Anonymous ID: 0f65d7 Q Research General #409: White rook takes black knight Edition Feb. 10, 2018, 7:46 p.m. No.333002   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3026 >>3582

We, the People give rise to the Restoration of our Republic


There's 1 Rule on /QResearch/


(Also, The Golden Rule)


Best Of Bread

>>311371 A compilation of top posts from prior breads

>>326303 Remember how long, and how carefully, our White Hats have stayed the course

>>330803 The Qmap is the purest source of intel we have ever had. Read it to immunize yourself against BS and RED HERRINGS.

>>331527 Reread crumbs!

>>332331 Qmap Legend


Q's Private Board


Current Tripcode: !UW.yye1fxo


Latest Q Posts

>>326006 Public: FBI/DOJ/O-WH/SD

>>325862 Google / CIA web monitoring investment


>>325580 Mess with the best, die like the rest.

>>325453 Seals are wonderful creatures.

>>325370 You will cease to exist.

>>325300 Thank you Dopey.

>>325284 Clown black op sites. Asia.

>>325272 JFK Con Room.

>>324758 What's going on in Asia?


>>324485 [-]

>>324477 [5]

>>324405 [e]

>>324395 RIP JFK

>>321555 Noi Bai International in Vietnam?

>>320333 Top 10 Player

>>320057 [Next week]

>>319888 Ha ha ha!


>>303612 USSS on high alert

>>303565 Panic in DC

>>301855 EAS tests?

>>300885 how many dead medical researchers?

>>300473 what if cures already exist?

>>300345 list of resignations constant update

>>299702 rt >>299606

>>299568 rt >>299464

>>299392 rt >>299351

>>299350 rt >>299248

>>299272 rt >>299228

>>299164 goodnight! related to >>302692 ? >>310254 ? Intel™? >>312266

>>299050 2 minutes



>>299017 final guest arrives

>>298274 we see you!

>>298134 rt >>298086

>>297951 rt >>297717

>>297686 so much more than you know

>>297553 rt >>297521

>>297530 rt >>297464 see also >>297623 proof of gun from congressional hearing


Older Q posts:

2.6.18 - Tuesday >>326376

2.5.18 - Monday >>314473

2.1.18 - Thursday >>314040

1.31.18 - Wednesday >>314035

1.29.18 - Monday >>285358

1.27.18 - Saturday >>285209

1.26.18 - Friday, >>171600 rt >>171424 Q team cares, >>>/greatawakening/62

1.25.18 - Thursday >>189525

1.24.18 - Wednesday >>189518




>>279968 rt >>279898







>>297355, >>297379 Getty FTP found in exif update >>310818

>>295015 raw source found

>>295561 House of Representitives camera setup

>>293637, >>285632, >>285704, >>285611, >>294259, >>294647

>>284781 Lost & Found Photos of SOTU Phones Thread. POST YOURS HERE PLEASE.

>>294086 Q Task SOTU Photo & Video Updates Consolidation from 2.6.18

>>285721 Videos of SOTU are disappearing. Archive before posting.

>>286850 Video of SOTU

>>286613, >>286746 "[something] Trump, you need to be shot."

>>286633 Getty manipulates photos before posting?

>>286402, >>286411, >>286419, >>286460, >>286487, >>286489

>>286510 Phone Screen Confirmed Shopped. Spread the word.

>>285651 Beatty's Statement on Trump's SOTU Address





Findings: >>289566, >>293165, >>293197, >>293203, >>293215

>>298462 Carl Ghattas connected to Twitter lawsuit

>>293215 Follow the wife: Kim Ghattas and Hillary


Clinton Email investigation timeline >>291986 , >>291104 , >>291986 ,



Memo →

Rebuttal Of Charges Against The Memo →

Rule 13. Correction of Misstatement or Omission; Disclosure of Non-Compliance →

OIG Reports Page →

Grassley Memo →

Anonymous ID: 0f65d7 Feb. 10, 2018, 7:47 p.m. No.333005   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Board Rules


FAQ: >>>/qtip/1


Quick Access Tools

Q Map Graphic

>>330832Q Maps 1&0 (last confirmed by Q)

>>330817Q Maps 3&2

>>330810Q Maps 5&4

>>330797Q MAP Clowns Clowns Clowns Edition


>>330855+++_Soros_P Keystone

>>330839RED_Red Cross


  • QMap zip →

  • Searchable, interactive Q-post archive w/ user-explanations → | alternate:

  • Q archives → | alternate:

  • POTUS-tweet archive →

  • QMap PDF (updated 02.11.18) → https:// | alternate: https://

  • Spreadsheet →

  • Raw Q Text Dump →

  • Expanded Q Text Drops →

  • Calendar of notable events → TICK TOCK >>222880>>324893 → Vintage Q Maps 5&…


Focus Reminders / Tasks & Tasks Updates

>>314348 Justice Antonin Scalia task complete ← Someone find a place to archive please.

>>222299 Tasks Not Yet Completed - To Work On 1.31.18

>>222501 Ongoing Tasks List Consolidation


Current Hashtags









Using The Ice Cream Method For Tweets

Ice cream method?? See here: >>212383

->Use Q/POTUS/trending #'s in your ice cream!<-


Resources Library

>>4352 A running compilation of Q-maps, graphics, research, and other tools and information

>>4274 General archives

>>4356 Tools and Information

>>4852 Free research resources

>>4362 Planefag tools

>>4369 Research threads

>>3152 Redpill scripts

>>3301 General bread feedback

>>16785 Prayer

>>257792 Letters of Gratitude

>>247769 Memes12

>>169315 Notable Resignations Thread

>>93735 Side-by-Side Graphics



MemeFags Please Read This

>>272467 Get the Most From Your Post


New Bakers Please Read This



Recent/Notable Posts

>>332914 JFK Speech.jpeg

>>332882 Deep Dream - How the Clowns keep their eye on you

>>332810 SIGNATURE movie discriptions + general themes

>>332553 In-Q-Tel Teresa Shea

>>332649 Bangkok russian hacker arrest

>>332585 Pristap flipped

>>332516 GlobalLeaks was made by HERMES Center for Transparency and Digital human Rights

>>332523 Chessfag E5 White rook takes black knight, JA tweets about chess >>332713

>>332522 #3 at DOJ stepping down

>>332483 Games RFUN - Annual Treat Intelligence Conference

>>332077, >>332058 Department of Health, vaccines, and unalienable rights

>>331709 5 were removed or subtracted from society or secret societies.

>>330465 Trump's past use of Clowns takes on a whole new meaning..

>>328082 Missing "E" on Secret Socities Qpost

>>326512 Most Plausible POEC explanation

>>323792 BO asks BV not to delete AeiAnon and Owl's posts. All rel. bans lifted

>>323793 Light on Q's crumb on unauthorized people in the Capitol Hill SCIF

>>322457 Noi Bai International in Vietnam confirmed?

>>322178, >>322222 White House IP?

>>322197 QPic: Shanghai Pudong Airport a possible location

>>322346 Q's 3 Consecutive Trips. The Kek is STRONG

>>321497 IP, Dallas, ClintonEmail & Softlayer Tech

>>321141 Run David Run

>>321086, >>321304 Top 10 IP Address

>>320603, >>321921 Hannity's Top 10 List

>>318834 Strzok and Page Reference Bleach Bit

>>251011 HRC private server supporting evidence

>>314844 Follow the money

>>312836 Shanghai Meeting??

>>312794 A Golden TWAT

>>312483 P = Pharma?!?! Beautiful graphic

>>312411 Deepwater Horizon clues

>>312655 Can we arrest Warner???

>>309196 Trump administration and beyond (Source:

>>303420 Pfizer circle of hell

>>303045 Q drops on medical situation

>>303256 fly SID fly

>>295336, >>297455 Learn To Play The Game With Q

>>302110 Shanghai connection

>>301129 The Pharma Racket

>>300147 Stabbings in Corpus Christi

>>300124 Prediction - FISA>Nunes>Grassley>Mueller>Sessions


Previous Notable Posts

>>321147, >>286207, >>276417, >>247024, >>245078, >>220292, >>189512

>>174458, >>136421, >>9019

Anonymous ID: 0f65d7 Feb. 10, 2018, 8:08 p.m. No.333130   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3149 >>3179 >>3187 >>3224 >>3265 >>3330 >>3802


ANONYMOUS= WE DO NOT FORGIVE, WE DO NOT FORGET, EXPECT US. Information is free….no user names, a collective of brilliance

HIVE MIND= ANONYMOUS, where all ideas belong to everyone, no ego, no attachment, all ideas go into the same pot, good ideas are kept and reworked, bad ideas are mocked and tossed out.

STAND ALONE COMPLEX=when a collection of similar but unrelated behavior of unrelated INDIVIDUALS (see ABOVE) creates a collective concerted effort towards a specific outcome

AUTISTS=brilliant minds of the interwebz, may or may not actually be autistic.

NYPA= NOT YOUR PERSONAL ARMY…asking ANON to do something assures it will not be done.

LURK MOAR=stop posting, start reading, most are advised to lurk at least 2 years before posting in order to learn the culture.

TITS OR GTFO= there are no girls on the Internet (hence fun boobies / baking / bread and girl pics) IF you admit or claim to being a female, expect to be told TITS or GTFO.

STFU=shut the fuck up

BTFO=back/ed the fuck off alternatively BLOWN the FUCK OUT

COMFY=hunker down with anything that makes you feel cozy and get to work–usually a snuggie, warm drink (perhaps a Covfefe) and a laptop.

REDDIT SPACING= when posting on chans you use two newlines instead of one, that is sure to get you told that …(see this post)

YOU HAVE TO GO BACK=to reddit or FB

as you have just outed yourself as a

NEWFAG=person who posts without lurking MOAR

NAMEFAG=person who posts name, user name handle we are ANONYMOUS namefags

BFTO…never post shit from

NAMEFAGS, alternatively=people who try to make a name for themselves by reading chans and making stupid ass analysis videos and seek…

SHEKELS=(jewgold) for doing so.

DOX=don't expose yourself by inserting your email in the post reply box. We can see it…you will suffer. Alternatively, never ever harm a cat on the internet, you can and will be DOXXED eagerly and willingly, there is literally no where you can hide.

SAM HYDE=whatever it was, HE DID IT

FAG=goes at the end of all words identifying you…photofag, writefag, newfag…you get the point…words have power, take away the insult

NIGGER= liar / trashy people

NIGNOG=stupid people



ROASTIES=women who sleep around



BURGERS= Americans

SENPAI=notice me wise one


MEMEFAGS=posters who use meme flags instead of country flags

PIZZA=favorite troll for doxed people…order them pizza.

SAUCE= intel / source / link

HALFCHAN=4chan (see rulz of the Internet)

INFINITYCHAN=8chan (see rulz of the Internet)

GUISE= guys

CAEK IS A LIE= the cake is a lie…it's a damn fucking lie just never believe in caek

LIEK= like

LARP=live action role play (usually involves lots of calls for sauce and pic

PIC RELATED= short post where pic explains all

PEPE=a alt-right nazi symbol of the hive mind :D (kek)

KEK= the dark overlord of the hoard of evil alt-right PEPEs also LOL

TOP KEK=really LOL

SO LET IT BE WRITTEN SO LET IT BE DONE= (kill the firstborn of the pharoh's son), alternatively GET IT DONE

HURR DURR= asshole

HERP DERP=when YOU have fucked up or done something stupid.

PRO TIP if you're delicate you don't belong here, if you filter, you're a filterfag..we don't do feee fees here this is not your safe space.

ANYONE want to add moar? OR ask questions about any I missed.