Anonymous ID: b36762 Q Research General #24215: DS Zionists Last Going Going Gone...... Edition Oct. 12, 2023, 7:30 a.m. No.19721305   🗄️.is 🔗kun

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Anonymous ID: b36762 Oct. 12, 2023, 7:31 a.m. No.19721307   🗄️.is 🔗kun

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#24214 >>19720487

>>19720558 California Gov. Gavin Newsom has signed a bill that makes it easier for authorities to compel treatment for people with mental illness or addiction issues.

>>19720574 Must have been a minor oversight, everyone makes accounting mistakes to the tune of tens of billions. Happens to the best of us: IRS says MS owes $29B in back taxes

>>19720635 Repost for effect: Wayne Root - America is “the Main Event.” Here are the Details of the Coming Attack on America by China.

>>19720678 DJT TS w/CAP: Great job by Congressman Greg Steube of Florida talking on “Fox First” about Israel and the horrible atrocities taking place there. Greg is a fantastic leader and fighter for MAGA. He is loved in Florida!

>>19720684 Comedy Queen Roseanne Barr @therealroseanne is in the front row of the the Club 47 event to see President Trump speak tonight in Palm Beach, FL!

>>19720718 Armageddon is burning through Argentina… A horrifying wall of fire is bearing down on a city in Argentina. It’s a sight that eerily resembles Armageddon.

>>19720719 Obama Administration Stopped Israel From Assassinating Soleimani in 2015

>>19720740 U.S. Attorney Matthew Graves signaled to David Weiss they would NOT participate in the prosecution of Hunter Biden…


>>19720762 Biden Regime Is Forcing Americans Trapped in Israel to Sign Promissory Notes to Repay All Travel Costs If They Decide to Be Rescued by US Government

>>19720740 Matthew Graves signaled to David Weiss they would NOT participate in the prosecution of Hunter Biden…

>>19720838, >>19720876 Steve Baker Outlines New Bombshell Information on Jan 6 Footage.

>>19720886, >>19720945, >>19721069, >>19720962, Hama fighters on drug called captagon

>>19720907, >>19720915 The real war is, "people vs. the banks"

>>19720912 MASSIE IS ASKING WE THE PEOPLE!!!!!!!!! Get on it!

>>19720926 This is how universities should respond to the terror attack in Israel. Well done, UF.

>>19720929 @ChuckGrassley 150+ ppl on terrorist watch list apprehended crossing S border in FY23

>>19720966 Chief Ukrainian rabbi: Remove ‘provocative’ cross

>>19720975 The 12:15p is described as a “GOP Member-Only Discussion” where they will try to yet again check phones at the door

>>19721006 CIA publicly acknowledges 1953 coup it backed in Iran was undemocratic as it revisits ‘Argo’ rescue

>>19721017 The Israel Air Force struck Damascus International Airport in Syria just minutes a plane with Iran's Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian on board, heading home to Tehran

>>19721026 Biden Administration Says Israelis Can Travel to U.S. Without a Visa

>>19721067 The Abraham Accords

>>19721156 Henry Kissinger has a revelation at 100

>>19721165, >>19721198 LIVE: Judiciary Hearing on Victims of Violent Crime in Washington, DC

>>19721205 GAME THEORY

>>19721221 It’s time to strip General Michael Hayden of his rank, medals and pension…

>>19721299 #24214


#24213 >>19719576

>>19719725 Biden admin reportedly prepping funding request for aid to Israel, Ukraine, Taiwan, and US border security

>>19719804 Just a reminder to stay Vigilant…Both Cities & Rural Areas on Sept. Friday 13th..Muslims to engage in 'Jihad' by laying down their lives for the caus

>>19719859 The White House clarifies that Biden and other US officials have not seen or independently confirmed that Hamas terrorists beheaded Israeli children.

>>19720160 ‘Ring of fire’ solar eclipse will slice across Americas on Saturday with millions along path

>>19720243, >>19720254 Joe Biden is NOT in charge. Confirmed by Joe Biden. This is just insane. Tax paying Americans have a right to know who their President is.

>>19720317 Yes guys, Space Force is subject to the Posse Comitatus Act. They we're added in the 2022 NDAA which was signed into law on 12/27/2021.

>>19720369 Tucker drops new clip calling Nikki Haley a “child” throwing a “tantrum” when she says America was attacked (we weren’t) & that we should “finish” Iran

>>19720455 "We pumped dozens of stories about Cuban atrocities, Cuban rapists… We didn't know of a single atrocity committed by the Cubans.

>>19720460 #24213


#24212 >>19718678

>>19718730 China's State Media Accused of Spreading Anti-Israel Disinformation - 10/11/23

>>19718768 The Real History of Antifa

>>19718887 California Introduces "Ebony Alert" To Find Missing Black Kids, Young Women

>>19718929 Struggle For The World-Island

>>19718994 Why Friday the 13th Spelled Doom for the Knights Templar

>>19719025 Biden did not actually see ‘confirmed pictures of terrorists beheading children’ as he claimed, WH clarifies

>>19719120 IDF says it won't back up its claim that Hamas decapitated babies in Israel because it is 'disrespectful for the dead'

>>19719217 NATO book on psyops & brainwashing

>>19719220 PlaneFag Report - Tron38

>>19719462 Full List of Lawmakers Who Voted to Block Funding for Israel

>>19719548 #24212


#24211 >>19717902

>>19717913 Trump tells story how at the last minute Bebe Netanyahu pulled out of going after Solemani - why would 45 be telling the story today?

>>19717926 Trump: He couldn't have been too impressed with our Capitol. It looks like SHIT. - Link: PRESIDENT TRUMP SPEAKS AT CLUB 47

>>19717931 Trump: The recent terror attacks are also a reminder of the deadly dangers that we face from Joe Biden's demolition of our own borders

>>19717937 Trump: I will immediately begin building a state of the art missile defense system for America

>>19717941 Trump: When we get back in, I will immediately reimpose the Trump Travel Ban on entry from terrorist countries

>>19717945, >>19718040 Sigal Chattah Joins WarRoom To Discuss The Newly Formed Coalition Government In Israel.

>>19718014, >>19718075, >>19718110 Trump said he never told the story of Israel backing out on taking down Soleimani; 1 of today's Q deltas

>>19718026 Trump: My father, looking down from heaven, he would say my son has beenn indicted times


>>19718070, >>19718209 Trump: If Hillary got in, you would have had a nuclear war [with North Korea]

>>19718073 PlaneFag Report - A lot of H60's and H47's up tonight…

>>19718095 Trump: The good news is I rebuilt the military…we had fighter jets that were forty-eight years old.

>>19718104 Todd Bensman: Illegal Aliens On FBI Watchlist Are Crossing The Border.

>>19718116 Sam Bankman-Fried Trial: Alameda CEO Caroline Ellison States Disgraced Crypto Bro Directed Her to Commit Fraud, ‘Donated $10M to Biden Campaign to Gain Influence

>>19718129 Trump: She's got a wall around her house [Pelosi]. It didn't help her husband too much, but it helped her.

>>19718160, >>19718353 The IDF said it won't investigate its claim that Hamas killed and decapitated babies at a kibbutz.

>>19718170 Trump: I will totally obliterate the deep state, stop the weaponization of our government, and overhaul the corrupt FBI and DOJ.

>>19718190 Trump: I will prevent World War III. It's not going to happen.

>>19718237 Trump: Lee is a big fan of Barack Hussein Obama. I'm just kidding.

>>19718249 Jeff Rainworth On The Invasion On The Border

>>19718429, >>19718464 Brian Kennedy: The U.S. Elite Care More About Preserving The American Empire Than The Constitution

>>19718492 Caroline Ellison Says She and Sam Bankman-Fried Lied for Years

>>19718633 Hamas Calls for Global ‘Day of Jihad’ on Friday the 13th

>>19718658 #24211


Previously Collected

>>19717082 #24209, >>19717869 #24210

>>19715577 #24207, >>19716403 #24208-A, >>19716407 #24208-B

>>19713238 #24204, >>19714014 #24205, >>19714806 #24206

>>19710736 #24201, >>19711496 #24202, >>19712383 #24203


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Q Research Notables #20: Not Giving Up >>19567242

Anonymous ID: b36762 Oct. 12, 2023, 7:49 a.m. No.19721404   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I took out some hate muzzie stuffs a couple of days but not the jooos stuffs

wondering when that would habben

it's as if the world is ignoring the reality of it



Anonymous ID: b36762 Oct. 12, 2023, 8:30 a.m. No.19721682   🗄️.is 🔗kun

@300give or take


#24215 >>19721314

>>19721322 Pence: If I was President of the United States, I’d have the team in the Situation Room and direct the Joint Special Operations Command to stand up special forces and have them immediately be prepared to deploy into Gaza.

>>19721343 End Times News. USSA MO Bunker #493. V: 1 E:0.00000000092

>>19721359 GOP Member Only House discussion 12:15p EDT

>>19721364 The Declaration of Independence is the founding document of the State of Israel and is regarded as an expression of the nation’s vision and its central beliefs

>>19721366 Vladimir Putin arrived in Kyrgyzstan. The current visit is the first foreign one for the Russian president this year.

>>19721376 @austerewyatt1 Zionists Rotchilds

>>19721385, >>19721468 @GenFlynn The members of the House of Representatives MUST immediately come out from behind closed doors and publicly vote for the next Speaker

>>19721399 I don’t believe for a second that Henry Kissinger didn’t know exactly how this was going to play out decades ago.

>>19721417 The Bee: Palestinian Flag Outside Rashida Tlaib's Office Seen Throwing Pride Flag Off The Roof

>>19721426, >>19721608 President Trump Recounts How Netanyahu Backed Out on Joint Operation to Target Soleimani

>>19721428 Hillary's deprogramming scheme

>>19721442 Saudi Arabia Announces Joint Military Exercises with China

>>19721476 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Mu Cephei

>>19721513 Water, fuel and electricity won’t be turned back on until Israeli hostages are released

>>19721539 Morgan State University plans to build wall around campus after homecoming week shooting

>>19721547 Israel may elbow Ukraine out for US weapons/heads expode n such

>>19721568 ECW: If Qatar does not immediately turn over Hamas leadership, they should be prepared for consequences, including but not limited to the relocation of forces at Al Udeid and severe sanctions.

>>19721586 India flies citizens out of war-torn Israel

>>19721598 @EmeraldRobinson I’m told that, behind closed doors, Jim Jordan was asked about defunding the Biden regime’s DOJ & FBI and that his responses were “disappointing.”???

>>19721642 Llistening to Bannon playing clip of Paul Ryan being introduced as Vice chair ofTENEO, Teneo is the Clinton’s child trafficking organization

>>19721648 Argo

Anonymous ID: b36762 Oct. 12, 2023, 8:49 a.m. No.19721787   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1828

past @400


#24215 >>19721314

>>19721322 Pence: If I was President of the United States, I’d have the team in the Situation Room and direct the Joint Special Operations Command to stand up special forces and have them immediately be prepared to deploy into Gaza.

>>19721343 End Times News. USSA MO Bunker #493. V: 1 E:0.00000000092

>>19721359 GOP Member Only House discussion 12:15p EDT

>>19721364 The Declaration of Independence is the founding document of the State of Israel and is regarded as an expression of the nation’s vision and its central beliefs

>>19721366 Vladimir Putin arrived in Kyrgyzstan. The current visit is the first foreign one for the Russian president this year.

>>19721376 @austerewyatt1 Zionists Rotchilds

>>19721385, >>19721468 @GenFlynn The members of the House of Representatives MUST immediately come out from behind closed doors and publicly vote for the next Speaker

>>19721399 I don’t believe for a second that Henry Kissinger didn’t know exactly how this was going to play out decades ago.

>>19721417 The Bee: Palestinian Flag Outside Rashida Tlaib's Office Seen Throwing Pride Flag Off The Roof

>>19721426, >>19721608 President Trump Recounts How Netanyahu Backed Out on Joint Operation to Target Soleimani

>>19721428 Hillary's deprogramming scheme

>>19721442 Saudi Arabia Announces Joint Military Exercises with China

>>19721476 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Mu Cephei

>>19721513 Water, fuel and electricity won’t be turned back on until Israeli hostages are released

>>19721539 Morgan State University plans to build wall around campus after homecoming week shooting

>>19721547 Israel may elbow Ukraine out for US weapons/heads expode n such

>>19721568 ECW: If Qatar does not immediately turn over Hamas leadership, they should be prepared for consequences, including but not limited to the relocation of forces at Al Udeid and severe sanctions.

>>19721586 India flies citizens out of war-torn Israel

>>19721598 @EmeraldRobinson I’m told that, behind closed doors, Jim Jordan was asked about defunding the Biden regime’s DOJ & FBI and that his responses were “disappointing.”???

>>19721642, >>19721665, >>19721696, >>19721717 Llistening to Bannon playing clip of Paul Ryan being introduced as Vice chair of TENEO, Teneo is the Clinton’s child trafficking organization/Dough Band

>>19721648, >>19721555, >>19721662, >>19721668 Argo

>>19721656 "Are you seriously asking me about Palestinian civilians? What is wrong with you? We're fighting Nazis."

>>19721661 Looks like the RINOS in SC are nervous about the Freedom Caucus reps challenging their globalist agenda.

>>19721686 Pneumonia deaths currently reported on the CDC website spanning from 3-20-21 to 9-4-21 have unexpectedly increased by 22,538

>>19721701 What time is the annular solar eclipse on Oct. 14?

>>19721748 Six Extensively Drug-Resistant Bacteria in an Injured Soldier, Ukraine

>>19721759 "All Wars Are Bankers Wars"

Anonymous ID: b36762 Oct. 12, 2023, 9:08 a.m. No.19721893   🗄️.is 🔗kun



#24215 >>19721314

>>19721322 Pence: If I was President of the United States, I’d have the team in the Situation Room and direct the Joint Special Operations Command to stand up special forces and have them immediately be prepared to deploy into Gaza.

>>19721343 End Times News. USSA MO Bunker #493. V: 1 E:0.00000000092

>>19721359 GOP Member Only House discussion 12:15p EDT

>>19721364 The Declaration of Independence is the founding document of the State of Israel and is regarded as an expression of the nation’s vision and its central beliefs

>>19721366 Vladimir Putin arrived in Kyrgyzstan. The current visit is the first foreign one for the Russian president this year.

>>19721376 @austerewyatt1 Zionists Rotchilds

>>19721385, >>19721468 @GenFlynn The members of the House of Representatives MUST immediately come out from behind closed doors and publicly vote for the next Speaker

>>19721399 I don’t believe for a second that Henry Kissinger didn’t know exactly how this was going to play out decades ago.

>>19721417 The Bee: Palestinian Flag Outside Rashida Tlaib's Office Seen Throwing Pride Flag Off The Roof

>>19721426, >>19721608 President Trump Recounts How Netanyahu Backed Out on Joint Operation to Target Soleimani

>>19721428 Hillary's deprogramming scheme

>>19721442 Saudi Arabia Announces Joint Military Exercises with China

>>19721476 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Mu Cephei

>>19721513 Water, fuel and electricity won’t be turned back on until Israeli hostages are released

>>19721539 Morgan State University plans to build wall around campus after homecoming week shooting

>>19721547 Israel may elbow Ukraine out for US weapons/heads expode n such

>>19721568 ECW: If Qatar does not immediately turn over Hamas leadership, they should be prepared for consequences, including but not limited to the relocation of forces at Al Udeid and severe sanctions.

>>19721586 India flies citizens out of war-torn Israel

>>19721598 @EmeraldRobinson I’m told that, behind closed doors, Jim Jordan was asked about defunding the Biden regime’s DOJ & FBI and that his responses were “disappointing.”???

>>19721642, >>19721665, >>19721696, >>19721717, >>19721828 Llistening to Bannon playing clip of Paul Ryan being introduced as Vice chair of TENEO, Teneo is the Clinton’s child trafficking organization/Dough Band

>>19721648, >>19721555, >>19721662, >>19721668 Argo

>>19721656 "Are you seriously asking me about Palestinian civilians? What is wrong with you? We're fighting Nazis."

>>19721661 Looks like the RINOS in SC are nervous about the Freedom Caucus reps challenging their globalist agenda.

>>19721686 Pneumonia deaths currently reported on the CDC website spanning from 3-20-21 to 9-4-21 have unexpectedly increased by 22,538

>>19721701 What time is the annular solar eclipse on Oct. 14?

>>19721748 Six Extensively Drug-Resistant Bacteria in an Injured Soldier, Ukraine

>>19721759 "All Wars Are Bankers Wars"


>>19721800 Meet the key figures propelling antisemitism at Harvard

>>19721801 The HighWire today.

>>19721817, >>19721836 Stimson [Heritage Foundation, DC Violent Crime Hearing]: The number one age is fifteen, here in the District, who are doing armed carjackings.

>>19721823, >>19721871 Police attending incident at Stansted Airport after Kenya Airways plane from Nairobi to London Heathrow is diverted

>>19721844 Iranian $6B REFROZEN!

>>19721866 MN stand off, cops shot

Anonymous ID: b36762 Oct. 12, 2023, 9:32 a.m. No.19722047   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2051 >>2092

Last Call 'Mo's


#24215 >>19721314

>>19721322 Pence: If I was President of the United States, I’d have the team in the Situation Room and direct the Joint Special Operations Command to stand up special forces and have them immediately be prepared to deploy into Gaza.

>>19721343, >>19721982 End Times News. USSA MO Bunker #493. V: 1 E:0.00000000092-93

>>19721359 GOP Member Only House discussion 12:15p EDT

>>19721364 The Declaration of Independence is the founding document of the State of Israel and is regarded as an expression of the nation’s vision and its central beliefs

>>19721366 Vladimir Putin arrived in Kyrgyzstan. The current visit is the first foreign one for the Russian president this year.

>>19721376 @austerewyatt1 Zionists Rotchilds

>>19721385, >>19721468 @GenFlynn The members of the House of Representatives MUST immediately come out from behind closed doors and publicly vote for the next Speaker

>>19721399 I don’t believe for a second that Henry Kissinger didn’t know exactly how this was going to play out decades ago.

>>19721417 The Bee: Palestinian Flag Outside Rashida Tlaib's Office Seen Throwing Pride Flag Off The Roof

>>19721426, >>19721608 President Trump Recounts How Netanyahu Backed Out on Joint Operation to Target Soleimani

>>19721428 Hillary's deprogramming scheme

>>19721442 Saudi Arabia Announces Joint Military Exercises with China

>>19721476 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Mu Cephei

>>19721513 Water, fuel and electricity won’t be turned back on until Israeli hostages are released

>>19721539 Morgan State University plans to build wall around campus after homecoming week shooting

>>19721547 Israel may elbow Ukraine out for US weapons/heads expode n such

>>19721568 ECW: If Qatar does not immediately turn over Hamas leadership, they should be prepared for consequences, including but not limited to the relocation of forces at Al Udeid and severe sanctions.

>>19721586 India flies citizens out of war-torn Israel

>>19721598 @EmeraldRobinson I’m told that, behind closed doors, Jim Jordan was asked about defunding the Biden regime’s DOJ & FBI and that his responses were “disappointing.”???

>>19721642, >>19721665, >>19721696, >>19721717, >>19721828 Llistening to Bannon playing clip of Paul Ryan being introduced as Vice chair of TENEO, Teneo is the Clinton’s child trafficking organization/Dough Band

>>19721648, >>19721555, >>19721662, >>19721668 Argo

>>19721656 "Are you seriously asking me about Palestinian civilians? What is wrong with you? We're fighting Nazis."

>>19721661 Looks like the RINOS in SC are nervous about the Freedom Caucus reps challenging their globalist agenda.

>>19721686 Pneumonia deaths currently reported on the CDC website spanning from 3-20-21 to 9-4-21 have unexpectedly increased by 22,538

>>19721701 What time is the annular solar eclipse on Oct. 14?

>>19721748 Six Extensively Drug-Resistant Bacteria in an Injured Soldier, Ukraine

>>19721759 "All Wars Are Bankers Wars"


>>19721800 Meet the key figures propelling antisemitism at Harvard

>>19721801 The HighWire today.

>>19721817, >>19721836 Stimson [Heritage Foundation, DC Violent Crime Hearing]: The number one age is fifteen, here in the District, who are doing armed carjackings.

>>19721823, >>19721871, >>19721887 Police attending incident at Stansted Airport after Kenya Airways plane from Nairobi to London Heathrow is diverted

>>19721844 Iranian $6B REFROZEN!

>>19721866 MN stand off, cops shot

>>19721905, >>19721941 Sen. Robert Menendez (D) is accused of acting as foreign agent according to a superseding indictment filed by a federal grand jury in Manhattan.

>>19721974 NASA 65th Anniversary: A Journey Beyond the Stars

>>19721983 10th Mountain Division, Task Force Badger Unit Ministry Team provides light during times of uncertainty

>>19721998 Secretary Blinken News Conference in Tel Aviv, Israel

Anonymous ID: b36762 Oct. 12, 2023, 9:40 a.m. No.19722114   🗄️.is 🔗kun



#24215 >>19721314

>>19721322 Pence: If I was President of the United States, I’d have the team in the Situation Room and direct the Joint Special Operations Command to stand up special forces and have them immediately be prepared to deploy into Gaza.

>>19721343, >>19721982 End Times News. USSA MO Bunker #493. V: 1 E:0.00000000092-93

>>19721359 GOP Member Only House discussion 12:15p EDT

>>19721364 The Declaration of Independence is the founding document of the State of Israel and is regarded as an expression of the nation’s vision and its central beliefs

>>19721366 Vladimir Putin arrived in Kyrgyzstan. The current visit is the first foreign one for the Russian president this year.

>>19721376 @austerewyatt1 Zionists Rotchilds

>>19721385, >>19721468 @GenFlynn The members of the House of Representatives MUST immediately come out from behind closed doors and publicly vote for the next Speaker

>>19721399 I don’t believe for a second that Henry Kissinger didn’t know exactly how this was going to play out decades ago.

>>19721417 The Bee: Palestinian Flag Outside Rashida Tlaib's Office Seen Throwing Pride Flag Off The Roof

>>19721426, >>19721608 President Trump Recounts How Netanyahu Backed Out on Joint Operation to Target Soleimani

>>19721428 Hillary's deprogramming scheme

>>19721442 Saudi Arabia Announces Joint Military Exercises with China

>>19721476 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Mu Cephei

>>19721513 Water, fuel and electricity won’t be turned back on until Israeli hostages are released

>>19721539 Morgan State University plans to build wall around campus after homecoming week shooting

>>19721547 Israel may elbow Ukraine out for US weapons/heads expode n such

>>19721568 ECW: If Qatar does not immediately turn over Hamas leadership, they should be prepared for consequences, including but not limited to the relocation of forces at Al Udeid and severe sanctions.

>>19721586 India flies citizens out of war-torn Israel

>>19721598 @EmeraldRobinson I’m told that, behind closed doors, Jim Jordan was asked about defunding the Biden regime’s DOJ & FBI and that his responses were “disappointing.”???

>>19721642, >>19721665, >>19721696, >>19721717, >>19721828 Llistening to Bannon playing clip of Paul Ryan being introduced as Vice chair of TENEO, Teneo is the Clinton’s child trafficking organization/Dough Band

>>19721648, >>19721555, >>19721662, >>19721668 Argo

>>19721656 "Are you seriously asking me about Palestinian civilians? What is wrong with you? We're fighting Nazis."

>>19721661 Looks like the RINOS in SC are nervous about the Freedom Caucus reps challenging their globalist agenda.

>>19721686 Pneumonia deaths currently reported on the CDC website spanning from 3-20-21 to 9-4-21 have unexpectedly increased by 22,538

>>19721701 What time is the annular solar eclipse on Oct. 14?

>>19721748 Six Extensively Drug-Resistant Bacteria in an Injured Soldier, Ukraine

>>19721759 "All Wars Are Bankers Wars"


>>19721800 Meet the key figures propelling antisemitism at Harvard

>>19721801 The HighWire today.

>>19721817, >>19721836 Stimson [Heritage Foundation, DC Violent Crime Hearing]: The number one age is fifteen, here in the District, who are doing armed carjackings.

>>19721823, >>19721871, >>19721887 Police attending incident at Stansted Airport after Kenya Airways plane from Nairobi to London Heathrow is diverted

>>19721844 Iranian $6B REFROZEN!

>>19721866 MN stand off, cops shot

>>19721905, >>19721941 Sen. Robert Menendez (D) is accused of acting as foreign agent according to a superseding indictment filed by a federal grand jury in Manhattan.

>>19721974 NASA 65th Anniversary: A Journey Beyond the Stars

>>19721983 10th Mountain Division, Task Force Badger Unit Ministry Team provides light during times of uncertainty

>>19721998 Secretary Blinken News Conference in Tel Aviv, Israel
