Anonymous ID: f69c1d Q Research General #9523: Sunlight is the best Disinfectant Edition Dec. 7, 2019, 4:39 a.m. No.7445870   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

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Friday 12.6.2019

>>>/projectdcomms/95 β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€” How many shootings [D][1-6] (Cap: >>7442151 )

>>>/projectdcomms/94 β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€” PAIN (Cap: >>7442145, >>7441450 )

>>>/projectdcomms/93 β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€” "This is not simply another four-year election." (Cap: >>7442142, >>7441421 )

>>>/projectdcomms/92 β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€” go unpunished? (enjoy the show) (Cap: >>7442138, >>7441410 )

>>>/projectdcomms/91 β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€” Panic in DC, Thinking Timing (Cap: >>7441181, >>7441183 )


Tuesday 12.3.2019

>>>/projectdcomms/90 β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€” Law Abiding Citizen - "Its Gonna Be Biblical" (Cap: >>7422492, >>7422498 )

>>>/projectdcomms/89 β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€” Newsom and Pelosi Happy Holidays Meme (Cap: >>7421996)

>>>/projectdcomms/88 β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€” The Con ( Cap: >>7419841, >>7419930, >>7419941 )


Monday 12.2.2019

>>7414768 ————————————–——– Anons, why would we provide the date of the FISA release?

>>7414599 ————————————–——– Be ready, Anons. Public awakening coming.

>>>/projectdcomms/26 β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€” People awake = greatest fear (Cap: >>7413389 )

>>>/projectdcomms/25 β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€” Q#309 Justice (Cap: >>7412598 )

>>>/projectdcomms/24 β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€” /trip_confirmed2/ (Cap: >>7412402 )

>>>/projectdcomms/23 β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€” /relay_1-99/ ( Cap: >>7412129 )

>>>/projectdcomms/22 β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€” /trip_IDEN_delta[-1]/ (Cap: >>7412265 )

>>>/projectdcomms/21 β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€” /trip_config/ ( Cap: >>7412056 )

>>>/projectdcomms/20 β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€” Treason, Sedition and Subversive Activities ( Cap: >>7412032 )

>>>/projectdcomms/18 β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€” /start/ ( Cap: >>7411972, >>7412011 )


Monday 11.25.2019

>>7372396 ————————————–——– Who controls the media? (Cap: >>7372503 vid)

>>7371992 ————————————–——– Sometimes a good 'movie' can provide a lot of truth and/or background.

>>7371947 ————————————–——– [D]'s (internal) issue(s) w/ protecting NAT SEC?

>>7370465 ————————————–——– AFIA AIA DIA ESC ITAC NOIC NPIC NSA SRD (less than 10)

>>7370403 ————————————–——– Fake News Infograph + William J. Casey and Jim Taylor's thoughts on Media Warfare

>>7370323 ————————————–——– We stand UNITED! WWG1WGA!!! _NATSEC_p_upload_2.v1

>>7370291 ————————————–——– We stand UNITED. WWG1WGA!!! _NATSEC_p_upload_1.v1

>>7370269 ————————————–——– New board created [pending approval /CM/]; /projectDcomms/

>>7370121 ————————————–——– You are the news now. ( Cap: >>7370153, >>7370171 )


Sunday 11.24.2019

>>7366783 ————————————–——– Future trip(c) re_verify ( Cap: >>7366919 )

>>7366745 ————————————–——– Targeted and silenced (gag) for a reason? ( Cap: >>7366769, >>7366859, >>7366919 )

>>7364826 ————————————–——– [HUNTER]s become the hunted. (Cap: >>7364836 )


Previous Recent Q Posts

>>7373287, >>7373243, >>7359752, >>7370613, >>7405388, >>7422075


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New?: use logic and reason when evaluating posts, look beyond the content of the post(s) and evaluate intent.

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown!

Anonymous ID: f69c1d Dec. 7, 2019, 4:40 a.m. No.7445871   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

Global Announcements

>>7367204 Reminder, if you're having troubles posting fill out the captcha (see the graphic)

>>7368296, >>7368357 BO on Q's tripcode, whitelist, how it works!

>>7370399 New Q-Board:

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>>7445155 Yesterday's DoD Cyber Command tweet - election fraud caught? Anon theory

>>7445403 Indian Bank implicated in scam - at least 8 depositors dead in the last couple of months

>>7445425 Anon theory on Q #3654 connecting Schiff to shooting [Ds 1-6]

>>7445666 The USN's newest aircraft carrier, USS John F. Kennedy (CVN 79), will be christened today

>>7445696 Elite Russian spies' Unit 29155 alleged to have used French Alps region as logistical base

>>7445719 Ceremony link for USS Kennedy christening

>>7445773 Yellow Vest Protest Live

>>7445774 WH Advent calendar - Dignity and brotherhood of man which Christmas Day signifies

>>7445791 DoD - cyberspace operations ensure any adversary will be twarted

>>7445812 Preet Bharara commentary re: real reason he's gone and banking quid pro quo

>>7445840 Washington State woman's lawsuit claims Craigslist, major hotel chains implicated in child sex trafficking

>>7445868 #9522



>>7444465, >>7444591, >>7444442 Photos Surface of CNN President Zucker’s Wife at Multiple Parties with Jeffrey Epstein’s Lady Pimp

>>7444448 POTUS tweeted β€œSTOP” multiple times. Coincidence it’s the day before our Q Clock starts 12/7? (Q drop 370)

>>7444658 US Army It's all about the SMOKE SCREENS

>>7444710, >>7444713 resignations in the news 12/5

>>7444735 Vector Group Ltd sold by 10% owner Frost Gamma Investments:$71.87m- Dec 4

>>7444759 SWA1625 on ADS showing at 41k ft (Southwest Air)

>>7444767 Ukraine Was The Origin Of The Trump-Russia Collusion Hoax

>>7444907 Recent posts on QRB re Anthony Comello and his lawyer Robert C. Gottlieb

>>7444911 POTUS has implemented Business Intelligence graphs for all of the spending data

>>7444959, >>7444925 Executive Order 13796, April 29, 2017, Trump reviewing quid pro quo (and others) trade agreements (2017)

>>7445097 #9521



>>7443638 DISGRACEFUL! Pope Francis Compares US President Trump to King Herod Who Slaughtered Baby Boys During the Time of Christ

>>7443652 House GOPers Urge Senate Leaders to Require Campaigning Democrats to Recuse from Impeachment Trial

>>7443684 anon on Pelosi "out for blood…"

>>7443753, >>7443856 anon on Schiff/M. Alshamrani/R.Rojas

>>7443754 "Watch the water"-Tweet from Rhode Island Treasury Department suggests fuckery with water supply

>>7443730 Anon takes cap letters from Q, check out what it spells

>>7443796 @USMC Riders on the Storm

>>7443808 BlackRock, Vanguard (and other big names) apply for mutual fund licenses In China-reports

>>7443842 POTUS Schedule for Saturday, December 7 and Sunday, December 8, 2019

>>7443848, >>7444166, >>7444182 anon on plane departures and bomb threat-45th Space Wing tweet and ADS grabs

>>7443875 50+ officers raid mental health hospital in Georgia after patient found in freezer

>>7444071, >>7444092, >>7444100, >>7444136, >>7444139, >>7444149, >>7444151, >>7444157 new DJT rt's

>>7444133, >>7444173, >>7444229 full DJT tweet storm, to this point at least,

>>7444070, >>7444060, >>7444050 resignations in the news 12/3

>>7444057, >>7444090 Six Saudis Taken Into Custody After Saudi Military Member Shoots Up U.S. Military Base, Reports Say

>>7444159 Saudi shooters twitter manifesto.

>>7444301 #9520


Previously Collected Notables

>>7443424 #9519,

>>7440480 #9515, >>7441240 #9516, >>7442222 #9517, >>7442774 #9518

>>7437408 #9511, >>7438172 #9512, >>7438952 #9513, >>7439721 #9514

>>7434327 #9507, >>7435113 #9508, >>7435893 #9509, >>7436778 #9510

>>7431320 #9503, >>7431991 #9504, >>7432792 #9505, >>7433549 #9506

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Anonymous ID: f69c1d Dec. 7, 2019, 4:40 a.m. No.7445873   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

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Anonymous ID: f69c1d Dec. 7, 2019, 4:40 a.m. No.7445874   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

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Anonymous ID: e283d6 Dec. 7, 2019, 4:53 a.m. No.7445896   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>6273 >>6518 >>6661 >>6674

A few people getting unspecified medical treatments today


Slovak ex-PM Fico left party congress to seek medical treatment: reports


Qaboos of Oman to undergo medical checks in Belgium

Anonymous ID: 0e94b1 Dec. 7, 2019, 4:59 a.m. No.7445917   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>6052 >>6272 >>6273 >>6518 >>6661 >>6674


Diplomat Alexandra Hall Hall has left the UK diplomatic service over Brexit


As UK Brexit Counsellor, Hall Hall was tasked with explaining Britain's approach to leaving the European Union to US lawmakers and policy makers on Capitol Hill and in the White House. She suggested that her diplomatic role – intended to be politically neutral – was co-opted to deliver messages that were "neither fully honest nor politically impartial." Hall Hall said that she had filed a formal complaint about being asked to convey overtly partisan language on Brexit in Washington.

Hall Hall said she was resigning now, rather than after the election, so that her decision could not be portrayed as a reaction to the result. She is expected to leave the embassy next week, and is quitting the diplomatic service completely.


"Each person has to find their own level of comfort with this situation," she wrote in her letter. "Since I have no other element to my job except Brexit, I find my position has become unbearable personally, and untenable professionally."

Anonymous ID: 1d2fdf Dec. 7, 2019, 5:03 a.m. No.7445937   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


The guy (Zelimkhan Khangoshvili) who got wacked on 08.23.2019 in a german park in Berlin by a (Presumably)friend of Putin turns out to be a muslim warcriminal...


worked for georgian and UKRANIAN antiterrorconcils AND US-AGENCIES (This part is only seen in german Wikipeda)



Anonymous ID: 3024d4 Dec. 7, 2019, 5:06 a.m. No.7445943   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

Why wouldn’t the Pope cancel a meeting with a leader implicated in the murder of the Panama Papers journalist? No media allowed and kept low-key.

Anonymous ID: 014da1 Dec. 7, 2019, 5:14 a.m. No.7445961   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>6019 >>6052 >>6273 >>6518 >>6661 >>6674

Pinnacle of American power, there is nothing in the world that can compare 'fire and fury'


The Navy's newest aircraft carrier, the future USS John F. Kennedy (CVN 79), will be christened on Saturday, Dec. 7, 2019, during an 11 a.m. EST ceremony at Newport News, Virginia.


The ceremony can be viewed on the Navy Live blog at

Anonymous ID: cc6b73 Dec. 7, 2019, 5:15 a.m. No.7445963   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>5969 >>5981 >>5987 >>5994 >>5995 >>6000 >>6008 >>6048 >>6052 >>6084 >>6229 >>6332 >>6349 >>6368 >>6467

So Lisa Page in HK doesn’t work for me.

Unless she was wearing a wig.

The part in the hair is significant as well as the β€œbody” and hairstyle.

If you notice pelosi parts her hair on the left and also on the right of her head.

Also women tend to wear colors consistently that they like.

Any pictures of Lisa P in pink?

Now pelosi wears pink consistently although the hair in Q’s pick is darker than I would like for pelosi.

Dont know

Anonymous ID: 68dded Dec. 7, 2019, 5:21 a.m. No.7445971   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>5976 >>5989 >>6030 >>6033 >>6052 >>6081 >>6229 >>6331 >>6498




Ok, you are using the filename 3c521ab456ce856dc229e8261968ae3c2acadab490338ae839311880caffa89c.



this image was posted before on February 14th under filename 16A7F412-8C35-4323-A16E-DC0625C41D0F


which is the filename:




Q reposted that file under it's true filename.

The filename that you see on QMAP or QPub is actually a Wikileaks LINK! For a HRC EMAIL!


Get it?

Anonymous ID: 45d550 Dec. 7, 2019, 5:22 a.m. No.7445975   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>6052 >>6273 >>6518 >>6661 >>6674

The key to success in cyberspace is developing robust partnerships with government agencies, law enforcement, allies and partners, a top military expert said.


With an increasingly crowded cyberspace threat environment, no one command or agency can address the dynamic cyber domain alone, Navy Vice Adm. Ross Myers, deputy commander of U.S. Cyber Command, said Dec. 4 at the Institute for Defense and Government Advancement's Integrated Air and Missile Defense Summit.


"We now live in a world with adversaries that consistently and effectively operate below the level of armed conflict," the admiral said.


Myers said Cybercom's closest partnership is with the National Security Agency, noting that NSA and Cybercom collaborated during the 2018 midterm elections, allowing the command to track, hunt and report on adversarial activities.


"We brought together the best intelligence, the best cyber operators, and the best strategy and plans in cyberspace operations to ensure we could thwart any adversary that was trying to conduct malign influence against our U.S. elections," Myers said.


Building on those successes and experiences will be critical to securing elections in 2020 and beyond, he added.


Cybercom also contributes to partnerships with the financial and energy sectors designed to protect industry from cyberattacks. The command's Pathfinder pilot program between the U.S. government and industry stakeholders deepens understanding of these sectors and strengthens information sharing.


The joint warfighter benefits more directly as well, Myers said. Protecting the Defense Department's information network is a critical mission, he added.


"We're experiencing an explosion of data, and the number of devices connected to the Internet is expected to exceed 30 billion connected devices by 2020," the admiral said.


Cybercom protects the warfighters through cyber teams allocated to the combatant commands, where they defend the Defense Department's vital air and missile systems, among many other missions.


The command is building to an authorized strength of just over 6,000 cyber operators from all of the military services, including the National Guard and reserves. About 1,500 military members, civilian employees and contractors are stationed at Cybercom headquarters at Fort Meade, Maryland.

As for the future, Myers said, cyber capabilities are growing exponentially in both pace and effectiveness of operations.


Although Myers said he couldn't share specific successes, he called the level of Cybercom's achievements with a whole-of-government effort and international partners unprecedented.

Success stories might take decades before they become unclassified, he said, noting that the intelligence activities during World War II's Battle of Midway took many years to come to light.

Anonymous ID: 112df2 Dec. 7, 2019, 5:28 a.m. No.7445984   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

bod-caster was at it again last night.

He goes on the Anti-trump rants.

and he seems to think that he is on to something.

Last night it was that Donald must have . . . because he was in suit in tie at Ground Zero two days after the event.


Anjel: in Lower Manhattan the 'dress' of most pepole is 'suit and tie'.

It's a lot different than it is in the Pheonix or Chandler, AZ so much so that if engineers or others to go to say, Space Data or other AZ businesses with a tie, they get hazed about it.

if you go to board room meetings in Manhattan with out a suit and tie? I have no idea but I assume that it's customary to dress the part if you are an importance manager, like Mr. Trump was in Sept , 2001.


Anjel, you jump to the wildest conclusions with no evidence.

if one person in a group commits a crime you apply it to everyone of that group.


Trump is a good man.

His known flaws were vetted.

He's on the team trying to help people like you, and what do you do, Anjel?

you talk shit about him.


Grow the fuck up, anjel.

Anonymous ID: 68dded Dec. 7, 2019, 5:27 a.m. No.7445985   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>5990



Many more HRC email names via Wikileaks via Feb 14th and 15th images, Anons.


I will have to make a graphic to show you, but it is all there.


Just go back to Feb 14th and 15th images and copy filenames and plug them into Search Engine and see the Wikileaks HrC email addresses pop up!

Anonymous ID: b71993 Dec. 7, 2019, 5:34 a.m. No.7446000   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>6010


>If you notice pelosi parts her hair on the left and also on the right of her head.


Most women, in fact, do NOT do that. Most People have "natural" parts, whether left, right or middle, and have enough sense to work with their "natural" part.

Anonymous ID: cc6b73 Dec. 7, 2019, 5:38 a.m. No.7446010   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>6046


I never said that, look at the pics faggot instead of not reading a post and vomiting estrogen on me.

NP parts her hair in different styles.

I said women tend to wear colors they like consistently.

So unless you are agreeing with me.

Take a midol and read effectively.

Anonymous ID: a54120 Dec. 7, 2019, 5:43 a.m. No.7446030   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>6039 >>6141 >>6173 >>6508


>The filename that you see on QMAP or QPub is actually a Wikileaks LINK!

>Ok? Get it?

You are not only dumb as a rock, but stubborn like that as well and unable to remember or read old breads.

Not a good combination at all….

Some simple experimentation on wikileaks' search function goes over your head a little?


It's been shown that this a an artifact of wikileaks search function taking only a part of the search query and throwing out results according to that.

Go fuck yourself already with this old "muh wikileaks emailses"-slide that has nothing to do with file names of Q's images.

Anonymous ID: 398e5f Dec. 7, 2019, 5:45 a.m. No.7446036   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

last TG I mentioned Q to the fam and was attacked, called names racist cornspired crazy etc


This year was not going to go, but did, AGIN mentioned the mightiness of Q because hey, it's what we do. The response this year….? a simple "I don't know" yessir. Progress. I'll take it.

Anonymous ID: 6b53ca Dec. 7, 2019, 5:46 a.m. No.7446045   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>6098 >>6100 >>6246


I think this Elon pedo slur is related. Now it's okay to call someone a pedo because it's a playground insult. It doesn't mean anything.


That's handy, because a lot of people are about to be called pedo's….(although Jizzy is trying her hardest to stop that).

Anonymous ID: f69c1d Dec. 7, 2019, 5:49 a.m. No.7446052   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>6055


Baker going Ghost

If notes are taken and I'm around, may pop back in.


Notables @100

>>7445891 Harvey Weinstein’s diabetes and spine condition

>>7445898 George Soros Courts OANN

>>7445900 Nancy Pelosi’s β€˜Article II’ Impeachment Rationale Exposed as Hoax

>>7445917 Diplomat Alexandra Hall Hall has left the UK diplomatic service over Brexit

>>7446019, >>7445961 December 7th / New Carrier Cristened

>>7445963, >>7445971 Q HK Pics Diggz

>>7445975 Vice Adm. Ross Myers: cyberspace is developing robust partnerships

Anonymous ID: a54120 Dec. 7, 2019, 5:55 a.m. No.7446065   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>6141 >>6173


>faggot shill fucktard

Great Job and outstanding research as well.

Best argument in the world instead of verifying how wikileaks' search function actually works.


Nominate you for the Excellent Research Gold Star Medal.

And since you're such a moran, they'd better give you two.

Anonymous ID: ebde6a Dec. 7, 2019, 5:56 a.m. No.7446072   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>6083 >>6091 >>6104 >>6273 >>6518 >>6661 >>6674



Moar context

>Donald Franciszek Tusk […] is a Polish politician, who was the president of the European Council from 2014 to 2019.[1] He served as the prime minister of Poland from 2007 to 2014 and was a co-founder and chairman of the Civic Platform (Platforma Obywatelska) political party.[2] On 20 November 2019, Tusk was elected as the president of the European People's Party (EPP), Europe's largest transnational political party.[3]

Anonymous ID: 3c0c12 Dec. 7, 2019, 5:57 a.m. No.7446081   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>6141 >>6173



You're dumb as shit, this was debunked years ago. It actually is the ID number 16 and counting, so the webserver only matches the first numbers in the url.


SO you can any shit random hash from a boomer or (like you) script kiddie dumbass to the url and cry wolf

Anonymous ID: 0e94b1 Dec. 7, 2019, 5:56 a.m. No.7446083   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>6104 >>6273 >>6518 >>6661 >>6674




JΓ³zef Tusk (23 March 1907 – 12 June 1987) was the grandfather of the former Prime Minister of Poland, Donald Tusk. During World War II, He served in the Wehrmacht, which proved to be controversial during the 2005 Polish presidential election.

Anonymous ID: 112df2 Dec. 7, 2019, 6 a.m. No.7446088   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


QRB was an alternative board and existed when the bakers-are-shills phase started.

When it became impossible to be at the Qresearch board, people migrated to QRB

Both boards were started in early 2018 at the same time.

Anonymous ID: 851334 Dec. 7, 2019, 6:02 a.m. No.7446099   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>6114

Art Basel in Florida this weekend . Lookie what I found.

Anonymous ID: 2604f0 Dec. 7, 2019, 6:02 a.m. No.7446101   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


God bless you also-and may the maker of all that is seen and unseen dwell with us and within us as we shine his light on evil - and pray for its binding. We are in a season of celebration (holidays) - please help us remember who Jesus is and what He did for us. He is faithful and true and will gladly comfort and protect us if we seek Him, lay down our sins, pray for our enemies, and ask for his hand on our nation and around the world. I pray this in Jesus' name. Amen

Anonymous ID: 637fe0 Dec. 7, 2019, 6:09 a.m. No.7446113   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>6273 >>6518 >>6661 >>6674


Few recognize that Hawaii WAS NOT A STATE IN THE UNION in 1941. They joined in 1959.


So the military bases which occupied the island were attacked, not the United States. What if it was an effort to get to US off the island nation?


And this is why you don't let those darn foreigners buy land in your country. The foreign landholders managed to overthrow the government.

Anonymous ID: 0cf71e Dec. 7, 2019, 6:13 a.m. No.7446120   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>6338

>>7445291 (PB)

Haven't heard anything about this, however it is good news. Fluorescent and LED light bulbs rely on phosphors instead of black body radiation. Human skin and eyes evolved (or "were created", for the Christians) to absorb wavelengths that are emitted by the sun and by fire. Phosphors are something that sea creatures and nocturnal insects are more adapted to. These alternative lights also have a flicker that a glowing filament does not have since the afterglow of tungsten maintains enough luminosity between electric pulses to provide a continuous illumination. Flicker is very stressful to the eyes and nervous system. Phosphor based lights generally omit the red end of the spectrum and and cause most people with fair complexions to appear grey and bloodless. Full spectrum and natural light has documented health benefits. LEDs are available in better colors than fluorescents, but they are made with rare earth elements, which China has lots of and we do not. China should NOT have a monopoly on our light bulb supply.

Anonymous ID: d8aeb2 Dec. 7, 2019, 6:13 a.m. No.7446121   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>6273 >>6518 >>6661 >>6674

PG&E: California power firm to pay $13.5bn to wildfire victims


San Francisco, Dec 7 (IANS) Californian utility giant Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E) has agreed on a $13.5 billion settlement with victims of wildfires in the state, it was reported on Saturday.


The company’s equipment has been linked to several blazes including the deadliest and most destructive wildfire in state history, 2018’s β€˜Camp Fire’, the BBC reported.


PG&E filed for bankruptcy this year and has already settled with insurers and local authorities.


The agreements should allow the firm to emerge from bankruptcy.


PG&E’s settlement relates to claims over several deadly blazes, including the Camp Fire, Northern California wildfires (2017), Ghost Ship Fire in Oakland (2016) and Butte Fire (2015). The four combined killed more than 150 people and destroyed properties worth millions of dollars.


PG&E President Bill Johnson said since entering the bankruptcy process β€œgetting wildfire victims fairly compensated, especially the individuals, has been our primary goal. β€œWe want to help our customers, our neighbors and our friends in those impacted areas recover and rebuild after these tragic wildfires,” the BBC quoted Johnson as saying on Friday.


This year saw yet more rampant wildfires and the firm sought to prevent them by cutting off power to customers in California.


the last news on this was the payment fund amount would be half cash and half in PG&E equity

Anonymous ID: 112df2 Dec. 7, 2019, 6:16 a.m. No.7446132   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>6170


if someone wanted to take out the ( you ) and then screen cap it, anyone who knows about browsers and how to debug javascript would have no problem doctering posts.

the posts with the you and the ones wtihout it will have the same ID so your idea is flawed that way too.

Anonymous ID: 6f4a5a Dec. 7, 2019, 6:16 a.m. No.7446135   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

@TS_SCI_MAGIC12 posted a reference to Filed McConnell (on point)


When I looked into it he seemed to be using Scripture as a meta language or code is his daily briefings.

For a while I've forgotten about this but wanted to go back and find it.

Seems worth monitoring (The Field Report)

Here is the link and latest video (Strange Case involving Broward Co.)

Anonymous ID: 4c4d91 Dec. 7, 2019, 6:16 a.m. No.7446140   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

"Whoever believes that Jesus is the Christ is born of God…"


What is belief?


If I say I believe in Donald Trump but the pattern of my life is continued support for Nancy, do I truly believe?


If I say I believe in Jesus Christ but the pattern of my life is continual living my own way and not His Way, do I truly believe?


Jesus preached in His first sermon, "Repent…" and the people tried to throw Him off a cliff. Why? Because, the Truth is a "rock of offense" to those who are perishing.


"Why do you call me 'Lord, Lord,' and not do what I tell you?"

Anonymous ID: cc6b73 Dec. 7, 2019, 6:20 a.m. No.7446152   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


No that is not what you did.

I know it’s normal for women to go with their natural part usually tho not always.

I used to watch my exes do their morning ritual at the vanity mirror from my bed while building a teepee in the blankets.

Sometimes they would let me mess their hair all back up again..

Not triggered at all.

Anonymous ID: bc183f Dec. 7, 2019, 6:23 a.m. No.7446160   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


The following is the actual text of a speech delivered in December, 2005 by Comrade Chi Haotian –the Vice-ChairmanofChina’sMilitaryCommisiontotopoficers and generals. Keep in mind that China has for many years advocated deceiptful and covert warfare against its enemies. This is their Modus Operandi. There shouldbelitlequestionthataβ€œBirdFlu”Pandemicwoulddeplyexcitethem. (Don’tforgethowtheyhavepoisonedthousandsofAmericanpetsandknowingly placedleadpaintsontoddler’stoys.)

Anonymous ID: 20a2b9 Dec. 7, 2019, 6:22 a.m. No.7446162   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


>don't apply law to themselves

Another thing that needs changing. Maybe if these faggots had to follow the same rules as everyone else, they wouldn't be so eager to pass stupid bills/laws.

Anonymous ID: 013812 Dec. 7, 2019, 6:25 a.m. No.7446168   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun






Great graphic.

Anonymous ID: 0e94b1 Dec. 7, 2019, 6:25 a.m. No.7446169   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>6174




Today, Haile Selassie is worshipped as God incarnate[167] among some followers of the Rastafari movement (taken from Haile Selassie's pre-imperial name Rasβ€”meaning Head, a title looking equivalent to Dukeβ€”Tafari Makonnen), which emerged in Jamaica during the 1930s under the influence of Leonard Howell, a follower of Marcus Garvey's "African Redemption" movement. He is viewed as the messiah who will lead the peoples of Africa and the African diaspora to freedom.[168] His official titles are Conquering Lion of the Tribe of Judah and King of Kings of Ethiopia and Elect of God, and his traditional lineage is thought to be from Solomon and Sheba.[169] These notions are perceived by Rastafari as confirmation of the return of the messiah in the prophetic Book of Revelation in the New Testament: King of Kings, Lord of Lords, Conquering Lion of the Tribe of Judah, and Root of David. Rastafari faith in the incarnate divinity of Haile Selassie[170] began after news reports of his coronation reached Jamaica,[171] particularly via the two Time magazine articles on the coronation the week before and the week after the event. Haile Selassie's own perspectives permeate the philosophy of the movement.[171][172]


In 1961, the Jamaican government sent a delegation composed of both Rastafari and non-Rastafari leaders to Ethiopia to discuss the matter of repatriation, among other issues, with the emperor. He reportedly told the Rastafari delegation (which included Mortimer Planno), "Tell the Brethren to be not dismayed, I personally will give my assistance in the matter of repatriation."[173]


Haile Selassie visited Jamaica on 21 April 1966, and approximately one hundred thousand Rastafari from all over Jamaica descended on Palisadoes Airport in Kingston,[171] having heard that the man whom they considered to be their messiah was coming to visit them. Spliffs[174] and chalices[175] were openly[176] smoked, causing "a haze of ganja smoke" to drift through the air.[177][178][179] Haile Selassie arrived at the airport but was unable to come down the mobile steps of the airplane, as the crowd rushed the tarmac. He then returned into the plane, disappearing for several more minutes. Finally, Jamaican authorities were obliged to request Ras Mortimer Planno, a well-known Rasta leader, to climb the steps, enter the plane, and negotiate the emperor's descent.[180] Planno re-emerged and announced to the crowd: "The Emperor has instructed me to tell you to be calm. Step back and let the Emperor land".[181] This day is widely held by scholars to be a major turning point for the movement,[182][183][184] and it is still commemorated by Rastafari as Grounation Day, the anniversary of which is celebrated as the second holiest holiday after 2 November, the emperor's Coronation Day.


From then on, as a result of Planno's actions, the Jamaican authorities were asked to ensure that Rastafari representatives were present at all state functions attended by the emperor,[183][184] and Rastafari elders also ensured that they obtained a private audience with the emperor,[183] where he reportedly told them that they should not emigrate to Ethiopia until they had first liberated the people of Jamaica. This dictum came to be known as "liberation before repatriation".


Haile Selassie defied expectations of the Jamaican authorities[185] and never rebuked the Rastafari for their belief in him as the returned Jesus. Instead, he presented the movement's faithful elders with gold medallionsβ€”the only recipients of such an honor on this visit.[186][187] During PNP leader (later Jamaican Prime Minister) Michael Manley's visit to Ethiopia in October 1969, the emperor allegedly still recalled his 1966 reception with amazement, and stated that he felt that he had to be respectful of their beliefs.[188] This was the visit when Manley received the Rod of Correction or Rod of Joshua as a present from the emperor, which is thought to have helped him to win the 1972 election in Jamaica.

Anonymous ID: cc6b73 Dec. 7, 2019, 6:26 a.m. No.7446170   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


Welp there is already a case of them doing exactly that very thing.

Somebody here will have a screen cap.

Not all glowniggers are super secret agent techfags.

Especially older ones or just cops.

Anonymous ID: 28db11 Dec. 7, 2019, 6:27 a.m. No.7446178   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>6186 >>6215 >>6224

Anon challenge:


Morning fags.


A fun thing to try at home is doing several days searching the web for β€˜homemade explosives’,’ DIY bomb making’ and similar.


Then, see if your life changes in any way. Keep track and stay frosty!

Anonymous ID: da673d Dec. 7, 2019, 6:29 a.m. No.7446180   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>6191



So the notables do not link back to the original post like they used to. I assume it’s a known problem, but pretty please fix, I love me some notables. We are the news now. Wwg1wga. Love to all the fags.

Anonymous ID: 29ae94 Dec. 7, 2019, 6:29 a.m. No.7446181   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


>Admit it

I'll admit it's in the Top 10 of songs I'm ashamed to admit to liking

The bridge part is the best section of an overall melodic pop masterpiece:


Let it lift you off the ground

Starry skies and love is all around us

I can take you where you want to go

Anonymous ID: 0e94b1 Dec. 7, 2019, 6:32 a.m. No.7446190   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>6213 >>6322


The syncretic modern representation of this lwa is commonly associated to the Black Madonna of CzΔ™stochowa, the patron saint of Poland. The original association of Ezili Dantor with this catholic icon is hypothesised to be from copies of the icon brought to Haiti by Polish soldiers sent by order of Napoleon Bonaparte, to subdue the then still ongoing Haitian Revolution. It is accounted that the Polish legion decreased significantly in numbers in contrast with the insurrected slaves, forcing the remaining captive soldiers to switch band to the side of the slaves. As a consequence of this action, during Jean-Jacques Dessalines's massacre, which took place short after the Haitian victory in 1804; the Poles where left alive and granted citizenship for the newly founded Republic of Haiti. The descendants of these soldiers are still living in the island, specifically in the locality of Cazale.

Anonymous ID: 112df2 Dec. 7, 2019, 6:32 a.m. No.7446191   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


I had no problems with notables when I got here this morning, and they linked back fine.

Images, which may be are on a different server, are so laggy that if they do show up I've already scrolled past them.

Anonymous ID: 7de9c7 Dec. 7, 2019, 6:34 a.m. No.7446203   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>6228

>They shall make an ark of acacia wood," God commanded Moses in the Book of Exodus, after delivering the Israelites from slavery in Egypt. And so the Israelites built an ark, or chest, gilding it inside and out. And into this chest Moses placed stone tablets inscribed with the Ten Commandments, as given to him on Mount Sinai….


>The story is told in the Kebra Negast (Glory of the Kings), Ethiopia's chronicle of its royal line: the Queen of Sheba, one of its first rulers, traveled to Jerusalem to partake of King Solomon's wisdom; on her way home, she bore Solomon's son, Menelik. Later Menelik went to visit his father, and on his return journey was accompanied by the firstborn sons of some Israelite noblesβ€”who, unbeknown to Menelik, stole the ark and carried it with them to Ethiopia. When Menelik learned of the theft, he reasoned that since the ark's frightful powers hadn't destroyed his retinue, it must be God's will that it remain with him.


>Many historiansβ€”including Richard Pankhurst, a British-born scholar who has lived in Ethiopia for almost 50 yearsβ€”date the Kebra Negast manuscript to the 14th century A.D. It was written, they say, to validate the claim by Menelik's descendants that their right to rule was God-given, based on an unbroken succession from Solomon and the Queen of Sheba. But the Ethiopian faithful say the chronicles were copied from a fourth-century Coptic manuscript that was, in turn, based on a far earlier account. This lineage remained so important to them that it was written into Selassie's two imperial constitutions, in 1931 and 1955.



Anonymous ID: 2b08e8 Dec. 7, 2019, 6:37 a.m. No.7446207   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


5D chess indeed.

Or is POTUS just ensuring his safety.

Poisons come in all shapes, sizes, colors, and flavors…

May God bless POTUS and his family, keep them safe, and give them strength as they fight this EVIL every day.

Godspeed, Patriots.

Anonymous ID: 425c86 Dec. 7, 2019, 6:38 a.m. No.7446211   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

Some stuff to think about for those who have a philosophical turn of mind.

Faith is the subjective response to objective truth.

What is objective truth?

Objective truth is the 100% accurate communication of existence and events. It is not the existence and events themselves (facts) it is the communication of them. Truth is always ABOUT facts, it is not facts themselves.

Jesus, God incarnate (i.e. in the form of man) communicated the fact of God’s existence and character through His incarnation. β€œHe who has seen me has seen the Father.” Since God is the ultimate reality, the eternal, ever present (as in present tense) I AM without beginning or end, the communicator of this reality is THE TRUTH.

Hence, Jesus said: I am the way, the truth and the life. No man comes to the Father but by Me.

Facts (existence and events) are not negated through lack of communication. They remain facts whether communicated or not. However, once communicated they are subject to truth claims. Inaccurately communicated facts are lies. 100% accurately communicated facts is the truth. (Note, truth is necessarily singular, lies are always plural because there is a potential for an infinite number of lies but truth, because it must be 100% accurate to qualify as truth, is necessarily singular since any deviation from 100% accuracy is a lie.)


Be thankful for everything.

What you give thanks for you will appreciate.

What you appreciate you will value.

What you value you will not lightly discard.

Anonymous ID: e0c172 Dec. 7, 2019, 6:37 a.m. No.7446212   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>6252 >>6273 >>6518 >>6661 >>6674

>>7445425 (pb - notable) #9522 Anon theory on Q #3654 connecting Schiff to shooting [Ds 1-6]

>Note the Executive time - think execute!

==Angry Nancy - Bracelet-Bullet Gesture & Comment Comms = Activate [D5] & [D6] [Sleeper-Shooters]?==

==--Ammunition is finite. <--["Clown" Sleeper Assets]?==


I'm tracking with ya anon.

Been pondering similar possibilities - based on what sauce we have regarding prior [orchestrated "events"] & [clown] methodologies.


Here's another "coincidence" that was already pointed out.

-->(Dec 5, 2019)<--

  • Nancy Pelosi - Press Conference

She does that same gesture she's done before:

--She points out the BULLET on her bracelet & mentions: POTUS doesn't do anything about - OUR KIDS AFRAID OF GUN VIOLENCE.

(25 sec mark in vid)

--Comms - SIGNAL = [Activate Next Sleeper-Shooters]?




(Dec 5) - [D5]

(before 12:43pm EST)

[PELOSI] Press Conf. & BULLET/SHOOTING comments <-- [Activate-Go] comm.


(Dec 5 - 2:30 p.m. local Hawaii)

-->[D5] - "Ammunition"<--[Sleeper Asset]

Pearl Harbor (Navy Yard) --SHOOTING

--[Insider] = Sailor goes "Postal"


(Dec 6)

-->[D6] - "Ammunition"<--[Sleeper Asset]

Pensacola (Navy Yard) --SHOOTING.

--[Insider] = visiting Saudi goes "Postal"

--[D5] & [D6] = BOTH Navy Yard [Insiders-Moles].

*Common Characteristic of previous - Patsy "Lone Shooters":

Prior or Current MILITARY.

Prime Subjects for MENTAL/EMOTIONAL:

  • Evaluation & Manipulation = Captive Audience.


Thinking timing.



Anons, why would we provide the date of the FISA release?

Logical thinking.

--Ammunition is finite. <--



--Pelosi & Schiff sending [Go-Code] comms to [sleeper assets] - Possibly.

[Who] else might be sending [Activate] comms?

via: twatter, FB, instagram, interviews, news articles...

Still digging.

Anonymous ID: 0e94b1 Dec. 7, 2019, 6:37 a.m. No.7446213   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>6223


>during Jean-Jacques Dessalines's massacre, which took place short after the Haitian victory in 1804; the Poles where left alive and granted citizenship for the newly founded Republic of Haiti


By the end of April 1804, some 3,000 to 5,000 people had been killed and the white Haitians were practically eradicated. Only three categories of white people, except foreigners, were selected as exceptions and spared: the Polish soldiers who deserted from the French army; the small group of German colonists invited to the north-west region before the revolution; and a group of medical doctors and professionals. Reportedly, also people with connections to officers in the Haitian army were spared, as well as the women who agreed to marry non-white men.

Anonymous ID: a54120 Dec. 7, 2019, 6:39 a.m. No.7446216   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>6230



>Doesn't understand that wikileaks truncates links to email IDs internally after numbers

>So dumb & stubborn, keeps calling others pointing it out shills

>Continues relentlessly as if it would matter or anyone cared

Yup, (you) deserve two medals.

Hell, if I could I'd give you three.

Please proceed with your excellent research! Maybe even publish it, you might get a (you) from Q, or even that Nobel prize if news get's around.

Anonymous ID: 43a983 Dec. 7, 2019, 6:41 a.m. No.7446219   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>6231

huge hit piece on bill hicks(aka alex jomes) in NYT today

not that believe either of those derpstate shillnews companies

got a few lulz tho. to much to copypasta


Anonymous ID: e283d6 Dec. 7, 2019, 6:41 a.m. No.7446221   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>6243 >>6273 >>6518 >>6661 >>6674


Rocketman: Vatican funded explicit film of Elton John’s life


The biographical film about Sir Elton John, which contains a gay sex scene, was partly financed by an investment fund backed by the Vatican, an Italian newspaper has reported.

Anonymous ID: 774a0d Dec. 7, 2019, 6:40 a.m. No.7446222   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


"I have been described in this way by Wikipedia despite the absence of evidence because Wikipedia is part of the mechanism for discrediting those who challenge official explanations. Whether this is by intent or from the opportunity that an open source provides to one’s opponents to libel and slander I cannot say."


"Zionists don’t like me, because on occasion I republish on my website articles by non-zionist Jews and Israeli citizens who are critical of Israel. It is still possible to criticize US policy without being labeled β€œanti-American,” but if you criticize Israeli policy, or republish someone who does, it means you hate Jews. For me, this is really funny. My hand-picked principal deputy in the Treasury was a Jew. My Oxford University professor, Michael Polanyi, to whom my first book is dedicated, was a Jew. The Nobel prize winner, Milton Friedman, a Jew, was a supporter of my academic career. My favorite academic co-author was David Meiselman, a Jew. Ron Unz, a Jew, republishes my columns, as does Rob Kall, a Jew. Jews contribute to the support of my website. But according to Wikipedia I hate Jews."

Anonymous ID: 0e94b1 Dec. 7, 2019, 6:41 a.m. No.7446223   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


>By the end of April 1804, some 3,000 to 5,000 people had been killed and the white Haitians were practically eradicated. Only three categories of white people, except foreigners, were selected as exceptions and spared: the Polish soldiers who deserted from the French army; the small group of German colonists invited to the north-west region before the revolution; and a group of medical doctors and professionals. Reportedly, also people with connections to officers in the Haitian army were spared, as well as the women who agreed to marry non-white men.

Anonymous ID: 112df2 Dec. 7, 2019, 6:43 a.m. No.7446225   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>6265


The ironic suggestion could be considered a hazing and a kind of badgering someone.

Michelle Carter is in jail for just such bullshit.

grow up.


If you have a real voice of authority you'd suggest good things for people to do.

Anonymous ID: 2d96f2 Dec. 7, 2019, 6:43 a.m. No.7446236   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>6313 >>6364 >>6518 >>6661 >>6674

A friend send me this, only sauce in german.


Politically explosive case

Oligarch and Trump fan arrested in Germany


German authorities have arrested a dazzling oligarch who is wanted in Ukraine for corruption. The Trump supporter had recently claimed to possess explosive material.


According to information from, German authorities have arrested a Ukrainian millionaire who has been wanted by Ukraine for three years. The arrest takes on an additional political dimension because the Trump supporter recently claimed to have incriminating material against Joe Biden. Biden wants to become Democratic presidential candidate and is considered one of Trump's greatest opponents.

Anonymous ID: 06baa9 Dec. 7, 2019, 6:45 a.m. No.7446241   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


Pearl was 9-11.



" "The question was how should we maneuver them [Japan] into firing the first shot… it was desirable to make sure the Japanese be the ones to do this so that there should remain no doubt as to who were the aggressors."

Henry Stimson, US Secretary of War prior to WWII, Nov. 25, 1941

Anonymous ID: 0e94b1 Dec. 7, 2019, 6:47 a.m. No.7446243   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>6250 >>6251 >>6261 >>6273 >>6518 >>6661 >>6674




Researchers were looking into the Vatican secretariat of state’s backing of Centurion Global Fund, the Malta-based company that invested €1 million in the film’s production, Corriere della Sera reported. The Vatican is the biggest investor in the fund, which has also helped to finance the latest episode of the Men in Black film franchise, it said.

Anonymous ID: baf189 Dec. 7, 2019, 6:48 a.m. No.7446245   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>6254 >>6263 >>6270 >>6314 >>6317









Anonymous ID: 6095bb Dec. 7, 2019, 6:48 a.m. No.7446248   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

Fake Pope Francis=demonic disgrace, projecting his crimes in every direction like a lighthouse. Bastard, we know who you are, what you have done & who you serve. You disgust us & fill us with righteous anger.

Anonymous ID: 0e94b1 Dec. 7, 2019, 6:50 a.m. No.7446251   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>6262


>Researchers were looking into the Vatican secretariat of state’s backing of Centurion Global Fund, the Malta-based company that invested €1 million in the film’s production, Corriere della Sera reported. The Vatican is the biggest investor in the fund, which has also helped to finance the latest episode of the Men in Black film franchise, it said.

Anonymous ID: e0c172 Dec. 7, 2019, 6:48 a.m. No.7446252   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>6264 >>6273 >>6518 >>6661 >>6674


Mind Control with Electromagnetic Frequency

REF: Patsy - "Lone Shooter/Bombers" = MIND CONTROL SUBJECTS

(orig. posted May 14 2019) - but can't retrieve from archive (bad link)

#6497426 at 2019-05-14 20:51:12 (UTC+1)

Q Research General #8308: 8chan Dittos @ Rush Edition


Mind Control with Electromagnetic Frequency


(January 2015)

"Mind Control with Electromagnetic Frequency"

Ms. Soleilmavis Liu

Sponsor Activist of Peacepink

Yantai, Shandong Province, China


Recent years, the words β€œmind control abuse and torture” and β€œtarget individual” appears frequently online. Thousands of people in groups or individually cries attention to the abuses and tortures with electromagnetic mind control technologies through internet and all other channels. The scale of the ongoing crimes is large, and hidden. People are asking for the worldwide attention and an international investigation of enormous human rights violations that are silently taking place worldwide at this moment.


Interdasting read.

Anonymous ID: a54120 Dec. 7, 2019, 6:49 a.m. No.7446257   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


>The idea of giving more exposure to the Clinton emails is good

Agreed. But not with an entirely brainless and unsubstantial, more than one year old slide that has been debunked more than once long ago.

Anonymous ID: 67efb8 Dec. 7, 2019, 6:52 a.m. No.7446261   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


This explains why many years ago, when the film came out, I visited the Vatican to see movie posters in the Vatican garage, in particular one that stuck out was RESIDENT EVIL 2



Anonymous ID: 06baa9 Dec. 7, 2019, 6:53 a.m. No.7446264   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>6273 >>6344


Think Cuba Diplomat attacks , too.


Cycles of Heaven book mentioned by Bill Cooper in his book.


American people to voluntarily disarm themselves by passing laws against firearms. Using drugs and hypnosis on mental patients in a process called Orion, the CIA inculcated the desire in these people to open fire on schoolyards and thus inflame the antigun lobby. This plan is well under way, and so far is working perfectly. The middle class is begging the government to do away with the 2nd amendment.Author's Note: I have found that these events have indeed happened all over the country. In every instance that I have investigated β€” the incident at the women's school in Canada, the shopping center incident in Canada, the Stock- ton, California, massacre, and the murder of Rabbi Meir Kahane β€” the shooters were all ex-mental patients or were current mental patients who were ALL ON THE DRUG PROZAC! This drug, when taken in certain doses, increases the serotonin level in the patient, causing extreme violence. Couple that with a posthypnotic suggestion or control through an electronic brain implant or microwave or E.L.F. intrusion and you get mass murder, ending in every case with the suicide of the perpetrator.

Anonymous ID: 28db11 Dec. 7, 2019, 6:51 a.m. No.7446265   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>6274 >>6300 >>6318 >>6414



Here’s one.

Don’t post images that objectify humans.

Grow up and recognize the heart and spirit has nothing to do with appearance of the clay.


Objectivization of a female form is part of the mind control they trap you in. You never see the harm it causes, I do. It is not an easy problem to correct once engrained.


Again, grow up. Thank you for your attention.>>7446215








Anonymous ID: cbc2c8 Dec. 7, 2019, 6:55 a.m. No.7446272   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>6283 >>6518 >>6661 >>6674


Alexandra Hall Hall was a non-resident fellow of the Atlantic Council.

Married to Daniel Twining of the International Republican Institute, an organisation chaired for 25 years by John McCain.

Daniel Twining previously worked for the German Marshall Fund and was an aide to John McCain.

Anonymous ID: d8aeb2 Dec. 7, 2019, 6:54 a.m. No.7446273   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>6293 >>6308 >>6312


>>7445876 d'oh

notables for incoming baker, not endorsements

>>7445891, >>7445965 (kek) Harvey Weinstein’s diabetes and spine condition to blame for his appearance

>>7445896 A few people getting unspecified medical treatments today: Slovak ex-PM and Qaboos of Oman

>>7445898 George Soros Courts OANN

>>7445900 Nolte: Nancy Pelosi’s β€˜Article II’ Impeachment Rationale Exposed as Hoax

>>7445917 Diplomat Alexandra Hall Hall has left the UK diplomatic service over Brexit


>>7445975 Vice Adm. Myers Says Partnerships Are Key to Success in Cyberspace

>>7446004, >>7446022 23 minutes between POTUS AND US Army tweets- anons on

>>7446019, >>7445961, >>7446113 US Air Force twat: " We remember those lost..." & live link to JFK carrier ceremony

>>7446042, >>7446072, >>7446083, >>7446123, >>7446156, >>7446166 Donald Tusk pic (repost) additional info

>>7446068, >>7446096 Vid- Ray McGovern and Bill Binney subpoenaed in dc district court

>>7446071 Saudi Air Force trainee condemned US as 'nation of evil' in hate-fueled Twitter manifesto

>>7446118 Bloomberg's "plan" to end gun violence

>>7446121 PG&E: California power firm to pay $13.5bn to wildfire victims

>>7446151, >>7446080, >>7446124, Haille Selassie - Ethiopia

>>7446161 Interesting article includes Bill Binney interview

>>7446189, >>7446204 Vid- Project looking glass

>>7446212, >>7446252, >>7446264, >>7445425 (pb - notable) #9522 Angry Nancy - Bracelet-Bullet Gesture & Comment Comms = Activate [D5] & [D6] [Sleeper-Shooters]?β†’ Ammunition is finite. ←["Clown" Sleeper Assets]?

>>7446221, >>7446243 Rocketman: Vatican funded explicit film of Elton John’s life-from Dec 5th

>>7446229 Dig on punisher image name and possible connection HRC WikiLeaks file name and anons speculating on -minibun

>>7446243 Codemonkey twat on Tor

>>7446232, >>7446270 POTUS hot mic, cracks himself up also about his Trudy Two face comment…Around 2:50 mark.


chek'em nigga's


if no baker by 650 please grab the last notables drop and bake it..can do one moar notes collection. Issues should be solved after the holidays.

Anonymous ID: 7de9c7 Dec. 7, 2019, 6:56 a.m. No.7446275   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

Henceforth the Kingdom of God is not dependent on β€œexternal observances”: β€œNeither shall they say Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you.” With Jesus the point in question was not so much how far this or that person advanced in the kingdom of the spirit, as that all should be convinced that such a spiritual kingdom exists. β€œIn this rejoice not, that the spirits are subject unto you; but rather rejoice, because your names are written in heaven.” That is, have faith in the divine; the time will come when you will find it.

Anonymous ID: 9edc5c Dec. 7, 2019, 6:57 a.m. No.7446278   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


>Very interesting choice of phrases there Drudgey boy…


tis interesting!


It doesn't even make sense. Kind of like Nunes and te 'time for to be cut'.


Trust the plan/hope and change?

Anonymous ID: 88e7e7 Dec. 7, 2019, 6:58 a.m. No.7446282   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun



Glad you mentioned this anon.


I use twitter as an aggregator for

specific industry news.


This morning my feed was filled with

Drudge tweets yet I never "followed"

Drudge… Weird.

Anonymous ID: 0e94b1 Dec. 7, 2019, 6:58 a.m. No.7446283   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>6366


>Alexandra Hall Hall


28 January 2017


President Trump’s careless talk puts Nato on high alert


Alexandra Hall Hall served from 2013-16 as the UK’s ambassador to Georgia, whose brief war with Russia almost a decade ago was a foretaste of the conflict in Ukraine.


β€œI don’t think there’s anywhere in the world that can insulate itself,” she says. β€œUntil there is a very strong push back, the Russians will keep pushing as far as they can get.”


Even speculation about the US commitment to Nato caused by Trump’s rhetoric is β€œimmensely damaging” and risks emboldening Putin with unknown consequences, says Hall Hall, now a senior fellow at Washington-based international affairs think-tank the Atlantic Council.


β€œWe all got our hands badly burned during the first term of the Bush administration,” says Hall Hall. β€œNot only would it have an impact on security cooperation – but it should.” Chalmers, who dealt with the aftermath of the US torture programme in government, says people were β€œscarred” by the experience and warns that β€œwere the US to go down the route of using torture, it would have significant implications” for security cooperation.


β€œI think we’re still some way from the American security guarantee to Europe going away,” he says. β€œBut the more doubt that is cast on the American security commitment to Europe, the more there will be calls in European states to do more on defence, and cooperate more on defence, and play a more leading role in Nato.”

Anonymous ID: 06baa9 Dec. 7, 2019, 6:59 a.m. No.7446287   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

"The Trilateral Commission is intended to be the vehicle for multinational consolidation of the commercial and banking interests by seizing control of the political government of the United States. The Trilateral Commission represents a skillful, coordinated effort to seize control and consolidate the four centers of power political, monetary, intellectual and ecclesiastical. What the Trilateral Commission intends is to create a worldwide economic power superior to the political governments of the nationstates involved. As managers and creators of the system, they will rule the future."

U.S. Senator Barry Goldwater in his 1964 book: With No Apologies


"The Council on Foreign Relations is 'the establishment'. Not only does it have influence and power in key decision-making positions at the highest levels of government to apply pressure from above, but it also announces and uses individuals and groups to bring pressure from below, to justify the high level decisions for converting the U.S. from a sovereign Constitutional Republic into a servile member state of a one-world dictatorship."

Former Congressman John Rarick 1971


"The directors of the CFR (Council on Foreign Relations) make up a sort of Presidium for that part of the Establishment that guides our destiny as a nation."

The Christian Science Monitor, September 1, 1961


" Well , son of a bitch , the guy got fired "

( Use their own words to hang them )

Anonymous ID: be1906 Dec. 7, 2019, 7:01 a.m. No.7446294   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

Could the Basque people be one of these colonies? Or could it have been the original colony on earth? The origin of the Basques is unknown. Their language is unlike any other European language. Some believe that Basque was the original language of the book of Genesis. Some believe it was the original language of the world and possibly of the creator.


Genesis 6:2 "The sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and took them wives, all of which they chose." Who were the children of these marriages? Genesis 6:4 "God came into the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, and the same became mighty of old." From the King James Bible dictionary we find: "menchildren - men of Israel, male children of God, not children of man - Ex. 34:23." Ex. 34:7 states "The iniquity of the father will be unto the children unto the fourth generation." It is plain that something is inherited, could it be the blood?

Anonymous ID: 9edc5c Dec. 7, 2019, 7:01 a.m. No.7446295   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun



There was a teens book out years ago written by a famous author who I can't remember, but I believe the same one who wrote about Epstei and has been on TV lately. Books was about kids being grown and kept in cages…in Nebraska? Kids escaped and could fly.

Anonymous ID: 4c4d91 Dec. 7, 2019, 7 a.m. No.7446296   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>6518 >>6661 >>6674

FRESH CLAIMS Prince Andrew rocked by new bombshell claim as second Epstein victim says she had sex with him too


In the latest claims against the Duke of York, The Mirror reports the second woman – unnamed – has been speaking to lawyers representing Epstein’s other alleged victims.


Lawyers are reportedly looking into whether the new allegations will be used as part of a lawsuit against Epstein’s estate.

Anonymous ID: c2069f Dec. 7, 2019, 7:03 a.m. No.7446300   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>6309 >>6310


>recognize the heart and spirit has nothing to do with appearance of the clay.


Many good points but saying the heart and spirit have nothing to do with form seems naivete…

Beyond that, telling anons to grow up on a free speech board is pissing into the wind.

Anonymous ID: 7de9c7 Dec. 7, 2019, 7:03 a.m. No.7446302   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

Burckhardt, a, an eminent modern investigator of the Mysteries, in Die Zeit

Konstantins, The Time of Constantine, says that they are β€œmatters about which we shall never be clear,” but this is simply because he has not perceived the way to this clarity. If we examine the Gospel of John and behold in the sphere of pictorially physical reality the drama, of cognition enacted by the ancients, we are looking upon the Mystery itself.


In the words β€œLazarus, come forth,” we can recognize the call by which the Egyptian priest initiators summoned back to everyday life those who had subjected themselves to the processes of β€œinitiation,” which withdrew them from the world that they might die to earthly things and gain a conviction of the reality of the eternal. But with these words Jesus had revealed the secret of the Mysteries. It is easy to understand that the Jews could not let such an act go unpunished, any more than the Greeks could have refrained from punishing Aeschylus, had he betrayed the secrets of the Mysteries. For Jesus the main point in the initiation of Lazarus was to represent

before all β€œthe people which stand by,” an event which, according to ancient priestly wisdom, might be accomplished only in the secrecy of the Mysteries. The initiation of Lazarus was to prepare the way for the understanding of the β€œMystery of Golgotha.” Previously only those who β€œsaw” β€” that is to say, who were initiated β€” were able to know something of what was achieved by initiation; but now a conviction of the secrets of higher worlds could also be gained by those who β€œhave not seen and yet have believed.”

Anonymous ID: 2d96f2 Dec. 7, 2019, 7:05 a.m. No.7446313   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>6518 >>6661 >>6674


I donΒ΄t give me normaly a you, but this is the guy… It smells a little bit!


He was educated at the Kharkiv Military College of the Rear of the Soviet Ministry of Interior (today the National Academy of the National Guard of Ukraine) and graduated from the National Transport University


In 2007 Onyshchenko was appointed as an assistant Minister for Emergencies and affairs in protection of population from the consequences of the Chernobyl Catastrophe (today State Emergency Service of Ukraine).[4] He has served as a member of the Verkhovna Rada since 2012.[5] In 2012 he was elected to parliament in electoral district 93 (located in Kiev Oblast) for Party of Regions.[6] In 2014 he was re-elected in the same district as an independent candidate. In parliament he became a member of the parliamentary faction People's Will.


Of course, mentioned as a Trump supporter. I donΒ΄t know anything about this guy

Anonymous ID: baf189 Dec. 7, 2019, 7:07 a.m. No.7446319   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>6323


Think about how gay that was.

You’ve been regretting it since you posted it

But now that I’ve addressed it your fears have come true

I know that you know that I know that was gay as fuck and there’s nothing you can do to reverse your actions.

This fight was lost before it ever started anon.

Don’t post gay shit.

Anonymous ID: 2d53b8 Dec. 7, 2019, 7:08 a.m. No.7446321   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

>>7443808 BlackRock, Vanguard (and other big names) apply for mutual fund licenses In China-reports


China and the US are competing to consolidate and dominate global capital markets as the US tariffs seem to be having a crippling effect but only on China.


Hong Kong riots with many of the protestors apparently preferring to live in the US versus a future wholly-integrated Chinese Hong Kong.


US applauded Brexit pending and a "loose" financial union between NY and London (and all offshore islands) discussed in the news.


Tokyo, Seoul, Singapore, Canberra in the tank for the US.


These "US" hedge funds domiciling inside China run a very high risk of being fleeced (as Chinese banks already have been) to fund the Chinese state's sudden lack of positive cash flow (yeah tariffs!).


Moving money into one of those funds is for suckers I think.

Anonymous ID: 091b96 Dec. 7, 2019, 7:11 a.m. No.7446331   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun



Yes, having different understandings helps develop a broad view. Is there only one answer? No.


The punisher dates can also be qclocked and mirrored, id code into goog books, rot13, gematria, tineye, t-method, anagram and common sense decoded among other things.


Thank you for showing us all, your single perspective.


Our individual comprehension adds to our collective consiousness. But the more I see the more my instincts rage against this reality.


Read Q749



Anonymous ID: c644fd Dec. 7, 2019, 7:14 a.m. No.7446338   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


There is mounting evidence that the blue-light-spectrum-heavy light emitted by LEDs (including LED monitors and TVs) can promote retinal damage. The chemical reactions within the light receptors require a balanced spectrum to convert back to molecules that are receptive to incoming photons. If they don't receive this balanced (red natural) light spectrum, the resulting free radicals damage retinal tissues, eventually leading to macular degeneration and even blindness.

I predict we will have a generation of people with premature macular degeneration as a result of excessive LED lighting.

Look for natural spectrum lighting from incandescent, halogen, natural outdoor sunlight. But not too bright! Aim for a happy medium. Steer clear of LEDs and fluorescents.

Anonymous ID: e0c172 Dec. 7, 2019, 7:16 a.m. No.7446344   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>6370


>Think Cuba Diplomat attacks , too.


>Couple that with a posthypnotic suggestion or control through an electronic brain implant or microwave or E.L.F. intrusion and you get mass murder, ending in every case with the suicide of the perpetrator.


So true anon.

  • many moar similar attacks

Moscow - US personnel targeted attack mentioned in doc.

The above mentioned & much moar are in the doc (an abstract paper) I linked, with referenced footnotes.


ELF is mentioned too.

2018 Mayotte 17sec freq ELF WW wave.



sauce is out there

Anonymous ID: baf189 Dec. 7, 2019, 7:16 a.m. No.7446346   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>6365



Is there some kind of bundle pricing or a shit tier flea market you go to get this rubbish?

Might I suggest you relegate yourself back to lurkfag status so you can watch and learn how we dismantle mother fuckers with surgical precision round here, fart boy.

Anonymous ID: 9edc5c Dec. 7, 2019, 7:15 a.m. No.7446348   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>6351


so it has to mean that Drudge has been playing his part by whipping up the insane Ds to call for impeachment. I have thought that ever since he abruptly changed from pro Trump to anti Trump after several visits to Trump's WH.


So, does this mean he is calling out Bongino??

or is this a way of sending the insane to Bongino's site to awake moar people?

Anonymous ID: d27133 Dec. 7, 2019, 7:20 a.m. No.7446356   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

Ventriloquist Terry Fator reveals why he pulled Trump puppet from Vegas show, says the Left takes jokes too personally


Ventriloquist Terry Fator said Saturday that he was pulling the president's puppet from his Las Vegas act because he wants everyone to enjoy his show.


Fator, who won America's Got Talent in 2007 and thereafter had an 11-year residency at The Mirage Hotel, appeared on "Fox & Friends: Weekend" with host Pete Hegseth.

During the interview, he explained he created a puppet of Trump at the time he announced his candidacy at the beginning of the 2016 election.

"And I, like most of the people, didn't think he was going to win. And, I was a supporter. I thought it would be great to get a businessman to be the president. It'd be wonderful," he said.


"You didn't create me. I created me," the president's puppet retorted.

"Okay, whatever," Fator shot back.

"This was me making the decision because I had always said I don't want to be political," he told Hegseth.


"It got to a point where you'd just see people tense up when I would bring him out," he continued. "It's a joke!"

"As a conservative, I don't get my feelings hurt when you make fun of…my side. I did an Obama joke that was completely and totally innocuous, it was not political, and I'm telling you the press in Vegas went crazy," Fator continued.

"It's weird. When the Left hears a joke, they take it personally. When the Right hears a joke, we think it's funny. We don't take it personally," he noted.


Earlier this week, the Las Vegas Review-Journal reported that the Mirage asked him to make the change to avoid escalating the political divide.

β€œThey said, β€˜This political season is very, very, very rough and it’s going to get nastier. Would you mind?’ I said, β€˜Fine, I’ll do it,’” Fator told the Review-Journal.

Fator said the hotel has never asked him to make a change in his show before.


"When they ask politely, I do it,” he said. β€œWe have a good relationship. It’s a give and take. I’m not a diva. I’m not going to go off and say, β€˜Screw you’ when they ask me to do something."

He subsequently clarified, however, that the Mirage did not ask him to remove the puppet, but he did so a few months ago in his "ever-evolving changes to [his] show."

β€œIt was a miscommunication between my team and me, where someone from my team said they thought the Mirage would be happy if the show were less political,” Fator told the Review-Journal Monday. β€œThe Mirage didn’t ask me to make any changes to my show.”


While Trump is gone from Fator’s upcoming Christmas show, β€œA Very Terry Christmas 2, The Sequel,” and the regular show for the foreseeable future, the performer plans to use the commander-in-chief in a series of Instagram and YouTube videos. Along with a puppet version of Bernie Sanders, puppet Trump will host a variety show Γ  la Donny and Marie Osmond.

Other celebrity puppets in his Christmas show will include Frank Sinatra, Paul McCartney, Stevie Wonder, Justin Bieber, David Bowie and Bing Crosby.

Hegseth asked the president's puppet how he felt about no longer being a part of the show.

"I've been impeached!" the puppet exclaimed.

Anonymous ID: 490d4d Dec. 7, 2019, 7:21 a.m. No.7446357   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

Just yesterday my 3yro Hispanic immigrant son said to me

"Daddy can we eat at President Trumps tower?

they have the best taco salads in the world:"

I said yes son of course.

He was literally shaking with excitement !

Anonymous ID: 7de9c7 Dec. 7, 2019, 7:21 a.m. No.7446358   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

Pseudoachondroplasia* and the seven Ovitz siblings who survived Auschwitz.


*pseudoachondroplasia (PSACH) is a short-limbed dwarfing condition characterized by disproportionate short stature, attractive face and early onset osteoarthritis; intelligence is normal.


>This historical report focuses on the first clinical description of pseudoachondroplasia and its radiographic findings. Only half a century ago, pseudoachondroplasia was recognized as a genetic disorder with a distinct but variable phenotype of short stature, normal facial features, and progressive joint problems starting in adolescence. Radiologically, the disease is particularly intriguing because the patients appear normal at birth. The patients develop the typical gait disturbances when they begin to walk. Radiographs show the characteristic anterior tongue-shaped lumbar vertebral body changes that develop after the first year of life. This account presents the most well-known group of individuals affected by pseudoachondroplasia, the Ovitz family, who narrowly escaped death in the concentration camp of Auschwitz in 1944 because of SS physician Dr. Josef Mengele's fascination with dwarfs. It was not until 1995 that the underlying genetic defect in the COMP gene was identified on chromosome 19.

Anonymous ID: 1d684d Dec. 7, 2019, 7:22 a.m. No.7446361   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>6371


UPS driver killed in shootout was initially reported as "filling in for friend" and today is reported as "first day on the job."

That's a Hollywood movie script trope if there ever was one.

And those cops looked like amateurs in a training video. Who needs all those cars? 15 max and one SWAT vehicle in tow.

>you are watching a movie

Anonymous ID: b7bfd4 Dec. 7, 2019, 7:21 a.m. No.7446362   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>6383 >>6518 >>6661 >>6674



Musk’s defamation win may reset legal landscape for social media

β€¦β€œI think this verdict reflects that there is a feeling that internet tweets and chats are more like casual conversation whether you call it opinion or rhetoric or hyperbole and should not be punished in a lawsuit,” said Chip Babcock, a lawyer who defends against defamation lawsuits….


If this analysis holds true, it could be good news for freedom of speech and our activities on behalf of Q and POTUS…..

Anonymous ID: 2d96f2 Dec. 7, 2019, 7:23 a.m. No.7446364   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>6518 >>6661 >>6674


here an article from 2017 about him.


Question 3

Investigators against you have arrested 10 people, seized 39 bank accounts, real estate and your company assets. How far has the investigation progressed since then?



After General prosecutor Yuri Lutsenko obtained the decision of the parliament to lift my immunity, nothing was done. Investigators filed paperwork, which does not clarify any fact, and does not provide any evidence of alleged crime. Investigators do not have a clear plan on how to handle the case. The case files have a lot of dubious and useless documents.


Moreover, I have an impression that it’s more important for investigators to arrest people rather than to establish truth in the criminal investigation. When analyzing the situation with all these arrests, I don’t see any reasons for the detentions – people do not disappear, they are in touch with investigators and the court. People were simply thrown in jail for more than a year without reasonable grounds and evidence.

 Such arrests were done with an aim to freeze companies’ activities and block and destroy the business.

Since the moment when my parliamentary immunity was lifted nothing substantial happened in the case, except for one thing: they achieved their goal to kick me out of the country and to destroy my business.

Anonymous ID: 6095bb Dec. 7, 2019, 7:24 a.m. No.7446366   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

>>7446283 Muh Russia lives in the minds of loons & warmongers everywhere, as their matrix conditioning and self interest prevent the slightest retreat from their set in stone world view. It MUST be the Russians, because if it isn't, then their lives have been devoted to a lie since the Soviet Union fell. Yet they can see us others through a glass darkly, blurred images moving freely as we deal honestly with any other nation that treats us the same way. This disturbs them highly as they stagger blindly down the road.

Anonymous ID: b7bfd4 Dec. 7, 2019, 7:26 a.m. No.7446369   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>6449 >>6518 >>6661 >>6674



On National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day, we solemnly reflect on the tragic events of December 7, 1941, and honor those who perished while defending our Nation.


…and if we have any sense we recognize that Pearl Harbor was a False Flag designed to draw the United States into the WWII war in the Pacific… says anon

Anonymous ID: e0c172 Dec. 7, 2019, 7:25 a.m. No.7446370   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


>2018 Mayotte 17sec freq ELF WW wave.


Mayotte NOT mentioned in sauce (from 2015) dropped:


Mentioned Mayotte anomaly related to ELF tech. previously deployed.

Anonymous ID: 014da1 Dec. 7, 2019, 7:27 a.m. No.7446371   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


this could be big, i'm a ups driver expert

got sauce?

first day to work for ups? and driving by himself thats doesnt happen ever…….

my understanding he didn't have his own route he was a swing driver

Anonymous ID: 7de9c7 Dec. 7, 2019, 7:27 a.m. No.7446372   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

Legacy Media shills


are not just covering up for common criminals, they are covering up decades of crimes against children.


Legacy media shills had ample reason and repeated opportunities to investigate Pizzagate and a half dozen similar previous scandals.


Legacy media shills not only failed to investigate but actively covered up, campaigned extensively to suppress and to discredit the evidence others uncovered, defaming honest researchers, making them objects of scorn, ridicule and contempt.

Legacy media shills did this in both dramatic entertainment and in news content across multiple platforms; all while knowing the stories about the traffic and ritual sexual abuse of children were and are true.


β€œI didn’t know,” is not a valid or feasible defense for legacy media shills. Our enemies have exposed themselves and the contemptible kayfabe of legacy media.


We the People are awake.


Justice is coming


>Podesta/Alefatis Pizzagate

>Dan Schneider/Pedowood

>Epstein Sex Island/Blackbook

>Pentagon Child Porn Servers

>Peter Scully Dark Web Child Torturer Live Streamer

>The Franklin Coverup/BoysTown Ring

>Drasius Kedys Pedo Ring

>Chilean Senator Pedo Ring

>North Fox Island Child Killing Ring

>Madeline McCann Disappearance

>Brooke Shields Child Actor

>Cardinal George Pell Vatican Ring

>Colonel Michael Aquino Pedo Cult

>G4S Security Human Trafficking

>Dyncorp Human Trafficking

>Dolphin Square Ring

>Planned Parenthood Organ Trafficking

>Jersey Island Child Killings

>Elm Guest House Ring

>UK Grooming Gang Police Cover up

>Clinton Hitlist

>Clinton Haiti Child Trafficking

>Joe Biden Child Groper

>McMartin Pre-schoolRing

>Presidio Military Daycare Ring

>Dutroux Affair Coverup

>Israeli Resort in Colombia tied to sex trafficking

>NXIVM Sex Cult

>Pennsylvania 300+ Priests Pedo Ring

>Sandusky Pedo Ring

>Roman Polanski Scandal

>Jared Fogle "Subway" Pedo Ring

>MJ Scandal

>Savile Scandal

>Oprah's School For Girls Abuse

>JonBenet Photographer Child Abuse Arrest

>The Finders Cult

>Tuam Church Child Mass Grave

>Lanarkshire Orphanage Child Mass Grave

>Dozier School for Boys Child Mass Grave

>Nancy Schaefer CPS Assassination

>Andrew Breitbart Podesta Assassination

>FBI Ted Gunderson exposes child trafficking

>Muslim Child Training Camp Cover up

>Portugal Elite Sex Ring

>Brazil Celebrity Spirit Healer Pedo Ring

>Tucson/Pemex Trafficking Camp

>Italy Foster Care Pedo Ring

>Norway Pedo Ring Bust

Anonymous ID: a54120 Dec. 7, 2019, 7:31 a.m. No.7446377   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun




>Death to Shills

Uh huh … South Africa ….

Your arguments for "winning" sound not very convincing tbh

But go right ahead and pop the Champagne.

"De Vos will be taken to task on the first charge, which is that of dissuading a patient from terminating her pregnancy in 2016 when he was at 2 Military Hospital in Wynberg, and the second charge, which accuses him of failing to respect the patient’s autonomy."

Anonymous ID: 7c27ee Dec. 7, 2019, 7:34 a.m. No.7446385   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>6413 >>6444

Something I just want to add as I did so many months ago when nightshift was discussing something similar. Looking Glass does not necessarily need to refer to a portal device but can very easily refer to a high powered analytic learning machine. Myself, for example, have always been able to accurately predict future events not because of any psychic power but because of my high level of low latent inhibition when considering real time events, previous events and assumed outcomes.


I am just a person and my reach is limited due to that. However, a machine, with all the data flowing through it constantly to update the potential for events? There is a (very) high propensity that is legitimate and from that one can obtain potential futures at a very high level of accuracy.

Anonymous ID: 2529a2 Dec. 7, 2019, 7:35 a.m. No.7446390   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun



The Bradford File reports that US Attorney Durham is seeking information from Admiral Mike Rogers for his investigation.



Anonymous ID: d27133 Dec. 7, 2019, 7:37 a.m. No.7446393   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

Escambia County Sheriff David Morgan describes what he saw at the crime scene of the mass shooting at NAS Pensacola - β€œWalking through the crime scene was like a scene of a movie.”

hmmm…I heard several references to a 'movie' about this incident.

NOT saying it was fake FF, but that DID stand out to me.

Anonymous ID: db82a4 Dec. 7, 2019, 7:40 a.m. No.7446399   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


lurk more.

Horowitz will point out 6-8 instances of 'wrong doing'… and a 'criminal referral' is all we need to open a NEW investigation into the investigators…


all we need is the LEGAL REASON to investigate, we already know the crime we are going to find.

Anonymous ID: a82258 Dec. 7, 2019, 7:42 a.m. No.7446411   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>6616

Complicated: Back in the late 90's right about the time when the madam/procurer/sexual assaulter (Ghislaine Maxwell) first started hooking up with the billionaire (Jeffrey Epstein), she was introducing him to members of the royal family including the royal pedophile and his brother (Prince Andrew and Prince Charles). Further, she introduced him to some British movie producers who have a decades long franchise. A group of people, including the producers and the pedophiles formed a corporation ("17 Black") in London that did nothing. It was a shell. Fast forward a couple of years, and the group suddenly disbands the shell company. No one hears a peep from it for almost two decades. Then, like magic it appeared as a side note to an ongoing criminal enterprise that is going to bring down the government of an EU country (Malta). Along with the resurrected shell company was another company that was formed by the same group of people a few years back along with a new partner (Yorgen Fenech) who is the money broker behind the murder of a reporter (Daphne Caruana Galizia) who was inconvenient to his business interests (Fenech had been CEO of the Tumas business group and a director of energy company Electrogas). The name of the company ("17 Black Limited") was actually selected by the billionaire pedophile as an homage to the producers who were partners in that original shell company (Yorgen Fenech was identified in 2018 as being the owner of a Dubai-registered company, called 17 Black. The company was listed in the Panama Papers). A foreign born former A+ list boy bander (Harry Styles) also has made that homage a permanent part of his body.

Exclusive: Mystery company named by murdered Maltese journalist is linked to power station developer =

Exclusive: 17 Black owner identified as local power station businessman -

Malta Prime Minister Joseph Muscat 'will step down on January 18' after mounting criticism over his response to the murder of anti-corruption journalist Daphne Caruana -

(Daphne Caruana Galizia: Malta suspect will not get immunity =

Wealthy Businessman Charged in Murder Case That Rocked Malta -

Unravelling the 17 Black mystery -

Harry Styles’ "17 BLACK" and 2 small crosses chest tattoos =

Anonymous ID: b7bfd4 Dec. 7, 2019, 7:43 a.m. No.7446413   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>6438 >>6444


Yes, for sure that is one possible interpretation of what Looking Glass is/does. Data analytics powered by massive data and massive supercomputing and best-in-class algorithms. Hari Seldon's "Future History" from Asimov's science fiction.

Personally, I believe both may be in play and probably work synergistically to guide the looking glass timeline-spying device to know which events and times to investigate. Data analytics would make the timeline-searching function more effieicient.

Anonymous ID: 2ca6da Dec. 7, 2019, 7:46 a.m. No.7446418   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>6518 >>6661 >>6674

New POTUS retweet!


Donald J. Trump Retweeted


The White House


Verified account



30m30 minutes ago


On National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day, we solemnly reflect on the tragic events of December 7, 1941, and honor those who perished while defending our Nation.


111 replies919 retweets2,440 likes

Reply 111 Retweet 919 Like 2.4K

Anonymous ID: c94f00 Dec. 7, 2019, 7:48 a.m. No.7446423   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>6440

I tried to tell you guys that the press wasn't bullshitting when they leaked the contents of the benign IG Report…This report will kick the can down the road so to say…WIll Durham deliver?

Trust Horowitz. Yah Right. So now we trust Durham? Tough Situation anons. What is Durham investigating criminally that Horowitz couldn't have investigated the last 1.5 years? More Q hope porn. It's getting embarrassing and old…

Anonymous ID: 112df2 Dec. 7, 2019, 7:50 a.m. No.7446430   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


I can not sauce it which is why I said 'I don't know the correct proportion'


and they scrub their biographies.

but before many of us caught wind of how ex-soviet anchor babies end up here running things, they would brag about being 'dreamers' who 'made it' on 'merit'.

and no doubt some of them believe it.


Can you blame a kid who was brought here at the age of 4 for believing all the lies they were told about their 'victim' status.


And some of thes Ukranians and others are nice people, who you'd want to have a friend.


many of them seem to be . . . morally bankrupt and mind-controlled.

Anonymous ID: 9c0c71 Dec. 7, 2019, 7:51 a.m. No.7446435   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

Trust the plan/hope and change the Bongino Report is live. He used to be a secret service agent.


Enjoy the show.

Anonymous ID: 7c27ee Dec. 7, 2019, 7:52 a.m. No.7446438   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


What you write is definitely possible. I have gone through numerous different theories but the biggest problem is always the portal itself as we simply do not have the type of material needed to assure a non collapsing system. Of course what I know to be available is likely not even touching the surface of what is not available.


Time travel itself is a tricky business but considering that all time exists on the exact same reality plane it is plausible in theory. Without knowing what they truly have created its difficult to know for sure which is why I think a super analytic data center is most likely. Probably based on a high functioning low latent inhibition type series of processes but with a massively higher capability of information stream. It definitely is something I have considered and theorized about for many years now, many many years. If it is real that would put to bed one theory I have had for a very long time and would make me smile.

Anonymous ID: 014da1 Dec. 7, 2019, 7:51 a.m. No.7446441   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

A Day For Shipbuilders: Caroline Kennedy Christens The USS John F. Kennedy

December 7, 20197


The last time Caroline Kennedy led an aircraft carrier christening, she was 9 years old. Fifity-two years later, she'll be the one breaking the bottle against the bow of the USS John F. Kennedy as her mother Jacqueline previously did.


Ambassador Kennedy and her family will join an estimated 20,000 guests on Saturday to officially christen the new ship.

Anonymous ID: 7de9c7 Dec. 7, 2019, 7:52 a.m. No.7446444   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun



St Augustine on time


"If no one asks me, I know; if I want to explain it to someone who does ask me, I do not know. Yet I state confidently that I know this: if nothing were passing away, there would be no past time, and if nothing were coming, there would be no future time, and if nothing existed, there would be no present time. How then can these two kinds of time, the past and the future be, when the past no longer is and the future as yet does not be? But if the present were always present, and would not pass into the past, it would no longer be time but eternity. Therefore, if the present, so as to be time, must be so constituted that it passes into the past, how can we say that it is, since the cause of its being is the fact that it will cease to be? Does it not follow that we can truly say that it is time, only because it tends towards non-being?"

Anonymous ID: 8b9644 Dec. 7, 2019, 7:53 a.m. No.7446445   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

Every $20bill says TRUMP2020!

Graham Ledger - one of only two Commentators on a Legit REAL News Network (OANN), which too many people have no idea exists - isn't censored.

Anonymous ID: 112df2 Dec. 7, 2019, 7:52 a.m. No.7446446   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>6456


you get excited looking at hollocaust pictures then . . .

I call that 'sick'


perhaps the only reason someone is attracted to this kind of 'body image' is that they are used to whore mongering with junkie prostitutes.


You get a 'sick in the head shill' award.

Anonymous ID: 2dca82 Bill Barr Indicts 8 For Illegally Funneling Foreign Money To Adam Schiff And Multiple Dem Senators Dec. 7, 2019, 7:54 a.m. No.7446450   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>6464 >>6476 >>6478 >>6518 >>6661 >>6674

Dam breaks?


Didn't see this in notables yet

Anonymous ID: 112df2 Dec. 7, 2019, 7:57 a.m. No.7446457   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>6490


free speech means you have the right to post discusting sickness and we have the right to say 'you are behaving in a way that we see as discusting and sick'


We don't hate the people in the photos, we hate you for making them have to be that way to get a contract from your whore-monger-central 'hookup' service.


You know what you do to your own karma by posting these?

It's like cutting yourself on purpose for no reason.


Don't you care about your own mental health?

You draw the demons to you by posting this kind of stuff.


You draw the demons to you by posting that kind of image, anon. It's like you are going to the camp . . . at your own initiative.

Anonymous ID: 425c86 Dec. 7, 2019, 7:58 a.m. No.7446461   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


You're delusional; same kind of delusion that makes a man (with all the male genitalia) convince himself that he's a woman and mutilate himslkef to proive his point. It's a sickness of the mind, anon, to aspire to such emaciation and/or emasculation.

Anonymous ID: 4ca842 Dec. 7, 2019, 8 a.m. No.7446467   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


It's not Pelosi; the woman's breasts are smaller and higher than Nancy's. Big boobs sag in old age, and Nancy's are down just above her elbows. This person's bustline is up closer to her armpits, and is significantly smaller.

Anonymous ID: a82258 Dec. 7, 2019, 8 a.m. No.7446475   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>6500 >>6545

Curtis Scoon

‏ @CurtisScoon


What does Maxine Waters or Kamala Harris have to say about Ed Buck? He’s donated money to both. Shouldn’t they, and EVERY politician who ever received money from him at least donate it to a charity for the sexually abused or the families of the men found dead in his home?

Anonymous ID: 7de9c7 Dec. 7, 2019, 8:02 a.m. No.7446477   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>6482 >>6485 >>6510



Do NOT reply to shills

Do NOT demolish their intentionally flawed arguments

Do NOT debate their idiotic "concerns"

Do NOT engage shills.


Do NOT participate in shill KAYFABE

In professional wrestling, kayfabe /ˈkeΙͺfeΙͺb/ is the portrayal of staged events within the industry as "real" or "true", specifically the portrayal of competition, rivalries, and relationships between participants as being genuine and not of a staged or predetermined nature of any kind.


Do NOT perpetuate shill SLIDES.

Do NOT reply to shills.

Do NOT pick up spit


If you are NOT sure, LEARN to ID shills


shills = hate

shills = labels

shills = repetition

shills = envy, greed, etc.


Do NOT correct intentional shill mistakes

Do NOT be triggered by shill taunts

Do NOT eat dead bats off the street

Do NOT bark back at dogs

Do dig, meme, pray.


How to Spot a clown


Dealing with Clownish Shills & Shilly clowns==


>>2322789 Spot a shill

>>2323031 Spot A Clown


shills have no agency

no will independent of their masters.

Shills are a profitless burden upon the earth.

Shills are the passed gas of history.

Their words are writ upon water.



Anonymous ID: 774a0d Dec. 7, 2019, 8:03 a.m. No.7446489   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>6518 >>6591 >>6661 >>6674


December 7 is "Pearl Harbor Day." On this day in 1941, the Japanese navy attacked the U.S. fleet at Pearl Harbor, damaging and/or sinking 18 ships and leaving thousands dead and wounded. This, of course, propelled America into World War II, an involvement which Americans had overwhelmingly opposed before then.


The Second World War accomplished several Illuminati objectives: world government via the UN with its World Bank/IMF subsidiaries; creation of Zionist Israel; and strengthening and spreading Communism over half the globe.

Anonymous ID: 8c7288 Dec. 7, 2019, 8:05 a.m. No.7446491   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


No one tells you to stop liking it.

Consider that these women are seriously underweight.

Quite a few die because of that.

Die because of some insane so called fashion designers and because of their so called job.

The body image that they have in their head is seriously fucked up.


Do we hate them?

Of course not, why should we.

We are actually worried about them.

Anonymous ID: c644fd Dec. 7, 2019, 8:05 a.m. No.7446495   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>6496 >>6499 >>6505 >>6517 >>6518 >>6549 >>6661 >>6674


It was notable when the DoJ press release came out on 12/4/19 BUT we did not know the IDEN of the Dem party recipients at that time. The article lists them!



Bill Barr Indicts 8 For Illegally Funneling Foreign Money To Adam Schiff And Multiple Dem Senators

December 4, 2019

Bill Barr just dropped the hammer on the hypocritical Democrats and this wound will take years to heal.

Bill Barr just broke up a massive scheme to illegally funnel foreign money into darn near every Democratic political candidate and organization.

The list of the Dem organizations taking this illegal money is astounding – almost every Dem state organization and many super PAC’s including the big one Priorities USA.

All of the leading names in the Democratic party took in this money including Adam Schiff and Ted Lieu, Jon Tester, Cory Booker, Hillary Clinton, etc.

A real rogues gallery if ever there was.

To add insult to Adam Schiff’s injury, one of those charged is George Nader a key witness in the Mueller investigation.

Nader is a convicted child molester. Nader works as a straw man for the middle east sheiks and it is clear now he was to influence certain members of Trump’s team as well as the entire Democratic party establishment……moar at link



due to learning ID of Dem recipients

Anonymous ID: b7bb9f Dec. 7, 2019, 8:08 a.m. No.7446498   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>6518 >>6661 >>6674


When an image is posted here, it is auto-assigned a long filename. Q downloaded the file from here

Look at any post with an image - there are 2 links for each image

1) LEFT - auto-assigned filename by 8kun

link to it is file_store

2) RIGHT - filename the uploader has on their device

link to it is file_dl


There are times when Q uploads an image with a specific filename. That's why EVERY SINGLE ONE is listed on the spreadsheet - so you can search and compare or whatever.

Anonymous ID: 112df2 Dec. 7, 2019, 8:08 a.m. No.7446501   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>6560


I reported you as a 'headstrong' anon who doxed himself.


Seriously love your page at Twitter, and appriciate your gung hoo additude, but you simply need to understand the danger you put yourself in by putting your name out there.


Keep up the good work otherwise.

Anonymous ID: 0216df Dec. 7, 2019, 8:11 a.m. No.7446508   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


He's right you know. We covered this back in Feb


ok so i played a bit with the url typing


seems wikileaks just takes the first numbers and disregards the rest ..

i dont think this is a thing …now

Anonymous ID: c94f00 Dec. 7, 2019, 8:13 a.m. No.7446516   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>6520 >>6525 >>6551

Seth Rich murder will never be allowed to be broadcast as truth. It would be too devastating to the country. This is why I'm viewing the sealed indictments through a different viewpoint now. Might not be a mast arrest scenario as we have all been longing for. Q could be using them as leverage to get a desired outcome.

We are foolish to believe that Durham will indict several people 4 years after the crimes were committed. Where's Huber? Investigations don't take 4 years before processing arrests. Q's timelines got fucked up I believe

Anonymous ID: 0e94b1 Dec. 7, 2019, 8:13 a.m. No.7446517   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>6674



California CEO and Seven Others Charged in Multi-Million Dollar Conduit Campaign Contribution Case


Earlier today, an indictment was unsealed against the CEO of an online payment processing company, and seven others, charging them with conspiring to make and conceal conduit and excessive campaign contributions, and related offenses, during the U.S. presidential election in 2016 and thereafter.


Assistant Attorney General Brian A. Benczkowski of the Justice Department’s Criminal Division and Assistant Director in Charge Timothy R. Slater of the FBI’s Washington Field Office made the announcement.


A federal grand jury in the District of Columbia indicted Ahmad β€œAndy” Khawaja, 48, of Los Angeles, California, on Nov. 7, 2019, along with George Nader, Roy Boulos, Rudy Dekermenjian, Mohammad β€œMoe” Diab, Rani El-Saadi, Stevan Hill and Thayne Whipple. The 53 count indictment charges Khawaja with two counts of conspiracy, three counts of making conduit contributions, three counts of causing excessive contributions, 13 counts of making false statements, 13 counts of causing false records to be filed, and one count of obstruction of a federal grand jury investigation. Nader is charged with conspiring with Khawaja to make conduit campaign contributions, and related offenses. Boulos, Dekermenjian, Diab, El-Saadi, Hill, and Whipple are charged with conspiring with Khawaja and each other to make conduit campaign contributions and conceal excessive contributions, and related offenses.


According to the indictment, from March 2016 through January 2017, Khawaja conspired with Nader to conceal the source of more than $3.5 million in campaign contributions, directed to political committees associated with a candidate for President of the United States in the 2016 election. By design, these contributions appeared to be in the names of Khawaja, his wife, and his company. In reality, they allegedly were funded by Nader. Khawaja and Nader allegedly made these contributions in an effort to gain influence with high-level political figures, including the candidate. As Khawaja and Nader arranged these payments, Nader allegedly reported to an official from a foreign government about his efforts to gain influence.


The indictment also alleges that, from March 2016 through 2018, Khawaja conspired with Boulos, Dekermenjian, Diab, El-Saadi, Hill, and Whipple to conceal Khawaja’s excessive contributions, which totaled more than $1.8 million, to various political committees. Among other things, these contributions allegedly allowed Khawaja to host a private fundraiser for a presidential candidate in 2016 and a private fundraising dinner for an elected official in 2018.


The indictment further alleges that, from June 2019 through July 2019, Khawaja obstructed a grand jury investigation of this matter in the District of Columbia. Knowing that a witness had been called to testify before the grand jury, Khawaja allegedly provided that witness with false information about Nader and his connection to Khawaja’s company. Boulos, Diab, Hill, and Whipple also are charged with obstructing the grand jury’s investigation by lying to the FBI.


Currently, Nader is in federal custody on other charges.


An indictment is not a finding of guilt. It merely alleges that crimes have been committed. A defendant is presumed innocent unless and until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt.


The FBI’s Washington Field Office is investigating the case and Deputy Chief John D. Keller and Trial Attorneys James C. Mann and Michael J. Romano of the Criminal Division’s Public Integrity Section are prosecuting the case.

Anonymous ID: d8aeb2 Dec. 7, 2019, 8:13 a.m. No.7446518   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>6529 >>6552 >>6563


>>7445876 d'oh

notables for incoming baker, not endorsements

>>7445891, >>7445965 (kek) Harvey Weinstein’s diabetes and spine condition to blame for his appearance

>>7445896 A few people getting unspecified medical treatments today: Slovak ex-PM and Qaboos of Oman

>>7445898 George Soros Courts OANN

>>7445900 Nolte: Nancy Pelosi’s β€˜Article II’ Impeachment Rationale Exposed as Hoax

>>7445917, >>7446272 Diplomat Alexandra Hall Hall has left the UK diplomatic service over Brexit

>>7445975 Vice Adm. Myers Says Partnerships Are Key to Success in Cyberspace

>>7446004, >>7446022 23 minutes between POTUS AND US Army tweets- anons on

>>7446019, >>7445961, >>7446113 US Air Force twat: " We remember those lost..." & live link to JFK carrier ceremony

>>7446042, >>7446072, >>7446083, >>7446123, >>7446156, >>7446166 Donald Tusk pic (repost) additional info

>>7446068, >>7446096 Q drop #386, >>7446359, >>7446429 Vid- Ray McGovern and Bill Binney subpoenaed in dc district court-additional info too.

>>7446071, >>7446403 Saudi Air Force trainee condemned US as 'nation of evil' in hate-fueled Twitter manifesto

>>7446118 Bloomberg's "plan" to end gun violence

>>7446121 PG&E: California power firm to pay $13.5bn to wildfire victims

>>7446151, >>7446080, >>7446124, Haille Selassie - Ethiopia

>>7446161 Interesting article includes Bill Binney interview

>>7446189, >>7446204 Vid- Project looking glass

>>7446212, >>7446252, >>7445425 (pb - notable) #9522 Angry Nancy - Bracelet-Bullet Gesture & Comment Comms = Activate [D5] & [D6] [Sleeper-Shooters]?β†’ Ammunition is finite. ←["Clown" Sleeper Assets]?

>>7446221, >>7446243 Rocketman: Vatican funded explicit film of Elton John’s life-from Dec 5th

>>7446229, >>7446332, >>7446498 Dig on punisher image name and possible connection HRC WikiLeaks file name and anons speculating on -minibun and additions

>>7446244 Codemonkey twat on Tor

>>7446232 POTUS hot mic, cracks himself up also about his Trudy Twoface comment…Around 2:50 mark.

>>7446236, >>7446313, >>7446364 Oligarch and Trump fan arrested in Germany-anon speculates on sincerity

>>7446296 Fresh Claims: Prince Andrew rocked by new bombshell claim as second Epstein victim says she had sex with him too

>>7446343 MN Nat. Guard on the 3 blackhawk crash victims-RIP

>>7446330, >>7446279 Charges dropped against Dr. who said abortion claims a human being

>>7446362 Musk’s defamation win may reset legal landscape for social media

>>7446369, >>7446449 WH twat: National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day

>>7446382 over/under [Sally Yates] isn’t getting much sleep lately? [20] #PanicInDC Q drop #1974,2155

>>7446418 POTUS retweet

>>7446419 Joe Biden Says He’s Considering Kamala Harris As A Running Mate

>>7446426 U.S.Army Twat: dyk? 78th anniv of PH attack

>>7446450, >>7446495, >>7446499 Bill Barr Indicts 8 For Illegally Funneling Foreign Money To Adam Schiff And Multiple Dem Senators-from Dec 4, has link

>>7446489 Pearl Harbor + 77: Illuminati Use False Flags to Start Wars-article from 2018



all yours. back to lurk and work


>>7446424 kek

Anonymous ID: 3aca8f Dec. 7, 2019, 8:14 a.m. No.7446522   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


THAT's gonna bake their noodle?

"Q" - heads say the top world leader is a black guy?

How does that work with "White Supremecy"

Are "we" supposed to hate him because his darked skinned, rather than because he's an architect of New World Order NWO cabal deep state ?

This could fit in with "paranoid" notion of why "They" want to get rid of light skinned?

Anonymous ID: be1906 Dec. 7, 2019, 8:15 a.m. No.7446532   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>6568

If Monday were going to be DEVASTATING to them as I had hoped, I would think their would be much much more resistance, I have a feeling Monday will be lame or at least not what I had hoped for.

Anonymous ID: fc7a2d Dec. 7, 2019, 8:16 a.m. No.7446535   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>6540


I understand the sentiment, but love it or hate it, lawyer's job is to defend the accused. Their job is specially to not be an arbiter of truth.

Judges on the other hand are charged with fairly enforcing the law.

They don't belong in the same bucket.

Anonymous ID: 7c27ee Dec. 7, 2019, 8:18 a.m. No.7446546   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

For any anon with a FB, something to look out for. For nine days in a row now (probably more but I rarely use site) I have noticed a Bloomberg ad right at the top of the feeds again and again and again. The first day I removed it and followed normal FB procedure which removes ads from those you do not wish to see anymore, didn't matter, it was back the next day. Nine days now.


None from Trump whom I follow, nine from Bloomberg who I do not follow. I am positive this is going to be universal for everybody. Something Trump admin needs to know about since they are clearly working in unison with FB.

Anonymous ID: bd97a0 Dec. 7, 2019, 8:21 a.m. No.7446551   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>6558 >>6712


i think the seth rich truth will come out. it will be hard but it will completely debunk the whole "muh russia" narrative when people realize why he was killed. also there is no statute of limitations on treason so yes Durham will indict. as for the Huber investigations. many could have already gone through the grand jury process. but you cant start issuing public indictments on some cases as it would affect the cases that are not yet complete so Huber is sitting on them untill everything is ready.

Anonymous ID: 13633c Dec. 7, 2019, 8:22 a.m. No.7446556   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


Aka "Nothing", MiND.


That from which all things manifest fourth from. Space. Just as air manifests cloud then water from 'nothing', so is mind.


Thought becomes substance.


Nothing lasts forever.


NunAmun, nothing > sound

Amun Ra, sound > light


Anonymous ID: 7c27ee Dec. 7, 2019, 8:22 a.m. No.7446557   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


Recent unsealed in Ohio (Dayton) were federal crimes by (basically) the entire city council and a state senator for fraud. All have been nailed since. Other unsealed in the past have been similar with a state senator in MA getting nailed for connection to U1, a group in the LA area connected to fraud, and there are a few others similar. All fraud related, all DNC connected.

Anonymous ID: 17546c Dec. 7, 2019, 8:23 a.m. No.7446559   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

Those three professors at the impeachment hearing teach at schools which have a more than cozy relationship with Ch ina.


Schif Stanf ord > Comms


Evil people

Anonymous ID: 7de9c7 Dec. 7, 2019, 8:23 a.m. No.7446561   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

Ann Sarnoff is married to the nephew of General David Sarnoff, the spook from Minsk who founded RCA and NBC. Ann Sarnoff, the new CEO of Warner Brothers, is the former CEO of BBC worldwide productions in the US and is described New York Times as a "Hollywood Outsider."


Sarnoff is not a Hollywood outsider. Her history of involvement with cultist programming targeting children is extensive, suggesting that Randall Stephenson at AT&T has not grasped how serious We the People are about stopping the ongoing subversive social sabotage - the non-stop psyops, IO being run by mockingbird media on a naive civilian population - especially with sex and death media content directly targeting children.


Randall Stephenson hires a pedovore, Ann Sarnoff with experience programming children.


>Sarnoff got her start at Viacom, where she worked from 1993 to 2003. Sarnoff was the head of Nickelodeon consumer products and business development during Geraldine Laybourne's leadership of the company. In 1999, while working at Nickelodeon, Sarnoff was part of a team that created the TV channel Noggin, a joint venture between Nickelodeon and Sesame Workshop. Two shows she promoted were Rugrats and Blue's Clues.


Ann Sarnoff is the protege of Geraldine Laybourne, a satanist bloodline witch and an alleged priestess in the dark mother hierarchy. Laybourne tutored Sarnoff in the tactics of corruption and degradation of young minds; skills both women sharpened, working together in Viacoms' notoriously perverse and degenerate "Nickelodeon" network, run by senior satanic cult pedovore, Geraldine Laybourne previously mentioned.

Ann Sarnoff, having polished her mind poisoning skills creating destructive subversive media content at Viacom (Nickelodeon) and BBC (Jimmy Savile) is now the CEO of Warner Brothers, the largest entertainment company in the world. Sarnoff is the first woman to run the second largest media content producer in the world. Normally the feminist β€˜progressives’ would call a three-day holiday to celebrate that.

Why isn't Randall I Stephenson, former chief executive of Boy Scouts of American, now CEO of AT&T - why isn't Randall Stephenson claiming the progressive, SJW, diversity credits he's entitled to? Why isn't RS filling endless press releases with corporate self-praise for naming the first woman in history to run AT&Ts giant Warner Brothers media empire? Randall l Stephenson would get BIG social justice cap and trade credits for recognizing and empowering women.

POTUS had Randall Stephenson into the oval office months ago. It's safe to assume POTUS knows the damage being done by ongoing mockingbird social subversion ops, and that he wants that bullshit stopped now and turned around. Yet Randall I Stephenson heeds not the council of POTUS. He hires a cultist pedovore witch instead of a white hat to run Warners’ studios.


Why would Randall l Stephenson do that? Destroy WBs future after talking with POTUS?


Possibly RS doesn't have a choice. Possibly Randall is a prime pedovore himself and is being blackmailed/extorted or controlled via upstream illuminated handler

> served as National Chair of the Boy Scouts of America from 2016 to 2018


AT&T needs a new CEO.

Warner Brothers need a new CEO.

& We the People need to stop tolerating endless lies from satanic cultists who have brainwashed our friends, families and fellow citizens.


AT&T and WB are salvageable companies being destroyed by satanist shills bent on further poisoning our reality with evil psyops.


AT&T is a strategic asset, β€œcritical communications infrastructure” and there is justification for USG seizing β€œcritical infrastructure to preserve and protect children's cognitive function” and STOP the relentless, subversive IO targeting children.

Anonymous ID: f09e78 Dec. 7, 2019, 8:27 a.m. No.7446581   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

Lieu also donated $25k of his campaign contributions to Stanford right as his kids were getting ready to go to university

Sounds a lot like what Felicity Huffman and Lori Loughlin got busted for

Except Lieu used taxpayer money

Anonymous ID: d4595f Dec. 7, 2019, 8:28 a.m. No.7446584   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

Chelsea Handler.

Her parents owned a home in Martha's Vineyard.

Yet her dad was just a used car salesman?

And then there is this……………….


Handler has two sisters and three brothers; her eldest brother, Chet, died when he was 21, in a hiking accident in the Grand Tetons in Wyoming. She was 9 years old at the time.

Anonymous ID: 0d8013 Dec. 7, 2019, 8:28 a.m. No.7446587   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

Off theTopic:

Any digs on this matter available here or could i be directed to them? Thanks

Operation Highjump (1946–1947)

Anonymous ID: 0e94b1 Dec. 7, 2019, 8:29 a.m. No.7446589   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>6613



Haile Selassie visited Jamaica on Thursday, April 21, 1966. Some 100,000 Rastafari from all over Jamaica descended on Palisadoes Airport in Kingston, having heard that the man whom they considered to be God was coming to visit them. They waited at the airport playing drums and smoking large quantities of marijuana. Today the Rastafari celebrate that Haile Selassie visited Jamaica on April 21.


When Haile Selassie's Ethiopian Airlines flight landed at the airport at 1:30 pm, the crowd surrounded his plane on the tarmac. The day had been overcast and stormy. After about half an hour, the door swung open and the emperor appeared at the top of the mobile steps. A deafening tumult was heard from the crowd, who beat calabash drums, lit firecrackers, waved signs, and sounded Abeng horns of the Maroons. All protocol was dropped as the crowd pressed past the security forces and onto the red carpet that had been laid out for the reception. Selassie waved from the top of the steps; some interpreters have claimed that he shed tears, although this is disputed. He then returned into the plane, disappearing for several more minutes. Finally Jamaican authorities were obliged to request Ras Mortimer Planno, a well-known Rasta leader, to climb the steps, enter the plane, and negotiate the Emperor's descent. When Planno reemerged, he announced to the crowd: "The Emperor has instructed me to tell you to be calm. Step back and let the Emperor land" After Planno escorted the African monarch down the steps, journalists were puzzled by Selassie's refusal to walk on the red carpet on the way to his limousine. [hence grounation, Iyaric equivalent of foundation, "uplifted" with the sound of the word ground in the sense of "making contact with the soil"] He was then driven to the King's House, the residence of Governor-General Clifford Campbell.


As a result of Planno's actions, the Jamaican authorities were asked to ensure that Rastafari representatives were present at all state functions attended by His Majesty, and Rastafari elders, including Planno and probably Joseph Hibbert, also obtained a private audience with the Emperor, where he reportedly told them that they should not immigrate to Ethiopia until they had first liberated the people of Jamaica. This dictum came to be known as "liberation before repatriation". At a dinner held at the King's House, Rastas claimed that acting Jamaican Prime Minister Donald Sangster had stamped his foot at Lulu, Haile Selassie's pet chihuahua, who, they swore, had responded with the roar of a lion.


Defying expectations of the Jamaican authorities, Selassie never rebuked the Rastafari for their belief in him as the Messiah. Instead, he presented the movement's faithful elders with gold medallions bearing the Ethiopian seal – the only recipients of such an honour on this visit. Meanwhile, he presented some of the Jamaican politicians, including Sangster, with miniature coffin-shaped cigarette boxes.

Anonymous ID: 06baa9 Dec. 7, 2019, 8:29 a.m. No.7446591   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


Quote from Globalist Agenda . Org


" "The question was how should we maneuver them [Japan] into firing the first shot… it was desirable to make sure the Japanese be the ones to do this so that there should remain no doubt as to who were the aggressors."

Henry Stimson, US Secretary of War prior to WWII, Nov. 25, 1941

Anonymous ID: 0216df Dec. 7, 2019, 8:34 a.m. No.7446599   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


I think it's kind of a confirmation that the things anons post are the same types of things that Bongino posts. I've not seen any confirmation from Bongino he's anon, but I expect he probably is. It's an easy shot to take by Drudge because he has made millions with his site. Any actual reporter currently following current events has to respect the power of QR/anons. Truth+knowledge makes it pretty easy to spot the shills.

Anonymous ID: 7c27ee Dec. 7, 2019, 8:34 a.m. No.7446607   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>6681


The JFK Jr. alive trend was one such instance, yes. Others included things such as flat earth being connected to the QAnon group which I know for a fact was a fraud being used to make the real researchers look moronic. Trump being connected to various things he has no connection to all being posted by famefags claiming Q connection. Then we have the famefags spouting off religious significance in nearly every single thing they post calling him the next Christ (and meaning it), and so on.


I fully understand we (the real researchers) are going to have energetic people who want to help, mean well, but simply do not know how to properly research issues but the problem is that in doing what they do it oftentimes is used by nefarious opponents to paint an incorrect picture.

Anonymous ID: e0c172 Dec. 7, 2019, 8:36 a.m. No.7446609   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>6683


>What’s the over/under [Sally Yates] isn’t getting much sleep lately? [20] #PanicInDC

Shouldn't be.

Also would like to see [Lois Lerner] Criminal IRS Admin. come to Justice.

A Dog in This Fight



I've shared a little before.

How this "Plan to Save the World" hits really close to home for me.

β†’ It's about "Degrees of Separation" ←


1: My grandmother was a classmate of LBJ way back in the day.

2: LBJ used to attend a secret poker game (in CenTex) with mafiosos, pols & corrupt LEOs, I heard about it from my boss at the time 40yrs ago.

3: LBJ was a nasty mean corrupt dude. But y'all know that.

4: A close friend was [framed & railroaded] by the FBI in the 1990s for a crime HE was the victim of; but they framed HIM = Used a jailhouse snitch, the criminal perps as trial witnesses, set him up with a lame incompetent public defender & the Fed court judge (crooked as a dog's leg) gave the jury specific instructions to ignore certain evidence.

He went to prison for someone else's crime because of crooked FBI agents & corrupt Fed judge.

5: I Personally know a guy (small biz owner) who suffered mightily during the [Hussein][Holder][Lois Lerner][IRS] - TEA PARTY PATRIOTS IRS - TARGETING SCANDAL

  • Was "Swatted" once & investigated multiple times by [FBI].

  • It broke up his marriage and damaged his children's lives.

  • Cost him lots of $$$s.

  • Taken him yrs to pick up the pieces.

5: Personally:

  • I Almost died of a strange sudden onset of very aggressive cancer while living in Mainland China.

During treatment it was discovered I had an unusually high level of URANIUM in my system.

  • I had a bone cancer. The place elements like uranium poisoning settles.

6: (Some Intel) I found out thru my network of connections:

A few yrs before my mysterious onset of aggressive cancer while live IN China; An underground house church pastor I knew was detained by the [CCP][P]ublic [S]ecurity [B]ureau and tortured for a week to give up names, dates & mtg places.

β†’ I was probably ONE of the NAMES he might've given up.

  • Subsequently: Things were much moar difficult for me in the Mainland up until I was hit with the cancer.

  • Did someone slip me (uranium) in my food & drink?

Could be. I did LOTS of eating & drinking w/ Chinese friends. It's part of the culture.


  • Going back yrs, I've had contact w/ those Chinese individuals I'm SURE were [CCP] assets or party officials. Anyone who has engaged China has dealt with'em, even unawares.



I can say with confidence after watching the vid of attackers torching The Epoch Times HK facility:

β†’ The way [They] carried themselves tells me (From Personal Experience w/ PSB Agents) they were = Mainland PSB secret police assets or [Triad] Muscle of the [PSB].

Which has been completely embedded underground in HK going back decades.


I've, what [they] call, "Had Tea" with some of them on The Mainland. "Having Tea" with them is not voluntary.

Anonymous ID: 0d811f Dec. 7, 2019, 8:41 a.m. No.7446621   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

can some one with twat ask cm if they can organise something so that we can post bitchute videos the same as we post youtube

actually would be very nice if possibly

Anonymous ID: 06baa9 Dec. 7, 2019, 8:47 a.m. No.7446641   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

Their house is a stinking cesspool. Look to the Masons for the guilty party if anything happens to me. - William Cooper


I believe that they have murdered In the past and that they will murder in the future.I firmly believe that all adult secret societies that practice degrees of initiation and consider the members to be "illuminated" are branches of the original ages-old Illuminati. Their goal is to rule the world. The doctrine of this group is not democracy or communism, but is a form of fascism.The doctrine is totalitarian socialism. You must begin to think correctly.The Illuminati are not Communists, but some Communists are Illuminati.

(1) Monarchism (thesis) faced democracy (antithesis) in WWI, which resulted in the formation of communism and the League of Nations (synthesis).

(2) Democracy and communism (thesis) faced fascism (antithesis) in WWII and resulted in a more powerful United Nations (synthesis).

(3) Capitalism (thesis) now faces communism (antithesis) and the result will be the New World Order, totalitarian socialism (synthesis).


The 1953 report of the California Senate Investigating Committee on Education stated: "So-called modern Communism is apparently the same hypocritical world conspiracy to destroy civilization that was founded by the Illuminati, and that raised its head in our colonies here at the critical period before the adoption of our Constitution."

The California Senate understood that communism is the work of the Illuminati. They failed to realize that the Council on Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission are also the work of the Illuminati. You MUST begin to think correctly. The enemy is not communism, it is Illuminism. The Communists are not going to be much happier with the New World Order than we. I hope to show that most modern secret societies and especially those that practice degrees of initiation β€” and that is the key β€” are really one society with one purpose. You may call them whatever you wish β€” the Order of the Quest, the JASON Society, the Roshaniya, the Qabbalah, the Knights Templar, the Knights of Malta, the Knights of Columbus, the Jesuits, the Masons, the Ancient and Mystical Order of Rosae Crucis, the Illuminati, the Nazi Party, the Communist Party, the Executive Members of the Council on Foreign Relations, The Group, the Brotherhood of the Dragon, the Rosicrucians, the Royal Institute of International Affairs, the Trilateral Commission, the Bilderberg Group, the Open Friendly Secret Society (the Vatican), the Russell Trust, the Skull & Bones, the Scroll & Key, the Order β€” they are all the same and all work toward the same ultimate goal, a New World Order "


Page 80 , behold a pale horse

Anonymous ID: 7c27ee Dec. 7, 2019, 8:47 a.m. No.7446646   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


One thing that wasn't discussed (in full) that night shift was how the individual was able to create a fully functional and readymade capacitor. He literally had the root means to create a nuclear explosion but to create a capacitor out of junk and spare parts is either the most amazing part of the situation or the biggest load of BS of the story. I lean toward BS as there is no way he did that on his own, with no training, with spare parts in a garage.


Point being, I think there may be a possibility here that was an averted attack of high casualty in the process of being created which was broken up and this story being used to cover the truth as not to cause panic.

Anonymous ID: 8879e1 Dec. 7, 2019, 8:49 a.m. No.7446653   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


Drudge Sells out Trump, helps Democrats. Check out Whatfinger News, founded by ex-Military


β€œA friend who stands with you in times of pressure is more valuable than a hundred friends who will stand with you in times of pleasure.” – Anonymous


β€œA false friend and a shadow attend only while the sun shines.” – Benjamin Franklin


β€œAmericans cannot comprehend how their fellow countrymen could not love their country. But the left’s anti-Americanism is intrinsic to their entire worldview. Liberals promote the right of Islamic fanatics for the same reason they promote the rights of adulterers, pornographers, abortionists, criminals, and Communists. They instinctively root for anarchy against civilization. The inevitable logic of the liberal position is to be for treason.” – Ann Coulter


President Trump’s supporters are wondering why seemingly out of nowhere Matt Drudge has taken a sharp anti-Trump stance on his website, the Drudge Report. They no longer trust him or anything he says.


Drudge used to break stories before the mainstream media or Fox News even knew about them; they went to Drudge to find out the latest. Josh Bernstein recently exposed what has happened to Drudge. He says we should boycott Drudge and I agree with him.

Drudge Sells Out to Establishment

Anonymous ID: 290594 Dec. 7, 2019, 8:49 a.m. No.7446654   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

Xiyue Wang, a 38-year-old PhD candidate at Princeton University, was freed by the Iranian government on Dec. 7 in a prisoner swap.

β€œAnother American is coming home. Xiyue Wang, who has been held on false charges in Iran for over three years, has been released and is on his way back to the United States. Mr. Wang will soon be reunited with his wife and son, who have missed him dearly,” Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said in a statement.

Anonymous ID: 6d9af7 Dec. 7, 2019, 8:49 a.m. No.7446655   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


DISGUSTING! This person is anorexic or being starved. Female functions no longer working, and very close to massive organ failure. She needs rescued and the sick bastard that took the pictures, etc. arrested/

Anonymous ID: 7c27ee Dec. 7, 2019, 8:50 a.m. No.7446657   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


This is wonderful to see as I have always believed the most crucial engine needing to be handled is the foreign controlled media machine which provides a shield for them. Take that down, and they are open.

Anonymous ID: 4dd148 Dec. 7, 2019, 8:50 a.m. No.7446661   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun



thanks notetaker


>>7445891, >>7445965 (kek) Harvey Weinstein’s diabetes and spine condition to blame for his appearance

>>7445896 A few people getting unspecified medical treatments today: Slovak ex-PM and Qaboos of Oman

>>7445898 George Soros Courts OANN

>>7445900 Nolte: Nancy Pelosi’s β€˜Article II’ Impeachment Rationale Exposed as Hoax

>>7445917, >>7446272 Diplomat Alexandra Hall Hall has left the UK diplomatic service over Brexit

>>7445975 Vice Adm. Myers Says Partnerships Are Key to Success in Cyberspace

>>7446004, >>7446022 23 minutes between POTUS AND US Army tweets- anons on

>>7446019, >>7445961, >>7446113 US Air Force twat: " We remember those lost…" & live link to JFK carrier ceremony

>>7446042, >>7446072, >>7446083, >>7446123, >>7446156, >>7446166 Donald Tusk pic (repost) additional info

>>7446068, >>7446096 Q drop #386, >>7446359, >>7446429 Vid- Ray McGovern and Bill Binney subpoenaed in dc district court-additional info too.

>>7446071, >>7446403 Saudi Air Force trainee condemned US as 'nation of evil' in hate-fueled Twitter manifesto

>>7446118 Bloomberg's "plan" to end gun violence

>>7446121 PG&E: California power firm to pay $13.5bn to wildfire victims

>>7446151, >>7446080, >>7446124, Haille Selassie - Ethiopia

>>7446161 Interesting article includes Bill Binney interview

>>7446189, >>7446204 Vid- Project looking glass

>>7446212, >>7446252, >>7445425 (pb - notable) #9522 Angry Nancy - Bracelet-Bullet Gesture & Comment Comms = Activate [D5] & [D6] [Sleeper-Shooters]?β†’ Ammunition is finite. ←["Clown" Sleeper Assets]?

>>7446221, >>7446243 Rocketman: Vatican funded explicit film of Elton John’s life-from Dec 5th

>>7446229, >>7446332, >>7446498 Dig on punisher image name and possible connection HRC WikiLeaks file name and anons speculating on -minibun and additions

>>7446244 Codemonkey twat on Tor

>>7446232 POTUS hot mic, cracks himself up also about his Trudy Twoface comment…Around 2:50 mark.

>>7446236, >>7446313, >>7446364 Oligarch and Trump fan arrested in Germany-anon speculates on sincerity

>>7446296 Fresh Claims: Prince Andrew rocked by new bombshell claim as second Epstein victim says she had sex with him too

>>7446343 MN Nat. Guard on the 3 blackhawk crash victims-RIP

>>7446330, >>7446279 Charges dropped against Dr. who said abortion claims a human being

>>7446362 Musk’s defamation win may reset legal landscape for social media

>>7446369, >>7446449 WH twat: National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day

>>7446382 over/under [Sally Yates] isn’t getting much sleep lately? [20] #PanicInDC Q drop #1974,2155

>>7446418 POTUS retweet

>>7446419 Joe Biden Says He’s Considering Kamala Harris As A Running Mate

>>7446426 U.S.Army Twat: dyk? 78th anniv of PH attack

>>7446450, >>7446495, >>7446499 Bill Barr Indicts 8 For Illegally Funneling Foreign Money To Adam Schiff And Multiple Dem Senators-from Dec 4, has link

>>7446489 Pearl Harbor + 77: Illuminati Use False Flags to Start Wars-article from 2018

>>7446622 Request for Investigation into allegations of Maria Farmer against Abigail and Leslie Wexner regarding Epstein


will probably have to get a cap of the new Q for the next bread

Anonymous ID: 037b60 Dec. 7, 2019, 8:53 a.m. No.7446674   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun




>>7445891, >>7445965 (kek) Harvey Weinstein’s diabetes and spine condition to blame for his appearance

>>7445896 A few people getting unspecified medical treatments today: Slovak ex-PM and Qaboos of Oman

>>7445898 George Soros Courts OANN

>>7445900 Nolte: Nancy Pelosi’s β€˜Article II’ Impeachment Rationale Exposed as Hoax

>>7445917, >>7446272 Diplomat Alexandra Hall Hall has left the UK diplomatic service over Brexit

>>7445975 Vice Adm. Myers Says Partnerships Are Key to Success in Cyberspace

>>7446004, >>7446022 23 minutes between POTUS AND US Army tweets- anons on

>>7446019, >>7445961, >>7446113 US Air Force twat: " We remember those lost…" & live link to JFK carrier ceremony

>>7446042, >>7446072, >>7446083, >>7446123, >>7446156, >>7446166 Donald Tusk pic (repost) additional info

>>7446068, >>7446096 Q drop #386, >>7446359, >>7446429 Vid- Ray McGovern and Bill Binney subpoenaed in dc district court-additional info too.

>>7446071, >>7446403 Saudi Air Force trainee condemned US as 'nation of evil' in hate-fueled Twitter manifesto

>>7446118 Bloomberg's "plan" to end gun violence

>>7446121 PG&E: California power firm to pay $13.5bn to wildfire victims

>>7446151, >>7446080, >>7446124, Haille Selassie - Ethiopia

>>7446161 Interesting article includes Bill Binney interview

>>7446189, >>7446204 Vid- Project looking glass

>>7446212, >>7446252, >>7445425 (pb - notable) #9522 Angry Nancy - Bracelet-Bullet Gesture & Comment Comms = Activate [D5] & [D6] [Sleeper-Shooters]?β†’ Ammunition is finite. ←["Clown" Sleeper Assets]?

>>7446221, >>7446243 Rocketman: Vatican funded explicit film of Elton John’s life-from Dec 5th

>>7446229, >>7446332, >>7446498 Dig on punisher image name and possible connection HRC WikiLeaks file name and anons speculating on -minibun and additions

>>7446244 Codemonkey twat on Tor

>>7446232 POTUS hot mic, cracks himself up also about his Trudy Twoface comment…Around 2:50 mark.

>>7446236, >>7446313, >>7446364 Oligarch and Trump fan arrested in Germany-anon speculates on sincerity

>>7446296 Fresh Claims: Prince Andrew rocked by new bombshell claim as second Epstein victim says she had sex with him too

>>7446343 MN Nat. Guard on the 3 blackhawk crash victims-RIP

>>7446330, >>7446279 Charges dropped against Dr. who said abortion claims a human being

>>7446362 Musk’s defamation win may reset legal landscape for social media

>>7446369, >>7446449 WH twat: National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day

>>7446382 over/under [Sally Yates] isn’t getting much sleep lately? [20] #PanicInDC Q drop #1974,2155

>>7446418 POTUS retweet

>>7446419 Joe Biden Says He’s Considering Kamala Harris As A Running Mate

>>7446426 U.S.Army Twat: dyk? 78th anniv of PH attack

>>7446450, >>7446495, >>7446499, >>7446517 Bill Barr Indicts 8 For Illegally Funneling Foreign Money To Adam Schiff And Multiple Dem Senators-from Dec 4, has link

>>7446489 Pearl Harbor + 77: Illuminati Use False Flags to Start Wars-article from 2018

>>7446515 Planefag FXE to Gitmo

>>7446598 This ornament didn't hang itself For the Keks!

>>7446622, >>7446633 Request for Investigation into allegations of Maria Farmer against Abigail and Leslie Wexner for their complicity in helping Jeffrey Epstein


Anonymous ID: c42d95 Dec. 7, 2019, 8:54 a.m. No.7446682   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun










Anonymous ID: 7de9c7 Dec. 7, 2019, 8:52 a.m. No.7446683   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


Anons friend just returned from CHN where his Chinese wife's "high school friend" accompanied them everywhere. He flashed credential that made regular cops shit themselves. So why all the attention for a guy who works for Disney running a team tagging every aspect of media content in a secret project to automate the production of personalized mind control media content.


Disney is functionally integrated into CHN security / intelligence apparatus structures.


In the same way google Deep Dream was developed with and for the Chinese to give them real time data picture of every individual in the world for monitoring and control this Disney project will permit the creation of individually personalized media content to produce desired behavior in targeted individuals voluntarily.


Disney has another problem. Families are no longer returning to theme parks for repeated visits. To counter the collapse in attendance the company plans to open satellite miniparks relying heavily on VR to occupy the large mall spaces vacated by retailers bankrupted by Amazon.


To describe the dangers of Virtual and Mixed realities in the hands of ill-disposed pedovores is unneccessary. VR and MR provided unequalled high bandwidth access to the human mind.

Anonymous ID: 06baa9 Dec. 7, 2019, 8:55 a.m. No.7446690   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


Largely unbeknownst to the general public, executives and top journalists of almost all major US news outlets have long been members of the influential Council on Foreign Relations (CFR).Established in 1921 as a private, bipartisan organization to β€œawaken America to its worldwide responsiΒ­bilities”, the CFR and its close to 5000 elite members for decades have shaped US foreign policy and public discourse about it. As a well-known Council member famously explained, they transformed the American republic into a global empire, albeit a β€œbeneΒ­volent” one.Based on official membership rosters, the following illustration depicts for the first time the extensive media network of the CFR and its two major international affiliate organizations: the Bilderberg Group (mainly covering the US and Europe) and the Trilateral Commission (covering North America, Europe and East Asia), both established by Council leaders to foster elite cooperation at the global level.



Anonymous ID: e0c172 Dec. 7, 2019, 8:57 a.m. No.7446697   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


Q drop 36

Q drop 1866

Q drop 2637

Q drop 3389


>Name of person mentioned in each of these drops?

β†’ Adm. Rogers

Relevant how?


Has meeting with Durham been mentioned yet?


Eyes on.




Tasty Morsel from recent history:

(pic related)


Shem Horne



Clapper and Brennan have yet to be interviewed by Durham but Admiral Michael Rogers declined to say whether or not he has spoken with Durham yet!


If he doesn't want to say that's a good sign that he has helped Durham in this. American hero!


6:07 PM - 24 Oct 2019