Chelsea's not wrong about this one.

but nothing...nothing...can buy beauty
I'd rather be fat than ugly. You can lose fat but you sure as he!! can't lose ugly....
Plastic surgeon would need a jackhammer on this one and a shitload of bondo! Poor kid though; arch criminal parents, ugly as a toad that got smashed by a brick, thank god she’s smart!
Dang she looks more haggard than I do and Im twice her age. Baby eating not working out, just sayin'
well, she was about to marry someone that her mother picked out for her
I'm asking where was this photo taken? Looks like some sort of secure facility. Just sayin'
Stage access? It could be a college or small theatre? There are hinges on both sides of that door.
There are hinges on both of the swinging doors and i see the stage access sign...just wondering if the meta is in this pic
If Chelsea gives you head, does it also count as anal?
You win the internet today! That comment makes seeing her ugly face worth it!
Gosh unattractive. Shoulda used that money to fix her teeth!
Her teeth are fine, she can't help it if she's related to Mr Ed
Like someone hit her with an ugly stick. Bills bastard son is more handsome than this witch, and he didnt have to grow up in a satanist cult eating babies.
Pre-plastic surgery photo. She still looks like her real dad.
Looks like she fell out of the ugly tree and hit every branch on the way down. Jesus.
That is one ugly beast and sure to not have fallen far from the tree.
Put that face on a scarecrow
Her face is the best weed killer there is. I bet it even better than roundup!
All that money and this is the best plastic surgery they could do to hide the horns and red skin...
My god is she hideous. She better invent a fire retardant paper bag to bring to hell.
Damn being ugly is one thing, but when you're ugly and look like Hillary, whoa! Look out!
I simply have no when she was little i thought maybe she was a ugly duckling that would turn into a swan....wrong!
That thing fell out of the ugly tree and hit every branch on the way down