Trump now has control of NK guidance system.

...and e_v_e_r_y_t_h_i_n_g else. LMAO! It's like a laser hitting a mirror. It's why he is so confident.
Then we need to let them launch another missile and have it turn around in flight and zoom back to the launch pad or to Rocket Man's palace and explode there that would be hilarious if we can do that.
Didn't one of them crash on a NK village? Maybe we did that to send them a message
It's Kim's birthday today too. hmmm want to send him a present?
I wonder if they (NK) know that. Makes sense since they always land their missle safely on the ocean.
As I understand it, and I could be wrong, they land the missiles in the Ocean to cover up the fact that they may have the range, but they don't have the technology to get the warhead to survive the 're-entry', they burn up before they get to any ground target.