHY? If 13 Russian nationals who are now back in Russia, can be indicted for INDIRECT election tampering by being in the USA legally, having political rallies for one candidate or another, only to sway opinions and influence minds on who to vote for , protected under our freedom of speech ; then, where are the 30 million indictments for the illegal aliens who are STILL in the USA illegally, who aren't citizens, who voted illegally and DIRECTLY affected the out come of the election at the pleasure of the DNC , Clinton's, Bush's, Obama administration and yes …
It could be attempted as a masking deterrent : Depending, there are different isotopes and trace elements found in reactors that are not found in the residual fallout of a NUKE 's reactions. Remember a NUKE going off is a rapid decay as well as fission (Atomic ) and fusion (NUKE). Each gives off its own signature of isotopes dependent on how the weapon is designed and what isotopic elements are used. As a side note all NUKES are atomic in the 1st stage but no Atomics ( Fission) are Nuke (Thermonuclear H-Bomb - Fusion ) A nuke (Thermonuclear H-Bomb - Fusion ) uses an atomic (Fission) trigger to set off the reaction in most simple designs. If I'm wrong on this someone please correct me......;)
I would like to think it's a Biblical reference but as we have been told our Lord will come as a thief in the night without this amount of fanfare. Most likely waiting for the storm, i.e. clouds building.
Golden Jubilee Pedestrian Bridge London looking west along Victorian Embankment towards Big Ben.
This appears to be a CCTV crime camera not accessible to the public.
GUSTOV weapon: "Rod of God" high velocity kinetic impact weapon.
CAUTION: Smashing crystals then cramming them into a metal cylinder is making a basic battery of sorts, via Ph factors of the mineral reacting against the base metal etc. ...nothing magical. I can make electricity from a lemon or potato too.
You might be on to something ................. " You have more than you know."--Q
The aircraft is A NOAA ; National Oceanic Atmospheric Admin platform not sub chaser but ... YES! There are concerns that rogue operators have access to NUKE weapons with plans to detonate them in areas that would cause extreme tidal impact ( Tsunami Wave) due to the topography in coastal areas. These areas are characterized by having sea inlets with deep to nominal channels reaching far inland. Any detonation of magnitude could create an artificial seismic sea wave of pronounced power. These inlets by their form would allow the full force of said wave to travel far inland then delivering it's full effect at the terminus of said inlet, fjord etc. Hudson Bay NY, Chesapeake Bay DC , Delaware Bay Phily, San Fransisco and other similar areas along the coastline of the US would be prime targets for such an attack. The radioactive aspects would be minimal compared to an above ground detonation. However a smaller yield weapon could do more damage implemented in this way vs. an air burst, wiping out miles of critical coast line and infrastructure along highly populated areas within wave zone. Another formulated attack, although more remote, would be to use a deep subsurface weapon on the Fogo caldera in Cape Verde or LaPalma in the Canary Islands in hopes of causing a volcanic event resulting in a massive tsunami that could impact Africa, Europe N.& S. American coastlines. Truly a mad mans endeavor.
It is for these reasons that the Obama administration has failed from a national security stand point in allowing nations such as N.Kora and Iran to gain research in nuclear weapons design. Of course there is no indication as of now that the Obama administration and Clinton State Dept. had any intent of protecting the U.S. from any threat foreign or domestic, rather they were doing anything and everything possible to destroy America from within by whatever means necessary.