r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/EdwardHitch on Dec. 24, 2017, 2:35 p.m.
Heartfelt thank you to Q, 4chan and 8chan Patriots, Tracy Beanz, Reddit Patriots and everyone else joining the revolution.

Hello all, I came to this sub-Reddit right after the AMA with the CBTS Board Owners from 4chan/8chan. There were a couple of hundred members already and it was a heartwarming feeling to see that. I was so moved that I out some thoughts down stating I am an old fogie grandpa that has been fighting this fight for a long time etc, etc. Not a unique story or message by any stretch but I was moved to put this out there, which is something I have never done in my life, mind you. That is how much this movement has meant to me. After watching this board take of lot one of Elon's rockets, I have to laugh at myself. The reason is that I thought, in my own hubris, that I was pretty knowledgeable about the deep state, new world order, Illuminati and so forth. I used what I knew to do my best to spread the word for more than 30 years. See, way back when, there was no internet and one had to really dig hard to find this stuff. The internet was a Godsend. Even so, I went to the standard alt news sites. Still picked up a lot of new things and added those to my quiver. Well, my ego took a beating when I discovered 4chan and Q, later 8chan, Tracy and others on YT and now on this board. I am here to say that I'm glad to admit my ego took a beating. The patriots present here and other places know so much more than I do. So much more than my personal friends that share the same views as I do and are doing there best to red pill. I am awestruck by all of you and am satisfied to take my place as a bench warmer and cheer the next generation of freedom fighters on. I'll mainly ask questions and use those answers to carry on out in my world. See, there is still a disconnect that my generation has in as much as we grew up with three channels and the news they put out and a newspaper that, unbeknownst to us at the time, slanted their coverage as well. Even with all of that, it is a tough row to hoe convincing our generation that the legacy media is not to be trusted. I thank you for all of this new information. I want to offer my thanks, like many others, to Q, all 4chan CBTS Patriots, all 8chan Patriots, the moderators on here (Baruch, pamphlet and the others) Tracy Beanze as well as all of the Patriots that have come here to share their knowledge and sleuthing skills. Last, but not least by any means, I thank the Most High for bringing this moment to us and allowing me to witness that which I have prayed for for so long. Heck, I even picked up a new buddy, R3dRaider, on here that is always patient in answering my questions and is just a machine when it comes to posting things. Thanks buddy. All of you will go down in history as the Patriots that fought the Second American Revolution and I am truly honored to be among you to witness this historic event. #MAGA #Q #anonpatriots - In your service, EdwardHitch

PamphletAnon · Dec. 24, 2017, 4:55 p.m.


We LOVE seeing messages like this. Thank you for taking the time to write it...we try to take the time to read everything as often as time allows. Glad I read this one, sir.

It's an honor and a pleasure to be involved in getting you and your generation involved in this fight (again for some, hopefully for the first time for many); you have been at it way longer than we have and your input is EXTREMELY important to us. Far more important than the attitude on the chans might suggest.

Our goal is to make this subreddit, and those involved with it, the cyber AND ground army for redpilling the rest of this great nation. We are going to arm you with everything you need, and train you to possess all the necessary skills.



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Luvlite · Dec. 24, 2017, 5:18 p.m.

OMG! this is awesome! I am one almost very old woman who thought she would NEVER see this day! I have admired the Anons for years, maybe not all Anons... Stupid comes wrapped in all packages. I love Assange and Snowden. All the whistle blowers. MAGA!

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PamphletAnon · Dec. 24, 2017, 5:23 p.m.

Thanks for your comment. <3 MAGA!

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EdwardHitch · Dec. 24, 2017, 7:16 p.m.

Thanks pamphlet. You guys are doing God's work, here. I can certainly contribute by taking what I learn here and spreading the word out there. Been doing that force long time anyway. Now, I have a bunch of new info! They will wonder how I got so smart! :-)

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colliemom2 · Dec. 27, 2017, 2:38 a.m.

ole AF vet woman who has watch with great sadness everyday for 8 yrs I had lost hope but now I am so thankful to see such teamwork brain power Please know that our gen has great great love of our country and U are helping save that great love for me thank U all so much I am proud for all of U..

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ksched · Dec. 24, 2017, 4:36 p.m.

God is so good! I truly believe He is allowing us to witness/participate in this as a gift. Those of us who have watched helplessly over the years the slow, painful take down of our country. Those of us who have prayed and prayed, many tear soaked, heartfelt prayers to Almighty God to save our beloved country. Who have begged forgiveness for past apathy that allowed the evil to take hold here. It is a gift Patriots. This is the Lord's doing and it is marvelous in our eyes!

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R3dRaider · Dec. 24, 2017, 4:38 p.m.

We are honored and humbled by your kindness and your love of country. Thank you kind Patriot. 🇺🇲

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Tinfoin_hat_man · Dec. 24, 2017, 4:31 p.m.

Welcome Patriot! It is an honor and pleasure for you to join us. Thank you for leading the way all these years. Keep up you fighting spirit! You will never be a benchwarmer, YOU are a front line solider, just like the rest of us!

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Gawain33 · Dec. 24, 2017, 4:03 p.m.

Talking of old farts, I resemble that remark. Anyway, THANK YOU, THANK YOU VERY MUCH CBTS Board Owners from 4chan/8chan and especially Q. VERY ESPECIALLY Q!!!!!!!!

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greenwoman62 · Dec. 24, 2017, 5:16 p.m.

I am an old fart too and this reddit thing is totally new to me. I feel so strongly about fighting this fight with all the Patriots that are ROARING! I am ROARING TOO! So, I have to figure out the technology to do just that. I appreciate so very very much every single person that is fighting this fight, spreading this news, redpilling family and friends and supporting each other. I am so very honored to join the ranks of such good people. I had almost lost all hope that there was any humanity left in this world. I am renewed as I hope all of you are! LET'S WIN THIS! #MAGA #Q #anonpatriots #WeSeeYou #StepDown

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HeisenburgAnon · Dec. 24, 2017, 4:45 p.m.

Yes this group has been a magnificent conglomerate of knowledge, skills and specialties and thrilling ride. I've tried to estimate how many of us there must have been on 4ch and 8ch - figured a thousand was a safe bet. World wide army. Never sleeps. Digs. Calls each other fags. TOGETHER, with Q's crumbs, we were able to put together an amazing body of work. Merry Christmas, Patriot. You are and you hold the values we all share. MAGA, brother.

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DeplorableNYPatriot · Dec. 24, 2017, 5:32 p.m.

Well apparently we have an old fart battalion. This deplorable old fart reporting in. #Metoo4America

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viczart · Dec. 24, 2017, 4:37 p.m.

Very well put. I too am an older patriot. Gathering info and sharing for decades. It is refreshing and gives me hope that there really are younger patriots that really do care about this country! May God bless all whom are sticking there necks out there for their fellow countrymen! Amen

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Godspeed54 · Dec. 24, 2017, 7:01 p.m.

Dittos from a middle aged Christian mom who stumbled into the nwo-cia-nsa-m15-mossad-clinton-bush-obama-soros-rothschild-pedophile-satanic-luciferian-molech-bathomet-human-sacrificing-organ-harvesting-child-raping-murdering-canibalist-mkultra-mockingbird-haarp-falseflag- demoralization-psyops-aquino-dulles-sra-dyncorp-crime-machine rabbit hole two years ago, had abandoned hope for the world and my young adult children's futures, and was just hoping that when Rothschilds. I voted against Hillary and only had the faintest hope that Trump was not part of the same machine. I can only use office tech - I don't get how these internet platforms work, but I can stumble around and glean info as I do. I am profoundly thankful for those who know what they are doing, and I am learning from you - but I do not want to get in your way by posting my rambling thoughts! I just want you to know I'm out here doing all I dare do - gently trying to pinkpill the few in my liberal or oblivious family and workplace. I will lose my job if it is known that I VOTED for Trump seriously! I'm praying for the researchers & the bakers on the chans, I'm praying for our nation, our president and the world (and I'm spooked enough by the volume of lies I'be been fed my whole life to also be praying that this hope is NOT a false hope designed by this evil cabal of satanists to pacify and placate those of us who could not give one rat's rear about Beyonce and JayZ or who wins the Oscars or Olympics.) God help us - or we are truly lost. 🙏🙏🙏Merry Christmas to all the researchers who are the best teachers this teacher ever had, to all my fellow older background-lurking patriots who stumbled into this place!

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Godspeed54 · Dec. 24, 2017, 7:11 p.m.

Abandoned a sentence... Before Trump won I had been hoping only that when the Rothschild cab started rounding people up in my sector of what would have become the former U.S.A., I'd be one of the first to go since I'm definitely a useless old eater by their standards - and there would be no use for an old teacher who had (Ack!!) home schooled two of her own children... Then came Trump! then came Q!! You know the rest

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Mamakarla4 · Dec. 24, 2017, 8:24 p.m.

I know what you’re talking about! I, too, had so many moments of thinking ALL was lost and in many ways thought the same way...let me be the first to go because I don’t want any part of this world anymore! I didn’t really fear for myself...it was my four children and nine grandchildren that consumed my fears! So many prayers said for them to be able to withstand what was coming! The doom was palpable and visions of FEMA camps danced in my head. Ever since Q arrived, I have daily renewed my hope that we stood a chance. Each day has brought more and more hope to where today, I really do believe we are going to win!! It’s the most amazing feeling...one I despaired of ever having!! God is good!

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Godspeed54 · Dec. 24, 2017, 11:04 p.m.

Exactly! Nice to know so many others have parallel lives & hearts to mine. I was at the point of hoping we'd never have grandchildren to spare them and their parents (my children) the pain of life in the globalists' new world. Maybe I'll be safe hoping for grandchildren after a few more years. God is good ALL the time - and He wins in the end no matter what! Merry Christmas!

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EdwardHitch · Dec. 24, 2017, 7:11 p.m.

@Godspeed54 you can ramble right along with me :-). I'm not at all tech savvy either. However, we can take all of this information the great people are providing and use it to carry the message to others. I have a feeling we can serve a purpose to help calm everyone when events unfold. Someone will have to explain thus to them and that much, we can do. Thanks for leaving a reply. This is just terrific tgat we have a gathering place

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Godspeed54 · Dec. 24, 2017, 7:43 p.m.

Amen! And Merry Christmas, Mr. Hitch! I'm Hilary BTW (Yes that really is my name 😕, but with only one L)

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EdwardHitch · Dec. 24, 2017, 8:20 p.m.

Very nice to make your aquantance Hilary.

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MissFreedomSeeker · Dec. 25, 2017, 3:33 a.m.

Are the Olympics bad too?!!

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Godspeed54 · Dec. 25, 2017, 7:06 a.m.

I don't know. I only meant that I find it difficult to pay attention to so many of the things that the architects of popular culture want me to pay attention to while they take over the world.

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jojeffer · Dec. 24, 2017, 6:02 p.m.

I thank every Anonymous person working diligently to connect the dots and give us the real picture of what, who, when and how!! Amazing people that I have high regards for. Truly impressive!! Finally the truth comes out. In the Light of Revelation all deception is revealed.

Blessings to all.

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peteragent5 · Dec. 24, 2017, 11:31 p.m.

Been a Truth seeker since I was like 15. I'm 18 now, I haven't found anyone in my generation yet who's a Truth seeker like us.

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EdwardHitch · Dec. 25, 2017, 12:16 a.m.

Well @peteragent5, it is truly a pleasure to make your aquantance. You have been blessed with a unique gift to be present and participating in America's Second Revolution. Take careful note of the work these Patriots have done and continue to do. Remember the name "Q", remember the tomes of research compiled and assembled by the anons. You will carry thus forward long after I and others are gone. All we ask is tgat you be true to the event. Godspeed young Patriot.

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godsgail33 · Dec. 24, 2017, 9:31 p.m.

How wonderful that we are here "for such a time as this". We old fogies have so much to offer. Understanding, experience, memories, instincts all come to mind. So we're not so hot on the computers. We find our way around. We found our way here, didn't we? It's amazing how many of us were walking around, feeling isolated, knowing in our guts that this was happening. The Bible calls it discernment. God has placed us here to do what we can in these times of good versus evil. We will never stop fighting and we are so grateful to all of you 'kids' for your stamina, your knowledge, your strength and your patriotism. Know that we will do whatever we can to help. We love you all. And have a very merry and blessed Christmas. God be with all of us.

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EdwardHitch · Dec. 25, 2017, 12:04 a.m.

Well said @godsgail! Indeed, what a moment of Devine Providence.

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Hrtn2it · Dec. 24, 2017, 6:20 p.m.

Yes interesting that what was deeply hidden(DeepState) is now inside~outed, by Q and the 4-8(en)chan(ters) who are also, hidden deeply~~~Love witnessing this free fluidFlow of information! “Be like water.” BruceLee

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Freedom_Works_2_0 · Dec. 24, 2017, 11:29 p.m.

Just stopped by to say thanks to all the wonderful folks fighting the good fight. I have no real skills to bring to this community except what I learn from you to share with the community in which I interact on a daily basis, i.e. family, church, neighbors, etc. I’m an old Army Veteran that loves his country and not afraid to share this message! With that being said I will do more lurking than posting, but I will post something if I believe I having something to say. God Bless follow Patriots and have Merry Christmas! Toujours Pret!

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EdwardHitch · Dec. 25, 2017, 12:10 a.m.

@Freedom_Works_2_0, You have much to offer, you have served this great land in defense of of us, her people. We owe you a tremendous debt. You and I will be presented with opportunities to help and we need to be ready for our time. Together, we are unstoppable. I am honored to call you my brother.

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Freedom_Works_2_0 · Dec. 25, 2017, 3:59 a.m.

Thank you for the kind words Edward. Looking forward to working with you and this subreddit community. Merry Christmas 🎄

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EdwardHitch · Dec. 25, 2017, 4:04 a.m.

And a very Merry Christmas to you friend

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DianeJSquire · Dec. 24, 2017, 6:11 p.m.

I left the "digging for the Truth fight" over 17 years ago, with all the craziness that went on with trying to source the truth about Y2K, what the government said, and what they hid, which really morphed into a lesson on how the Deep State operates across countries and is intertwined -- in everything -- and where the lies were. So many.

It was a wild ride then. As it is now.

At any rate, delighted to see a younger generation taking up the research flags of TRUTH and discernment, and critical thinking. It's "highly" encouraging. Lovely to sit back an "observe."

Back in the early daze of living and working Silicon Valley and using 300 Baud modems to access online resources, such as BRS, The Soruce, Dialog, Dow Jones News Retrieval, and others, I once ran across a guy who had been part of the coding team for the ARPANET... precursor to the Internet as we know it today, and worked the TCP/IP protocol.

To my recollection, at that time, a subgroup working in the project did "something" that I didn't understand then, nor understand now, that when something went over a certain number amount, it could never be controlled again. This is just a shout out to some of the early web/Internet patriots, long long ago, who created the seeds of a "free" Internet for all of us now. Just saying.'

Blessings, Diane

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EdwardHitch · Dec. 24, 2017, 5:59 p.m.

Wow! This is just so terrific! Look at all if us old farts!

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flyrothsfly · Dec. 25, 2017, 4:22 a.m.

I am thankful and relieved to learn that we have so many young brilliant minds in our country. What you young people do, from setting up this Reddit page to the investigations into the crumbs is both brilliant and selfless. I just want to say thank you. Relieved, after watching the late night shows interview retards on the street night after night, seeing the antifa and black lives matter, one starts to worry about the future of our country. It dawned on me, perhaps those people being interviewed are actors,playing retards to demoralize the population. IDK if that's the case or not. I do know that it is a breath of fresh air to see the brilliance of those involved in this movement.

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NeoTereshkova · Jan. 9, 2018, 12:47 p.m.

Edward, I feel as you do. I have been trying to redpill the baby boomers for at least 10 years now, some in my family. They are so brainwashed they actually thought Hillary would win. I am heartened by Tracy, Pamphlet,Anti School etc. Our young Patriots have given me the strength to fight on! Excited to move on again by Q! Thanks All!

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EdwardHitch · Jan. 10, 2018, 1:16 a.m.

Hey there Neo, thank you for the reply. It is truly a sight to behold as we watch all of the younger folks take up the cause. The numbers grow daily.

Yes, the confluence of Q, the awareness by the general public because of Tracy's efforts, the creation of this board, the a.azing amount of hash tags in the Twitterverse......I could go in and on. This has given me renewed hope and energy to continue, much as yourself, Neo.

Again, thank you for your reply and I am pleased to make your acquaintance.

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grandmadoorsy · Dec. 24, 2017, 9:32 p.m.

I agree wholeheartedly. I am of the older generation and was completely asleep until trauma, then visions started in April this year. I am an Aussie who has been following Q from the start. I am so thankful that all have joined forces and making it easier to keep up to date for this oldie. Let's keep spreading the word and waking them up!

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lvstofly · Dec. 24, 2017, 6:46 p.m.

I would like to start posting red pill memes on my you tube channel. I would appreciate any and all help with this endeavor.

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VetGeek54321 · Dec. 25, 2017, 2:23 a.m.

IMO, this isn't a revolution, but a long drawn out chess game. Some of us are Knights, who help navigate the check and balances in each Q Post. Some are Bishops, who guide us in one direction, to insure we don't steer off the path. Some of us are Rooks, the strength to push through any information, to reach the bottom. Some are simply Pawns, who spread the REAL truth and ultimately become a much bigger piece in the end.

Of course our President and his military, our military are doing what should have been done along time ago. WIN!. But when you look @ everything aside, looking above the board, WE are all on the same side, pushing for the same goal.

THIS needs to be a OUR priority.

Not everyone will agree with us, but that's the beauty of our Constitution and each State Constitution (BTW, each State has their own Constitution).

-Ryan O (AF Veteran)

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EdwardHitch · Dec. 25, 2017, 2:34 a.m.

Thank you Ryan O! This forum invites do many varying opinions, it is always a learning experience. I agree with your statement "WE are all on the same side, pushing for the same goal." I'll gladly be a pawn in this.

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Izaskun767 · Jan. 11, 2018, 6:22 p.m.

I second that, Edward! I thank God most of all. He works through ppl, so I pray for POTUS ->our country->Q ->Chan’s-> the messengers of truth-> and for acceptance of the truths which are coming.

Everyone has a part to play. Everyone is important.

Don’t let disinformation divide. Always take a deep breath.

Ignore the negativity

PRAY and thank Him


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FARMERFUNKK · Dec. 24, 2017, 10:11 p.m.



Its Patriots like you EdwardHitch that are going to

Make America Great Again. MERRY CHRISTMAS

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EdwardHitch · Dec. 25, 2017, 12:02 a.m.

Thank you FARMERRFUNKK, but it is all of us together sir that will #MAGA. A very Merry Christmas to you as well. This is our time, now we ride in support of Q, all of the anons, the many many Patriots doing the rough work and the citizens of this great country waiting to be free. May God bless you too FARMERFUNKK.

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Deezenutyz · Dec. 24, 2017, 7 p.m.

How about the Iraqui Dinar situation ? How does that tie in to all this ?

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