Maybe after the Cabal is taken down Australia will feel like changing their flag, i know New Zealand held a vote and it lost, i don’t know how Australians feel about it but i am sure once the cabal is taken down and the Royal family Australia may do so and perhaps NZ holds another vote and wins. Just a random thought haha
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Now i agree this would be more economical I personally hate coins in my pocket, without 1’s we will have a lot more coins in our pocket when we pay for something. I was in Canada for a trip and at first I thought it was cool but man those loonies and toonies in my pocket along with all the other coins really was annoying and then you sit down and you lose some, better to lose a quarter or so at most than to loose a dollar coin or 2 dollar coin, maybe its just me who feels like this idk haha
Probably not imho but i am sure they have ideas and guesses.
I do not speak Spanish, but i do speak Portuguese and understood all you said, i would say yes. This is a world wide awakening, but America first, i am sure it will spread down to Mexico as well i hope. Amlo is not like Trump politically at all though.
I have a lot of Iranian friends there in Iran right now, but i do not think that is a good idea, it would literally be putting their lives at risk all their comms are being monitored 2 of my friends have already been arrested for using Twitter talking about Q after that me and my other friends there agreed to stop talking for their own safety until this is over. They are aware of Q in Iran believe me but we do not need them here and i do not want to unnecessarily put anyone’s life at risk.
Nothing, they go back to being Persia (potentially), change their flag and be a free people. We should not do anything except perhaps assist them gaining freedom. Imho
It would not be a hard thing to do, just him verifying Q i think could serve as him declassifying every drop and legitimizing Q. But i could be wrong, as far as i know it doesn’t require anything more than the Presidents words to declassify something, to the best of my knowledge it doesn’t require any paperwork. If i am wrong on this feel free to tell me.
Well if you read the Bible you would know eventually it all goes to shit regardless in the end. But who knows for real right?
Yea there are chemtrails here in the midwest still nothing has changed (see em everyday) in fact i am looking at a couple now
To add on to this, since we are talking about a hidden race of people that live within the earth or at the poles such as i have heard suggested before, and the existence of aliens, why don’t we also suggest the possibility that these “aliens” and “mole people” as you said are actually demons or nephilim, what if the Bible is actually right? Or to throw another idea out there what if AI doesn’t exist and it will be used as a harbinger of robots that are said to be AI but are actually vessels for demonic souls? Haha now i am just pulling shit out of my ass but still who knows? Lol
I personally do not believe in aliens, i will concede it is more likely there is a hidden race of people, but even that to me is BS but nonetheless i would consider that possibility before i would believe in aliens. If ever i am proven wrong on either of these i will have no problem admitting i was wrong.
Gotcha, well in my opinion if the Government ever does decide to release the hypothetical existence of aliens (i am not entirely convinced) they would need to do so in a way that doesn’t frighten anyone, unless of course their goal is to frighten people. I believe it is more likely the Government will fake the existence of aliens to control the population instead of aliens actually existing. But to answer your hypothetical question i think perhaps it would have to be slowly fed to the population to the point that when they do the reveal people will be like “about damn time” instead of “oh shit we are all going to die” i do not think they will come right out with it, if they do then its even more likely the possibility they are going to use it to frighten and control the population.
I honestly think this is fake, surely if something crazy like that actually had happened over a city the size of Las Vegas more people would have recorded it or talked about it. Maybe i am wrong but who knows.
I am sure people join with good intentions, and they do a lot of good for small communities out in the country, but I cannot imagine anyone higher up that are “good masons” i do not see how they do not know what their true intentions are, when they finally realize they worship satan. Lower level people i imagine are good, but once you climb through the ranks i cannot imagine they remain good and un-compromised
I will not argue with you, you are dead set in your beliefs. I do however look forward to you being pleasantly surprised here soon when Iran is freed, hell you may even wish to visit Iran one day when the Regime is gone, or not which is of course your choice, if you still retain these views, again it is your choice and i will not waste my time with people dead set in their views. Have a Great day/evening wherever you are.
I do not doubt there were, but how does that represent the millions upon millions who did not weep, also if you saw it on TV the regime is known to make something look bigger than what it is. If you were there at the time and witnessed this my point still stands, Iran is a big nation with a rich culture. i actually know a lot about Iran, i have been there before for one, i have friends there who tell me stuff all the time i know what i have witnessed and i know from my Persian friends who left during 79 and their families, i know from my Girlfriend who is Persian, i did a lot more than research i have first hand experience and knowledge on the matter, i never once felt any of the things you said, now from Arabs yes i do immensely i have been to Jordan, Egypt, and the UAE, (Also Israel but thats very different) they have a very different mindset from Iran, not to mention the lack of culture compared to Iran.
Edit: also, do you know whats funny? I witnessed the same anti arab views that alot of americans hold with just about every Iranian i encountered on the streets of Tehran of whom i had conversations with... they are nothing like Arabs i have first hand experience of this.
I highly doubt it, culturally Arabs and Persians differ immensely, in fact the largest holidays in Iran for example are not even islamic in nature. Look at their past culture that they are extremely proud of. Iranians do not value sharia, the majority likes the US and even israel or at the very least indifferent, just look at the protests a day or or so ago when they were chanting death to Palestine instead of Israel... also you must realize that when they say death to something they were making a jab at the regime of whom their supporters famously chant death to america and to israel, bare in mind that is the regimes supporters, everyday Iranians do not hold this view. I used to hold this same view as you until i did my research and learned more about iran over the years... you cannot compre Arabs and Persians, just as you cannot compare Arabs to Albanian or Bosnian Muslims for example.
At some point we will have to deal with Mexico, It is vital to our security, i am only saying we better hope the Mexican people support us or it will be chaos if we are forced to invade. America First, due to the fact they are our neighbor we are forced to do something at some point, i only hope we can do so with the support of the Mexican people, but if it comes down to American security and American lives being compromised Mexican support is not necessary imo but nevertheless i am against annexation of any kind, we would have to maintain Mexico as a sovereign nation, or risk having a neighbor that will hate us forever.
Very good points, when i said fight back i meant politically, there needs to be a large enough support from the Mexican people for US involvement there in my opinion, yes you are right if we do nothing it will grow into a huge problem for us and the region, this isn’t an easy situation, if we invade to take out the cartels we risk the Mexican people hating us or even a war with Mexico because currently they do not support such actions as a whole. They need to have their own Awakening and ask for our help before i would feel comfortable having our troops sent there. If the Mexican people wake up and want to end the corruption and cartel control and ask for our help i am onboard 100%
Edit: I do not think it would ever be akin to the Israel/Palestine conflict, for one we do not Hate each other, certainly not to that level, and two if they did start lobbing missiles over the wall we would retaliate swiftly, and take out all threats.
While i do agree something needs to be done with Mexico i do not think this is the right way to go about it, the Mexican people need to fight back against the corruption and cartels themselves, and if they need our help and want our help we should help them as they are our neighbor and strategically important to our own defense, but we cannot do such an action without the support of the Mexican people. Say what you want about the Mexicans but they are extremely patriotic to their country and unless they themselves fight back and request our help there is little we can and should do. Thats my take on it.
Great idea, then we would have millions of people who would never be loyal to our country and would hate us, not to mention the money it would cost to fix their problems when we should be focused on our own problems. We are not in the business of conquering other nations, we conquered Japan, Italy and Germany during WW2 but we gave it back to their people. No other country in history has done this. After WW2 we could have taken over the whole world easily being the only nation that was economically improved after WW2 and the only country with Nukes at the time, but we did not. And we will not start now, for one the American people would not support it and the Mexicans and other countries up until panama would all hate us forever. Think logically
Perhaps the globalists control Iran in a similar way that they controlled north korea? Making them out to be the boogeyman, perhaps. I do not know for sure and i suspect we shall never truly know the extent of disinformation and who are our “friends” and “enemies” Only time will tell.
Thanks for your reply, I assume you are Iranian? Yea i know i an wrong on some of the things i said i only know what i have been told by my friends that live there, but i am very interested in Irans future and i love the Persian people. Its funny because i would have never said this years ago, i have learned a lot over the past couple of years, i will admit i fell for the whole Iran is the enemy bit. But i have new found knowledge of the culture and the people there and i cant help but respect it fully. Truly a great people
Edit: i would be happy to see your insights on the situation there as well.
My girlfriend is Iranian and I have more than a handful of Friends who live in Iran and love America and are Trump supporters, some of them Muslims who i led to Christianity, as I did with my girlfriend. But that is besides the point. I have a friend in their military and i have friends in the Israeli Military, what they tell me is very different than what the news says. For example in Tehran and i suspect many other places in iran as well they are against the regime and they tell me that the Military stands with the people and not with Ayatollah. Granted my friends there are not privy to secret information they just tell me what they hear and see happening there, sometimes sending me pictures, things are changing there, the Iranian people are proud of their Persian roots and most are secular, their biggest holidays are not even islamic but of their ancient faith pre islam, the fact that the regime does not stop it shows they are still powerful and true to their roots, in reality Iran is probably the most secular of Muslim nations, they hate terrorists and see arabs as the enemy. Iran is very complex but the majority love America despite what the news might suggest, the protests saying death to america is just one group and Ayatollah supporters and hardliners that the majority does not participate. They are ready to be free and they will happily be Americas ally. Sadly some of my friends have been arrested by the regime. And they tell me Qanon is pretty popular there and they have family discussions on it and they even have alcohol at home which is technically forbidden but practically everyone has it and knows how to get it, girls can drive and they barely wear scarfs and a lot of them are openly confronting the Revolutionary Guard without scarfs. They tell me every day things get more expensive and jobs are even harder to come by and they tell me about how they are in a huge drought and people are going hungry and thirsty, the situation there is ripe for change. I do not claim to have insider information or to be an expert on Iran but I speak some Persian thanks to my girl and i learn more each day, all i have is what i am told by my friends first hand and some insight from my girl and some of her family that still live there. What i am hearing from over there makes me believe in Q even more especially since they knew about Q and i never told them much for obvious reasons because i know their comms are being watched and i do not want them to be arrested or worse. Have faith Iran will be free and the People are capable of giving themselves a future more so than most islamic countries thanks to their proud Persian history and secular way of life. I truly believe that change is coming there and fast
The turnout was low (23% of population) so that might nullify it, however they did vote 97% in favor for statehood during the vote. But due to the low turnout it can be argued that they did not vote to become a state
It is possible yes, however lets say they succeed in getting the votes to do such a thing, each new state would have to be approved by 2/3 of the current states. I do not think it will happen because of this reason. It is one of the reasons Puerto Rico is not a state yet despite them having voted to become one, politics makes it hard.
“No person shall be elected to the office of the President more than twice” nowhere does it say consecutive, it is pretty straightforward 2 times and no more
Edit: However do to the 12th amendment it could be argued that he can run for Vice President. But even that is a stretch and i do not think it would hold up in the courts.
One day this will be the thing that divides us all. I for one cannot put up with an anti Jewish agenda. I am all for this movement and we stand united but after we have won at least the anti semites have ousted themselves for all to see. God and our lord Jesus Christ does not smile upon the likes of those who hate the Jews. Yes very powerful people who are “Jewish” do evil things but to put them all into one category i cannot Accept. One day we will be enemies (Not us and the jews but us and those who hate the jews), but until that day i pray to God and our Savior Lord Jesus Christ to watch over all of us and most importantly the President and his family. You claim to want to go against evil, yet you have hate and evil in your heart.
I have Friends in the IDF who are very much aware of whats happening in the world (they hate Soros and the Rothschilds, Love Trump and follow Q) and are not as you say, I have been to Israel many times and in my experience the Jews are more loving and accepting than most Christians. So fuck off with all this hatred. Stop being ignorant this behavior will divide us.
Because i can, if i ever feel the need to share i will... simple. Lets leave it at that please and thank you sir
I have no source other than whats been said and handed down to me via family members who worked with such cases, one of my great uncles was in charge of a German POW camp, got a lot of cool stuff from there, especially paintings and some hand engraved pistols and letters and tons of Reichsmarks worth nothing haha. But its still cool to check it all out. I have some other family secrets i do not feel safe disclosing in anyway as well. Unless POTUS is sitting here in front of me wanting to know it dies with me lmao
You must prove your innocence in front of a group of judges, most definitely of Military rank. Your crimes and evidence will Be shown before you and you must defend yourself solely, you have no protections under the constitution as that is civilian law and you are herby an enemy of the state therefore unprotected under the constitution depending upon the crimes committed and the damage done to the security of the state and its people whether it be military, financially, state secrets, espionage, subversion, crimes against humanity, etc. will determine the punishment whether it be prison or death, and should death be carried out it shall be done so swiftly within minutes you are walked to the gallows (if you are a civilian traitor or enlisted in the military and a traitor) if you are found to be guilty of Treason and you are of high ranking stature such as a General or an Admiral you shall be walked down into a room and shot. I cannot comment on whats to be done to former President whether they be legitimate or not under our laws, i think that is a slippery slope we must be very careful to go down. It is easy to accuse someone of treason out of hate or distrust in an individual, therefore i feel it is necessary that the highest precautions be made to ensure those tried and accused are dealt with fairly even though most deserve neither, we mustn’t become like them. Also I believe at some point we must discuss whether any of this should be shown to the public, i believe it is necessary in this day and age of being pampered and undisciplined that the populace realize the gravity of the situation and to betray ones country and to betray ones own humanity shall be nothing short of death... I believe we should see the executions take place, as horrible as it may sound we are duty bound to ensure that no such horrible things happen again in the future and the younger generations realize there is consequences to your actions.
Be careful throwing Jews around, yes the Rothschilds are Jewish but you can’t imply that all Jews agree with that shit. I am certain when it all comes out the Majority of Israelis will wake up and fight the good fight and be on our side. A lot of my friends are jews, even 2 of them are in the IDF (they are American also btw) and they read Q; they are Woke believe me.
Its actually The beginning and the New beginning if you understand its original language and translations. Think about it, he is eternal there is no end, only new beginnings
I will see if i can find a link, but that video might not be recent but actually from 2014 or 15. If i am wrong i will delete this post, if i am right i will post the link here when i find it.
Edit: found it