Recent Notable Posts
Batch 818 Notables
>>661078 This is How to Play
Batch 817 Notables
>>660840 - Iran is next: Tehran ready to resolve differences with Saudi Arabia
>>660485 - Marina Abramovic, Lady Gaga, Robert Wilson
>>660391 - Titanic dig
>>660143 - Deep State shadow government revealed - SES (Senior Executive Service)
>>660139 - Defense Agency To Begin Moving Classified Data to Amazon's Secret Cloud After Protest
>>660118 - United States Space Corps - Sixth branch of US Armed Forces?
Batch 816 Notables
>>659999 & >>660032 - Vid of Pompeo questioning HRC
>>659872 & >>659890 - LOOP Capital dig
>>659644 - Missing CDC employee / possible similarities between former CDC exec charged for child molestation
>>659613 - Prince Bandar bin Khalid bin Abdulaziz Al Saud is dead
>>659392 non-citizens "accidentally" registered to vote in PA?
>>659380 - SPECTRE aircraft tracking
>>659363 - Bill Gates plane lands in DC
Batch 815 Notables
>>658983 - Adm Rogers replacement
>>658628 - Adm. Rogers / FISA timeline
>>658638 - U.S. gov't stops Canyon Bridge Capital Partners acquisition of Lattice Semiconductors / 5G implications
>>658673 - AUS gov't gives pedophile $500k to fight 75 charges
>>658675 - RED OCTOBER / FEMA emergency operations vehicle
>>658776 - Apache Software Foundation links to Swartz, Secure Drop, Barlow, Snowden
>>658841 - Planefag reporting USAF SPECTRE ops
>>658852 - List of retiring / resigning Republicans
>>658933 - Stephen Hawkins is dead
>>659009 - Resignations list
>>659129 - C_A twat about a BRIDGE and HK
>>659141 - U1 related - Transport Logistics International Inc. Agrees - $2 Million Penalty to Resolve Foreign Bribery Case
>>659161 - He who shall not be named angry over POTUS choosing Gina Haspel
>>659290 & >>659293 - BHO brother-in-law / LOOP Capital link
Batch 814 >>662481, Batch 813 >>660324, Batch 812 >>660326, Batch 811 >>661000, Batch 796-810 >>660835
Best Of Bread >>311157
Archive of Notables >>>/comms/225
Executive Orders
>>538293 Assets Siezed by EO
>>543443 EO Annex 1 and 2
Recent Executive Order