Anonymous ID: 0cb326 QRB General #159: Future Movin In On The Past Edition May 6, 2021, 11:50 a.m. No.51332   🗄️.is 🔗kun

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Anonymous ID: 0cb326 May 6, 2021, 11:52 a.m. No.51333   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>>47678 Maricopa County Livestream Audit

>>42330, >>43177, >>43179, >>43185, >>44766 BO changes & board updates

>>43537, >>46268, >>46270 Moar ideas on posting for

>>44058 Content policy - what's ok, what's not, what to do

>>44282, >>44284 Using a password with restricts access - bakers, watch out



are not endorsements



>>51261, >>51272, >>51303, >>51321, >>51326 planefaggin GOLD

>>51324 Civil War? in Columbia czech it for yourself

>>51323 UK board decode

>>51314 IMF reaches staff level agreement with Honduras, proposes more support

>>51306 JCPenney cuts hundreds of jobs

>>51297, >>51298, >>51300 Jon Miller consistent re: Jenner for Gov

>>51296 Grenell: Check out this WSJ reporter’s twitter feed and then look at the DNC’s twitter feed: @michaelsderby

>>51293, >>51294 Eventually, all dots connect.

>>51292 US-China relations: Biden’s trade team set for first talks to discuss phase one deal

>>51290 Grassley: I Timothy 2:1-2 says to pray for ppl in govt On natl day of prayer

>>51288 Not The Bee: Coke is pausing its woke "diversity" plan after extreme backlash and the resignation of its chief lawyer

>>51287, >>51289 The Bee: Internet Inventor Al Gore Bans Trump From Internet

>>51286 CM breaks down audit progress

>>51285 Gen Mc: on civil war and satanism

>>51284 American Express puts $40 million into a fund to provide loans to small business owners of color

>>51283 unmanned space X took off and landed back on it's pad after 6 minute flight

>>51282 Liberty steel owner in talks over £200m lifeline

>>51281 One of the hallmarks of totalitarian systems is the criminalization of dissent/Read censorship twitter, FB, gov't transparency

>>51280 Technocrats are merging “Health security” and “national security” to create the ultimate digital dictatorship

>>51279 45

>>51278 Merkel Breaks With Biden, Opposes WTO Plan To Waive Vaccine IP Protections

>>51277 Forced Organ Harvesting in China condemned in Texas why?

>>51276 Bloomberg out of China

>>51275 States are pushing back against Joe Biden’s administration over issues such as energy, immigration, COVID restrictions, security, fiscal policy

>>51273 The Chinese regime paid subsidies to maintain and develop the freight train operations that connect China with Central Asia and Europe

>>51270, >>51271, >>51295 ‘We MUST Do Better Than Liz Cheney’./She's backing down

>>51269 “The Case For Five New States” – argues that doing so would assist in “ending the whiteness of Congress.”/Dims be desperate

>>51263, >>51264, >>51265, >>51274, >>51268 Blue Staters read and Fight, Fight, Fight

>>51260 Notes from the Underground, America set itself apart from the Soviet Union by declaring that, unlike them, we weren't Godless atheists

>>51259 Tesla Permabull Baillie Gifford Dumped 40% Of Its Stake In Q1

>>51257 Iron Ore, Steel Hit All Time High As Monster Commodity Rally Breaks Records

>>51256 business owners and the Oregon Moms Union has filed a lawsuit against Oregon’s Democratic Gov Brown after “Extreme Risk” restrictions went into effect

>>51331 #158



>>51227, >>51237, >>51238 Perfuse Planefaggory

>>51233 Lebanon's lights may go off as cash for electricity runs out

>>51231 Marine Le Pen to French Generals: “Join Me in the Battle for France”

>>51220 Bank of England slows bond-buying, sees economy bouncing back more quickly

>>51216 AZ GOP - We Hope Signature Verification Will Take Place As Audit Continues To Possibly End Of June

>>51186 Tucker: death rate for Covid vaxxes monumental as compared to that for flu vaxxes

>>51182 Andy Ngo: Black Hammer gp looking for $ to set up commie state in Co with minorities

>>51181 Sorbo tweet for KEKS

>>51180 Covid vaxxes: shedding or self-spreading?

>>51179 Sidney Powell: AZ legislators MUST stay in session, let them know NOW

>>51176, >>51177 Study: Disposable plastic face masks contain toxic chemicals such as lead, cadmium, and antimony

>>51173 COVID Vaccines: Necessity, Efficacy and Safety

>>51172, >>51185 Warning to docs dispensing Covid vaxxes: "I was just following orders" won't cut it

>>51171 Gen McInerney on AZ audit: "No turning back now:...."Civil War"

>>51170 COVID Shot Killing Large Numbers, Warns Top COVID Doc Peter McCullough

>>51166, >>51175 Anon on algo for notes

>>51241 #157

Anonymous ID: 0cb326 May 6, 2021, 11:52 a.m. No.51334   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>>51106 Eyes on the Skyzzz

>>51100 First UK mask discrimination case settled for 7000 pounds sterling

>>51103, >>51108 Desantis warns protesters NOT to come to Florida

>>51105 Did all four of vax makers paid out large settlements due to fraud? (meme)

>>51109 Barr endorses Sarah Huckabee

>>51110 Alex Berenson seeks info on young adults with severe reactions to covid vaxxes

>>51111, >>51115 U.S. Build Mysterious SR-72 Fastest Plane Ever | The SR-71’s Replacement

>>51113 Kansas Legislature Rallies Around Election Integrity Reforms, Overrides Democrat Governor’s Veto



>>51125 Arizona state House passes ban on Critical Race Theory - next to Senate

>>51131 Republican Senator Demands Answers From WH For Hunter Biden’s Continued Stake In Chinese Firm

>>51133 Migrant crisis also about the CARTELS that run the border

>>51136 Goldman Sachs and the 1MDB Scandal

>>51137, >>51138 Q-like post re STRAT SIGINT

>>51143 CM election fraud news

>>51151 Sharyl Attkisson investigates Covid-19 origins - excellent report

>>51158 #156



>>50993, >>51011, >>51015, >>51044 planefaggin

>>51079, >>51080, >>51083, >>51084, >>51085 MS Election Guard

>>51068 Texas Senate Passes Constitutional Carry Bill

>>51063 Hasaka plunges into darkness for seventh day in a row due to power outage after Turkish regime loots Syria’s share of Euphrates River’s Water

>>51055, >>51056 @ChuckGrassley letters to @SecBlinken + State IG “Did Secretary Kerry retain his security clearance after leaving office.

>>51052 South Carolina lawmakers vote to add firing squad to state's execution methods

>>51051 Amazon, Inc. sold by Chairman/CEO and Pres. Jeff Bezos: $2.48b-May 3,4,5

>>51050 Nakasone

>>51049 Texas Moves to Stop Chinese Power Firm From Taking Land Near Military Base

>>51048 WA: Inslee brings vaccine passports, segregation to stadiums, colleges, churches

>>51047 Honeywell fined US$13 million for sharing military specs with China

>>51046, >>51054 Melinda Gates Commits $375 Million for Population Control

>>51045 Investigation finds massive wrongdoing by prosecutor in case against ex-Missouri governor

>>51042 Jenna Ellis launches election integrity watchdog group with Texas AG Paxton

>>51041, >>51043 BBC BTFO in free speech dept

>>51039, >>51040 Maricopa County board of electors have admitted they do not have the administrative password(s) to access the tabulation machines

>>51036, >>51037 Shocking Truth About Adrenochrome And Child Trafficking "Sound Of Freedom" Jim Caviezel 4-16-2021

>>51035 HSI seeks help identifying potential victims of ex-preschool teacher convicted of child exploitation

>>51034 Louisiana House Passes Bill to Ban Private Funding of Election Administration

>>51033 CM: Please help backup and archive these pages ASAP:

>>51032 Occupant authorities plan to drill bore holes in Sea of Azov for fresh water

>>51030 Every conservative state should enact the following 10 legislative reforms

>>51028 GOD: no one should be on Facebook For the keks!

>>51027 China now trying to expand its territory to island within reach of Hawaii

>>51025, >>51031 Monster thread on Covid Vaccines and death rates

>>51024 Harvard will require all students on campus this fall to be vaccinated.

>>51023 Whitmer says freedom for Michiganders is contingent upon getting injected for Covid-19

>>51020, >>51021 As part of the AZ-Sen GOP election audit, an official admits organizers are looking for bamboo fibers in ballots

>>51019 New Ad Slams Abbott For Attempt To Kill Bill Banning Child Gender Transitions, Genital Mutilation, Chemical Castration

>>51010, >>51012 Schiff: Trump Is ‘Pathologically’ Continuing to ‘Endanger Our Democracy’

>>51009 Special Session: International Legal Offensive - Part 2== Investigation into fed and state government imposed unprecedented restrictions.

>>51005 Credit Suisse stops custodian service for some U.S. cannabis stocks

>>51000, >>51006 Sidney Powell - Fresh 18 minute interview

>>50996 US Space Command Closely Tracking Large Chinese Rocket's Out-Of-Control Fall To Earth

>>50995, >>50997, >>50999 Interview by Jean-Pierre De Villiers with Nick Hudson, organizer of PANDA = Pandemic Data & Analytics

>>50994, >>51022 Coronavirus Update New York City: NY Yankees, Mets to reopen stadiums with different capacity rules

>>50985 U.S. SEC chief plans to scrutinize short-sellers, rein in 'gamification' following GameStop trading frenzy

>>51087 #155


Previously Collected Notables:

>>50843 #152, >>50922 #153, >>50972 #154

>>50186 #145, >>50285 #146, >>50388 #147, >>50488 #148, >>50555 #149, >>50654 #150, >>50729 #151

>>49586 #138, >>49675 #139, >>49762 #140, >>49853 #141, >>49954 #142, >>50039 #143, >>50091 #144

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Anonymous ID: 0cb326 May 6, 2021, 11:52 a.m. No.51335   🗄️.is 🔗kun

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Anonymous ID: 0cb326 May 6, 2021, 11:53 a.m. No.51336   🗄️.is 🔗kun

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Anonymous ID: 0cb326 May 6, 2021, 12:13 p.m. No.51347   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1408 >>1417 >>1418

With only 9 days left to go before the audit is set to be completed, signature verification will cease immediately. According to the settlement, Cyber Ninjas “and their agents will not compare signatures on early ballot envelopes with signatures from the voter registration file.The Senate Defendants warrant and represent that they are not currently comparing signatures on early ballot envelopes with signatures from the voter registration file, and will notify Plaintiffs within 48hours of any decision to undertake such signature comparison and afford Plaintiffs 48 hours to respond to resolve any concerns.” Additionally, “If the parties cannot resolve the issue in a mutually agreeable manner, Plaintiffs may seek emergency injunctive and/or declaratory relief in court to seek compliance with the law.”

Covfefe Coffee

Anonymous ID: 0cb326 May 6, 2021, 12:15 p.m. No.51348   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1352


habby here as well, not there, just checkin to scrape, takes them a long time for a decent bun here, like 3-4 breads, suits me fine to not be a part of it

Anonymous ID: 0cb326 May 6, 2021, 12:29 p.m. No.51354   🗄️.is 🔗kun


yeah and then I get to come back here and check in

they got all kinds of bullshit posted and oss about to split the bake so there it is


Anonymous ID: 0cb326 May 6, 2021, 12:40 p.m. No.51355   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1408 >>1417 >>1418

(The Center Square) – A federal judge Wednesday vacated a national moratorium on evictions imposed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, following a trend of rulings issued by other federal judges in other states.


U.S. District Court Judge Dabney Friedrich ruled in an Alabama case that the CDC exceeded its authority by issuing a moratorium on evictions, first implemented in March 2020 and recently extended through June 30. The CDC claims the moratorium has helped millions of renters who lost their jobs due to state and economic shutdowns. Those who have filed suit argue the moratorium is unconstitutional and judges across the country agree.


“It is the role of the political branches, and not the courts, to assess the merits of policy measures designed to combat the spread of disease, even during a global pandemic,” Friedrich wrote in his 20-page ruling. “The question for the Court is a narrow one: Does the Public Health Service Act grant the CDC the legal authority to impose a nationwide eviction moratorium? It does not.”


The Biden administration has announced it is appealing the cases in which the judges ruled against the moratorium and seeking a stay on the most recent decision, saying more than a million Americans could be forced out of their homes.


“A recent study estimates that there were 1.55 million fewer evictions filed during 2020 than would be expected due to the eviction moratorium, so it clearly has had a huge benefit,” White House spokesperson Jen Psaki said at a Wednesday news briefing.


Under the moratorium first put in place under former President Donald Trump, private property owners were required to allow non-paying renters to live rent-free until the CDC lifted the moratorium, which may end June 30 or be extended. Since last March, landlords have lost billions of dollars in unpaid rent while also remaining responsible for paying property taxes, mortgages and the costs of maintaining their property. Property owners attempting to evict tenants could be fined up to $100,000 and face jail time, according to the moratorium.


In February 2021, U.S. District Judge John Barker ruled the moratorium was unconstitutional in a case filed by the Texas Public Policy Foundation and the Southeastern Legal Foundation on behalf of East Texas landlords.


“The government’s argument would thus allow a nationwide eviction moratorium long after the COVID-19 pandemic ends,” he wrote in his 21-page ruling. “The eviction remedy could be suspended at any time based on fairness as perceived by Congress or perhaps an agency official delegated that judgment. Such broad authority over state remedies begins to resemble, in operation, a prohibited federal police power… Although the COVID-19 pandemic persists, so does the Constitution…”

Anonymous ID: 0cb326 May 6, 2021, 12:42 p.m. No.51356   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1408 >>1417 >>1418

Biden Plan To Recover $700 Billion Through IRS Audits Is Unrealistic: Former Officials


The Biden administration's plan to count on $700 billion over the next decade from enhanced IRS audits of the wealthy and corporations - a major source of funding for his economic agenda - is wishful thinking, and will probably take years to bear fruit at all, according to Bloomberg.


The analysis comes after the administration announced a plan to boost IRS funding by more than 10%, or $80 billion over the next decade to vastly increase the agency's auditing staff and replace outdated technology. Biden made the promise of recovered tax-dollars a central source of funding for his $1.8 trillion American Families Plan released last week.


Yet, according to some former IRS officials, it will take 'several years' to begin bearing fruit - particularly once one accounts for the time required to hire and train new employees to conduct audits of 'highly complex' tax returns. What's more, such high-dollar audits are far more likely to be met with appeals and litigation which could tie up payments for years. According to the report, previous attempts to recoup unpaid taxes have returned just a tiny fraction of what the administration thinks is possible.


A Biden admin insider, however, says they've accounted for that:


A person familiar with the administration’s plans said the $700 billion projection does reflect that the IRS will need several years to ramp up and that the highest revenue-raising years will be toward the end of the 10-year timeframe. The administration predicts some of the biggest gains will come in the following decade, raising as much as $1.7 trillion to $1.8 trillion during that period, the person said.

Anonymous ID: 0cb326 May 6, 2021, 12:46 p.m. No.51358   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1408 >>1417 >>1418

UK reaches agreement with EU to end bitter row over post-Brexit diplomatic status


The British government has agreed to grant full diplomatic status to the EU’s ambassador to the UK, João Vale de Almeida, and his 25-strong mission, ending London and Brussels’ acrimonious dispute over post-Brexit arrangements.


Josep Borrell, the EU’s foreign policy chief, and UK Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab announced the move in a joint statement, following a meeting between the pair in London on Wednesday.


“The EU Ambassador will have a status consistent with heads of missions of states, including agrément [diplomatic approval] and presentation of the credentials to the Head of State,” they said.


“EU Delegation staff will have the privileges and immunities needed to function effectively, while allowing for effective administration of justice.”


Earlier this year, the UK reiterated its refusal to grant the same diplomatic status to the EU delegation as it does to the missions of other countries, arguing that the trading bloc is not a nation state.

Anonymous ID: 0cb326 May 6, 2021, 12:49 p.m. No.51360   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1408 >>1417 >>1418

Federal Gov’t Telling Facebook to Silence Those With Vaccine Safety Concerns Says Lawsuit


It is no longer a random act — Facebook censorship has become so blatant and massive that they have indefinitely silenced the former president of the United States. Many pro-censorship advocates cheer this on because they dislike the voices silenced by Facebook. They attempt to justify the censorship with the claims that Facebook is a private company and can do what they want, a lawsuit filed against the social media giant says that is not the case.


A lawsuit filed by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. — the chairman of the non-profit group Children’s Health Defense (CHD) — claims Facebook conspires with the federal government to squelch speech which advocates for vaccine safety.


According to the lawsuit, overseen by Senior U.S. District Judge Susan Illston, Facebook started slapping warning labels on content posted on CHD’s Facebook page, including in September of 2020 when the social media giant posted a message directing users to seek “reliable, up-to-date information” about vaccines from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Facebook also started labeling some of CHD’s content as “false information” based on research by third-party fact checkers, including a link to an article claiming vaccinated children “are more likely to have adverse health outcomes” in May 2020.


Suing Facebook over censorship is an impossible task (trust us, we tried) as the company claims the right to censor or moderate any content they see fit as they own the platform. However, in their new lawsuit, CHD claims the federal government coerced and encouraged Facebook to stifle its speech, transforming a private company’s actions into a state-sponsored directives.


On Wednesday, Facebook filed a motion to dismiss the lawsuit and during that hearing, Judge Illston asked if the government can ever take steps to counter misinformation without running afoul of the First Amendment.


“Let’s say there was something on the internet that says, ‘If you take a Covid vaccine, you’re going to grow a third head.’ That’s clearly not true. Is it OK to not let that be published?” Illston asked.


“I don’t think it’s OK if the government is calling the shot,” CHD attorney Roger Teich replied.


“You think it’s inappropriate for the government to say generally, ‘We’d really like it if all these private social media outlets didn’t publish lies about the Covid vaccine?’ That’s not alright to say that?” asked Illson.


Teich answered that it was the CDC’s “underhandedness” in using Facebook to restrict speech that violates the Constitution.


To show evidence of government / Facebook collusion, Teich cited multiple statements by Zuckerberg, the CDC and “its proxy,” the World Health Organization, declaring that they were “in discussion” and “working together” to reduce the spread of vaccine misinformation.


According to Courthouse News, CHD claims the basis for the lawsuit is substantial given previous incidents: