Anonymous ID: aae895 QRB General #141: MayDay MayDay Edition April 30, 2021, 12:09 p.m. No.49763   🗄️.is 🔗kun

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Anonymous ID: aae895 April 30, 2021, 12:09 p.m. No.49764   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>>47678 Maricopa County Livestream Audit new

>>42330, >>43177, >>43179, >>43185, >>44766 BO changes & board updates

>>43537, >>46268, >>46270 Moar ideas on posting for

>>44058 Content policy - what's ok, what's not, what to do

>>44282, >>44284 Using a password with restricts access - bakers, watch out



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>>49683, >>49686, >>49690, >>49711, >>49715, >>49721, >>49758 OO Eyez in da Skyz

>>49759 Trump supporter shares what he uncovered after infiltrating anti-fascist group in Sonoma Co.

>>49745, >>49746 MayDay MayDay

>>49743 Florida State Senate Upholds Private School’s Decision To Keep Recently Vaccinated Teachers Away From Students

>>49741, >>49756 Florida Passes New Elections Bill Adding Restrictions To Vote-By-Mail And Ballot Drop Boxes

>>49739, >>49744 We are sharing the grief sorrow of Jordan and sincerely express our deepest condolences on the demise of His Royal Highness Prince Muhammad bin Talal.

>>49737 BIDEN EFFECT: GM Flees To Mexico To Invest $1 Billion In Electric Vehicles

>>49736 Exxon Pays Down Billions In Debt Thanks To Soaring Cash Flow As Profitability Returns

>>49734 Tesla Just Paid Back $614 Million In Loans It Received For Its Shanghai Gigafactory

>>49733 John Kerry discloses millions in income from finance, energy firms

>>49728 Lebanese prosecutor opens probe into central bank governor and brother

>>49727 Yep, UV workstations are gonzo.

>>49726 Radical St. Louis Board Approves $4 Million in Funding Cuts to Police, Elimination of 98 Jobs after Homicide Rate Hit a 50 Year High

>>49725 Biden’s CIA Director Claims He Cut Ties with Chinese Communists, But His Group Maintains Links.

>>49722 Supreme Court Backs Illegal Immigrant Challenging Deportation

>>49720 Trump Campaigns for Susan Wright in Texas House Race

>>49718 Idaho Bans Teachers From Forcing Students To ‘Affirm’ Critical Race Theory In Government Schools

>>49717 Elon Musk's SpaceX successfully launched a Falcon 9 rocket into space late Wednesday, deploying its payload of 60 Starlink Internet network satellites into low-Earth orbit.

>>49716, >>49719 Hillary Clinton, Condoleezza Rice Presided Over 20 Years Of War Combined. Now They Want Biden To Nix Biden’s Withdrawal

>>49714 Baker Hughes sold by General Electric Co.: $971.13m-Apr 29

>>49712, >>49713 A Record 34% Of All Household Income In The US Now Comes From The Government

>>49710 China is currently using a traditional vaccine instead of mRNA for covid. Could they know something we don't?

>>49705, >>49706 Killery decode

>>49704 Redpill site to check out

>>49703 For the children!

>>49702 A dual Russian-Swedish national was arrested Tuesday at LA Int'l Airport, alleged operation of the longest-running bitcoin money laundering service on the darknet.

>>49700 Watching Unemployment fraud bleed

>>49699 Dims don't disagree enough

>>49695 restaurant in Virginia where the owners are reminding Americans of their rights .

>>49693 In a recent poll, Rasmussen found that 65% of American voters prefer capitalism to socialism, saying it’s a “better system.”

>>49691, >>49692 >>49694 The high volume of orders during the pandemic has let Amazon run its warehouses at near full capacity.

>>49689 Dallas Fed President Spooks Stocks: "We've Got Real Excesses In The Housing Market", Rate Hike Needed In 2022

>>49762 #140

Anonymous ID: aae895 April 30, 2021, 12:09 p.m. No.49765   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>>49606, >>49658, >>49665 Eyes on the skies - C'mon man!...two trips in two days?

>>49610, >>49614 BILL GATES' luxury catamaran visits the Port of Santa Cruz de Tenerife

>>49613, >>49616, >>49618 Child trafficking getting exposure from Gen. McInerney, Tucker, PDJT, Lin Wood

>>49616, >>49653 General McInerney on Telegram: Contact AZ State Fair to shut down surprise carnival near Maricopa audit site. Tim Scott is a RINO coward trash Senator.

>>49619 Arizona Audit Director Ken Bennett: Maricopa County Election Audit on Pace to be Done by Deadline

>>49620, >>49621, >>49622 The Anti-Lockdown Movement Is Large and Growing

>>49623 Antifa has threatened to kill the mayor of a major American city in an ISIS-style video

>>49624 Rep Boebert brings space blanket to Joe's speech - guess why?

>>49633 "Makes Me Worried": China Based Companies Rush To List On U.S. Exchanges At A Blistering Pace

>>49634 UK spy agencies are looking for the next Alan Turing and‘Q’in recruitment drives with a focus on tackling cyber threats

>>49635 Examiner Who Performed Andrew Brown Autopsy Previously Had License Suspended, Accused Of Mishandling Prior Investigation

>>49636 Cypress College Professor Can Barely Hide Her Disdain When Student Calls Police ‘Heroes’

>>49640, >>49642 report: Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) Intelligence Unit raided the offices of President Hassan Rouhani and Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif.

>>49666 Antifa Terrorists Issue Direct Physical Threat To Portland Mayor: Resign Or Else….

>>49675 #139



>>49501, >>49510, >>49515, >>49522, >>49532, >>49534, >>49554 Gold Eyes to the Skyz

>>49581 Tucker talked about Schenck - 1917/Schenck v. United States: Defining the limits of free speech

>>49568 Inside the Foreign-Funded ‘Hub Project’ to Transform America

>>49566 CALL TO DIG/ Ray Cammack

>>49564, >>49565 DID SOMEONE SAY——— RALLY!? #MAGA

>>49560 South Korean President Moon will visit White House on May 21, confirming ‘ironclad alliance’

>>49558 Gaetz scandal isn't about Gaetz

>>49555 Mints are running out of gold; not enough physical silver to cover paper - former U.S. Mint Director

>>49545 Giuliani: DOJ Secretly Went into My iCloud Account in 2019 as We Were Defending Against Phony Impeachment

>>49544 Illinois judge rules FOID card 'unconstitutional'

>>49543 Paris Mayor Backs Military Chiefs Who Threatened To Seize Control From Macron Over Inaction On Radical Islam

>>49533 new x22report It’ Going To Happen, Keep Fighting, They Have Gone To Far, Hit Back 10 Times Harder

>>49530 100 Days Into Biden’s Presidency, Hunter Still Owns Stake In Chinese Private Equity Firm, Business Records Show

>>49523 “I’m Working on it, Man! Give Me Another 5 Days”

>>49519 mail in data for Botus attendance has yet to be tabulated, waiting.......

>>49516 the gaffs just keep comin

>>49512 SC school board wants to buck the governor

>>49511 Killery is habby, should be a warning alert for all

>>49506 NYT jacks viewer numbers for Botus, still way low compared to 45

>>49586 #138


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Anonymous ID: aae895 April 30, 2021, 12:10 p.m. No.49766   🗄️.is 🔗kun

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Anonymous ID: aae895 April 30, 2021, 12:10 p.m. No.49767   🗄️.is 🔗kun

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Anonymous ID: aae895 April 30, 2021, 12:18 p.m. No.49770   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9784

Food For Thought, Globalist Agenda?


Elliott Abrams Launches Group to Chart GOP Foreign Policy


Vandenberg Coalition hopes to advance 'conservative internationalist' agenda


The debate over what, exactly, a Republican foreign policy should look like began with the fallout from the Iraq war. It gained steam with the GOP's 2016 nomination of Donald Trump, who spurned many of what had once been core GOP foreign policy principles, and was a throughline of his presidency.


We didn't get many answers. Now, a new organization aims to define the contours of a foreign policy vision for the post-Trump GOP that unites American internationalists across the political spectrum. Named after former senator and cold warrior Arthur Vandenberg (R., Mich.), the Vandenberg Coalition will advocate a platform of conservative internationalism—characterized by a strong military, maintaining alliances, and fair trade, all of which the coalition's leaders believe counter U.S. adversaries, keep the country safe, and protect the interests of working Americans.


"There is a great tradition of Republican and conservative internationalism that starts with Arthur Vandenberg and goes right on through Eisenhower, Nixon, Ford, Reagan, and right on to today, but it was divided in 2016," said Elliott Abrams, the chairman of the group. "Some of us were ‘Never Trumpers,' and many of us were in the administration. We thought this coalition should reunite now because we were divided over Trump, but we were not divided over policy: over China, Iran, Russia, or the defense budget. Now is the time to get this started, and we've had a terrific reaction."


Trump's inchoate foreign policy views divided conservatives throughout his presidency. The former president faced internal pushback for attempting to withdraw from Afghanistan and abandoning Kurdish allies in Syria and elsewhere. Many erstwhile Republicans also took offense to the president's eagerness to cozy up to autocratic strongmen like North Korea's Kim Jong-un and Russia's Vladimir Putin. Others found much to like in the confrontational tack he adopted toward Iran and China and his historic support for the State of Israel.


The Vandenberg Coalition's board of directors and advisory board include former Trump administration national security adviser H.R. McMaster and deputy national security adviser Matt Pottinger, as well as prominent anti-Trumpers Eric Edelman and Peter Feaver, both signatories of a 2016 letter arguing that Trump posed a threat to national security.


As for bringing these people together, Abrams said, "It is not a problem because we never disagreed about national security policy. There is an effort here to show really, and show symbolically, that we want to put that division behind us."


According to Carrie Filipetti, the executive director of the group and former deputy assistant secretary for Venezuela and Cuba under the Trump administration, the nature of foreign policy challenges that emerged at the end of the last administration offers an opportunity for Trumpers and anti-Trumpers to reunite, or at least to shrink the rift between those who disagreed on the question of Trump.


"The stakes are exceptionally high," Filipetti said. "We've never faced the chance that we may no longer be the only superpower, or that we might not be a superpower at all. … If we don't lead, somebody else will take advantage of the gap that we've left. More likely than not, that is going to be an authoritarian or communist system, whether that's Russia, China, or someone else."


The Vandenberg Coalition will also provide a counterpoint to the Biden administration's nascent foreign policy, which Abrams slammed for a "dangerous" lack of focus on national defense.

Anonymous ID: aae895 April 30, 2021, 12:23 p.m. No.49772   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9792 >>9819 >>9852 >>9853

Poll: Majority of French Agree With Military Generals That the Country is Heading Towards “Civil War”


Nearly half want the military to be sent into multicultural banlieues to restore order.


A new poll has found that a majority of French people support the sentiments expressed in a letter signed by active duty and retired members of the military warning that the country is heading towards a “civil war” caused by failed multiculturalism and attacks on French identity.


Around 1,000 servicemembers signed the letter, including 20 retired generals, warning President Emmanuel Macron of “several deadly dangers” threatening France, including “Islamism and the hordes of the banlieue,” a reference to the fractured suburbs around major cities with high crime and immigrant populations.


The signatories also blame the “anti-racism” movement for seeking to create a “racial war” by attacking symbols of French cultural cohesion and identity, including statues.


The letter blames “fanatic partisans” for seeking to create divisions within communities that have created a vacuum for Islamists to assert their control.


“The hour is grave, France is in peril,” states the letter, which was published on 21 April – the 60th anniversary of a failed coup d’état.


The military servicemembers warn that the treatment of the “gilets jaunes” or yellow vest protesters exemplifies how the government has used the police “as proxy agents and scapegoats” for brutal oppression.


“It is no longer the time to procrastinate, otherwise tomorrow civil war will put an end to this growing chaos and deaths – for which you will be responsible – with numbers in the thousands,” the letter concludes.


Despite the letter being condemned by the government and the media, a new poll has found that a majority of the French people agree with its substance.


A survey by Harris Interactive found that 58% of respondents “support the words of the soldiers,” reports Valeurs.


A clear majority – 84% – said violence was increasing in society and 73% thought the country was disintegrating. Almost three quarters think the “anti-racism” movement is having the opposite impact and making race relations worse.


Almost half (49%) also think that the military should be sent in to occupy problem areas, “which would act on its own to restore order.”


Only one in three respondents said the signatories should be punished, despite the minister in charge of the armed forces, Florence Parly, indicating that active duty members would face sanction.


“Two immutable principles guide the action of members of the military with regard to politics: neutrality and loyalty,” tweeted Parly.

Anonymous ID: aae895 April 30, 2021, 12:26 p.m. No.49773   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9785 >>9792 >>9819 >>9852 >>9853

Human rights attorney Leigh Dundas warns that Covid-19 tyranny is becoming “a second Holocaust”


When the Orange County Board of Supervisors in Southern California announced potential plans to test out a vaccine “passport” pilot program, human rights attorney Leigh Dundas stood up and vocally opposed it, calling it “a second Holocaust” during a public hearing on the proposal.


Dundas’ statements were so powerful – they also quickly went viral – that the Board backed down and is now saying that such a system will be “voluntary.” Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, got a chance to talk to Dundas and hear more about what happened – watch below:


During her speech, Dundas explained that vaccine passports are “the beginning and the end of Nazi Germany.” They could soon be demanded as a condition of entry into stores or sporting events, for example, much like how German Nazis would stop people on the street and tell them, “Papers, please!


“It is an electronic dog collar,” Dundas proclaimed. “And since when did Orange County become the People’s Republic of China? You won’t need Warsaw ghettos because I won’t be able to leave my house because nobody will service me. Are you really okay with Big Tech knowing every damn place you’ve been, from Chipotle to the Post Office to Disneyland, because you have to scan in every time you leave your house?”


Dundas went on to chastise the board for trying to wash its hands of the dire implications of such a proposal by claiming that the “free market” will handle it. The truth is that the medical fascists are trying pass the buck onto private companies to enforce tyranny so the state can pretend to be absolved of any wrongdoing.