Anonymous ID: cd9d83 Q Research General #13492: Loser Edition Sept. 5, 2020, 8:58 p.m. No.10543043   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

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Wednesday 09.02.2020

>>10504572 ————————————–——– Why did it take a political outsider to [finally] confront China?

>>10504508 ————————————–——– Moar Blackmail

>>10504523 ————————————–——– Moar Blackmail

>>10504529 ————————————–——– Moar Blackmail

>>10504503 ————————————–——– How is blackmail used?


>>10503446 ————————————–——– Files do not go 'missing' unless 7th floor direct involvement. Follow the logs. (Cap: >>10503458, >>10503508)


Wednesday 08.26.2020

>>10426984 ————————————–——– The Great Deceiver(s). INFORMATION WARFARE. (Cap: >>10426999)


Thursday 08.20.2020

>>10354418 ————————————–——– FIFTH COLUMN

>>10354372 ————————————–——– PANIC IN DC (Cap: >>10354670 )


Wednesday 08.19.2020

>>10351796 ————————————–——– Biden Island (Cap: >>10351928)

>>10351616 ————————————–——– Epstein island. Who owns the surrounding islands [close proximity]? (Cap: >>10352443, >>10353360)

>>10351242 ————————————–——– Ask yourself a very simple question -


Monday 08.17.2020

>>>/projectdcomms/110 β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€” [Placeholder - Indictments Tracking Non_Civ] (Cap: >>10322497, >>10322510)


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Anonymous ID: cd9d83 Sept. 5, 2020, 9:01 p.m. No.10543075   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

Global Announcements

>>10533308 FBI Confirms QAnon Group Not A β€˜Terrorist Threat’ - UPDATED

>>10502598 Code Monkey update: It is almost time to release <codename> Project Odin.


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>>10542417 Dan Scavino does not discriminate on Tw^tter: Trump came to Dover after my wife was killed fighting ISIS. He absolutely respects our service.

>>10542435 "Dead" Virus Cells Frequently Trigger "False Positives" in Most Common COVID Test, New New Study finds.

>>10542466 White GW professor who posed as Black will not teach classes this fall

>>10542514 (Hit Piece) EXCLUSIVE: Donald Trump made millions from Saudi Arabia, but trashes Hillary Clinton for Saudi donations to Clinton Foundation

>>10542724 Trump ends divisive racial grievance training called "critical race theory" in the government with executive orders.

>>10542763 Anons fight over who is right using a relevant "Guilt by association' Article.

>>10542829 (Video I didn't watch) The Truth About Homelessness, Compassion & Covid-19 Laid Bare

>>10542836, >>10542854, >>10542981 New DJT on Tw^tter: Congratulations to the U.S. Marshals on a job well done in Portland. LAW & ORDER!/Wish I could join you, but totally focused on November 3rd. Thank you! #MAGA/ Judge Jeanine Fox (video)

>>10542857, >>10542866 Live: New York, Washington DC, Kenosha, Los Angeles, Portland & More Protests (9/5/2020)

>>10542955 Criminal Who Was Bailed Out of Jail by Nonprofit Funded by Biden’s Staffers Violently Assaults Man, Leaves Him with Traumatic Brain Injury and Fractured Skull

>>10543003 Everything You Post Online Will be Scanned by Hate Speech Algorithms

>>10543060 #13491



>>10541673 Joseph Flynn Shows Us What It's Like without Flinching on the Tw@t

>>10541748 (Pic Related) Trump Train Do Float on Water

>>10541854 WITS Integrate Ends Two Years Ahead of Schedule

>>10542144 Evidence piles up that the phony Atlantic story about Trump and troops was a slime job to boost Biden

>>10542180 Happy Labor Day!

>>10542214 Anons Argue the War Room is/isn't relevant.

>>10542342 Agent Greg gets his accommodation for quads.

>>10542357 #13490


#13489 Notes by 8kun exclusive, world class, SFT'lous d'oh Much Appreciation Bro! GOLD!

>>10540888 Upon election day if its not tabulated (You) #GoVote vid

>>10540874, >>10541072 MLK III Calls Kaepernick a β€˜Prophet,’ Says β€˜New Era of Athlete Activism’ Will β€˜Fulfill MLK Jr.’s Dream’-breitbart Sept 4

>>10540990 An abandoned 31-meter lighthouse on Cape Aniva was lit on Sakhalin for the first time since 2006. The move is timed to the 75th anniversary of the end of world war II.-rt via soc media

>>10541021 Peace Agreement Signed In

>>10541030 Google is building its own town near its Silicon Valley headquarters, complete with parks, restaurants, and affordable housing-businessinsider

>>10541041, >>10541212 Doctors' group: HCQ-hoarding FDA cares more about power than Americans' lives-wnd

>>10541056, >>10541070 The Next Normal: Is Central-Bankism Transitioning To Fascism-zh

>>10541064, >>10541084, >>10541105 Thousands attend Jersey Shore boat parade to support cops, President Trump-nypost

>>10541093 Police: Rioters Cause $100,000 in Damage in NYC-breitbart

>>10541122 Flashback-some articles on Biden's health

>>10541156 Pope’s New Encyclical to Praise Jihad Terror Supporter as Example of β€˜Peace’ and β€˜Fraternity’-pjmedia

>>10541158 Sidney Powell re-tweet Barbara(Flynn)

>>10541173 The Red Thread: A Search for Ideological Drivers Inside the Anti-Trump

>>10541201 WHERE’S THE MEDIA? Hundreds of Armed Black NFAC Activists March in Louisville Outside of Churchill Downs on Kentucky Derby Day-gatewaypundit

>>10541218 Portland Shooting Suspect Followed Victim Before Killing Him, Newly Released Pictures Show-sputnik

>>10541236 Grocery store chain says employees can't wear American flag masks because they're 'offensive' β€” it quickly changes course after backlash

>>10541247, >>10541274 @ CBS_Herridge:"to avoid professional + personal conduct/communications that leave you open to be compromised + blackmail"

>>10541300 State bars GOP voter statement, says it was 29 seconds late-washtimes

>>10541315 Jacobson vs Fauci – No, You Do Not Have to Submit to the Jab!-opensourcetruth

>>10541355, >>10541374 Bolivian govt raid on international human trafficking - Haiti, Bolivia, (this is poorly written)

>>10541369 TikTok could 'weaponize your kids' data,' says Donald Trump Jr.-nbcnews sept 4

>>10541516 DLA Piper, a multinational law firm, boasts nearly 30 years of experience in China and over 140 lawyers dedicated to its β€œChina Investment Services” branch.

>>10541582 #13489

Anonymous ID: cd9d83 Sept. 5, 2020, 9:02 p.m. No.10543077   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

Previously Collected Notables

>>10539981 #13487, >>10540778 #13488,

>>10537627 #13484, >>10538371 #13485, >>10539163 #13486

>>10534621 #13481, >>10535755 #13482, >>10536751 #13483

>>10532422 #13478, >>10533159 #13479, >>10533979 #13480

>>10529868 #13475, >>10531221 #13476, >>10531636 #13477

>>10527446 #13472, >>10528279 #13473, >>10529302 #13474

>>10525048 #13469, >>10525848 #13470, >>10526690 #13471

>>10522432 #13466, >>10523519 #13467, >>10524118 #13468


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Anonymous ID: cd9d83 Sept. 5, 2020, 9:02 p.m. No.10543078   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

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Anonymous ID: cd9d83 Sept. 5, 2020, 9:02 p.m. No.10543082   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

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Anonymous ID: cd9d83 Sept. 5, 2020, 9:43 p.m. No.10543474   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun



You are absolutely correct, sir. I have hoped participating as I have would have presented plenty of rope for them. I can be a little better now since I hopefully don't have anything to prove to anyone. I know I don't have anything to prove to them. Always have know that.


Thank you for the advise.



Anonymous ID: cd9d83 Sept. 5, 2020, 10:29 p.m. No.10543806   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>3832



Notables are NOT endorsements



>>10543711 (Opinion Video and Editorial:The Gateway Pundit) β€œThey’re Gonna Want to Hunt – Eradicate Their Opponents.” – Victor Davis Hanson On America’s Future If Democrats Win in 2020 (VIDEO)

>>10543724, >>10543729 Portland Detectives Located Unidentified Person- grateful for community help in case

>>10543778 (This Mask Manipulation Could Get Funny) Biden faces criticism after saying black man invented light bulb

Anonymous ID: cd9d83 Sept. 5, 2020, 11:22 p.m. No.10544112   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4120 >>4173



The only time's I have ever left a bread unattended is if I have had unusual technical difficulties. i.e. Locked out of catalog, lag with another bread already up before I could get anything to work. I never quit. Funny this is the first I have heard of me tapping.

Anonymous ID: cd9d83 Sept. 5, 2020, 11:59 p.m. No.10544333   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4341 >>4350



I thought your opinion of me was from a higher vantage point than you are portraying. One bail in a year isn't anything to be upset about. I have seen bakers do the same several times. JS. I am completely on board with what you are saying, but I didn't believe anyone would think I was a bake and bail baker.

Anonymous ID: cd9d83 Sept. 6, 2020, 12:12 a.m. No.10544405   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4433



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>>10543711 (Opinion Video and Editorial:The Gateway Pundit) β€œThey’re Gonna Want to Hunt – Eradicate Their Opponents.” – Victor Davis Hanson On America’s Future If Democrats Win in 2020 (VIDEO)

>>10543724, >>10543729 Portland Detectives Located Unidentified Person- grateful for community help in case

>>10543778 (This Mask Manipulation Could Get Funny) Biden faces criticism after saying black man invented light bulb

>>10543827 "It’s a Straight Line from Biden to BLM" BLM Not a Reaction to Donald Trump

>>10543856 Molotov Cocktail Sets Person Ablaze in SE Portland. Police Save the Day

>>10543887 β€œI Thought I was Going to Die!” – UPDATE: #WalkAway Founder Attacked by BLM in Dallas – Mob Hurls Bottles at Brandon Straka, Chases His Group Down Street (VIDEO)/Breaking: BLM Storms Stage at #WalkAway Rally in Dallas, Punches Security Guard, Gets Smashed to the Ground β€” Police Arrest Security Guard

>>10543919 Trump Bans Hateful Divisive Race Theory at Federal Agencies via EO

>>10544325 Malawi’s new president vows to open diplomatic office in Jerusalem

>>10544325 Following Serbia and Kosovo, Lazarus Chakwera announces reforms that could include first mission by an African nation in Israel’s capital

Anonymous ID: cd9d83 Sept. 6, 2020, 12:13 a.m. No.10544415   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

Notables are NOT endorsements



>>10543711 (Opinion Video and Editorial:The Gateway Pundit) β€œThey’re Gonna Want to Hunt – Eradicate Their Opponents.” – Victor Davis Hanson On America’s Future If Democrats Win in 2020 (VIDEO)

>>10543724, >>10543729 Portland Detectives Located Unidentified Person- grateful for community help in case

>>10543778 (This Mask Manipulation Could Get Funny) Biden faces criticism after saying black man invented light bulb

>>10543827 "It’s a Straight Line from Biden to BLM" BLM Not a Reaction to Donald Trump

>>10543856 Molotov Cocktail Sets Person Ablaze in SE Portland. Police Save the Day

>>10543887 β€œI Thought I was Going to Die!” – UPDATE: #WalkAway Founder Attacked by BLM in Dallas – Mob Hurls Bottles at Brandon Straka, Chases His Group Down Street (VIDEO)/Breaking: BLM Storms Stage at #WalkAway Rally in Dallas, Punches Security Guard, Gets Smashed to the Ground β€” Police Arrest Security Guard

>>10543919 Trump Bans Hateful Divisive Race Theory at Federal Agencies via EO

>>10544325 Malawi’s new president vows to open diplomatic office in Jerusalem Following Serbia and Kosovo, Lazarus Chakwera announces reforms that could include first mission by an African nation in Israel’s capital

Anonymous ID: cd9d83 Sept. 6, 2020, 1:08 a.m. No.10544676   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun



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>>10543711 (Opinion Video and Editorial:The Gateway Pundit) β€œThey’re Gonna Want to Hunt – Eradicate Their Opponents.” – Victor Davis Hanson On America’s Future If Democrats Win in 2020 (VIDEO)

>>10543724, >>10543729 Portland Detectives Located Unidentified Person- grateful for community help in case

>>10543778 (This Mask Manipulation Could Get Funny) Biden faces criticism after saying black man invented light bulb

>>10543827 "It’s a Straight Line from Biden to BLM" BLM Not a Reaction to Donald Trump

>>10543856 Molotov Cocktail Sets Person Ablaze in SE Portland. Police Save the Day

>>10543887 β€œI Thought I was Going to Die!” – UPDATE: #WalkAway Founder Attacked by BLM in Dallas – Mob Hurls Bottles at Brandon Straka, Chases His Group Down Street (VIDEO)/Breaking: BLM Storms Stage at #WalkAway Rally in Dallas, Punches Security Guard, Gets Smashed to the Ground β€” Police Arrest Security Guard

>>10543919 Trump Bans Hateful Divisive Race Theory at Federal Agencies via EO

>>10544325 Malawi’s new president vows to open diplomatic office in Jerusalem Following Serbia and Kosovo, Lazarus Chakwera announces reforms that could include first mission by an African nation in Israel’s capital

>>10544453 (Sky News Video) Victoria Australia Extends Lock Downs upto Six Weeks Crippling Restaurants and Other Businesses. Curfew is 9 pm.

>>10544566 (Video) The Deep State Exposed on Tw^tter Posts Jeffrey Sachs Remarking about The Trump Admin Being Dangerous to the World

Anonymous ID: cd9d83 Sept. 6, 2020, 1:10 a.m. No.10544686   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4732 >>4749



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>>10543711 (Opinion Video and Editorial:The Gateway Pundit) β€œThey’re Gonna Want to Hunt – Eradicate Their Opponents.” – Victor Davis Hanson On America’s Future If Democrats Win in 2020 (VIDEO)

>>10543724, >>10543729 Portland Detectives Located Unidentified Person- grateful for community help in case

>>10543778 (This Mask Manipulation Could Get Funny) Biden faces criticism after saying black man invented light bulb

>>10543827 "It’s a Straight Line from Biden to BLM" BLM Not a Reaction to Donald Trump

>>10543856 Molotov Cocktail Sets Person Ablaze in SE Portland. Police Save the Day

>>10543887 β€œI Thought I was Going to Die!” – UPDATE: #WalkAway Founder Attacked by BLM in Dallas – Mob Hurls Bottles at Brandon Straka, Chases His Group Down Street (VIDEO)/Breaking: BLM Storms Stage at #WalkAway Rally in Dallas, Punches Security Guard, Gets Smashed to the Ground β€” Police Arrest Security Guard

>>10543919 Trump Bans Hateful Divisive Race Theory at Federal Agencies via EO

>>10544325 Malawi’s new president vows to open diplomatic office in Jerusalem Following Serbia and Kosovo, Lazarus Chakwera announces reforms that could include first mission by an African nation in Israel’s capital

>>10544418 (Sky News Video) Victoria Australia Extends Lock Downs upto Six Weeks Crippling Restaurants and Other Businesses. Curfew is 9 pm.

>>10544566 (Video) The Deep State Exposed on Tw^tter Posts Jeffrey Sachs Remarking about The Trump Admin Being Dangerous to the World