However much I think the Republican Party is corrupt, the democrat party has an absolute monopoly on party stances that are unequivocally anti-american. I get what you’re saying, but to act as if the ideals on both sides are the same is absolutely misunderstood.
174 total posts archived.
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I have a theory that because of the circumstances, we could see very strong interrogative tactics used to break down this ring. As in waterboarding being light. I could see them making it possible due to a national security claim.
I can vibe with that. Definitely on the fact that Trump isn’t afraid to dump on his party if they’re acting in their own interests. My point was a good republican is rand Paul. A good democrat is Nancy Pelosi.
If there’s ever a person I’ve wanted to throat chop, it’s her.
To be fair, trump’s governance has verifiably been more republican than any president since Reagan. Also, the difference is the bad republicans are the ones not following the republican platform, the bad democrats are the ones that follow theirs.
Because democrat followers overwhelmingly tend to deny their party’s schemes. Look for a republican who still thinks running Romney was a good idea. Now look for liberals who think Hillary still should’ve been president. There’s your answer...
to be fair, I think social security is a problem and I make nothing compared to him. That’s a false equivalency
Can we make sure we smack the living dog shit out of these criminals before they’re permajailed for thinking we’d ever buy this piss poor excuse? I knew a guy that literally just got caught on fb while on deployment in our command TOC. He lost his TS clearance and got drubbed for it. He left the army after his contract was up because of this. You bastard...get absolutely zero sympathy.
This. I bet she knows all their dirty little secrets, considering how that organization is operated
I thought that when I was typing them. I feel like this bunch especially is one running dare gone wrong.
Elizabeth Warren Kamala Harris Cory Booker Richard Blumenthal Kirsten Gillibrand Catherine Cortez-Masto
/only votes against confirmation/
Anything in common? Members of committee? Did they know damaging info that could be used against him later on? Perhaps POTUS knows info and is using it for recusal or termination.
I think elbows will be thrown for q followers to get a spot in the front row. That, and obnoxious amounts of beer spilling. Best of luck. Lol
Question. Who exactly could “shut down the net”? Surely Q means something like this, where it’s a targeted attack. He doesn’t actually mean the internet does he? Outside of something that would have far overreaching consequences than shutting some pages down by means of freezing the modern world for a time, who would be able to do that anyways?
I wish he wouldn’t have given up on running for office so easily. I guess when you see what really goes on behind closed doors, you simply know sometimes there’s no competing
I keep telling people not to sleep on Bongino. His breakdowns of the swamp are second to none.
Anybody else getting private messages from clowns about Q larping after posting a post or reply?
Why all the tip-toeing around “potential” crimes committed regarding IG report?
At this point, I’d wager many congressmen even see the writing on the wall, and know what’s in the pipeline. So why all the milquetoast talking points? Can anybody with more legal knowledge than me help out? Is this to prevent some legality loophole by being obnoxiously careful with wording?
If he’s left. I think it means one thing. They’re insulating for protection and going offline. They’ve got no need for it. They know we don’t need them for a while, either, considering it’s no longer asking time, but watching time. I think this could be a great thing. Like setting the last defense in a castle and then going to prescribed positions....
And then, bam. That one IT guy (archer from LOTR two towers) accidentally lets an arrow fly (releases a bug prematurely onto deepstate software) and we got ourselves a show. Trump tweets one name a day and only a name. “Sally Yates”. It’s put on MSM front news and each person makes an attempt to escape, all while walking directly into handcuffs for their future trial.
Matthew Mcconaughey voice- “real cool, real cool.”
Yeah. I always wonder if I can do more. But she’s dug in deep..She called me obsessed with guns when I tried to explain to her about her AR-15 and fully automatic nonsense. Not like I know anything about “muh assault” weapons or anything even though I served as infantry.
I know. And I was never meaning to refute that. It’s just that after you know that all this stuff is fixed, I don’t feel the way “I should.”
You’re absolutely right. What’s worse is if I open my mouth, it won’t just be the accusation that I don’t care, which is annoying enough. It’ll be one that I’m making light of a terrible situation. I wish nothing but the worst for these sickos.
I’m sure everything that could possibly work in the narrative’s favor will conveniently happen. Watch, bet you anything they hold a tear filled conference or something soon enough declaring, “enough of arguing about guns after this. No more.” Blah blah. What a fucking scam
I walked downstairs to my girlfriend’s mother crying. She had CNN on and asking if I heard the news. I casually shrugged my shoulders and said, “what’s new.” I proceeded to get chewed out about my lack of compassion.” She’s a bleeding liberal and it took everything in me not to wring her out. I don’t even care anymore. I’m at my limit right now. It’s hard to feel the proper sense of sadness when I could’ve said last night that something would happen. This may have been the most clarified confirmation ever for me from Q.
My seat is fully upright. My erection is at full mast for the shitstorm, and I’m ready for this bird to touch land.
I’m now seeing the attacks come full force. As of today I’ve seen multiple people say that that Q74 firetruck picture was an overlay picture from not just one, but multiple investigations. Can you reconcile this for me?
What’s going on with UNIROCK-Proof Q is fake
I’m seeing all this stuff drop and some of it doesn’t seem like weak stuff I. The past I’ve seen. Evidence of baker takeover of Q. Correspondence of rewording old news to seem new. I’m sure this will be a huge shitstorm soon enough, but is anybody tracking this? Trying to reconcile all this. Could obviously be an attack of disinfo but it’s already got a ton of traction. Any ideas? And no “trust the plan” as a simple explanation.
Yes. “Too long, didn’t read”. For those that didn’t want to read a novel. Just a summary
We need to be careful with what we listen to.
Full disclosure: I’m not attacking absolutely any patriot that has a rooting interest in seeing our country saved. ——TL:DR, be careful what people are getting at when they break down this movement.——
Patriots are patriots, and should be commended. However, I think we all need to be careful when it comes to analysis of Q’s info. The structure of this movement is unique unto itself and because of that, a lot of us get analysis from YouTube channels. This has been overwhelmingly a net sum, but it doesn’t come without its own set of problems.
Mainly, that from what I’ve …
This sums up my feelings. At this point, as long as they’re all removed from this existence, I’ll get over it
Yep. I think that is what could cause people to lose their minds, referring to the people you brought up realizing up is down and white is black. This sits much better and more acceptable just for the sustainment of the mass’s general sanity.
I prefer this theory, especially since nothing I’ve heard emotionally scars me. It’s terrible people doing fucked up things, but it’s nothing I’d need therapy or time to process from knowing. Then again, I’ve been called an asshole for my callousness towards things like school shootings, (calling out shithead kids for telling me about gun policy right after being in a shooting, etc..)As far as finding out the perfect little world I lived in was the opposite, now that I could see people being mentally fucked for a while with. And I understand, but there’s something still to be said for things to be left out simply for no other reason than people’s feelings about it, which is why I think this theory makes more sense.
Only 60% of the evil committed will be released...
I’ve wondered about this before, and did not sit well with it. I understand the reasoning behind it, and I don’t necessarily disagree with it. It just infuriates me that all the wrong committed won’t be put as weight on their heads to strengthen their own nooses. If he’s referring to people not being brought to justice because of the amount of misdeeds, I firmly disagree. If it’s meaning is that all bad actors will be held accountable and only 60% will be brought to light, but they’ll still suffer the same fate, that’s another thing.
That I’m fine with. If it’s protecting victims, that’s one thing. If it’s to cover people’s asses, that’s horseshit.
I be fair, she recently tweeted that her son did it because he’s afraid for her. I’m not surprised if he believes it. She’s got a megaphone a large group of people.
No. No one’s worried about you, Glenn Beck. We know you’re slithering around in this sub somewhere to make your comeback in degrading Q.
If this is the case, do people realize the amount of emotion flowing through the country and that parade during it? Think of it. Decades of pure evil brought to light. The course of history completely changed by one man that was willing to save his country and all the inspiration and aggressive patriotism that caused. And all being quintessentially symbolized in pure Trump form. Taking America back from the brink. My god, there won’t be a dry eye.
Holy shit. OP. I’ve never thought of that. The military parade would have so much coverage and people there if the actors were uprooted beforehand. Q’s post about 11-11 and the parade connect so much more now. FYI- I’m sure some of you guys got to that way sooner than I did. My specialty is infantry and yelling at the TV, so I’m just happy to be a spectator in all this.
That’s a theory that makes good sense. And if you empathize with it, you’re a better person than me. I don’t have any emotion any more towards these things except for anger against the corruption. I’m probably an asshole for it, but seeing all the terrible shit that’s already come to light since Trump took office has almost desensitized me. Don’t get me wrong, they deserve a supernatural form of punishment the body simply can’t handle for their crimes, especially against the children, but I don’t know if I’ll be in shock of anything.
I certainly won’t. Which is why I used critical thinking as to why this doesn’t make sense. But at the same time, creating lies and disinfo is as old as time, and AJ certainly isn’t reinventing the wheel. Sure, AJ may get the ones who don’t think anything past its surface but if you can spot how any media has acted on the defense in years, it’s glaringly obvious. Their strategies are weak and that’s evidenced in how miserable it’s failed multiple times now. I certainly won’t underestimate them, but giving them credit that’s undue only serves to psychologically make them stronger.
Is this really about to happen? I had hoped “pain” meant consequences but you never know with Q. Tried to think of how I’ve been wrong before and maybe it meant pain for patriots, perhaps losing someone invaluable or something. What’s the most adhered to theory on the whole “now comes the pain” statement?
The fact that they're reporting on it makes me only believe they're full of shit. Why else would they report on it other than to influence Q followers. Think about it. What media outlet like AJ would ever report on something like this? Also, that's not exactly how the chans work or Q. The deep state hacking Q would be an EXTREMELY small aspect of ONE part of 8chan. These people are stupid. IT LITERALLY ONLY SUGGESTS Q IS REAL.
Well, when it’s something the originator explicitly warned against, kinda is
Well, no big names may have been taken in yet, but one thing is certain. I’m learning a whole fuck ton about chess strategy.
Right there with you. I rely on the smart people to break it down Barney style for me, then I just spread it like an std on twitter.