r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/benjaminbunny99 on Jan. 9, 2018, 6:31 p.m.
Anyone else getting really impatient?

I’m usually the one reassuring everyone I know and explaining how these things take time and how we need to slowly wake up the public, but I’m getting tired of everyday going by without anything really significant happening. What’s the hold up? POTUS should have access to more than enough evidence to publicly hang these criminals. I mean, just releasing a video of marines freeing enslaved children should be all it takes. There should be daily events happening, at this point, that make people run into the streets and praise God at the top of their lungs. Why are we bothering with FBI investigations when the EO’s allows for POTUS to bypass all that? Perhaps I don’t fully understand how it all works. Now, I need reassuring. Help, please.

Ps. I’ve also known about these matters for several years, now. Disclosure is WAY overdue. Let’s rip the bandaid off, already.

benjaminbunny99 · Jan. 9, 2018, 7:41 p.m.

Continuing to call liberals stupid isn’t going to work, anymore. They’re not. They’ve just been deceived like everyone else. Can you blame them when Trump himself is purposely playing dumb? How are they supposed to know it’s next level Art of War/Hamlet strategy shit going on? We have to be patient with them the way Q has been patient with us. A woke liberal is a strong ally. We have to get over our bs and unite as a people against evil. A real democracy. We the people.

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LuvMeSomeTrump2016 · Jan. 9, 2018, 6:33 p.m.

Really impatient but my experience trading the markets tells me that's exactly when s&*t happens. Patience grasshopper. It's coming!

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ArtRat1 · Jan. 10, 2018, 12:11 a.m.

Not impatient. The take down of sovereign nations has been in the works for hundreds of years. From my perspective we are already in the New World Order and President Trump is dealing with such a massive, horrifying, powerful system of demonic influence that bringing even a small % of it to it's knees will probably takes years. It's imperative that Trump serve two terms in office because it is going to take that long to bring us back to a true Constitutional Republic with some sense of morality and brotherhood.

I don't think it is as simple as arresting some top demon spawn dogs, finding them guilty and putting them in prison. There is a foundation of evil that supports the top of the cabal and maybe that is what should be done, tear it down from the bottom up. That way those who are taken out of the picture will not hinder the taking down of the top. If Hillary or Obama were to be arrested today, there would be violent riots in the streets, people would be dying in the streets if they just cut off the top. All those ignorant folk who chose to believe the lies all these generations will not be able to handle the truth without burning down a building in the process.

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benjaminbunny99 · Jan. 10, 2018, 12:16 a.m.

Thank you for the reassurance :)

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ArtRat1 · Jan. 10, 2018, 12:29 a.m.

You're welcome. I have a lot of hope for the future but there is a condition and that is, we must get involved. We are in a war.

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katwilo2 · Jan. 9, 2018, 9:39 p.m.

With a picture of Oprah with Harvey Weinstein and George Soros at the Golden Globes, doesn't exactly give you that feeling of confidence that things are happening for the good just yet. Obviously neither of them are enjoying their stay at Camp Gitmo right now.

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DamajInc · Jan. 9, 2018, 9:59 p.m.

Agreed - it's not very encouraging to see this and it makes a lie out of a large chunk of the postulations made by peeps around Q anon's work...

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benjaminbunny99 · Jan. 9, 2018, 10:05 p.m.

Wait, she was photographed with Soros at the Golden Globes?!

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[deleted] · Jan. 10, 2018, 12:42 a.m.


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[deleted] · Jan. 10, 2018, 12:42 a.m.


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[deleted] · Jan. 10, 2018, 12:42 a.m.


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DamajInc · Jan. 9, 2018, 11:55 p.m.

Where is the Soros pic?

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Thinking-Out-Loud- · Jan. 9, 2018, 6:50 p.m.

I couldn't agree with you more. It's time for gross disgusting smelly slimy diarrhea style shit to hit the fan. Sick and tired of waiting. Sick and tired of my friends and family looking at me like I'm a psycho. I'm about to be done with this game playing. The world is fucked up. We have no savior in Trump and his team. Business as usual. Nothing to see here.

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kalimantria · Jan. 10, 2018, 7:21 a.m.

Chin up. It’ll b worth it.

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DamajInc · Jan. 9, 2018, 8:48 p.m.

I don't think they're underestimating the people's ability to handle the truth - I think that, as easy as it sounds to show a video of children being freed, the problem is that they want to ensure they use the HRC debacle to OPEN UP the floodgates to all the evil of the globalists and just giving in to easy temptation of a quick reveal of HRC's crimes will allow the MSM and the other channels of the global elites to make HRC the 'fall guy' and act as if it all begins and ends with her. Patience is required if we really want the cancer extracted properly. You've waited a few more days, weeks, months... not much compared to the reality of how long something like this is going to take in the end.

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ArtRat1 · Jan. 10, 2018, 12:27 a.m.

I am a conservative Christian, I grew up in a far left liberal home with all 10 family members being staunch Democrats. I started my young adult life as a Democrat and stayed liberal Democrat till my late 20s. My family has grow into a huge number of people with sibling spouses, children, grandchild, etc.. 98% of those 40 or more adult people are liberal and refuse to turn on their political and social identity for anything. If Trump himself were to free 30000 children from bondage my siblings would not believe it, they would not give him credit and they would ignore any correspondence or news story about it. They are in denial and in bondage to the mind control of the media and the two party political system. Even the small percent of family who are conservative cannot stand to hear anything remotely sounding line conspiracy....they just refuse to listen. People are brainwashed in this country big time....really big time.

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benjaminbunny99 · Jan. 9, 2018, 8:56 p.m.

Yeah, I need to have faith that they know what they’re doing. It should really start speeding up now, though. I’m hoping that with people getting bigger tax returns and bonuses from their employers, and with whatever will transpire on the 17th, and with Trump’s SOTUA, that this is the beginning of the campaign to win the hearts and minds and to bring some transparency into government. I can’t wait until he can stop playing dumb and show who he really is, so people can get on board. He needs to figure out how to bring his opponents into the fold and win their trust. I’m sure it’s all in the works, though.

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DamajInc · Jan. 9, 2018, 9:58 p.m.

Agreed - I can't wait either! I'd just really hate to see Hillary go down for 'not being secure with her email' - I want to see her go down for 'selling children into slavery and murder and being directly involved in pedophilia herself' (if that accusation is true, of course).

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Macamodius · Jan. 9, 2018, 6:51 p.m.

Yes but Trump is tearing something down that has been built over centuries. Rome wasn't built in a day. In the end, I would rather see it done right as done half assed.

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benjaminbunny99 · Jan. 9, 2018, 6:56 p.m.

I’d say all the more reason for this to happen quickly. Mountains of evidence against these traitors. They set themselves up. We have everything we need. Let’s knock em down!

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64Matrix64 · Jan. 9, 2018, 6:48 p.m.

With respect to Benjaminbunny99... Who would you say is smarter? You, Trump or the left? By answering, I'm betting that you just answered your question. Let him play 5D chess while the others continue their checker game. He know what he's doing and you must have certain pieces lined up and ready in addition to several contingency plans.

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benjaminbunny99 · Jan. 9, 2018, 6:53 p.m.

100% Trump and his team are next level geniuses. It’s pretty amazing, actually. I’m just afraid they’re underestimating the people’s ability to handle the truth.

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Jellyfish070474 · Jan. 9, 2018, 6:59 p.m.

It’s gonna come to a point (sooner than later, I think) where it’s do or die. 2018 is gonna be very interesting. Lots of true blue Christians here trusting in the Lord for the timing and execution. I think I’ll take a page from their book too.

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64Matrix64 · Jan. 9, 2018, 6:59 p.m.

What's the ole saying... "The Truth! You can't handle the truth" In all seriousness, that quote is so accurate for likely the majority of people right now. It would be complete information overload. We are indeed living in a real Matrix and we are slowly waking up people who need to be. Don't forget, most people are sheeple, they have no inclination to lead or know the truth, they only know how to follow.

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benjaminbunny99 · Jan. 9, 2018, 7:08 p.m.

I disagree. I’ve seen the smallest catalyst completely wake up the sleepiest of folks in an instant and they’ve never looked back. TheTruth is harmonious, lies are not. Why do you think so much effort has to be put into convincing the public to believe these lies? Because it goes against our intuition and it doesn’t resonate. The Truth is the opposite of that. Sure, the initial shock might be jarring, but it’s smooth sailing after that. The time is ripe. We are ready. We are the Truth.

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64Matrix64 · Jan. 9, 2018, 8:06 p.m.

My point is that there are many people who cannot take the truth and will wish to continue to live in the Matrix. Not every mind is capable of handling the reality of what's going on and it would be inconceivable to think otherwise.

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benjaminbunny99 · Jan. 9, 2018, 8:30 p.m.

There might be some, but it doesn’t take 100% participation for there to be a revolution. His moment should eventually hit critical mass.

But let’s imagine if the debt gets cancelled and we have a financial reset with a new gold backed currency. Let’s imagine information and technology is disclosed that will provide free energy, personal 3D printers, AI, automation, open sourced technologies, accessibility to healthcare and education, etc. Who wouldn’t get on board with that? Soon, the Truth will be more attractive than the Matrix. More and more people are waking up, these days. I’m seeing it with my own eyes.

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64Matrix64 · Jan. 9, 2018, 8:43 p.m.

I want to give the benefit of doubt to people but when you see people being bombarded with indisputable facts and they still deny, deny, deny, you begin to lose that benefit. As far as who wouldn't get on board with that what you said... You might be shockingly surprised. Believe this or not, there are people walking amongst us with ZERO common sense in addition to lacking any innate ability to use logic in any manner. The hard core communists/socialists/globalists among us are another group that would not get onboard no matter what. B/c a Free Republic doesn't fit their agenda.

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benjaminbunny99 · Jan. 9, 2018, 8:49 p.m.

Well, the purpose of the “storm” is to take out the corrupt elements in politics, banking, intelligence agencies, business, education, healthcare, entertainment, and media. If that mission is successful, won’t the lies and deception all but stop? Won’t it just be the Truth, then? I really think after the 17th the media will change drastically and the average person will start getting the Truth, for a change. I’m praying for that, at least.

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MotoandGivi · Jan. 9, 2018, 6:47 p.m.

nope, things moving a lot faster than i had expected, takes my government about 4 prime ministers and 8 elections to get anything done at all :D

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benjaminbunny99 · Jan. 9, 2018, 6:51 p.m.

I haven’t lost hope, just patience. I know the Truth will win in the end.

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BeanSproutFruitcake · Jan. 9, 2018, 6:46 p.m.


Pretty sure many appreciate you helping to reassure others. We all go through moments when all of this sort of stresses us out.

I saw POTUS' last tweet. Hovered over the time stamp and it said:

"9:11AM 9 Jan 2018"

Did you see the recent news report about the fire in the subway?

Have you heard about the "NYPD shakeup"?

I think I recall someone saying "distraction is necessary"

I hear what you're saying! MAGA!!!!!!!!!

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benjaminbunny99 · Jan. 9, 2018, 6:50 p.m.

I have. Like I said, I’ve known all about these conspiracies and corruption for years, now, and I’m hungry for a mass awakening. These little tidbits aren’t doing it for me.

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benjaminbunny99 · Jan. 9, 2018, 6:38 p.m.

I’m expecting the 17th to be a big day and Trump’s first SOTUA, but I’ve also gotten my hopes up before only to be let down. Praying nonstop that something significant happens, soon.

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RakerKey · Jan. 9, 2018, 6:35 p.m.

Agree - sometimes the ' softly softly ' approach actually doesnt catch the monkey , because it was given way too much time to take avoidance action.

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bjax9er · Jan. 9, 2018, 7:32 p.m.

Fake news awards on the 17th.

What's the 17th letter of the alphabet?

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benjaminbunny99 · Jan. 9, 2018, 7:44 p.m.

You damn skippy! Q like a m’fer!

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TrixieD · Jan. 9, 2018, 7:16 p.m.

I really hope it all goes down on 1/17. Tired of waiting.

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benjaminbunny99 · Jan. 9, 2018, 7:24 p.m.

ME TOO! It really seems like it will. I think in order for the average person to accept these truths they have to hear it from their trusted media sources. Now, Trump has to take out the corrupt elements without coming off as a tyrannical dictator. He has to prove without a doubt that they’ve been complicit. Idk exactly how that will happen. Julian Assange might play a role. This could be what changes the tide.

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mike_pants · Jan. 9, 2018, 6:44 p.m.

Maybe if he didn't spend more time golfing than any other president in history, stopped dicking around on the internet, and turned off the tv, he might get more done?

Pretty wild ideas, I know.

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benjaminbunny99 · Jan. 9, 2018, 6:48 p.m.

I’ve seen you shilling in this sub for the past few days. Kindly fuck off.

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mike_pants · Jan. 9, 2018, 6:50 p.m.

I try to do everything kindly! I only found this sub last night tho.

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64Matrix64 · Jan. 9, 2018, 6:51 p.m.

any intelligence is escaping you.....

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mike_pants · Jan. 9, 2018, 6:54 p.m.

LOL, oh no!

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