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>>209523 "APACHE" Edition
>>206230 "Bring Them To Heel" Edition
>>178585 "The American Empires and it's Media" Graphic
>>171890 QMap 'God Be With You Edition'
>>159459 Treacherous Kerry Edition. Previous >>146836 @Snowden Edition.
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>>86977 , >>86798 , >>86900 , >>87061 , >>92692
SpreadSheetAnon and MasterArchivist have vouched for RawTxtAnon. His work is accurate and trusted. If any anon finds inaccuracies in the Raw Text Q Dump, please post a list of them, with any verified resource for correction.
Calendar of notable events:
Current Tasks
>>82238 Is this P? Crumb it.
>>32223 Qchess Game with Julian
>>7253 Irrefutable Evidence (9/11 Research)
>>5125 The Lie The Vatican Told
>>4520 Australia Connections
>>4375 How to Read the Map
>>2658 Stringer General
>>1261 Focus on Loop Capital
>>618 Find The Markers
>>5899 Follow the Wives
>>4822 Foundations
>>2956 Sealed Indictments
Resources Library
>>4352 A running compilation of Q-maps, graphics, research, and other tools and information
>>4274 General archives
>>417 Image archive by topic (updated)
>>4356 Tools and Information
>>4852 Free research resources
>>4362 Planefag tools
>>4369 Research threads
>>4794 Redpills
>>3152 Redpill scripts
>>3301 General bread feedback
>>16785 Prayer
Recent/Notable Posts
>>212771 & >>212804 Missing Apache Helo's
>>212573 The Q Build-up
>>212491 "Suicide" related to CP (Mark Salling)
>>212453 Rules of SOTU
>>209829 Notable deleted posts from shill attack within Archived Bread 255 link
>>208645 5 USC 7324 [7][3][2][4] Reason for McCabe 'removal' violating the Hatch Act
>>208284 APACHE Moves/Countermoves Theory
>>208235 [US][risk][th][i][s][W][e][e][k] same day as original FREEDOM.png pic >>208314
>>208512 FF vs Real Flag
>>207771 Lindsey Graham 1 of 22?
>>207770 JC Tweet , Q Transliteration
>>206618 New FBI Deputy Director named
>>206011 CEO of DNC bye , bye
>>204336 House Intelligence Committee Votes to #ReleaseTheMemo
>>201694 McCabe [#2] Removed from FBI
>>198562 , >>198564 , >>198567 , >>198570 , >>198699 Know THY ENEMY - Monday Night Event #PeoplesSOTU
>>198742 Julia Walsh, Campaign Director for "We Stand United," the lead organizing group of the "People’s State of the Union"
>>198651 NEW Searchable Memes with collection for SOTU OP:
>>198920 'Scandalous', staring The Clintons. Lots of things to dig
>>195158 Sealed Indictments up to 13,605 as of 26 Jan 2018
>>193119 The word "GAME" is very important to Q.
>>193427 Kabul bombings theory
>>191201 & >>191199 Eight Traits of the Disinformationalist
>>189505 Black Forest and the Illuminati/Secret Societies
>>188888 Top Get 'For The Win'
>>188956 Trump's Genius: Bonuses to Employees?
>>188764 Heart Tweet
>>188611 & >>188823 , >>188826 , >>188843 , >>188890 Is LdR 'Black Forest'?
>>187334 DON'T MISS THIS
>>187327 Ameritech: Needs digging
>>187250 & 187341 Hotel GITMO
>>184145 Possible DUMB reference
>>183411 Possible 1649 explanation
>>181210 "[Suicided] whistleblowers" Graphic
>>179512 & >>180235 Malware theory
>>180334 Transcribed "This video will get Trump elected" speech
>>179801 & >>179652 CFR JB Connection
>>178360 "Big picture" Theory
>>176992 '19' Connections & >>177170 , >>177287
>>172040 '60/40' Theory
>>176991 'Read slowly and carefully' Theory
>>176552 'Strings Being Cut' Theory
>>173887 , >>173889 Article: The President can impose MI take over investigations for the 3 letter agencies
>>177586 Relevant executive portions regarding Citizen Detention
>>169315 Notable Resignation List
>>189512 , >>174458 , >>144094 , >>136421 , >>118435 , >>9019 -- Notable Posts From Previous Bread(s)
>>144077 Q Post Findings & Theories Consolidation
>>42847 1/13/18 Events
>>4142 Daily News Thread