Anonymous ID: 4c67ed Q Research General #24426: Getting the Drop on the Global Disinformation Network! EditionEdition Nov. 10, 2023, 7:10 a.m. No.19893201   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3416

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Anonymous ID: 4c67ed Nov. 10, 2023, 7:11 a.m. No.19893204   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3320

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>>19892728 Georgia man accused of calling Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene and threatening to ‘shoot her in the f–king head

>>19892752 Jim on current catalog problem

>>19892875, >>19892884 Welcome Jim!

>>19892872, >>19892786, >>19893052, >>19892843, >>19892847, >>19892919, >>19892957, >>19893034 Jim W's advice re OFF TOPIC posts being deleted: start an /uncut/ board; anon response to spam

>>19892775 Poso: Never Forget: Nikki Haley Compared Donald Trump to Shooter Dylan Roof Because Trump Opposed Open Borders

>>19892789 PRESIDENT OF VOX: "A black period begins in the history of Spain, today a coup against the Nation has been launched"

>>19892790 PDJT on Jack Smith leak to the press

>>19892793, >>19892799, >>19892808, >>19892821, >>19892829, >>19892834, >>19892840, >>19892856, >>19892854 Dig on the worldwide disinformation network and EIP/Stanford

>>19892806 Biden to meet with Chinese President Xi on November 15 in San Francisco Bay area

>>19892889 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 11/10/2023

>>19892896, >>19892931 Portuguese PM António Costa in crisis after cops raid residence

>>19892968 Alaska judge upholds approval of ConocoPhillips’ $7.5 billion Willow oil project

>>19892983 Four Los Angeles sheriff's officials found dead in apparent suicides..

>>19892996 Statins are NOT “Wonder Drugs” they are Metabolic Poisons that Kill One Cell at a Time.

>>19893050 Hawaii Government Officials Contradict Own Citizens’ Accounts on Maui Fire Disaster

>>19893192 #24425-B


#24425-A >>19892373

>>19892421, >>19892447, >>19892492 Happy Birthday, Marines. Semper Fi.

>>19892424, >>19892427, >>19892468 On WEF and Kenneth Darlington

>>19892472 @Techno_Fog: Highlights from the deposition of Special Counsel David Weiss

>>19892473, >>19892519 @xriskology on Sam Altman's sister and allegations of abuse

>>19892475 @paulsperry_: Did you know HAMAS set up HQ inside America just three (3) blocks from the U.S. Capitol? The F_I does.

>>19892478, >>19892491 @CitizenFreePres: Spanish nationalists are going off outside the Socialist party headquarters in Madrid.

>>19892481 Envelopes With Fentanyl Sent To Election Offices In Georgia And Washington

>>19892488 UK high court denies treatment for 8 month old despite Italian offer to help

>>19892495 U.S. Senator Marsha Blackburn has filed a subpoena to obtain Jeffrey Epstein's flight logs.

>>19892504, >>19892505 Cenk Uygur looses it on Piers Morgan when he gets to hear some uncomfortable facts.

>>19892515 @KanekoaTheGreat on Fulton County 2020 ballots and county attorneys status

>>19892516 FBI secretly investigated Biden in 2007 over Delaware golf membership

>>19892518 Soros-Backed Baltimore State’s Attorney Marilyn Mosby Found Guilty on Two Federal Counts of Perjury via @gatewaypundit

>>19892527 Las Vegas Sphere reports $98 million loss. CFO quits.

>>19892538 Wenstrup announces he won’t run for reelection in 2024

>>19892543, >>19892777 End Times News

>>19892544 how the left mobilizes on the abortion issue

>>19892557 @libsoftiktok: AP denying that their journalist had prior knowledge of Hamas’ attack

>>19892631 Gen Flynn: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusivity (DEI) is an intentionally deceptive form of psychological operation.

>>19892632, >>19892803 Iceland hit with 85 earthquakes in just one hour

>>19892648 Authorities have identified the armed man apprehended near the United States Capitol in Washington, DC on Tuesday as Ahmir Lavon Merrell of Georgia.

>>19892683 Chicago: A City in Freefall

>>19892719 Bannon on McCarthy: he did a whiny interview yesterday

>>19893174 #24425-A


#24224 >>19891466

>>19891498 Federal Judge Smacks Down Biden ATF AR-15 Gun Ban

>>19891507 Texas Rangers Open New Tampering Investigation Into Corrupt Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo’s $11 Million No-Bid ‘Vaccine Outreach’ Contract

>>19891536 Australia: NSW Health encourages mask-wearing as COVID-19 cases rise

>>19891542 GREATEST STREET IN AMERICA!!! - Donald Trump Way in Hialeah

>>19891578 The Little Things…Fuck Joe Biden

>>19891591 Jill Stein announces for the Green Party

>>19891840, >>19891904, >>19892066, >>19892255, >>19892258, >>19892259 it is not a good precedent to have titles in another language - BO&JAPANon - [Watch the Air]

>>19891887 Breaking News?: Frank Borman, the commander of NASA’s Apollo 8, died at 95. The 1968 mission carried the first men to ever orbit the moon.

>>19891940 Q post #556 "The 'CURE' will spread WW." >>19892008 #3724 #763 >>19892178

>>19892006 Filmmaker Dinesh D'Souza (2000 Mules, 2016:Obama's America) stops by to discuss his new film Police State with Roseanne and Jake.

>>19892017 Steve Bannon Tries to Weasel His Way Out of Impending Imprisonment

>>19892019 Bannon appeals contempt conviction, saying he was following attorney’s advice

>>19892184, >>19892205, >>19892239 About NSO group? and IDF? Flynn? Past News


>>19892220 Vox founder miraculously survives shot in head from point-blank range in Madrid

>>19892257 Missile Strike Details Emerge as Ukraine Says Bulkers Are Still Sailing

>>19892260 Cyprus Wins Support for Gaza Maritime Aid Plan

>>19892234, >>19892241, >>19892264, >>19892274 AnonDig - hunter becomes the hunted This one matches almost identically.?

>>19892280, >>19892287, >>19892306 Bible related- Q post #2751 #3707 #4739

>>19892351 #24224


#24423 >>19890707

>>19890753 More US tax dollars going overseas, $125M Loan for Elefsina Shipyard Upgrades in Greece; ~$500M to Sri Lanka

>>19890789 Helmetta man still on run a day after officers tried to serve warrant for Jan. 6 role

>>19890815, >>19890903, >>19890934, >>19890976, >>19891047, >>19891202 Interview with President Donald Trump on Univision

>>19890847, >>19890857, >>19890872, >>19890881 planefags planefagging: NE Patriots owner; Pasaca Capital Inc.

>>19890849 Pro-Palestinian protestors vandalize White House gate, damage property

>>19890924 JP PM Kishida to hold meeting with Xi Jinping @ Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation summit possibly on Nov. 16 (Jiji Press)

>>19891017 Stamford Man Uses Grocery Store Bonus Card As Voter ID

>>19890767 Strike Threat Looms Over US East and Gulf Coast Ports in 2024

>>19890911, >>19890918 US Election Tampering from Italy did happen, switching votes from Trump to Biden.

>>19891102 meme debate kek via @realDonaldTrump

>>19891239 Chinese Marijuana Grow Operations In Maine

>>19891272 Pentagon Deputy Spokesperson Sabrina Singh RE: the air strike the US took against the IRGC in Eastern Syria

>>19891435 #24423


Previously Collected

>>19890515 #24421, >>19890656 #24422

>>19888257 #24419, >>19889026 #24420, >>19890244 #24421

>>19885804 #24416, >>19886611 #24417, >>19886656 #24418

>>19885552 #24414, >>19885036 #24415-A, >>19885047 #24415-B

>>19883280 #24412-A, >>19883285 #24412-B, >>19883486 #24413

>>19880228 #24409, >>19881272 #24410, >>19881928 #24411


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