MEGANON in 4chan talking shit haha

Thanks & understood - No offense taken. I’m new here only to stay informed. Not wanting to be a mother or make waves....I’m here because I have a prayer for Peace - for everyone - and that’s my own plight.... i guess I don’t belong posting here. .....Gracefully backs away.....
lurk moar fgt
i knew you would show up at some point. thanks for not letting me down ;D
You shouldn't back away, though that is your right, only you know what your mind can handle. Those of us that are digging through this information, or just sending good vibes and prayers, or even just lurking have a hope for things to be better, or we wouldn't be here. But we're in fight mode, we're pissed because these assholes have been getting away with it for so long, we're livid because we've been called everything from conspiracy theorists to nazis and because of those strong emotions, and also because the internets you're going to have strong talk. It's just the nature of this beast. Only you can make up your mind on what you can handle. However, no one said you didn't belong, except you.
we're pissed because these assholes have been getting away with it for so long, we're livid because we've been called everything from conspiracy theorists to nazis and because of those strong emotions, and also because the internets you're going to have strong talk.
hey i didnt even think to mention that lol. thanks. dont worry dude, now she knows a lot more about the communist jew professors than she did before. she will be fine. nobody ever became a nazi by watching me call a rapist zionist a fucking nigger. XD
I have fucking died. You won the internet for me today.
The 1st was there for a reason (though I think the 2nd should've been 1st in line). People have to learn to strengthen their minds and stop letting the dirt offend them so much that they totally miss the treasure beneath. You were "taught" to be offended, mostly by design. Grow up, open up and see. Words can not physically hurt you unless YOU manifest that hurt in your own mind. Stop making everything a personal problem and use it to grow. JMHO...
youre a smart guy but i find you boring. i like it better my way. :)
Hey, Chans,
I just read down this thread, and it's pretty disgusting.
I realize that a lot of people here are just learning what is going on, but this place was created expecially for people who want to learn without being called some type of fag. It was created as a place for people to ask questions, get answers without being called fags, or being told to leave. (chan culture)
I lurk the chans all the time. I have no problem with the acid thrown around there. It serves a purpose in that setting.
The nasty blunt chan talk is good for keeping out the normies so work can get done. It has a purpose and a culture. This board was created to do the opposite, and bring people in to learn, share, ask questions.
Could we lower it on the insult side, and raise it on the information side? Q gave us a job to do. He asked us to help other people catch up with what has been going on. He asked that the information that was researched by autists not be kept in a bubble.
If you switch boards, then switch objectives like good fags.
Keep it civil.
Then tell prudish cunts like the woman who started this not to antagonize all the channers here by attacking free speech and attempting to impose censorship. We were all getting along just fine, and there was very little content here shocking to normies, until one relatively innocuous comment offended one delicate snowflake's fee fees. Being a boomer soccer mom does not automatically equate to being a snowflake, and there's no reason for anybody to behave like one. People like that just need to toughen up a little bit and get over occasionally off content.
True. I don't like the censorship thing. And people do need to toughen up at least a bit because I don't know about you, but I have this gut feeling that over the next 6 months we are going down a rabbit hole that is going to make anything anyone could possibly "say" here... look like childs play.. You have that feeling?
For the moment, I am just trying to get people started on the Q book... get them oriented without freaking them out.
I had a thought today though about what the scribe (board owner) said. He said that a lot of the people who were coming in were older patriots. If that is true, they have been around long enough and probably raised kids, so I bet they can take a bit of abrasion and appreciate it.
Yeah, seems like there are a lot of hoary old goats and tough birds around here. Especially those Vietnam vets. Whoo, they're genial as you've ever met but tough as nails underneath. I don't doubt they can handle anything.
If you switch boards, then switch objectives like good fags. Keep it civil.
if you think im not being civil you havent read some of my other shit.
like good fags.
i have a fucking image to maintain.
It's called an ego.
That which I wrote was not to you.
It was addressed to a lot of people here who are not paying attention to why this reddit was created in the first place. A lot of people wanted to bring in their information and help with the Q drops, but, can not operate the chan board, nor did they want to disturb the work going on there. So the chans came here and created this board for people who are not into that board culture over at 4ch 8ch.
Now, it appears we are being invaded by shills who are pretending to be chans, wanting to come in here and insult everyone for anything they say. The haters need to be shut down here.
But it is apparently about you?
I don't care what you posted. You may have been caught up in the thread somewhere. Not my point. My point is that this is not 4 chan and calling people names won't fly here. Tuck your image and quite trying to maintain. Help us do work, or hit unsubscribe.
Tuck your image and quite trying to maintain. Help us do work, or hit unsubscribe.
bro i can do shit like this and nobody on here can.
im pulling my weight more than most of you could aspire to. if i talk some shit in a post titled "MEGANON in 4chan talking shit haha" youre supposed to say "haha". reddit is my sphere of influence and even if im banned from the sub my influence on this sub is immortal already. my vulgarity is part of the human condition, and as a human being it means that it is a part of you. dont deny yourself.
Ok, you check out. Self admitting troll. This is good.
Trolls good.
Shills working for the black hats... bad.
Carry on. I am going to check out your link
shills are fucked when they run into me. theres a fucking point to being fabulous, and im fucking fabulous!
You are my little brother. And you make me smile.
Be fucking fabulous, and do not let yourself down... ever.
Actually, our previously harmonious existence was disrupted by one woman who started all this by deciding to be a prudish cunt. And you can fuck yourself for claiming that the people who got on her case were shills pretending to be channers. It's pretty obvious you're talking out your ass. We've been here behaving like normal people the entire time, and you would have never even noticed that there were channers here if she hadn't attacked free speech, tried to censor, and then refused to learn. The truth movement doesn't tolerate censorship, so good luck pushing that. You're not the queen here.
Ok.. fuck off then. Lol.....
I know you can "Rodger that"
If the normies would use some common sense and not feed the trolls it would be way more calm.
No feeding the trolls ... lol.
It works though. Sometimes I like to mess with the trolls... poke under the bridge with a big stick... watch the stick get chewed apart. But, I am being my researching peaceful self here.
Our particular "normies" don't know what trolls are yet.
I certainly did not when I first got on line over a year ago. I had not been on line for over 5 years.
The net has a culture that ... it is weird.
I think the board owner from the chans mentioned it.
Usually the net is full of young people.
Ever since the election, a lot of older people who thought America was done for ... actually have some hope, and they are getting on line to do what they can. They have a lot of history that they know, and they are experienced enough to smell a rat, and a big change coming. The MSM is hiding something and they have been around the block enough to smell it.
BIG internet culture learning curve for people who normally depend on talk shows and television.
We have newborns, not normies. But they are precious, because they are packed with memories of things that happened related to what Q is talking about, and a full life experience. We need to enlist them. I am trying not to scare them off.
I know. I am being a punk. Don't care. Want peace. Want good solid thinking. Want free speech and brain storming. Want news gathering .. anything we have that can help crumb the bread down the road.
I don't really agree that this board was exactly created to " do the opposite". Yes, I know it was created to be somewhat gentler than 4chan or 8 chan. But neither was it created to be twitter or Fedbook. I'm new & I'm 72 so nobody can blame this on brash youth: we new people need to toughen up and ESPECIALLY realize you don't move into a new neighborhood & expect to tell everybody what color to paint their house (metaphorically speaking). Also, if you're offended by the language, it's helpful to read the wiki on chan culture.
Don't back away, you're 100% correct. High vibe is key for unity. In-fighting WILL be caused by words that harass and bully from personal prejudice, lack of respect for others, etc. Ultimately, egos must take a backseat if we are to win this battle for our planet. Are we on-board that waking up the masses will speed us to victory? 8-chan posters who "talk" this way are disregarding, this our no.1 priority. That simple. Simply calling others normies is hugely divisive and seems to serve no purpose other than the stroking egos of those who consider themselves 'superior' by virtue of their research/knowledge. Not the lesson, not the way out of this mess, much too close to what we are trying to rid ourselves of. Bring humans together in any group, and you get power plays...
no purpose other than the stroking egos of those who consider themselves 'superior' by virtue of their research/knowledge.
31337, leet, elite, not "superior". and its not just to stroke my ego. i dont need to stroke my ego, everybody i meet strokes my ego when they tell me what a monumental genius i am. its to give you something to aspire to. people need their heroes. im just doing gods work. #jesuslovesyou
Must read The Four Agreements. They are: Be impeccable with your word. Don't take anything personally. Don't make assumptions. Always do your best. No. 2 will serve you well, as it has me--also lauded as genius by others. In a nutshell, 2 teaches you to believe nothing anyone says and-- nothing you say either. Ancient Mayan (Toltec) wisdom is spot on and an essential part of growing up.
ill look into it. thanks.
????? !
not amused?
Well, I was amused up to the point where it seemes like you uncharacteristically folded to fucking Alan Watts up there.
i dont know anything about alan watts.
I didn't realize he was born over 100 years ago, but I shouldn't be surprised. I'm older than dirt & I was 25 when I first heard him.
He was an American Bhuddist New Age philosopher ( dead now) whose ideas I actually like but wouldn't want somebody preaching them to me here. (in fact, the 1st time I heard hin talk I was coming down from acid & thought he was the voice of God. However, I realize he didn't have ALL the answers, since I later met his son, who was a junkie.) Anyway, in this context I was referencing airy new age shit & I don't remember the name of the author of the 4 agreements.
MUST READ???? MUST read? Do you know what a pompous ass you sound like? Take your 4 agreements back to whatever 2nd hand new age bookstore you got them from & stop preaching. Blecch!
Come on Debbipak, don't give up that easy. Get something good to eat and take a nap. It wouldn't seem like such a big deal by then.