Anonymous ID: f8f4aa Q Research General #20035: Expand Your Meme-ing Edition March 11, 2022, 5:32 p.m. No.15843641   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>3668

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Anonymous ID: f8f4aa March 11, 2022, 5:33 p.m. No.15843648   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>3724


>>15487554 How get get bans lifted & do bug reports on /tech/

>>15443568 HOW TO BAKE Thread

>>15620842 Guidelines for General banners

>>15676854 Bakers: no board politics in notables pls

>>15731793 Organizing notes on Ukraine (etc) to avoid "wall-of-text buns

>>15790843 Deletions & Bans on QR Policy

>>15814240 TS@Q posts





>>15842917 Vote by UN General Assembly of US and Ukraine both voting AGAINST โ€œCombating glorification of Nazism, neo-Nazism and other practices that contribute to fuelling contemporary forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance

>>15842920 Planefag: E4B Nightwatch up as BUELR86

>>15842929 Posbiec tweet: Deepfakes are getting next level

>>15842935 Fox News tweet: Psaki tells TikTok influencers Russia 'hacked our election' in 2016

>>15842945 For the keks: CNN Score Card

>>15842955 Bidn tweet: I want to be clear: will defend NATO but not fight Russia in Ukraine (Q Drop #140 Reminder)

>>15842964 CNN Business: Russia owes Western banks $120 billion. They won't get it back

>>15842965, >>15843005, >>15843036 Soros wants Xi and Putin OUT!

>>15842970 Baker Ghost

>>15842977 Indicted UAW leader gambles on freedom, loses, goes to jail in $2M embezzlement case

>>15843020 Q on TruthSocial posts image #FlannelFriday

>>15843055 Pelosiโ€™s $1.5 trillion spending bill includes hundreds of millions of dollars for border security in at least EIGHT countries, US is not one of them

>>15843066 Reuters: Berkshire rejects shareholder call to replace Warren Buffett as chairman

>>15843098 WaPo Aug 30 2005: U.S. to Aid Ukraine in Countering Bioweapons (Senator Obama helped annonce in Kiev)

>>15843109, >>15843130, >>15843144 Reminder: Q Drop #24 "Any person making statements they will not be seeking re-election was put into submissionโ€ฆall WILL DO AS TOLD"

>>15843123 MFA RUssia: #Zakharova: We confirm facts revealed during the special military operation in Ukraine, which prove that the Kiev regime has been destroying the evidence of military biological programmes Kiev was implementing. They were funded by @DeptofDefense

>>15843142, >>15843499, >>15843678 Six West Point Cadets Overdose During South Florida Spring Break Visit

>>15843152 Donald Trump Is Scheduled To Go On The โ€œJoe Roganโ€ Podcast March 11 2022

>>15843199 USAF retweet: Today, we lost a great patriot in the passing of Brig Gen Bob Cardenas

>>15843253 Clockfag: 3/11 (calendar mirror of 9/11) is a big date to them. 3/11 mirrors 11/3. 11.3 appears lots in the drops

>>15843273 Scotland: Misogyny could be made a hate crime under new recommendations

>>15843274 Clockfag: Suicide Weekend?

>>15843275 Congress Just Gave Itself A 21 Percent Pay Raise With Pork-Packed Omnibus Bill While Surging Gas Prices, Inflation Hurt Americans

>>15843373 Texas judge blocks state investigations of transgender kids' treatments as child abuse

>>15843392 Jim Watkins telegram: It's going to be a wild ride tonight

>>15843401 RT: YouTube to demonetize all Russian users, ban โ€˜state mediaโ€™

>>15843437 RT: Russia sets date for Instagram shutdown

>>15843439 Police raid Jacksonville church during services, arrest pastor in child sexual battery case; 2 others charged

>>15843444 Washington bans dollar supply to Russia

>>15843474 Jim Watkins telegram: This truck ran with the People's Convoy around DC beltway while Senator Cruz was in our lead truck which headed to the capitol for a press conference!!

>>15843494 APnews: US rolls out more sanctions after North Korea missile tests

>>15843508 TGP: Pennsylvania Senators Jake Corman and Cris Dush File Petition to Compel Sec of State to Comply with Election Related Subpoena

>>15843519 Clockfag: [Marker 1 Complete]

>>15843552 RT: 16,000 foreign volunteers want to fight for Russia in Ukraine โ€“ Moscow

>>15843569 Tass: Putin supports initiative to hand captured Western weapons over to Donbass republics

>>15843603 WSJ Poll: No Post-State of the Union Bounce for Biden; Net Approval -15

>>15843620 Latest VAERS Data

>>15843724 #20034



>>15842183 40 House Democrats Signed A 2019 Letter Asking The State Department To Designate Ukraine's Neo-Nazi Azov Battalion As A Terrorist Organization

>>15842200 Dr. Klaus Schwab or: How the CFR Taught Me to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb

>>15842224, >>15842231, >>15842327 FAKE NEWS Joe Biden Threatens โ€˜World War IIIโ€™ if Vladimir Putin Attacks NATO

>>15842226 The real reason why they're terrified of the world finding out what Ivermectin is truly capable of

>>15842254 PDJT statment: Big rally in South Carolina this weekend Florence Regional Airport

>>15842259, >>15842496 CrowdStrike: Judge Cooper would not strike from the record evidence malware written in Mandarin, code that had been compiled in a Chinese operating system

>>15842269 Treasury Sanctions Kremlin Elites, Leaders, Oligarchs, and Family for Enabling Putinโ€™s War Against Ukraine

>>15842273 Ukraine Biolab Watchtower

>>15842343, >>15842353, >>15842365, >>15842366, >>15842375, >>15842380, >>15842403, >>15842425, >>15842449, >>15842454 In very early posts, Q asked "What is the keystone?" and "Find the keystone."

>>15842366 What if China, Russia, and others are coordinating w/ POTUS to eliminate the NWO?

>>15842371 Mike Pompeo Under the Biden Administration, arrests and deportations plummeted last year

>>15842417 Rally in Florence, South Carolina Details

>>15842456 Illinois Illegally Denied Elections Group Access To Voter Records, Federal Court Rules

>>15842509 Facebook Introduces 'Call In Drone Strike' Button You Can Click On All Russian Profiles

>>15842516 Facebook Defends Allowing Calls For Russian Death As Kremlin Brands Meta 'Extremist Organization'

>>15842556 Russia opens criminal investigation of Meta over death calls on Facebook

>>15842521 Ukraine "Biological Research Facilitiesโ€! Facebook OKs Violence Against Russia! w/ Glenn Greenwald

>>15842536 The Corrupt Texas State Bar refers Sidney Powell to judge for discipline over efforts to overturn election

>>15842610 China's No. 2 Leader Li Keqiang Announces Plans To Step Down

>>15842679 Tentative $83m Settlement Is Reached For Victims Of Florida Condo Collapse

>>15842780 Planefag report Nightwatch is up out of MacDill AF Base

>>15842782 FAKE NEWS pushes reintroduction of mask mandates and dancing ban in Australia

>>15842856 #20033



>>15841401 Chernobyl under siege in Ukraine war: Russians holding more than 200 employees hostage

>>15841409 "A criminal case has been initiated โ€ฆ in connection with illegal calls for murder and violence against citizens of the Russian Federation by employees of the American company Meta

>>15841421 Anonymous hacks Russian media censorship agency and leaks 340,000 files

>>15841431 Mayor of Ukrainian city Melipotol detained by Russians

>>15841469, >>15841533 2012 High-Containment Laboratories in Ukraine: Local Resources and Regulations

>>15841541 CNN tells Toobin to beat it

>>15841544 Russia's Defense Ministry says it seized Igla portable surface-to-air missile systems being supplied to Ukraine

>>15841550, >>15841587 US has funded Ukraine bio weapon research since 2005

>>15841593 Russia has set up its own Transport Layer Security (TLS) certificate authority

>>15841627, >>15841632, >>15841757 JOE BIDEN RAGES: โ€˜Iโ€™m Sickโ€™ of Americans Blaming Me for Inflation, Not Vladimir Putin

>>15841638 Armenia to open doors of U.S.-built biolabs to Russia

>>15841699 List of Ukraine biolab documents reportedly removed by US Embassy

>>15841745, >>15841794 Alexander S. Vindman @AVindman "โ€ฆ We see you, @GOP, and we'll remember in November."

>>15841830 Trump to headline March rally in Georgia to boost Perdue, Walker

>>15841898 The Truth: Trump Proved Everyone Wrong About Russia! Donald Trump Jr.

>>15841938 planefagging

>>15841994, >>15842001, >>15842004, >>15842034, >>15842045 CNN Bill Barr Interview with Jake Tapper MP4

>>15842006 clockfagging

>>15842032 President Donald J. Trump to Hold a Rally in Georgia

>>15842056 #20032

Anonymous ID: f8f4aa March 11, 2022, 5:33 p.m. No.15843653   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


>>15840631 Biden Administration Constructs Familiar War Plan Using Qatar as Long-Term Mechanism to Fund Protracted War in Khazar

>>15840642 Michael Flynn testifies before January 6 panel, invoked Fifth Amendment rights

>>15840643 Get the Popcorn


>>15840649 US Funded Biological Weapons

>>15840652 John Bolton: Impose no-fly zone over western Khazar, expect Putin to wreak more destruction

>>15840660 World Health Organisation releases contradictory document on effectiveness of Covid Jabs

>>15840661 Saudi Military - C130 Hercules from Gander International Airport

>>15840666 Russia Releases Alleged Captured Documents Of U.S. Biolabs In Khazar As Evidence Before UN Security Council Meeting

>>15840668 Linda Thomas-Greenfield

>>15840683 Joe Biden's Failure Tour Continues After Iran Deal Falls Apart - and Leaves Americans Holding the Bag

>>15840693, >>15840698, >>15840970 Bernhard Nocht Institute of Tropical Medicine (hereinafter referred to as the Institute)

>>15840697 Russia Convenes UN Security Council to Present Evidence of US Military Biological Activities in Khazar

>>15840702 Brandon rolling out the 17s today.,

>>15840709 Russian UN Rep at Security Council Accuses US of Testing Viral Agents in Khazar โ€” Including Coronavirus in Bats

>>15840714 Looks like Russia took out a human trafficker.

>>15840882 Get the Popcorn - /hm/ was correct again.

>>15840738 Security Council on Russia Allegations of Military Biological Activities in Khazar, March 11, 2022

>>15840778 She just said that the United States was working with the research facilities "proudly, clearly, and out in the open" after they tried to scrub their involvement off the internet!

>>15840847 BRAZIL ASKED FOR INVESTIGATIONS! I'm proud of my country, one of the few to not embarrass themselves in front of the whole world.

>>15840867 The WEF'sYoung Global Leaders, Extensive List by Categories

>>15840898 Crash with Mass casualty incident declared 5500 block Conn. Ave NW.

>>15840928 Khazarians Say Russian Jets Fired At Ally Belarus In 'False Flag' Attempt

>>15840764 Security Council on Russia allegations of military biological activities in Khazar

>>15840906 History Rhyming, Biden Administration Constructs Familiar War Plan Using Qatar as Long-Term Mechanism to Fund Protracted War in Khazar

>>15840922 NoName tied to Khazar

>>15840764 Security Council on Russia allegations of military biological activities in Khazar

>>15840958 Russian Federation tells UN; โ€œThe Khazar authorities basically agreed to make their country into an experimental platform and use their citizens as guinea pigsโ€

>>15840967 Exclusive: Here are the documents the Department of Defense was trying to hide.

>>15840950 "The oil companies and the executives, they don't want to pump more oil, although they have every capacity to do so. Nothing is slowing them up."

>>15841011 Mother accused of rape of her own child under the age of 12

>>15841023 Michigan clerks ask lawmakers for early voting, other changes ahead of 2022 elections

>>15841038 Ghislaine Maxwell just requested a new trial because of Jury 50.

>>15841053 Better get on saving B&V before they are scrubbed.

>>15841055 Biological Threat Reduction Program

>>15841063 Looks like the pedos are going to claim they are victims

>>15841072 #BREAKING Queen Elizabeth II to miss Commonwealth Day service Monday, the palace says

>>15841090 Translation of fragments of the clinical protocol from Ukrainian

>>15841093 #Durham Thursday hearing for Sussmann that addressed the disclosure of allegations made against him by Durhamโ€™s team in court filings. Judge Cooper would not strike from the record. Via @RobLegare

>>15841131 Witness Exposes "False Flag" Operation In Khazar

>>15841130 Victor Pinchuk and Petro Poroshenko wish stronger ties with WSJ

>>15841176 Head of the Kiev City Department of the State Tax Service

>>15841186 George Soros: PANIC

>>15841002 Here are the Documents the U.S. Embassy in Khazar Scrubbed on โ€˜Biological Threat Reductionโ€™ Labs

>>15841228 US says $100 billion soon to help poor nations with climate

>>15841244 Russia is alleged to have bombed a Khazar maternity hospital.

>>15841264 List of samples of fleas.

>>15841271 Judge sets October trial for Terrorist in Terrorist parade deaths

>>15841291 Polls Show U.S. Public Revolted By Bidenโ€™s Inflation-Wracked Economy

>>15841328 #20031

Anonymous ID: f8f4aa March 11, 2022, 5:33 p.m. No.15843654   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

Previously Collected

>>15840547 #20030, >>15841328 #20031, >>15840547 #20030

>>15838961 #20027, >>15839031 #20028, >>15840891 #20029

>>15835807 #20024, >>15836610 #20025, >>15834894 #20026

>>15833357 #20021, >>15834115 #20022, >>15834894 #20023

>>15830997 #20018, >>15831833 #20019, >>15831872 #20020

>>15828769 #20015, >>15829484 #20016, >>15830237 #20017


General Notable Pins:

TripCode feed:

Aggregators: |


>>15787413 Notables #12: Nothing Can't Stop This!

Anonymous ID: f8f4aa March 11, 2022, 6:09 p.m. No.15843888   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>3917 >>3927 >>3942

Notables are not endorsements


>>15843691 Over 16,000 foreign volunteers want to fight for Russia in Ukraine โ€“ Moscow

>>15843693, >>15843703, >>15843731 anon forecasts Zika outbreaks in Florida and 4 California counties

>>15843701 Putin supports initiative to hand captured Western weapons over to Donbass republics

>>15843710 West Point cadets on spring break overdose on fentanyl-laced cocaine in South Florida vacation home

>>15843726, >>15843812, >>15843838, >>15843880 What happened in Winnipeg: An unprecedented cover up from the Trudeau government on this lab

>>15843749, >>15843798 Pink Floyd pulls music to support Ukraine

>>15843814 Potato officially welcomes Ukraine "Refugees"

>>15843859 China locks down city of 9 million amid new spike in cases - NYT






Anonymous ID: f8f4aa March 11, 2022, 6:47 p.m. No.15844195   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>4203

Notables are not endorsements


>>15843691 Over 16,000 foreign volunteers want to fight for Russia in Ukraine โ€“ Moscow

>>15843693, >>15843703, >>15843731 anon forecasts Zika outbreaks in Florida and 4 California counties

>>15843700 Illinois Illegally Denied Elections Group Access To Voter Records, Federal Court Rules

>>15843701 Putin supports initiative to hand captured Western weapons over to Donbass republics

>>15843710 West Point cadets on spring break overdose on fentanyl-laced cocaine in South Florida vacation home

>>15843726, >>15843812, >>15843838, >>15843880 What happened in Winnipeg: An unprecedented cover up from the Trudeau government on this lab

>>15843737, >>15844169 Pic from Trump Interview - analysis

>>15843749, >>15843798 Pink Floyd pulls music to support Ukraine

>>15843814 Potato officially welcomes Ukraine "Refugees"

>>15843859 China locks down city of 9 million amid new spike in cases - NYT

>>15843898 Search for a Keystone in Ukraine found this article on the book "Keystone in the Arch"

>>15843903, >>15843914, >>15843992 Has /pol/ done it again?

>>15843961 Democrat Spending Bill Contains 'Serious Expansion of Federal Gun Control': Gun Rights Group

>>15843967 ICYMI: 53 minute Donald Trump interview on Russia Ukraine CENSORED BY BIG TECH

>>15843990 Eric Trump reacts to a painting of his family with a giant Q on it: "I love that!"

>>15844191 PEDO BUN 11 March 22





Anonymous ID: f8f4aa March 11, 2022, 7:17 p.m. No.15844411   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

Notables are not endorsements



>>15843691 Over 16,000 foreign volunteers want to fight for Russia in Ukraine โ€“ Moscow

>>15843693, >>15843703, >>15843731 anon forecasts Zika outbreaks in Florida and 4 California counties

>>15843700 Illinois Illegally Denied Elections Group Access To Voter Records, Federal Court Rules

>>15843701 Putin supports initiative to hand captured Western weapons over to Donbass republics

>>15843710 West Point cadets on spring break overdose on fentanyl-laced cocaine in South Florida vacation home

>>15843726, >>15843812, >>15843838, >>15843880 What happened in Winnipeg: An unprecedented cover up from the Trudeau government on this lab

>>15843737, >>15844169, >>15844231 Pic from Trump Interview - analysis

>>15843749, >>15843798 Pink Floyd pulls music to support Ukraine

>>15843814 Potato officially welcomes Ukraine "Refugees"

>>15843848 ICYMI: Jim W. came on earlier and said hi to all the new traffic from Truth Social, moar image servers going up tonight

>>15843859 China locks down city of 9 million amid new spike in cases - NYT

>>15843898, >>15843952 Search for a Keystone in Ukraine found this article on the book "Keystone in the Arch"

>>15843903, >>15843914, >>15843992 Has /pol/ done it again?

>>15843961 Democrat Spending Bill Contains 'Serious Expansion of Federal Gun Control': Gun Rights Group

>>15843967 ICYMI: 53 minute Donald Trump interview on Russia Ukraine CENSORED BY BIG TECH

>>15843990 Eric Trump reacts to a painting of his family with a giant Q on it: "I love that!"

>>15844191 PEDO BUN 11 March 22

>>15844230 ICYMI: PA Senators Corman and Dush Comment on Petition to Compel Compliance with Election Investigation Subpoena

>>15844234, >>15844244 MSNBC Tilts At QAnon Chris Hayes on the BASED claims about biowarfare in Ukraine

>>15844239, >>15844243 Millie Weaver on Lindell TV now! Re J6 and how they planned it!

>>15844240, >>15844236 President Donald J. Trump endorses Patrick Witt, Bill Huizenga

>>15844250 If you back the current Ukraine Regime, you back the Soros plan. Itโ€™s that simple

>>15844268, >>15844307, >>15844299

>>15844300 @RichardGrenell, Iโ€™m on Truth social @ grenell

>>15844316, >>15844333, >>15844363, >>15844281 Did you know? Juicy Smollett is in 10 drops

>>15844341 POTUS Rally in Commerce, Georgia Tomorrow, Saturday, March 26, 2022, at 7:00PM EST

>>15844369 Does Zelenskyy own properties in the US? Where else?

>>15844385 Congress Just Gave Itself A 21 Percent Pay Raise