Anonymous ID: db0f42 QRB General #123: As the Count Beats On Edition April 24, 2021, 9:41 p.m. No.48013   🗄️.is 🔗kun

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Anonymous ID: db0f42 April 24, 2021, 9:46 p.m. No.48016   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>>47678 Maricopa County Livestream Audit

>>42330, >>43177, >>43179, >>43185, >>44766 BO changes & board updates

>>43537, >>46268, >>46270 Moar ideas on posting for new

>>44058 Content policy - what's ok, what's not, what to do

>>44282, >>44284 Using a password with restricts access - bakers, watch out



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>>47959, >>47960, >>47976, >>47984, >>47984, >>47995, >>47996 planefaggin

>>47997 Ghislaine Maxwell, Jeffrey Epstein and President Bill Clinton smile together in never-before-seen images

>>47989, >>47990 45 Statements n Audit

>>47978 Chinese Firms Are Listing in the U.S. at a Record-Breaking Pace

>>47975 Public school enrollment plunges in California — and everywhere else

>>47971 Ohio Bar Announces They Will Not Show NBA Games Until LeBron James is Expelled, Controversial Basketball Player Responds

>>47970 Southeast Asian leaders reach consensus on Myanmar

>>47968 Montana Governor Signs Law Prohibiting Enforcement of Federal Gun Bans to Protect Constituents From Biden’s Attack on Second Amendment

>>47966, >>47967 CM on Japanese alien contact

>>47963, >>47964, >>47972 Grassley: Planting has started on the Grassley farm #cornwatch

>>47961, >>47987 45 Makes $10K donation to families of missing United Cajun Navy members

>>47949 Athletes will be banned from "taking a knee" or "raising a fist" at Tokyo Olympics,

>>47944, >>47947, >>47980 Canadian researchers Freedom of Information request returns no record of isolated Covid-19

>>47940, >>47948, >>47953, >>47954, >>47955, >>47998, >>48004, >>48007 Maricopa forensic audits

>>48015 #122


#121 community bake

>>47886, >>47890, >>47891, >>47893, >>47896, >>47897, >>47905, >>47908 pf report(s)

>>47870 President Trump Has Been Briefed on AZ Audit – Is “Very Interested” – Rudy Giuliani Joins the War Room to Discuss Historic AZ Election Audit (VIDEO) gatewaypundit Apr 23

>>47871 "It Will Be Bloody" - Philippines' President Duterte Threatens to Send Naval Ships To West Philippines Sea as China Threatens-gatewaypundit Apr 23

>>47872 French drug assessment center demands removal of all four widely used COVID vaccines-lifesitenews Apr 22

>>47873 Washington State Department of Health Allows Vaccination Sites to Deny Vaccines to White People to 'Address Inequities'-gatewaypundit Apr 23

>>47874 POTUS 45 statement on dems and Maricopa audit.

>>47877 NIH has identified over 500 ‘scientists of concern’ amid Chinese espionage concerns, says agency official-washexaminer Apr 23

>>47875 U.N. Elects Iran to Commission on Women’s Rights-unwatch and soc. media

>>47879, >>47880 Room layout details from on-site Maricopa audit observer

>>47892 moar Turkish crypto fuckery: Vebitcoin: Turkey arrests four people after cryptocurrency collapses-bbc

>>47895 ASEAN 'consensus' urges Myanmar junta to end violence-nikkei

>>47898 CIA Chief Makes Unannounced Afghan Visit As Pentagon Scrambles To Move Out Equipment-zh

>>47902 Oregon Bill to BAN Livestock - Stunning War on Farming/Ranching

>>47900, >>47903, >>47906, >>47904, >>47907, >>47912, >>47914 Dig on revival of Pentagon dormant IP addresses

>>47910, >>47911, >>47912 The Mystery of AS8003 (related to IP DIG)

>>47904, >>47914 and significance of 11-11-18 - the 100th anniv. of Armistice Day (related to IP DIG)

>>47908 Biden recognizes Armenian deaths as genocide, prompting relief in Armenia and fury in Turkey

>>47930 #121

Anonymous ID: db0f42 April 24, 2021, 9:47 p.m. No.48017   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>>47800, >>47816 Eyes on the Sky

>>47790, >>47795, >>47796, >>47813, >>47847, >>47799, >>47802, >>47803, >>47807 Vids & images from Maricopa audit; is this guy on his phone? >>47852, >>47855

>>47801, >>47819, >>47831 CM on Maricopa audit; >>47833 On-site anon's response

>>47808 The Stock Market Is Just One Hedge Fund Blowup Away from a Crash. Here’s the Ugly Math

>>47815 Scavino tweet with Blue Line flag

>>47820 CM on Koch-related AZ Supreme Court appt

>>47821 First day of Arizona Senate election audit nearly stopped before it began. Here's what happened

>>47822 TechnoFog: It is Time to End Compulsory Public Education

>>47823 Mason-Dixon Poll: Americans Reject Court-Packing

>>47824 Naval District in DC Is Still on Lockdown After 5 Months -- Families Begging for Relief

>>47825 NV Sec'y of State Does Flimsy Review of Likely Election Fraud – Ignores Biggest Issue

>>47826 Liz Cheney fails to invite Trump to annual GOP meeting in Florida

>>47827 Hawley, Braun Proposal Would Direct Biden to Declassify Intel on Wuhan Lab, CCP Virus

>>47828 Texas Senate Passes Resolution to Curb China’s Forced Organ Harvesting: ‘There Needs to Be a Global Outcry’

>>47829 Ghislaine Maxwell Pleads Not Guilty to Sex Trafficking

>>47830 Ken Cuccinelli of children at the border: "If you did this in America, it would be child neglect"

>>47832 Labs in US can’t find Covid-19 in one of 1,500 positive tests

>>47858 #120



>>47689, >>47724, >>47739, >>47751 GOLD Eyez in the Skyz

>>47757 DHS drops the ball

>>47740 Pentagon Sending B-52s, Carrier to Guard Afghanistan Withdrawal

>>47736 Cuomo blocks release of COVID nursing home data sent to feds

>>47731, >>47756 FBI Finally Releases Records on Murdered DNC Analyst Seth Rich

>>47725 Chlorinated swimming pool water can kill COVID virus in just 30 SECONDS, study finds

>>47723 4chan founder has left Google

>>47722, >>47726 FDA green lights use of Johnson & Johnson Covid vaccine after pause/rebuttal

>>47718 CM: Refusing to pay the insignificant amount of a million dollars just means they have a better plan in place.

>>47702, >>47704 “Democrats Sent 73 Lawyers to AZ – THEY KNOW WHAT THEY DID!”

>>47697 Federal Reserve Bank of New York Reverse Repo(s) April 8-23: $625.35B

>>47695 45 statement

>>47692 Russia withdraws troops from Ukraine border as Biden caves

>>47690, >>47705, >>47707, >>47709 The Maricopa judge has just paused the audit from 5 PM today until noon monday and all it cost the democrats was 1 million bucks!

>>47776 #119


Previously Collected Notables:

>>47591 #117, >>47680 #118

>>46912 #110, >>47001 #111, >>47111 #112, >>47199 #113, >>47305 #114, >>47404 #115, >>47514 #116

>>46249 #103, >>46341 #104, >>46410 #105, >>46506 #106, >>46623 #107, >>46717 #108, >>46818 #109

>>45658 #96, >>45727 #97, >>45822 #98, >>45894 #99, >>45983 #100, >>46082 #101, >>46162 #102


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Anonymous ID: db0f42 April 24, 2021, 9:47 p.m. No.48018   🗄️.is 🔗kun

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Anonymous ID: db0f42 April 24, 2021, 9:47 p.m. No.48019   🗄️.is 🔗kun

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Iwo Jima flag on YouTube for TOR posting

Anonymous ID: c96c39 April 24, 2021, 11:53 p.m. No.48026   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8049 >>8051


CodeMonkeyZ, [24.04.21 21:28]

We are watching the auditors.

No shenanigans will get through the sharp eyes of the watchers.



CodeMonkeyZ, [24.04.21 21:42]

2 boxes down...alotttt to go 🐸

Anonymous ID: c96c39 April 25, 2021, 12:10 a.m. No.48027   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8049 >>8051

MIT study: Limiting the capacity of bars and restaurants does NOTHING to cut the risk of catching COVID-19


[An MIT research] team says that the six-foot rule is great at reducing risk of large-drops, but drops released by respiratory events can travel a longer range than just six feet.


'We argue there really isn't much of a benefit to the 6-foot rule, especially when people are wearing masks,' Bazant told CNBC in an interview.


'What our analysis continues to show is that many spaces that have been shut down in fact don't need to be,' he continued.


'Often times the space is large enough, the ventilation is good enough, the amount of time people spend together is such that those spaces can be safely operated even at full capacity and the scientific support for reduced capacity in those spaces is really not very good . '


'I think if you run the numbers, even right now for many types of spaces you’d find that there is not a need for occupancy restrictions.'


The risk of being exposed to Covid-19 indoors is as great at 60 feet as it is at 6 feet — even when wearing a mask, according to a new study by Massachusetts Institute of Technology researchers who challenge social distancing guidelines adopted across the world.



Anonymous ID: c96c39 April 25, 2021, 12:21 a.m. No.48028   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8049 >>8051

Interesting article:

Groundbreaking new Covid treatment recommended by Bath scientist Tess Lawrie


In part because it's about IVERMECTIN.

Not exactly a new treatment.

But did the writers think presenting it that way would make it more acceptable to the power-that-be (or the general public)?


Dr. Tess Lawrie presents the usual but stunning evidence showing the drug's effectiveness at dealing with the "virus". Also mentions BIRD - a group formed in Britain to promote Ivermectin as a legal drug for treatment (right now, it can only be legally prescribed there for treating malaria and other parasitic infections).


from the article:

Last month, a group of 65 doctors and scientists from 16 countries met over Zoom to discuss how the drug could be used to fight the virus. They called themselves the BIRD (British Ivermectin Recommendation Development) panel.

Anonymous ID: c96c39 April 25, 2021, 12:51 a.m. No.48030   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8049 >>8051

Lockdown deaths by state


Headline reads more people died in lockdown vs non- lockdown states.

Something of an exaggeration,

lockdown 1730

non-lockdown 1736

See YELLOW stripes in graphic.


No was that's statistically significant. But "no difference" is a big deal, since lockdowns have major negative non-virus-related effects.




The death figures come from a BIG database compiled by National Review - useful as an ongoing resource:

Anonymous ID: c96c39 April 25, 2021, 1:15 a.m. No.48032   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8049 >>8051


Senior anti-mask brigade - 15 secs

"We're not gonna take it"

for KEKS - but serious

KUDOS to the dancers!

Anonymous ID: c96c39 April 25, 2021, 1:40 a.m. No.48033   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8039 >>8049 >>8051

Tweet from nurse at the London anti-lockdown, anti-vaccine-passport demonstration - notable for the visible shock experienced by the speaker when she saw the police charge a peaceful crowd for "absolutely no reason." Life changing moment for her - a wakeup call for anyone not yet clued into (((their))) endgame.


Please note that @YouTube

and @SusanWojcicki

would not allow this to be published. That is deeply horrific for their brand and reputation in my opinion.

Anonymous ID: c96c39 April 25, 2021, 1:43 a.m. No.48034   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Lin Wood reportedly won a landslide victory to become the Chairman of the South Carolina GOP!

Anonymous ID: c96c39 April 25, 2021, 2 a.m. No.48037   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8049 >>8051

great Scott Presler vid clip -

what he said to Liz Cheney staffer who tried to intimidate him after he said to a group that he was in Wyoming to defeat Liz Cheney.

Anonymous ID: c96c39 April 25, 2021, 2:03 a.m. No.48038   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8049 >>8051


Let me explain why the establishment is so terrified of the ongoing audit.


This is the first audit of its kind in the history of US elections.


Currently, an understaffed tiny federal agency (EAC) and 2 private testing companies (Pro V&V and SLI Compliance) are responsible for certification of our nation’s voting systems.


One of the chief employees at the EAC is a former 10-year executive of Dominion Voting Systems.


Pro V&V and SLI Compliance like Dominion Voting Systems and Smartmatic are all members of CISA's Sector Coordinating Council.


The same council that issued the "most secure election in American history" statement shortly after the election on Nov. 12th.


The testing from Pro V&V and SLI Compliance had been characterized as “superficial” and “cursory testing” by election security experts.


Enter Cyber Ninjas.


''This is an unprecedented thorough audit of an election. From the voter rolls to the physical paper ballots and through the entire electronic voting system.''


This includes the election management system, ballot images, adjudication machines, compact flash drives, USB drives, audit logs, election database servers, chain of custody documents, etc.


Everything will be audited under one all-encompassing audit by individuals not associated with the government or voting machine companies.


Instead of a "superficial" testing of the machines or hand recounts that just run the same printed ballot images through scanners, this will be the first thorough independent audit of a US election in modern history.

Anonymous ID: c96c39 April 25, 2021, 2:26 a.m. No.48039   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8049 >>8051


Guess the London protestors did not like being rousted by police.


Looks like this is the film of what happened after the cops moved into a peaceful protest - and how the protestors chased the police back to the barricades. Not seein much of a real attack here (compare with antifa), just protesters chasing cops away from the crowd gathered in Hyde Park.


One comment:

"Peaceful until the coppers went in heavy"

Anonymous ID: c96c39 April 25, 2021, 2:42 a.m. No.48041   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8049 >>8051

Lauren Boebert


Honored to have my entire family be able to spend time with President Trump. We know our country is better than the socialist path the Dems are taking us down. We know we need to win in 2022 & get back on track. Stay positive & believe. We are going to make good things happen!

Anonymous ID: c96c39 April 25, 2021, 2:49 a.m. No.48042   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8049 >>8051

Pixar Animation House Releases Casting Call for ’14-Year-Old Transgender Female’ Cartoon Character


Pixar Animation Studios, a subsidiary of The Walt Disney Studios, has released a casting call seeking someone to portray a “14-year-old transgender female” in an upcoming cartoon.


The studio is seeking someone who can “authentically portray” the character.

Anonymous ID: c96c39 April 25, 2021, 2:54 a.m. No.48043   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8044 >>8049 >>8051



Arizona Election Workers are Running Ultra-Violet Ballot Testing on Maricopa Ballots


The Arizona forensic audit continued today at the Veterans Memorial Coliseum in downtown Phoenix.


In Arizona, for months the Board of Supervisors in Maricopa County have complained about calls for a forensic review of the ballots in that large and important county. The Board members claim everything was fine but they won’t allow anyone to get close to their results. They spent weeks after the election messing with ballots before they formally concluded the election results.


As we reported previously — Inventor and data analyst Jovan Hutton Pulitzer has a process and the patents surrounding the process where he can identify fraudulent ballots based on the paper used, creases in the paper, the ink on the forms, and other characteristics. Pulitzer can identify fraudulent votes, which will ultimately result in the accurate results of the 2020 election when only valid votes are accounted for.


On Saturday the coliseum cameras caught election workers scanning ballots individually in ultra-violet light.


It appears the election workers are running true forensic testing on the ballots.


In December Jovan Hutton Pulitzer gave a presentation with the Economic War Room, on how he and his company can detect many types of election fraud with a simple, easy examination of the physical ballots, by running them through forensic machines designed to detect physical signatures of the ballots.

Anonymous ID: c96c39 April 25, 2021, 3:05 a.m. No.48045   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8049 >>8051

Turkey Blasts Joe Biden’s Armenian Genocide Statement


Turkey blasted Joe Biden’s Armenian Genocide statement on Saturday.


Joe Biden on Saturday recognized the Armenian Genocide.....


“This statement of the US, which distorts the historical facts, will never be accepted in the conscience of the Turkish people, and will open a deep wound that undermines our mutual trust and friendship,” Turkey’s foreign ministry said, adding it rejected and denounced the statement “in the strongest terms.”

Anonymous ID: c96c39 April 25, 2021, 3:09 a.m. No.48046   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8049 >>8051



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Anonymous ID: c96c39 April 25, 2021, 3:12 a.m. No.48047   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8049 >>8051


NEW - Ghislaine Maxwell and Jeffrey Epstein were once White House guests of former Democrat President Bill Clinton, new pictures prove (The Sun)

Anonymous ID: c96c39 April 25, 2021, 3:20 a.m. No.48048   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8049 >>8051


French Medics 'accidentally' inject 140 patients with saline instead of Pfizer vax.


0Quel dommage]

Anonymous ID: c96c39 April 25, 2021, 3:45 a.m. No.48049   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8050

baker stepping up


>>48020 dough

tyb for new bread b4 leavin'

kinda quiet, good time for a dig...or several


#122 spooky graveyard bake kek

>>48022 Maricopa anon report: Purple shirts are runners - important to watch

>>48023, >>48024 Maricopa anon report: sent audit feedback to

>>48026 CM audit reports

>>48027 MIT study: Limiting the capacity of bars/restaurants does NOTHING to cut CV-19 risk

>>48028 Tess Lawrie on ivermectin in UK & new org to promote it: BIRD

>>48029, >>48040 HUGE London protest of lockdowns & vaccine passports

>>48030 Lockdown stats show lockdowns don't lead to a high covid death rate

>>48032 15 sec must watch "We're not gonna take it" vid by seniors

>>48033, >>48039 Reports on London protest: police charged the crowd and the crowd charged back (they're not gonna take it, either)

>>48035, >>48036 Vid of watermarks being tested @Maricopa audit

>>48043, >>48044 GP on Arizona Election Workers Running Ultra-Violet Ballot Testing on Maricopa Ballots

>>48037 Scott Presler politely smacks down Liz Cheney rep who tried to take him down

>>48038 McInerney on why the 'establishment' is so rattled by AZ audit

>>48041 Lauren Boebert on her recent meeting with PDJT

>>48042 Pixar Seeking ’14-Year-Old Transgender Female’ Cartoon Character

>>48045 Turkey Blasts Joe Biden’s Armenian Genocide Statement

>>48046 Scavino mocks social distancing citing MIT study; see also >>48027

>>48047 Spiffy new photo showing Maxwell & Epstein at the WH w/Pres. Clinton

>>48048 French medics accidentally give saline not Pfizer jabs to 140 patients [quel dommage]


might be a good time for a bake too

Anonymous ID: c96c39 April 25, 2021, 3:58 a.m. No.48050   🗄️.is 🔗kun



have bred, will travel

get dem news stories out, bright & earlee

anons sleepin' in on Sunday mornin'

(at least a little bit)


no shitposting = lean, mean breads @35


Anonymous ID: c96c39 April 25, 2021, 4:01 a.m. No.48051   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>>48022 Maricopa anon report: Purple shirts are runners - important to watch

>>48023, >>48024 Maricopa anon report: sent audit feedback to

>>48026 CM Maricopa audit reports

>>48027 MIT study: Limiting the capacity of bars/restaurants does NOTHING to cut CV-19 risk

>>48028 Tess Lawrie on Ivermectin in UK & new org to promote it: BIRD

>>48029, >>48040 HUGE London protest of lockdowns & vaccine passports

>>48030 Lockdown stats show lockdowns don't lead to a high covid death rate

>>48032 15 sec must-watch "We're not gonna take it" vid by seniors

>>48033, >>48039 London protest: police charged the crowd and the crowd charged back (they're not gonna take it, either)

>>48035, >>48036 Vid of watermarks being tested with UV in @Maricopa audit

>>48043, >>48044 UV testing on Maricopa ballots from GP

>>48037 Scott Presler politely smacks down Liz Cheney rep who tried to take him down

>>48038 McInerney on why the 'establishment' is so rattled by AZ audit

>>48041 Lauren Boebert on her recent meeting with PDJT

>>48042 Pixar Seeking '14-Year-Old Transgender Female’ Cartoon Character'

>>48045 Turkey Blasts Joe Biden’s Armenian Genocide Statement

>>48046 Scavino mocks social distancing citing MIT study; see also >>48027

>>48047 Spiffy new photo showing Maxwell & Epstein at the WH w/Pres. Clinton

>>48048 French medics accidentally give saline not Pfizer jabs to 140 patients [quel dommage]