Anonymous ID: 641808 Q Research General #24783: Fuck Around Find Out Edition Jan. 6, 2024, 2:37 p.m. No.20196447   🗄️.is 🔗kun

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Anonymous ID: 641808 Jan. 6, 2024, 2:38 p.m. No.20196449   🗄️.is 🔗kun

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Anonymous ID: 641808 Jan. 6, 2024, 2:38 p.m. No.20196452   🗄️.is 🔗kun



#24782 >>20195594

>>20195637 Trump to Deliver Remarks at Iowa Caucus Rallies in Newton and Clinton - 1/6/24

>>20195655, >>20195658, >>20195677, >>20195681, >>20195710 Did we ever figure out what Jack Smith's real name is?

>>20195659 Michelle Obama’s ex-boyfriend David Upchurch has come forward to reveal that “she” is actually a man named Michael Robinson

>>20195663, >>20195671 Now Hillary Clinton is named in Epstein papers, bankrolled Ghislaine Maxwell through her and Bill's foundations

>>20195667 Elon: Until the Supreme Court struck down Biden’s vaccination decree, he tried to demand that we fire all unvaccinated personnel

>>20195707, >>20195846, >>20195886, >>20195900, >>20195937 Tom Fitton Walks Through Bombshell Wrongful Death Lawsuit For Ashley Babbitt

>>20195722 Israeli war cabinet cracks at the seams over possible 7 October probe

>>20195735 Correlations Maximus Autisticus

>>20195766 David Icke opines: It’s not a ‘Democrat pedo cult’ – it’s a Global pedo cult including all ‘sides’

>>20195791 Thousands Protest Across Israel Calling for Elections and Netanyahu's Dismissal

>>20195887 Cancer Sales Data for 2023

>>20195726 Wireless Monitoring Device (WMD)

>>20195914, >>20196063 (con't) Burisma lawyer finally registers as a foreign agent in the US

>>20195921 Preventing a Disrupted Presidential Election and Transition

>>20195969, >>20196022, >>20196412 Trump threw his pen to someone in the audience | Qpost #481 delta w/ Pen

>>20195979 Live Huntington Beach Ca: J6 Rally

>>20195991 More Far-Left Activists Team Up to Keep Trump Off the Ballot - This Time in Illinois

>>20196056 The federal government has outsourced the processing and care of refugees admitted to the US to a myriad of tax-exempt non-profits

>>20196059, >>20196085 Wexner, Bronfman and founding of MEGA

>>20196072 This is the voice of Maria Farmer, the first victim of Jeffrey Epstein to come forward

>>20196121 Iranian Illegal Immigrant and Former Islamist Warns Ben Bergquam of Islamic Terrorism Coming Across the Southern Border

>>20196150 Here’s a Long List of the Biden Administration’s Scandalous Cover-Ups

>>20196197, >>20196221, >>20196246, >>20196234 Why Did Epstein Need to Blackmail Stephen Hawking?

>>20196209 JEEP (The Joint Emergency Evacuation Plan)

>>20196236 National Command Authority

>>20196252 Winning: St. Louis Abruptly Rescinds Mask Mandate 24 Hours After Issuance

>>20196327 Michigan GOP Chair removed from power after @LauraLoomer exposed her working for an org that helps Democrats get elected

>>20196334 President Trump hints that he walked away after the stolen 2020 election to avoid a civil war

>>20196348 Top Nikki Haley, E Jean Carroll, & Fusion GPS Backer Was Epstein Island Visitor

>>20196440 #24782

Anonymous ID: 641808 Jan. 6, 2024, 2:38 p.m. No.20196453   🗄️.is 🔗kun

#24781 >>20194854

>>20194860 Jan 6 Commit to Caucus Rally Events w/ President Trump

>>20194870, >>20194904 Wisconsin Brewery Owner Files Lawsuit to Try and Keep Trump Off State’s Ballots

>>20194875 Shocking spike in cancer drug sales, across all cancers but most notably Brain cancer

>>20194883 DJT on J6: "Peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard"

>>20194890, >>20194912, >>20195014 Haley / Biden are Israel First

>>20194935, >>20194951, >>20194998 Biden: "Are there people in the Republican party who think we're sucking the blood out of kids?"

>>20194953, >>20195109, >>20195137, >>20195133 Project Jeep (JEffrey EPstein)

>>20194988 Culturally Responsive Teaching is the new CRT

>>20195086 Lockdown Lover Rep. Ruben Gallego Told A Marine To 'Shut The Fuck Up' And Get the Vaccine

>>20195118 Lara Logan: On the anniversary of a major cover up and lies (Benghazi), you may be interested in remembering this

>>20195146 @MCoEFortMoore: Ready? Line up. #DYK there's a nearly 200-page publication dedicated to urban operations training?

>>20195157, >>20195361 Study Finds Paxlovid Treatment Does Not Reduce Risk of Long COVID

>>20195168 Researchers identify why cancer immunotherapy can cause Colitis

>>20195222, >>20195267 FAA Grounds Boeing 737 Max 9 Jets After Exit Door Incident

>>20195223 The Simpson's Matt Groening's 'crusty' feet nearly made Epstein sex slave 'throw up'

>>20195228 Epstein Files: Sarah Kellen Mentioned as Scheduling Girls’ Massages, Instructing and Teaching Them to Please

>>20195283 Israeli Cabinet Meeting Erupts In Anger Over Plan For Army To Probe Oct. 7 Mistakes

>>20195285 (Old but related) Cell phone video of DC officer on J6 saying “we go undercover as Antifa in the crowd”

>>20195348, >>20195365 Fake Intellectuals Working For Think Tanks Funded By the Arms Industry Are Driving Support For Endless War

>>20195400, >>20195401, >>20195413, >>20195415, >>20195417 Gorenberg / / MIT

>>20195432, >>20195467 Ellen Degeneres (Degenerate) & The Islanders

>>20195442 ICYMI: Leaked Media Matters Donor List Reveal It Is Funded By Democrat Mega Donors

>>20195456 (PDF) US Government Counterinsurgency Guide

>>20195501 Norman Finkelstein: Israel’s Genocide Defenders ‘Live in Jewish Supremacist Bubble”

>>20195534 Bret Weinstein Exposes the World Health Organization’s Dark Agenda

>>20195550 Tucker Carlson Ep. 61: This the smartest, best informed account of what actually happened on January 6th

>>20195552 Burisma lawyer finally registers as a foreign agent in the US

>>20195568 Mike Lindell gives his input on Nov 3, 2020 and J6, 2021

>>20195576 #24781

Anonymous ID: 641808 Jan. 6, 2024, 2:38 p.m. No.20196454   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6956

#24780 >>20194051

>>20194062, >>20194114 Kiss The March Rate Cut Goodbye! December Jobs Soar By 216k (But Full-time Jobs Plunge By 1.5 Million)

>>20194066 Truth-Loose and Policy-Free: Biden’s Valley Forge Speech and His Campaign Plan.

>>20194085 Nice save, Jill! First lady rushed to embrace zoned-out Biden, 81, after he finished speech

>>20194097, >>20194190 Tucker Carlson and Bret Weinstein Discuss Big Pharma and the World Health Organization’s agenda

>>20194110 USMC and the 31stMeu conduct fast roping exercise @ Camp Hansen

>>20194115 USMC - Command of the Cyber National Mission Force relinquished to Maj. Gen. Lorna Mahlock

>>20194126 @ShadowofEzra: Archbishop Vigano exposes Pizzagate - names Hillary Clinton, John Podesta and Slade Sohmer(recently arrested for CP)

>>20194135 Speaker Johnson Invites President Biden to Deliver State of the Union Address on March 7

>>20194123 @Dept.of Defense: USCG cutter Alex Haley towing disabled fishing vessel through treacherous Bering Sea

>>20194194 Op/Ed: A Case of Manifest Injustice in United States v. Ronald 'Colt' McAbee, J6 Defendant

>>20194200 Top White House budget official warns of ‘dire’ situation on Ukraine aid

>>20194206 Top Nikki Haley, E Jean Carroll, & Fusion GPS Backer Was Epstein Island Visitor - Reid Hoffman

>>20194246 Iranian National illegal Discusses USA Biden v. Trump and Islam

>>20194515 How Obama Pulls Biden's Strings - American Thinker

>>20194821 #24780


Previously Collected

>>20192494 #24777-A, >>20193155 #24778, >>20194026 #24779

>>20190728 #24775, >>20191527 #24776, >>20192968 #24777-B

>>20188299 #24772, >>20189082 #24773, >>20189819 #24774

>>20185801 #24769, >>20186529 #24770, >>20187411 #24771

>>20183402 #24766, >>20184201 #24767, >>20185011 #24768


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