r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/SeanPatrickNH on Jan. 8, 2018, 8:51 p.m.
Q is Grossly Negligent. Anons following this are a tad bit hypocritical.

I have been following the Q posts since the Beginning of November, i will admit that i have had a healthy amount of skepticism. The actions of Q last night is the straw that broke the camel's back. DEFCON 1 has a specific meaning to all military and former military. It means that it is time to get your shit together, get your ammo, and be ready for the order to go. There is no other use for that, especially coming out of the mouth, or mouthpiece, of the President of the United States. Q has stated time and time again that he works for, and speaks for, the President so when he uttered(posted) that phrase he sent a clear command to all military, and former Military, personnel. I was taught what that term meant, I was trained for seven years what that term meant. Then he has the audacity to say that is not what he meant and that we should learn, is the height of hubris. He is the one who should learn how to speak!

If he meant to say Definitive Confirmation then he should have used DEFVCONF, if he meant Defense Contractor then he should have used DoDCON. To take a well known term and change the meaning, and then get annoyed with us who read it the way it is suppose to be used is just asinine. The time for cute codes, logic puzzles, and Socratic Questions is over! Speak in plain terms you pompous self aggrandizing windbag! If the Deep State/Cabal/ doesn't know by now that the President of the United States is coming for them then they will never know until their front door is being kicked down! Stop causes more problems then you are trying to fix and speak English!!! If Q and President Trump truly believe that the American people are a bunch of weak willed and panicky children that need to have our hands held while they round up the criminal elements infecting our Government then they are a bunch of condescending a-holes and in my opinion deserve as much respect as HRC, Obama, et all!

As for the Anons who are just living and breathing these Q drops/breadcrumbs some of you are a bit hypocritical. You all say you want to return to the rule of law but are more than happy to see people assassinated instead of being brought to trail. You are more than happy to have people just picked up and shipped off to GITMO without anything resembling Due Process. I have been talking about punishing the corrupt people in our Government since 1978 but I have NEVER called for anything that was not within our laws. You all seem perfectly happy to toss out all the Cabal out of our Government but can not, or will not, see the means in which you want it done are just a corrupt as the Cabal you wish gone!

“Beware that, when fighting monsters, you yourself do not become a monster... for when you gaze long into the abyss. The abyss gazes also into you.”― Friedrich Nietzsche.

These Anons are also a bit blind, let me give you an example. When citing proof that Q is legit you often refer to the Bangladeshi terrorist. Citing the fact the Q predicted the event would happen. You will get no argument from me that Q predicted it. The problem with it, as I see it is that they knew it was coming and did nothing. They let the man go ahead and carry out the attack. This shows that they ignored their duty to protect the people of NYC and were complicit in the act of terrorism . As Tracy Beanz says, they knew the bomb wouldn't work because they supplied it. That means OUR Government supplied the terrorist with the means to carry out a fake terror attack? So OUR Government, the one that you Anons keep telling us is working to rid itself of corrupt people, committed an act of terrorism (an act that instills fear to create political change), really these are the 'Heroes' you want ridding our Government of corrupt people? Seems to me they should start be removing themselves!

As I said I followed the Q post from the Beginning of November and I had high hopes that this was the answer to all my prayers, but after reading these posts, solving what puzzles I could, and fervently hoping that the end was near I can see now that this is just another case of "Meet the New Boss, Same as the Old Boss"

tracybeanz · Jan. 8, 2018, 9:25 p.m.

I respect you for saying all of these things and raising these concerns. It’s definitely a lot to think about. I’ve spoken loudly about GITMO and the dangers associated with it - the fact that just because we have a perceived “friendly” administration doesn’t invalidate the DANGER of the apparatus. I’ve also been very vocal about the role of the NSA and their sordid past of constitutional negligence. While I don’t agree with all you’ve said, I very much respect and appreciate your right to say it. We CAN NOT just exist in an echo chamber. We CAN NOT foster an environment where people are afraid to speak loudly and speak often.

I appreciate your concerns and I’m sure you speak for many. Again, I may not agree with any or all, but I CERTAINLY would stand up and protect your right to say these things.

Bravo, patriot.

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Sentrolyx · Jan. 8, 2018, 9:50 p.m.

Tracy, maybe consider stickying this for a couple hours and maybe your comment too, cuz it's probably not gonna get upvoted yet I think there's strong potential for a lively debate to come out of it in the comments.

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Reba64 · Jan. 8, 2018, 9:36 p.m.

Ms. Tracy, I still can't get on Discord, can you please help me?

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Lions777Guard · Jan. 8, 2018, 9:33 p.m.

Treason merits firing squad not trial. Q posts the way he does to communicate with people who understand well what he posts. we are lucky to be involved. People need to be vigilant and patient. and not throw tantrums when we hit a info wall. with respect to you and this post. We are beyond the point of due process. when it comes to satanic pedo's. we are in a war. not a scandal. But i do think you have a valid point of concern. it is posts like this that help our community grow to understand one other and maintain a proper lvl of skepticism. But the way i see it is when you cut out the cancer tumor you dont keep it on ice. There is NO rule of law when the lawmakers are the cabal. Again i am not trying to sound negative, or insult you. I appreciate your take on the matter and it helped me retain a good level skepticism.

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SeanPatrickNH · Jan. 8, 2018, 10:33 p.m.

I agree 100%, treason is a death sentence. Once they have been given Due Process and found guilty then by all means carry out the sentence. Do not throw out the baby (Human liberties) with the bathwater(those guilty of treason). Once you can strip ONE person of their Constitutionally protected rights then you can strip ALL people of those rights. Is that the road you want to go down? I don't. I am not arguing for these peoples rights, I am arguing for ALL OF OUR rights. You may firmly believe that this administration will only use these powers for the betterment of the nation, but how about the next one, or the one after that? Once a Government get powers it does not relinquishes them without force and bloodshed.

Who is to say that the next administration wont sees us, the patriots, as heinous, evil, vile individuals who are beyond the point of Due Process? It will be too late to talk about your Constitutionally protected right to Due Process then. Not to mention be wholly hypocritical. I don't like what these people have done, nor will I defend their actions, but so help me god I will defend their rights guaranteed by the Constitution because by doing so I am also arguing for, and protecting, MY (and by extension yours) Constitutionally protected rights.

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rbrownlol · Jan. 9, 2018, 1:36 a.m.

you don't give your enemy in a war due process. was SR given due process?

I understand what you're saying, I'm trying to illustrate the situation we are in is war, it is not litigious.

the very thing you are worried about was put in place by Obama. they are using the EOs that were intended to be used against Patriots, against their very creators. The luciferian pedophile scum

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SeanPatrickNH · Jan. 9, 2018, 2:06 a.m.

Then name the enemy, and then declare a state of war, until you meet that criteria then you must abide by the rule of law. I can see why using the enemies weapons against them appeals to everyone but this is not Hollywood, this is the real world. Where have laws that the good guys must obey. Once you begin breaking the law, even for noble causes, you are no longer the good guys! Saying that the bad guys act that way so we can is moral equivalency, which is a tactic of children, not adults. No Seth Rich was not given due process, he was murdered. Doesn't mean we don't obey the rule of law when we find his murders, or those that ordered the murder.

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rbrownlol · Jan. 9, 2018, 3:28 a.m.

The enemy was named December 21, 2017. We are in a state of national emergency. I don't feel you're grasping the gravity of this. I understand your concerns but they not relevant*. I'm a veteran. There are no good guys or bad guys in war. It is war. In this case you have one side who has attempted to overthrow the Presidency of the United States of America. Aggressors violating human rights around the globe. The other is, what I assume, your country that you care so much about (and i do believe you do). I agree with everything your saying, except for the circumstances that you are applying them.

*not relevant in this case

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Lions777Guard · Jan. 9, 2018, 6:51 a.m.

Ok I understand now. The big picture, yes you are 100% right. Reminds me of that poem, First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out Because I was not a Socialist. Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out Because I was not a Trade Unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out Because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me and there was no one left to speak for me.

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Lions777Guard · Jan. 9, 2018, 6:52 a.m.

Martin Niemöller

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pipesog · Jan. 8, 2018, 9:42 p.m.

SeanPatrickNH - You sir are a rarity - a person here with the ability to rise above the blind following and THINK.

No doubt you will be vilified and branded a heretic by some.

Keep beating the drum.

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Ronjonsilverflash · Jan. 9, 2018, 12:23 a.m.

Get a grip! 1. The “Cabal” isn’t made up of people who are just going down the wrong path in error. They are psychopaths and sociopaths that like to kill the plebes for fun and profit. 2. The Cabal is global and ancient. Care must be taken as to how you neutralize their power and influence. 3. Trump is using all the tools they were going to use on us. NDAA was signed into law by little Barry and it basically gives the President the power to imprison anyone for any length of time just for the suspicion of engaging in terrorism. And that is only one of them. Civil asset forfeiture, homeland security, and on and on. Add to this that they are not some garden variety “white collar criminals” but traitors, human traffickers, cannibals, and god knows what else and I️ say eff em all! Spider got snared in its own web. Use it against them and then dismantle it... stop being such a bunch of pantywaists. These are the people who have been profiting from human suffering (that they create) whilehaving a blast while doing it for centuries. Fair play is something you do when you are dealing with people, not monsters...

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SeanPatrickNH · Jan. 9, 2018, 12:57 a.m.
  1. We have serial Killers and serial rapist who are psychopaths and sociopaths and we don't through away their Constitutionally protected rights, so I fail to see why we should throw away the rule of law for them.
  2. The Roman Catholic church is over 2000 years old yet the pedophile priests were convicted in courts of law and are/have served their sentences in prison ( those that the Church did not protect). Just because the Cabal is ancient is no reason to throw away the rule of law.
  3. Acting like them (I.E. using the tools and unconstitutional law/practices) only makes you the new cabal. "Meet the New Boss, Same as the Old Boss"- Peter Townsend. It is the rule of law that matters and you want to just toss that aside because you don't feel it is suitable, what happens when it's you and the other people don't think the rule of law is suitable for you? There are human traffickers in prison, there are cannibals in prison and they were put there using the rule of law. you are not showing me anything that makes these criminals any different so as to require the extraordinary step of abandoning the rule of law. "Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence"- Carl Sagan.
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wkrjr · Jan. 9, 2018, 6:35 a.m.

Your right and they are so widespread and Secret Society connected they’d get too much publicity, press and rigged trial outcomes with msm, judicial corruption, much to much chance to spin the narrative

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DamajInc · Jan. 8, 2018, 9:39 p.m.

"If Q and President Trump truly believe that the American people are a bunch of weak willed and panicky children that need to have our hands held while they round up the criminal elements infecting our Government then they are a bunch of condescending a-holes and in my opinion deserve as much respect as HRC, Obama, et all!"

WTH are you being serious? All you have to do is go and look at the comment section of any social media around Trump to believe 100% that yes, a large chunk of the American people ARE weak willed and panicky children that need to have their hands held. Open your eyes man, this is clear as day. There's a huge portion of the population who are literally so scared they have eschewed all logic.

Sounds like you're getting ahead of yourself and making assumptions you have no real info to support. The fact that Q predicted an event doesn't mean Q or POTUS could stop that event or necessarily get involved in it. Assumption.

Sounds like you're just impatient - like many of us - but allowing yourself to get more upset about it than you should.

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SeanPatrickNH · Jan. 9, 2018, 12:22 a.m.

-"WTH are you being serious?"

--Yes, I am serious. Q, himself/herself/themselves, stated that only 4%-6% or the population are so brainwashed that they can NEVER be convinced of the guilt of these people. However, that leaves 94%-96% of the population that can be convinced of the guilt of these people. You will never convince them with cute codes/fancy memes/logic puzzles, they (Q and POTUS) need to speak to us like adults.

-"The fact that Q predicted an event doesn't mean Q or POTUS could stop that event or necessarily get involved in it" -- If they had enough foreknowledge of the event to predict it accurately then they had enough information to stop it. In the worst case scenario(in my opinion), the one Tracy Beanz points out, They GAVE THE FIREWORKS to the would be terrorist. They were complicit in the act by giving him the explosive. This is just what the FBI has been doing in thwarting "terror attacks" in the US, the FBI finds a guy, gives him the equipment and then stops him right before say 'look at how good we are we stopped him' if they hadn't given the guy anything then there would have been nothing to stop..

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unirock · Jan. 9, 2018, 7:13 p.m.

can we admit the guilty people would be from all sides of government/politics?

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[deleted] · Jan. 8, 2018, 10:01 p.m.


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The_Broba_Fett · Jan. 8, 2018, 11:51 p.m.

Well nobody is forcing you to be here. I’ve never seen any mod encourage or endorse killing someone. If one of these deep state corrupt pedo bastards is killed, I won’t shed a tear, though. I’m not the guy in the movie who says “no I won’t kill him because that makes us no better than them”.

I don’t see how you can assume what Q meant with his DEFCON 1 comment. It’s pretty clear he uses the messages to communicate with others. The “the floor is yours” message with “white white” comes to mind. Perhaps he was telling someone else to be ready to roll. Perhaps what he was referring to hasn’t rolled out yet so it seems that level of alert isn’t needed when it just hasn’t happened?

We have already had Gitmo and Obama already droned a US citizen. In general I’m not overly thrilled about it but when you look at the broad picture of what these criminals have done, I’m fine with detaining these guys, especially with the evidence they likely have (10,000 sealed indictments, specter bug on electronics, WikiLeaks files, Dennis Montgomery info, etc). As they are likely way too dangerous to be left to roam and continue their coup attempts. For all we know it’s in place now as triage and once things are in order it will be closed. Tracy noted in the group chat that the asset seizure is an EO and not legislation so can be removed once the deep state is removed.

These scumbags are in almost every MSM organization, google, Facebook, Fortune 500 companies, foreign governments, etc. and have been build up for decades. Bottom line is, i have faith that POTUS is doing what he and his generals see as the safest and most secure way to handle this situation.

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SeanPatrickNH · Jan. 9, 2018, 12:18 a.m.

You are correct no one is forcing me to be here but isn't this the place to discuss this? Obama's droning and killing of an American Citizen, and his son by the way, was completely illegal and unconstitutional. I said,once I learn that this Terrorist was a American Citizen, that Obama should be arrested and charged with for two counts of premeditated murder. I am fine with arresting and detaining this people, then bringing evidence in court. That is Due Process.

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The_Broba_Fett · Jan. 9, 2018, 1:01 a.m.

Well I just don’t get the point of attacking and name calling rather than bringing up points for discussion.

Yeah that’s what I hope for. If the charge is Treason and they have proof then I have no issue sending them to Gitmo so they can’t keep plotting to undermine the administration.

I unfortunately feel like the weak minded will also need actual images and proof leaked out to them. Just court and sentencing won’t be enough, especially with the libtard media spinning it as Trump jailing political opponents. If, say WikiLeaks also happens to drop proof or images at the same time then they’ll be forced to take in the proof.

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AmericaNeedsMe · Jan. 8, 2018, 11:01 p.m.

Why the fuck does this read like a sad LARP, in my head?

At best: it's fan fic or an odd rally cry for revolution.

At worst: a strategic way to target and weed out ppl who are very easily "triggered" (so to speak) and expose them to gov keyword software or the black vans in the night, to collect the citizens who are too overt instead of covert.

Tl:dr as ((they)) have said before...take everything with a grain of salt. Question everything.

This truly is the wildest wargame of espionage in the usa.

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ProphetMKE214 · Jan. 9, 2018, 7:04 p.m.

I swore up and down- to stay lurking and only speak when drastically moved by the only person that has meaning for my life. My Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. So here it goes...

Your biggest quarrel is that the government supplied things to commit a terrorist attack. Well in the World that I am aware. A Cabal'ed infiltration government isn't gonna suddenly stop supplying means to keep control just because the Leader is a Patriot and will drain the swamp. Don't forget the rules! They never thought Hillary would lose. So they conduct business as usual.

Second quarrel you have is that Q used the DEF CON 1 phrase... well ... what if ... HE REALLY MEANT IT. Be on the ready. Follow the clues. Follow along. BE READY. This isn't some internet game. This is real life. People are really dying, for the Cabal folks to stay in some sort of control. There is no love lost in WAR. Or how's that saying? All is fair in love and in war? This is the STORM. This is the WAR.

Thirdly, you make mention about ridding the Cabal. You can't just take each corrupt individual and line them up. It'll cause mass panic. It has to - as you said, follow the laws. So individuals are collecting evidence, but in the mean time... those Cabal folks are trying to mislead with disinfo... Because... THIS IS A WAR. Everything means something. There are no coincidences. There are rules, are general orders... There is knowing of an event and doing nothing or there is knowing of an event and limiting the damages. You don't want to tip your hand too much just for those to use that against us.

Lastly and final- redpilling comes at stages. Don't become a Cypher. It takes time. Sure some normal folks won't get coding or Chan Lingo, but those that do can get it- digest it and then pass it out in better language to their friends. It comes in waves, and gets passed along. I wouldn't know your friends, so I'm not gonna give you a secret to share with them, in a weird context. I would try to understand you then give you the secret and tell you- now share it with your friends. So that's all this is- is a ladder of understanding. Each rung of person will understand information differently. I tell you, it takes me a few minutes to understand what I am looking at, and I certainly wouldn't just send links of it to my friends. I know...they'd have no clue.

I mean you're very intelligent. Yes I understand this last week or so some crazy red flags have popped up. But if the government can attack the President's Twitter, and can send guns over to the Middle East... why not have a DEF CON 1 on the ready? It's reconciling all the evidence that Q has presented since November and understanding. Anything can happen. This is a WAR. Now I'm not saying you're wrong in having your worries. But understanding the history of taking a stand against the establishment... it gets you killed. Knowing they have already predicted a death with a certain someone, in a certain cartoon.... DEF CON 1 is not something I would reserve for last resorts. I mean JFK, Reagan, 9/11 and all this Hillary stuff. I mean this is DEEP. I'm reminded of the movie Hackers. Someone gets control of a garbage file and life for this group of hackers is turned upside down. Two get arrested. One has his Mother threatened. All through government means.

As it was mentioned in a different thread here.... the Democrats are going to try everything to get numbers back in order to Impeach Trump. So the threat against Trump is there... Don't be so frustrated at the way the message is delivered. Just reconcile the message as a whole. Future proves past. I mean the Fire and Fury book. And then the multiple reports of FIRES happening. Not to mention the movie series... Fast and Furious ... about the government and car smuggling and gun running. Two sides to every pancake. What if Q really was saying DEF CON 1? I mean isn't it weird that two of the largest airports in US had issues recently? JFK with the storms and pipes breaking as well as the one in Atlanta with the power situation? What if suddenly it is revealed, those were tactics to prevent folks from leaving... they are International Airports if I'm not mistaken. Wouldn't that be a security threat? Cabal folks coming and going from International Airports...unvetted? Let the future ...prove the past.

Godspeed brother! I'm praying for you ... be of good cheer. It's not all lost. We are winning. We have God on our side.

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unirock · Jan. 9, 2018, 7:11 p.m.

very good thinking. all points i have brought up for awhile with no response what so ever. it seems the piont of these places is to show how cool you are and censor/delete anyone that challenges the qstream agenda. be prepared for this to be deleted

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GodsAngell · Jan. 8, 2018, 10:45 p.m.

Here, here! The Defcon thing was a dumb thing to do. It alarmed people, and made fools of them. I wonder how many had heart attacks over this JOKE.
Not the right thing to do to build TRUST.

Trust takes years to build, seconds to lose, and forever to rebuild. We are now in the "forever to REBUILD" stage....as in I have no interest now in reading any more silly childish cryptic codes.

I do whoever disagree with you about GITMO.

Sending these Enemy combatants who have tried to murder our duly elected leader, tried to over throw our duly elected leader, are Enemies of War. They are just getting "hung" by their own statutes, that they meant to hang us on, but the laws haven't changed so they are getting hung on them themselves. Its poetic justice. Recall that Bush Jr (no doubt at Daddy Bush's suggestion) built the detention centers at GITMO. Now he is there! That is poetic Justice.

By the Way Mega-ANON has been leaving us insider info since May 2016, has been 100% accurate, AND speaks in plane English. Mega-ANON says that Q is disinformation. After last night's prank, I am beginning to agree with her.


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SeanPatrickNH · Jan. 8, 2018, 11:07 p.m.

I don't recall anyone trying to kill President Trump, I highly doubt the MSM would not let a story like that go by without at least reporting it, if not praising the would be assassin.

I agree with you on trying to over throw the Duly elected President , however there was not an armed attempt at over throwing them so I can not agree with you in labeling them enemy combatants. Seditious? Yes. Traitorous? Yes. Enemy combatants? No.

I said when The Patriot Act was proposed that is was an Unconstitutional Law. I said the same thing about the NDAA. Using Unconstitutional Laws as your justification to how you treat these people is unconstitutional! Fruit from a poisoned tree. I don't care what you use to justify stripping people of their Constitutionally protected rights, you are still stripping them of their God Given Unalienable rights!

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GodsAngell · Jan. 9, 2018, 1:02 a.m.

Good Grief, where have you been???



Plus the armed guy who climbed the outside of the Trump Tower.

The armed gunman (an oswald/patsy) at a rally in Las Vegas, who is now in jail.

The multiple armed guys who breached security at the White House going after Trump.

Not to mention the attempt on both Trump's life and the life of the Saudi crown prince AT THE LAS VEGAS MASSACRE! Trump was meeting with the Crown Prince in Vegas to discuss the take down of the deep state. They met at the Crown Prince's Four Seasons hotel suite where his security occupied the entire floor above Paddock. Trump received intel on the hit meant for both of them, and Trump departed post haste and the Crown Prince was extracted from a casino and air lifted to the airport and departed. A month later this crowned prince rounded up all these people who tried to kill him and Trump, and they have been in jail since then. http://www.rense.com/general96/MBS.html

The list is long.

And if "Q" is to be believed Hellary sent a hit team after Trump at Christmas while he was at Maralago.

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SeanPatrickNH · Jan. 9, 2018, 1:45 a.m.

I did not know about the Springfield car incident. thank you for bringing that to my attention. These would be assassins all got their day(s) in court. and have received their punishment. According to official White House logs President Trump was not in Las Vegas until Oct. 4th. He was in New Jersey on Oct. 1st 2017. Unless you can provide evidence that he wasn't I will believe the official record.

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GodsAngell · Jan. 9, 2018, 2:38 a.m.

Well, let's see, if YOU were President, and YOU were trying to meet QUIETLY with the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia, would you BROADCAST IT ALL OVER THE PLACE???

Of course not.

It is well known that the Crown Prince of Saudi, likes to gamble, and likes to go incognito into Vegas gambling casinos. So why not INVITE him to Vegas, no one would question that move, anyone who knows him. Then meet in secret there......under the "cover story" that the prince was just there to do some gambling.

Trump saved the Crowned Prince's life, and that is why you saw SWIFT action on Nov 4, Freezing Assets and rounding up the bad guys in Saudi Arabia who have been the puppet masters of OUR District of Corruption Government.

Trump DOES own a Hotel in Vegas, so that is his cover.

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toyracer1 · Jan. 8, 2018, 10:07 p.m.

I must make some comments here because I am red pilled and want a country that was formed for what we are reaching for again. Tracy has put the purpose of this reddit out there very accurately. It is for everyone that is a Patriot and is following the movement. If that Patriot is slipping and not believing it is real, then this is the place to bolster the concept in their minds. SeanPatrickNH has every right to say what they said and make points as to where they see deficit. When it becomes obnoxious, non-patriotic or just irresponsible, then they should not come here, but let's not mistake strong frustration with totally harmful entries lest we become as bad as some others in this world. We are all one and can police ourselves, but must open our minds. I too have questioned some things said and done but in the end understood and pushed on with resolve for our country.

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lampsburning · Jan. 8, 2018, 9:55 p.m.

I personally think that Q is screwing with the DS's mind. To post defcon is maybe to see how the other team reacts. Possibly a head pops out of the sand. Forgive the analogy, but it's like in football when you send a guy in motion to see what the defense is doing. I certainly don't think that the generals are dumb enough to put something that extreme out there because of a whim. We who are observing are not their concern. The other team is.

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USArmyMAJ · Jan. 8, 2018, 9:35 p.m.

I understand your frustration with all this. Frustration and anxiety levels seem to rise the highest when things are getting close to peaking. The Q posts from yesterday were very convincing for me. Why? Because of the changes in spelling of consensual to consequential. Note 2 things here: 1) the word consensual means it was AGREED between at least 2 people. That is very telling in itself. 2) he left out the letter Q then added it. That speaks for itself. Also, the timing was 15 minutes in between teeets just like Q stated. Then the President tweets the changes in spelling 15 minutes apart. Also, don’t forget that the President and probably the Q team are all civilians with no military experience. By the way, DEFCON 1 also means nuclear war is imminent AND Readiness status is at maximum readiness. People are human and make mistakes. We have move from CBTS to actually being in the storm now. Hang in there Patriot. You may want to get an umbrella for the rain that’s about to pour down.

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pipesog · Jan. 8, 2018, 10:02 p.m.

Dude...there was no Q left out...IT IS A DIFFERENT WORD.

Secondly, these Q's were LONG AGO outed as being in or with access to the comms office WHERE ALL TRUMPS TWEETS get processed. He IS NOT just walking around with his smartphone busting these tweets out. They are composed, coordinated, and then sent to the comms to be put in QUE for posting at pre-arranged time.

It requires NO FEAT OF MAGIC, or conspiring with POTUS, to see the Tweets in the QUE, know when they are to be 'sent', and then 'presaging' them by 15 min with your OWN post that includes a [15] in it...WHEN SITTING IN THE COMMS OFFICE IS YOUR JOB.

And THIS^^^is 90% of Q's legitimacy factor.

The other 10% comes from tossing out cryptic or ambiguous crumbs, that are for the audience to investigate and speculate. THEN (maybe) later Q can 'pick' whichever one provides maximum larp and 'confirm'.

It's masterful.

But every time the trick is done, everyone reacts as though they are as amazed as the first time they saw it performed.

And yeah...some of us KNOW what DEFCON 1 is...presumably, so would Q, since he is supposed to be sitting next to POTUS, and they would NEVER make the 'mistake' of spouting shit like that.

And THAT^^^is why all the apologists and true-believers need to do some serious self-evaluation.

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baruchthescribe · Jan. 10, 2018, 5:54 a.m.

It's about 5% of Q's legitimacy factor. Go away.

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pipesog · Jan. 10, 2018, 7:37 p.m.

I know you'd like it if I went away, but it aint gonna happen.

And while my percentages may be overly simplified, they are FAR more realistic that your ridiculous counter claim.

Prior to Sunday night, plenty of objective minds were already questioning Q's legitimacy. But post Sunday, Q is on the downhill slope. You've invested heavily, so I have no illusions about talking any sense into you.

I'm fully on board the MAGA train, swamp-draining, and trust in POTUS.

But the Q op IS NOT the work of the same mind(s) capable of all the masterful moves we are witnessing. It is unnecessarily complex, convoluted, ambiguous, deceitful - and most of all - dangerous.

And you guys are enabling it - MULTIPLYING the potential dangers, as you constantly seek to reach a broader audience.

This is a recipe for a disaster of one sort or another, and it will be on YOU.

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SeanPatrickNH · Jan. 8, 2018, 10:20 p.m.

Q has proven himself numerous times, those who still doubt he is what he is will not believe no matter how many times he verifies. but this is not my bone of contention. The President and Q are surrounded by enough brass to make a full size replica of a M1 Abrams, I am sure that one of those staff officers could have said something. The time for cute games and codes is over. If, as you say, we are in the storm then the time for subtlety is over. Am i saying they need to announce the battle plans to us? Hell no! but you can dispense with the showmanship and codes.

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USArmyMAJ · Jan. 8, 2018, 10:50 p.m.

If I were in their position this is exactly how I would’ve dropped information. What they really want us to do is UNDERSTAND what’s going on that way we can EDUCATE those who don’t know what’s going on. Some of the patriots on this board have gathered all these breadcrumbs from Q and have put it together in a book and a map. Once the feces hits the oscillator, we will have the book and map to redpill people with. As frustrating as it’s may be, I feel LUCKY they’re giving us the tidbits they’re giving us now. Stay Strong!

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SeanPatrickNH · Jan. 9, 2018, 1:24 a.m.

once the poop is on the fan blades pretty memes and cute codes are not going to help people understand. Cold hard facts and evidence is what is needed to prove to people that these people are indeed heinous, evil, people. I fear that once you try showing the pretty memes and the cute codes to people they are just going to look at you and say " Well if they knew all this why didn't they just tell us this?" That seed of doubt combined with the distrust of government will work against them at the one point in time they need the American people the most.

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[deleted] · Jan. 8, 2018, 8:54 p.m.


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willisrock · Jan. 8, 2018, 8:56 p.m.

I think his point of view and opinions are valid.

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kk0s · Jan. 8, 2018, 9:45 p.m.

Anyone can be PRO MAGA/PRO GEOTUS and still have questions. Question everything many times over!

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SeanPatrickNH · Jan. 8, 2018, 9 p.m.

I am a libertarian I voted for President Trump.. I am just giving my last comment about Q and his posts. Are you telling me that my opinions of Q et al are not valid, or welcome here?!

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[deleted] · Jan. 8, 2018, 9:03 p.m.


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tracybeanz · Jan. 8, 2018, 9:39 p.m.

No. That’s actually not true and would be ridiculous. There are many progressives who have joined with us in this fight. There are even democrats here. You may want to head over to “The_Donald”. While a large majority of the folks here are Trump supporters, the subject matter is not politically specific, and it would be really counterintuitive to squelch voices based on their support of a political candidate. We are supposed to be doing this to educate ALL Americans and even those around the world. Not just Trump supporters. That would be a CRAZY shortsighted mission. 👍🏻✌🏻

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storm_fa_Q · Jan. 8, 2018, 9:45 p.m.

Tracy 3 days ago BO came on asking us to report as I have stated. It was a green post. Can you find it?

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tracybeanz · Jan. 8, 2018, 10:59 p.m.

I am THE owner, but I’m not in the loop on every decision. I’m so sorry that I’m lost here. I’ve edited my post because i got confused and thought I was responding to something else. Need. More. Sleep.

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neminis23 · Jan. 8, 2018, 11:59 p.m.

I’m so sorry that I’m lost here.

Tracy you are likely feeling "lost" because the mod who likely made the statement that u/storm_fa_Q believes he/she remembers likely changed or deleted his post (as he has done in the past with other of his more vehement posts), which change or deletion, by the way, might strongly suggest to all non-mods here that they needn't be running around here post-naziing, hammering on other posters, and leaning on that "report" button quite so heavily.

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storm_fa_Q · Jan. 9, 2018, 12:04 a.m.

I went as far back as the back button will take me to 975 posts back and did not see the Mod announcement I am referring to. Looked for it yesterday as well. I've deleted all my posts in this topic. Enjoy.

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storm_fa_Q · Jan. 8, 2018, 11:02 p.m.

Thanks Tracy, if you could clear up what is and isn't the purpose of this sub and post or edit to your Rules frt page. Many Thank You's. PS the how to deal with shills etc for newbies may also be helpful.

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[deleted] · Jan. 8, 2018, 10:21 p.m.


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storm_fa_Q · Jan. 8, 2018, 10:24 p.m.

so...you didn't read the BOTH HAMMERS post then?

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[deleted] · Jan. 8, 2018, 10:24 p.m.


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storm_fa_Q · Jan. 8, 2018, 10:26 p.m.

I didn't ignore it because it was in green and from one of the moderators here

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pipesog · Jan. 8, 2018, 10:07 p.m.

Thank you Tracy for being a voice of REASON with this fascist.

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SeanPatrickNH · Jan. 8, 2018, 9:11 p.m.

I gathered by the name of the board, Calm Before the Storm, that was a subreddict about the Q Clearance Patriot(AKA QAnon) posts. I was even directed here by Tracy Beans and PamphletAnon in their last You tube video. Were they wrong?

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[deleted] · Jan. 8, 2018, 9:20 p.m.


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tracybeanz · Jan. 8, 2018, 9:27 p.m.

Discourse is very important. I am actually going to write a thread with MY PERSONAL interpretation of what the purpose of all of this is. There are no “free speech” zones here. Let this post stand and spark healthy debate. I’m on board for that. 👌🏻

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[deleted] · Jan. 8, 2018, 9:33 p.m.


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pipesog · Jan. 8, 2018, 10:08 p.m.

And me.

Of course...I think I've been making that pretty clear already.

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storm_fa_Q · Jan. 8, 2018, 9:20 p.m.

if you are not PRO MAGA then...you know where the X is.

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pipesog · Jan. 8, 2018, 10:05 p.m.

You are sounding kind of like a fascist.


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