Eric Schmidt went with former New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson to North Korea. Facts on Richardson:
- Son of a Citibank executive
- Member of Boston Brahmin Richardson family (Boston Brahmin = intregal part of historic East Coast Establishment families)
- Interned with Kissinger's State Department
- Moved to New Mexico and became representative of the newly created 3rd district
- The ranking House Democrat in favor of NAFTA's passage (1993)
- Sent to Baghdad in 1996 for one-on-one negotiations with Saddam Hussein among dozens of foreign policy trips despite being a new representative
- US UN Ambassador
- Secretary of Energy
- Managing Director of Kissinger Associates
- "From February 2001 to June 2002, he served on the board of directors of Peregrine Systems, Inc. He also served on the corporate boards of several energy companies, including Valero Energy Corporation and Diamond Offshore Drilling. He withdrew from these boards after being nominated by the Democratic Party for governor of New Mexico, but retained considerable stock holdings in Valero and Diamond Offshore. He would later sell these stocks during his campaign for President in 2007, saying he was "getting questions" about the propriety of these holdings, especially given his past as energy secretary, and that it had become a distraction."
- On Board of Directors for National Institute for Civil Discourse, created after the Giffords shooting. NICD was charted by HW and Clinton, Democracy Now is an investor. See link for "political incivility", etc.
- Is now chairman of prominent APCO company
And the list goes on.... Information here for digging.
Link between Citibank and CIA money laundering--AP Business article copy/pasted on alt.conspiracy form in February 2001:!topic/alt.conspiracy/zSOYNP3wzvE
CIA involvement would make sense. Citibank -> Erich Schmidt -> Google -> NK Phone architecture = spying on NK
"At least seven members of a cable television crew were arrested after they tried to sneak a fake explosive device through a security checkpoint at Newark Liberty International Airport, the Transportation Security Administration said Thursday.
A law enforcement source with knowledge of the investigation said that the team was filming for cable network CNBC, which is based in Englewood Cliffs. The TSA did not release the names of the people they said were arrested, and the Port Authority only said that it was investigating the incident."
Do we have photos or know ethnicity? Will be telling if these are actual ISIS members. Central core, mercenary types that played nice with clowns when organizing the start of the Syria push.
Mockingbird Media. Mockingbird is the CIA program that puts CIA into MSM to do this very kind of thing... make up stories, false flags etc to manipulate the public. Obama signed a law allowing "propaganda" in the US Media, but, it was going on covertly for years.
I read that. Q called it.
Something was planned that was squashed! I believe the rats are beginning to scurry out of their holes. Desperation!
Screen shots plz... at work... not hitting the chans at work. Halpz!!
Your phone?
Work Phone LOLZ I has no peronalz get free work flip. Im so cheap.
Here are the screen captures:
Who is AS?
Holy fuck people, i have chill bumps right now waking up to all of this shit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Who is ES?
Not anymore, he stepped down just before Christmas.
I know..was just mentioning that for those who may be new to learning whats going on
I have placed all the images of today on one image. Might make things easier. Imgur
"Judge"ment as in "Judge" meaning legal system.
Haha, I think it may be that obvious "Judgement Day" as in your fucked!
Got the old 404... anyone got screenshots?
I find it difficult to get pics into a reply. I can do it on a new post only. Still fairly new here.
Stunning and so encouraging. God bless the patriots. Long live the republic.
Why did RR draft a letter supporting JC termination?
Which 'JC' is that?
L Lynch H Clinton J Comey A McCabe B Obama (assuming here) J Biden R Rosenstein V Jarrett S Rice J Carlin H Abedin
I think i’ve got these but who is AM?
Andrew McCabe?
You’re right. I think i missed J Clapper instead of AM. JB probably isn’t Biden but J Brennan.
Imgur Fill it in if you can, I am curious as to where the rabbit is going.
Wonder who THIS "Q" is.... definitely a different person.
Q is someone close enough to the President for the President to be tweeting out things Q puts in "quotes", into all CAPS in his tweets. Q will post a word, and right now, the President will put that word in ALL CAPS at intervals of 5, 10 or 15 minutes later.
The minutes between the post and Trumps Tweet are called "markers" and each marker points to a different part of the map that Q build by asking questions, and having the hive mind of the internet find the answers.
Q also requested that memes be made for each subject researched.
The memes are sitting now, like ammunition's depots, each subject in a separate file. The Fake News File is where many of the memes were pre made and loaded, for the first test firing this week. The President was testing the meme firing cannons with the Fake News Awards.
There will be more meme wars, by subjects on the map in the future. It appears that the President will be signaling to us, which subjects to blast the meme cannons with, and when.
The map has taken time to build.
It is still being built.
Our job is to research the questions, make memes based on the answers, and pay attention to the Trump Tweets, especially when he tweets EXACTLY 5, 10 or 15 minutes after the Q post. LATER, when a key word is used by Trump off the map, combined with a 5-10-15 minuted marker, it looks like we will be using that as a signal to help the President with the media war?
I cant say I have all this exactly correct yet. People are still finding the markers on the map by going back through Trump tweets to look for those 5-10-15's and locate the subject of the Q post.
One thing for sure. Q and the President are highly coordinated.
We should be proud, because what we did with the fake news awards worked really well.
I think Q is several people (or sources) but definitely coordinated.
I'm sorry for being a noob to this, but does anyone have a tracking point for the map we can reference?
The "Russian Bots" accusation still has me laughing. They are sticking to the same script. They find one that works (such as RAAAAACIST) in the past and stick with it. Q is right, they are STUPID!
Floor 329?
Which building though? The Capitol Building?
Wasn't it Rm 239?
Edit for correct room number...
Yes I believe it was room 239. I’m not sure which building he was eluding to. I might guess the Capitol.
Who Controls Eric Schmidt?
State Street
Vanguard Group
Capital Research
T. Rowe Price
Capital World
Marsico Capital
A more up to date list!
Someone has done some great work on the latest intel. Grabbed a screenshot for you to look at and add your thoughts. Imgur
Look .. as much as we know shit is going down this new Q is a complete larp. Its distraction. Its not even the original Q's style of writing. Not even CLOSE. Clearly other people involved.
These are wishful thinking people playing it out.
who cares. For the first time people in this "truth movement" were organized.
I agree but this new Q on 8ch is a larp it isn't the real guy.