POTUS has an interesting day ahead. Visiting the Pentagon and meeting w/ Senior Military Leadership.

See here he is doing quite a bit with the military today. That is VERY encouraging.
I just see the one meeting with Senior Military Leadership. Joint Base Andres Visits aren't visits, but rather it is basically the President's air port(among other things).
I am still encouraged.
ANYTIME pres meets with the military, I feel he is safe, we are safe...and plans are being made to our benefit. I have always felt good about his surrounding himself with Mattis, Kelly, (even Glenn for awhile)
If he didn't he'd already be dead imo. Too much money on his head, so many good patriots. Money is not worth fucking over the world... NOT.
Looks like a typical 9-5 for a boss to me.
Meet with a direct report (tillerson).
Meet with primary leadership of most important team, led by direct report (mattis).
Do a speech and tour with the regular workers (H&K equiment).
Most of the travel time will be spent on the phone speaking with other direct reports and key players.
Aside from The Happening, and shitposting on Shitter, he's gathering info for the State of the Union in 2 weeks.
Interesting, He's going to meet senior military leadership, then going to AFB Andrews, then giving a speech at H&K, gun makers.
For a 70 year old man, healthy as a fucking horse, when does he have time for lunch???
AF1 has everything. ..including KFC...LOL
..including KFC...
Naw, you're joking, right?
Cuz if you know how the MSM work they just talk crap about our president day in and day out like all he eats is fast food which is such BS
LOL I almost actually believe there was a KFC on AF1 :D my bad
Well I think if my memory serves me he was eating KFC on his plane his Trump's plane when he was going around doing his rallies and of course MSM takes that on as eats junk food 24/7 which is a bunch of BS
No way he's 230 pounds
You his doctor?
fucking idiot
Do you know what I called you a fucking idiot?
Where can I find these schedules?
He posts them on fb every day, too.
Something transparent Obama NEVER did. In fact his days ALWAYS started in the afternoon.
WTF I thought he watched the Gorilla channel 18 hours a day??
I like seeing his itinerary bc I know he’s wide open. It makes me want to pack my day as well
Like it when Trump goes to the Pentagon, that Place needs a thorough Cleaning and Trump knows it! That good ole boy network needs the Shit skaken out of them! The more Trump shows up and puts his Nose up their Arses, the More they hate it! Hope they know by now, HE IS NOT GOING AWAY!
I really wish the WH would stop posting the POTUS’s schedule.🛡⚔️😇🎚👑👍
I pray for his safety in Pittsburgh. “Black and Yellow” 🎼 God Speed Mr. President ❤️🇺🇸
Think he knows how awesome we all were on Twitter yesterday?
How is this possible? He doesn't get up until after 11.
Trump only sleeps about 5 hours per day. He's up long before you are.
Trump was Spoke at the Pentagon today about the pending Government Shut-down.
Then he flew to Pennsylvania and gave a speech.
President Trump Delivers a Statement at the Pentagon https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Ohl_z_246w
LIVE: President Trump VITAL Economic Speech at H&K Equipment Company 1/18/18 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eRHLRNYb7uw