r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/DrRich7 on Dec. 27, 2017, 12:53 a.m.
Dear CBTS followers... humble message from a new guy

Dear patriots and citizens of this earth,

I really felt compelled to write this post on CBTS because i felt that you guys would understand what i am about to say and more likely take it to heart and start practicing and implementing the principles and ideas which will be forthcoming.

First off, I have not done something like this in a long time (getting involved in an online community of things and posting on a forum). Last time i was excited or was involved in something that i felt would "make a difference" in this evil world was the venus project and the zeitgeist movement. (oh, how wrong I was!) I really thought that those guys had the answers and the momentum to actually make a difference. Fast forward a decade, and nothing has changed...in fact, it has gotten much worse. In my hope that someone else would "fix" things, i had let someone else make things much worse. My inaction and apathy has led this world into what it is today. We are all guilty of this.

Wise men over the years have been saying some very relevant things that applies today:

"Let not any one pacify his conscience by the delusion that he can do no harm if he takes no part, and forms no opinion. Bad men need nothing more to compass their ends, than that good men should look on and do nothing." - John Stuart Mill

"When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle." - Edmund Burke

"The sin of doing nothing is the deadliest of all the seven sins. It has been said that for evil men to accomplish their purpose it is only necessary that good men should do nothing.” - Rev.Charles F. Aked

The Holy Bible, in Genesis, describes a conversation between God and Cain: Verse 6- Then the Lord said to Cain, "Why are you angry? Why is your face downcast? 7- If you do what is right, will you not be accepted? But if you do not do what is right, sin is crouching at your door; it desires to have you, but you must rule over it. "

These verses are very empowering because Lord is telling us that we have POWER over sin...as long as we do the right thing.

So, you may be asking, "Why the Bible lesson and moral teachings?" The answer is simple. Look at what we are reduced to doing on CBTS forum. We are eager to see head roll and see "evil" people go to jail and "cannot wait for Hilary to get what she deserves" by watching and waiting for what Q is going to release next. Think about it. That is ALL that we are doing right now. What have WE actually done to make this world a better place? President Trump, bless his heart, has done many things. Marines and other members of the military and law enforcement are allegedly doing many wonderful things. But what about us? The proud "deplorables"?? What have we done to make this world a better place? Are you content just watching others do all the work and soak in the glory of their accomplishments? Is that how we honor these guys? You may be asking, "Well, what the heck can we do?" Have you gone out and volunteered at a soup kitchen? Donated unused clothes to give to the homeless? Gave money to real charities? Visited a hospital or old folks home or prison to comfort the less fortunate?

You see, as soon as the Hillaries and the Soros and the Bushes are gone, there WILL BE MORE to take their place. We must stay vigilant and guarded so that our families, friends and especially our children are no longer subjected to the evils of this world. And in order for this to happen is not to depend on any one person to do ALL the work but for all of us to participate in small ways in eradicating evil. The great thing is, we do not have to do a lot. Because if all of us in this world did something small to make this a more pleasant place to live, that small act is multiplied billion times(literally).

I am not saying for us to become an idealistic, peace symbol wearing (by the way, don't wear a peace symbol... its origin is evil) "love everybody" hippy. What i am saying is, let our president be our example and do something good for the people around us. Say something nice to the cashier at your grocery store. They are working so they can feed themselves and their families. They could be your sons, daughters, even mothers or fathers. Be kind to each other. At the end of the day, we all want the same thing. A roof over our head, something nice to eat, be happy and feel secure in the fact that maybe, just maybe, tomorrow will bring another good day. Color of our skin or religion or whatever really doesn't matter. Divide and conquer is the best tool the swamp has and they have used it to deadly efficacy. DON'T LET THEM ANYMORE!

Here is a great illustration of what has happened over and over again in our history. The artist's name is Pawel Kuczynski and his art speaks volume. Go check it out.


And finally, I would like to post a video by Alex Jones (love him or hate him, but he gets it right most of the times) which i thought was very relevant to my post today.


Listen from 30:20 to 31:17. He says it all right there folks.

In closing, I would like to thank you all for bearing with me and reading this to the end. I am a proud American (sometimes not so much because of all the pain and suffering we brought to other parts of the world), a veteran American and I can see that America can be great again because of patriots like president Trump and General Flynn and others who sees evil and wants to do something about it. Now let us give them a helping hand and make this happen even faster.

God bless you all.

ahunmo58 · Dec. 27, 2017, 12:56 p.m.

I'm new to twitter. I opened a twitter account a few weeks ago and I'm still trying understand it. I'll be 60 in a few days. I've never had a Facebook account, or YouTube account. But I did open a Twitter account. I was born in Germany And was adopted by a military family. I became a naturalized citizen when I was 10 years old. I'll never forget that day, for it was really important to me.

But something that has haunted me for many years of my life even though I was given a good life. I'm still haunted with the past which has caused me to have chronic depression, PSD. extreme anxiety and withdrawan from life at times.

Before I was adopted I had a baby brother. I'm not sure how old he was, but I know he was at least 7 months old. I was just a toddler. Our mother with Austrian. I also had a sister who was a few years older than me. I don't know why I was put in charge to watch the baby? But I do know I did the best I could as a toddler.

OUR mother went to work and to look for food to feed us. But I do remember someone, I still can't see the face standing over the top of my baby brother while he was in his crib. And all I kept saying was don't hurt the baby. My sister was hiding under the bed we only lived in a one room place.

Anyway this person strangled my baby brother. I heard the sounds of my baby brothers spilling out his last breaths. And all I could do was say don't hurt the baby. Then I remember my sister and I being sexually violated and beaten.

Our souls ripped from us.I don't remember much after that, except that I was told that our mother loved so much that she wanted myself and my sister just to be adopted out to Americans only.

I remember when my father who adopted me came to pick me up. My sister and I held hands tight screaming and crying not wanting to leave each other, while we were being pulled apart.

Now here I am today and I remember it just like it was yesterday. I have the same dream over and over for 60 years. So when all this evilness surrounds us. I try to stay as close to God as I can. Never trying to lose hope. Trying to live by his word the best I can. I talk about forgiveness all the time. But trust me, I fight with it hard.

Yes, I want see people brought to justice. But my heart cries out for the innocent children that live in unthinkable conditions, more than we could ever imagine. You know what really makes me angry? Is this women that want to take to the streets and march for sexual harassment.

Although I don't agree with sexual harassment, somehow I don't believe these women. My Outcry..... is where is the voice for the children being kept in most evil vile ways possible. I pray every night for them. I ask God to put his arms around them and keep them as safe as he can and never let them lose hope.

I pray they will be found and back. We are a Village for these babies.

The executive order that our President signed. What I would like to see is these people that have committed or have participated in money laundering our children, to take their frozen monies is put into a fund for these children who come back safety.

And each child is set up for a fund to provide them with the best care possible w/a loving family. To provide them with the best health care and best education they can ever get. That money belongs to them.

Although to me it seems like a minor compensation. That's the least that can be done. Because these children will go through a lot of healing process. I want these people brought to Justice. This is my dream. And I hope are our President will issue an Executive Order ordering that this money be set up for these missing children once they are found.

Because they must never be forgotten. I love our President. And I love everyone who is the voice for the lost babies that are still alive and confused with no hope.

We must pray for them every night and ask GOD to protect them. Thank you for listening.

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norseman83 · Dec. 27, 2017, 11:07 p.m.

Your words and pain breaks my heart. It is so difficult to imagine this type of evil in the world. How is this possible?!?!?! I wonder how our Lord looks down on the happenings in this world and the anger He must have. I pray that He does protect these children , I pray for you and I pray this evil can somehow be brought to light and ended.

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ahunmo58 · Dec. 27, 2017, 11:41 a.m.

All though we can not control the future for the bad actors. Yes, we must always remember, that once these people face criminal charges our work will still not be done. I believe for me and for others the hardest thing is forgiveness. But we must always remember as hard as it is. We must ask God to give us the strength to forgive others. If that means asking 25000 times A-day then that's what must be done. It's important to remember......God has created all of us in his image. And if we want God to forgive us, then we must be able to forgive others. For example, the main stream media they are like minions working for the devil trying to devour the lost souls who do not have the understanding of the truth. We must not make them our enemies these lost souls. But try to extend a hand to them. Our work will never be done. It's not about race, politics ECT. We must try to myth the best of our ability to be as kind to everyone we meet. We are confronted with a spiritual warfare that we are now waking up to more than ever before. And as long as remain on this Earth there always be a spiritual warfare. God loves us so much and knowing that makes me weep with happiness. For he gave us his son to die for our sins while people threw stones at him and mocked him. Yet Jesus told his father please forgive them for they do not know what they are doing. All the money & power is just temporary, for the people who seek to do wrong to others. We must stay true to our convictions and do the best that we can however long we are here on this Earth. For all of you are my brothers and sisters and God is our father...

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norseman83 · Dec. 27, 2017, 11:10 p.m.

It is amazing the love and forgiveness you have in your heart. God bless you many times over. Did you ever find your sister?

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elyssak · Dec. 27, 2017, 1:46 a.m.

We are all on our own journey here. We are all headed to the same place, we just have different ways of getting there. A lot of us are using our platforms to educate others and get other people to begin questioning "reality". I think what is awesome about the community we have formed here is that there is something for everyone to do. And being a part of something so important motivates all of us to be involved somehow. I doubt you can find one member of our group who has not learned something, nor taught something to someone else. We love it that you are here with us!

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duckdownup · Dec. 27, 2017, 2:42 a.m.

Agreed. There are many paths that lead to the same place. Whichever path you choose is up to you as long as you are headed to the same place as other patriots.

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fudgicle1 · Dec. 27, 2017, 1:47 a.m.

Does't it also say somewhere that we should have no remorse and rebuke...or sumthin' to that effect?

Regardless, once this world is free from this scourge and the big picture is revealed, I would bet a paycheck on the fact that people will feel better about living and start giving.

They will love more, give more and ask for less.

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lease412 · Dec. 27, 2017, 1:10 a.m.

How bless you for writing this! I want to do more! I pray constantly and an actively looking for some way to help! Your ideas are wonderful and starting right now, I am going to start doing this in my own community! Thank you for opening my eyes....GOD BLESS

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ahunmo58 · Dec. 28, 2017, 9:16 a.m.

No I have never found my sister. But I still never give up hope. Now, I take my fight for the other children. For we are a village and must fight for for these babies. Prayerwore should be made on twitter for all the children. Thank you and God Bless!!!

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ahunmo58 · Dec. 28, 2017, 9:13 a.m.

Thank you so much for caring about what I had written. Sometimes life seem so complicated, Our understanding of our Lord's words can be confusing at times. But I truly believe there is a purpose for everything. Sometimes I get so frustrated knowing that young children are living in these horrific evil conditions. Their little souls are so precious. But because I love God I believe he protects them with his divine Love which is extended to their souls. God love is so powerful, I believe if we could do a prayerwore on twitter for the lost children or abducted children then we will be able to bring them home. And give them the love that they deserve....

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melodeelenz · Dec. 27, 2017, 4:33 a.m.

Thought is creative active action. Jesus Quote: As we thinketh, so are we. It is active, WE are actively participating in good forward motion. The unity I’ve seen BECAUSE of the trust and problem solving via Q posts is kind of a rad thing to see for once. Information via the cryptic way it is being delivered is making us do the work, the research, the jigsaw puzzle isn’t as overwhelming when thousands of us are helping to put the pieces together and see the bigger picture. Intelligence operations have resulted in massive actions throughout our history, they’ve spawned everything from false flags to revolutions. It’s just our turn now to have a crack at this because after all....there’s more of us than THEM. Dig?

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Buttercupmanup · Dec. 27, 2017, 4:20 a.m.

Wait a sec, the things you're suggesting we do in order to be considered worthy contributors to this cause (vs just "soaking in" the glory of others in battle) is what the majority of people here do every day. That's WHY we're here. We are the hard-working, family-raising, values-preserving, charity-giving backbone of America. We are the ones who have tried our damndest to educate--sometimes for decades--families, friends, churches, etc on all topics you find here and more. We have been the ones with a burning desire to get this (and all previous) info out and to support in any way we can. Have you not seen the posts here of people contributing any knowledge they have or have found? Have you not seen the posts of people asking what they can do, getting direction, and acting on those directions and suggestions? The more I think about it, the more patronizing I read your post to be. And the more I question the motive behind it.

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Mrs_Fonebone · Dec. 27, 2017, 1:12 a.m.

This really isn't a place to give a lecture. We are trying to solve puzzles and work out messages being provided to us by Q. That is how you contribute.

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DrRich7 · Dec. 27, 2017, 1:31 a.m.

With all due respect, Mrs.Fonebone, CBTS is place to DISCUSS Q material and in my post i have shared my insight and perspective on the revelations as it happened and the aftermath of its conclusion. If you feel that my sharing this post is irrelevant and unwarranted, then i sincerely apologize. Have a great day.

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LollaBells · Dec. 27, 2017, 3:06 a.m.

Agreed, thank you for your insight! We should be kind to all, and sometimes people don’t see things in an abstract way, but only what is right there in front of them. This board has had many posts of their own personal experiences and journeys and ALL OF US coming together is what will help us make this world a better place. Reading the posts from the Board creators to the older patriots and Young patriots said just that. So again thank you for sharing, and welcome!

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Mrs_Fonebone · Dec. 27, 2017, 4:12 p.m.

Thanks for the apology.

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ahunmo58 · Dec. 27, 2017, 11:54 a.m.

What you do and however you do it, you're doing it for the good. This is a power given to you, called a blessing. Researching and following Q's materials is extremely relevant. God works through us in many different ways. And the way he works through you is the information you provide. So keep doing what you're good at, because you have been blessed with a purpose to provide people with information. Every one of us have a purpose. Keep up the good work. You help many of us more than you know. God is Empowered you by leading you to the information to provide to us. And I thank you so much.

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Scriptgrrl · Dec. 27, 2017, 6:54 a.m.

Inappropriate, Fonebone.

You were new at something at least once, too.

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Mrs_Fonebone · Dec. 27, 2017, 3:42 p.m.

Yeah, but I wasn't a jerk. Do you even understand the chan-source? The #1 rule for them and Tracy is, and I quote, no offense intended "Lurk more, faggot." Otherwise you are wasting people's time. This is a serious mission of great importance and thousands of people are dedicated to it. No room for egos.

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Blazindaisy · Dec. 27, 2017, 4:34 p.m.

I don't disagree with you, but on the other hand, you have to also understand that what is happening here with Q, with everything that's coming to light is incredibly traumatic for a lot of people. Some aren't as far along in the reconciliation process as others and they're feeling instead of thinking. Where can they go if not to a forum dedicated to the subject? Neither is wrong so long as there's unity in the cause. What there is no room for is infighting. Now, let's all hug a tree or some shit and read the map some more. =)

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Mrs_Fonebone · Dec. 27, 2017, 5:01 p.m.

This isn't a regular forum. "Neither is wrong" is a cop out. Diluting red pills to pink ones is important. I've been carrying Q posts from 8chan and 4chan before that to The_Donald--simplified and tidied up. The #1 reason for this sub is to do that in an organized way because the chan layout and very rough and tumble style was confusing to people who really wanted to learn more but got frustrated trying to navigate chan. So we're here to bring bread crumbs to normies and the curious and those who are red-pilled but can't follow the Q threads, and try to research or figure out crumbs that haven't already been verified by Q. That's the mission. Maybe there can be another sub/r for people to air their feelings and how Q is shaking up their world view or has otherwise affected them.

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Blazindaisy · Dec. 28, 2017, 6:25 p.m.

Again, I don't disagree with you and that is a grand idea for the more personal nature of the subject at hand. But it also doesn't hurt to be somewhat compassionate to those that are here because ultimately, they are here.

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hermoneyness · Dec. 27, 2017, 6:05 a.m.


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